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Re: IC-Wake Up Call(various)

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2020 5:31 pm
by aine
"Aaiiiiiieee!" Screams Mrs Foo. She is startled at the ferocity of the red-eyed men but stands her ground, firing twice into the skinny one.
Rolls,San (55)[dice]0[/dice] lose 1pt. Pistol [dice]1[/dice] [dice]2[/dice] Damage [dice]3[/dice] +1=3 Location [dice]4[/dice] Right leg

Re: IC-Wake Up Call(various)

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2020 10:21 pm
by Mr. Handy
OOC,[b]Mitchell[/b] saw what happened with the zombie from the junkyard, so he can reasonably figure out to aim at the head. The other characters here didn't yet know, however, but now they can deduce it. [b]Ms. Foo[/b]'s starting Sanity was 55, but her current Sanity was 47, so that roll fails. Sanity loss: [dice]0[/dice] [b]Ms. Foo[/b] loses 5 Sanity. [b]Ms. Foo's[/b] Idea roll (70% stat) to avoid temporary insanity - failure is good: [dice]6[/dice] Type and duration of temporary insanity: [dice]9[/dice] [dice]10[/dice] [b]Mr. Foo[/b]'s Sanity roll (current level 84) for seeing the zombies: [dice]1[/dice] [b]Mr. Foo[/b]'s Submachine Gun roll (53% x 2 = 106% skill) shooting at zombie, point blank): [dice]13[/dice] Hit location on zombie: [dice]18[/dice] Damage to zombie: [dice]19[/dice] [b]Ellen[/b]'s Sanity roll (current level 68) for seeing the zombies: [dice]2[/dice] [b]Cathy[/b]'s Sanity roll (current level 42) for seeing the zombies: [dice]3[/dice] [b]Cathy[/b]'s Sanity loss (maximum of 6): [dice]7[/dice] [b]Cathy[/b]'s Idea roll (75% stat) to avoid temporary insanity - failure is good: [dice]11[/dice] Type and duration of temporary insanity: [dice]14[/dice] [dice]15[/dice] [b]Bobby[/b]'s Sanity roll (current level 52) for seeing the zombies: [dice]4[/dice] [b]Bobby[/b]'s Sanity loss (maximum of 6): [dice]8[/dice] [b]Bobby[/b]'s Idea roll (80% stat) to avoid temporary insanity - failure is good: [dice]12[/dice] Type and duration of temporary insanity: [dice]16[/dice] [dice]17[/dice] [b]Scotty[/b]'s Sanity roll (current level 53) for seeing the zombies: [dice]5[/dice]

Re: IC-Wake Up Call(various)

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2020 10:40 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:07 AM
In the motel lobby-
Mitchell fired first, blowing off the head of the stronger zombie that had destroyed the last of the barricade. Mr. Foo, not daring to use fully automatic fire when others could be hit by stray bullets, fired a single shot, putting a bullet deep into the other one's thigh and clipping his femoral artery. What should have killed him or at least knocked him down had no noticeable effect. Bobby tried to take a swing at the skinny one, screaming with rage, but Tony found a surge of adrenaline and pulled him out of harm's way into the private room. Scotty also darted into the room, and Ellen pulled Cathy away from the front door and followed him. Ms. Foo also fled after them, screaming. Before Mr. Foo could fire again, his target lunged at him and almost chewed a massive chunk out of his shoulder, but he interposed his sword and blocked the attack. Then he fired again, hitting it in the chest, again with no appreciable effect.
OOC,Resistance Table roll ([b]Tony[/b]'s STR 13 vs. [b]Bobby[/b]'s SIZ 19 (40% chance) trying to pull [b]Bobby[/b] away: [dice]0[/dice] [b]Ms. Foo[/b]'s DEX x 5 roll (30% stat) trying to flee from the zombie: [dice]1[/dice] [b]Bobby[/b]'s DEX x 5 roll (45% stat) being pulled away from the zombie: [dice]2[/dice] [b]Scotty[/b]'s DEX x 5 roll (75% stat) fleeing from the zombie: [dice]3[/dice] Who does zombie attack (1=Mitchell, 2=Ms. Foo, 3=Mr. Foo)? [dice]4[/dice] Bite attack on [b]Mr. Foo[/b] (30% chance): [dice]5[/dice] [b]Mr. Foo[/b]'s Sword roll (64% skill) to parry the Bite attack: [dice]9[/dice] Grapple Attack on [b]Mr. Foo[/b] (25% chance): [dice]6[/dice] [b]Mr. Foo[/b]'s Submachine Gun roll (53% x 2 = 106% skill) shooting at zombie, point blank: [dice]10[/dice] Hit location on zombie: [dice]7[/dice] Damage to zombie from impaling 9mm bullet: [dice]8[/dice] [b]Mitchell[/b], you may act again.
In the private room-
Once everyone retreated to the private room, it became apparent that there was no other way out of here. The door was the only one to this room, and there weren't even any windows.

"I wonder what we taste like," said Cathy.

"Hello?!" came Major Andrews's voice over the microphone. "I heard gunfire! What's going on?"
Ms. Foo,Your temporary insanity is to flee in terror and lasts for five rounds, which includes the round that just ended and the current round. This room is a dead end, but once the other zombie is down, you will flee that way. You did not fire any shots, as your insanity overrode your will. You are also indefinitely insane, though your indefinite insanity will not kick in until after the temporary insanity is over.
Cathy Lathan,Your temporary insanity is a craving for human flesh, though you do not need to act on it. It lasts for eight rounds, which includes the round that just ended and the current round. You may otherwise act freely. You are also indefinitely insane, though your indefinite insanity will not kick in until after the temporary insanity is over.
Bobby Lathan,Your temporary insanity is a homicidal rage. It lasts for thirteen rounds, which includes the round that just ended and the current round.
Scotty Lathan,You believe firmly that life is a video game. Whatever happens, you are sure that if you die, you can just respawn at the last save point.

Re: IC-Wake Up Call(various)

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2020 5:57 am
by Silver Priest
Tony's relieved his entire family is safe, for the moment. When Andrews' voice asks for clarification he looks towards his wife, not even really paying attention to whatever it was she was saying.

"Watch the kids, honey." He releases Bobby and answers the microphone.

"Hello, Major? Tony Lantham here again, we have a bit of a situation here. Two of the infected broke in the back of the motel. Mr. Foo and one of the guests are shooting at them, but the rest of us without weapons fled into Mr. Foo's private room. I know at least one of them is dead, but we're still not sure if the other one is. I'll let you know once we have some confirmation on that.

"Righto, a few things, Sir. Firstly, we barricaded this place up really good using all the furniture on the ground floor of the motel, but two of them still broke down the back door in under a minute. I'm not sure if they were just naturally strong or this illness makes them stronger, but it seems like most barricades are only good for slowing them down. Which is still useful, of course, it may have saved our lives. But it's something to be aware of. And oh, right! They were runners, these two, far quicker than the other one I saw. And your men may already know this, but you might want to shoot them in your head. One shot took one of em down good, but I saw the other shot in the thigh with a powerful weapon and he stayed up

Re: IC-Wake Up Call(various)

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2020 8:54 pm
by Starspawn338
OOC,I'm not sure how shooting into melee works. If it will give me a big penalty, I will try to use the butt of the shotgun to smash the infected's head. If not, I will shoot it in the head. [dice]0[/dice]

Re: IC-Wake Up Call(various)

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2020 4:49 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,There's no penalty for shooting into melee, but if you don't hit (or if you fire a burst from a fully automatic weapon and not every bullet hits), there's a chance you could hit the wrong target. In this case, you hit, so there's no problem. You can go ahead and roll 4D6 for damage. As long as you don't roll all 1s, that's a kill and the combat will be over. You then may act as normal afterwards. The shotgun is now empty, but you have four spare shells, so it can be reloaded. It can also double as a large club, as you'd guessed, but it doesn't do quite as much damage that way.

Re: IC-Wake Up Call(various)

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2020 8:12 am
by Starspawn338
OOC,Damage [dice]0[/dice]
Mitchell watches as his first shot blows the head off the infected. While Mr. Foo fights off the other one, Mitchell takes a step to the side and trains his shotgun on the infected's head.

"Sorry Mr. Foo. We need to kill these things as fast as possible." Mitchell says as he pulls the trigger.

Re: IC-Wake Up Call(various)

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 5:38 am
by Mr. Handy
10:08 AM
In the private room-
Bobby ran out of the room as soon as Tony released him, and Ms. Foo followed him once the zombie dropped.

"Yes, that's consistent with the reports I'm getting from our snipers," said Major Andrews. "Head shots pretty much always kill, as you'd expect, but an infected target hit in the chest doesn't go down. Our machine gunners have had more luck bringing them down by firing into large groups, though it takes a lot of bullets. We've also had reports that while most of them are slow, a few of them move very quickly. It seems to be about one in ten. Those two that broke in may be the leading edge of a large group. They got there first due to their speed, but the slower ones will probably show up later. If there were two fast ones, you can probably expect close to twenty slower ones from the same direction. It's very important that you don't let the infected touch you. Their bite is known to transmit the infection, and it's suspected that their touch does too. We don't think it's airborne. God help us all if it is. Our forces are wheels up in a few minutes and will soon be on their way to you. ETA is thirty minutes. You have to hold your position until they arrive."

"The levels just get harder as we go along," said Scotty.
OOC,Everyone, please roll Listen. The base skill is 25%.
In the motel lobby-
The scrawny zombie's head was blown to bits, and the rest of it fell. Bobby rushed out of the private room and began kicking the dead bodies. Ms. Foo was a short distance behind him.

"Thank you, young man," Mr. Foo said to Mitchell with a bow. "If you hadn't been here, we would have been hard pressed to escape unharmed."
Ms. Foo,Your temporary insanity is over. Your indefinite insanity is a fear of the dead, whether zombies or mere motionless corpses, such as the two headless ones lying on the floor in front of you.
OOC,Everyone, please roll Listen. The base skill is 25%.

Re: IC-Wake Up Call(various)

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 7:22 pm
by Starspawn338
"Thank you, young man," Mr. Foo said to Mitchell with a bow. "If you hadn't been here, we would have been hard pressed to escape unharmed."
"No problem. I'm just glad my aim was good."

Mitchell will reload the shotgun as he scans the motel lobby.

"We've got to find someplace safe. Obviously, barricading ourselves inside isn't safe. Is there a basement or attic in here?

Re: IC-Wake Up Call(various)

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 9:29 pm
by Silver Priest
"Understood," Tony says. "I'll go tell the others and get em ready. Someone will be back in a few minutes. Over and out!"

He disconnects and heads out of the room, reasoning that with another shotgun blast and the lack of screaming meant the threat was safely contained. Though he shakes his head at Scotty as he passes.

Back to thinking this is a game. That boy ain't right.

Back in the lobby, he's relieved to find the threat dealt with.

"Glad to see you're both alright! Just spoke to Major Andrews-- he's seen these fast ones as well, and says they're likely the front line of a much larger group, maybe 20." he gulps. "The, ah, good news is that they should be slower. We need to hold this place until the military gets here in 30 minutes or so. Mitchell, can you get anyone else that's left with a weapon and bring them here? We'll need all the help we can get to secure this place. I'm no strategist, though I have watched a game or two of college football in my day. I think we should get some folks up on the balcony-- they'll be able to see the threat and hopefully deal with it before it reaches us. We should also barricade the stairs if we can-- nothing too fancy, they're going to break it down anyway, but anything that forces them to stop for a few seconds gives us a bit of a breather. Had we had no barricades up at the back door this may have gone very differently.

Speaking of the back door, we should try and reinforce it again. How about we get one of the vehicles and park it in front of the opening. Be a bit cumbersome for us if we need to leave that way, but should slow the infected folks down, right?

"Oh, and we need to aim for the head, though you all seem to know that already. And don't let them bite you. The Major thinks that's what spreads this, and touch may as well
." It's then that Bobby's actions occur to him. "Bobby! Stop that at once, you don't wanna be touching these things!"

Re: IC-Wake Up Call(various)

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 7:24 pm
by aine
Mrs Foo pushes past them and heads through the kitchen to the wrecked door, heedless of anything. She yabbers loudly in Mandarin
Mandarin,"Must get out, must get out, must get out!"

Re: IC-Wake Up Call(various)

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 4:33 am
by Mr. Handy
In the motel kitchen-
As Ms. Foo moved through the kitchen toward what was left of the back door, she saw Samantha there. "Hello, don't shoot! Is anyone normal in there?" she called, loud enough for everyone in the motel to hear.

In the motel lobby-
Mr. Foo nodded to Tony. "A sound strategy," he said. "The roof would also be a good place for snipers. There is no attic, but there are exterior slanted doors in the ground leading to the cellar. However, that won't be a safe place. There's only one way in, but also only one way out. We also need the height advantage; we have to see the enemy coming." He waved back to Samantha and called out to her. "Normal is a relative term, but we're not infected, if that's what you mean!"
OOC,Everyone is moving to the thread linked below:
Hold Down the Fort