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The Appointment

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 8:28 am
by Philulhu
19 Buckingham Place, London
Wednesday 18 March 1931. 9.30am

“Thank you for coming,” said the bald man sat behind the desk. A small plaque announced his name as Harry Price, Director of the National Laboratory of Psychical Research.

“You may well be aware of the work we do here at the Laboratory,” he continued in his plummy tone. “But if not, let me explain. We seek to de-bunk those who claim a supernatural cause to events. Word has reached us of a murder in Scotland. Here is the cutting from the Scottish Herald. I’ll let you read that a moment before I outline our proposal.”

The newspaper cutting read “Inverness Police are continuing their investigations into the brutal murder of Donald McColl, a distillery worker from the small Highland village of Strathmorn. The officer in charge of the investigation, Inspector Charles Sinclair, told our reporter that Mr McColl’s horribly slashed and mutilated body was found on the outskirts of the village late last Saturday night, as the villagers made their way home from a party at the local hotel.

The only other member of the village community not present at the party, shepherd boy Jamie McLeod, is helping Police with their enquiries. Apparently he claimed to have been exploring the deserted manor of the MacMorn family, once lairds of the manor, who died out 100 years ago. Locals hold that the manor is haunted, and McLeod is reported to have claimed that the murder must have been committed by one of the ghosts disturbed by his investigations.

Inspector Sinclair is refusing to consider the possibility of a supernatural explanation for the crime, but does admit that certain aspects of the mystery, including the ferocity of the murder and apparent lack of motive, defy rational explanation.”

The article is identical to the one your saw in the London Gazette, except that the Gazette had included details of Mr Price’s intention to send an investigative team to Scotland, which has brought you to see him today.

“Now,” Price continued, “We will cover your travel and accommodation expenses but we do not pay you to do this, so you are able to offer an independent assessment of what circumstances you find. I would anticipate that this would take no more than a few days but, on receipt of your report, we may be able to offer you an additional stipend.”

He glanced at the map on a nearby wall. “The LNER will take you to Edinburgh where you might change for Inverness. That is where Inspector Sinclair is located, along with the McLeod boy, and you can commence your enquiries there before moving on to Strathmorn itself. If that is agreeable, I have contracts for you to sign that outline our respective duties to and obligations.”

Re: The Appointment

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 11:00 am
by Philulhu
Price studied the group assembled before him. Three gentlemen - a doctor, a big game hunter and a Coptic priest - and two young women - a forensic investigator and a dilettante. He wondered what it was that they would find.

”Do you have any questions for me before you leave?” he asked.

Re: The Appointment

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 11:21 am
by BoyBlunder78
Are we being greeted from rhe train or are we going to our lodgings first? it is quite a trek to Inverness and I'm sure the ladies might like to freshen' up after such a journey.

Re: The Appointment

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 11:38 am
by Philulhu
”Inverness isn’t a big place as I understand. The Station Hotel is a short walk from the railway station, although other establishments are also available, Dr. Douglas,” replied Price.

Other than covering train fares, you’re on your own. All part of the College’s independence from your findings.

Re: The Appointment

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 11:45 am
by BoyBlunder78
Quite, it is quite an isolated place.Station hotel sounds splendid.You mention talk of contracts?[/color]

Re: The Appointment

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 12:02 pm
by Philulhu
”Ah yes,” replied Price. He pushed the contracts across his desk. “These just set out the terms for the work, so that your report is clear and free from bias.”

The contracts set out the terms, confirming that those undertaking the investigation would pay their own expenses (less the train tickets), were not affiliated with the press, would not write nor cause to be written any account of the investigation (except for the College) nor lecture on the same, and would complete a written account of their findings on their return to London.

Re: The Appointment

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 12:08 pm
by BoyBlunder78
"Ah, no lecture....does that include college lectures pertaining to what we may find?" I ask with one eye any potential papers I may be able add my name to.

Re: The Appointment

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 12:52 pm
by Philulhu
”It does indeed,” replied Price warily. He reached out and put a hand on the contract he had placed in front of Ruairi. “If our terms are not acceptable then this may not be for you, Dr. Douglas.

He paused for a moment, then continued. ”I realise we ask a lot of our investigators, but we must be free to control the dissemination of the findings. I cannot deny that people will recall the same event differently but when the College reports its findings, they will be based the consensus of the investigators’ reports. Were you to report independently based upon your personal experience, then this would undermine our work and leave us open to criticism from the very people we work to expose.”

Re: The Appointment

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 12:58 pm
by Joajackson
Father Ó Shaban had just notice at the declaration of the specifics of the contract that he may have had a confusion about what the task they were dealing with would be. With a hand in his vigorous beard, he decided to think for a moment about it all before wathever he would declare was a mistake too.

After some moments, he decided to speak, his mixed arabyan english quite the departure from the rest of the educated folk in there.

”Iidhan jaz li, forrgivness for ze question. I quite have a confusion. Ze worrk intended is to look into ze 'ghost house' and brrove zat is not haunted, yes? Orr have I got a terrible confusion, and zis is about trabbing the scottish murrderer? Inshallah, a man of the clot, what I am, would be quite not ze abbrobiate to interrfere in a murderr investigation."

"Forrgivness for my furrzer questions. But, if ze institute wont be, as you say, ze brresence, and won't give ze assistance, as one would say. Why would be necessary to keep ze events trransbiring in ze village to stay secret? Orr is for ze case zat we cannot find nozing, ze institute can make sure nozing is say about ze failure?"

Re: The Appointment

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 1:09 pm
by BoyBlunder78
Philulhu wrote: Sun Sep 25, 2022 12:52 pm ”It does indeed,” replied Price warily. He reached out and put a hand on the contract he had placed in front of Ruairi. “If our terms are not acceptable then this may not be for you, Dr. Douglas.

He paused for a moment, then continued. ”I realise we ask a lot of our investigators, but we must be free to control the dissemination of the findings. I cannot deny that people will recall the same event differently but when the College reports its findings, they will be based the consensus of the investigators’ reports. Were you to report independently based upon your personal experience, then this would undermine our work and leave us open to criticism from the very people we work to expose.”

Letting out a resigned sigh I reach out for the contract, reasoning with myself that whatever the outcome there may be a silver lining that this could open up other lines of research and create contacts for myself.
"I'll sign, im sure this will be a unique experience" I say through slightly gritted teeth.

Re: The Appointment

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 1:59 pm
by Philulhu
”The work is to determine if there is any supernatural involvement in the events, Father,” replied Price. ”Whether that relates to the house or the murder itself. And the work is not a secret; rather the College will control how the information is released. We have those who seek to discredit what we do and we must counter that.”

“If we find no supernatural involvement, then we will declare as much. In the event that you uncover immutable proof that supernatural forces were at work, then that too would be declared. You have my work, and that of the College.”

Re: The Appointment

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 2:22 pm
by Joajackson
Philulhu wrote: Sun Sep 25, 2022 1:59 pm ”The work is to determine if there is any supernatural involvement in the events, Father,” replied Price. ”Whether that relates to the house or the murder itself. And the work is not a secret; rather the College will control how the information is released. We have those who seek to discredit what we do and we must counter that.”

“If we find no supernatural involvement, then we will declare as much. In the event that you uncover immutable proof that supernatural forces were at work, then that too would be declared. You have my work, and that of the College.”
With some pause, the Father moved his hands along his long beards and thought. At the end he spoke.

"Zere is... Certains complications wiz ze current legal baberrs. As a man of ze church, is quite ze difficulty to close my voice towarrds the ears of ze god. I would accet a morre oben agrrement, if it wouldn't be so complication, yes? Ze cobtic church, is not given to talk of scottish murrders, if it is, se understanding. A legal baber open to ze church, would be greatly abreciated. I, berrsonally, also would say, zat zere is no need to pay for train ticket."

After a moment of pause the old man suddenly seemed to notice something and spoke again.

"Forrgivness for me forrgetfullness. As a murrderer is so in the loose, I do ask forr the bosibility of contracting, costs my own, a brivate guard. Ze lips of which will stay close as tomb."

Re: The Appointment

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 4:30 pm
by Philulhu
Just checking, baberrs = papers? I’m assuming that’s right.

”I’m sorry, Father, but there are no exceptions. If you do not feel that you can put that to one side then perhaps this is not the investigation for you,” *said Price pointedly.* ”And you five are employed alone. There shall be no additional personnel so there can be no adulteration of your findings.”

”As for the murderer, the suspect is under arrest so I do not think you are risk.”

Re: The Appointment

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 4:33 pm
by danyw
Caitríona stayed quiet while the men asked questions, listening to the answers and taking them in for herself. The murder sounded brutal, but she was not afraid of witnessing death. She was also not concerned about the murderer coming for them, imprisoned or not. If they were merely investigating the supernatural occurrences within the home and surrounding the death, there was no need to be worried about becoming victims themselves. There were five of them, and at least two of the men looked quite capable, and herself and the other woman did not look inept either. The priest may have been the only concern, but as Cait was devout herself, she thought his presence could only aid in protecting them—though she was somewhat weary of his requests.

"I, for one, look forward to the investigation and furthering my forensic skill." Her Irish accent was thick, but understandable. "I do not think we will find evidence of the supernatural but it will still be fascinating to attempt so." She slid her own contract to herself and signed it—with her real full name—with a pen she brought. Of a scientific mind, she did not think that she needed to argue the points of the contract; she was no stranger to removing bias and being straightforward and discreet.

Re: The Appointment

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 4:55 pm
by Joajackson
Philulhu wrote: Sun Sep 25, 2022 4:30 pm
Just checking, baberrs = papers? I’m assuming that’s right.

”I’m sorry, Father, but there are no exceptions. If you do not feel that you can put that to one side then perhaps this is not the investigation for you,” *said Price pointedly.* ”And you five are employed alone. There shall be no additional personnel so there can be no adulteration of your findings.”

”As for the murderer, the suspect is under arrest so I do not think you are risk.”
The old Coptic man seemed to found strangely funny the words of Harry Price, and half as a joke, half seriously said.

"Ze bapers wouldn't be too bad, surely, even if ze confideantiality have neverr stopped the ears of ze Lord, Inshallah. But I, a man of ze resourrces, could go wizout ze joining to ze institute work. It would be quite ze funny coincidence if I had some vacations in ze village of Strrazmorn just by itself. Wouldnt you all so say, yes?"

The old foreigner laughed to himself, apparently intending to firm the papers, but waiting for the rest to do so before, to not interrump and such.

Re: The Appointment

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 5:29 pm
by Philulhu
”Thank you, Miss Mac an Bhaird,” said Price, taking her signed contract and stacking it neatly in a pile with the one signed by Dr. Douglas.

“Father, if you do not wish to sign the papers then I will detain you no longer. If you wish to travel to Scotland to make your own investigations, then we cannot stop you but you obviously cannot be included in the College’s reports.” He looked towards Bonnie and Hugo to see if they had anything to say.

Re: The Appointment

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 1:35 am
by Snapper

Ascot has been sitting amicably, a large man in a well-work tweed suit, his hat on his knee. When he speaks, his African colonial accent can clearly be heard. "Sounds jolly entertaining. Yebo, I'm in. Got nothing better to do this week and I haven't spent much time in Scotland. Famous deer hunting I'm told."

With a flourish, he quickly signs the contract, having not read it at all.

Re: The Appointment

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 3:56 am
by Mr. Handy

"Oh, aye, 'tis true," says Bonnie as she signs her own contract, her Scottish accent evident. "I've done some deer hunting in Scotland myself. I'm Miss Bonnie MacKenzie." She hands in her contract. "This seems rather straightforward. I'd be pleased to assist."

Re: The Appointment

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 7:47 am
by Philulhu
”Thank you,” said Price adding their contracts to the pile. He opened a drawer on his desk, drew out an large envelope upon which he jotted ‘Strathmorn’, the date and the names of the four investigators.

”Now, the Edinburgh train leaves Euston at 11 ‘o’ clock sharp. Present this chitty,” - he pushed a slip of paper over the desk - “at the ticket office and they will furnish you with your train tickets. I will send a telegram to the Station Hotel to let them know that you will be arriving later.”

“Good luck, ladies and gentlemen. I look forward to receiving your report.”

Unless anyone has any further questions, I’ll move us on.

If Father Ó Shaban decides not to sign that’s fine and he can make his own way to Scotland and still partake in the investigation, although some of it will be handled differently to the rest of the group.

Re: The Appointment

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 9:28 pm
by Mr. Handy

I'm ready to proceed. I think I'll finally be able to finish my character sheet tonight.

Re: The Appointment

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 9:49 pm
by Joajackson
Philulhu wrote: Mon Sep 26, 2022 7:47 am ”Thank you,” said Price adding their contracts to the pile. He opened a drawer on his desk, drew out an large envelope upon which he jotted ‘Strathmorn’, the date and the names of the four investigators.

”Now, the Edinburgh train leaves Euston at 11 ‘o’ clock sharp. Present this chitty,” - he pushed a slip of paper over the desk - “at the ticket office and they will furnish you with your train tickets. I will send a telegram to the Station Hotel to let them know that you will be arriving later.”

“Good luck, ladies and gentlemen. I look forward to receiving your report.”

Unless anyone has any further questions, I’ll move us on.

If Father Ó Shaban decides not to sign that’s fine and he can make his own way to Scotland and still partake in the investigation, although some of it will be handled differently to the rest of the group.

With a certain laugh, Father Ó Shaban got in his feet and declared goodbye with a hand gesture. Leaving with quite a glee. Just before going trough the door he walked back. And said

"Fuffgiveness, I almost forgot, ze Sir Ascot and Dr. Douglas, I would greatly abrreciated, if you could be so good to send a note with which hotels you sill be staying trrought the journey. It would be quite a good zing to met ze good men.

And after that, he left. With the plan of going trough the same train if possible as the rest, and probably to see if he could learn of protective services in scotland to pay for. He was an old man alone, and there could be risks on that.

I wasn't really intending to do this for a start, but now it seems quite fun as a concept, so lets see if it works. I am sorry if this makes it difficult, I can change course if it is too complicated

Re: The Appointment

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 10:27 pm
by BoyBlunder78
"Right, well i think we should gather our belongings and head for the train.We have quite a journey ahead of us. Plenty of time for our rag tag gang to get to get to know each other. What train wel will be getting amd at what time?

Re: The Appointment

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 12:51 am
by Snapper

"Euston Station, 11am."

"Everything I own is in one trunk and one rifle case, so I'll be at Eustion Station in less than an hour, waiting in the station cafe. Cheerio then." Ascot politely waves his hat to the others and heads out.

Re: The Appointment

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 6:22 am
by BoyBlunder78
"I shsll see you there Sir Ascot"[/color I stand turning to the others "And hopefully the rest of you too"] Dr Douglas nods his head to the ladies and goes to retrieve his luggage and medical bag from his hotel before making his way to Euston Station.

Re: The Appointment

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 6:27 am
by danyw
Cait smiled at the others, slipping her gloves back on as she prepared to get up and leave the room. "I look forward to getting to know the rest of you as well. Train rides are perfectly delightful for getting to know someone." She stood. "I will also be at the station not long from now. Good day!" She made her way back to the street, where she caught a cab back to her hotel and retrieved her things.

I don't know much about culture in the UK in 1931 (only the US, besides some Irish history) so pardon me if I say some anachronistic things lol

Re: The Appointment

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 7:03 am
by Philulhu
You’re doing fine :)

We’re all moving here: The Sneck