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Re: Arrival

Posted: Thu May 12, 2022 9:47 am
by kabukiman

The man look ar the women with a victorious face and then asks:
"Very well young man, join our table and present yourself. I am captain Mac Malcom of the ship "Tranquility" a fine merchant ship and this is a member of my crew Kathy... Katherine."

Mary and Ota

The taxidriver nods.
He speaks a little about the weather, that business is being bad latelly, his favourite team lost.
The city seems mainly build in wood and stone, of 2 floors maximum; this area is well kept. After 15 minutes, he says: "we are near there."
You see what most be the local corporate buildings (they are just like the others, but have things written in them) with an angry mob shouting and several securities.
"We are here"
You see in one of them the logo "XIM"

Re: Arrival

Posted: Thu May 12, 2022 1:32 pm
by Snapper

Rourke rather formally nods to both as they are named. He sits down at the table indicated, looking serious.

"I am Kennedy Rourke, Regina born, pleased to make your acquaintance. I have just recently completed four terms in the Imperial Navy, mustering out as a lieutenant. Naval service is something of a family tradition. Now I wish to make my mark, another family tradition."

"I am qualified in navigation, computers, engineering and gunnery. I finished my service a few parsecs away and have been working my passage back towards the busier trade routes. But offloading here has proven a bit of a mistake. Not much work."

Re: Arrival

Posted: Thu May 12, 2022 2:05 pm
by Philulhu
”Is there a back way in, driver? There’s a queue…” said Ota dryly.

Re: Arrival

Posted: Fri May 13, 2022 4:16 am
by Mr. Handy

"We just landed on Xotli," says Mary, "so we're unfamiliar with the local situation. What's the cause of the miners' strike?"

Re: Arrival

Posted: Fri May 13, 2022 9:25 am
by kabukiman
"I don't know. But those aren't angy miners, those are the pilots trying to buy some ore. The miners live all on the north. The corporation haven't give much details, but it must be the usual, better living conditions and money. Well, luckily for youI know another way".
He continues two blocks, and then turn right; he make several other turns and you find that you are behind the building. There is a single door with a security (and nobody else).

Re: Arrival

Posted: Fri May 13, 2022 11:36 pm
by Philulhu
Ota climbed out of the car. ”Tip the driver,” he said to Mary as he headed over to speak to the guard.

Lieutenant Colonel Esperanza Ota plus colleague to see XIM Corp’s Thomas Picker,” he said impatiently, waiting for the guard to hurry up and let him in.

Re: Arrival

Posted: Sat May 14, 2022 1:22 am
by Mr. Handy

Mary gives the driver a decent tip, though she knows that Ota has far more money than she does, and hurriedly follows to the guarded door.

Re: Arrival

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 3:45 pm
by kabukiman
"That seems excelent qualifications my young man, and just wht we needed. Of course I have several other candidates to talk with before I accept you, but you seem in a very good position."

Mary and Ota
The security seems bored; when he sees you coming in his diretion he gets tense but then relax when you speak. He makes a quick call and then tell you:
"Sorry, but Mr Picker told me he isn't waiting anyone with that name".

Re: Arrival

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 4:46 pm
by Philulhu
Ota gritted his teeth, breathing out slowly. ”Try Mac Malcolm, Captain of the Tranquility. He asked me to come and see Mr Picker,” he said to the guard, with ill-disguised impatience…

Re: Arrival

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 2:16 am
by Snapper

Rourke nods, trying hard not to look disappointed. "Of course, a sound approach for your ship. I shall be easy enough to locate unless some other ship unexpectedly sorts out its problems in this system and hires me first. I hope to hear from you."

OOC:   Does this planet have a Travellers Aid Society Hostel? If it does, that's where Rourke will be staying and where he'll give as a contact address, together with any Traveller appropriate IT contacts address.  

Re: Arrival

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 4:33 am
by Mr. Handy

"And me," adds Mary. "The captain is an old friend of Mr. Picker. Just let him know Mac Malcom sent us."

Re: Arrival

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 1:42 pm
by kabukiman
Ota and Mary

"Sure, why not I don't have anything better to do" he says doubtfully. He makes a new call, seems surprise and then says:
"You can pass. Go in the corridor pass the receptionist, take the stairs, and it is the second room on the right, you can't miss, the name is written.


"Well, as soon as we will finish our drinks, we will have a small business trip, you can come along if you want, to see how we work."

OOC: Ok, but now you are playing, so no dead moments. :lol:

Re: Arrival

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 3:42 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you," says Mary, leading the way inside and following his directions.

Re: Arrival

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 4:15 pm
by Snapper

"I would be very happy to accompany you both on your business. Let me know if there is anything I can do to assist. I'm not overly familiar with the law and government of this world but I'm used to adapting from one star system to the next."

OOC:   Me? Dead moments? Never!  

Re: Arrival

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 11:23 pm
by Philulhu
”Thanks,” said Ota, shortly. He followed Mary down the corridor, looking at the door signs until they found Picker’s office. ”This looks like it,” he said, and he knocked on the door.

Re: Arrival

Posted: Thu May 19, 2022 2:08 pm
by kabukiman
Ota and Mary
"Enter"-says a voice

Hiroto is in the store of Tanaka, a rich merchant, trying to get employed in one of his ships.
"The problem, is that I don't have any ships anymore. Too much trouble. Now I contract free traders: they bring the goods, and if anything goes wrong, I own the ship. That is a good deal. Look, one of them is entering, I hope with good news. Why you don't ask him for a job?"
When a group enters in the shop, he says:
"Hello captain"

The captain pays and say: "Let's go now."

You walk a bit and enter in a new part of the city: the streets are very small, full of small shops and stalls with signs. They sell food, cloths, spare parts of electronic devices, and a lot of other stuff; it has a very intnse smell. The captain waves to several persons, but go to a particular shop that only says "Tanaka" Inside, yo see only two men: one must be a client, the other an old man (in his 70's), full of wrinkles, dressed with a long brown tunic, and only says:
"Hello captain"

Re: Arrival

Posted: Thu May 19, 2022 4:54 pm
by Dave Syrinx

Hiroto takes a step backwads and to the side, letting Tanaka get the news from the captain before stumbling ahead ambushing the crew with questions and begging for a place at the helm. First, he needs some backdrop to pitch a sell to. "Of course, Tanaka, sir. I will prepare the dosages as prescribed. Doc H, at ypur service." This is spoken under his breath more to Tanaka´s notice than for the newcomers to overhear. Hiroto studies the newcomers as he himself removes him a few steps away from the cente of the room to let the after action report begin.

Re: Arrival

Posted: Thu May 19, 2022 10:59 pm
by Philulhu
Ota pushed open the door and entered as requested.

Re: Arrival

Posted: Fri May 20, 2022 4:36 am
by Mr. Handy

Mary follows him inside.

Re: Arrival

Posted: Fri May 20, 2022 10:22 am
by kabukiman
Ota and Mary

The office is very simple: a desk, a computer and three chairs in front of the desk- You see a men in his late 40's, bald; you can see that he used to be muscular, but too much time working at a desk has effects in his health; he have a small scar in his right eye.
"So what can I do for my old companion?"- He seems very tired.

Rourke and Hiroto

"Hi Mr Tanaka. You already know Kathy and this is Rourke a veteran of many wars that is joining my crew. So I think we have business to do?"
"Yes, did you bring the spices?
"Did I ever failed you?"
"I assume you didn't find any problems"
"No, everyone is too worried about the strike, the guards aren't paying atention"
"Ah, yes, the strike. Well, I'm sending some men to inspect the spices and then I'l make the payment".
"Very well, but make it quick, I need to make some repairs. So, you have health problems now and need a doctor?"
- he says pointing to Hiroto