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Chapter 1: A New Investigation Opens

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 3:35 am
by HoneyDog
Sunday 23 October, 1881. 11am

Fleming’s Tavern, Half Moon Street, Mayfair

The upstairs room of Fleming’s Tavern is a scene of relaxed comfort. The members of the Seekers of Enlightenment are seated around a large table in their regular upstairs room. It’s been a few weeks since they last met so they are catching up on new developments, and making their new member welcome.

However, the events of last August are seared upon the memories of several attendants. Veteran member, the journalist Percy Stringer, has been made aware of what transpired at Forby House, and has managed to restrain his best journalistic instincts on hearing the tale, knowing full well that such matters should best rest undisturbed. In fact, he will be on his way to interview Mr. Harry Forby, since that gentleman’s application to be the Liberal Party candidate to the Staines district. Before he leaves however, he has an announcement to make. Firstly though, he raises a toast to Captain Crozier.

“I'm glad you could join us Captain, and I look forward to many conversations on the subject of spiritualism! However, events have sometimes moved beyond the cozy comfort of our little meeting place here, and taken on a more... tangible form. I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into!”

He tosses back his drink in one swift motion.

Re: Chapter 1: A New Investigation Opens

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 9:26 am
by Philulhu
Vic sipped her ginger beer, waiting to hear what the Seekers next mission would be.

Re: Chapter 1: A New Investigation Opens

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 3:34 pm
by Snapper

Capt Crozier has been regaling those near him with a mildly indelicate and highly dubious story involving a sailor in port in Hong Kong being entertained by a most generous mermaid. On hearing his name though, he pauses to stand and raise his cup of coffee in reply to the toast.

Crozier is a tall man and solidly built. He is quite impressively ugly but under the nose broken years earlier, the old scars and the weather-beaten skin, his expression is open and honest. He is well dressed with a distinctly nautical looking jacket and a captain's peaked cap sits on the table near him.

"Thank you all for welcoming me. And have no fear on my account, I have set course for uncharted waters before now. Be resolute but never foolhardy, as I see it." A distinct shade of Liverpudlian accent can be heard in his voice. With a nod and a grin, Crozier sits down again.

Re: Chapter 1: A New Investigation Opens

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 4:03 pm
by HoneyDog
“A good philosophy Captain”.

Percy nods approvingly.

“Now, I’m glad you’re all here. Soon we can expect some guests, who I received a telegram from earlier this morning. They call themselves ‘The East End Citizen’s Committee’, and they’re requesting our assistance. And I have reason to think it might be because of this. Perhaps you've seen it already.”

He tosses a newspaper clipping onto the table. It is dated October 20th.


Sailor Slain

The body of an as yet unidentified man was discovered in an alley off Upper East Smithfield Street, near the St. Katherine Docks, about 5 o’clock this morning. A docker on his way to work found the body concealed in a tumble of crates. Details are still forthcoming, but our correspondent has learned that the victim was a small man, aged 40 years or thereabouts, and believed to be a sailor. The victim’s throat was cut, and his money and belongings stolen by the killer. Though unconfirmed, there are reports that the body was also mutilated in some way. The coroner’s inquest is scheduled to begin the 23rd of this month.

Re: Chapter 1: A New Investigation Opens

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 4:54 pm
by Mephistophilis

Harry Brown drinks a beer in sullen silence. His initial enthusiasm for spiritualism and the occult has given way to the growing recognition of potential dangers to be uncovered. Particularly after his experience with the Icarus of Forby House. His restless contemplation is disturbed by Percy's newspaper clipping.

Harry glances at it, 'That sounds pretty unpleasant but I presume there's something more about the mutilation that should interest us?'

Re: Chapter 1: A New Investigation Opens

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 12:15 am
by Raiko
OOC,Has Melody heard of The East End Citizen’s Committee? She was raised in the East End, and her mother still lives in Limehouse. Knowledge (70%) roll if it's necessary: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: Chapter 1: A New Investigation Opens

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 1:44 am
by HoneyDog
Melody,No, it's a very new group.
Percy nods.

“Yes Mr. Brown. We don’t know much, as the police have been very tight-lipped on the matter, but one of my colleagues said that there was talk of occult symbols. Unfortunately I’m not able to work on the case. Ah, that must be them now.”

Two men are approaching the table. They are simply dressed but respectable-looking. The more confident of the pair, a stout fellow in his 40’s, speaks up.

“Excuse me, but would you ‘appen to be the Seekers of Enlightenment? I’m Tobias Nash, of The East End Citizen’s Committee.”

“That’s us, Mr. Nash says Percy. “I’m Percy Stringer. Please take a seat and tell us what brings you here.”

Seats are found for Nash and his friend, who seems to be content to remain silent, obviously a bit nervous in this company.

Nash clears his throat.

“Some of us ‘eard ‘bout your group from the newspapers” he begins. “That business in Dorset. Well, we’d like to ask for your ‘elp. Did you ‘ear ‘bout that murder at St. Katherine’s Dock the other day?”

“Yes, Mr. Nash.”

“Well, mebbe you ain’t seen the news this mornin’.”

From his inside pocket he pulls out a newspaper, and opening it, points to an article.


Horrible Mutilations

Stepney Police report a second grisly East End murder in the space of four days. PC George Wardley discovered the body of a large foreign man in a narrow alley off Exmouth Street. The unidentified man was quite stout, and an overturned fruit-cart nearby would seem to indicate the former profession of the dead man. As with the earlier East End victim, now identified as Andrew Clark, a merchant seaman, this man’s throat had been slashed. There were reports of numerous other cuts, and mutilations similar to those found on the body of the unfortunate Clark. Police are seeking information regarding both cases. The coroner’s inquest is scheduled to begin within the week.

Re: Chapter 1: A New Investigation Opens

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 4:09 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'm Dr. Alexander Campbell," says Alexander. "Doctor of Science, not Medicine, but science certainly has its place in solving crimes. I've read the article about the first murder, but this one is new to me. I know the coroner's inquest for the first murder is scheduled for today, from what I've read. What can you tell us about the murders that isn't in the newspapers? Do you suspect this is the work of Spring-heeled Jack?"

Re: Chapter 1: A New Investigation Opens

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 5:36 am
by HoneyDog
Nash stands up abruptly, folding his paper and glaring at Alexander.

“If yer gonna make us fer fools, forget it!” he says angrily. “Come on, Ned.”

“Wait!’ says Percy urgently, casting a dark look at Alexander. “Please sit down, Mr. Nash. I assure you, we take you very seriously. Tell us how you think we can help.”
OOC,Percy Persuade 45: [url=]Persuade[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]88[/b]
“We’re bloody serious about this” Nash states, remaining standing. “These real murders, done by a real person” he glares furiously at Alexander as he says this, “are already affecting our businesses. My pub is only seeing ‘alf the trade it usually does. Now there’s two murders, there might well be more. We won’t be able to continue like this. So some of us ‘ave come together to do summin’ abaht it. We ‘eard from one of the coppers that the victims ‘ad strange symbols carved in ‘em. We don’ know nuffin’ abaht stuff like that. We thought some experts might. Instead, you’re ‘avin a bloody laugh!”
OOC,We'll need a successful Persuade roll to get them to stay. Anyone can try. Sorry Mr. H, Springheel Jack was pretty much the Victorian equivalent of the Slender Man. Still, it makes things more interesting.

Re: Chapter 1: A New Investigation Opens

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 8:59 am
by Philulhu
”We aren’t trying to insult your intelligence, gentlemen,” said Vic hurriedly. “We’re just trying to ascertain the circumstances so we know where to start our enquiries. That includes eliminating anything that might draw us down a path mistakenly.”
OOC,Persuade (45%) [dice]0[/dice] Can I spend a couple of points of Luck to make that a success?

Re: Chapter 1: A New Investigation Opens

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 9:16 am
by HoneyDog
OOC,Spend Luck? Isn't that from 7th edition rules? :shock: This is 6th edition.

Re: Chapter 1: A New Investigation Opens

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 9:32 am
by Philulhu
OOC,Lotsa different games, lotsa different rules... Apologies everyone, I appear to have derailed the plot before we barely got started... :roll:

Re: Chapter 1: A New Investigation Opens

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 10:04 am
by HoneyDog
OOC,You should be ashamed - how dare you sir! 7th edition indeed. The very thought of it! :x Someone else can try. I'm sure someone will get lucky.

Re: Chapter 1: A New Investigation Opens

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 1:11 pm
by Raiko

Melody is firm believer of Spring-Heeled Jack, several of her friends claimed to seen the Terror of London when she was a child, but she knows that Doctor Campbell laughs at such stories.

She stands and places herself between Nash and the door, "Please Mr. Nash! Most visitors to the Society tell tales that the doctor finds quite unbelievable.

"I'm his housekeeper and I promise he is a man of science, not a believer of bogeymen. Please sit back down."

OOC,Please could I roll Fast Talk rather than Persuade for this? Fast Talk(55%) or Persuade(15%): [dice]0[/dice]

Re: Chapter 1: A New Investigation Opens

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 1:21 pm
by Mephistophilis
Harry gets up from his chair and addresses the gentlemen. He lets his accent come through, while he isn't from the East End he's from working class London stock. 'Gents, we've got off on the wrong foot, no insult intended, I'm sorry about our Dr Campbell and his ill-judged sense of humour. Believe me, we're a serious outfit, I'm an inquiry agent by profession and I'm willing to do what it takes to sort out these shady dealings.'
Harry Persuade 15%,I'd rather roll his Fast Talk of 55% but [dice]0[/dice]

Re: Chapter 1: A New Investigation Opens

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 3:46 pm
by Snapper

Crozier has been sitting back and letting the conversation play out, not wishing to interfere given he is the newcomer. He decides he had better make a stand though.

Crozier raps on the table a few times with a meaty big hand. "You men need to give us a chance to show you what we're about! No one meant offence. Lives have been lost and perhaps the good people at this table can lend a hand with stopping that happening again."

"And those men's ghosts need justice. Or perhaps in one if this city's famous fogs you might just meet one of those ghosts and have to explain why your pride stopped you letting these people help you."
Persuade 35%,[dice]0[/dice]

Re: Chapter 1: A New Investigation Opens

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 6:41 pm
by aine
The door bursts open and a young lady almost falls through the door in a shower of falling newspapers. She’s somewhat fancifully dressed with rather too many bangles and necklaces; something between an actress and a gypsy woman almost. But she speaks with a well educated accent:
“I’m so sorry I’m late; have you heard the news! Another ritualistic killing just like at Bargrove! I’ve got all the papers and- Oh! I beg your pardons!” She espies the grand sea captain and the two, rather rougher, gentlemen in the room.
“How do you do? I’m Miss Beauchant, of The Seekers of Enlightenment.” She puts a finger to her forehead, “And I devine that you are here about the two murders in the East End!”

Re: Chapter 1: A New Investigation Opens

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 1:51 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'm sorry, I did not intend any mockery," says Alexander. "I asked the question with all seriousness, though I believe as you do. I think there is a scientific explanation for all things. Spring-heeled Jack may be a myth, but there were real events that happened that do have a scientific explanation. Personally, I think they were the work of a man - or rather multiple men, as the original man would be getting on in years by now. Someone could easily use the story of Spring-heeled Jack to cover very real crimes."
OOC,Persuade roll (62% skill) to convince [b]Nash[/b]: [dice]0[/dice] Wow, extreme success! 8-)

Re: Chapter 1: A New Investigation Opens

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 7:47 am
by HoneyDog
Nash listens to Alexander’s words, and seems to make up his mind.

“Okay, no offence taken. But we’ve got no bloody idea who’s doing it. That’s why we wants ‘elp. The p’lice, well, maybe they’ll catch him, maybe not. They don’t always care too much when it’s poor people getting’ done in, and they don’t say much about it. We figured getting some people with experience to help catch this blighter couldn’t ‘urt, ‘specially with this symbol business. Do you think you can ‘elp?”

Re: Chapter 1: A New Investigation Opens

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 1:17 pm
by Raiko

Melody sits back down and smiles sympathetically at Nash, "What are the symbols? The papers ain't described them."