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Re: IC-Bat Out of Hell(Brigetta/Stephanie/Bob/Erica)

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 6:57 pm
by aine
"Get back on the radio, open broadcast or whatever you call it. Say 'Aliens are attacking the planet and we must send a message asking them to hold off the attack."
ooc,Does Brigette understand the link between the aliens and the zombies?

Re: IC-Bat Out of Hell(Brigetta/Stephanie/Bob/Erica)

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 5:09 pm
by dustakr
"I am not sure how that would help our safe passage to CDC." Stephanie reacts to Dr. Hausmann.

Re: IC-Bat Out of Hell(Brigetta/Stephanie/Bob/Erica)

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:05 pm
by aine
"It won't. But the more people that know the better. If I don't make it my work cannot go down with me." Brigetta says vehemently.

Re: IC-Bat Out of Hell(Brigetta/Stephanie/Bob/Erica)

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 9:27 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:29 AM
In the helicopter-
"People will think I'm crazy if I say that," said Erica. "I'm not sure they'd be wrong, either."
Dr. Brigetta Hausmann,You may make a Persuade roll to try to convince her. The base skill is 15%. You've hypothesized that the aliens are the ones who have caused the dead to rise up and attack the living, and that the underground creatures which are native to Earth called in the aliens somehow. You believe that by deciphering the alien language and transmitting a signal into space as if it were the underground creatures communicating with them, you can convince the aliens that their mission is accomplished and get them to leave. That won't do anything about the dead that have already risen, but it should keep new corpses from becoming zombies.

Re: IC-Bat Out of Hell(Brigetta/Stephanie/Bob/Erica)

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 7:17 pm
by aine
Brigetta shakes her head,
"And this isn't a crazy day already? I reckon they'll think you are perfectly sane and will be glad to hear that someone has a way out of this mess.
If there's anyone down there connected to Nationsl Security then they may well know what I'm talking about already; there are creatures down under the earth's crust who are intelligent enough to transmit a message to the aliens.

It's a joint attack. If we can send a message to the aliens that the attack has been successful, it might just buy us enough time to regroup and counter attack. Really, what have we got to lose?"

Re: IC-Bat Out of Hell(Brigetta/Stephanie/Bob/Erica)

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 3:52 am
by Mr. Handy
10:30 AM
In the helicopter-
"Well, when you put it that way, all right," said Erica. "It's not that I don't believe you; I do. I just have my doubts anyone out there will, but it's worth a shot. Who cares if they think I'm crazy?" She broadcast Dr. Hausmann's message on all frequencies, but there was no response.

Re: IC-Bat Out of Hell(Brigetta/Stephanie/Bob/Erica)

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:04 pm
by dustakr
"Is it possible to broadcast this message by your passengers, Erica?, I can speak into radio with a certain interval till we reach our destination" Stephanie coins the idea among peers.

Re: IC-Bat Out of Hell(Brigetta/Stephanie/Bob/Erica)

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 4:26 am
by Mr. Handy
10:31 AM
In the helicopter-
"Sure, darling," said Erica. "That's a great idea! Just switch places with Bob and sit up here by me so you can reach it. I'm sure you're a lot more convincing than I am."

Bob shrugged. "If you don't need me as co-pilot for a while, I'll switch seats," he said. He climbed into the back, which had an empty seat in the middle for him, to allow Stephanie to get up front. The empty seat reminded everyone that Sean hadn't made it.

Re: IC-Bat Out of Hell(Brigetta/Stephanie/Bob/Erica)

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 6:57 pm
by dustakr
Stephanie gets familiar with radio before starting to broadcast Dr. Huasmann's message while taking a break in between.

Re: IC-Bat Out of Hell(Brigetta/Stephanie/Bob/Erica)

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 7:35 pm
by aine
Dr Haussmann sits quietly, working on decoding the alien language whilst also quietly mourning poor Sean; she was determined his death would not be in vain.

Re: IC-Bat Out of Hell(Brigetta/Stephanie/Bob/Erica)

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 12:16 am
by Mr. Handy
10:32 AM
In the helicopter-
Bob slid over to Stephanie's old seat in the back, while Erica showed Stephanie how to use the radio. She picked it up quickly and broadcast the message.
OOC,[b]Stephanie[/b], please roll Persuade.

Re: IC-Bat Out of Hell(Brigetta/Stephanie/Bob/Erica)

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 9:13 am
by dustakr


Re: IC-Bat Out of Hell(Brigetta/Stephanie/Bob/Erica)

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 12:57 am
by Mr. Handy
10:33 AM
In the helicopter-
Stephanie broadcast the message. While she heard no replies, she was sure that anyone listening would take it seriously. What anyone else could do about it was unknown, however.

Re: IC-Bat Out of Hell(Brigetta/Stephanie/Bob/Erica)

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 10:21 am
by dustakr
"Any towers nearby Erica, which could have picked up our message" Stephanie ask Erica about the radio communication.

Re: IC-Bat Out of Hell(Brigetta/Stephanie/Bob/Erica)

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 2:13 am
by Mr. Handy
10:34 AM
In the helicopter-
"Well, I don't think anyone was staffing the one at Chappell any more," said Erica. "There's Julesburg, Colorado's airport, some distance to the south. They may still be operating, Julesburg's fairly small and isolated. The next nearest ones are a long way east of here. There's a tiny, isolated field a ways northwest of Ogallala, and there's Searle Airport just west of the city."

Re: IC-Bat Out of Hell(Brigetta/Stephanie/Bob/Erica)

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 6:06 pm
by dustakr
"...and are we supposed to be heading south...?" Stephanie tries to confirm direction with Erica.

Re: IC-Bat Out of Hell(Brigetta/Stephanie/Bob/Erica)

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:12 am
by aine
Brigetta is thinking hard about viable alternatives should the Omaha lab be overrun much like the airfield.

Re: IC-Bat Out of Hell(Brigetta/Stephanie/Bob/Erica)

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 4:38 am
by Mr. Handy
10:35 AM
In the helicopter-
"No, we're heading east to Omaha," said Erica. "South is out of our way, and we don't have the fuel to spare to go check it out. There's no response on the radio. If it hasn't been overrun, maybe whoever was there bugged out, but we can't know which."

Brigetta knew that CDC headquarters in Atlanta was an option, but there was always the chance that it too would be overrun. It was also much, much farther away and therefore harder to reach, plus it would take more precious time.

Re: IC-Bat Out of Hell(Brigetta/Stephanie/Bob/Erica)

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 7:57 pm
by aine
Brigetta sighs and sits back, her thoughts drifting back to Sean; the way he last looked at her and then her last sight of him as he lay in the scrub fighting off the infected.

Re: IC-Bat Out of Hell(Brigetta/Stephanie/Bob/Erica)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 10:26 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:36 AM
In the helicopter-
"Let's try to contact Olson Field," said Erica. "It's the nearer of the two airfields I have in mind about halfway to Omaha, about ten miles southwest of Kearney. I think we're close enough to raise them now. You want to give it a try, Stephanie?" Erica gave her the frequency to use.