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Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2020 6:54 am
by Mr. Handy
Z-Day - 10:38 AM Mountain Time - Prairie Militia Society Compound
In the studio-
Hitch leered at Alicia while he undressed, leaving his weapons belt and clothes on a nearby chair. "At last, liebchen, you are mine," he said, climbing on top of the unconscious Alicia and caressing her.

Determined not to let Hitch rape her friend, Zoe lowered herself through the vent and dropped down, but in her haste she landed hard and injured herself badly. Fortunately, Hitch hadn't heard her, and she still remained conscious.

As if that weren't bad enough, there was a sudden rumble and shaking of the ground below, as if a minor earthquake had just occurred.

"Did it move for you too?" Hitch asked the unconscious Alicia with a snicker. He looked around. Zoe tried to scramble behind the chair so he couldn't see her, but she passed right through his field of vision. Hitch rolled out of bed and lunged for the weapons on the chair at the same time Zoe did.
OOC,[b]Zoe[/b]'s Hide roll (10% base skill) to avoid being seen: 0 [b]Hitch[/b]'s initiative roll for DEX 14: 1 [b]Zoe[/b], since you and [b]Hitch[/b] have the same DEX, you must roll initiative on 1D100 to see who gets to go first. If you get a 51 or less, you may go ahead and act. If you get a 53 or more, you must wait. If you get exactly 52, you must roll another 1D100 and wait for [b]Hitch[/b] to roll again as well to see who goes first.
In the vents-
Raquel watched horrified through the open vent as Zoe plummeted and landed painfully on the hard floor below. Katarina, Sally, and Azadeh waited behind her, unable to see. And then the ground shook.

Re: IC-Outrage(Sally/Azadeh/Zoe/Alicia/Raquel/Katarina)

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 6:38 am
by Mr. Handy
10:38:12 AM
In the studio-
Hitch reached the chair first and grabbed his pistol and taser. "Naughty, naughty," he said with a sickening grin. "I'm going to have to teach you a lesson." He tried to ram the taser into Zoe's chest as it crackled blue between the contacts, but she stepped back.

"No, don't!" cried Zoe. "I'll be good, I promise!"

Raquel couldn't see what was going on below, as Zoe had moved out of her field of view beneath the vent opening, but she could not allow Hitch to have his way with her friends, especially not with Alicia. She dropped through the hole in the ceiling, only to land badly.
OOC,[b]Zoe[/b]'s initiative roll for DEX 14: 0 [b]Hitch[/b]'s Fist/Punch roll (65% skill) to tase [b]Zoe[/b]: 1 [b]Raquel[/b]'s Jump roll (25% base skill) dropping from the vent: 2 Damage to [b]Raquel[/b]: 3
In the vents-
Katarina crawled up to the hole and was saddened to see Raquel hurt on the floor below.

Re: IC-Outrage(Sally/Azadeh/Zoe/Alicia/Raquel/Katarina)

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2021 3:49 am
by Mr. Handy
10:39 AM
In the studio-
"Get in the coffin!" Hitch snarled at Zoe, pointing the gun at her. "And as for you," he added to Raquel, "on the rack!"

Both women reluctantly obeyed, moving over to the dungeon set. Zoe opened up the coffin and climbed inside, while Raquel lay down on her back on top of the rack. Hitch followed them, slamming the lid down on Zoe and fastening it shut after temporarily resting his taser on top of it. Then he proceeded to the rack, set the taser down again, and strapped Raquel to the rack. "Now to find out how you girls keep escaping," he said, grinning with glee.

Alicia gradually came to her senses again. When she saw what had happened to Raquel, she screamed.

In the vents-
"Back up," hissed Katarina. "Is too late. He got them. We must escape."

"I don't know," Sally whispered back. "We can't just abandon them." But Azadeh had already retreated. Sally immediately followed. While she didn't want the others to be tortured and raped, she was more determined not to let it happen to herself. Katarina was right behind her.

Katarina's Fast Talk roll (60% skill) to convince Sally to flee:

Re: IC-Outrage(Sally/Azadeh/Zoe/Alicia/Raquel/Katarina)

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 8:21 am
by Oriflamme
"We will have to think of other ways to escape. I doubt tricking them will be possible because they wont listen to one word from us before trying to assault is. These vents must lead somewhere else too, even if its an empty room for starters. From there we will figure something out." Azadeh tried to construct a plan of the vents in her mind to figure where they could head next.

Re: IC-Outrage(Sally/Azadeh/Zoe/Alicia/Raquel/Katarina)

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2021 5:06 am
by Mr. Handy
You're currently over the guard room, which is empty. There is a grating here which you can open and drop through, but if you do that, you'll need to roll Jump (which has a base skill of 25%) to land without getting hurt. The vent shaft branches here, with the right branch going back to the cell block and the left branch heading toward the exit.

Re: IC-Outrage(Sally/Azadeh/Zoe/Alicia/Raquel/Katarina)

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2021 6:48 am
by Oriflamme
Azadeh considers the way for the exit a better way out right now but wont head out of it right away and check for any possible dangers first.