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January 13 - Gremanci factory

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2024 9:22 pm
by robertod
The Gremanci Dollworks is situated to the west of Piazza San Marco, mere strides away from the Grand Canal. Anselmo's residence, the abode of Giorgio's confidant, lies approximately midway between these landmarks. Following Giorgio's directions brings one to the entrance of a two-story edifice nestled amidst its counterparts, snugly positioned within the labyrinthine network of narrow alleys traversing Venice's main island. The thoroughfares, shrouded in silence and shadow, appear deserted. The mist that had earlier gathered upon the canal's surface throughout the day has now been dispersed by a gentle breeze, diffusing into the very fabric of Venice's streets.

The small Gremanci factory is of stone, built in the 14th century. Its well maintained façade contrasts with its down-at-heels companions in the “Campo della Bambina”, a shoddy tourist map-and-bookshop, warrens of uncertain vintage housing university students, a cafe, and industrial buildings of pungent odor and noxious usage. It's past one in the morning now. The dollworks appears closed, as do all the other homes or shops.

Re: January 13 - Gremanci factory

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2024 12:30 am
by Mr. Handy

"We could come back in the morning," says Felicity, "but if we're in a hurry, we may be able to get inside if someone can pick a lock - presuming it is locked. We'd need to find records indicating where the leg is, as we could search this place all night otherwise and still not find it."

Re: January 13 - Gremanci factory

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2024 3:16 am
by SaintMeerkat
doctor.png (27.27 KiB) Viewed 632 times

Archie realizes he's rubbing his tingling hand and forces himself to stop. "Well, it just so happens that I can pick a lock, if needed. I lost the key to the medical cabinet and it was easier to teach myself to pick it than to pay to get it rekeyed." Archie winked. "As the Yanks say, that's my story..."

Re: January 13 - Gremanci factory

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2024 9:41 pm
by Mephistophilis

'Perhaps knock a few times first,' says Andrew. 'Can't tell you how many times that's saved me a spot of trouble before breaking in.'

Re: January 13 - Gremanci factory

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2024 4:43 am
by Mr. Handy

"And if that doesn't work, try the door," says Felicity. "You never know, it may have been left unlocked. Or maybe a key is hidden nearby."

Re: January 13 - Gremanci factory

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2024 9:32 pm
by Mephistophilis
Andrew leans forward and tries the door handle before giving three hard raps with his knuckles.

Re: January 13 - Gremanci factory

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2024 5:58 pm
by aine
Clarence coughs, trying to stifle it. “Damn damp air.” He mutters.

Re: January 13 - Gremanci factory

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2024 4:10 am
by SaintMeerkat
doctor.png (27.27 KiB) Viewed 523 times

Archie frowns and leans over to Clarence, "You know, when we get back to London, I will be happy to give you an examination in my surgery free of charge. Everyone, for that matter. No telling what exposure to this magic may have done to us."

"If we get back to London," he added weakly.

Re: January 13 - Gremanci factory

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 2:19 am
by robertod
The door is locked. Andrews knocks. After a few minutes, the door of the factory creaks open slowly. The silhouette of an elderly, gaunt, hazy-looking man with drooping eyelids emerges, clutching an old lantern. He gazes at the visitor standing on the threshold with a blend of curiosity and suspicion.

Re: January 13 - Gremanci factory

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 3:19 am
by Mr. Handy

"We're sorry to disturb you so late, Signore," says Felicity in Italian. "We've come about the statue of Saint Isidor. We'll be happy to compensate you for your time and effort on our behalf."

Using Flattery, and Credit Rating if needed.

Re: January 13 - Gremanci factory

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 8:17 pm
by aine
“It’s probably nothing.” Clarence remarks to Archie. “But I’d appreciate a check up.” He frowns as the old man opens the door and then tries to look amenable.

Re: January 13 - Gremanci factory

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 6:06 am
by SaintMeerkat
doctor.png (27.27 KiB) Viewed 456 times

Archie nods and manages a smile for Clarence, his beside demeanor returns momentarily. Then, he turns back to the door. "Yes, we will make it worth your trouble, Signora," he adds.

Re: January 13 - Gremanci factory

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2024 11:17 pm
by robertod
The old man, named Antonio, lets the visitors in. They enter a large room furnished with slippery horsehair sofas, their antimacassars damp with hair oil. The display cases lining the walls exhibit historic Gremanci dolls, mannequins, and the prosthetics range launched during Napoleon’s Italian campaign. Completed dolls line two walls, as do prosthetic limbs, and completed body parts for mannequins. Cold blue china eyes surround them, staring and unblinking. The other walls are packed with dolls, stacks upon stacks, naked, clothed, soft-bodied, china-bodied.
A door opens from an illuminated nearby office. Within can be seen a desk, and bookshelves lined with enormous, leather-bound general ledgers. A tall, thin man in his late twenties, leaves the office and enters the main room. He leans heavily on a cane, and always has a cigarette dangling from his lips. His gaunt face would be handsome if he had more color. He has a terrible, hacking cough that causes him to spit blood. He´s Sebastiano, Antonio´s son. He speaks English. Neither Antonio nor Sebastiano recall anything about the statue.
When informed that the statue was sold by Nanni, Sebastiano adds:

That must have happened during the war, then. We were not working during those days. My Grandfather Niccoló was taking care of the work. My father was managing a munitions factory on the Miestre, and I was in hospital.

Tragically, Niccoló is unable to provide any information, as he died in July 1918.

Re: January 13 - Gremanci factory

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2024 5:56 am
by Mr. Handy

"Did he leave any papers behind?" asks Felicity.

Re: January 13 - Gremanci factory

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2024 7:03 pm
by Mephistophilis

'The war was a difficult time,' observes Andrew with the slightest of shudders, wondering why Antonio was in hospital at that time, issues with his leg perhaps... Trying to avoid looking at the disconcerting dolls, he gestures towards the shelves of ledgers, 'Do any of your records cover the war years?'

Re: January 13 - Gremanci factory

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2024 11:33 pm
by robertod
The Gremanci records are mainly daily ledgers, well kept, with individual invoices and receipts, so many dolls made, so much clay imported, so many artisans hired or let go, etc. and matters of intermittent disbursement such as taxes, tithes, and donations. Antonio and Sebastiano failed to maintain the records during their tenure of 1916-1918. The three years are bound into one book. Entries dry up. People are identified by nick-names and initials. This was partly because he was paying in cash and on the black market. He laments that materials are scarce and devoted to the war effort.

17 September 1917
It is terrible that materials are so scarce and those that exist are devoted to the war effort. Surely a little clay and wax can be donated to the little girls of Venice?

23 November to 23 December 1917
No entries. A yellowed telegram announcing Niccolò´s grandson Marco Gremanci as officially missing in action on the slopes of Monte Grappa on November 22 is tucked into a page.

29 December 1917
A terrible blizzard is raging over Venice. We can be thankful that such storms have put an end to the Austrian and German advance, until the spring at least. During the storm, friends tell me, an odd freak of lightning struck the campanile of the Palazzo Rezzoniani. I must go and see my old friends in the clock tower to see if they are all still hale and well.

30 December 1917 to 14 January 1918
No entries.

15 January 1918
God forgive me, God help me, I had great need of it, so I accepted it with much trembling and sense of sacrilege. That I, a true Venetian, bought something that was meant to be left in our most sacred place! The vendor, that accursed communist, must have parted with that statue without the faintest shred of remorse. It is more his responsibility than mine. Yet, surely some needs stand above all others. His statue was broken, and he said he had no material to repair it, for the cursed war made everything scarce. God forgive me, God trust that I only seek to do my best for my shop to survive.

25 February 1918
I have bad arthritis flaring in my left leg. I have never been troubled with such affliction before. I am sure it will heal quickly as I have prayed to my grandson´s namesake, Saint Marco.

15 March 1918
I have just heard that Signor Rezzoniani has died. The poor soul’s body was not found for some days, he was such a recluse. God grant I did right. I hope I gave him peace.

9 April 1918
The following entry is in a different hand:
Grandfather Niccolò died this day of old age, pain and grief. God rest his soul.

Re: January 13 - Gremanci factory

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 4:56 am
by Mr. Handy

"Looks like the clock tower in the Palazzo Rezzoniani is where it ended up," says Felicity after she translates the records. "Signor Rezzoniani died two months after he received it, and then Niccolò died a few weeks later. The problem with his left leg must have eventually proved fatal."

Re: January 13 - Gremanci factory

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 10:36 pm
by Mephistophilis
OOC:   So Maria's father took the statue for restoration, gave it to Nanni who sold it to the dollmakers. And we think they may have used the leg to repair damage to a statue in the clock tower?  

Re: January 13 - Gremanci factory

Posted: Wed May 01, 2024 4:22 am
by Mr. Handy

Maybe not to repair damage, but it's highly likely that it's there.

Re: January 13 - Gremanci factory

Posted: Fri May 03, 2024 3:55 am
by SaintMeerkat
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As Archie reads the entry about the statue repair and the person's arthritis in their leg flaring up the next day with a sinking feeling. He rubs his tingling hand.

"I wonder his leg issue was similar as what happened to me when I touched the first piece. Perhaps much more severe. He said he had never had it before. Poor man."

Does that condition sound familiar to me? Any likely suspects?