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Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2023 10:32 am
by jp1885

Following a call from Dr. Abdul Walid, you find yourselves at the Royal Surrey County Hospital in Guildford, asking directions to the morgue. After a few flashes of your ID, you are shown to a changing room to change into sterile scrubs and PPE. Following the signs you walk through a number of security doors and down increasingly quiet corridors. By the time you reach the entrance to the mortuary, all is silent.

When the door opens, however, a sonorous baritone fills the air. In the room beyond, a large bald man hums tunelessly to himself while pulling a white sheet over a pale corpse. As you enter the lab he looks up - a wide, friendly smile visible behind the perspex shield that covers his broad face.


“Ah, you must be the special police!” he rumbles. “My friend Dr. Walid said you’d be coming. He was very cagey about what you do exactly… so many questions... but not today alas! I am Dr. Aaron Friedman, this poor fellow is Karl Chichester and this…” he moves aside to reveal a blue-grey blob lying on a clinical trolley, “ his brain.”

  If you've never attended a post mortem before, please make a CON roll.  

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2023 1:07 pm
by Trivun

Guildford. Not a place Izzy has had much reason to visit in the past, but not quite so far from London this time, compared to the case of the possessed skittles team. As soon as the call comes in to meet at the morgue, she's filled with a very strange mix of relief and sorrow. On the one hand, she's back doing what she was trained for - after all, she started out at Belgravia, with Seawoll's lot, so murder is nothing new to her. On the other, it's never nice when someone dies, regardless of the cause, suspicious or not. Although she's never been religious, Izzy maintains a respectful silence as the team head on down to the chilly rooms that serve as a waystation between life and death for these poor unfortunate souls.

On meeting Dr. Friedman, Izzy gives a quick smile of greeting, and introduces herself. The sight of a disembodied brain is hardly the worst thing she's seen in her short time on the police force thus far. She remembers the body that brought her into the Folly's periphery to begin with - drained of all fluids, like a sick reversal of the salt vampires from Star Trek. Besides, she'd dissected a frog and even an ox heart at school. Her classmates had been somewhat... put off, by her apparent glee, in fact...

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2023 1:15 pm
by Philulhu

CON (70%) 1d100

The smell hit Des before the sight of the brain. Tired after her studies and already feeling rough, she staggered to the sink and threw up!

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2023 6:49 pm
by Mr. Handy
"Dr. Jordan Schneider," says Jordan, shaking his hand with a firm grip. "I'm a medical examiner from London." As such, he takes the remains in stride, having not just attended but performed post mortems countless times. He peers at the brain with interest.

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2023 2:04 am
by Snapper


Skipper takes a look, goes grey, turns around and leans against a wall with one hand for a few minutes, trying not to faint. He can see black dots before his eyes, hear a ringing in his ears, and is conscious of Des being gross too.

He is beginning to regret the several Guinnesses, whiskys, and the kebab from last night.

"Sorry," Skipper wheezes, not turning around, "I think my bowl of Frosties this morning might have been off."

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 6:48 pm
by jp1885
"Uh-oh, here we go..." chuckles Dr. Friedman; obviously used to rookies having a funny turn in the morgue. Humming the same tuneless music, he quickly cleans up after a queasy Des and drags out a stool for a shaky Skipper.

  Des and Skipper, you are now Impaired, so fumble on a 90+, rather than a 95+  
The distraction gives Jordan a chance to cast a professional eye over the brain, which is discoloured, shrivelled and not at all how a healthy brain should look. Dr. Friedman gives an approving nod, from one medical professional to another.

“You will note the poor state of his brain. I was conducting the post mortem and when I saw it, I remembered Abdul’s interest in such cases. Hyperthaumaturgical Degradation I believe he calls it?”

“I gather this sort of thing is in the remit of you Special Assessment Unit people. All very mysterious! Still, I – and the late Mr. Chichester here – are at your disposal.”

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 9:49 pm
by Trivun

Izzy can't avoid a smirk as she sees her colleagues' discomfort, though it's not unkind. She looks over at Des as the girl is retching.

"There's always one. After we're done I'll have to take you to St. Bart's Pathology Museum. It's not usually open to the public but I'm sure we can sort out an appointment."

She glances at Jordan, wondering if he has that kind of clout, or maybe she could ask Dr. Walid or Dr. Vaughn. She remembers going herself when training at Hendon, after informing old Inspector Neblett that she was interested in MIT. Belgravia had been kind enough to arrange a visit for herself and a few like-minded trainees. Sadly she doesn't know any medical students as friends, despite knowing a number of students, Alice being a post-grad biochemist at Queen Mary's UoL herself...

As the group's attention is drawn to the disembodied brain, Izzy clearly sees the tell tale signs of HTD, as previously seen on a number of slides thoughtfully provided by Dr. Walid during her initial Folly briefing.

"So, he was a practitioner then, or standing very close to one when something big happened." She's not quite as careful as she would normally be around members of the public in talking about magic - obviously Dr. Friedman is already familiar with the strangeness of the situation, to have brought in the Folly in the first place.

"I take it the cause of death wasn't you removing his brain? What exactly happened, as far as you know? Post mortem results, crime scene location, witnesses?"

Izzy takes great care to hide her mild annoyance at not having a proper briefing to go on, but back in her MIT days she was usually called to the scene of the crime along with the DS, as opposed to only turning up at the morgue...

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 10:13 pm
by Philulhu

Feeling embarrassed by her reaction, Des tried desperately to look anywhere at the cadaver or the brain. ‘How do they do this?’ she asked herself.

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 12:23 am
by Snapper

Skipper collapses onto the stool with a grateful wave to Dr Friedman. Without getting up, he slides the stool back to a wall and rests his head, letting the cool touch chill his own brain for a minute.

Waving a slightly unsteady hand at Des, he says, "Maybe they're all vampires, that's why they like this stuff? Anyway, I'm still blaming the dodgy Frosties."

Attempting to concentrate (on anything else), Skipper pulls out his phone and starts internet-stalking the deceased. "Ah, Doc, does the late Mr Karl Chichester have a date of birth?"

  Research Roll? Stalking the deceased on social media, looking for media articles etc.  

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 5:09 am
by Mr. Handy
"Yes, we refer to it informally as 'cauliflower brain,'" says Jordan. "I'll want to examine the rest of him too. Where was he found?"

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 7:08 pm
by jp1885
  Skipper - yes, by all means make a Research roll.  
Dr. Friedman frowns, unfamiliar with the term 'practitioner'.

"Um, medical practitioner? Legal? Not that I'm aware. Sorry - I'm not very familiar with the terms of... whatever it is you do."

  You may make a Read Person roll if you wish.  
He pulls back the sheet, to reveal the corpse of a middle-aged white male.

"Mr. Karl Chichester, aged 53. He was found at 5:30am yesterday morning in the ladies' changing area of Godalming Leisure Centre - only about 5 miles away. Found by the cleaners. As for the circumstances of his death; you'll have to ask Sergeant Dhillon about that; she's acting as liaison. I have her contact details - you should probably check in with her anyway."

"As for the cause of death... well, very odd. Physically he was fit and healthy - no traces of alcohol or narcotics. But his brain - I’ve never seen anything like it. He appears to have suffered a massive and very sudden cerebral atrophy. It’s as if his brain deflated like a leaky balloon – without the amusing raspberry noises, one assumes.”

"By all means take a look at the poor chap - I'll pop his brain in and sew him up later."

  If you're taking a look at the body, please make a Medicine roll. If you want to do anything else - go for it.  

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2023 4:41 am
by Mr. Handy
"A ladies' changing area?" says Jordan as he examines the body. "Does he have a history of entering them? That's not the sort of place a self-respecting man would be caught to speak."

Read Person roll (60% skill) about Dr. Friedman:
Medicine roll (70% skill) examining the body:
Spending 9 Luck to make that a success.

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2023 8:58 am
by Snapper


  Yowza! Critical Success!  

Skipper happily focuses on internet research on his phone, humming to himself. Occasionally he mutters quiet comments to the effect of, "See, Harry Windsor? There are proper uses for these phone skills..."

(Skipper is humming "Orinoco Flow" by Enya, as it happens.)

He checks social media, any references in the real media, and business websites for any mention of or appearance by the deceased.

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2023 7:34 pm
by jp1885
Jordan - While the good doctor picks up and hums along to 'Orinoco Flow', you examine the corpse. While having never seen the effects of HTD up-close on a 'fresh' specimen before, you eventually find yourself concurring with Dr. Freidman's diagnosis.

Strange, but up close, the late Mr. Chichester emits a floral smell of some kind. Or is it a vestigia?

Dr. Freidman chuckles at your joke.

"Well, I can't say what he was doing in there - my job is to inspect them after they've died, not beforehand. Sergeant Dhillon might have the particulars."

Skipper - clearly your days of sleuthing for the gutter press are paying off. Chichester's social media profile is easy to find and, by gathering clues from it, you are also able to dig out a few forums that he has posted on too.

It is clear that the man had one obsession: sports cars. The guy was a massive petrol-head: he loved driving cars, looking at cars and watching TV shows and online videos about cars. On Youtube he commented positively on a video of someone roaring down the nearby Hindhead Tunnel with their windows down - something called 'engine note appreciation' apparently.

He also 'liked' a lot of car-related posts on the official Facebook page of some bloke called Will 'Grimesey' Grimes. Less positively, someone posting with a username the same as the one he used in a motor-racing forum also recently posted derogatory comments on the Twitter page of one 'Loz Drivez' - 'your sort don't deserve a decent car' and 'get back to the kitchen, or better still the bedroom!' and so on.

Dr. Freidman notices your scrolling and tuts.

"Don't you usually do background checks and the like? You can use the computer in my office if it helps, or the Surrey Police Communication Data specialists maybe?"

He turns to the rest of you.

"Would anyone else like to examine our friend here?"

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2023 8:55 pm
by Philulhu

”God naa!” Des blurted out. ”I’ll go an’ help wiv da computa!” She turned her back on the scene and headed for the office.

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2023 9:09 pm
by jp1885
  Pray tell us what you’re looking for and then give us a Research roll.  

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2023 10:13 pm
by Philulhu

Des plonked herself down in the seat in front of the computer. She fidgeted, reached down and adjusted the seat, then hit the space bar to bring the screen to life. ‘Karl Chichester’ she typed into the search field of the PNC, before hitting the Return key to see what came back.

Not Des’ best skill… (30) 1d100

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 12:21 am
by Trivun

Izzy notes the doctor's apparent lack of recognition of the term 'practitioner', and reasons that perhaps he isn't as au fait as she suspected regarding magic and its general terminology. No matter - she decides not to draw any more attention to the subject as long as he seems to be ignorant of the topic.

"5.30am in a ladies' changing room... Hmm. Not sure what's worse - the fact that he was in there to begin with, or the fact that leisure centres aren't usually open that early in the morning." It's speculation on her part, but Izzy is pretty certain that most leisure centres don't open until perhaps 7am or 8am, certainly not as early as five thirty...

She has questions, of course, but ones that are most likely best suited to Sgt. Dhillon, and as such she takes the details of the sergeant from Dr. Friedman. Otherwise, for now, Izzy takes a closer look, and does her best to focus on the potential vestigia surrounding the late Mr. Chichester's brain...

  Sense Vestigia: 60%  

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 1:24 am
by Snapper

Skipper is unexpectedly efficient at summarising his results and briefly summarise he does (he is quite happy to have contributed beyond skittle skills for once).

In conclusion, he points at the cadaver. "Old son here sounds like a very unpleasant, Jeremy Clarkson-style, rev-head fanboy. With girl issues. Which maybe they all have."

  Assume Skipper has passed on everything he discovered.

Including the names Will 'Grimesy' Grimes and Loz Drivez.  

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 5:17 am
by Mr. Handy
Jordan tries to look up Chichester's police record, if one exists, but he can't find anything.

Research roll (60% skill) searching for Chichester's police record:

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 8:51 am
by jp1885
  Just waiting for Leo to do his thing. In the meantime, please make two INT rolls, to see if you’ve heard of Will Grimes and Loz Drivez.  

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 12:02 pm
by Trivun
  Izzy INT roll 1: 80%  
  Izzy INT roll 2: 80%  
  Spend 5 Luck points to make the second roll a success as well  

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 4:13 pm
by Snapper





  Fail for Grimes.

Extreme success for Loz Drivez.  

Skipper stares at the ceiling, does not look down and makes no eye contact. "Ah, so Doc, other than your chopping his brain out, and it having already gone moldy or whatever beforehand, anything else odd that you've noticed about him?"

"And is his phone here somewhere?"

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 5:16 pm
by SaintMeerkat
DC Leo Dansby.jpg
DC Leo Dansby.jpg (16.73 KiB) Viewed 457 times
Leo sits down in the back, and gets out his ever present PNB.

When the doctor finally comes in, he looks strangely familiar, but when he introduces himself, he dismisses it. Leo was quiet for a change. This was indeed his first time to experience this particular activity. He had been hearing about HTD ever since he arrived at The Folly, and now he was finally getting a chance to see it. He leaned forward in his seat as Dr. Friedman revealed it.

CON 50/25: 1d100

"If there is any surveillance video inside or outside the store, that might help."

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 7:16 pm
by BoyBlunder78
Eli Venturini opens the door to the morgue and steps in, surveying the scene before him. The rather rough individual tapping away on his phone, humming away seemingly in a duet of an Enya song with a tall sturdy looking gentleman who is examing a body on the slab.with a rather tall sturdy looking. His attention is drawn to the two studious individuals, obviously police officers, one furiously scribbling onto his PNB and the other in conversation with the Doctor. " Hello, i am looking for a DC Cooper, a Mr Nightingale asked me to come here."

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 10:50 pm
by Trivun

As Izzy tries to sense out the vestigia around the brain, and thinks about where she's heard the names of 'Grimesey' and 'Loz Drivez' before (certainly not the Simpsons character in the case of the former), she looks up as the newcomer enters the room.

"Not sure the boss would be too happy hearing you call him 'Mister', but DC Cooper would be me. Or just call me Izzy. If the guv'nor's sent you here, then I guess you must be a new recruit, huh?"

She's not sure what to make of the fellow, but she assumes he'll introduce himself soon enough. More to the point, she's morbidly interested in seeing how the gentleman reacts to the sight of a brain outside its cranial casing...

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2023 2:16 am
by BoyBlunder78
OOC:   hard success  
" i'm Eli Venturini, i believe i was to have joined you much earlier, some business about a book shop but i was unexpectedly called away, but im pleased to meet your acquaintance now." He holds his hand out Izzy. He looks towards the doctor. "Aaron good to see you old friend!, been a while." He casts his eyes down onto the exposed brain. " Well im no brain surgeon, but that looks a little off."

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2023 5:00 am
by Mr. Handy
Jordan recognizes the names, particularly Loz Drivez. "Hello, I'm Dr. Jordan Schneider," he says to Eli, extending his hand.

INT rolls (70% stat) to recognize Will Grimes and Loz Drivez:

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2023 9:19 am
by BoyBlunder78
Eli shakes his hand, not too perturbed over Izzy's lack of handshake."Eli Venturini pleased to meet you Dr Schneider, now do we have here?" He asks looking down at the body.

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2023 9:36 am
by Trivun

As introductions are made, Izzy goes ahead and shakes Eli's hand, welcoming him to the little menagerie that they seem to have formed as a group.

She's almost disappointed that Eli takes the brain in stride, but ah well, at least it means less smell of vomit in the room...

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2023 12:09 pm
by Philulhu

INT (Will) 65% 1d100
INT (Loz) 1d100

Des gave the newcomer a brief nod in greeting then sat back to see what developed.

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2023 5:36 pm
by Mr. Handy
"A case of cauliflower brain," says Jordan. He goes on to fill Eli in on what they've learned so far.

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2023 6:53 pm
by BoyBlunder78
Nodding a greeting toward Des." So is this a first for you all then? Seeing the brain like this? gesturing towards the brain, then casting his eyes over the body. Looking for any marks or anything that may strike him as out of the ordinary.


Just a body.....

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2023 7:05 pm
by Mr. Handy
"I've heard of it," says Jordan, "but this is the first one I've seen, yes."

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2023 9:24 pm
by Trivun

"Same here," Izzy replies, "but I've seen slides before. And it's not my first autopsy, not that I can say the same about some of these."

She gestures to the rest of the group, her casual attitude showing her comfort around the corpse with his resting death face.

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2023 11:50 pm
by Philulhu

Des just rolled her eyes. Perhaps if Izzy weren’t so far up herself, she’d have more friends…

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 4:10 am
by Snapper

Skipper looks up from his phone (carefully avoiding the body / brain) and gives Eli a casual wave, along with the traditional: "Awright?"

He looks at Des and Jordan. "No luck with the inter-plod database then? Let me have a butcher's." Skipper stalks into the doctor's office, cracks knuckles, and attacks the PNC system.



A computerised alarm can be heard. Skipper's voice comes from the office. "Anthony Blunt... I don't think it likes me. Fair play, really, considering..."

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 4:59 am
by SaintMeerkat
DC Leo Dansby.jpg
DC Leo Dansby.jpg (16.73 KiB) Viewed 350 times
"DC Leo Dansby. Pleasure." He greets the new arrival with a warm smile.

"Yes, it's the first time for me to actually see one in person, although I've seen Dr. Walid's slides on a few occasions. I have to admit that I have been simultaneously looking forward and dreading today. I am pleased to report that Molly's delicious homemade black pudding did not return to the stage for an encore performance."

"I will also see if I can get anything from the vestigia, and when we finish up here, then I will be happy to see if we can find any some of us can search for surveillance video that might be helpful in determining Mr. Chichester's movements before the err..." Leo looked at the poor guy's riddled brain "...event. The event that caused that may have destroyed the equipment in the shop, but there may be other helpful footage farther away."


Sense Vestigia 60/30: 1d100


Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 9:52 am
by BoyBlunder78
Nodding a greeting towards Skipper, " Eli Venturini, pleasure." He relies to Leo. " Is there a way deduce the rate of this degradation? I mean has been eroding overtime or is it a result of a massive overload? Is it possible that this done to him? Rather than self inflicted?" He says to no one in particular as he leans closer to the brain.

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 11:14 am
by Philulhu
Snapper wrote: Sun Jun 18, 2023 4:10 amA computerised alarm can be heard. Skipper's voice comes from the office. "Anthony Blunt... I don't think it likes me. Fair play, really, considering..."
This time, the rolling of Des’ eyes was so loud it could be heard in the next room.

”Boomer!” she muttered to herself…

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 7:54 pm
by jp1885
Izzy, you immediately sense a strong floral smell as you lean over to check the corpse. Then, as you 'attune' to pick up any possible vestigia, you sense a feeling of strong sunlight on the skin and the chittering of tropical birds and insects.

  Anyone else trying a Sense Vestigia roll?  
Between you, the media personalities that are Will 'Grimesy' Grimes and Lauren 'Loz Drivez' Hewison are well known. The former is, as Skipper suggests, a middle-aged Jeremy Clarkson-type motoring journalist and TV presenter. Known for his forthright and often controversial opinions and a darling of the right-of-centre press. He most recently hit the headlines after allegedly assaulting a runner while filming his latest TV show - a television version of his 'Drive with Grimes' podcast.


The latter can be described as the antithesis of Grimes: a social media influencer par excellance with her finger well and truly on the pulse of today's youth. Coming from a troubled youth of stealing cars, her videos and tweets about driving, racing and mechanics attract millions of followers. Often toted as a role model for black girls, sponsorship deals and endorsements have reportedly earned her millions, despite Loz being barely 20 years of age.


Dr. Friedman ponders for a second before responding to your questions.

"My initial findings are just as I have said: a reasonably fit male whose brain has suddenly and catastrophically atrophied. If you would like, I could run further tests or pass the matter on to Forensics."

"As for his phone - that and any other belongings found on his person are being held as evidence. Sergeant Dhillon will no-doubt be able to give you access to them."

He frowns at Leo.

"Store you say? No - you misunderstand - he was found at a leisure centre - you know: swimming pool, gym, tennis courts and such. I assume they have CCTV, but I wouldn't know. You'll want visit the place won't you? You could ask and see what they've record-"

It is at this time that the PC, under Skipper's tender ministrations, emits a loud 'BEEP' before crashing. Dr. Freidman rushes to the machine, his face lit up by the blue screen of death.

"Oh! What did you-?" He sighs, taking a deep breath. "Never mind - I'll call Tech Support."

He thrusts a piece of card into your hand.

"Here's Sergeant Dhillion's details. Perhaps it's best if you get changed and arrange to meet her. I'll call if I find anything else."

He nods at Eli, treating him to a rueful smile.

"Good to see you my friend - let's catch up when we're both less... preoccupied!"

  It's heading towards lunchtime. Are you done with Dr. Friedman? What would you like to do?  

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 8:27 pm
by BoyBlunder78
"That would be splendid! Under better circumstances." Eli says as shakes Friedmans hand.

OOC:   close..... :o  

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 10:20 pm
by Trivun

Izzy quickly thinks through what they have so far. No clear cause of death other than brain atrophy - so presumably he died from HTD rearing its ugly head at the worst possible time. Question - why was he in the leisure centre before opening hours, and why in the women's changing room specifically? And what magic was he using or privy to that caused HTD to happen full force when it did?

As for the media personalities, Izzy remembers them, and she remembers that she particularly dislikes Will Grimes with the same kind of passion she reserves for Piers Morgan and similar fellows. Particularly given her own sexuality, her politics, and indeed her views on most other topics. Loz, meanwhile, she's not too fussed about either way.

She makes some notes in her own notebook.

Talk to Sgt. Dhillon
What was his job?
Any immediate family/friends? Notified yet?
Any close friends who may be practitioners?
Anyone with a grudge - any recent fallings out?
History of voyeurism?
Vestigia around brain - flowers, sun on skin, tropical birds - has he been abroad recently?
Likes sports cars - mid life crisis? Likes Grimesy and Loz Drivez, what were his political leanings? Red herring?
Check phone for microchip damage
CCTV - if entrance further from changing room, might be operational - could get time of entry - also other people, did everyone in building leave at closing time?

She shares the notes with the others. "Might be best to make a move then, unless anyone else has business with the good doctor?" Normally all of this would be added to HOLMES2, and she would be issuing actions to regular PCs, but without the support of the Belgravia team and a few PCSOs with nothing better to do, Izzy resigns herself once more to the team doing the hard work themselves.

Before they head out, Izzy approaches Des, pulling something out of her shoulder bag. On closer inspection, it appears to be nausea tablets, bought from the Tesco Express on Seven Sisters Road.

"Hey, um... sorry if I was a bit insensitive earlier. I'm weird enough to find this sort of thing interesting, but I know not everyone does. I forget sometimes. Anyway, see if these help, okay?"

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 11:17 pm
by Philulhu

Des muttered her thanks before checking out the packet suspiciously, as if Izzy might be trying to poison her. Satisfied that wasn’t the case, she took one of the pills.

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 11:43 pm
by BoyBlunder78
Eli had a vague recognition of the two personalities or rather their reputations The controversial to stay relevant of Grimes and the high regard of which Loz Drivez in her field, although he's not totally sure what a social media influencer actually is. Two characters complete opposites. Chalk and cheese. " As the deceased was found at a leisure centre it should be fairly easy to trace his final.moments as the whole place would be coveted with
cctv you would think. Another question to ponder is how or indeed who introduced him to magic?"
Looking to the two detectives, " I take it that it isnt something you can just stumble into?"

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 11:54 pm
by Trivun

Izzy thinks of the Society of the Rose, and the Little Crocodiles, both of whom had flown under the radar for so many years.

"Not exactly, but it's not unheard of for practitioners to learn from someone without coming to our attention."

Damn it, Peter, we really need to put together a list of all of these people...

"As for CCTV... It's worth looking into, but any cameras near the incident, whatever happened, were likely fried. Although we might be able to work out the effective radius of the magical effect, so we can trace any cameras that weren't in the vicinity, and check those."

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 1:49 am
by Mr. Handy
"He doesn't like Loz Drivez at all," says Jordan. "I like her just fine, but he posted some derogatory comments to her. It seems he doesn't like her because she's a woman. He seems to have something against women in general. Let's talk to Sergeant Dhillon first."

Sense Vestigia roll (30% skill) about the body/brain:

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 2:22 am
by Snapper

Skipper cheers up immensely at the prospect of leaving. "Oi, Des, Loz Drivez could be you. Except you'd need to be rich and successful. Minor problem."

"Pity old mate's phone isn't here, we could use his face to unlock it, if it's a newer model. Still, we might be able to unlock it anyway, have a bit of a rummage, see what naughty secrets and all that."

"Can we go see this Met sergeant then? Have a crack at the phone, get the rest of the back story at the same time. Get some lunch..."

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 4:30 am
by SaintMeerkat
DC Leo Dansby.jpg
DC Leo Dansby.jpg (16.73 KiB) Viewed 460 times
Leo continues note taking as the session continues. While he was pretty good at being professional regarding other people's politics while policing, he also knew that the West--the UK and the US especially--seemed to be much more divided on certain issues than they were a few decades ago, and this division was being steadily widened by Grimes and his ilk, so his blood pressure ticks up a few notches when Grimes comes up.

"I understand. I heard dressing room and I assumed a clothing shop." Leo sighed audibly. He was really hoping for a chance to check out some cute new clothing while on the clock.

Looking at Eli, he says, "I will be happy to be part of the leisure centre team. While there may not be CCTV within a certain radius of the dressing room, there may be other footage that we find useful. Let's take a picture with us. Maybe someone noticed something the night before. Grab some curry on the way."

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 9:16 am
by Philulhu

”Yeah, well, you dress like a tramp!” scowled Des, giving Skipper the finger.

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 9:39 am
by Snapper

This prompts an unexpected, unintentional bark of laughter from Skipper. He looks Des up and down, amused, but says nothing more about it.

Skipper then looks back at Izzy. "OK, Voodoo Child, we maybe need you to take us to see this sergeant. Please tell me this is the striking one in the hijab." He points at the black fisherman's beanie on his own head by way of mixed-messaging example.

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 6:11 pm
by Trivun

As far as nicknames go, Voodoo Child isn't too bad. Izzy's mind is immediately drawn to Doctor Who. Here come the drums, here come the drums...

"Sorry Skip, wrong area entirely if you mean who I think you mean. Sahra's based out of Belgravia, Guildford's in the Surrey Police area. Used to work with her actually before moving to the Folly. I'll let her know you reckon she's striking, though."

She accompanies the last comment with a wink, although she has a sneaking suspicion that Sahra Guleed's preferred type of guy tended to be in the range of mystical Chinese swordsman...

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 8:56 pm
by jp1885
After changing out of your PPE (one assumes), you study the card given to you by Dr. Friedman.

It contains Sergeant Dhillon's number, alongside the address of Surrey Police Headquarters (off Sandy Lane - a 10 minute drive from the hospital).

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 2:08 am
by Snapper

Skipper sighs. "And if that isn't just my luck. Oh well, no rest..."

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 2:54 am
by Mr. Handy
"Let's call her first," says Jordan. "She could be out in the field and not even at the HQ right now."

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 4:57 am
by SaintMeerkat
DC Leo Dansby.jpg
DC Leo Dansby.jpg (16.73 KiB) Viewed 401 times
Leo disposes of his noddy suit, and he can't help but go a little middle school in as he pockets his PNB.

He looks back at Skipper, "I hear her boyfriend has a... 'magic sword'," barely able to stifle the grin. He sighs dreamily, shaking his head slowly. "Man, I would love to see that."

Then he snaps back.

"I will be happy to go with a team to the leisure centre, if we want to divide and conquer."

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 12:33 pm
by Philulhu

Des stripped off her protective coverall and dumped it in the bin provided. ”C’mon den, let’s get goin’!” she grumbled.

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 5:28 pm
by BoyBlunder78
Eli disrobes from his coverall and observes his new companions and notes how very much they fit in with some of the typical student achytypes his seen in his lectures.
The Geek.
The Outsider.
The wide boy.
The popular aloof one.
The Jock.
Where that puts him......he chuckles to himself. His last thought being it brings to mind an old 1980's movie he saw once. 'The Breakfast Club'
"Right, so are we calling the Sargent first? Eli asks the group.

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 9:28 pm
by Trivun

"Looks that way. Since Leo's heading to the leisure centre, I'll take a team to speak to Sgt. Dhillon."

Izzy takes the card and pulls out her work phone, tapping in the number, though not before giving a look towards Leo. Clearly he just wants to take the chance of seeing some hot gym guys glistening with sweat...

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 3:58 am
by Mr. Handy
"I'll go with you," says Jordan, disposing of his own used PPE.

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 11:24 am
by Snapper

Skipper will also de-PPE and head off with Izzy & Co.

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 5:16 pm
by BoyBlunder78
Eli will go with Leo as he's quite curious about seeing his first crime scene.

Re: Statement 1: Morning at the Morgue

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:54 pm
by jp1885
  Splitting the party already eh? Good, good... I'll start two separate threads: Godalming Leisure Centre - Leo, Eli, Des and Surrey Police HQ - Izzy, Jordan, Skipper.