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Re: IC-Hold Down the Fort(various)

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 9:16 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:28 AM
In the private room-
"Are you sure we didn't?" asked Mr. Foo.

"I have no way of knowing," crackled Major Andrews's voice over the speaker. "You're my only means of communication with the outside world. All I know is that nothing was launched from here."

On the motel balcony-
The nunchucks crunched down on the female zombie's head, sending her tumbling to the ground as she tried in vain to take Jim with her. She wasn't quite dead yet, however. She was still twitching.

On the west side of the balcony, Samantha ran toward the sound of fighting. She was now halfway to the northwest corner, but she couldn't see what was going on around it. All she could hear was the crunch.

Mitchell took up his post outside the open door with his shotgun ready. He too could hear the crunch from around the corner.
OOC,[b]Jim[/b], I took the first set of attack and damage rolls, as they were made earlier, so you did 3 damage, which is not enough for a kill. However, the zombie is severely crippled, so if you wish to flee, you may now do so without making a roll. Alternatively, you may attack again. Any additional hit to the head will finish off the zombie, regardless of how much damage you do. Damage to southwest barricade from zombie 4: [dice]0[/dice] Zombie 6's Bite attack (30% chance) on [b]Jim[/b]: [dice]1[/dice] Zombie 6's Grapple attack (25% chance) on [b]Jim[/b]: [dice]2[/dice]
In the upstairs motel room-
"Are you coming in?" Ellen asked Mitchell through the open door.

Re: IC-Hold Down the Fort(various)

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 10:37 pm
by Silver Priest
"I'd love to kill these things," Tony says. "Well, if we can't restrain them until we find a cure, anyway. But I don't have a gun, and don't want to get near these things if I can help it. They already bit my son's nose off."

Re: IC-Hold Down the Fort(various)

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 7:53 am
by Leonulf
Jenny turns to Ellen "I think hes planning to shoot anything that gets past the barricades, if we keep the furniture to the side of the door he could dash in and we could quickly give it a shove once the door is closed to block it off, can't leave someone hanging but we got to be ready"

Re: IC-Hold Down the Fort(various)

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 5:13 pm
by Starspawn338
"I think hes planning to shoot anything that gets past the barricades,
"Hell yea I'm planning on shooting whatever gets up here." Mitchell replies. "They tore threw the front door and the back door downstairs. This room door ain't going to be any different. You'd do well to find yourselves some kind of weapon for when they do."

Re: IC-Hold Down the Fort(various)

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 5:22 pm
by Starspawn338
OOC,Can I use the second nunchuck's roll to finish it off. I was swinging with both of them and they're so fast, I thought I'd hit her with them both. :) If not, I'm running past it to go back up [b]Samantha[/b], loading my pistol as I go.

Re: IC-Hold Down the Fort(various)

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 5:38 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:28:12 AM
In the private room-
Powerful blows struck the door to the room from outside. "We're under attack!" cried Mr. Foo. He drew his MP-5 in his right hand and his sword in his left and stood in front of the door. "Dear, stay behind me and use the pistol!"
OOC,Damage to private room door from zombie 3: [dice]0[/dice] Damage to private room door from zombie 5: [dice]1[/dice]+[dice]2[/dice]
On the motel balcony-
Jim brought down the nunchucks on the fallen zombie's head again, shattering its skull into thousands of fragments. Samantha reached the northwest corner right after that.

Mitchell remained at his post in front of the open motel room door.
OOC,The nunchucks only get one attack per round; it's assumed that you're attacking with both of them. I'll count that second roll as your attack for this round, which is good for a kill. Damage to southwest barricade from zombie 4: [dice]3[/dice]
In the upstairs motel room-
"The shooting stopped," said Cathy. "Is that good or bad?"

Re: IC-Hold Down the Fort(various)

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 7:16 pm
by aine
Samantha slams on the breaks. "Thank god! I thought you were a gonner, Jim. Good work with those stick things. Look, there are some breaking through the barricade on the southwest stairs and others have gone in on the ground floor; I think the old woman is down stairs and that family are hiding up here somewhere. I think we should try to shoot the ones on the staircase first. And then tackle the ones downstairs."
ooc,Can they see the zombies on the SW stairs from the NW corner?

Re: IC-Hold Down the Fort(various)

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 7:48 pm
by Mr. Handy
OOC,No, you can't see any zombies from where you are right now.

Re: IC-Hold Down the Fort(various)

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 9:27 pm
by Starspawn338
Jim will load his pistol as he heads towards the stairway that the infected are still attacking.

"Come on... maybe we can get a shot in while they are trying to get through the barricade." He says to Samantha. "Thanks for having my back there. He continues with a nod.

Re: IC-Hold Down the Fort(various)

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 9:29 pm
by Starspawn338
"You guys okay?" Mitchell yells as the gunfire subsides. He'll continue to watch for any infected coming down the balcony.

Re: IC-Hold Down the Fort(various)

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 2:06 am
by Mr. Handy
10:28:24 AM
In the private room-
A punch smashed a hole in the upper part of the door, and three zombies were visible just outside it in the lobby, though only two could get at the door. The chair was the only reason it was still standing at all, and it wouldn't hold long.
OOC,[b]Ms. Foo[/b], you do not need to roll Sanity, as you've already lost 8 Sanity from seeing zombies. You have one combat round in which to act. [b]Mr. Foo[/b] is at point blank range, but [b]Ms. Foo[/b] would only be at point blank range if she places herself at risk by standing beside him instead of behind him, as point blank range for both of you is only six feet. If you wish to shoot at a zombie's head, your skill will be halved, though this would be canceled out by doubling your skill if you're at point blank range. You only get one shot if you target the head. If you hit, please roll damage. Also, please specify whether you're shooting the zombie on the left or the right. Damage to private room door from zombie 3: [dice]0[/dice] Damage to private room door from zombie 5: [dice]1[/dice]+[dice]2[/dice] [b]Mr. Foo[/b]'s Sanity roll (current level 82) for seeing the zombies: [dice]4[/dice]
On the motel balcony-
Jim and Samantha ran south along the balcony while Jim loaded two bullets into his revolver. They were about halfway to the southwest stairs when the last of the barricade gave way under the mighty blows of ...a little girl. A little girl with red eyes and blood dripping from her mouth and down her chin who was already staggering closer.
OOC,[b]Samantha[/b] and [b]Jim[/b], you may each fire once at normal range this round, so your skill will be halved if you aim at the head. You will not be attacked this round, but if you stand your ground and fire you will place yourself at risk next round, though you will have the opportunity to fire a second shot before the zombie attacks if it survives, and that one would be point blank. Damage to southwest barricade from zombie 4: [dice]3[/dice]
In the upstairs motel room-
"We're fine," said Ellen.

"I've got my baseball bat," said Scotty, hefting it. "I'm ready if they make it here."

"Me too," said Bobby, but he didn't have a weapon.

Re: IC-Hold Down the Fort(various)

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 5:06 am
by Silver Priest
"You boys stay here," Tony says. "Watch your mother." He looks around for any weapons in the room he might be able to use, even something like a vase.

Re: IC-Hold Down the Fort(various)

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 6:46 pm
by Leonulf
Jenny shouts through the door Ellen "Actually a weapon might be a good idea just in case...".

Jenny searches the room for something she can use as a makeshift weapon.

[Spoiler-Button]in case its required - Spot Hidden (35%)[dice]0[/dice][/Spoiler-Button]

Re: IC-Hold Down the Fort(various)

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:29 pm
by aine
Samantha nods and follows Jim back round the corner. She aims at the horrid zombie.
Maybe it's because it was a little girl, once, but Samantha's aim is right off.

Re: IC-Hold Down the Fort(various)

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 8:18 pm
by aine
Mrs Foo stands back to allow her husband room to manoeuvre. She holds her pistol fairly steady and shoots at the hole in the door.

Re: IC-Hold Down the Fort(various)

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 7:27 pm
by Starspawn338
Jim rounds the corner and comes face to face with a little girl. Any thoughts of not shooting are quickly extinguished by the red eyes and blood dripping from her mouth. He lowers his pistol and fires.
OOC,Pistol 62 (Head Shot) 31 [dice]0[/dice]

Re: IC-Hold Down the Fort(various)

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 7:30 pm
by Starspawn338
"I think we got most of them on the way to the motel. There should only be a handful left." Mitchell says to the others.

Re: IC-Hold Down the Fort(various)

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 8:08 pm
by Mr. Handy
10:28:36 AM
In the private room-
Ms. Foo didn't even hit what was left of the door, but the wall nearby. Mr. Foo, however, was far more accurate. He shot one of the zombies, a fat man, straight through the eye, blowing its brains out and dropping it with a single shot. However, the other two stepped over it and demolished the rest of the door and the chair. The two of them squeezed through the now unblocked doorway...
OOC,[b]Mr. Foo[/b]'s Submachine Gun roll (53% x 2[point blank] / 2 [headshot] = 53% skill) shooting at zombie 3's head: [dice]1[/dice] Damage to zombie 3's head: [dice]2[/dice] Damage to private room door from zombie 5: [dice]0[/dice]+[dice]3[/dice] [b]Ms. Foo[/b], you may act again. If you shoot, you get to go before the zombies do. Shooting at the head will halve your effective skill. [b]Mr. Foo[/b] is at point blank range, which cancels out the penalty, but [b]Ms. Foo[/b] is not. Any surviving zombies will direct their attacks at [b]Mr. Foo[/b] unless [b]Ms. Foo[/b] moves up next to him. Of course, he is better suited to block their attacks.
On the motel balcony-
Samantha's rifle misfired, and Jim's shot went wide. The little girl staggered toward them, oblivious to the badly aimed gunfire coming her way. She was now only a few feet from them.
OOC,[b]Samantha[/b] and [b]Jim[/b], you each have one bullet left and may fire it before the zombie gets to attack. You are now at point blank range, so the doubling of your skill cancels out the halving due to aiming at the head. You may alternatively make hand-to-hand attacks, but you'll probably do better with your guns. If you hit, you can go ahead and roll damage, though even minimum damage to the head from your guns will guarantee a kill on this zombie. If you wish to retreat, please roll against your DEX x 5. If you fail, the zombie will get to attack you before you get away unless one of you stays behind and attacks. In that case, the zombie, if it survives, will attack that person.
In the upstairs motel room-
There were no vases in this motel room - it was a fairly cheap place. However, Jenny noticed that the lamps on the nightstands on either side of the queen-sized bed would make decent clubs.

"The shooting's started again," said Cathy. "At least that means not everyone's dead.
OOC,[b]Tony[/b] and [b]Jenny[/b], you now each have a lamp which can be used as a small club. The base skill for Small Club is 25%, and it does 1D6 damage (plus your damage bonus, if any). [b]Jenny[/b] does still have [b]Samantha[/b]'s shotgun, by the way. I just noticed it when I went to update the Weapons list. The one [b]Mitchell[/b] is using was dropped by a dead skinhead.

Re: IC-Hold Down the Fort(various)

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 7:40 pm
by aine
Mrs Foo fires again, "Ahhhheeeeeeeee!" She screams, aiming at the biggest zombie's head.
Pistol,32 [dice]0[/dice]

Re: IC-Hold Down the Fort(various)

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 7:48 pm
by aine
"Come on, it's just a rabid raccoon!" Samantha mutters to herself, steadies her rifle and pulls the trigger.
Rifle,40 [dice]0[/dice]