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Chapter 11: November 2nd

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2021 7:50 am
by HoneyDog
Wednesday 2nd November, 1881, 7 am

Malbray Asylum, Hackney Wick

The next day is sunny but cold. The companions awaken in their various beds and chairs, feeling more or less rested from the day before. The exception is Isolde, whose dreams were troubled by fantastic and bizarre images, of which she cannot properly recall. She is certain though that the book holds promising clues which will help them finally make sense of the mystery that engulfs them. Alexander too is optimistic about the lengthy yet fascinating Hermes.

The companions breakfast. No news is reported, other than that Greta seems to be comfortable, although it will be at least another day before she is on her feet. Blessing has again sent out a message asking the other nurses to stay away. He also asks for help in caring for the patients.
OOC,It will take until evening for Isolde and Alexander to finish reading. The other companions will have to help out in the asylum. Blessing will continue to treat Joan. There’s not much else to do – I will advance the action to then unless someone has something particular they want to do.

Re: Chapter 11: November 2nd

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2021 8:28 pm
by aine
Isolde barely eats any breakfast and has soon secluded herself with the book. She is looking withdrawn and tired but irritably refuses to do anything but focus on the book.

Re: Chapter 11: November 2nd

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2021 10:42 pm
by Mr. Handy

Alexander also continues reading, but he doesn't neglect his stomach. As he reads, he shovels pudding into his mouth like coal into a steam engine, and for much the same reason.

Re: Chapter 11: November 2nd

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 12:13 am
by Philulhu
Vic spent the day helping out with the patients and making sure that Alexander and Isolde had enough to eat and drink.

Re: Chapter 11: November 2nd

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 12:17 am
by Mephistophilis
Harry helps with the patients, ensures the two malevolent orderlies remain well secured, and takes the opportunity to explore the asylum grounds, checking out the transport options and any outbuildings.

Re: Chapter 11: November 2nd

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 7:23 am
by HoneyDog
Harry makes a thorough search of the grounds. He finds the stables where horses and carriage are stored, and makes sure that the horses are fed and watered.

Evening begins to draw in, and it seems that Isolde and Alexander are coming to the end of their endeavours.
Isolde,Mysteries is a long book, almost 700 pages, divided into sixteen chapters. The earlier chapters discuss supernatural entities such as ghosts and zombies, and the latter tells of Prinn’s travels amongst the Saracens of Arabia, Egypt, Syria, and Libya, and of his encounters with ‘djinn’ and ‘efreet’. There is much material regarding the summoning and binding of different ‘demons’. Prinn makes correlations between the Egyptian pantheon and other, much older entities. He links the crocodile god Sebek and his cult to the legend of Nephren-Ka, Egypt’s ‘black pharaoh’, and something called Nyarlathotep, who wears many faces and takes many forms. He also relates a legend of a long-lost Bubastis cult in Cornwall that experimented with human-animal hybridization and cannibalism. Mentions are made of such entities as ‘Father Yig’, ‘dark Han’, and ‘serpent-bearded Byastis.’ Prinn goes to great lengths describing the relationship that sometimes exists between magical creatures and the statues and images made after them. These forms can often be used to communicate with, or even summon the entity. What is even more mind-shattering are the spells contained within the tome. The user has the power to create Zombies, Command Ghosts, Summon / Bind Byakhee, Contact Yig, make a Voorish Sign, Create a Scrying Window, Create the Liao Drug, Summon / Bind a Star Vampire, Summon / Bind the Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath, and Spirit Transfer. One passage though, is particularly relevant for the present situation: [i]‘…And so it was that Emendib Kejir, who by turns had been my captor, tutor, and host, now introduced me to this most wonderful and powerful elixir. Its use, he said, sent the mind back down the streams of time, through the previous lives of the user. Kejir himself claimed to have used the drug many times, journeying further back each time. He had learned the secrets of the past, and had shuddered when he spoke of his vision of a time before even the Earth was formed. He would not describe what form he wore in that dreadful incarnation, but claimed that it was not the worst of the many horrific entities he saw cavorting in the empty space which would later be occupied by the Earth. Thus, before I was to use the Liao, named after the Chinese alchemist who created it long before the birth of the fictitious Christ, Kejir warned me to take every precaution. There were creatures, he said, which moved and hunted through the angular streams of time – hungry skeletal things that pursued the Liao’s user even after his mind had been freed of the visions of the past.[/i] [i]…O the visions of history that I beheld in the throes of the Liao! Into the minds of my ancestors I was swept. Sorcerers, kings, madmen, labourers, warriors, beggars, and still more madmen – these were my forbears. And beyond that, shambling things scarcely able to walk erect, yet still vaguely human. Beyond even that, as all traces of humanity fled from the countenances of my earlier selves – beasts, devils sibilant scientists… Would there were time I should write volumes on the secret wonders I have seen through eyes dead and dust these millions of years. But the High Inquisitor is impatient to carry out my fair trial and execution, and thus I must discuss other things. …Having seen my friend and teacher Emendib Kejir carried off by the black-winged twisting wyrm-shape, I forwswore to find a method of protecting myself from such an attack, The despicable Chinese, with his bulging-eyed and flabby-lipped acolytes, would not steal my sorceries or my life, as he had done to Kejir. Djinn, devil, demon, faerie – call them what you will, but all recognize the power of the True Cross, the Crux Ansata. I would find the enchantment which would make the daemons quake with fear before the ancient ankh, and that which it symbolizes.’[/i] There follows a set of instructions for creating the Crux. All of this knowledge and information – what it implies about the human condition, and of forces which exist beyond humanity, is truly mind-shattering. Isolde has a fight to hold onto her sanity. [ooc]Roll SAN - If you succeed, roll 1d6 SAN loss. If you fail, roll 2d6 SAN loss! The book gives +10% Cthulu Mythos bonus, and you can skill check Occult, Astronomy and History.[/ooc]
Alexander,Alexander pores through the Hermes. His scientific training is of definite assistance to him, but much of the book is to do with the science of alchemy, and so may or may not be that interesting. For resolving the present situation, Alexander finds one passage that is of particular relevance. It describes the creation of something called ‘The Baneful Dust of Hermes Trismegistus’, about which is said: [i]‘This powder is most useful to the Magus, for it brings painful doom to those djinn and daemons not native to this world. Cast upon these frightful elder spirits, the baneful dust causes a great suffering usually sufficient to repel these enemies or bend them to one’s will.’[/i] There follows a description of how to make the Dust. [ooc]Alexander can roll 1d4 to increase his Occult score. With a successful Chemistry roll, he adds 1d3 to that skill.[/ooc]

Re: Chapter 11: November 2nd

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:30 pm
by aine
Sanity,4901 My word, she got off lightly!
Isolde finally closes the book and sits there for a while looking at the cover. Then she goes up stiffly and walks out of the front door, she stands there looking over the desolate moor, her arms wrapped around herself.

Re: Chapter 11: November 2nd

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 12:04 am
by Mr. Handy

"This book describes a weapon that can defeat the beastie," says Alexander. "It's called the Baneful Dust of Hermes Trismegistus, and by throwing it on the dog-thing, we can drive it off or bend it to our will. I ken how to make it now, so I'd best get started on that right away."
OOC,I used that stuff in [url=]another game[/url] to defeat a Hound of Tindalos. Occult skill increase: 0 Chemistry roll (56% skill) to learn more chemistry: 1 Well, looks like I held onto my skepticism.

Re: Chapter 11: November 2nd

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 2:52 am
by Snapper

Crozier goes for an explore of the exterior of the asylum.

Re: Chapter 11: November 2nd

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 6:35 am
by HoneyDog
Blessing looks at the recipe for the Dust.

“I’m sure we have what we need here. I’m not sure of your skills in this kind of thing Doctor - I can help, but… to be honest, Dr. Vandorff might be the best person for this. I know that he has extensive knowledge of chemicals and their properties.”

Re: Chapter 11: November 2nd

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 1:01 pm
by Philulhu
”Can we trust him?’ asked Vic, who had very unfavourable opinion of the German doctor.

Re: Chapter 11: November 2nd

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 4:31 pm
by HoneyDog
Blessing smiles without humour.

“No, not at all, but if he is in the vicinity of Joan, he is in as much danger as the rest of us. I’m sure that he’ll want to save his own skin, when push comes to shove.”

He thinks for a moment.

"Besides, he'd probably enjoy the work. It would be a challenge."

Re: Chapter 11: November 2nd

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:25 pm
by aine
Isolde returns quietly. She takes her notebook and quickly does a sketch. She shows it to the others.
“This may help, it’s the True Cross; the Cruz Ansata, a symbol of power. We must try to make a couple. I suppose we could even draw some on the walls.”
She looks around somewhat blankly.
“Here, I copied down the instructions how to make it.”

Re: Chapter 11: November 2nd

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 11:29 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Aye, I'll work with Vandorff," says Alexander. "Chemistry is not my speciality, but I know quite a bit about it. Between the two of us, we should be able to make the dust, and I'll be able to keep an eye on him."

Re: Chapter 11: November 2nd

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 1:32 am
by HoneyDog
The Crux Ansata requires a great deal of work to produce, and only one is necessary.

A looped cross made from unalloyed metal must be constructed – Blessing suggests that a visit to the blacksmith in Hackney Wick, using some of the bronze candlesticks. After this, several minor rites and sacrifices must be made. It will take a few days to complete.
Isolde,The enchantment will cost 5 MP and 1d6 SAN.
OOC:   I will begin a new thread. I feel that the climax will soon be upon us.  

Re: Chapter 11: November 2nd

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 12:22 am
by Mephistophilis
Harry shows Crozier what he has found in the grounds and then accompanies him around the exterior. When he returns to the asylum to hear about the fruits of their research his eyes widen at the news of the enchantments that have been discovered. This is more like it, this is what he was expecting from the Seekers of Enlightenment. Magic.