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Re: Statement 3: Flowers Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2023 11:37 am
by Snapper

Skipper gives a grunt of amusement. Then he pokes his - ever useful - thumb at himself. "First off, I'm a civilian contractor, not a bobby, I don't take orders. I act on direction."

The pointer thumb then flicks towards the shop. "Second, unless you are blind, you will have realised that is not an ordinary member of the public in there."

"And finally, and I say this from the bottom of my heart," the thumb is directed to Des, " She started it. And I will die in a ditch before I admit rice is a vegetable."

"Buuut, in the interests of you not going well taser crazy on me, I shall go explore the nursery grounds." Skipper turns and heads into the nursery proper to have a butcher's, secretly hoping no complaints will be made to the current supplier of his salary.

Re: Statement 3: Flowers Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2023 11:59 am
by Trivun

As the others argue, Izzy resists the urge to say something, but inside she channels her best Lucy Stillman impression.

Really? This is what you guys are doing?

To the shopkeeper, she's a bit more professional. "Um... sorry you had to see that, we're normally a lot more focused. As I was saying... does this ring any bells?"

She does her best to draw attention away from the bickering civvies and back to the evidence bag with the small bottle inside, taken from the sergeant to show to Maud Flowers.

  Roll results as well?  

Re: Statement 3: Flowers Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2023 12:23 pm
by jp1885
  Results coming soon with a more comprehensive update. Just wanted to nip that argument in the bud first :)  

Re: Statement 3: Flowers Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2023 7:28 pm
by jp1885
Maud Flowers' vestigia (the feel of sticky sap, the smell of peat and bright floral colours) is reasonably strong, now that she is closer, but you also detect something else. It's difficult to put your finger on, but there's definately another source of strong vestigia somewhere behind the shop.

Looking around, you notice a back door that leads out to yard of some kind. It's difficult to see any further, due to the profusion of plants and shrubs that appear to fill the area.

On a shelf behind the till are a number of ring binders. An old framed Polaroid photo sits on the desk next to the till. It features a younger Maud, a thirty-something male and a young boy. The latter pair are the spitting image of Maud: short, squat and a round face with pointed ears, sharp nose.

Interestingly, you've read about a Flowers family while studying an old magic almanac. It appears that they are a green-fingered demi-monde family of some repute among certain circles - known for their ability to grow and supply all sorts of plants, some of strange provenance.

Maud chuckles at the kerfuffle, shaking her head.

"Ah, young 'uns - always in such a hurry to disagree with each other..."

"To answer your questions: yes, I run the shop alone nowadays - I hire a Saturday girl from one of the nearby villages if it gets busy. A plant that travels well? Perhaps a peace lily, given the circumstances? Catnip? Yeah, I've got some growing somewhere. Probably with the lilies - catnip plants like wet, boggy soil."
she says, beady eyes twinkling.

  If you have the skill, please make a Science (Botany) roll. If you don't, you're welcome to use the Try Your Luck mechanism and spend 10 luck to roll against half your INT.  
You know full well that Catnip plants prefer well-drained soil. Maud is clearly testing you!

When Izzy produces the container, Maud studies it for a second.

"Hmm, yeah, this came from here - I use 'em to store plant feed, weedkiller and the like. How did you come across it? I got plenty more in the shed - perhaps this one got lost or nicked. Can I have it back?" she asks, matter-of-factly.

  Please make a Read Person roll.  
Maud is clearly feigning disinterest in the container.

Meanwhile, outside, Sgt. Dhillon rolls her eyes as Skipper heads off to the rear. In an uncannily accurate impression, she jerks her thumb to the shop.

"C'mon Des, let's get back inside."

Strolling around to the back of the shop, Skipper finds himself in a back yard - another scruffy patch of hardstanding, on which a profusion of lush, healthy-looking pot-plants and shrubs sit on rickety wooden benches and trellis tables.

  Again, you're welcome to make a Science (Botany) skill test or Try Your Luck.  
Some of the plants are difficult to grow in the British climate, but seem to be thriving here.

Behind these are a number of neglected-looking opaque greenhouses, collapsing sheds and battered polytunnels. A large ‘Danger!’ sign is affixed to one large, padlocked, greenhouse.

Re: Statement 3: Flowers Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2023 9:28 pm
by Philulhu

Des followed Sgt. Dhillon back inside. Seeing Izzy’s look, she stared back unapologetically and said, ”Him were bein’ an arsehole!”

Re: Statement 3: Flowers Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2023 11:10 pm
by BoyBlunder78

" I'm afraid you can't have it back yet, shouldn't be a problem.thoigh should it? Like you say, you've plenty of ones just like it. Maybe your Saturday girl left it and was taken or she may have given it in good faith. What's her name?" Eli replies, notingthe tell tale signs of someone trying not to seem too interested in an item. He's been teaching for far too long and been to enough auctions and antique fairs to know the signs.

Re: Statement 3: Flowers Fields

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2023 4:47 am
by Mr. Handy
While Jordan knows a lot about biology, he hasn't specifically studied botany, and he doesn't know much about these plants. He glances at the photo on the counter. "Your family?" he asks Maud.

Read Person roll (60% skill) about Maud:
Spending 10 Luck to Try my Luck at Science(Botany) (INT 70% / 2 = 35% stat):

Re: Statement 3: Flowers Fields

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2023 11:25 am
by Trivun

Izzy simply looks at Des. "I don't care who started it, arsehole or not, we're ending it now!"

Damn, I'm only twenty-two, when did I start acting like a mum?

As for Maud, she keeps a firm grip on the evidence bag, unwilling to hand it over. "Sorry, but this is evidence in an ongoing case, so it has to stay with us. When our inquiries are over, assuming it's not required for trial, then you can get it back in accordance with the Surrey Police policy on evidence retention."

  Try Your Luck for the Science (Botany) - INT/2 = 40%  
  Read Person: 60%  

Although she doesn't sense any dishonesty up front, Izzy can clearly sense the presence of vestigia further back. Not too surprising given that the place is clearly a hotbed of magical activity, as befits such a noted family.

"Just out of interest, do you tend to get much local business, outside the demi monde? I'd have thought the big garden centre up the road would take most of the local custom."

Re: Statement 3: Flowers Fields

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2023 11:42 pm
by SaintMeerkat
DC Leo Dansby.jpg
DC Leo Dansby.jpg (16.73 KiB) Viewed 1001 times
Leo tries to maintain a steady demeanor as his colleagues become more argumentative. He's seen similar arguments devolve into fisticuffs back when he was making the rounds, and he'd prefer that not happen here. At least they're sober.

"I agree. A peace lily sounds perfect," Leo replies as he reaches for his wallet.

Read Person (60/30): 1d100

Re: Statement 3: Flowers Fields

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2023 9:42 pm
by Philulhu

Des tutted and rolled her eyes at being told off by Izzy but didn’t push it any further.

She looked around and yawned, quite bored by all the talking.

Re: Statement 3: Flowers Fields

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 2:01 am
by Snapper

Skipper gravitates to the greenhouse with the "danger" signage and tries to see in through the windows, giving them a wipe with a sleeve even, to clear the London grime.

Re: Statement 3: Flowers Fields

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 3:27 pm
by jp1885
Upon Eli's and Izzy's emphatic refusal to hand over the container, Maud leans back, arms folded.

"Like that is it? I see. I don't see why who I employ is any concern of yours - they're just girls from around the local area who mind the till occasionally for a bit of pocket money. I have a life outside of the business you know!"

She stops, perhaps realising how she's reacting, and takes a deep breath.

"Can I at least inspect my container? If you can't tell what's in it, maybe I can. I promise to give it back."

When Jordan points out the photo, Maud's face seems to crumple.

"Yeah, that's me, my boy Derek and his boy Barry - my grandson. My Derek isn't around any more and Barry... well, let's just say Flowers men are like sheep - stubborn, stupid and easily led. That's why I need a Saturday girl now and then - Barry's off planting his own bed."

"As for business - yeah, them up the road get most of the normal punters. Flowers Fields caters for those who want something a little special. Not illegal mind you - I stick to the agreement! My chillis for example - got a very exclusive customer for them, despite what Molly might think!"

Grinning, she waves away Leo's wallet.

"Put your money away son - I'll pick one out and have it sent to the Folly. Take it as a gesture of good faith that I'm still sticking to the agreement. Tell The Nightingale that, while I might be growing 'em (I can't not), I ain't selling 'em!"

Skipper - Even after wiping away the grime, it's difficult to see inside the greenhouse. Green leaves press against the glass, dripping with condensation that obscures whatever is inside.

Mooching around the front, the lock that secures the sliding door looks solid enough, but the clasp that holds it in place is anything but. Screwed inepexpertly into a rotting wooden door frame, it looks like a hard sneeze could pop it out.

Re: Statement 3: Flowers Fields

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 4:12 pm
by Snapper

Skipper takes the opportunity to fish a cigar out of his jacket and zippo-light it up, safely away from other people's lungs.

He rummages around in a side pocket of his backpack and produces a small 'Leatherman' multi-tool. Selecting the appropriate screwdriver option, he quickly unscrews the clasp, trying to look casual and fighting the urge to cast furtive glances over his shoulder.

  If the clasp comes off, Skipper will slide the door open a hand-span to look in.  

Re: Statement 3: Flowers Fields

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 8:48 pm
by Mr. Handy
"Here's mine," says Jordan, taking a photo out of his wallet and showing it to her. "The beautiful blonde in the middle is my wife, Sarah. The boy is my son, Robert, and the little girl is my daughter, Caroline. They're still at home with me, but they do grow up so fast. Robert will be driving before I know it, and not long after that he'll be off to uni."

Re: Statement 3: Flowers Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2023 12:27 am
by BoyBlunder78
" Are the Flowers men as gifted as you are in the horticulture department?" Eli asks.

Re: Statement 3: Flowers Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2023 7:50 am
by Trivun

Izzy responds as calmly as she can, though inside she's pretty annoyed.

"There's no need to get snippy, I'm just trying to make sure that the evidence we have is secure."

She glances at Sgt. Dhillon to hopefully get the thumbs up for this before continuing. "You can have a look, but it needs to stay sealed inside the evidence bag, hopefully you can tell what's inside from there."

She chooses not to state that if Maud were to open the bag and take the bottle out to inspect it, then the shopkeeper could expect to be arrested there and then and charged with tampering with evidence and possibly perverting the course of justice. Izzy hopes that those facts would be obvious enough to anyone.

The matter of the evidence hopefully sorted, Izzy softens a little, and smiles, pointing out that she'll be back in a few days anyway as a customer, to pick up some catnip for Freya, switching off from the whole 'serious cop' routine. Besides, she reckons Jordan is doing better anyway at being the friendly sort trying to ingratiate himself with the member of the public.

Re: Statement 3: Flowers Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 6:57 pm
by Philulhu

Des mooched around the shop, gazing around, waiting for the hours to pass so she could go home…

Re: Statement 3: Flowers Fields

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 5:56 pm
by SaintMeerkat
DC Leo Dansby.jpg
DC Leo Dansby.jpg (16.73 KiB) Viewed 844 times
Leo hesitates before putting his wallet back in his pocket. He remembers the training they got from Peter about not accepting food or drink while a guest of a member of the demi-monde, and this seems close enough to that to refuse. Better safe than sorry.

He continues and pulls out his RBS debit card. "That's very kind of you, but I insist." He placed the card in front of the till. "No hard feelings, I hope."

Re: Statement 3: Flowers Fields

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2023 7:38 pm
by jp1885
Skipper - the clasp falls to the ground with a clonk, allowing you to slide the door open a little. A waft of warm, exotically scented air hits you as you gingerly poke your hand in. It feels warm and moist inside and mercifully bereft of giant carnivorous plant jaws - so far at least...

Leo - Maud nods at your refusal, wryly impressed at your knowledge of etiquette.

"Oh, we don't go for that glamour nonsense 'round here," she says, taking the payment. "Still, if you insist - no hard feelings indeed. Pick one up when you leave or I can have one delivered."

Jordan - Maud grins a grandmotherly grin at the photo of the Schneider family.

"Aw! Ain't that nice! They're a credit to you I'm sure. You keep hold of them - don't let them go a-wandering."

Eli - She turns to you, eye's pained.

"Yeah, Flowers men are as good at growing stuff as Flowers women - just more flighty when they gets an idea into their heads. Take my grandson Barry: He’s so gullible and trusting – silly bugger – that I’m surprised he hasn’t already gone bust. It’s only a matter of time ‘til he comes back to the fold. At least he’s not like his dozy father – went looking for saplings in places he shouldn’t have and never came back…"

Des - Your mooching takes you to the back door, Looking out you see Skipper messing around by a large greenhouse.

Izzy - Nodding in thanks, Maud take the container from you. Without opening the evidence bag, she peers through the plastic before taking a deep sniff. Suddenly, her beady eyes widen and a flash of anger and worry crosses her face. She quickly glances out of the back door to the greenhouses beyond before thrusting the container back at you.

"Anyway, I mustn't detain you any longer," she says hurriedly. "You'll be wanting to carry on with whatever it is you're doing I expect."

She begins to flap her arms, like a farmer's wife ushering out some recalcitrant hens from a coop.

  Hmm, looks like it'll take a Social roll to get anything more out of old Maud...  

Re: Statement 3: Flowers Fields

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2023 8:11 pm
by BoyBlunder78
"What kind of business is your son drawn to?" Eli asks, before noticing Maud's change in demeanour, "So what do make of the bottle? Can you shed any light on its contents. It is a most unusual substance. Perhaps you can offer some transparency on its origins?"
OOC:   If i rwad it right Eli is a silver tongued when teying to persuade i can use a bonus die on my social roll......gulp  

  Thank christ...could've been embarrassing...