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IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 9:39 pm
by Mephistophilis
Day 1
11th March 2189
22:30 Earth Central European Time
Barnard's Rest Colony, Titan

The bus pulls up outside the Medical Centre and Nicole helps the security officer unload Sergei and drag him inside where Dr Johnson is standing with Nurse Richards who exclaims, 'Jeez, another casualty, at least this one's still alive I suppose' as he rushes to help Sergei up onto the examination couch. Jojo sees a half conscious bearded man. Sam, Virgil, and Keira follow on behind.

Once Sergei is safely inside the security officer quickly retreats out the door and scrambles back inside the bus.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 4:18 am
by Mr. Handy

"He's been beaten repeatedly with shock batons," Sam says.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 8:21 pm
by aine
“That Ms Torrence has some explaining to do; they were her bouncers who did the damage.” Virgil exclaims as he gets off the bus.
“What do you mean, ‘another one’? Have you had trouble?” He asks Jojo and the nurse.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 11:44 pm
by Mephistophilis
'I do not think it was the...bouncers, it was ze security officers. And yes, Sergeant Montrose 'as died. He killed himself' says Nicole.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 6:41 pm
by jp1885

“Oh no!” exclaims Kiara. “I thought he must’ve been in a bad way, but to kill himself... Why’d he do that?”

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 6:55 pm
by Mephistophilis
Nicole produces a transparent bag filled with what seem to be handwritten pages. 'Zis might help explain it.' She puts the bag away but shows the pictures of the pages she took earlier on her datapad
Montrose note,Can be read here: [url][/url]

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 9:49 pm
by aine
Virgil shakes his head at the news of Montrose’ death. He pulls out his own datapad to receive the notes on. Half way through reading it he turns his back, concentrating on the words.
Keeper,Does he recognise the beings Montrose described?

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 9:56 pm
by Mephistophilis
Virgil,[i]'creatures, big, bigger than men, six limbed, beak-mouthed'[/i] is very familiar to Virgil

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 11:25 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Has there been an autopsy of the body yet?" asks Sam.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 11:57 pm
by Mephistophilis
Nurse Richards gestures to the mortuary trolley, 'Not yet'.
OOC,I'm going to NPC Nicole for a while as I'm not sure when Raiko will be back
Nicole looks away from the body, 'This does not sound like David, these ravings, and the drinking, killing himself, no. And the doctor, Doctor Holzer, the same thing. There is something going on here and I am going to find out what.'

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 6:33 am
by Mr. Handy

"The autopsy could answer some questions," says Sam. "Maybe some sort of foreign substance got in his body at Waystation. The same thing could have happened to Dr. Holzer."

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 12:34 pm
by jp1885

“We need to investigate the Waystation site,” insists Kiara. “Everything’s pointing there. Let’s check Sergei and try to get some sense out of him; I’m willing to bet he’s been up there.”

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 8:36 pm
by Starspawn338
"Sergeant Montrose's body just showed up and it has to be quarantined as I cannot identify what he was infected with." Jojo chimes in.

"I believe it to be some kind of native organism or process which is affecting many people who have worked around the Pumping Station 4 and to a lesser extent, Pumping Station 5. I also see some references to proposed Pumping Station 6. We will need to investigate, however, this appears to be more widespread that I initially had surmised. After reviewing medical records, it appears that a number of people have been affected by this."

Jojo pauses before continuing, "I believe that the Interfaith Chapel has something to do with the psychological problems I am seeing in the medical records. It also appears that there are a large number of workers who disappear after working in Pumping Station 6. It says they have been discharged as their sentence was completed but the number of workers with that designation working at the same location is inconsistent with the way the corp normally does business."

Looking at each of the others in the room, Jojo assumes a solemn tone. "It appears to affect the mind first with most hearing voices that give voice to thoughts of removing your helmet or wading into the methane sea or other self destructive behavior. If any of you feels any of these symptoms, or start having any thoughts like this, please speak up immediately."

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 10:51 pm
by aine
Virgil puts his datapad away and rubs his eyes.
“Some sort of space-rot? Thank you for the warning, Doctor, it seems a likely suspect for all the trouble here. Can you forward your report to me?

I was going to arrange a visit to Waystation for tomorrow anyway.” Says Virgil, looking worried. “But maybe we should spring it on them; a surprise visit instead. Can you use smelling salts something on Sergei to wake him up, Doctor?”

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 5:14 am
by Mr. Handy

"What about the autopsy report on Dr. Holzer?" asks Sam. "What did you learn from that, Doctor?"

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 5:06 am
by Starspawn338
"What about the autopsy report on Dr. Holzer?" asks Sam. "What did you learn from that, Doctor?"
"It appears that Dr. Holzer's death was consistent with an overdose. It appears that he was self medicating because he had started hearing the voices in his head."Jojo replies, then continues.

"Unfortunately, Sargeant Montrose's body is deteriorating too quickly for me to determine much, especially since I have to have the body in quarantine protocols. I will continue to monitor the progression of the cellular degeneration and run more tests. Hopefully I will be able to determine something from him."
Can you use smelling salts something on Sergei to wake him up, Doctor?
"Yes, I'm sure I have something here to wake him up."

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 6:40 pm
by Mephistophilis
Nurse Richards hands Dr Johnson a cerebral stimulant and he administers it to Sergei who starts to come round with a few groans and twitches. He sits up with some surprise at the sight of everyone stood around him, looking at Virgil he says, 'Eh, you made it, welcome to Jack's Play.'

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 8:27 pm
by aine
Virgil hopes he’ll remember to ask Jojo about the rapid deterioration of Montrose’ body. He turns to Sergei and smiles.
“Hello, Sergei. I hope you’re feeling better. You’re in safe hands but not in Jacks Play. Do you remember what happened to you since I last saw you?”

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 5:28 am
by Mr. Handy

Sam suspects that Holzer may have taken an overdose deliberately, taking his own life with what was available as Montrose had, but she'll wait to talk to Jojo about it until after they're done speaking with Sergei.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 11:22 pm
by Mephistophilis
Sergei shakes his head from side to side and slaps his own face, 'Eugh. Yes, I remember. I go to Jack's Play, I get shit kicked out of me outside. Maybe I shouldn't have talked to you.'

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 11:25 pm
by jp1885

“You should be safe enough here,” says Kiara. “What did you want to tell us?”

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 5:44 am
by Mr. Handy

"We got you away from the security goons who beat you up," says Sam.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 9:37 pm
by Mephistophilis
Taking a few seconds to gather his senses, Sergei shakes his head again, 'No, no, I got the message. No talking.' He gingerly tries to get up from the bed, but staggers back.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 5:55 am
by Mr. Handy

"They saw us take you away," says Sam. "They're going to assume you talked anyway. If you cooperate, we can take you off Titan with us when we leave."

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 10:52 am
by Mephistophilis
Pointing at the CENTRAL lens he says, 'They know.'


Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 12:03 am
by Mr. Handy

"What if the sensors were temporarily blinded?" asks Sam, giving Kiara a meaningful look.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 2:05 pm
by jp1885

“Oh I don’t think anyone would even contemplate such as thing...” Kiara replies, hoping that CENTRAL doesn’t recognise sarcasm.

She rolls up her sleeves and looks for the nearest access terminal.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 2:08 pm
by Mephistophilis
Kiara,There are terminals in the medical centre or she can use a datapad. If you tell me what you're trying to do I can tell you if you can/how difficult

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 2:12 pm
by jp1885
Keeper,She’ll use the terminal in the medical centre rather than connect up her datapad. She’ll try to blind and deafen CENTRAL, in that room at least.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 2:39 pm
by Mephistophilis
Kiara,That's a hard Computer Use

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 3:05 pm
by aine
“Between us we can easily find you a new placement somewhere more conducive.” Says Virgil, going over in his mind options for smuggling Sergei out of needs be.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 4:19 pm
by jp1885
Computer use 65 extreme success,0
Feeling more confident and motivated than usual, Kiara’s fingers fly over the control panel.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 9:15 pm
by Mephistophilis
The orange glow fades to black in the CENTRAL fish eye lens and a low, descending whine comes over the hidden speakers, before fading into silence.

'Impressive,' smiles Sergei. 'You're here to investigate what is wrong on Titan, yes?' He looks around.

'My name is Sergei Petrov, I am contract miner, worked methane pumps for last few years. Before that moving from job to job in construction and mining in colonies. I know what's right for mining colony. Barnard's Rest is not right, Titan is not right.'

'All begin with Pumping Station 6. You know they've been building that for the last year and still not finished? Convict miners only, pulled off the other Pumping Stations. Output down because we're understaffed. I've never seen anyone again after they're sent there.'

'Miners acting crazy, Dr Holzer, nightmares. It's not right. This place is not right. Pumping Station 6 is not right.'

He crosses his arms with a satisfied look on his face, like he's delivered something quite profound.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 10:08 pm
by Mr. Handy

"How did you find out about all of this?" asks Sam.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 10:33 pm
by Mephistophilis
He shrugs, 'Common knowledge, among the miners at least. No one says anything cos they don't wanna lose job.' His face falls, 'And who care about convict anyway?'

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 11:19 pm
by Mr. Handy

"What do you know about Waystation?" asks Sam.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 11:34 pm
by Mephistophilis
'Heard whispers, 'bout a 'Project Waystation', but I don't know any more than that.'

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 1:26 am
by Mr. Handy

"Have you noticed that CENTRAL has been behaving oddly?" asks Sam, taking advantage of the computer's blindness. "We suspect the AI has gone rogue."

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 9:51 am
by jp1885

“What does management say about pumping station 6?” adds Kiara. “Surely they must know what’s going on.”

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 9:23 pm
by aine
Virgil pulls up a map of Bernard’s Rest on his datapad and shows it to Sergei.
“Can you point out where Pumping Station 6 is being built, please?”

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 12:30 am
by Mephistophilis
'Far as I know CENTRAL works for Kingsley, and you'd have to ask him what's going on at Pumping Station 6. No one talks about it cos no one wants lose their job. S'all I know.'

Looking at Virgil's map of Barnard's Rest and Ligeia Mare he points towards the far side of the methane sea. 'Somewhere over there.'
OOC,Virgil shows this map to Sergei: [url][/url]. Sergei indicates the shore to the top left of the map.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 4:39 am
by Mr. Handy

"Do you know anything about what happened to the Chief Engineer?" asks Sam.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 7:48 pm
by aine
Keeper,So Waystation and Pumping Station 6 are in the same place/ are the same thing?
Virgil looks cross.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 10:20 pm
by Mephistophilis
'Chief White? No, heard he got hurt but I know nothing about it. Maybe he knows too much about Pumping Station 6, like Sergei?'

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 1:24 am
by Starspawn338
"Someone needs to fill me in. Why were the security forces beating Sergei? What else have you learned about the Waystation, which I do think is officially referred to as Pumping Station 6? Jojo says. "And have you heard of anyone else infected by this pathogen that Sergeant Montrose contracted?"

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 3:34 am
by Mr. Handy

"They beat him to stop him from talking to us," says Sam. "It almost worked, too. I suspect Dr. Holzer was infected too, from reading those excerpts from his diary. Have you seen them yet?"

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 5:21 pm
by jp1885

Kiara wanders over and peers at Virgil's map.

"We can get to number six from the maglev transport hub under the admin complex. I don't know if you noticed when we arrived, but there's a door marked 'surface rovers' (also 'copters', but that's been crossed out) in addition to the tunnels to the other pumping stations. 'Pumping station six' was also written on this door and then scribbled out."

She turns to Sergei.

"Is that how the miners get there? Do they need a surface rover or 'copter?"

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 12:01 am
by Mephistophilis
'Surface rover has to take long way round Ligeia Mare. Copters faster' says Sergei.

'Shouldn't we wait to see what Doctor Johnson finds on David,? He did not look right' says Nicole. Looking very queasy, Nurse Richards nods his head, 'I think you should wait until Dr Johnson knows more about this infection.'

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 5:43 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, let's wait for the results," says Sam. "While we do, we can discuss what we're going to do about CENTRAL, while it's not listening. I think we have a HAL situation here. I think we'd have to access its core to reset it. We probably can't shut it down completely, as the colony may not survive long without it running."

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 8:01 pm
by aine
Virgil has been thinking hard.
“Yes, a factory reset might be the best thing, that should enable all the support systems to work effectively again.” He frowns, “What happened to David and where was he when he got into trouble?”

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 10:44 pm
by Mephistophilis
'David Montrose encountered something on Waystation' says Nicole. 'After he died he was covered in some kind of rash, non, not a rash, some kind of growth.'

She shows the others some images she took on her datapad, they show a greenish powdery rash with an almost hairy surface, a little like mold.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 5:40 am
by Mr. Handy

"Could there actually be alien life on Titan?" asks Sam. "If anywhere in the solar system other than Earth could support life, Titan might. Whatever's at Waystation must have contaminated Montrose, and Holzer too."

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 8:12 am
by jp1885

“I could run a test if you took any samples,” volunteers Kiara. “Might help us protect ourselves.”

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 8:26 pm
by aine
“What was he doing at Waystation in the first place?” Asks Virgil suspiciously.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 8:57 pm
by jp1885

“I heard talk of an excavation,” says Kiara. “Does that ring any bells Sergei?”

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 10:22 pm
by Mephistophilis
'I did not take any samples, but Dr Johnson has David's body 'ere,' says Nicole. 'What was 'e doing on Waystation, I do not know, but 'e was Head of Security so maybe he was involved somehow with what is 'appening there?'

Sergei shrugs his shoulders at Kiara's question, 'Excavation? Don't know, maybe, how you building pumping station?'

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 4:39 am
by Mr. Handy

"Or he could have been investigating it," suggests Sam.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 11:37 pm
by Mephistophilis
OOC,Don't want to railroad anyone but it looks to me like we've stalled a bit. Maybe by next week we can make plans to change the scene unless everyone still has more conversation they want to have
Looking pretty queasy, Richards says 'Maybe we could try and take more samples from Montrose's body, but I don't know whether Dr Johnson thinks it would be safe to conduct a full postmortem.'

Nodding, Nicole says 'While you scientists look at Montrose what can the rest of us be doing? Before we go over to Waystation?'

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 11:43 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I think Kiara and I should go to CENTRAL's core and reset it," says Sam. "That won't solve the problem permanently, as whatever glitch allowed it to go rogue once would allow it to happen again, but it should help."

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 11:01 am
by jp1885

Kiara is torn between obtaining a sample from the doc and heading off with Sam. After a second’s thought, she opts for the latter, figuring that having a working CENTRAL is of higher importance.

“Okay Sam, let’s go.”

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 9:25 pm
by Mephistophilis
Nicole looks perturbed, 'Do you think CENTRAL will just stand by and let you turn it off? How will you get close enough? Perhaps I should come with you.' She taps the gun holstered at her hip.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 9:33 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Yeah, that's a good idea," says Sam.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 9:50 pm
by jp1885

“Perhaps Isabella should come too - she’s a dab hand at this kind of thing.”

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 9:58 pm
by Mephistophilis
'Last I saw, Isabella was in that bar, 'The Claim Jumper', she looks like she enjoys a drink or three so I hope she's still sober. We could put in a call to her at least' says Nicole.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 10:06 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Sounds good to me," says Sam. "Let's go see if she's there. We'll have to be careful what we say once we leave this room, though. CENTRAL will be able to observe us."

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 4:52 am
by Starspawn338
"Montrose's body is here and I've done what I could while under quarantine. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to determine much." Jojo says. "Perhaps I will learn more as whatever reaction is taking place continues to progress. Without knowing what we are dealing with, I'm not comfortable doing a full post mortem with no quarantine protocols in place. On the other hand, if you go out to the Waystation or Pumping Station #6 or whatever you want to call it, I'd like to accompany you. Perhaps there is a clue there."

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 8:08 pm
by aine
“I’ve got a report to write up.” Says Virgil. “Keep me updated.” He says to Jojo and Sam.
Keeper,Virgil will actually go to Kingsley’s office to organise transport of the package.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 8:39 pm
by Starspawn338
"If any of you have any medical background, I'd be glad to show you what I've discovered so far. Maybe I'm missing something." Jojo says before everyone leaves. "Never hurts to have more eyes looking at things and if worst comes to worst, perhaps what you see will allow you to stay away from anything like that at the Waystation."

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 9:58 pm
by Mephistophilis
OOC,So Virgil is going to do some paperwork, do Sam and Keira want to look at what Jojo's found or go straight to Jack's Play looking for Isabella? What will Jojo do in the meantime? I presume you'll all reconvene later (maybe tomorrow since it must be 11pm or so) to visit Waystation.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 10:01 pm
by jp1885
Mephistophilis wrote:
OOC,So Virgil is going to do some paperwork, do Sam and Keira want to look at what Jojo's found or go straight to Jack's Play looking for Isabella? What will Jojo do in the meantime? I presume you'll all reconvene later (maybe tomorrow since it must be 11pm or so) to visit Waystation.
Kiara is happy to take a look before she heads off.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 11:34 pm
by Mephistophilis
Jojo offers to show them Montrose's body, still within the plastic sheeting of the mortuary trolley.
Anyone looking at the body,Although only part of his body is visible, you can see that the whole top of [b]Montrose[/b]'s head has been blasted off, leaving a ragged bloody hole. [b]Montrose[/b] appears wasted, there are some red sores on his skin, but his face, arms, and upper chest, basically all of his skin that you can see is almost completely covered with blotches of an olive green powdery substance with a slightly filamentous surface, like microscopic hairs. [ooc]If you saw him alive, it is clear this has progressed markedly since then.[/ooc] You have never seen anything like this infection, you're not even sure what kind of thing it is. [ooc]SAN check 1/1d4 for seeing Montrose[/ooc] Looking at the body it seems like a surface examination or imaging would be fairly easy but an internal examination (postmortem) with a macroscopic review of organs and histopathology would need wearing a full biohazard getup and take some time. Blood studies (biochemistry, microscopy, and toxicology), or further examination of skin scrapings, including the powdery, filamentous substance would be more feasible.
When they've finished looking at the body, Jojo takes them to a Level 2 biological containment box and shows them the sample he scraped from Montrose previously. It initially appears like a mixture of a soft sand or dust-like substance mixed in with more filamentous material, like a mold or some other fungus. It has an olive or even khaki colour.

Despite the macroscopic appearance the powder and the filaments don't have any obvious cellular structure when observed microscopically.
OOC,Anyone who wants to investigate the material further can roll 1d100 once and then should compare that to their Medicine, Biology, and Chemistry skills and tell me what they've passed

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 5:22 am
by Mr. Handy

Sam shudders when she views the body. She examines the material, but she has no clue what it is.
OOC,Sanity roll (current level 65) for seeing the corpse: 0 Sanity loss: 2 Science(Chemistry) roll (26% skill) examining the material: 1

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 12:53 pm
by jp1885
SAN 65 success so -1 SAN,0
Potential loss,1
D100 roll Fail,2
”I’ve never seen anything like this,” Kiara says, shuddering at the state of the corpse. “I’m lost for words...”

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 8:07 pm
by aine
Virgil decides to follow the others to the mortuary before heading upstairs.
Sanity,501 San loss:1
Montrose is in a far worse state than he is expecting but it’s hard to see very much.
“The body looks mouldy; I didn’t think moulds or plants could grow in the vacuum of space. Where exact was the body found, do we know?”
He takes a cursory glance in the microscope but he is not a boffin and isn’t even sure how to focus it.
Science,1% 0
Ooc,Did Sergei come with us? It’s probably not safe to leave him loitering about.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 9:06 pm
by Mephistophilis
Nicole doesn't even bother to take a look with the others, she seems to shudder involuntarily, 'I have already seen him. He was in his room, he blew his own head off with a shotgun.' Nurse Richards remains with Sergei.
Sam,It is difficult to analyse the material within the biological containment box and with the limited instruments in the Medical Centre but [b]Sam[/b] is fairly certain she has detected carbon-based compounds, organic chemistry, and she suspects this is a terrestrial pathogen of some kind, maybe a mold or other fungus.
Kiara,Within the constraints of the biological containment box and with the limited instruments available in the Medical Centre she doesn't learn anything more. What she does know is that this is weird.
Virgil,[b]Virgil[/b] has no idea what he's looking at, but neither does it seem anyone else has either. When [b]Virgil[/b]'s done here he can go to this thread: [url][/url]
OOC,Obviously you can spend Luck. I'm not going to offer pushing the roll but I'll give you some options. With Dr Johnson's permission you could either take the existing samples out of the Level 2 containment box and into the fume hood to take a closer look in the Medical Centre, take them to use on some instruments in the Engineering Centre, or get some more samples from Montrose's body (blood, skin scrapings) - that would involve opening the mortuary trolley. This would allow another 1d100 roll for Medicine/Chemistry/Biology for anyone looking, including Jojo. Depending on which option you take (if any) you might get a bonus die, and each poses different biohazard risks. Since it isn't a pushed roll nothing catastrophic will necessarily happen with a fail - a fumble however... You can also put the body through the scanner. And finally Dr Johnson and Nurse Richards could conduct a full blown autopsy on Montrose, that'd need a few hours and a full biohazard getup. Finally, a reminder, it is 11.30pm after arriving 12hrs ago following a 72hr flight.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 3:48 am
by Mr. Handy

"I can't tell for certain what this material is," says Sam. "but I'm pretty sure it's organic. I think it's more likely to be a pathogen from Earth rather than some form of life native to Titan. Maybe it's some kind of mold or fungus. We'd need to take it to the fume hood or to Engineering to find out more about it."

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 5:53 pm
by Starspawn338
OOC,If I can do a full post mortem while in hazard gear, I'll do that. Medicine 80 0 1 point off an Extreme Success. I feel lucky?
As the others finish looking at the corpse, Jojo will get it ready to run the body through the scanner while he gets suited up for an quarantine autopsy.

"Nurse Richards, can you help prepare for an autopsy? I know it's been a long day but the more we can find out about this, the better off we will be if this continues to spread."

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 8:28 pm
by aine
Virgil shakes his head. “It’s beyond me, well I’ll be off. Let me know if you find anything.”
He leaves the room.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 10:09 pm
by Mephistophilis
Sergei makes his excuses and leaves after Virgil, Nicole steps outside with him but soon returns. ’I don't want to alarm anyone but there's one of those ARM things sitting in the middle of the corridor outside.'

Jojo and Richards roll the mortuary trolley into the scanner and leave it there while they start to get changed into full biohazard suits. 'We can use the surgical suite as a containment chamber and then purge it when we've finished' says Richards.

The scanner beeps and Dr Johnson and Nurse Richards go over to the attached terminal to look at the images. Richards whistles, 'Well that's not normal.'
Jojo,The quality of the imaging is very poor with strange artefacts and distortions on both magnetic resonance and x-ray scans. It looks as if there is some dense material in the body, particularly around the skin and subcutaneous tissue, too dense to be natural, more like the interference you see with metal implants. From what [b]Jojo[/b] can ascertain there has been significant trauma to the chest wall, possibly even a penetrating injury. The resolution is not good given the signal degradation but he thinks he can see evidence of atrophy of internal organs including the heart, liver, and brain. The powdery substance on the skin is visible on the imaging, like the material in the subcutaneous tissue it seems surprisingly dense and in the areas where it is particularly visible it seems to be present quite deeply, like it is either infecting downwards from the skin or erupting from within subcutaneous tissues where the other widespread dense material is located. It goes without saying that he has never seen anything like this before.
Nurse Richards gestures to a sort of hatch in the back of the Level 2 containment box, 'We can pass through some samples from the body once we start, bloods, tissue, skin scrapings, that sort of thing, maybe you lot could take a look at it while we're busy cutting him up?'

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 5:37 am
by Mr. Handy

Sam tries to look at the material with the fume hood, but it still defies analysis. "I haven't learned anything more," she says, "but maybe one of you will have better luck. That ARM must be there because CENTRAL is suspicious because it can't see or hear us. Maybe we should reactivate the sensors now that Sergei has left. Hopefully it will think we just disabled them to get him to spill the beans."
OOC,Science(Chemistry) roll (26% skill) analyzing the material with the fume hood: 0

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 10:39 am
by jp1885

"Let me take a look Sam, before we re-engage CENTRAL." Kiara says, peering into the fume hood.
Science chemistry 50 pass,0

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 6:08 pm
by Mephistophilis
Anyone watching the postmortem can see this,[b]Jojo[/b] and [b]Richards[/b] start the postmortem by removing [b]Montrose[/b]'s body from the mortuary trolley. A surface examination confirms the findings from the imaging and what [b]Jojo[/b] saw earlier in [b]Montrose[/b]'s apartment. He is emaciated, pallid, his eyes sunken pits. There are red patches on the skin, welts and sores, at the base of these there is an almost mineral-like scaling. The top of his skull has been blasted open and much of the intracranial contents are missing, presumably splattered over the ceiling in his apartment. There are ragged bloody edges of bone. A matching entry wound is at the base of his neck. Viewing his whole body, it is clear the olive green powdery substance has covered most of his skin now. However, in the centre of his chest is a livid spot that does not bleed and from which emanates a network of red lines across his chest. [b]Jojo[/b] and [b]Richards[/b] start attending to the body with a series of knives and saws, a mechanical buzzing sound mingling with crunches and splatters that are the reality of cutting open the human body. [ooc]If you didn't already test SAN for seeing him roll, 1/1d4 loss[/ooc]
Jojo,After ten minutes of work Jojo is able to look inside the thoracic cavity. The internal organs, heart, lungs, liver and so on seem grossly normal but atrophied, smaller than would be expected for a man of [b]Montrose[/b]'s size and age. As [b]Jojo[/b] removes them for further examination he notes that they feel less compliant, stiffer than usual, perhaps indicating fibrous growth or scar tissue. Exploring the livid spot on his chest reveals what looks like large puncture wound, smashing through the sternum and into the mediastinum. The tissue around the wound is particularly stiff, hard even. He scoops out what remains of [b]Montrose[/b]'s brain. From the size of the brainstem and other identifiable parts he can see that [b]Montrose[/b]'s brain also appears smaller than he would expect. [b]Richards[/b] takes makes some cross sectional slices of the heart and liver and [b]Jojo[/b] examines them with a low power microscope. Apart from the atrophy he finds nothing unusual and takes some samples for more detailed microscopic analysis. [b]Richards[/b] obtains some further samples of the green powdery material and draws some blood for analysis. [b]Jojo[/b] looks closer at the odd scaling on [b]Montrose[/b]'s skin. Looking at it up close and using a scalpel to prod it he finds that this thick, scaled material seems to be present throughout the subcutaneous tissue and he takes some samples to analyse.
Richards runs biochemistry and toxicology studies on Montrose's blood. 'Nothing abnormal in the blood, except the alcohol levels, but I think we knew that already.'
Sam and Kiara,Taking the powdery scrapings out of the containment box into the fume hood, [b]Sam[/b] and [b]Kiara[/b] are able to get a better look at them under the microscope and also to run some basic tests. Most obviously, despite the hair-like filaments this isn't organic. There is no cellular structure evident. Both the soft dust and the filaments have a crystalline structure under sufficient magnification. Initial tests using the limited laboratory facilities in the Medical Centre suggest the material is mostly silicate and carbonate, some traces of metals, and a few chlorine, fluorine, and sulphur compounds. While not clearly related to the organic chemistry of Earth this doesn't seem like something that would arise in the icy conditions on Titan either. [ooc]You both passed Chemistry and Planetary Science[/ooc]
After completing the autopsy, Jojo and Richards return Montrose's body to the mortuary trolley and put it into cold storage. Once they have have decontaminated and removed their biohazard suits they purge the surgical suite, great billowing flames searing the contents clean.

Jojo takes a look at the sample that Sam and Kiara have brought out into the fume hood.
Jojo,Most obviously, despite the hair-like filaments, the green powdery substance isn't organic. There is no cellular structure evident. This isn't any kind of terrestrial pathogen and it is not clear how it would have formed on [b]Montrose[/b]. Both the soft dust and the filaments have a crystalline structure under sufficient magnification. Running them through chemical analysis shows carbon and silicon, some residual sulphuric acid, and trace metals.
He then takes a look at some of the samples from the autopsy he has passed through into the containment box.
Jojo,[b]Montrose[/b]'s skin and tissue samples are unremarkable at low magnification except for the strange scaly subcutaneous tissue which has a mineral-like consistency. At higher magnification the cells look very odd indeed. Some, mainly in the skin and subcutaneous tissue, remind him of grasses, where silica phytoliths are deposited within the cell body, making it tough and inflexible. Other cells, mainly in the internal and subcutaneous tissues, are reminiscent of algal diatoms, where the cell wall itself is made of silica. This probably explains the odd artefacts on the imaging, dense inorganic material in the tissue interfering with the x-ray and magnetic resonance. [b]Jojo[/b] also makes the surprising discovery that the grass-like cells are photosensitive, extruding inorganic material when exposed to high intensity visible and ultraviolet spectrums. This extruded inorganic material looks very much like the green powdery substance and [b]Jojo[/b] suspects it is probably related. It does, however, differ from the scaly material in the subcutaneous tissue which seems to be more due to the diatom-like silica-walled cells. [b]Jojo[/b] extracts some DNA from the cells and finds no evidence of abnormal sequences or methylation comparing it to the samples he has on file for [b]Montrose[/b]. He is it at all sure what is going on but [b]Jojo[/b] knows that this is not a terrestrial pathogen, this is extraterrestrial, it didn't come from Earth but whether it could be native to Titan he's not sure. Something else occurs to him, this particular chemistry, it isn't purely carbon-based, it is conceivable, if not perhaps likely, that non-organic materials could be susceptible to infection, perhaps computers like [b]CENTRAL[/b], or maybe other synthetic organisms... [ooc]Jojo passes Biology, Medicine, and Chemistry[/ooc]

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 9:02 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Looks like it's not organic after all," says Sam. "I don't think it's from either Earth or Titan, so how did it get here?"

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 9:10 pm
by jp1885

"Is it crazy to think we're not the first people to visit this planet?" wonders Kiara. "Yeah, it is crazy... must be..."

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 10:33 pm
by Starspawn338
"Yes, this appears to not be a carbon based life form. If I had to guess, I would say it is silica based. The crystalline patterns of the spread in the organic tissue would seem to indicate that it is possible for this same organism to infect our technological devices that have similar silica based structure. That might be why CENTRAL is acting strangely." Jojo ponders out loud to the others. "I wonder if it is possible that this has the ability to be a sentient parasite and not just an infection."

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 4:35 am
by Mr. Handy

"Well, that's a different kind of computer virus," says Sam. "That makes sense. Silicon-based life has been theorized, but it's never been found before. Still, if it were to exist anywhere, it makes sense that it would be on Titan. If extraterrestrial life were to exist anywhere in the solar system other than Earth, this would be the most likely place to support it."

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 10:34 am
by jp1885

“Amazing, fascinating and terrifying all at the same time...” Kiara mutters. “This is a game-changer of massive proportions, but it doesn’t solve our immediate problem.”

“Would resetting CENTRAL purge such an infection? Could we come up with a ‘scrub’ that acts independently of the system?”

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 11:35 pm
by Mephistophilis
You all realise that you are not very familiar with the workings of CENTRAL supercomputers and you have no idea how this inorganic infectious organism would affect a computer system or how you would go about purging it if it was infected. With really only one example of infection, and that in a human, it is very difficult to make any predictions, including as to whether this organism is capable of sentience, a few hours ago you'd have said no, but then a few hours ago you didn't think inorganic organisms were possible either.

Nicole asks, 'Is it safe to try and reset CENTRAL if we don't know what this infection can do? Is it even safe to visit Waystation or should we just call this in and wait for backup?'
OOC,Just a reminder it is now the middle of the night - say 3am

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 4:40 am
by Mr. Handy

"I have no idea," says Sam. "We're in uncharted territory here. All I know is that it's not safe to leave CENTRAL in its current condition. We have to do something. Maybe we can communicate with it, if it's intelligent, but that poses its own risks. If it's hostile, or merely paranoid, we'll show our hand if we reveal knowledge of its existence. It will try to preserve its own existence if it's like any other lifeform."

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 5:44 am
by Starspawn338
"Well, I suggest we sleep on it. It's quite possible that something will come to us while we are resting and present another course of action in the morning." Jojo says. And with that, he marshals the others out of the medical clinic. "Where are we meeting in the morning?" He asks before heading to his quarters.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 5:43 pm
by jp1885

“I’m not sure I’ll sleep, but it’s very late I guess. Shall we reconnect CENTRAL first?”

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 5:10 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, the computer will be suspicious if we leave it off any longer," says Sam. "I hope it assumes we only did it to get Sergei to talk."

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 10:47 am
by jp1885

“I should be able to reverse the changes I made to CENTRAL’s sensors...”
Computer use 65,0
”Oh come on!”

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 11:44 pm
by Mephistophilis
Kiara,Kiara got an extreme success to disable CENTRAL's sensors, I think she can reactivate them again
Kiara attempts to reverse the blocks she has placed on CENTRAL's sensors in the Medical Centre. She quickly removes the overrides and sees that the various audio, visual, and other scanners are back online. When she is finished her datapad displays a popup message, 'Hello Science Officer Khan. Please do not disable my sensors, they are necessary for the smooth operating of Barnard's Rest and for your safety.'

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2021 10:56 am
by jp1885

Chastened, Kiara replies ‘sorry’, before going to bed.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2021 8:41 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Good night," says Sam, heading to her own quarters for some much needed sleep.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 12:26 pm
by Mephistophilis
OOC,Moving to this thread: [url][/url]. If Jojo wants to do anything before going back to his quarters just let me know and I'll retcon

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 12:14 am
by Starspawn338
OOC,I'm good to go. Just wanted to know when and where we were meeting in the morning but I'll figure it out.

Re: IC - 12 - Medical Clinic - Everyone

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 12:13 am
by Mephistophilis
OOC,You're all staying in the Corporate Suites so you could arrange to meet up there in the morning since you'll all be there anyway