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January 05 - The Doom Train

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 4:58 am
by robertod
As soon as Archie turns the switch on, the small train starts to run. When the engine spins the wheels of the model train, strange and small flashes of light seems to arise from the friction that the wheels are making upon the rails. The small vehicle gradually increases his speed and the flashes become a continuous and costant glow. The light does not at all suggest that the train is catching fire. It is an unnatural white light. Rather, it seems more as if the train had a kind of dynamo which, with its motion, powers some small bulbs hidden somewhere inside the train. The train further increases its speed, as if driven by a runaway engine. At some point, in a split second, the glow of the train suddenly increases in proportion, until it blinds all the occupants of the room. A strange field of energy immediately breaks into the room. It´s a large light tube that connects two opposite walls of the room. The light is dazzling at first, but the glow gets lower and something very large moving through the tube becomes visible. Shimmering track and the shunting of a large locomotive, in a gathering cloud of steam announce the arrival of a train passing throught the tube. The inside of the tube seems to be a reality that communicates with the reality of the room, as the vapor smoke coming from the steam of the locomotive immediately bursts into the rest of the room. The very sounds are there, as if a real train were there. Engine and coal car pass through objects in the room and disappear into the wall at the other side. The dimensions of the tube stays within the physical limitations of the room, so to determine the amount of train segment visible at any one time. Once the first passenger car comes into view, the train stops.

The train is full of people. A group of seven glide off the train as though onto a platform.
As they see the investigators, one of them asks:
"What time do we reach London?"
Another one asks:
"Where is the conductor?"
They seem confused. Someone else asks:
"What has been the delay?"
"How has the day become so cloudy and dark?"
"Is another train following? My husband was to be on board."
OOC:   Archie loses 1 Stability. Everybody, including Archie, rolls for Stability, difficulty 4. If failed, lose 1 Stability.  

Re: January 05 - The Doom Train

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 5:11 am
by Mr. Handy

"What?" says Felicity in shock. "What?!" She looks at the people to see if any of them look like the picture of the missing man in the newspaper.

Stability roll (difficulty 4) for seeing the train:
Stability drops to 11.

Re: January 05 - The Doom Train

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 10:39 am
by jp1885

[5] = 5
1d6: [ 5 ] = 5
Does that mean I’ve succeeded?

“Gor blimey!” exclaims Alf.

Re: January 05 - The Doom Train

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 9:14 pm
by Mephistophilis

'Great Scott! What devilry is this?' exclaims Andrew, unable to believe his own eyes. It is a like a moving picture, only more so, it's like actually being there, beside the train.

He looks at the people, so real, 'Hello there, can you hear me?' he asks, unsure what he expects to happen in response.

L1d6 at difficulty level 4 = Pass and no Stability loss

Re: January 05 - The Doom Train

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 6:52 pm
by aine
“Oh Lord!” Clarence exclaims, trying to take it all in, “How can this be?” He stands flat against the wall in shock.
Roll:3 fail. Lose 1 stability point

Re: January 05 - The Doom Train

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 12:09 am
by SaintMeerkat
doctor.png (27.27 KiB) Viewed 801 times
Archie staggered back as the light became more and more intense and the train emerges from the glow. Nothing he'd seen in his adventures with his father prepared him for this. He was shaken to to his core as the cars passed, and was too stunned to speak as the people got off asking questions. He just stood there, shaking his head silently, looking back and forth from his friends to the new arrivals.

He finally was able to force words out as he spoke to his friends. "The way that the clerk vanished like that... Did he know this was going to happen?"

Re: January 05 - The Doom Train

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 2:43 am
by robertod
The passengers do not listen to the investigotors words. None of them looks like Henry Alexis, the missing man.
Swirling round, drawn like water to a drain, the passengers close around Archie. They speak as one,
Come with us. Come with us.
Archie is suddenly powerless to resist. After the passengers surround him, althought no physical action is taken on the part of them, Archie finds himself aboard the train, in the first carriage. The strange passengers are also instantly transferred into the carriage. surrounded by dreadful companions. Once returned aboard the train, the bland, blank faces of the passengers darken and become insistent. Their eyes roll up until only the whites are exposed, and like sharks they close in around Anchie. They reach out slowly, expectantly. Their skins are bluish and cold, their hair matted and coarsened, and their lips, eyes, and nails unnaturally livid. They smell of old, wet wood. They sigh expectantly. Their garments scrape softly one against the other like gatherings of moths. In the scrap of life, they turns malevolently and ingeniously against any living within reach. The train begins to pull out.
OOC:   Another test of stability difficulty 4 for seeing the passengers as living dead. If failed you lose 1 stability point. Remember, rolls are always 1d6 and success is equal or higher the difficulty, so 4, 5 or 6 in this case.
The other investigators now must decide whether or not to leap aboard the first car. Individual decision, please. The train is leaving... there´s no time for conferences.  

Re: January 05 - The Doom Train

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 3:06 am
by Mr. Handy

Acting instinctively, and realizing that the "passengers" took Archie because he was the one who pushed the button, Felicity leaps aboard the train car.

Stability roll (difficulty 4) for seeing the zombies:

Re: January 05 - The Doom Train

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 4:06 am
by SaintMeerkat
doctor.png (27.27 KiB) Viewed 790 times
"No..." Archie cried as the strange people grabbed him. "NOOO!!" He was completely horrified as the spirit train engulfed him. He looked helplessly at his friends as he was sucked in to the glowing train. He tried to get away from the creatures but they were all around him.

Stability roll (difficulty 4) for seeing the zombies:

1d6: 1d6

Re: January 05 - The Doom Train

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 9:43 am
by Mephistophilis
OOC:   Does everyone need to roll Stability even if they don't get on?

Also, can Andrew turn off the train?  

Re: January 05 - The Doom Train

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 10:46 am
by jp1885

[6] = 6
Stability 1d6: [ 6 ] = 6

“‘ere, ‘arf a mo! Leave the gent alone!”

Driven perhaps by fear, bravery or a deep down and long dormant instinct to protect his fellow man from the supernatural, Alf unthinkingly draws his cosh and leaps to Archie’s aid.

Re: January 05 - The Doom Train

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 3:06 pm
by robertod
Previously said:   OOC: Does everyone need to roll Stability even if they don't get on?  
Yes, because everybody clearly sees the living dead throught the windows.
Previously said:   Also, can Andrew turn off the train?  
You can do it. There´s no effect. The big train is still there and is still leaving.

Re: January 05 - The Doom Train

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 6:57 pm
by aine
spend 1 stability. Roll: 3 >> 4

“All for one!” Clarence shouts above the noise of the puffing engine and strides after his friends with his notebook in one hand and his cane in the other. He is right at the far side of the room however, and the train is pulling out very rapidly...

Re: January 05 - The Doom Train

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 10:16 pm
by Mephistophilis
'I've had enough of this' shouts Andrew, who rushes over to the electric switch and starts flicking it on and off. If he'd hoped it would dispel this vision he is sorely disappointed. He watches Archie surrounded by the wraiths, their cold blue hands reaching out to grasp the warmth of a living body. 'Good God man, get out of there,' he shouts, and leaps into the carriage, fists swinging wildly at the apparitions. Sometimes a gentleman has no choice but to resort to brute force.


Re: January 05 - The Doom Train

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 3:55 pm
by robertod
The five investigators find themselves aboard the train. As the train leaves, the basement room outside the window begins to dissolve and a landscape appears. The travellers don't have time to contemplate what places this train is running through. A chilling and frightening reality is enormously more urgent. Seven scary undead men and women, hungry for living matter, attack them. Three walking dead stretch their arms menacingly towards Anchie, who desperately tries to avoid them. One of them grabs the investigator's arm. The other four are slowly walking, making their way to reach the other four investigators. Meanwhile, the curtained door between the first and second carriages bangs open. It´s the door close to the four investigators. A man cries
"Through here! Quickly!"

3d6 Each opponent rolls against 4 Hit Threshold, as Archie´s Athletics is 8. Only one of them succeed. Ignore the result of the sum.


Re: January 05 - The Doom Train

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 7:52 pm
by aine

“Not until we’ve dealt with these devils and rescued our plucky comrade!” Clarence shouts and he shoves his notebook into a coat pocket and draws his sword from the cane.
“All tickets please!” There’s no stammering now and he lunges at the nearest fiend.
Roll: 6

Re: January 05 - The Doom Train

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:28 pm
by jp1885

“Gertcha!” yells Alf as he nimbly slips on some knuckledusters and lashes out at the zombies.

[2] = 2
1d6: [ 2 ] = 2
Damn, forgot to add some points

Re: January 05 - The Doom Train

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 10:13 pm
by SaintMeerkat
doctor.png (27.27 KiB) Viewed 708 times
"Take THAT, you foul fiend," Archie said as he drew a small pistol and pointed at one of the creature's heads. He pulled the trigger, and there was a deafening report in the small enclosed space.

After the shot, he started inching toward the doorway whence the gentleman beckoned them.

I am using 1 point from my Firearms which is 8.


Re: January 05 - The Doom Train

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2022 1:15 am
by Mephistophilis

After swinging ineffectually at the revenants, Andrew sees things are more desperate than he first realised and he draws his trusty Webley & Scott .32 pistol. Before the deafening hiss from Archie's round has faded from his ears, Andrew follows his example and unloads a round into another one of these reanimated husks.


d(+2FpL)1d6+2 - I think that's 8 damage, doesn't seem to have recognised my +2 (left a space it appears)

Re: January 05 - The Doom Train

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2022 3:13 am
by Mr. Handy

Felicity faces the remaining walking dead man of the four that have not engaged anyone else and drives her knee hard into his family jewels.

Scuffling roll (2 points spent) attacking a zombie: