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IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimberly)

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 3:04 am
by Mr. Handy
Z-Day - 10:21 AM Mountain Daylight Time - North of the T-Bone
On the road-
Bo drove north along the road, with Kimberly sitting in the shotgun seat. Jimmy, Wallace, Luke, and Gary were in the back of the truck. "Can you please reload my shotgun?" asked Bo. "I fired a shell earlier. I'd do it myself, but I'm driving."

"Sure thing," said Kimberly, taking the shotgun and one of Bo's shells, which she slid into the side before returning the shotgun.

"I got a bowie knife," Wallace said to Jimmy, "but it's my only one. I don't know if I should give it up. I might need it if there's close-in fighting."

"Well, don't look at me," said Luke. "I'm not lending out my knife."

The dirt road went across a narrow bridge over the Lodgepole Creek, and up ahead was an intersection with Route 30, which went left and right from here. The dirt road continued ahead. "Keep going straight," said Kimberly. "We've got a few minutes before we get close."
OOC,[b]Jimmy[/b], you may roll Fast Talk if you want to try to convince [b]Wallace[/b] to trade knives.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:47 pm
by Starspawn338
Gary will steady himself in the back and keep his rifle ready in case any infected get close to the truck.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 3:53 pm
by Leonulf
Jimmy pulls out his pocket knife "It's no bother, I plan to be sneak around more than fighting, I could probably steal something from the dickwads in that compound anyway. I am guessing they will see us coming, is there any particular plan? If you guys want to start shooting I could try and make my way around the back and find a way in maybe?".

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2020 2:52 am
by Mr. Handy
10:22 AM
On the road-
"I've got a plan," said Kimberly as Bo drove onward. She took out a small black leather wallet and flipped it open to reveal her identification card, which had her photograph and was labeled Drug Enforcement Agency. "I'm with the DEA, undercover. I'm hereby deputizing all of you. I've been investigating the T-Bone and the Prairie Militia Society for drug-related activities. The way it works is that the PMS makes crystal meth in their compound, and they sell it to Hammond and Earl at the T-Bone. They use truckers, such as David, to move the drugs all up and down I-80. From there it goes all over the country."

"Holy s***!" said Wallace. "All this time, and I never knew."

"From what I can gather, David was forced into it. He owes Hammond big time. It's actually worse than I'd thought at first. Not only are the skinheads involved with drugs, they also traffic in weapons - and apparently people. Hammond and Earl get military grade weapons, again brought in on trucks, and they trade those to the PMS for the meth. Hammond did us a favor when he killed Earl and those skinheads, but he had his own self-interest at heart, and he didn't care who he killed with them. It looks like he had a falling out with them, so he was trying to save his own skin, and he also conveniently eliminated witnesses. We'll have to deal with him after we're done at the compound. Right now we have bigger fish to fry. I wish I could bring in an interagency task force to bring these scumbags down, but that's clearly not going to happen today. Instead, I've got you guys, and I'm lucky to have you."

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 4:28 am
by Starspawn338
"Wait, so you're saying that the skinheads at this compound have military grade weapons? What exactly is your plan because driving up to the front door in a pickup is going to get us shot up like we was Bonnie and Clyde." Gary is nervous about what they are going to do but his resolve to try to save the women that were taken as hostages doesn't waver.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2020 5:50 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Bo drives on and says, "We´re lucky to have you SAIC Kimberly. Thank´s for the reload. Let´s hope we have enough fire power to get inside..."

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 4:16 am
by Mr. Handy
10:23 AM
On the road-
"Any time, Trooper," said Kimberly. "Thanks, but I'm just a Special Agent, not an SAC yet. My plan isn't a frontal assault, and if it works, we won't need as much firepower. I have satellite photos of the compound on the laptop in the trunk of my car. I doubt it survived the explosion, but I've studied them and can go from memory. This truck is one of their own vehicles, so we can approach most of the way there without arousing suspicion. If they see it from a distance, they'll assume Horst and his men are coming back. If we're really lucky, they'll open the gates for us and we can zoom through before they get suspicious, but we can't count on that. However, I noticed that there are some trees overhanging the fence on the left side of the compound. It should be possible to climb up the tree and along the branch, then drop down inside. It's a secluded part of the compound, so nobody should notice as long as we don't drive too close to the compound and approach with stealth. Once at least some of us are inside, we can open the gates from within." The vehicle continued on for another mile. "We're about halfway there now."

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 9:11 am
by Leonulf
Jimmy grins "Well your sure full of surprises, that plan is right up my alley - the amount of times I have done something similar to find a spot to sleep, or "acquire" supplies I couldn't count on my fingers and toes combined.".

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 11:02 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:24 AM
On the road-
"Thanks," said Kimberly as Bo kept driving north. "I'm glad you came with us. I have a feeling you'll be needed for that part. When we get close, we can take the truck off road and drive around to the left side of the compound and those trees. Any other questions before we get there? It'll only be a couple more minutes."

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 8:48 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:25 AM
On the road-
The pickup truck went over a few rolling hills, and just ahead the road split. It kept going straight ahead, and it also branched off ahead and to the left. By this branch was a sign that said: "Prairie Militia Society Compound. Trespassers Will Be Violated. Stay Out."

"Turn left here," said Kimberly to Bo.
OOC,Everyone may roll Spot Hidden. The base skill is 25%.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 6:17 pm
by Leonulf
Jimmy starts to focus on his surroudings a bit more as they approach the compound.
Spot Hidden (55%),[dice]0[/dice]

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 10:03 pm
by Starspawn338
OOC,Spot Hidden 50 [dice]0[/dice]
"Okay everybody. Let's be ready for action."

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 11:59 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:26 AM
On the road-
The pickup truck turned down the left branch and up a hill, and the compound came into view. It had high white walls with razor wire on top surrounding it, broken only by a gate at the end of the road. Everybody except Jimmy got a good view of the interior. A white panel van was parked just outside one of the buildings in the center of the compound. There were several cages in the yard, a number of them broken open from the inside. Staggering around the compound's yard were several people. A few of them were skinheads, but the rest were naked women and girls, some as young as 12 or 13. All of them had blazing red eyes, and some had obvious bite marks.
OOC,[b]Wallace[/b]'s Spot Hidden roll (45% skill) approaching the compound: [dice]0[/dice] [b]Bo[/b]'s Spot Hidden roll (56% skill) approaching the compound: [dice]1[/dice] [b]Luke[/b]'s Spot Hidden roll (55% skill) approaching the compound: [dice]2[/dice] [b]Kimberly[/b]'s Spot Hidden roll (52% skill) approaching the compound: [dice]3[/dice] Everyone except [b]Jimmy[/b], please roll Sanity for seeing the zombies. Sanity loss is 1/1D8, so you lose 1 Sanity if you succeed or 1D8 if you fail. If you lose 5 or more, you must roll Idea. If you succeed at the Idea roll, you will go temporarily insane. Otherwise, you may act freely. [b]Wallace[/b] and [b]Bo[/b] do not need to roll, as they have already lost 8 Sanity for seeing zombies and are used to them. [b]Gary[/b] and [b]Kimberly[/b] have lost 2 Sanity for seeing zombies, so they can lose at most 6 more. Any loss of 7 or 8 will count as 6 instead. [b]Luke[/b] has lost 4, so he can lose at most 4 more.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 9:00 pm
by Starspawn338
Sanity Roll,Sanity 77 [dice]0[/dice] Sanity Loss 1
Gary sees the infected in the compound and grits his teeth. Not only does that mean they will have to fight through the infected to get inside the compound, but the skinheads inside will be ready to defend the compound from any incursions.

"Heads up everyone, this is about to get ugly."

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 9:30 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:27 AM
On the road-
Luke shuddered at the sight. Even a hardened hunter like him couldn't just brush it aside.

"Bo, take us around the left side of the compound, off the road," said Kimberly. "At least the infected don't shoot back. We may still be able to make a stealthy entrance to the compound without alerting any survivors."

Bo drove around the left side of the compound, stopping the truck beside a tall tree whose branches reached over the razor wire-topped perimeter fence.

"This is the perfect place." Kimberly looked back at Jimmy. "Think you can climb that tree and get inside? If you manage to sneak over to the gate without the infected seeing you, you can open it from the inside while we drive back around to the front. Once it's open, we can pick you up and drive straight to the building with the van in front. That must be where they've taken the hostages. If the infected do detect you, we can open up on them and cover you while you get the gate open, but the sound of the gunfire will alert anyone in the buildings."
OOC,[b]Luke[/b]'s Sanity roll (current level 86) for seeing the zombies: [dice]1[/dice] [b]Luke[/b]'s Sanity loss (maximum 4): [dice]4[/dice] [b]Kimberly[/b]'s Sanity roll (current level 73) for seeing the zombies: [dice]2[/dice] [b]Jimmy[/b],if you want to try to climb the tree, please roll Climb.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 9:46 pm
by Starspawn338
Keeper,Gary's special is cool under fire with a +20 to all Sanity rolls.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 10:02 pm
by Mr. Handy
Gary,Thanks, I'd missed the +20. You're fine.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 12:32 pm
by Leonulf
Jimmy jumps down and tries to climb up the tree and sneak in the compound "Looks good to me".
Climb (75%),[dice]0[/dice]

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 10:50 pm
by Starspawn338
Gary will cover Jimmy and keep his rifle trained on the closest of the infected as Jimmy sneaks around.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 2:06 am
by Mr. Handy
10:28 AM
Outside the compound-
Jimmy scaled the fence with absolutely no problem, crawled along the branch, and lowered himself to the ground on the inside of the fence.

"Nicely done," said Kimberly. "Stick close to the perimeter of the fence as you make your way to the gate. Most of them are in the middle of the compound. We'll follow along in the truck on the outside of the fence and cover you. Once you open the gate from inside, we'll drive in and you can hop in the back."
OOC,[b]Jimmy[/b], please roll Luck.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 9:06 pm
by Starspawn338
Gary will continue to cover Jimmy as he makes his way around the compound.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 7:55 am
by Leonulf
Jimmy nods and follows the advice trying to stick close to the perimeter as he moves onwards.
Luck (75%),[dice]0[/dice]

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 8:44 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:29 AM
At the gate-
Jimmy made his way around the edge of the compound, shadowed by the pickup truck. Soon they were back at the gate. Fortunately, none of the zombies were close enough to Jimmy to notice him.

"Excellent," said Kimberly. "Open the gate, then jump in the back when we drive in."

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 8:34 pm
by Starspawn338
"Good job Jimmy." Gary says as he keeps his rifle ready.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 7:48 am
by Leonulf
Jimmy nods towards the truck and starts opening the gate, ready to jump back into the track once its open.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 2:51 am
by Mr. Handy
10:30 AM
At the gate-
Bo drove through the open gate, slowing down long enough for Jimmy to hop into the bed of the pickup truck. Then he accelerated and drove to the front of the building, parking next to the van in front of the door.

"We don't have much time," Kimberly said, hopping out of the vehicle. The zombies were already starting to converge on them. She tried the building's front door. "Damn, it's locked!"

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 9:17 pm
by Starspawn338
Gary follows Kimberly out of the truck. Since the front door is locked, he looks around for any other doors or windows.

"We need to get out of the open quickly."

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:32 am
by Leonulf
Jimmy looks around "We might need to make a lot of noise soon, we could use it to our advantage - if we ram or shoot the door open but then move back maybe the skinheads will rush out to a load of zombies - let them fight each other for a bit before we go in? Or the zombies might naturally go straight in, either way it might make a distraction while we look for another way in?".

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:35 am
by Mr. Handy
10:31 AM
Outside the building-
"Those girls may not have much time either," KImberly said as everyone else got out of the truck. "Let's get that door open."

Gary found a window and looked inside, seeing a deserted room.

"Right," said Bo. "We'll ram it, then. Ready, kid?" He and Jimmy ran at the door with their shoulders together, and it flew open. Everyone rushed inside.

In the entry room-
Everyone hustled into a large white-walled room with a desk and chairs. There was another door at the back of the room.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 7:02 am
by Starspawn338
Gary will head to the door in the back and see if it is also locked.
"Let's get out of sight from the front door." He says to the others.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 11:17 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:32 AM
In the entry room-
Everyone moved away from the front door. Unfortunately, there was no closing it again, not after Jimmy and Bo had smashed it down. The zombies outside were getting closer.

Gary tried the door at the back of the room and found it to be unlocked, and the room beyond was empty. Everyone hurried through.

In the back room-
Everyone entered a small room. Sunlight streamed in through a window in one wall next to a closed door leading outside. This room was used for storage, and there was a trapdoor set into the floor.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 8:41 am
by Leonulf
Jimmy points at the floor "If I was the kidnapping type, a basement might seem like a good idea, lets have a look down here", he moves to open the trapdoor.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 10:37 pm
by Starspawn338
"You're right kid." Gary affirms. "Not only that but survivalist types tend to have their safe area underground. Let's be careful though. We know they are armed to the teeth and they have explosives as well. This place could be booby trapped."

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 12:31 am
by Mr. Handy
10:33 AM
In the back room-
Jimmy hauled open the trapdoor, revealing a set of stairs leading underground, lit by a bare light bulb dangling from the ceiling of the level below. There was no sign of any traps.

"Bo and I should take point," said Kimberly. "We have the shotguns." They led the way downstairs, followed by everyone else.

On the stairs-
The group descended a flight of stairs and soon reached a landing, where the stairs turned around and continued downward.
OOC,[b]Bo[/b] is first and [b]Kimberly[/b] is second. The rest of you can decide on your marching order. In addition to [b]Jimmy[/b] and [b]Gary[/b], [b]Wallace[/b] and [b]Luke[/b] are also with you, and both have rifles. Also, everyone, please roll Sneak. The base skill is 10%.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 9:49 pm
by Starspawn338
After Bo and Kimberly go down, Gary will motion to Jimmy to follow them.

"Wallace, you go after Jimmy. Luke, you want to take rear?" Gary says to the others. He wants to keep Wallace in front of him just in case so he will head down right behind him.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 7:21 am
by Leonulf
Jimmy follows them down the stairs, trying carefully to keep quiet.
Sneak (50)% , [dice]0[/dice]

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 5:51 pm
by Starspawn338
OOC,Sneak 10 [dice]0[/dice]

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 1:09 am
by Mr. Handy
10:34 AM
On the stairs-
Luke nodded and followed Gary down the stairs, bringing up the rear. Luke wasn't all that quiet, in spite of his skill in hunting. He was more used to stalking prey in the woods, not in a building. Kimberly also wasn't as silent as she would have wished, her haste making her less stealthy.

Everyone entered a large underground warehouse with many crates stacked throughout. At the far end of the warehouse was another stairway leading downward.
OOC,[b]Wallace[/b]'s Sneak roll (10% base skill) on the stairs: [dice]0[/dice] [b]Bo[/b]'s Sneak roll (41% skill) on the stairs: [dice]1[/dice] [b]Luke[/b]'s Sneak roll (40% skill) on the stairs: [dice]2[/dice] [b]Kimberly[/b]'s Sneak roll (48% skill) on the stairs: [dice]3[/dice] Everyone, please roll Listen. The base skill is 25%.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 2:54 am
by Starspawn338
OOC,Listen 25 [dice]0[/dice]
Gary felt quiet compared to the others but he knew that he wasn't going to be sneaking around undetected for long. He felt much better using the crates in this room as cover as he advanced to the next stairway.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 3:42 am
by Mr. Handy
10:35 AM
In the warehouse-
As the group crept through the warehouse, Luke suddenly stopped and held up a hand. "Quick, hide," he whispered.
OOC,[b]Jimmy[/b]'s Listen roll (45% skill) in the warehouse: [dice]0[/dice] [b]Wallace[/b]'s Listen roll (49% skill) in the warehouse: [dice]1[/dice] [b]Bo[/b]'s Listen roll (47% skill) in the warehouse: [dice]2[/dice] [b]Luke[/b]'s Listen roll (65% skill) in the warehouse: [dice]3[/dice] [b]Kimberly[/b]'s Listen roll (57% skill) in the warehouse: [dice]4[/dice] If you want to hide, please roll Hide. The base skill is 10%.
Jimmy,[b]Jimmy[/b] could hear footsteps moving quietly up the stairs from below.
Luke,[b]Luke[/b] could hear footsteps moving quietly up the stairs from below. There was one pair that was very obvious,and two more that were very good at not being heard...but not quite good enough.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 8:17 am
by Starspawn338
Gary attempts to hide at Luke's warning.
OOC,Hide 10 [dice]0[/dice]

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 8:23 am
by Leonulf
Jimmy hearing the footsteps and warning makes no delay in trying in hide.
Hide (55%),[dice]0[/dice]

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 9:28 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:36 AM
In the warehouse-
Luke held up three fingers before concealing himself behind a stack of crates. The others did likewise, but Wallace, Gary, and Kimberly weren't as good at hiding. Soft sounds began coming from the stairs below, and they were getting closer...
OOC,[b]Wallace[/b]'s Hide roll (10% base skill) in the warehouse: [dice]0[/dice] [b]Bo[/b]'s Hide roll (43% skill) in the warehouse: [dice]1[/dice] [b]Luke[/b]'s Hide roll (70% skill) in the warehouse: [dice]2[/dice] [b]Kimberly[/b]'s Hide roll (26% skill) in the warehouse: [dice]3[/dice]

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 6:13 pm
by Starspawn338
Down on one knee behind a crate, Gary will train his rifle on the doorway at the end of the warehouse, ready to fire if any skinheads emerge.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 1:20 am
by Mr. Handy
10:37 AM
In the warehouse-
Three skinheads reached the top of the stairs and fanned out into the warehouse, one with a sniper rifle and the other two with shotguns. "Intruders!" shouted one with a shotgun, as the two of them spotted some of the people poorly concealed behind the crates. Kimberly reacted quickly, taking a shot at the one with the shotgun who hadn't shouted with her own shotgun. The blast narrowly missed him, passing harmlessly over his shoulder. The sniper whirled and fired at the muzzle flash, sending a bullet whizzing past Wallace. Wallace returned fire with his own rifle, hitting him in the gut. The sniper grunted but did not seem badly hurt.

"The most dangerous game," said Luke, drawing a bead on the skinhead who had shouted the alarm. He had brought down many animals before, and it was different hunting a target who could shoot back. Only this one never would. Luke's shot was deadly accurate, striking him in the heart and sending him sprawling to the floor, where he lay motionless in a spreading pool of his own blood. Bo fired at the sniper with his shotgun, but he had traded accuracy for speed, and the blast went wide.
OOC,Skinhead''s Spot Hidden roll (25% base skill) in the warehouse: [dice]0[/dice] Skinhead's Spot Hidden roll (37% skill) in the warehouse: [dice]1[/dice] Skinhead's Spot Hidden roll (37% skill) in the warehouse: [dice]2[/dice] [b]Kimberly[/b]'s Shotgun roll (57% skill) shooting at a skinhead: [dice]3[/dice] Which one does she target? [dice]7[/dice] Who does the first skinhead target (1=Wallace, 2=Gary, 3=Kimberly)? [dice]5[/dice] Skinhead's Rifle roll (61% skill) shooting at [b]Wallace[/b]: [dice]6[/dice] [b]Wallace[/b]'s Rifle roll (66% skill) shooting at the skinhead who shot at him: [dice]8[/dice] Damage to first skinhead from 5.56mm NATO bullet: [dice]4[/dice] Hit location: [dice]9[/dice] [b]Luke[/b]'s Rifle roll (80% skill) shooting at the third skinhead: [dice]11[/dice] Skinhead's Dodge roll (29% skill) to avoid getting shot: [dice]16[/dice] Damage to third skinhead from .30-06 bullet; [dice]13[/dice]+[dice]15[/dice] Hit location: [dice]14[/dice] [b]Bo[/b]'s Shotgun roll (61% skill) shooting at a skinhead: [dice]10[/dice] Which one does he target? [dice]12[/dice] We're now in combat, and it's [b]Gary[/b]'s turn to shoot. The range is normal, so please roll Rifle and let me know whether you're shooting at the sniper or the remaining one with the shotgun. If you hit, you can go ahead and roll for a hit location and damage. After that it will be the shotgun skinhead's turn to shoot. [b]Jimmy[/b], you may post your action now, though it will take effect after he shoots.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 7:23 am
by Starspawn338
No words. Looks like it's life or death. Gary will aim at the skinhead with the shotgun and squeeze off a shot.
OOC,Rifle 60 [dice]0[/dice]

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 1:58 pm
by Mr. Handy
In the warehouse-
Gary's shot missed by a couple of inches. The skinhead returned fire, but at Luke, apparently having decided that he was the greatest threat. His blast was deadly accurate. The hunter took it square in the chest and went down, shot full of holes.
OOC,Skinhead's Shotgun roll (58% skill) shooting at [b]Luke[/b]: [dice]0[/dice] Damage to [b]Luke[/b] from 00 buckshot, close range: [dice]1[/dice] Hit location: [dice]2[/dice] [b]Jimmy[/b], it is now your turn to act.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 9:07 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:37:12 AM
In the warehouse-
Without a weapon other than his pocket knife, Jimmy remained behind cover. Wallace winced when Luke went down, but Kimberly focused on what she had to do to survive. She aimed at the skinhead who had just killed Luke and squeezed the trigger, but the shotgun chose the worst possible moment to jam. The sniper, seeing she wasn't as much of a threat, fired at Bo instead, only to hit the crate behind which he was hiding. Wallace's rifle was in working order, and he shot the skinhead carrying the shotgun, severing his arm at the shoulder. The skinhead passed out from the blood loss.
OOC,[b]Wallace[/b]'s Sanity roll (current level 56) for seeing [b]Luke[/b] killed: [dice]0[/dice] Sanity loss: [dice]2[/dice] [b]Kimberly[/b]'s Sanity roll (current level 72) for seeing [b]Luke[/b] killed: [dice]1[/dice] [b]Kimberly[/b]'s Shotgun roll (57% skill) shooting at the shotgun skinhead: [dice]3[/dice] Sniper skinhead's Rifle roll (61% skill) shooting at [b]Bo[/b]: [dice]4[/dice] [b]Wallace[/b]'s Rifle roll (66% skill) shooting at shotgun skinhead: [dice]5[/dice] Shotgun skinhead's Dodge roll (29% skill) to avoid getting shot: [dice]8[/dice] Hit location: [dice]6[/dice] Damage to shotgun skinhead from 5.56mm bullet: [dice]7[/dice] Everyone, please roll Sanity for seeing [b]Luke[/b] killed. Sanity loss is 0/1D6, so you lose no Sanity if you succeed or 1D6 Sanity if you fail. If you lose 5 or more Sanity, you must roll Idea. If you succeed at the Idea roll, you will go temporarily insane. Otherwise, you may act freely this round. [b]Bo[/b] is immune to Sanity loss in this case, so he does not need to roll. [b]Gary[/b], it is now your turn to fire as long as you do not go insane. Then [b]Bo[/b] will shoot, and then [b]Jimmy[/b] can act. [b]Jimmy[/b], you can go ahead and post your action now.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 8:31 am
by Starspawn338
OOC,Sanity 76 (Cool under Pressure) [dice]0[/dice] Sanity Loss [dice]1[/dice] Idea 65 [dice]2[/dice] Rifle 60 [dice]3[/dice]
Gary watches in disbelief as Luke gets shot. He can't really see through the crates to wear Luke falls but he knows the kid is okay. He probably had a bulletproof vest on. Yea, Luke's going to be okay.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 9:04 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:37:24 AM
In the warehouse-
Gary's shot went wide, perhaps due to the demoralizing effects of seeing Luke fall. Bo shot at the sniper, but he missed. The sniper turned and fired at Wallace, only to miss as well. Wallace returned fire, but the bullet zipped past his ear.
OOC,[b]Jimmy[/b]'s Sanity roll (current level 69) for seeing [b]Luke[/b] killed: [dice]3[/dice] [b]Bo[/b]'s Shotgun roll (61% skill) shooting at the skinhead: [dice]0[/dice] Skinhead's Rifle roll (61% skill) shooting at [b]Wallace[/b]: [dice]1[/dice] [b]Wallace[/b]'s Rifle roll (66% skill) shooting at the skinhead: [dice]2[/dice] [b]Gary[/b], it is your turn to shoot again. Then [b]Bo[/b] shoots, and then [b]Kimberly[/b] goes, and finally [b]Jimmy[/b] may act.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 6:29 am
by Starspawn338
Gary steadies himself and shoots again at the remaining skinhead but can't seem to hit him.
OOC,Rifle 60 [dice]0[/dice]

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 2:07 am
by Mr. Handy
10:37:36 AM
In the warehouse-
Bo's shotgun blast finally found its mark, and he blew the sniper's head clean off his shoulders. Kimberly set to work clearing her jammed shotgun, finishing the job in record time.
OOC,[b]Bo[/b]'s Shotgun roll (61% skill) shooting at the skinhead: [dice]0[/dice] Hit location: [dice]1[/dice] Damage from 00 buckshot, close range: [dice]2[/dice] [b]Kimberly[/b]'s Shotgun roll (57% skill) trying to clear the jam: [dice]3[/dice] Rounds to clear the jam, including this one: [dice]4[/dice] [b]Wallace[/b]'s Sanity roll (current level 55) for killing a skinhead: [dice]6[/dice] Combat is now over.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 8:13 am
by Leonulf
Jimmy looks out from his hiding place "We all good? Sorry I had to take the backseat there, but I will grab a weapon to be more useful next time". Jimmy moves towards the shotgun dropped by the skinhead, and searches for ammo.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 7:45 am
by Starspawn338
Gary looks around for a minute after the firing stops, still full of adrenaline from the short battle. This is very unnerving and doesn't seem real but he focuses on finding the hostage women.

"Let's keep moving. There might be more of them but we have to free their captives."

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimber

Posted: Sat May 16, 2020 9:33 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:38 AM
In the warehouse-
Kimberly reloaded her shotgun to replace the two shells she had fired, and Bo did likewise with three shells.

Jimmy retrieved the shotgun from the skinhead that Luke had killed, who hadn't had a chance to even fire. It was a pump-action shotgun, fully loaded with five shells, and the dead man had another ten in his belt pouches that Jimmy claimed. He also had a 9mm automatic pistol, two spare magazines for it, and a switchblade on his belt, so Jimmy took those too.

Kimberly nodded at Gary's statement. "You're right, let's keep moving," she said. "It's too bad about Luke, but there's nothing more we can do for him. We can still save those girls, though. Bo, you take point. I'll be right behind you." The group headed for the stairs leading down.

"Did you hear that?" whispered Wallace. "Sounds like moaning, from behind us."

Kimberly looked back and gasped. Behind them, Luke sat up, his eyes red with hunger...
OOC,[b]Wallace[/b]'s Listen roll (49% skill) in the warehouse: [dice]0[/dice] [b]Wallace[/b]'s Spot Hidden roll (45% skill) in the warehouse: [dice]1[/dice] [b]Bo[/b]'s Listen roll (47% skill) in the warehouse: [dice]2[/dice] [b]Bo[/b]'s Spot Hidden roll (56% skill) in the warehouse: [dice]3[/dice] [b]Kimberly[/b]'s Listen roll (57% skill) in the warehouse: [dice]4[/dice] [b]Kimberly[/b]'s Spot Hidden roll (52% skill) in the warehouse: [dice]5[/dice] This concludes Chapter 1. Zombie Apocalypse will continue in Chapter 2: The Quick and the Undead.

Re: IC-Storming the Castle(Jimmy/Wallace/Bo/Luke/Gary/Kimberly)

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 2:43 am
by Mr. Handy
The story continues in Chapter 2, in the following thread:

Attack of the Nazi Zombies