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IC-Horror Movie(Sally/Zoe/Lara/Mei Ling)

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 8:14 pm
by Mr. Handy
Z-Day - 9:56 AM Mountain Time - Prairie Militia Society Compound
In the guard room-
Hitch walked Lara Voronova into the room where his usual post was from the cell block. He towered over the stunning Russian archaeology student. Lara went along with him without protest. On the opposite side of the guard room a hall continued that eventually led back to the entrance through which she had initially been brought into this place a long time ago. A door to the left led into Hitch's makeshift film studio, a darkened bulb above the door indicating that it was not in use. It was toward this door that he led her.

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Lara Voronova only)

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2019 6:36 pm
by Dave Syrinx

"Hey, Cowboy. We don´t need a room. Let the snake out here, where I can look at it." Lara stops in her tracks letting Hitch feel her curves while leading her towards the´studio´. She tilts her head away from the goon and smiles a sly grin, while bashing her eyelashes at him. "Whattayasay?"

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Lara Voronova only)

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2019 3:47 am
by Mr. Handy
In the guard room-
"The cameras are in my studio, liebchen," said Hitch with a grin and a squeeze. "I want to preserve the moment."

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Lara Voronova only)

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2019 9:03 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Lara nudges closer to he studio-room.

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Lara Voronova only)

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 4:05 am
by Mr. Handy
9:57 AM
In the guard room-
Hitch opened the door and ushered Lara through it, then kicked it shut behind him.

In the movie studio-
The large room in which Lara once again found herself was where Hitch filmed his "movies." There were a few different sets, and Hitch took her over to one set up as a hotel room after flicking a switch near the door. "Get in the bed, while I set up the scene," he told her.

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Zoe/Lara)

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2019 11:25 pm
by Mr. Handy
9:58 AM
In the movie studio-
Lara swallowed when she saw the bed with the leather straps on the posts, but she lay down on her back upon it and let Hitch fasten the straps about her wrists. Then he kissed her firmly on the lips. "Now, Lara," he said as he set up the camera, "this movie is called 'Perfect Ten.' You will be the beautiful Olympic athlete, ja? And I play your coach - and lover."

As Hitch began to unbuckle his belt and climb on top of her, Lara clenched her eyes shut, tears spilling from beneath them. No matter how many times they violated her, it still hurt every time.

Zoe Gallagher pushed open the door to the studio and slipped inside, gasping when she saw the dreadful tableau before her. Hitch turned his head, barely hearing her, and gave her a sickening grin. "What are you doing out of your cell, Zoe?" he asked.

"Get your filthy hands off of her!" shouted Zoe.

"You must be jealous. No matter. Lara isn't going anywhere. She can wait until I'm done with you." With that, he sprang from the bed and rushed her, taking his taser off of his belt.

Lara's eyes fluttered open, and she saw what was happening, but she was helpless to do anything about it. Or was she? Her agility was almost without peer. In spite of the tightness of the straps, she easily managed to slip her right hand free. Then it was a simple matter to untie the strap around her left hand.

In the meantime, Hitch rushed Zoe before she could defend herself properly. Activating the taser, he rammed the blue crackling arc of electricity right at her chest. It was only by the narrowest of margins that she sidestepped and avoided being incapacitated. Off balance, Zoe could not counterattack, but she did manage to snatch up a microphone stand, brandishing it in both hands.
OOC,[b]Zoe[/b]'s Sneak roll (10% base skill) entering the studio: [dice]0[/dice] [b]Hitch[/b]'s Listen roll (60% skill) in the studio: [dice]1[/dice] [b]Lara[/b]'s DEX x 1 roll (17% stat) to slip out of the straps: [dice]2[/dice] [b]Zoe[/b]'s initiative roll for DEX 14: [dice]3[/dice] [b]Hitch[/b]'s initiative roll for DEX 14: [dice]4[/dice] [b]Hitch[/b]'s Fist/Punch roll (65% skill) attacking [b]Zoe[/b] with the taser: [dice]5[/dice] [b]Zoe[/b]'s Dodge roll (28% base skill) to avoid [b]Hitch[/b]'s taser: [dice]6[/dice]

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Zoe/Lara)

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 12:49 am
by Mr. Handy
9:58:12 AM
In the movie studio-
"I'm going to enjoy this," said Hitch as he gave Zoe another sickening grin and lunged for her again. In desperation, she interposed the microphone stand and the crackling taser was stopped mere inches from her heart.

"You've raped us for the last time!" snarled Zoe, spinning the stand expertly and sending the taser flying backward over his shoulder to clatter on the ground. Then she swung it around and bashed his left leg, but he remained standing.
OOC,[b]Hitch[/b]'s Fist/Punch roll (65% skill) attacking [b]Zoe[/b] again with the taser: [dice]0[/dice] [b]Zoe[/b]'s Large Club roll (50% skill) to parry [b]Hitch[/b]'s attack: [dice]1[/dice] [b]Zoe[/b]'s Large Club roll (50% skill) attacking [b]Hitch[/b], knockout attempt: [dice]2[/dice] Hit location: [dice]5[/dice] Damage to [b]Hitch[/b]: [dice]3[/dice]+[dice]4[/dice]

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Zoe/Lara)

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 1:19 am
by Mr. Handy
10:00 AM
In the movie studio-
Lara scrambled out of the bed and over to the fallen taser, scooping it up in her hands. Before she could strike him, though, Hitch drew his pistol and spun around, stepping away from both of them. "Drop those weapons, girls!" he bellowed. "No more Mr. Nice Guy!"

Reluctantly, Zoe let the metal stand slip from her fingers and clatter to the floor. Lara also dropped the taser. In spite of all of the horrible things that had been done to them, they still didn't want to die.

"That's better." He pointed his pistol at Lara. "You, get in the coffin in the vampire's lair set." Lara complied, going over to the set and opening up the coffin on a slab. Then he pointed it at Zoe. "And as for you, get on the rack in the dungeon set."

"Please, not the rack again!" cried Zoe.

"You hurt me, now I'm going to hurt you. The rack, or a bullet. Your choice."

Her shoulders slumping, Zoe reluctantly went over to a set that was designed to look like a medieval dungeon. The torture implements, including the rack, were all too real, as she knew from painful personal experience. She climbed onto the wooden rack and lay down on it, while Lara climbed into the coffin, which at least was velvet-lined and cushioned.

Hitch recovered his taser and limped over to the coffin, slamming the lid on Lara and locking it shut, leaving her in darkness.

"Let me out!" shouted Lara, hyperventilating. "I can't breathe!"

"Of course you can breathe. If you couldn't, you wouldn't be able to talk. Don't worry, you'll last until I'm done with Zoe, and then I'll see to you. I can see that tying you up isn't good enough. We'll deal with that later." Then he went to the rack, where he tied Zoe's arms to the roller on one end and manacled her ankles to the corners of the other.

"No, please..." whimpered Zoe.

"You should have thought of that before you hit me, liebchen." Hitch began to turn the crank, tightening the straps. Zoe screamed in pain.
OOC,[b]Lara[/b]'s Sneak roll (10% base skill) to come up behind [b]Hitch[/b]: [dice]0[/dice] [b]Hitch[/b]'s Listen roll (60% skill) to hear [b]Lara[/b]: [dice]1[/dice]

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Zoe/Lara)

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 1:01 am
by Mr. Handy
10:01 AM
In the movie studio-
Lara lay terrified in the coffin's darkened interior. "Zoe!" she cried. She pounded on the inside of the lid. "Let me out!"

Ignoring her, Hitch moved a camera over to the set and started it recording the torture session. "How did you get out of the cell, Zoe?" he demanded.

"They left it unlocked," she said.

"Try again. Nobody's that stupid, not after Kerry and Debbie got out." He rotated the crank another quarter turn, and Zoe cried out again.
OOC,[b]Zoe[/b]'s POW x 9 roll (99% stat) to withstand the torture: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Zoe/Lara)

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 2:15 am
by Mr. Handy
10:02 AM
In the movie studio-
"I'd tell you to get bent," said Zoe through gritted teeth, "but you already are."

"Wrong answer," said Hitch, turning the crank again. Zoe screamed, nearly reaching her breaking point, but not quite.

"Stop, stop!" protested Lara, to absolutely no effect.
OOC,[b]Zoe[/b]'s POW x 8 roll (88% stat) to withstand the torture: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Zoe/Lara)

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:25 am
by Mr. Handy
10:03 AM
In the movie studio-
"Care to tell me how you got out of your cell, Zoe?" asked Hitch, stroking her cheek with the back of his hand.

"Don't think so," said Zoe. Her muscles were being stretched too tight, and she didn't think she could take any more. Then Hitch turned the crank another notch. Somehow, she managed to keep it together, though a moan escaped her lips.
OOC,[b]Zoe[/b]'s POW x 7 roll (77% stat) to withstand the torture: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Zoe/Lara)

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2020 9:10 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:04 AM
In the movie studio-
"You're only making things harder on yourself," said Hitch, turning the crank another notch. "Talk, or it will get worse."

Zoe found the inner strength to keep resisting. In the coffin, Lara just cried, powerless to help her.
OOC,[b]Zoe[/b]'s POW x 6 roll (66% stat) to withstand the torture: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Zoe/Lara)

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2020 9:01 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:05 AM
In the movie studio-
Hitch turned the crank once more, and Zoe could finally take no more. She let out an ear-piercing scream that echoed throughout the studio.

"Zoe!" cried Lara from within the coffin. "ZOE!"

"Will you talk now?" asked Hitch.

Zoe could only shake her head slightly.

"In that case, I'll just leave you like this. You can watch while I have a go at your friend, until you decide she's had enough. Between you and me, I don't think she can take it very long."
OOC,[b]Zoe[/b]'s POW x 5 roll (55% stat) to withstand the torture: [dice]0[/dice] [b]Zoe[/b]'s Sanity roll (current level 45) for being tortured: [dice]1[/dice]

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Zoe/Lara)

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 2:49 am
by Mr. Handy
10:06 AM
In the movie studio-
Zoe winced as Hitch went over to the coffin, but she held firm. She couldn't reveal the secret of how she got out of the cell, or she'd never be able to do it again.

Hitch unlocked the coffin and swung open the lid. Lara sat bolt upright, gasping for breath, crossing her arms over her chest. "Your turn, my darling," he said.

"Nyet!" cried Lara, horrified. "Zoe, tell him what he wants to know!"

"I can't..." cried Zoe. "I'm sorry..."

Hitch grabbed Lara by the arm and pulled her out of the coffin, then dragged her over to the dungeon set. He then manacled her arms to the faux stone wall. Zoe could only watch as he picked up thumbscrews.
OOC,[b]Hitch[/b]'s Fast Talk roll (20% skill) to get [b]Zoe[/b] to talk: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Zoe/Lara)

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2020 3:48 am
by Mr. Handy
10:07 AM
In the movie studio-
Hitch put the thumbscrews on Lara and began to tighten them. She winced. "Zoe, tell him, please!" she begged. "I'm not as strong as you!"

"Okay, stop!" cried Zoe, unable to watch her friend being tortured. "I'll talk! Just don't hurt her!"

Hitch removed the thumbscrews and approached Zoe. "Tell me, then."

Zoe sobbed. "I broke off a piece of one of my mattress springs and used it to pick the lock on my cell's door."

"There, that wasn't so hard, was it? For this you lose your mattress. All of you girls lose your mattresses, thanks to you. You sleep on the floor from now on."
OOC,[b]Lara[/b]'s POW x 10 roll (90% stat) to withstand torture: [dice]0[/dice] [b]Lara[/b]'s Persuade roll (40% skill) to get [b]Zoe[/b] to talk: [dice]1[/dice]

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Zoe/Lara)

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 4:09 am
by Mr. Handy
10:08 AM
In the movie studio-
Hitch went back over to the rack and undid Zoe's bonds. Zoe could hear quiet footsteps outside the studio in the guard room. There were at least four sets, and they had to be her fellow captives, as whoever was walking wasn't wearing shoes and was trying to be quiet. She screamed to cover the sound they were making, but it was too late. Hitch had already heard it. He yanked her off the rack with one hand while drawing his pistol with the other. He dragged her over to the exit, released her for a second to open the door, and wrapped his arm around her again. He pulled her outside, leaving Lara alone in chains.
OOC,[b]Zoe[/b]'s Listen roll (40% skill) in the studio: [dice]0[/dice] [b]Lara[/b]'s Listen roll (45% skill) in the studio: [dice]1[/dice] [b]Hitch[/b]'s Listen roll (60% skill) in the studio: [dice]2[/dice] [b]Zoe[/b] is moving to the thread linked below:
Captive Hearts

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Zoe/Lara)

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 1:35 am
by Mr. Handy
10:09 AM
In the movie studio-
With Hitch gone, Lara tried to slip her wrists through the manacles. It proved to be remarkably easy, and within seconds she was free. Well, free except for being trapped underground in her abductors' compound. She crept over to the door leading out of the studio, which had been left open.
OOC,[b]Lara[/b]'s DEX x 1 roll (17% stat) to slip out of her chains: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Zoe/Lara)

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 2:49 am
by Mr. Handy
10:10 AM
In the guard room-
Lara crept through the guard room. Glancing behind her, she saw that Hitch was ushering the other women back into their cells, and they were dumping their mattresses out into the hall. Just as she reached the exit door, Hitch looked back and saw her! "Stop right there, Lara!" he called, pointing his pistol at Zoe, who was still in his grasp.

"Lara, RUN!!!" screamed Zoe.

Lara wasn't going to stop for anything, not even if Hitch killed all of the others. She fled through the other door, slamming it behind her.
OOC,[b]Lara[/b]'s Sneak roll (10% base skill) in the guard room: [dice]0[/dice] [b]Hitch[/b]'s Listen roll (60% skill) in the cell block: [dice]1[/dice] [b]Hitch[/b]'s Fast Talk roll (20% skill) to get [b]Lara[/b] to stop: [dice]2[/dice]
In the reception area-
Lara raced through a short corridor in which two doors were visible on either side and another at the far end. She entered a reception office with a desk and filing cabinets. Another door led onward, and she remembered that that was the way she had come into this building. She wished she could barricade the door behind her, but she wasn't strong enough to count on being able to move the furniture fast enough, and she didn't want to waste time.

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Zoe/Lara)

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2020 3:42 am
by Mr. Handy
10:11 AM
In the reception area-
Lara raced through the door at the other end of the room, shutting it behind her.

In the corridor-
The corridor beyond the door sloped upward and turned a corner to the right. Lara raced onward. She was a fast runner, and while she did not have shoes, she was still fast enough to stay ahead of Hitch, especially with his wounded leg. "I'm coming to get you, Lara!" he roared in the distance behind her.

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Zoe/Lara)

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 2:51 am
by Mr. Handy
10:12 AM
In the corridor-
Chest heaving from exertion, Lara sprinted up the corridor, not daring to look back. It would only slow her down. She rounded the corner.

On the stairs-
Lara swung open a gate and rushed through it, shutting it behind her. She was at the bottom of the stairs that led to the surface. She remembered being brought in this way, far too long ago.

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Zoe/Lara)

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 5:51 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:13 AM
On the stairs-
Lara started running up the stairs, making it up the first flight.

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Zoe/Lara)

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2020 10:13 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:14 AM
On the stairs-
Lara ran up a second flight of stairs, and they just kept going. She couldn't tell whether Hitch was behind her, but she had to assume he was. At least if he was chasing her, he wasn't hurting the other prisoners.

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Zoe/Lara)

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 2:28 am
by Mr. Handy
10:15 AM
On the stairs-
Lara ran up another flight of stairs, emerging into an open warehouse area full of crates. At the far end of the room, stairs continued upward.

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Zoe/Lara)

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:00 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:16 AM
On the stairs-
As Lara raced across the warehouse, she realized that there were plenty of hiding places, but she couldn't be sure she wouldn't be seen and she just wanted to get out of here. She hurried up the next flight of stairs.

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Zoe/Lara)

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2020 2:17 am
by Mr. Handy
10:17 AM
In the back room-
Lara ran up the last flight of stairs to the surface, opened a trapdoor, and entered a small room. Sunlight streamed in through a window in one wall next to a closed door leading outside. Another door led to the front of the building. This room was used for storage. Lara hadn't seen the sun in so long, and had lost hope that she ever would again.
OOC,[b]Lara[/b], please roll Listen.

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Zoe/Lara)

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 5:27 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:18 AM
In the back room-
Lara took a peek out the window beside the back door and recoiled in horror at what she saw. Staggering around the compound's yard were a few naked young women and girls, some of whom she recognized from when she had been kept in one of the cages. However, they were no longer in the cages, and the cages she did see had been broken open from the inside. They had angry red eyes, and they looked set to tear apart anyone they found. As Lara's mind snapped, she realized that she was just like them. She was now a vengeful Fury, ready to mete out justice on the skinheads who had enslaved and repeatedly abused her. She didn't have a weapon, but it never occurred to her that she would need one. Fueled with rage, she turned around and ran back downstairs. No more running. It was time to kill or be killed.
OOC,[b]Lara[/b]'s Listen roll (45% skill) in the back room: [dice]0[/dice] [b]Lara[/b]'s Sanity roll (current level 35) for seeing the zombies: [dice]1[/dice] Sanity loss: [dice]2[/dice] [b]Lara[/b]'s Idea roll (85% stat) to avoid temporary insanity - failure is good: [dice]3[/dice] Type and duration of temporary insanity: [dice]4[/dice] [dice]5[/dice] [b]Lara[/b]'s temporary insanity is homicidal mania. It will last for two more rounds.
On the stairs-
Lara reached the landing one flight below the surface just as Hitch did. He was shocked to see her coming right for him, eyes blazing with madness and vengeance.

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Zoe/Lara)

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 3:27 am
by Mr. Handy
10:19 AM
On the stairs-
Lara launched a vicious right hook at Hitch, screaming like a banshee as her face contorted with rage, but he effortlessly blocked her with his left arm. With his right he took out his taser. Activating it, he thrust it at her, but she hopped back to avoid the crackling blue electricity. She took another swing at him, missing by inches. Then he lunged with the taser again, this time striking her full in the chest. She collapsed, twitching and helpless. Her fury dissipated, leaving only despair at having lost her chance to escape. With an evil grin, Hitch rolled Lara over onto her back and handcuffed her arms behind it. Kneeling over her with his knee pressed into her back, he licked her neck. "You're going to regret that, liebchen," he said. "When I'm done with you, you won't walk for a week." He took out a bottle and a piece of cloth, poured some liquid onto the bottle and pressed the cloth over her mouth and nose. The fumes threatened to overwhelm her, and her breathing slowed as her vision grew dim, but her will to fight was strong. She feigned unconsciousness, letting her eyes droop closed. Then he put the bottle and cloth away, slung her over his shoulder with her legs in front, and began carrying her back downstairs.
OOC,[b]Lara[/b]'s Fist/Punch roll (50% base skill) attacking [b]Hitch[/b], round 1: [dice]0[/dice] [b]Hitch[/b]'s Luck roll (50% stat) on the stairs: [dice]1[/dice] [b]Hitch[/b]'s Fist/Punch roll (65% skill) to parry [b]Lara[/b]'s punch: [dice]2[/dice] [b]Hitch[/b]'s Fist/Punch roll (65% skill) attacking [b]Lara[/b] with the taser, round 1: [dice]3[/dice] [b]Lara[/b]'s Fist/Punch roll (50% base skill) attacking [b]Hitch[/b], round 2: [dice]4[/dice] [b]Hitch[/b]'s Fist/Punch roll (65% skill) attacking [b]Lara[/b] with the taser, round 2: [dice]5[/dice] Number of rounds [b]Lara[/b] is stunned: [dice]6[/dice] [b]Lara[/b]'s Resistance Table roll (CON 8 vs. chloroform's POT 15: 15% chance) to stay conscious: [dice]8[/dice] [b]Hitch[/b]'s STR x 5 roll (65% stat) to carry [b]Lara[/b]: [dice]7[/dice]

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Zoe/Lara)

Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 4:59 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:20 AM
On the stairs-
Lara's control over her muscles returned as Hitch descended with her, but she took care not to move. She didn't want him realizing that she was still awake. He carried her down a flight of stairs and back to the warehouse level.

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Zoe/Lara)

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 2:17 am
by Mr. Handy
10:21 AM
On the stairs-
Hitch carried Lara across the warehouse and down the first flight of stairs.
OOC,[b]Lara[/b]'s Listen roll (45% skill) on the stairs: [dice]0[/dice] [b]Hitch[/b]'s Listen roll (60% skill) on the stairs: [dice]1[/dice]

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Sally/Zoe/Lara/Mei Ling)

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2020 1:19 am
by Mr. Handy
10:22 AM
On the stairs-
As Mei Ling rounded the first landing, she saw Hitch at the top of the second flight of stairs, carrying Lara slung over his shoulder with her legs in front. He saw her in the same instant. "You!" he snarled.

Desperately, Lara flailed her legs wildly at Hitch's groin. She almost connected, but he pulled her around in front of him, took out his pistol, and pointed it at her back. "Hold it right there, China girl," he said. "You don't want Lara to get hurt, do you?"

Mei Ling hung her head and waited while Hitch descended the stairs to join her, using Lara as a shield. "Good girl. Now we're going to my studio to find out how you got out of your cell this time. Move it!"

At the bottom of the stairs, Sally froze in abject horror. The worst had clearly happened, and now she was trapped between Hitch about to come down the stairs and the other skinheads chasing her. Thinking quickly, she flattened herself against the wall beside the stairway, on the far side. The other skinheads would see her for certain if they rounded the corner, but at least there was a chance that Hitch would miss her as he came down, and then she could slip past him up the stairs and escape. It was a longshot, but it was the only chance she had.
OOC,[b]Sally[/b]'s Hide roll (10% base skill) hiding at the bottom of the stairs: [dice]1[/dice] [b]Lara[/b]'s Kick roll (25% base skill) trying to kick [b]Hitch[/b]: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Sally/Zoe/Lara/Mei Ling)

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2020 4:24 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Lara walks at the pace Hitch allows her and obeys is all instructions. To herself she realizes that the prospect of survival outside of the compound without a weapon is minimal. In here, they´s survive at the price of being tormented by the skinheads. But some day, there will be an opening. Soon.

In that, Lara places one foot after the other and hushes to Mei-Ling, "Walk back down, sestra. No problem."

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Sally/Zoe/Lara/Mei Ling)

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 3:20 am
by Mr. Handy
10:23 AM
On the stairs-
Hitch marched Lara and Mei Ling back down the last flight of stairs. When they reached the bottom, Hitch looked right at Sally and gave her a horrible grin. "You're coming back too, fraulein," he said, gesturing with his pistol, which he then pointed at Lara again.

With a whimper, Sally did as she was told and walked in front of them back toward the gate.
OOC,[b]Hitch[/b]'s Spot Hidden roll (50% skill) to see [b]Sally[/b]: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Sally/Zoe/Lara/Mei Ling)

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 10:40 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:24 AM
On the stairs-
Hitch walked Sally, Lara, and Mei Ling back through the open gate and around the corner.

In the corridor-
As Hitch took his prisoners down the sloping hallway, Ghost, Spike, and another skinhead with a shotgun entered from the reception area. Ghost leered. "Well, hello again, Sally," he drawled.

Sally began to shudder and weep.

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Sally/Zoe/Lara/Mei Ling)

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 7:53 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:25 AM
In the corridor-
"It's okay," I got them," said Hitch, ushering the captive women back down the hall to the reception area. "Zoe escaped from her cell earlier and interrupted me when I was with Lara. While I was dealing with Zoe, Lara slipped out of her bonds and came after me. Zoe injured my leg, but I subdued them both. I made Zoe tell me how she escaped, and she finally cracked and admitted that she broke off one of the mattress springs and used it to pick the lock."

"Oh, that's why all the mattresses were out in the hall," said Ghost.

"Ja. I left Lara chained up and went to take Zoe back to her cell, when I caught the rest of them outside of their cells. That raghead must have picked the locks the same way. She had a set of lockpicks on her when we captured her. With Zoe as a hostage, I got them all to return to their cells and locked them up again."

"So how'd they get back out?"

"While I was locking them up, Lara got out of her chains and made a break for it. I swear this girl's double-jointed. I chased her up the stairs, and she ambushed me near the surface. She didn't have a chance, though, and I got her back. Then I caught these two girls. I don't know how they escaped this time, but we will find out." He gave Mei Ling a vile grin. "You better tell me now, or you'll suffer like Zoe did. Lara can tell you all about that."

"Never!" spat Mei Ling. "I sooner die!"

"Preference noted."

Ghost slipped an arm around Sally's waist and pulled her close to him. "You're new here, Sally," he said as he pulled her through the open door, "so I'm willing to look the other way if you'll just tell me how you two got out."

"Don't tell him, Sally!" cried Mei Ling.

In the reception area-
Everyone entered the reception area from the corridor.
OOC,[b]Hitch[/b]'s Fast Talk roll (20% skill) to get [b]Mei Ling[/b] to tell how they got out of the cells: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Sally/Zoe/Lara/Mei Ling)

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 11:37 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:26 AM
In the reception area-
"I don't want to hurt you Sally," Ghost said, his voice soothing as he walked her through the room and into the short hallway beyond. "I love you. If you just tell me how you girls got out, it'll go much easier for you." Sally trembled, visions of torture and rape flashing through her mind.

Hitch dragged Lara and marched Mei Ling after them, with the two shotgun-toting skinheads bringing up the rear.

In the guard room-
"If I tell you," said Sally at last, "promise me you won't hurt the other girls either." Mei Ling shook her head.

"For you, anything," said Ghost.

Sally took a deep breath. "All right. We climbed up to the gratings in the ceilings of our cells, forced them open, and climbed out through the vent shafts. We dropped down into the hallway, where the mattresses you took from us broke our falls."

"There, that wasn't so hard. Now, what are we going to do with you girls?"
OOC,[b]Ghost[/b]'s Persuade roll (15% base skill) to get [b]Sally[/b] to tell how they escaped from the cells: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Sally/Zoe/Lara/Mei Ling)

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 9:20 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:27 AM
In the reception area-
"You said you wouldn't hurt us!" protested Sally.

"And we won't," said Ghost. "This time. But we need a way to keep you from escaping again. Next time any of you try anything, there will be no more mercy."

"We can cuff their arms behind their backs, like I did with Lara," said Hitch. "They can't very well climb that way. I have a couple of spare pairs of handcuffs in my studio. I'll go get them." He went through the door on the right.

Ghost pressed Sally up against the wall and kissed her on the neck and collarbone. "No!" cried Sally. "You promised!"

"I won't hurt you, Sally," said Ghost. "I'll be gentle."

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Sally/Zoe/Lara/Mei Ling)

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 1:48 am
by Mr. Handy
10:28 AM
In the reception area-
Ghost grabbed Sally's blouse with both hands and pulled it open, sending the buttons popping off and clattering to the floor. Sally began to weep as he slid it off of her shoulders and fingered her bra strap. "I...I'm not ready!" she choked.

"That's all right," said Ghost. "I have to go out and pick up Horst and the other guys anyway. By the time we get back, you'll be ready to make love to me. In the meantime, I'll take a down payment." He locked his mouth over hers as she squirmed.

Hitch returned from the studio clutching two pairs of handcuffs by the chains in one hand and shut the door behind him. He handed one to Ghost and used the other to cuff Mei Ling's arms behind her back.

Ghost finally came up for air, whirled Sally around, and held her against the wall while he did the same to her arms. Then he brushed her hair aside and nuzzled the nape of her neck.

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Sally/Zoe/Lara/Mei Ling)

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 8:37 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:29 AM
In the reception area-
Ghost slid his arm around Sally's waist. The skinheads marched their prisoners through the door and into the cell block.

In the cell block-
The skinheads took their captives toward their cells.

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Sally/Zoe/Lara/Mei Ling)

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 2:47 am
by Mr. Handy
10:30 AM
In the cell block-
"You girls better not try to escape again!" called Hitch as he unlocked each captive's cell. "We catch any of you out of your cells again, it'll go really bad for you!" He locked Lara and Mei Ling in their cells while Ghost put Sally in hers.

"See you again real soon, Sally," said Ghost with a leer before shutting the door. Hitch locked it, and Ghost moved the mattress away from beneath the vent shaft opening in the ceiling. "There. If any of them tries something now, she's in for a world of hurt."

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Sally/Zoe/Lara/Mei Ling)

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:27 am
by Mr. Handy
10:31 AM
In the cell block-
Sally leaned back against the wall and began to weep again. She'd been given a reprieve, but she knew he'd be back, and this time nothing would stop him from having his way with her.

The skinheads walked away, back to the guard room.

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Sally/Zoe/Lara/Mei Ling)

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 10:44 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:32 AM
In the cell block-
Sally, Lara, and Mei Ling could no longer hear the skinheads, but they knew they would be back. At least they hadn't found out that the other women had escaped. Still, they weren't going to just wait around to be raped. They struggled to slip out of their handcuffs. Sally, to her great relief, barely managed it.
OOC,[b]Sally[/b]'s Listen roll (25% base skill) in the cell block: [dice]0[/dice] [b]Lara[/b]'s Listen roll (45% skill) in the cell block: [dice]1[/dice] [b]Mei Ling[/b]'s Listen roll (30% skill) in the cell block: [dice]2[/dice] [b]Sally[/b]'s DEX x 1 roll (16% stat) to slip out of the handcuffs: [dice]3[/dice] [b]Lara[/b]'s DEX x 1 roll (17% stat) to slip out of the handcuffs: [dice]4[/dice] [b]Mei Ling[/b]'s DEX x 1 roll (16% stat) to slip out of the handcuffs: [dice]5[/dice]

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Sally/Zoe/Lara/Mei Ling)

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 12:15 am
by Mr. Handy
10:33 AM
In the cell block-
Desperation gave Sally the strength she needed to once again scramble up to the vent very quickly and squeeze through it. Meanwhile, Lara finally managed to slip out of her handcuffs, having proven adept at getting out of all sorts of bonds this morning.
OOC,[b]Sally[/b]'s Climb roll (40% base skill) to climb up to the vent: [dice]0[/dice] [b]Sally[/b]'s SIZ x 5 roll (55% stat) to squeeze into the vent - failure is good: [dice]3[/dice] [b]Lara[/b]'s DEX x 1 roll (17% stat) to slip out of the handcuffs: [dice]1[/dice] [b]Mei Ling[/b]'s DEX x 1 roll (16% stat) to slip out of the handcuffs: [dice]2[/dice]

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Sally/Zoe/Lara/Mei Ling)

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 12:32 am
by Mr. Handy
10:34 AM
In the cell block-
Mei Ling still could not get free from her handcuffs, though she was getting closer. Lara scrambled up the walls until she was beneath her vent, though hers was still closed, as she had never climbed out of it before.

Sally crawled quietly down the shaft over the guard room. She saw the other women in the shaft further ahead in that direction, and they made their way left down a branching vent.
OOC,[b]Lara[/b]'s Climb roll (40% base skill) to climb up to the vent: [dice]0[/dice] [b]Mei Ling[/b]'s DEX x 1 roll (16% stat) to slip out of the handcuffs: [dice]1[/dice]

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Sally/Zoe/Lara/Mei Ling)

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 3:14 am
by Mr. Handy
10:35 AM
In the cell block-
Lara tried to kick the grating open, and while it didn't budge, she easily managed to keep from falling. Mei Ling still couldn't get out of her handcuffs.
OOC,[b]Lara[/b]'s STR x 5 roll (45% stat) to open the grating: [dice]0[/dice] [b]Lara[/b]'s DEX x 5 roll (85% stat) to keep from falling: [dice]2[/dice] [b]Mei Ling[/b]'s DEX x 1 roll (16% stat) to slip out of the handcuffs: [dice]1[/dice]
In the vents-
When Sally looked through the vent into the guard room, she could see that Hitch was looking toward the cell block but seemed to be oblivious to her presence directly overhead. She crawled down the branch to the left and came up behind the other women. She heard a loud noise below.

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Sally/Zoe/Lara/Mei Ling)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 9:11 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:36 AM
In the cell block-
Lara tried again, and again the grating failed to budge. Fortunately, she was very good at keeping her balance. Mei Ling remained trapped in her handcuffs.
OOC,[b]Lara[/b]'s STR x 5 roll (45% stat) to open the grating: [dice]0[/dice] [b]Lara[/b]'s DEX x 5 roll (85% stat) to keep from falling: [dice]2[/dice] [b]Mei Ling[/b]'s DEX x 1 roll (16% stat) to slip out of the handcuffs: [dice]1[/dice] [b]Sally[/b] is moving to the thread linked below:
Captive Hearts

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Sally/Zoe/Lara/Mei Ling)

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 1:08 am
by Mr. Handy
10:37 AM
In the cell block-
Lara finally managed to get the grate open, but Mei Ling remained stuck.
OOC,[b]Lara[/b]'s STR x 5 roll (45% stat) to open the grating: [dice]0[/dice] [b]Mei Ling[/b]'s DEX x 1 roll (16% stat) to slip out of the handcuffs: [dice]1[/dice]

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Sally/Zoe/Lara/Mei Ling)

Posted: Sat May 16, 2020 9:03 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:38 AM
In the cell block-
Lara got stuck trying to squeeze into the vent shaft, in spite of the fact that she wasn't well fed here. Mei Ling too remained trapped.
OOC,[b]Lara[/b]'s SIZ x 5 roll (55% stat) to fit into the shaft- failure is good: [dice]0[/dice] [b]Mei Ling[/b]'s DEX x 1 roll (16% stat) to slip out of the handcuffs: [dice]1[/dice] This concludes Chapter 1. Zombie Apocalypse will continue in Chapter 2: The Quick and the Undead.

Re: IC-Horror Movie(Sally/Zoe/Lara/Mei Ling)

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 2:48 am
by Mr. Handy
The story continues in Chapter 2, in the following thread:
