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Re: IC - 10 - Jack's Play - Sam & Kiara

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 4:57 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yeah, I gotta go too," says Sam, getting up and following Kiara to the ladies' room.

Re: IC - 10 - Jack's Play - Sam & Kiara

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 8:21 pm
by aine
Virgil watches Sam go, his face blank but his brain working overtime.

Re: IC - 10 - Jack's Play - Sam & Kiara

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 11:15 pm
by Mephistophilis
Kiara,[b]Kiara[/b] makes her way towards the back of the bar. As she passes the booths she can see that most of them are empty. The bathroom door indicates that these are unisex facilities. She walks inside to find a rather dingy looking room, tiled from floor to ceiling with a central island of chrome washbasins and several toilet stalls towards the back. Roll Spot Hidden to try and notice anyone following or anyone in the bathroom.
Sam,[b]Sam[/b] follows [b]Kiara[/b] at a little distance behind. As she passes the booths she can see that most of them are empty. The bathroom door has swung closed behind [b]Kiara[/b]. It indicates that these are unisex facilities. [b]Sam[/b] walks inside to find a rather dingy looking room, tiled from floor to ceiling with a central island of chrome washbasins and several toilet stalls towards the back. Roll Stealth to try and avoid being seen following Kiara if that's what Sam is trying to do.
After the two other women have walked into the bathroom Isabella pours herself another glass of Prosecco. 'So, Mr Company Man, what's going on here that you're not telling us about?'

Re: IC - 10 - Jack's Play - Sam & Kiara

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 11:21 pm
by jp1885
Keeper,Spot hidden 37 0

Re: IC - 10 - Jack's Play - Sam & Kiara

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 3:19 am
by Mr. Handy
Keeper,[b]Sam[/b] doesn't bother to sneak in behind [b]Kiara[/b]. She's no good at it, and she really has no reason to be suspicious of her. She's more suspicious of [b]Vigril[/b].

Re: IC - 10 - Jack's Play - Sam & Kiara

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 8:28 pm
by aine
Virgil keeps looking towards the ladies’. “I don’t know. Maybe you should ask those two who’ve gone for a secret conflab in the toilet.
“No seriously I’m not sure. I think the doctor was covering something up; something that’s made a few colonists go crazy. It could be something that CENTRAL is doing. I want to see how far the rot has spread. It will be interesting to hear what Sergil has to say. But to be honest I’m just here to check on productivity; I’ll continue my inspection and then head home to write the report.
“What’s your opinion?”

Re: IC - 10 - Jack's Play - Sam & Kiara

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 8:33 pm
by Mephistophilis
Kiara,Entering the bathroom [b]Kiara[/b] sees no sign of anyone in there but she does notice [b]Sam[/b] following her at some distance behind

Re: IC - 10 - Jack's Play - Sam & Kiara

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 8:47 pm
by jp1885

Kiara turns to look behind her and sees Sam. She smiles, thinking it funny how thier bladders must be synchronised, before dissapearing into a cubicle (not only to spend a penny, but read the message from Daddy in peace.

Re: IC - 10 - Jack's Play - Sam & Kiara

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 9:04 pm
by Mephistophilis
Kiara,[b]Kiara[/b] accesses her datapad. There is a message from Earth acknowledging her transmission but not supplying any more useful information about what is happening on Titan.
Sam,[b]Sam[/b] enters the bathroom and sees [b]Kiara[/b] disappearing into one of the stalls with her datapad.
Virgil,[color=#0000FF]'Well something's not right about [b]CENTRAL[/b], that's for sure'[/color] says [b]Isabella[/b]. [color=#0000FF]'But I don't think [b]CENTRAL[/b]'s malfunctioned. I think [b]CENTRAL[/b] is working perfectly. The question I have is why have Richter Dynamics reprogrammed [b]CENTRAL[/b] and what does that new programming do?'[/color] She downs the rest of her glass and fixes him with a cold stare, [color=#0000FF]'And I think you, and [b]Mr Kingsley[/b], might know something about that.'[/color]

Re: IC - 10 - Jack's Play - Sam & Kiara

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 2:37 am
by Mr. Handy
Kiara and Sam,[b]Sam[/b] gets into the stall next to [b]Kiara[/b]'s and sits down to relieve herself. [color=#BF4000]"Anything you want to say while we're unobserved?"[/color] she asks.

Re: IC - 10 - Jack's Play - Sam & Kiara

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 4:51 pm
by jp1885

Kiara sighs.
Sam,[color=#800000]"I suppose I'd better come clean, but please don't tell anybody else, 'cos this is embarrassing. My dad's a big-shot in the company; and me, the underachiever of the family, has been sent to report on this Project Waystation - y'know, the excavation on the other side of the lake that I've been trying to tell people about. Looking at the dead doc's notes I'm sure it's got something to do with the craziness that's starting to creep into people around here. I don't know what's going on with CENTRAL, but is it really our biggest problem right now?"[/color]

Re: IC - 10 - Jack's Play - Sam & Kiara

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 8:34 pm
by aine
Virgil smiles and shrugs,
Isobella,“You have pinpointed my Achilles’ heel, Marshal Favre; I have a strange dyslexia with any sort of computer programming and all it entails. I’m afraid I have no idea what or why CENTRAL has been reprogrammed. I didn’t know it had. But surely there are few people here that have that expertise? Can you not narrow it down from that?”

Re: IC - 10 - Jack's Play - Sam & Kiara

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:46 pm
by Mephistophilis
Virgil,[b]Isabella[/b] looks [b]Virgil[/b] over appraisingly. [color=#0000FF]'All CENTRAL artificial intelligences have a core processor that is like a quasi-organic brain, it is non-linear and non-deterministic with highly parallel systems, so it needs a kernel to interface with the rest of the computer architecture through a number of modules that have protocols and subroutines to set parameters on the AI.'[/color] She pauses for a second, [color=#0000FF]'Not going too fast for you I hope?'[/color] She continues, [color=#0000FF]'Now usually these core modules are the same, the same on Ganymede as on Mars, but I can't access them here, I'm locked out. I helped write most of the code for these kernels, I know them better than anyone. There's only one person here on Titan who could do reprogram [b]CENTRAL[/b], and that's me.'[/color] She waits quite a long time, clearly for dramatic effect. She seems to quite enjoy blowing her own trumpet. [color=#0000FF]'So if [b]CENTRAL[/b] wasn't reprogrammed here, it was probably done some time ago, maybe even prior to installation at the station. And if that's the case then it seems most likely to me that it was done at the behest of Richter Dynamics. Which brings me back to my question. Why? What is going on here at Barnard's Rest?'[/color]
OOC,FYI, Marshal Nicole Favre is not here, she was last seen with Montrose. In Jack's Play, in addition to Sam, Kiara, and Virgil is Isabella Garcia, Systems Engineer

Re: IC - 10 - Jack's Play - Sam & Kiara

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 4:21 am
by Mr. Handy
Kiara,[color=#BF4000]"I understand,"[/color] says [b]Sam[/b]. [color=#BF4000]"Whatever's going on with Waystation is a problem too. I'm not sure if it's a bigger problem than CENTRAL or not. CENTRAL could vent Barnard's Rest to the atmosphere at any time and kill us all if wants to do it."[/color]

Re: IC - 10 - Jack's Play - Sam & Kiara

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 3:46 pm
by jp1885
Sam,Kiara shudders. [color=#800000]“That’s a very valid point! Perhaps the two are connected. Once we’ve spoken to this guy, we should all meet up and work out what to do next.”[/color] Finishing up, she flushes and leaves the cubicle to wash her hands. [color=#800000]“See you back at the table,”[/color] she calls back.

Re: IC - 10 - Jack's Play - Sam & Kiara

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2021 9:43 pm
by Mr. Handy
Kiara,[color=#BF4000]"Agreed,"[/color] says [b]Sam[/b]. She also flushes and washes her hands, then heads back to the table.

Re: IC - 10 - Jack's Play - Sam & Kiara

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 11:03 pm
by aine
Isobella,Virgil’s expression hardens. “You forget yourself, systems engineer. This facility is Richter Dynamics; [i] I[/i] am Richter Dynamics; [i]you[/i] are working for Richter Dynamics. If CENTRAL is working as initially programmed by Richter Dynamics then your job here is done. You can send me the report.”

Re: IC - 10 - Jack's Play - Sam & Kiara

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 11:43 pm
by Mephistophilis
Virgil,[color=#0000FF]'Yes, that's what I thought'[/color] says [b]Isabella[/b]. She pours a half glass of sparkling wine and necks it in one. She stands and then walks out of the bar without saying another word.
As Sam walks back towards the table she sees Isabella say something to Virgil and then get up and leave.

Re: IC - 10 - Jack's Play - Sam & Kiara

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 8:09 pm
by aine
Vigil turns furious eyes towards Sam and then visibly calms himself down with a breathing technique. He looks at his watch.
“It’s almost time.”

Re: IC - 10 - Jack's Play - Sam & Kiara

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 9:11 pm
by jp1885

Kiara returns with Sam. Sitting herself down, she smiles and sips her water.