
The dead have begun to rise, but they are not the only problem. A small group of survivors at a truck stop in southwestern Nebraska must contend not only with zombies, but with internal division, a nearby group of heavily-armed skinhead survivalists, and even more horrifying dangers. Can they overcome their differences and survive, or will they join the ranks of the living dead?

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Re: IC-Breakdown(various)

Post by Starspawn338 »

Mitchell is glad to get out of the garage before the body is burned. He doesn't think he'd handle it very well. It's better to get back to work like the Boss said. He goes to where he dropped the part and retrieves it.
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Re: IC-Breakdown(various)

Post by Borderline »

Sanity Check against 55,[dice]1[/dice][dice]2[/dice]sanity loss 5 hopefully I did that right,
Edit: used the spoiler button wrong and tried to fix it. Original roll is here,[dice]0[/dice]
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Re: IC-Breakdown(various)

Post by Borderline »

To anyone paying close attention the Doctor is visibly shaken. As the scene comes into view her eyes quickly widen and for a second she looks like she might turn right back around. She quickly recovers however, despite a slightly shaking hand as she snaps on a pair of black rubber gloves and secures a cotton mask over her face. She quietly mutters to herself in German before getting straight to work in assessing the patient and briskly beginning treatment, without making conversation. Her hands are now rock solid.
First Aid skill 71,[dice]0[/dice]
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Re: IC-Breakdown(various)

Post by Mr. Handy »

9:12 AM
In the garage-
The gas-soaked corpse went up with a whoosh, and a hideous stench filled the garage.

Brigetta made sure the tourniquet around Wallace's leg was tight, then she removed the bandage to clean and disinfect the wound before redressing it. "Thanks, doc," said the truck driver. "I still feel like hell, though."

Baldwin grabbed the tow truck keys and left the garage.
OOC,[b]Brigetta[/b]'s Sanity loss: [dice]0[/dice] [b]Boss Hammond[/b]'s Sanity roll (current level 64) for seeing the corpse burn: [dice]1[/dice] [b]Boss Earl[/b]'s Sanity roll (current level 59) for seeing the corpse burn: [dice]2[/dice] [b]Boss Earl[/b]'s Sanity loss: [dice]5[/dice] [b]Jimmy[/b]'s Sanity roll (current level 74) for seeing the corpse burn: [dice]3[/dice] [b]Jimmy[/b]'s Sanity loss: [dice]6[/dice] [b]Wallace[/b]'s Sanity roll (current level 64) for seeing the corpse burn: [dice]4[/dice]
Dr. Brigetta Hausmann,[b]Wallace[/b] had an obvious fever; his forehead was hot to the touch. His symptoms seemed more like poisoning to her than some sort of infection, though she had at first suspected the latter. It seemed more like a snakebite than anything else, though he had clearly been bitten by a man, apparently the very one that was now engulfed in flames. That was a shame. There's no telling what she might have learned by performing an autopsy on the corpse. The tourniquet would keep him alive for a while, but unless she could find some way to counteract the poison - which required identifying it first - he would be dead in a matter of hours. Analysis of his blood might help, but that would require time and a laboratory. [spoiler]The Sanity loss was only 1D2, not 1D8. I rolled it for you.[/spoiler]
Outside the garage-
"Dead guy came back to life, tried to eat us, got blasted with shotguns," said Dave as he hurried to follow Mitchell into the junkyard. The dogs trotted after them.

"Um, what?!" said Stephanie.

Baldwin emerged from the garage, where he saw Kimberly and Stephanie nearby. The tow truck was parked near the entrance.

In the junkyard-
Mitchell and Dave returned to the junkyard and found the part just where they had left it. The empty hole beneath the Chevy where the corpse had been buried was a haunting reminder of what had just happened.
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Re: IC-Breakdown(various)

Post by Starspawn338 »

Mitchell picks up the part and heads back to the garage, not wanting to stay in the junkyard after what happened. It does occur to him that he should speak to the trooper about why there was a body buried in the junkyard.
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Re: IC-Breakdown(various)

Post by Starspawn338 »

"Hey, you got any fans in here? The smell is awful! Gary says. "I think we should wait on closing the doors till we air this place out."
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Re: IC-Breakdown(various)

Post by Borderline »

Stripping off the mask and gloves Dr. Hausmann does her signature walk calmly as she can across the garage, pulling Stephanie to the side she speaks in hushed tones.
Stephanie,"Ze patient exibits signs of poisoning. Visible sign of a human bite" flashing her eyes up to meet Stephanie's "bleeding has been controlled but without proper examination and identificarion ze patient vill expire imminently."
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Re: IC-Breakdown(various)

Post by Mr. Handy »

9:13 AM
In the garage-
"Yeah, there's an exhaust fan," said Earl, wrinkling his nose. He went over to some controls on the wall and flicked a switch. The burning corpse still stunk, but the air was starting to clear a little. The flesh crackled and blackened as the flames consumed it.

Outside the garage-
"Oh my God," gasped Stephanie when Brigetta whispered to her. "Is there anything we can do for him?"

Dave, Mitchell, and the dogs returned, Mitchell carrying the part.

Baldwin got behind the wheel of the tow truck and started the engine.
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Re: IC-Breakdown(various)

Post by Borderline »

Dr. Hausmann
still speaking quietly,"I dont believe so, vizout a propper laboratory I vould simply be taking a shot in ze dark. None ze less I vould like to obtain a blood sample. I believe quarintine to be ze best option. Unfortunately zis could result in furzer panic zat vould impede our progress. It's a very morbid decision to have to make, zis is vhy I ask your opinion. At ze very least perhaps you could assist me in calming ze patient vhile I draw blood, giving him some comfort may be ze best ve can do."
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Re: IC-Breakdown(various)

Post by Starspawn338 »

Mitchell avoids looking at the body burning and goes to work installing the part into Wallace's truck.
OOC,Mechanical Repair 75 [dice]0[/dice]
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Re: IC-Breakdown(various)

Post by Starspawn338 »

Gary steps outside the garage to get some fresh air. He also keeps an eye out for trouble.
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Re: IC-Breakdown(various)

Post by Mr. Handy »

9:14 AM
In the garage-
The flames had now burned away all of the flesh, leaving only the bones. "Good riddance to bad rubbish," muttered Earl.

Outside the garage-
Gary emerged from the garage into the relief of fresh air.

"I'll be happy to assist you," said Stephanie to Brigetta. "We also need to find a truck driver with a truck who can bring the fuel to Brownson. A working truck." She glanced over at the truck's cab that Baldwin towed out of the open bay of the garage, after which Mitchell and Dave got to work on it while the dogs watched.
OOC,[b]Dave[/b]'s Mechanical Repair roll (50% skill) helping [b]Mitchell[/b] fix the truck: [dice]0[/dice]
Mitchell,[b]Mitchell[/b] got to work now that he had brought back the part, and it seemed to him that the truck was actually in worse shape than it had been when it had first been brought in to the garage. He estimated that it would take him about two hours to effect the repairs by himself, but with [b]Dave[/b]'s help that could be cut in half.
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Re: IC-Breakdown(various)

Post by Borderline »

to Stephanie,"Indeed my dear, we should give ze men time to procure a truck, it makes zem feel useful. Now, let us draw blood hmm?"
Walking with Stephanie the Doctor reapplies her PPE and begins her work on the man leaving just enough time for Stephanie to offer a few words of explanaition.
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Re: IC-Breakdown(various)

Post by Starspawn338 »

Mitchell takes note of the increased damage. He suspects that the Boss is responsible but doesn't say anything and just gets to work.
"Help me out here Dave. It's going to take us awhile to get this done."
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Re: IC-Breakdown(various)

Post by Starspawn338 »

Gary steps over to the women. "Is he going to be okay?"
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Re: IC-Breakdown(various)

Post by Raiko »

Once the cab has been towed out of the garage, Baldwin climbs down from the tow truck and makes his way back inside the garage.

He also has a closer look at Stephanie and Brigetta working.
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Re: IC-Breakdown(various)

Post by Mr. Handy »

9:15 AM
Outside the garage-
"Yeah, we should have this thing working in less than an hour," Dave said to Mitchell. "Really, it shouldn't even take that long, but somebody - I won't name names - screwed it up worse while we were away. The longer it takes to fix, the more he can charge for the labor. Our paychecks remain the same, of course."

Baldwin shut off the engine of the tow truck and got out now that the truck was out of the bay, taking the keys with him. He followed Bo, Stephanie, and Brigetta as they went into the garage. Stephanie shook her head slightly as she went past Gary, a sad look on her face. Kimberly remained outside and stood near Gary. "What a day," she said with a sigh.

In the garage-
Hammond and Earl watched as the flames died out, having run out of flesh to burn. The charred bones were all that remained, lying on the tarp. "He won't be getting back up again," said Earl, shaking his head. "Can someone who's not too busy roll up that tarp and toss it in the junkyard? You, kid!" He pointed at Jimmy. "You're plenty strong. You're not even supposed to be here! Take it out and dump it!" Jimmy rolled up the tarp and shouldered it without even thinking about it.

Stephanie and Brigetta went over to where Wallace sat, while Bo stood watch. "We're just going to draw a little blood from you, so we can test it," she said to Wallace with a smile plastered over her face. "It might hurt a little."

"Probably won't notice, everything else hurts so much," said Wallace.

"Your truck doesn't look like it's in good shape either," said Bo.

"Yeah, it won't be going anywhere for a while yet."

"We need one to haul a load of fuel to Brownson, just a few miles away. It has to get there pretty soon."

"Sorry, can't help you. Even if the truck were in working order, I'm not. Baldwin might be able to help you out, though." He nodded to Baldwin, who had reached the entrance.
OOC,[b]Earl[/b]'s Fast Talk roll (70% skill) to boss [b]Jimmy[/b] around: [dice]1[/dice] [b]Wallace[/b]'s Psychology roll (53% skill) about [b]Brigetta[/b] and [b]Stephanie[/b]: [dice]0[/dice]
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Re: IC-Breakdown(various)

Post by Starspawn338 »

"Yeah, we should have this thing working in less than an hour," Dave said to Mitchell. "Really, it shouldn't even take that long, but somebody - I won't name names - screwed it up worse while we were away. The longer it takes to fix, the more he can charge for the labor. Our paychecks remain the same, of course."
"Ain't that the truth. But nothing we can do but fix this mess as soon as we can." Mitchell says glumly.
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Re: IC-Breakdown(various)

Post by Starspawn338 »

Kimberly remained outside and stood near Gary. "What a day," she said with a sigh.
"You can say that again." Gary says. "What do you think is going on? That man that they burned, what's up with that... and now it appears that Wallace is sick and judging by the doctors' demeanor, it's bad."
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Re: IC-Breakdown(various)

Post by Raiko »


"Yeah, my rig's ready to get back on the road, but how much fuel and what for?"

Baldwin gives Bo a hard stare, "I got other places to be, and a family to get back to. So I ain't takin' no diversions without a straight story."

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