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Good Mates - Character Creation

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 10:03 pm
by SunlessNick
I'm mostly using 7th Edition, with a few changes outlined below - you can use either rolls or point assignment for characteristics. I won't be using Pulp Cthulhu rules, but feel free to get a bit pulpy if you want.

For this campaign, it's easier if you're all acquainted at the start, and already have a small rep for amateur detective work.

It's 1928 Melbourne, so if you play an Aboriginal character, you will face prejudice from most of white society.

There are a couple of new skills. Administration (base 10%) covers the searching of bureaucratic records, passing yourself off as a member of an organisation, or competently running an organisation. Field (specialisation, base 5%) is for humanities skills sthat aren't covered on the regular character sheet, such as Bibliography or Theology.
Own Language is getting dropped – you don't need to roll for it.
This means that some Occupations have their lineups altered a bit – let me know what you want to play, and I'll let you know if that applies.

You can choose any of the occupations from the Keeper's Rulebook, Investigator's Handbook, or Terror Australis.

Each occupation comes with a range of Credit Rating values. You get the lower end of this range free as a base value.

Choose one of your characteristics that best encapsulates your character's nature and make a note of it (if you have Pulp Cthulhu, you can use the archetypes as a guide). Instead of INT x2 for your personal interest skill points, use INT + this characteristic.

The optional skill packages are all available, except for Mythos Experience. There's an extra one called Bush Experience. Choose a starting age of 30 or over. Deduct D8 SAN. Choose a scar or lasting injury. And divide 50 points between Dodge, Fighting (Brawl), First Aid, Listen, Natural World, Spot Hidden, Survival (Bush), and Track.

Last, and not about character creation, I'm not using pushed rolls – since an action may average a day, depending on how often people can post, I don't want to double that. In return, I'm not using fumbles either, so even an 00 roll will just be a failure.

Re: Good Mates - Character Creation

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2021 3:37 am
by Mr. Handy
I'm thinking of playing a "Girl Friday" type for one of the other characters. I would guess Secretary would be the most suitable occupation to use, but one of its occupational skills is Own Language, which no longer exists in this game.

Re: Good Mates - Character Creation

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2021 4:15 am
by SunlessNick
Secretary replaces Own Language with Administration.

Re: Good Mates - Character Creation

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2021 4:56 pm
by HoneyDog
I'm thinking about playing a student, but it might change. Sorry, I've been on an education theme lately. Are there any new character types for this setting, like an aboriginal person, or a jolly swagman?

Re: Good Mates - Character Creation

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 12:10 am
by SunlessNick
Terror Australis has a few new and altered professions.

Specifically for Aboriginal characters are Hunter/Gatherer - although that's for those who are still able to live in their traditional styles, which isn't really case around Melbourne - and Clever Man/Woman. That's a shamanic healer archetype, with some occult knowledge - in theory it would give you access to Dream song-lines, but I'm not really using those in this campaign - though it would still provide some occult history of the region.

For white Australians there's Boundary Rider (kind of like a cowboy), Bushranger (an outlaw - for this campaign, you'd have to be a reformed one), Digger (former WW1 soldier, especially one from a mining background), and indeed Swagman (itinerant labourer, usually rural, although there's no reason one couldn't work in an urban area - you might be employed for loading or unloading goods during busy times, making deliveries, and so on - it's a way for someone with Aboriginal blood to make a living when locked out of more secure jobs).

Re: Good Mates - Character Creation

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 3:09 pm
by HoneyDog
Thanks for the info. But I'll wait to make up a new character until the new player posts.

Re: Good Mates - Character Creation

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 11:45 pm
by Henderson
Sorry for the delay, people, had some people out of order at work and got some surprise late shifts...

Anyway, I'm not completely settled on the concept, really, Im currently looking into the boards dice bot. Rolls and an update should come in tomorrow !

Re: Good Mates - Character Creation

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 2:00 am
by HoneyDog
Welcome! You don't have to do the rolls with 7th edition though, you just have to assign scores. It explains how in the quick-start rules that yo can download from the Chaosium website. It's a lot quicker.

Re: Good Mates - Character Creation

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 3:05 am
by Henderson
I already looked at that, but I always come up one number short. I figure its the luck stat, but I havent found where I get its value from.

Re: Good Mates - Character Creation

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 5:24 am
by HoneyDog
Luck is actually the only one you have to roll for. 3d6 x 5.

Sara London

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 5:46 am
by Mr. Handy
EDU (85% stat) improvement roll:

Name: Sara London
Player: Mr. Handy
Age: 24
Sex: Female
Occupation: Secretary
College, Degrees: University of Melbourne, English, 1926
Birthplace: Melbourne, Australia


STR 40
CON 45
SIZ 55
DEX 75
APP 40
INT 70
POW 75
EDU 85

Sanity: 75
Current Sanity: 75
Phobias/Mental Disorders: None
Luck: 45
Current Luck: 45

Hit Points: 10
Current Hit Points: 10
Magic Points: 15
Current Magic Points: 15
Move: 8
Damage Bonus: 0
Build: 0

Appearance & Personality: Sara London is a plain young Australian woman with blonde hair. She has an insatiable curiosity, and she enjoys reading mysteries - and solving them.

Background: Sara London became a secretary for a private investigator upon graduating from the University of Melbourne, and in that job she has learned the tricks of the trade. She has taken on many responsibilities in this job that secretaries don't often do, such as interviewing witnesses and examining crime scenes.

Skills: (professional ones in italics, .private preceded by a dot, non-base scores bolded)

Accounting (05%):
Administration (10%): 50%
Animal Handling (10%):
Anthropology (01%):
Appraise (05%):
Archaeology (01%):
.Art/Craft(Photography) (05%): 35%
Art/Craft(Shorthand) (05%): 50%
Charm (15%): 60%
Climb (20%):
Credit Rating (09%): 19%
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):
Demolitions (01%):
.Disguise (05%): 35%
Dodge (1/2 DEX): 37%
Drive Auto (20%):
Electrical Repair (10%):
Fast Talk (05%):
Field (01%):
Fighting (Brawl) (25%):
Firearms (Handgun) (20%):
Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) (25%):
.First Aid (30%): 55%
Geology (01%):
Hide (10%):
History (05%):
Hypnosis (01%):
Intimidate (15%):
Jump (20%):
Language (Other) (01%):
Law (05%):
Library Use (20%): 60%
.Listen (20%): 55%
Locksmith (01%):
Mechanical Repair (10%):
Medicine (01%):
Natural World (10%):
Navigate (10%):
Occult (10%):
Operate Heavy Machine (01%):
Persuade (10%): 60%
Pilot (01%):
Psychoanalysis (01%):
Psychology (10%): 60%
Read Lips (01%):
Ride (05%):
Science (01%):
Sleight of Hand (10%):
.Spot Hidden (25%): 60%
Stealth (20%): 60%
Survival (10%):
Swim (20%):
Throw (20%):
Track (10%):

Cigarette lighter
Pocket knife

Re: Good Mates - Character Creation

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 8:51 pm
by SunlessNick
Henderson wrote:Sorry for the delay, people, had some people out of order at work and got some surprise late shifts...
These things happen.

Re: Good Mates - Character Creation

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 3:45 pm
by HoneyDog
Here's mine so far.

Colin Larkin
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Occupation: Graduate Student in Anthropology, Monash University
Birthplace: Melbourne, Australia

STR 60
CON 50
SIZ 50
DEX 50
APP 40
INT 80
POW 60
EDU 70

Sanity: 60
Current Sanity: 60
Phobias/Mental Disorders: None
Luck: 75
Current Luck: 75

Hit Points: 10
Current Hit Points: 10
Magic Points: 12
Current Magic Points: 12
Damage Bonus: 0
Build: 0

Appearance & Personality:

An ordinary looking young man, Colin always had an interest in the local Aboriginal tribes, and has made it his ambition to learn more about their lives and beliefs. He is currently working on his Phd which examines the Dreaming beliefs of the local tribes, and has been learning their language. Consequently he divides his time between the bush and the university, with not much time left over for a social life. Despite this, he is a friendly and outgoing individual, always interested in meeting new people and discovering their stories.

Skills: (professional ones in italics, .private preceded by a dot)

Accounting (05%):
Administration (10%):
Animal Handling (10%):
Anthropology (01%): 60
Appraise (05%):
Archaeology (01%): 60
Art/Craft (05%):
Bargain (05%): 40
.Charm (15%): 35
Climb (20%):
Credit Rating (00%): 40
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):
Demolitions (01%):
Disguise (05%):
Dodge: (25%):
Drive Automobile (20%):
Electrical Repair (10%):
.Fast Talk (05%): 25
.Fighting (Brawl) (25%): 45
Firearms (Handgun) (20%):
Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) (25%):
First Aid (30%):
Geology (01%): 50
Hide (10%):
.History (05%): 25
Hypnosis (01%):
Intimidate (15%):
Jump (20%):
Language (English)
Woiwurrung 50
Law (05%):
Library Use (20%): 70
Listen (20%):
Locksmith (01%):
Mechanical Repair (10%):
Medicine (01%):
Natural World (10%): 40
Navigate (10%):
Occult (10%):
Operate Heavy Machine (01%):
Persuade (10%):
Pilot (01%):
Psychoanalysis (01%):
Psychology (10%):
Read Lips (01%):
Ride (05%):
Science (01%):

Sleight of Hand (10%):
Spot Hidden (25%):
Stealth (20%):
Survival (10%):
Swim (20%):
Throw (20%):
Track (10%):


Pocket Knife

Re: Good Mates - Character Creation

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:58 pm
by SunlessNick
Cool, merci.

Re: Sara London

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 11:34 pm
by SunlessNick
Mr. Handy wrote: Image
Good choice - let's just say its not 100% at random that it's Melbourne and 1928 I picked :D.

Re: Good Mates - Character Creation

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 12:16 am
by Mr. Handy
Thanks! It'll be interesting to see if our third player makes another character based on someone from that show.

Re: Good Mates - Character Creation

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 8:17 pm
by Henderson
Hey guys, sorry for the radio silence, had serious issue with the internet infrastructure over here.
App (if still wanted) incoming over the next days.

Edit... HM, looking at that stuff and pondering distribution, but it looks like a journalist, pondering foreign correspondent.

Re: Good Mates - Character Creation

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 8:53 pm
by Henderson
Lets see... rolls !



SAN-deduct: 9
EDU-roll: 10

EDU +: 11

Re: Good Mates - Character Creation

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 12:20 am
by SunlessNick
Henderson wrote:Hey guys, sorry for the radio silence, had serious issue with the internet infrastructure over here.
App (if still wanted) incoming over the next days.

Edit... HM, looking at that stuff and pondering distribution, but it looks like a journalist, pondering foreign correspondent.
Sounds good.