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January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 9:58 pm
by robertod
The Orient Express pulls into Lausanne at 9:45 A.M., and departs soon after that in a whirl of smoke and steam, leaving the investigators in a vague group, bleary after the party a few hours before. An open cafe beckons nearby. The rising sun struggles to pierce the dense blanket of mist shrouding everything. The atmosphere is daunting, alienating. As the investigators step outside, a sleepy-eyed porter, Jean-Claude, appears. In the warmth of his office, he advises them about hotels and transport.

The small city of Lausanne is located in the French-speaking area of Switzerland. Many of the 70,000 inhabitants also speak German. For reasons of beauty, climate, and hospitality, Lausanne has drawn foreign settlers for more than a century: currently more than one in seven residents are not Swiss. The town is built upon hills that descend to the shore of Lake Geneva, making the majority of the streets fairly steep. Horse-drawn cabs can be hailed from the station and a tram line runs through the city.

The Conference of Lausanne is currently being held in the city, attended by representatives from Turkey, Britain, Italy and France. Its purpose and eventual outcome is the Treaty of Lausanne, which will, in effect, establish the Republic of Turkey, and write finis to the Ottoman Empire. There are many Turkish diplomats on town, particularly at the luxurious Beau-Rivage Palace.

According to the letter the investigators got from the Lorien, a man named Edgar Wellington has one of the scrolls. Wellington´s address in Lausanne is N. 50 Rue St. Etienne, which is found on a cobblestone street, a quiet corner in a placid town. A weathered sign marks the building.

Wellington Fils
50, Rue St. Etienne

The shop window is dark and lacking a display. Heavy crimson curtains prevent any view of the interior, and similar curtains cover the window in the door. A small sign in several languages declares that the shop is open, but the door is locked.


Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 5:25 am
by Mr. Handy

"Perhaps we should check round the back," says Felicity.

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 6:05 am
by SaintMeerkat
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Archie walks with his companions to the store and gives a little nod when he sees the sign, confirming they are in the right location. He absentmindedly rubs his left arm for a few seconds before self-consciously forcing himself to stop. When he sees that the place is closed, he sighs, disappointed. He thinks for a moment before nodding. "Yes, let's see what's around back."

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 12:57 pm
by Mephistophilis

Andrew is a practical man. While the other peek around the back he raps on the door firmly. 'Hello there, anybody in?'

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 10:19 pm
by aine
Clarence stays at front with Andrew. He steps back to get a view of the windows, looking for any curtain twitching as Andrew knocks at the door.

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 3:25 am
by robertod
Knocking the door, soon brings a man in response. The man is about thirty-five, but almost appears to be in his fifties. Little hair remains on his head, and dark circles ring his eyes, giving him a haunted look. He has a Gitanes cigarette in his mouth. Althought there is something about his movements that speaks of bullying, the man is perfectly polite and, in his way, shy. Presuming they are customers, he introduces himself as Edgar Wellington, the owner of the shop.

A blazing fire keeps the room uncomfortably hot. Animals of every description pose in surreal, conflicting tableaux. Large vases overfl ow with dried lavender and other aromatic fl owers, but beneath these rich, heady scents are more disturbing odors of decaying flesh, damp fur, and formaldehyde.

As he hears that the visitors speak English, he warms to them and invites them upstairs for tea. He pumps them for information about England and their travels, all the while being a very generous host.

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 4:10 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you," says Felicity. "I'm Felicity Hayward. Our travels are really only getting started. We went from London to Paris and boarded the Orient Express there, and Lausanne is the first stop."

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 10:10 pm
by aine
“Clarence Dalrymple, antiquarian. Lausanne is very beautiful, you are lucky to live here, Mr Wellington. Have you been here a while?”

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2022 12:43 am
by Mephistophilis

'Andrew Murray, archaeologist. Delighted to meet another student of history. And an Englishman to boot,' he says warmly. 'Indeed, what brings you to this part of the continent, it can't just be the...ah, peculiar attractions of the tobacco.' He takes out one of his own cigarettes and lights a Gold Flake, a proper British tobacco, not this pungent French rubbish.

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2022 4:51 pm
by robertod
Edgar tells a bit about his life. He served in the Great War, and was emotionally destroyed by the butchery he witnessed. Returning to England, he found life at home impossible. His friends were dead, and his family, with the exception of his brother, William, could not understand the returned soldier’s pain. He left with his invalid brother and their savings, and found sanctuary in neutral Switzerland. They settled here in Lausanne, for its mix of smallness and cosmopolitan life. The presence of a reputable sanitarium gives him hope of remedying his brother’s condition.

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2022 11:42 pm
by Mephistophilis

'Most sorry to hear about your experiences old man, a rum time.' He nods, remembering some of his own during in the war. 'I do hope they can help your brother with his injuries. The say the air here is very therapeutic.'

OOC:   Had we agreed whether we'd bring a message from Lorien? Ask directly about the Sedefkar Simulacrum?  

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 3:38 am
by Mr. Handy

"What are your hobbies and interests?" Felicity asks Edgar.

I don't remember, but I think we should broach the subject at some point.

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 4:20 am
by SaintMeerkat
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"I'm Dr. Archibald McElhaney, and I'm a physician. Please call me Archie."

"If there is anything that I can do for you or your brother please let me know. I will be happy to examine him physically, but wounds of the mind are not my expertise, and sometimes are much more difficult to heal."

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 9:31 pm
by robertod
Edgar shrugs and replies sadly and disconsolately.
"I really don't have hobbies. I spend most of my time taking care of my brother William. I work a lot in my shop... to avoid thinking about the past and other things. Other than that, I have my books to give me some company. I prefer them to people. They don't ask me questions. I communicate with them only when I want. They don't expect anything from me. "
While Edgar speaks, the door to the parlor opens and in walks Edgar’s brother, William.
William nods to the guests as Edgar introduces them. Edgar appends the introductions by explaining that William’s war injuries have left him mute. He appears as a docile and unemotional man with permanent physical injuries. Head wounds paralyzed the muscles in his eyes so that now he can only stare straight ahead. He move his head to turn his gaze towards the visitors, rather like a panning camera. Several metal plates which replace portions of his skull were surgically inserted and now distort the shape of his head. William serves himself a cup of tea and sits down at the table, staring at the visitors. William keeps staring throughout the conversation.

There's not much Archie can do for William, in medical terms. Despite the physical conditions of disability, however, Archie knows that William should be living in a better situation in terms of stimulating environment. Whatever his brain injury is, isolation from the rest of the world with a depressed brother does not help.

Previously said:   Had we agreed whether we'd bring a message from Lorien? Ask directly about the Sedefkar Simulacrum?  
OOC:   No, you haven´t  

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 9:58 pm
by aine
“But you have such beautiful scenery here about. I’m surprised you don’t enjoy walking out. Your taxidermy, do you have many customers?” Clarence asks.

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2022 5:55 am
by Mr. Handy

"Does historical research interest you?" asks Felicity. "Or you, William?" She has a sneaking suspicion that William wrote the letter, and not Edgar.

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2022 2:30 pm
by Mephistophilis
Andrew nods his greeting to William and takes the opportunity to study the two brothers, looking for tells or other signs of dishonesty, since he already knows Edgar is lying about having no interests. He awaits his response to Felicity's question. Andrew places a hand over his breast pocket, feeling the crinkling of the paper from the letter sent to Christian Lorien. Biding his time.

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 12:41 am
by SaintMeerkat
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Archie has seen a lot of grievous wounds in his time as a sawbones, so he is able to keep his face positive and smiling when he sees the full extent of William's injuries. He walks over and extends his hand to shake the man's hand, in part to check his grip strength. He can't turn off the doctor instincts.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, William," he says before turning back to Edgar.

"You know, some stimulation would probably be beneficial. Are there any tasks around your shop that you think he could help with? Or maybe some simple manual labor that would get him out?"

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 3:28 am
by robertod
William gives Felicity a confused look, then he turns to Edgar, as if not knowing if and what to answer.

"Historical interests?" Edgar says, ignoring William´s behaviour.
Yes ... every now and then some history books may enter my reading schedule. "

Edgar shows an embarrassed smile to Doctor Archie.
"My brother gets all the care and attention he needs. I assure you."

That said, Edgar quickly changes tone of voice, for one a little bothered and ironic at the same time.
"So ... something tells me you didn't come here to buy stuffed animals. What do I owe this visit to, if I may ask?"

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 7:05 am
by Mr. Handy

"During our time in Paris," says Felicity, "we paid a visit to a Dr. Lorien in Poissy. He had received a letter from you."

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2022 8:21 pm
by Mephistophilis

Andrew takes the letter out of his pocket and lays it down in front of him. 'Dr Lorien asked us to pass on his reply in person.'

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2022 5:46 am
by robertod
Edgar narrows his eyebrows, tries to recall, then replies in amazement…

"Ah.. now I remember. Have you really come all the way here for that? Yes, I had written to the Loriens as I was curious to know more about a scroll that had come into my possession. I acquired it during the war, trading it from a Frenchman in exchange for rations and cigarettes. The owner was named Raoul Malon, who said only that it had been in his family for some time. It is a confusing mixture of Turkish words written in Arabic letters, I had it translated little of it. It looked very ancient. The scroll refers to an artifact known as the Sedefkar Simulacrum, a humansized statue either made in or found in the rubble of Byzantium. The last owner of the statue was a French nobleman, a Comte Fenalik, who lost it after arrest and imprisonment just prior to the French Revolution. All trace of it has since vanished. but the Loriens place should be where his villa was built. I felt that, if I could know more about this thing, maybe I could make some money out of it."

He pauses.

"Well, I was right. Since you came here because of that, the thing must be important. What did the Lorien say about it?"

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2022 6:08 am
by Mr. Handy

"He had no knowledge of it," says Felicity, "but we are interested in purchasing the scroll from you."

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 10:33 pm
by SaintMeerkat
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Archie smiles warmly and nods. "Of course...of course," he reassures Edgar. As a physician, he occasionally encounters caretakers who are a little naive about just what is involved in caring for a loved one at home, but he decides to drop this for the moment.

As Edgar begins to speak about the simalcrum, he can't help but start to rub his left arm. It is still tingling, and though he is starting to get worried, he doesn't want to mention it to anyone else yet. He has a buddy who is a nerve specialist back in London. He should be able to fix Archie, right as rain.

"Yes, we are very motivated buyers," he adds to Felicity's announcement. "What would you take for it?"

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 11:46 pm
by Mephistophilis

'Could I take a look at this scroll? I know some Turkish.' asks Andrew. Still alert to signs that Wellington is deliberately trying to deceive them.

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2022 7:45 pm
by aine
“And I have some experience with ancient documents.” Adds Clarence. “Maybe we could shed some light on your mystery.” He thinks about the spell folded up in his inside jacket pocket.

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2022 5:48 am
by robertod
The front doorbell rings, interrupting negotiations. Edgar strolls downstairs to get the door, leaving the investigators alone with William, who communicates by taking out his notebook and scribbling out inanities: “A fine day today” and “Welcome to Lausanne.”

Edgar returns two minutes later with a large Frenchman, introducing him as “my old friend, the Duc des Esseintes.” The Duke is a dapper, rotund middle-aged Frenchman. His hair is dark and well groomed, his moustaches are tastefully waxed. His eyes are a watery blue. His spats are impeccable.

Edgar describes the Duke as an amateur occultist. He is also interested in the scroll.
Des Esseintes smiles, then makes a doubtful face.

"Well, to tell the truth... I would like to see the scroll before I make bid. Is it really that ancient? I guess your guests here are also interested in taking a look at it. Am I right?"

"I would love to oblige" says Edgar, amicably.
"Except that it rests in a bank vault at present. I suggest that you all come along to a meeting of the 7:30 Club tonight, where a deal can be made regarding the scroll, and a pleasant evening had by all."

Edgar explains that the 7:30 Club is an informal discussion group which meets on occasion in a local cafe. The regular membership is three, both the Duke and Edgar being members, and whenever possible they bring along outsiders to enliven the conversation.

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2022 6:02 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, that sounds wonderful," says Felicity, always eager for a night out at a club, even if it is just a cafe.

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2022 11:39 pm
by Mephistophilis

'Of course, we would love to. May I ask who the third member of the group is?'

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2022 12:59 am
by SaintMeerkat
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Archie greets the new arrival warmly in French before returning to his native tongue.

Once there is a pause in the conversation, he chimes in. "I am glad to hear that the scroll is currently safe and secure. If you are going to be bringing the scroll to the meeting, I trust you will allow us to accompany you there and to the meeting. The Count is welcome to join us, of course."

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2022 2:03 pm
by aine
“Yes, we’d be more than happy to accompany you.” Clarence agrees. “ Would you oblige us with notes of interest as we pass through your beautiful city?”

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 2:53 am
by robertod
Edgar responds to Andrew...
"Oh...the third member is Maximillian. He is a dear friend of mine...a bom vivant".
Edgar smiles politely.
"I'm sorry, nothing personal against you gentlemen and… madam, but I don't like being accompanied by strangers when I go to my bank. Besides… I still have a lot to do here at home."

Having said all this, Edgar apologizes for the fact that he must bid the investigators farewell, as he has many things to do todayl. Before he ushers the company out the door, he asks the Duke if he has the time to furnish the investigators with a brief tour of the city?

"But of course," replies the Duke.

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 4:43 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'm sure I'll enjoy meeting Maximilian," says Felicity. "I'm rather a bon vivant myself. And it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance too, Your Grace," she adds to the Duke. "A tour sounds delightful."

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 7:57 pm
by aine
“Hmm.” Says Clarence giving Andrew and Archie a meaningful look. “I suppose you two don’t have time to join Felicity and me on the tour? What with that report you wanted to write up. You could always join us once you’ve finished.”

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 10:37 pm
by SaintMeerkat
OOC:   See next message.  

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 10:38 pm
by Mephistophilis

Andrew sighs theatrically. 'I suppose duty calls...'

Thinking we could trail Edgar? That's risky if he spots us.

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 10:48 pm
by SaintMeerkat
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OOC:   I just realized that I could have done this in character, as well. Sorry.  
Archie thanks his host warmly, and once they are well away from the door, he leans in to the other and say, "You know, given our experiences so far on this quest, I think we should give our new friend a secret escort. Just to make sure that both he and the scroll are okay... What do you say, friends?"

Re: January 10 - Lausanne

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2022 8:42 pm
by robertod
OOC:   Two separate threads are ready:
1) Felicity and Clarence touring the city with the Duke
2) Andrew and Archie spying on Edgar