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Re: Chapter 4a: 26th - Crozier & Isolde

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 4:03 pm
by HoneyDog
"It's The Blind Beggar sir" calls the cabby. "Rough place."

Re: Chapter 4a: 26th - Crozier & Isolde

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 8:19 pm
by aine
“It’s not exactly salubrious.” Murmurs Isolde peering out of the window. “I’m not armed I’m afraid. I have been taking fencing lessons but I left my sword in Moon Street. Are you?” She whispers. “We could wait outside for them; I’m not sure I care for going inside, I don’t suppose ladies ever go in there.”

Re: Chapter 4a: 26th - Crozier & Isolde

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 11:20 pm
by Snapper

Crozier inhales deeply as he ponders. "Hmmm. I have brought my trusty British Bulldog, as it happens," he murmurs, patting his jacket. "And I should be happy to lend it to you while I trust to my fists."

"That said, I do not believe standing outside in this place would be much safer than inside. Leaving aside the risk to your reputation."

"As I said on joining the Seekers, resolute but never foolhardy. I see no merit charting a course that takes such risks based on so little information. I should prefer we continue to Malbray Asylum and join our companions. What say you, Miss?"

Re: Chapter 4a: 26th - Crozier & Isolde

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 8:13 pm
by aine
Isolde watches the urchins loitering on the corner. “I can see we are attracting attention already, that is a sound idea to leave now, Captain; we can mark this inn on our map for further investigation. To Malbray Asylum please!” Isolde knocks on the cab roof with relief.

Re: Chapter 4a: 26th - Crozier & Isolde

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 4:33 am
by HoneyDog
Crozier and Isolde arrive as darkness is falling. The asylum is located in Hackney Wick, on the edge of the marshes adjacent to the River Lea. Travelling down a dirt track which branches off Temple Mill Road, they see the asylum on a low hill, surrounded by scrub and marsh. A grim, foreboding place, it seems surrounded by an 8-foot high wall. Within, the companions can see a massive, brooding stone building, which must be the main institution.

There is no sign of the other investigators, but looking at the muddy path, it is clear that several persons recently walked back up the track. Isolde and Crozier decide that any further investigation should probably wait until the morning.
OOC,There’s not really anything else to do here, so I’ll begin a new thread for the morning.