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IC-The Tower(Gardner/Flynn/Dawkins/Alvarez/McCoy)

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 12:21 am
by Mr. Handy
Z-Day - 11:41 AM Central Time - Control Tower, airfield 10 miles SW of Kearney, Nebraska
In the control room-
Kathryn McCoy sat at her station in the control room on the top floor of the air traffic control tower where she worked. An angled glass window provided a panoramic 360-degree view of the airfield and surrounding area. About a hundred yards to the north of the tower stood a line of five hangars, and beyond them was a lake. The National Guardsmen in the room had no hope of getting out of this place by air - at least until they had received the radio message from Erica Spears.

To the south and west of the tower, the runways stretched off into the distance. There were a couple of helicopter landing pads as well, one of them just twenty yards west of the tower. Off to the east were a few warehouses that stored fuel and other supplies.

The room itself was circular, surrounding a central elevator shaft and stairway. The elevator went down to the other floors of the tower, and the narrow, steep stairs not only climbed down but also up to the roof where Private Simone Dawkins had made her sniper's nest.

Corporal Anthony Gardner stood behind Kathryn McCoy, watching over her shoulder. Senior Airman Harry Flynn, a chopper pilot from the Air National Guard, and Private Julio Alvarez, a medic, sat at a table nearby playing cards. They all looked up when they heard the voice of Erica Spears over the radio: "This is NSP Seven-Eight-Romeo to tower. Do you copy? Over."

"Answer it," said Gardner. "Don't blow this one, Kathryn. Remember, that chopper seats five. Whether or not you're on it with the rest of us is entirely up to you. Tell them they're cleared to land on the helipad next to the tower." When she hesitated, he leered at her. "Unless there's something else you'd rather do."

Kathryn grimaced with distaste and snatched the microphone, then spoke into it: "This is the tower, I read you. Over."

"Is your location still secure? Over," asked Erica.

"Yeah, we're still good here. What's your ETA? Over."

"We're only a few minutes out now. Over."

On the tower roof-
Private Simone Dawkins lay on top of a sleeping bag on the roof, surveying the horizon in all directions through the scope of her M-24. Things had been quiet lately, but she knew that wouldn't last forever.

Re: IC-The Tower(Gardner/Flynn/Dawkins/Alvarez/McCoy)

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2021 2:22 am
by Mr. Handy
11:42 AM
In the control room-
"You're cleared to land," replied Kathryn. "Use helipad 1, it's just to the west of the control tower. See you on the ground. Over."

"Thanks," said Erica Spears. "Spears out." She disconnected the call.

Gardner nodded and turned to the other men. "Flynn and Alvarez," he said. "Take the elevator down to the ground and meet the chopper. You know what you need to do. I'll be down myself in a few." He handed Flynn a ring of keys. "Those are for the warehouses. Bring whoever comes from the chopper to warehouse 1, unlock the main door, and let them inside. Once they're in there, lock 'em in and double time it back to the chopper. I'll be there by the time you get back, and Dawkins will cover us all from the roof." He spoke into the radio. "Dawkins, that bird's only a couple minutes out. Be ready."

On the tower roof-
"Roger that, Corporal," said Dawkins. She scanned the western horizon through the scope of her M-24. "I've got a visual. Helicopter, inbound from the west. ETA two minutes."

Simone Dawkins's Spot Hidden roll (75% - 5[Kevlar helmet] = 70% skill) on the tower roof:

Re: IC-The Tower(Gardner/Flynn/Dawkins/Alvarez/McCoy)

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2021 6:50 am
by Oriflamme
As commanded Dawkins was waiting for the "bird" to fly in and was on guard as expected