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IC - 16 - Something in the Walls - Virgil

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 10:25 pm
by Mephistophilis
Day 2
12th March 2189
06:45 Earth Central European Time
Barnard's Rest Colony, Titan


Virgil makes good progress through the winding ducting. His limber and conditioned body slipping along the metal sheets as he follows the trail of white fluid.

The deeper he goes into the ventilation system the darker it gets but he is still able to make out the trail, even though it is becoming thinner and more spread out. Somewhere quite far off he thinks he can make out a tapping sound, like something hard drumming on metal.

Roll Navigation to get a sense of where in the colony building the ducts are taking him. You can have a bonus die for that since it isn't that big.

Re: IC - 16 - Something in the Walls - Virgil

Posted: Wed May 19, 2021 6:01 am
by aine
Having spent the long flight to Titan poring over maps, Virgil can remember the layout quite well.
He takes a measured, calming breath and carries on squirming.
Navigate, 10, roll 8
Great image: he must be frankly bonkers going down there; but he’s still hoping he can do a deal with that alien. :(

Re: IC - 16 - Something in the Walls - Virgil

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 9:26 pm
by Mephistophilis
As Virgil wriggles along the tapping sound continues, it is echoing through the ducting and seems to be a bit nearer. It is accompanied by a fainter, higher pitched noise, click-click-click and something else he can't quite make out, it sounds a bit like CENTRAL's voice.

From the twists and turns it is difficult to figure out his exact locations but Virgil is fairly sure he is somewhere in or near the Security Complex.

Can you please roll a Listen.

OOC:   I'm enjoying Virgil, he's a bit of an arsehole but you have to respect his commitment to getting the job done  

Re: IC - 16 - Something in the Walls - Virgil

Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 6:17 pm
by aine
“That figures.” Virgil mutters to himself. He reckons CENTRAL is in cahoots with the alien and where better to base themselves than the security offices. He wriggles on as quietly as he can.
Listen, 50. Roll: 24. I was basing his personality on Ash in Alien and then Jojo turns out to be an android. Nice twist!

Re: IC - 16 - Something in the Walls - Virgil

Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 9:17 pm
by Mephistophilis
It is faint but Virgil can hear 'Caution, contamination in O2 circuits. Caution, contamination in O2 circuits. Purging ventilation system in 10 seconds...9 seconds...8 seconds....'

Whatever Virgil decides to do I suspect a DEX check will be needed if he intends to move anywhere quickly through the ducts.


I got the idea of different agendas from the new Alien RPG. Don't really like that RPG in terms of the mechanics but I thought I'd steal that bit

Re: IC - 16 - Something in the Walls - Virgil

Posted: Mon May 24, 2021 5:31 pm
by aine
Oh crap. Vigil looks around rapidly for an escape route.
70. Roll: 32. Luck 50 to find a safe conduit: roll 76

Re: IC - 16 - Something in the Walls - Virgil

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 10:33 pm
by Mephistophilis
Virgil scrabbles as quickly as he can through the vents - the sound of CENTRAL growing louder, 'Caution, contamination in O2 circuits. Caution, contamination in O2 circuits. Purging ventilation system in 5 seconds...4 seconds...3 seconds....'

Turning a blind corner he sees sterile bright light flooding the ducting ahead of him, through an open ventilation outlet without a grille. As he wriggles over to the opening - '2 seconds...1 second....' - he peers briefly down into the room below, it seems empty, and he propels himself out of the vent.

There is a low rumble in the duct behind him followed by a rush of air and as he falls into the room he looks back to see a spurt of bright flame which spills out of the open vent accompanied by an intense dry heat.

Roll Zero/Low G for the landing

Re: IC - 16 - Something in the Walls - Virgil

Posted: Wed May 26, 2021 7:12 pm
by aine
Zero G, 20 roll:33

Virgil has no time to prepare for landing and dives out of the vent just ahead of the ball of flame.

Re: IC - 16 - Something in the Walls - Virgil

Posted: Wed May 26, 2021 11:07 pm
by Mephistophilis
Flailing his arms as he careens through the air Virgil crashes hard into the floor, jolting his shoulder.

Virgil takes 1HP of damage

Looking around he finds himself in a small room, a low polymer bench topped with padding against the back wall, maybe a bed. A squat looking toilet in another corner. The upper half of the front wall is set with a large window looking out onto a larger room. He can't see what is in there from his position lying on the floor. In the same wall is a reinforced metal door that stands slightly ajar.

Virgil can hear voices outside the room.

Re: IC - 16 - Something in the Walls - Virgil

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 6:18 pm
by aine
Virgil stays low on the floor but hurries to the door: this looks like a cell and he doesn’t want to be shut in. Then he stops behind it and listens to the voices: have they heard his entrance?

Re: IC - 16 - Something in the Walls - Virgil

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 10:51 pm
by Mephistophilis
Virgil can make out two voices, one of them sounds familiar. '...What's this about purging the vents?...' '... Probably nothing, you know CENTRAL's been acting screwy for a while...' '...Yeah, didn't Kingsley say he changed the CPU...' '...Still not right...'

Roll Stealth

Re: IC - 16 - Something in the Walls - Virgil

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 11:15 pm
by aine
stealth, 45 roll:90 damn those squeaky floorboards.

Re: IC - 16 - Something in the Walls - Virgil

Posted: Sat May 29, 2021 10:54 pm
by Mephistophilis
Peering through the doorway, Virgil sees a familiar face, Security Officer Tyson, talking to a woman also dressed as a colonial security officer.

'What was that noise?' asks Tyson as he starts to walk towards the cell where Virgil is hiding.

Re: IC - 16 - Something in the Walls - Virgil

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 7:08 pm
by aine
Virgil realises he’ll have to put his search on hold for a bit so he stands, brushes himself off and opens the door, pretending to look relieved.
“Ah, Officer Tyson, I’m glad to see you. That damn CENTRAL had me locked in a room all night so I made my escape through the vent.” He indicates aloft.
“I had no idea where I’d end up.”

Re: IC - 16 - Something in the Walls - Virgil

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 11:26 pm
by Mephistophilis
Tyson starts at the sight of Virgil, then he narrows his eyes, 'What are you doing in there?'

I think Virgil will need a social check to get Tyson on side - Charm/Persuade/Fast Talk/Intimidate or Credit Check

Re: IC - 16 - Something in the Walls - Virgil

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 7:27 pm
by aine
Credit check, 20 roll: 10

“Like I said; I climbed down from the vent. But you’re right to be cautious; we’ve got problems here and we need a diligent head of security.”
Virgil smiles thinly and moves forward out of the cell.
“CENTRAL for starters.”

Re: IC - 16 - Something in the Walls - Virgil

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2021 10:01 pm
by Mephistophilis
Tyson frowns at Virgil's explanation but a small smile plays on his lips at the mention of the newly vacant Head of Security post.

From outside the cell his companion asks, 'What's going on in...' She's cut off suddenly by a wet, gurgling sound.

Re: IC - 16 - Something in the Walls - Virgil

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2021 6:03 pm
by aine
Virgil’s eyes widen, that doesn’t sound healthy. He puts his finger to his lips and indicates to Tyson to loosen his weapon (if he has one). He silently backs as far from the door as possible, keeping his eyes locked on Tyson’s.

Re: IC - 16 - Something in the Walls - Virgil

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2021 8:41 pm
by Mephistophilis
Tyson draws his stun baton and turns around to look back out into the room beyond. 'Wha...' he starts as another figure stumbles into him, blood dripping from her mouth, the familiar sheen of crystal reflecting from a crimson wound in her chest.

Re: IC - 16 - Something in the Walls - Virgil

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 12:02 pm
by aine
“Christ! It’s got her!” He whispers in horror and backing away. Wishing that he had his weapon with him and vowing to make his quarters his next stop, Virgil looks around frantically for an escape route, wondering if he can climb back to the vent.
He pulls out the pistol and holds it ready to shoot at the next creature that might shamble through the door...