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The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 1:41 pm
by Ash
It's early February 1921 England. You have taken some time to reach your destination this evening. The East Coast of Devon, a small seaside town by the name of Sidmouth. A town famous for cures for melancholia due to it's revitalizing ozone and sea air.
You have agreed to meet your party at The Hotel Continental. Matching with it's name it emulates an architectural charm which would suit the sunnier climates of Beiritz, San Tropez or somewhere equally exotic on the Continent. As you pull up in your car the concierge takes your keys and parks your car down a narrow alley to the right of the hotel. He then returns your keys and takes your coat and baggage while you wait in the circular lobby. Your travelling things are ushered to your room and you check in with reception. The circular entrance is decorated salmon pink and there is a huge glass chandelier above you. In front of you is the main hotel staircase, directly to the left of the stairs is the reception and door to the kitchens. To your immediate right is the dining room, again in salmon pink, to you left a barroom and lounge decorated with mahogany and oak in the modern Art Deco style.

The hotel clock chimes once. It's 8:30 in the evening.

The hotel sounds very quiet and empty. You have agreed to meet your party for the first time here this evening to begin your investigation into the mystery of The Southern Star. They are all present now. You greet each other.

(Please post your introductions to this thread).

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 6:04 pm
by Mark Concannon
Hi Ash, ok, I'm in. Here's what I'd like - as means of introduction - for my character to do:

Maria, a striking (if short) woman in her early twenties struts to the reception desk, and in one swift motion smacks her peeled-off gloves onto the reception bell, with a resounding ding!
She is mildly fuming, or 'put out', as they used to call it.
She announces (before any one can respond to the bell) "The dining-room had better still be open, I've had a long drive. I want underdone chops and plenty of them. I'm going to build up my nervous system before anything else, and then I'm going to bed."

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 3:59 am
by SunlessNick
A woman of a little over twenty walks in - she turns in a circle, taking in the sight of the lobby and pronounces, "What a divine building!" Once divested of her coat, she proves to be wearing a glittery gold dress, probably chosen in anticipation of the dining room still being open.

The Honourable Miss Annabel Deerbourne, the youngest daughter of the Earl of Heathbrook, known for a wide (some say fecklessly so) range of interests who flits from party scene to academic salon and back.

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 5:28 pm
by Juridicalidiot
A rather nondescript middle-aged man of middling-height and rather scowling features in a bow tie, bicycle suit and fedora enters the premises. He is Clifford Levi-Mead, an old Oxfordian professor of Polynesian anthropology. Rather scruffy, he has fallen into relatively straightened circumstances having been removed as chair of his College after one too many 'amorous interludes' with postgraduates, the result of his clear hypomaniac tendencies. On the surface this disorder manifests itself in his roving eyes, and pacing and fidgeting. In this instance he is immediately both hostile towards the hotel staff while making the usual inappropriate comments to the members of the fairer sex present, without, however, any ulterior motive behind them. Fortunately for Levi-Mead, his College has granted him a long sabbatical, hoping that he will return to Tahiti or Borneo. Even more fortunately for him, his ability to craft wooden Polynesian fertility totem poles and pass them off as originals, guarantees him a decent income for these in-vogue pieces on the London and Paris markets. He also makes a living ghost writing the sexual exploits of other anthropologists and the occasional episode of related blackmail.

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 6:18 pm
by Ash
All three of you are lead to the salmon pink dining room to the right of the hotel entrance. You are given menus and asked for drink orders. The receptionist seems to be the only member of staff on shift at this time of night and as far as you can tell you are the only guests. They lead you to your table in the centre. You are all booked in to together at the same table. The table has been set for 4 people even though there are currently only three of you present. None of you have ever met before.
The table has been reserved as The Southern Star company.

Thank you your food shall be with you shortly.

You greet one another, roll spot hidden.

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 7:47 am
by SunlessNick
Stats,The youngest daughter of the Earl of Heathbrook. During the war, her father and brothers went off to fight, her mother and oldest sister ran the estate, while the middle sister joined the nuring corps - while Annabel was left to her own devices - fortune favoured her family, with all four of her relatives returning unharmed from the front. Despite this restoration of normality, her eclectic (some would say feckless)range of interests has persisted into the present as she alternates between party and academic salon, stubbornly resisting any any attempt to marry her off. She's a fun- and thrill-seeker who thinks life is meant to be experienced in all its glory - though her idea of fun also includes learning new things - she frequents the Courtland Ladies' Club in London, which holds a lot of interesting presentations (and great parties). She secretly admires her middle sister Jean (the one who went to the War)more than anyone else. Her most treasured possession is her Albert Saloon car. Occupation: Dilettante. Characteristics: STR 8, CON 10, SIZ 8, DEX 11, APP 16, INT 15, POW 11, EDU 15. Idea Roll 75, Luck Roll 55, Know Roll 75. Age 25. Damage Bonus -1D4. Hit Points 9. Magic Points 11. SAN 55. Accounting (10) Anthropology (01) Archaeology (01) 36%. Art (Piano) (05) 55%. Astronomy (01) Bargain (05) Biology (01) 51%. Conceal (15) Chemistry (01) Craft (Horticulture) (05) 40%. Credit Rating (15) 60%. Cthulhu Mythos (00) Disguise (01) Dodge (DEX x2) 42% Drive (Auto) (20) Fast Talk (05) 35%. First Aid (30) 40%. Geology (01) Hide (10) History (20) Jump (25) Law (05) Library Use (25) 55%. Listen (25) Locksmith (01) 21% Mech. Repair (20) 40%. Medicine (05) Natural History (10) Navigate (10) Occult (05) Own L. (English) (75) Oth.L. (Italian) (01) 42%. Persuade (15) Pharmacy (01) Physics (01) Photography (10) Psychoanalysis (01) Psychology (05) 15%. Ride (05) 25%. Sneak (10) Spot Hidden (25) 35%. Swim (10) Track (10) Firearms Handgun (20) Rifle (25) Shotgun (30) 55%.
"I hope everyone is having a wonderful evening," Annabel says, taking in everyone present with her gaze as she does. including the receptionist. "You can call me Annabel," she adds, most particularly directed at Maria.
OOC,Spot Hidden: 30% Rolled 1D100: 06!

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 8:51 pm
by Mark Concannon
Spot-hidden: On my honour,guv, I rolled a 23, beating my basic by 2!
I turn to Lady Annabel: "And you may call me Maria, Maria Jones - and before you ask, yes, I have starred alongside Douglas Fairbanks. Well, I was behind him when he fell off the palm tree, but I must say I found him to be rather......tame, whatever his reputation may imply. Lupe Velez is a bit of a scream, if rather prone to histrionics," she inhales deeply. "I shan't miss Hollywood. I found myself rather missing Condicote, and Tatchester, of course."

Briskly, she gives a sideways glance over at Clifford Levi-Mead: "Can't think what's brought me to Sidmouth, except the sea air."

Maria picks up her knife and fork, and has already tucked her napkin in, under her chin, expectantly.
"I do hope we shall see some ghosts." She says rather too loudly, "I've yet to pistol-duel with that sort." She nods to herself "Maybe after pudding."

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 6:46 am
by Mr. Handy

Felicity Hayward breezes into the restaurant. Tall, slim, and pretty with short, dark hair, she wears a very expensive black sequined dress. "Sorry I'm late," she says, sliding into the empty seat. "It took me forever to find something to wear. What did I miss?"
OOC,Spot Hidden roll (60% skill) in the hotel dining room: 0

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 1:44 am
by SunlessNick
Mark Concannon wrote:Briskly, she gives a sideways glance over at Clifford Levi-Mead: "Can't think what's brought me to Sidmouth, except the sea air."
Annabel leans nearer and whispers,
Maria,"[color=#008000]Not him, then I presume? Me neither.[/color]"
Mark Concannon wrote:Maria picks up her knife and fork, and has already tucked her napkin in, under her chin, expectantly.
"I do hope we shall see some ghosts." She says rather too loudly, "I've yet to pistol-duel with that sort." She nods to herself "Maybe after pudding."
"Ghosts would certainly add a thrill to things."

Mr. Handy wrote:Felicity Hayward breezes into the restaurant. Tall, slim, and pretty with short, dark hair, she wears a very expensive black sequined dress. "Sorry I'm late," she says, sliding into the empty seat. "It took me forever to find something to wear. What did I miss?"
"The Honourable Miss Annabel Deerbourne, but you can call me Annabel. This is Maria, who you should ask about Douglas Fairbanks. We were just discussing the merits of seeing some ghosts. And this is Clifford, or Professor Levy-Mead, I'm not sure yet."

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 4:29 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'm Felicity Hayward of the London Haywards," says Felicity, certain that her reputation has preceded her - for better or for worse. "I'm very pleased to meet you all. I can't say I've ever met a ghost before - or Douglas Fairbanks, for that matter. I'd be keen to hear the latest gossip about him, Maria. I know some gossip of my own. Now, I don't repeat gossip, so you'll have to listen closely the first time."

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 7:02 pm
by Ash
For those of you who have passed your spot hidden.
You are not sure if you are just tired but the receptionist who led you in to the dining room seems to be a gelatinous cube floating just 6 inchs from the ground.
The same receptionist is now serving your food which you don't remember ordering. Each dome is covered with a silver domed serving platter, you smell the delicious aroma of Roast Beef and vegetables.

"Please relax and enjoy your meal gracious members of The Southern Star."

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 12:42 am
by SunlessNick
Re Spot Hidden,Annabel is going to assume she's tired, and maybe hungry.
She's eager to hear Felicity's gossip. And lifts the lid off of her plate.

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 3:44 am
by Mr. Handy

Felicity blinks. "Did someone order for me?" she asks. "I've only just arrived."

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 5:50 am
by SunlessNick
Mr. Handy wrote:Felicity blinks. "Did someone order for me?" she asks. "I've only just arrived."
"Part of our reservation maybe?" Annabel wonders, looking down at the what's on her plate. "Anyway, I'm hungry enough to be seeing things."

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 6:22 pm
by Mark Concannon
Maria bugs her eyes at the plate of Roast Beef and vegetables.
She breathes out an exasperated sigh:
"Silly me! There I was, mentioning the prospect of seeing a ghost and Lo and behold! We have before us the spectral apparition of the ghost of dinners from 1919! I believe I made my order for under-done chops, quite clear, didn't I Professor?"
As Maria makes a show of smacking her napkin on the table with her right hand, with her left she surreptitiously slides her purse onto the end of her own lap with her left, where (I hope) the table-cloth obscures her movement. Maria's left-hand is trying to open her clasp purse to reach for her .38 pistol. (Ash: If you want I could do a roll for this, would it be a DEXTERITY test?)
With her right hand she clicks her fingers, and calls out:
"Waitress, come here. There's been a horrifying mistake..."

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 1:55 am
by SunlessNick
Annabel pushes he chair back slightly to make it easier to move - Maria's reaction is giving her a sense of danger.

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 12:06 pm
by Juridicalidiot
Meanwhile, the Prof - never one to pass up food given the slop from the high table he's used to, shrugs his shoulders, uncovers his meal and starts pushing various elements of the dish around his plate in an attempt to find something unequivocally edible. 'Ladies, I'm sure there will be time for phantomic disturbances, but could we please focus on food for now. It is so very important to get the necessarily bodily sustenance in order to pursue intelligent conversation.'
{spot roll},{failed spot}

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 12:22 pm
by Mark Concannon
Maria replies (whilst still clicking her fingers for the waitress to come) "I agree, Professor. But surely it's prudent to ensure that we eat the right foods? Namely, my under-done chops....which I expressly ordered..."

She bugs her eyes at the Professor, and at Lady Annabelle, trying to indicate with jerks of her head that she means something about the waitress:

"..Otherwise, if we eat the wrong food, we might all degenerate into disgusting blobs!"

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 12:28 pm
by Mark Concannon
Maria looks at Felicity:
"I say, Felicity. From where you are can you see if that infernal waitress is coming? I can't see behind me."

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 12:27 am
by Mr. Handy

"I know exactly what you mean," says Felicity with a wink. "I believe she's still here."

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 12:53 am
by SunlessNick
Mark Concannon wrote:She bugs her eyes at the Professor, and at Lady Annabelle, trying to indicate with jerks of her head that she means something about the waitress:

"..Otherwise, if we eat the wrong food, we might all degenerate into disgusting blobs!"
Annabel's eyes widen, clearly recognising what Maria is referring to. "Professor, I think she's right. Don't eat that."

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 1:02 pm
by Juridicalidiot
The Prof barely looks up from his plate - oblivious of the turn the conversation is taking. He starts cutting up into equal sized pieces the morsels on his plate, lifting up to inspect what's on his fork before putting it into his mouth. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary, he is about to take a bite.

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 3:43 am
by Mr. Handy

"I wouldn't, Professor," says Felicity. "It's gone off."

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 11:53 pm
by SunlessNick
Annabel looks around to see whether the receptionist, waitress, or anyone of the hotel staff is within sight.

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 6:06 pm
by Mark Concannon
Maria, fuming at the in-attentions of the hotel-staff, throws her napkin deliberately at her plate (with the intention of knocking over a glass, or making some such loud noise)
"Really," she shrilly exclaims. "This is the purple pim! Where is the Manager? Where are my under-done chops!"

Maria looks to see the layout of the room - and specifically where the kitchens area (so she can cook her own chops)

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 8:58 pm
by Ash
You don't hear any sound now from the hotel staff. The whole building sounds empty.
Looking down at the plates and the delicious smell you realise there is no food on the plates. There never was.

All make your first SAN roll.

If you pass lose 1 San.
Fail 2d4.

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 1:56 am
by SunlessNick
OOC, Annabel's SAN: 55 Rolled 1D100: 13 Annabel's SAN now 54.
Annabel stands up and looks around, trying to see if anything else has changed about the room. "Ok, so now we all agree something creepy is going, right? We need to check around."

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 2:29 am
by Mr. Handy

Felicity takes it all in stride, "Now that you mention it, that is a bit odd," she says with a grin. "I'm all for poking about. Only let's not split up. I don't want any of us to disappear too. Where do we start? I'm thinking the kitchen."
OOC, My Sanity drops from 45 to 44.

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 3:20 am
by SunlessNick
"Kitchen sounds good," Annabel agrees. In an attemptedly light tone she adds, "Lots of hard portable objects to pick up until I have a chance to grab my shotgun."

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 4:18 am
by Mr. Handy

"And sharp," says Felicity. "I've got a shotgun in my luggage as well. I was looking forward to going shooting."

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 11:11 am
by Mark Concannon
Maria rolls a "30", and so loses 1 SAN point
Maria stands up and kicks her chair away from the table.
"I thought I was put out by the rain on the coast road dripping down my neck, but now I'm jolly cross!"

With her right Maria whips out her .38 pistol from her purse, and takes one of the table knives in her left.
Muttering: "Not even a real Supper, the cheek! I'll show them how to cook..."

To Annabelle, Felicity and the Professor, Maria says:
"Agreed; we'll find the kitchens, and then get ourselves a proper supper."

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 2:10 pm
by Juridicalidiot
{san roll},{prof fails and loses 7 san points}
The Prof bolts straight up from his chair and looks around him in disbelief. Clearly he's so shocked he has not heard a word anyone has said.

"Mummmmmmyyyy! Wha, wha, what's happening??"

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 1:23 am
by SunlessNick
"I'm not sure," Annabel says to the professor. "But we're being played with, and I only like games on my own terms."

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 9:40 am
by ByronOrlock
Right on cue, Byron Orlock - fresh from the last train from Exeter - strides in, having missed his entrance for the second time that day.

(The first was that evening on stage at the Theatre Royal where he stars twice daily as Inspector Groves of the Yard in 'Self Made Gent', described the previous week in the Exeter And Plymouth Gazette County as "a perfectly good melodrama", though his own performance didn't warrant mention).

In his mid-thirties, smartly dressed though admittedly some of the creases in his trousers suggest the Nazca Lines in Peru, he fidgets with a cigarette case and searches his inside breast pocket for a lighter. A dark forelock of thick hair niggles at his furrowed brow.

Orlock purses his lips, inhaling from a now lit cigarette. 'What the blazes is this?' He mutters, as though to himself.

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 1:38 pm
by SunlessNick
"Your guess is as good as ours," Annabel says. "We're just about to start trying to find out, and wait, haven't I seen you before, somewhere?"

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 7:49 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Well, I'm glad not everyone has disappeared around here," says Felicity.

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 10:41 pm
by ByronOrlock
"Ahem. Ladies!"

Orlock perks up. The woman who joined his carriage at Tipton St Johns had an awful hat and he'd been disconsolate ever since. Orlock pulls out his chair, still puffing at his cigarette, and sits at an empty place.

"I'm sorry I'm late to dinner, we had a technical problem raising the fire curtain in the intermission tonight and we overran. I say, the service here isn't up to much, is it?"

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 11:07 pm
by Mr. Handy

"You might say it's nonexistent," says Felicity.

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 1:45 pm
by Mark Concannon
"Tipton St Johns?" Maria crinkles her brow. "Now you've got me thinking of that marvelous jam."
Maria's tummy gives an audible growl.

"I say," Maria addresses all of the assembled group, "I may be wanting in nervous fodder with these under-done chops, but did anyone notice which of these doors leads to the kitchens, or indeed just what is on this floor at all?"

Keeper - please may I make a KNOW roll to determine a notion of the hotel's floor plan?

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 9:37 pm
by Mark Concannon
Hi Ash! Ok, my KNOW is 70, and I roll a 12
Maria (gun still drawn in her right hand, and a table knife in her left) approaches the door she thinks is for the kitchen and opens it, calling out as she does:

"I say, are there any kitchen-staff in there?"

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 11:51 pm
by ByronOrlock
"It's rather late, maybe they've all turned in for the night? The front desk was empty... I say, do be careful where you wave that gun. I saw a man shoot his own toes with a prop gun during a dress rehearsal for 'The Corsican Brothers' in Bognor, once. Awful mess. Is there a bell for service?"

Orlock gets up and meekly raps at a few of the closed doors behind him.

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 3:50 pm
by SunlessNick
"That's where I know you from!" Annabel says. "Well, not there in particular, but... well, anyway, whatever's going on is stranger than bedtime. We've just had four dinners vanish into thin air."

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 7:51 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Not to mention the entire hotel staff!" says Felicity.

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 8:25 pm
by SunlessNick
"Worse, but not as weird," Annabel says - "they weren't right in front of us. But we should get going."

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 5:42 am
by ByronOrlock
"I'd kill for some Kendall Mint Cake right now. Yes, we'd better explore."

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 5:50 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Then let's start in the kitchen," says Felicity. "It's the natural habitat of the elusive Kendall Mint Cake."

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 11:55 pm
by SunlessNick
Annabel strides off in the direction of the kitchen.

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2021 3:48 am
by SunlessNick
OOC,Turns out I messed up Annabel's title. It should be The Honourable Miss, not Lady. I've edited my previous posts.

Re: The Hotel Part 1 Prologue

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 12:00 pm
by ByronOrlock
"Let's hope this isn't necessary, for mint cake or otherwise..." Orlock pockets the heaviest object he can find, a glass ashtray, and saunters close behind.