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Re: IC-Ep 1-Caught in the Act(Everyone)

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 12:29 pm
by jp1885

Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, out of politeness if nothing else, Brook casts a glance at Story and Elizabeth.

“Perhaps we three might share a room?”

Re: IC-Ep 1-Caught in the Act(Everyone)

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 12:57 pm
by Philulhu
“I only have a modest apartment, Mademoiselle, scarcely big enough for one guest. Perhaps this gentleman,” he indicated Jacques, “might be persuaded to give up his no doubt sumptuous apartment for you. I’m sure he could find somewhere suitable to lay his head for the evening, such as a stable or such like…” said Gui disarmingly.

Re: IC-Ep 1-Caught in the Act(Everyone)

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 1:32 pm
by Snapper

Jacques pinches the bridge of his nose, starting to feel weary now.

"Firstly, that's very unpleasant. Miss Brook is just a girl. Make no further such jests."

"Secondly, can everyone please stop calling this man back? Guards, he can go now." Jacques says this virtually grinding his teeth.

"Thirdly, ladies, if you have nowhere to sleep, of course you may stay in my apartment here in the palace. I will find somewhere else to sleep for the rest of the night."

Re: IC-Ep 1-Caught in the Act(Everyone)

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 2:03 pm
by Philulhu
“I merely offered the lady the use of my room, Monsieur. If you chose to misinterpret that gesture in some sort of sordid and depraved way, then we can only pray that St. Peter is forgiving on the day that your ascend to the pearly gates.” said Gui haughtily.

“Now, if no one has any further questions for me, I think I will retire for the evening. I will bid you ladies and Monsieur Da Vinci au revoir and I say adieu to you, you pompous peacock, for our next meeting need not be hasty.” he continued.

He bowed and left the room with the guards in tow. The last thing that Jacques heard as Gui’s voice faded down the corridor was, “Who was that cul de cheval? He seemed tediously full of himself… …”

Re: IC-Ep 1-Caught in the Act(Everyone)

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 12:38 am
by Snapper

Jacques waits patiently for Gui to leave, massaging his temples with one hand. He looks around suspiciously to see if anyone calls Gui back again.

I should have asked the guards to throw him to the ground very roughly, Jacques thinks.

"Right, all that needs to be done now is for the palace servants to take Giuseppe here away, and tidy up the mess a bit. Then we might retire. Morning will be here quite soon enough and the Duc will no doubt wish to hear from Master Da Vinci and me, at least."

Re: IC-Ep 1-Caught in the Act(Everyone)

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 2:37 am
by Mr. Handy
"Thank you," said Leonardo with a slight bow. "Ladies, I'm sure arrangements can be made for you and your...cabinet," he said. "The Duc d'Auvergne has plenty of guest suites, and there are still a few vacant even with so many in attendance. When the servants arrive to remove Giuseppe, I will ask them to make it happen. The Duc would be pleased to accommodate you, both out of chivalry and as a favor to me."

The guards escorted Gui out of the workshop and down the corridor toward his own guest quarters. "Chevalier Jacques du Baudin?" said one of them. "Why, he is a legendary knight. You are lucky he did not kill you."

You know everything you can research about Leonardo da Vinci, including about his inventions and the military designs he's developed. If there's anything relevant to the plot that you could know about him, I'll fill you in about it as it occurs.

Re: IC-Ep 1-Caught in the Act(Everyone)

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 8:39 am
by jp1885


“Um, I mean, thank you for your gracious hospitality.”

Brook curtsies awkwardly in what she hopes is a suitably historical manner.

Re: IC-Ep 1-Caught in the Act(Everyone)

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 9:00 am
by Philulhu
“A knight?!” exclaimed Gui. “I thought you had to be of noble birth to be a Chevalier! It seems they award them to just about anyone nowadays!”

Re: IC-Ep 1-Caught in the Act(Everyone)

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 11:25 am
by Snapper

Jacques looks very pleased with Da Vinci's plan and nods approvingly

"Miss Brook and Miss Story, I would encourage you both to find some dress-ware tomorrow that is slightly less scandal-inducing than your current choices. If you want to be heard, not stared at."

Re: IC-Ep 1-Caught in the Act(Everyone)

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 1:02 pm
by jp1885

Brook nods. Perhaps the TARDIS will contain suitable attire.

Re: IC-Ep 1-Caught in the Act(Everyone)

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 2:54 am
by Snapper

Killing time while waiting on the servants, Jacques inspects the automaton suit of armour.


Unfortunately, any machine more complex than a horse or sword is outside his experience.

"Master Da Vinci, is it safe to remove the halberd from the thief? I won't break your device?"

Re: IC-Ep 1-Caught in the Act(Everyone)

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 3:01 am
by Mr. Handy
"You are very welcome, Signorina," said Leonardo.

Story, Elizabeth, and Brook knew that the TARDIS had a vast wardrobe filled with clothes of all sizes, eras, and cultures. It was where Story had gotten her current outfit.

"Any noble can make someone a knight," said the guard to Gui. "Jacques du Baudin was knighted for valor on the field of battle. He is one of the Knights Hospitaller."

Jacques could not understand how the automaton worked. "Yes, it should be safe," said Leonardo. "Especially as you look like you know how to handle a weapon."

Re: IC-Ep 1-Caught in the Act(Everyone)

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 6:02 am
by Snapper

Jacques puts a boot on the thief's chest then pulls the halberd free, still trying to stay blood free if he can help it. "You can rest easy now lad," he says to the deceased in a friendly voice, "No more late night adventures for you." Jacques crosses himself.

Re: IC-Ep 1-Caught in the Act(Everyone)

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 12:43 pm
by Philulhu
1d100 Gui has heard of the Knights Hospitaller.

“A Knight Hospitaller?” said Gui. “He doesn’t strike me as particularly hospitable to me!” He grinned at his own joke and then glanced up and down the corridor with exaggerated care. “Do you fellows know where we might get a drink? The night is but young, after all…”

Re: IC-Ep 1-Caught in the Act(Everyone)

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 4:39 pm
by Mr. Handy
The halberd slid out of the automaton's gauntlets without a problem, and Jacques removed it from the body. The blade was coated in blood, but the shaft was long enough that he was easily able to keep any from getting onto him or his clothes.

"We will have a servant bring you some wine," the guard told Gui.

Everyone has heard of the Knights Hospitaller, but your Know roll means you know anything you can look up about them (from up to 1517).

Re: IC-Ep 1-Caught in the Act(Everyone)

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 5:10 pm
by Philulhu
Gui bid the guards a good night and let himself into his room. He listened at the door for a few moments then quickly started exploring the room in case he had to make an exit in a hurry…

Re: IC-Ep 1-Caught in the Act(Everyone)

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 9:49 pm
by aine
“Yes, we had better find more suitable attire in the Tardis before meeting the Duc; I doubt he will be as open-minded as these gentlemen. And then I wouldn’t mind a nap.” Agrees Elizabeth.

Previously said:   I should have asked the guards to throw him to the ground very roughly, Jacques thinks  
As with Pilate’s ‘wapscallion’?

Re: IC-Ep 1-Caught in the Act(Everyone)

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 10:38 pm
by jp1885

Brook nudges Elizabeth.

“I suppose trying on fancy outfits is some recompense for missing a shopping trip.”

She suppresses a giggle, suddenly remembering that a man died in the room not long ago.

Re: IC-Ep 1-Caught in the Act(Everyone)

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 12:20 am
by SunlessNick

"I am grateful for your hospitality," Story says, taking in both Jacques and Leonardo.

Once the three time travelers and their"cabinet" are ensconced in their chamber, Story puts a finger to her lips, then very quietly says, "I admit I am not the greatest TARDIS pilot Gallifrey has produced, but I am sure I didn't mess up this time. And if that's the case, it means some other factor brought us here. So you were quite right earlier, Brooke. We need to stay at the very least until we find out what that is, and whether it poses any further threat to the people here."

More loudly, she says, ""What delightful chambers. We are very fortunate."

Re: IC-Ep 1-Caught in the Act(Everyone)

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 3:18 am
by Snapper

Jacques politely remains with Da Vinci until the servants arrive to clean up the mess. Once that appears to be in hand, he will retire for the rest of the night.