IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

6.30pm Thursday 11th March 2010, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England.

A five-year old girl, Regina Balfour, is kidnapped in broad daylight from the Eden Shopping Centre, while her mother’s back is momentarily turned. Left behind is her ladybird shaped backpack, which contained supplies for her insulin pump. She needs her medication to live more than a few days, and her condition will rapidly deteriorate without it...

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Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

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"I suppose that since you believe the world will end in a couple of days," says Jocelyn, "you're not concerned what the legal system can do to you in that time. And perhaps you're right. Perhaps the world will end. But where does that leave you? You failed your God. What do you think He will do to you, when He comes? Do you have any brothers or sisters, Johnny? Or are you your mother's only - and therefore first - child? And what about your mother? Is she the first child of your grandparents? I know you love her, and she loves you. You and she have only one chance. The only way you can escape what is to come is if the world does not end in the next couple of days. Maybe we can stop that from happening, or at least delay it. But we need your help."
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Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

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”Why did you turn over Zac Newman’s house, Johnny? What were you hoping to find?” asked Kris, wanting to get him talking again.
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Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

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He shakes his head again. 'Nah, nuffin' more outta me.' Whatever Kris or Jocelyn say he just shakes his head again. After about twenty minutes there's a knock on the interview room door. DI Malone pokes his head in. 'Mr Allen's solicitor is here. Apparently the duty solicitor wasn't good enough for him and we have someone from Carter-Ruck here.'

You all know that Carter-Ruck are a London City law firm specialising in reputation management and libel actions rather than criminal defence.

His solicitor, Ms Surya Acharya, is a a thin-faced south Asian woman who does not look impressed at being in the station at this time in the evening on a weekend. You get a strong sense that she feels this is beneath her. After ten minutes with her, Johnny returns to the interview room. Once the questioning by Kris and Jocelyn resumes he looks to Ms Acharya who nods, and he simply answers 'No comment.'
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Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

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"Who's paying your fee?" Jocelyn asks the solicitor, knowing that it isn't Johnny.
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Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

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The woman gives Jocelyn a weak smile. 'My client has made himself quite clear, he does not want to answer your questions, as is his right.' Johnny grins at this. 'Now, if you have any evidence he has committed a crime, you should charge him,' Johnny gives her a confused look and she doesn't even glance at him but places a restraining hand on his arm. 'Otherwise, you must let him go.'
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"It's just that your client needs to understand that you're not looking out for his best interests," says Jocelyn, "but the best interests of whoever's paying you. The police have plenty of evidence against your client, and I'm sure they will charge him shortly if he continues to refuse to cooperate. But first they want to give him one last chance before they throw the book at him, which they undoubtedly will unless he changes his mind very soon. All he has to do to avoid all that is to cooperate. But you're advising him not to do that, no doubt because that's what the individual paying you instructed you to do. After all, if he cooperates, he may incriminate that individual, which would help your client tremendously, but it may be disastrous for the one paying your fee. That strikes me as a conflict of interest. Do you really want what's best for your client?"
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Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

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Johnny's eyes get a little wider at Jocelyn's words and he looks questioningly at Ms Acharya. She touches Johnny's arm again but doesn't break rather intense eye contact with Jocelyn. 'As always, I advise my clients in their best interests, and represent their wishes. To do otherwise would be ethically and professionally remiss. Unless you wish to make a complaint directly to the Solicitors Regulation Authority may I suggest you stop bluffing and either charge my client or let him go because you are not going to get anything more out of him and you are not going to get a rise out of me, Miss Leigh was it?' The corners of her mouth curl into a rather unpleasant looking smile.
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Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

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”Presumably Balfour wants you free, Johnny. Why do you think that is?” asked Kris. “You’d like to think that as a friend or even as a religious man that he’s got your best interests at heart but we both know that’s not true, don’t we?”

Kris sat back in his chair and smiled. “What do you think it is, Johnny? Kidnapping his daughter? Or will it be some other kid you’re planning to use instead? He just wants you to do the donkey work and once that’s done, you’ll be surplus to requirements. He’d sacrifice you in a heartbeat. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re dead within 48 hours, once Balfour gets ahold of you!”
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Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

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"I never told you my name," says Jocelyn to the solicitor. "I presume the individual who paid you must have done so. In any case, your client is intelligent enough to act in his own best interests, even if it means ignoring your advice, which he is under no obligation to accept."
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Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

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At Kris's words, Johnny laughs and leans forward, shaking off the hand of Ms Acharya, 'It won't be me who's dead in forty-eight hours!' he shouts into Kris's face. 'It won't be me, but you lot...' he points at Kris, 'Heathens...' then gestures at Jocelyn, 'Faithless...' and finally turns to stare right into the mirror, Simon can feel his eyes burning into him, 'Unbelievers!' He stands up, continuing to stare into the one-way mirror, 'Don't worry about me, the Reverend Balfour's got me right, I'm good with the Passover Angel. You watch yourself. We'll see who's still 'ere come next week.'

When Johnny has finished Ms Acharya stands up, turns to Johnny and fixes him with a withering look. She then says 'I think you've heard enough. My client has nothing more to say, isn't that right Mr Allen?' He nods weakly, it seems he's more cowed by his solicitor than any of his interrogators.
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Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

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"Fine," says Jocelyn, turning to Kris. "You can go ahead an charge him."
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Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

Post by Mephistophilis »

Anything else anyone wants to do with/say to Johnny before discussing things with DI Malone?
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Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

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I think we should present our (almost literally) smoking gun evidence against Johnny, especially the gun with his fingerprints that we found in the church and the mobile phone we found at his home, both in toilet tanks. We also have him dead to rights on breaking and entering and assault during the chase. Right now they don't know how strong our case is. If we show them just how strong it is, maybe one or both of them will have second thoughts.
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Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

Post by Silver Priest »

I'm inclined to agree, also tying in with Johnny testimony and showing that Balfour's words aside he is still fiercely loyal to the church and likely acting with at least the Reverend's tactic approval. Show from his words that Balfour either fully expects to get Regina back or that the church seems to be willing to "make other plans".

Honestly though I'm not sure how effective it will be. We should have enough to keep Johnny locked up indefinitely, but he's a zealot; he expects the world to end within the week and seems willing to spend the rest of his life behind bars. We may have enough to keep Balfour from getting Regina back until after the deadline, but I don't think we have enough to stop him if he decides to use another child.

We could try to determine who is paying for Johnny's legal representation, but it's probably just Balfour and there's nothing really illegal with him doing so; though it would be curious given IIRC he's tried to disavow Johnny. But I think we at least have a chance of convincing Malone to look into this. Overall though I think the police are going to stonewall us, which is one reason I suggesting speaking with Lucy Bates and maybe whichever other police saw those videos Lindsay had of Balfour's sermons. They may be the only allies willing to help us. Obviously though I'd suggest we keep these conversations subtle so as not to tip off Malone, who probably just wants this all to go away.
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Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

Post by Mephistophilis »

Does Kris have anything to say? It looks like Jocelyn is proposing to lay out the evidence to Johnny/Philip and see if they crack while Simon is suggesting going straight to Malone to see if he'll agree to charge Johnny and lock him away on remand and try and keep Regina away from Balfour.
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Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

Post by Philulhu »

Sorry - I’d been meaning all week to go back over the storyline and gather all the evidence but I just didn’t find the time :(

I’m not sure that presenting the evidence to Johnny will make a difference. You would think he knows that he could be locked up but he’s convinced he’s going to survive regardless.

I’m not sure what leverage we’ve got to try to make him talk further?
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Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

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It's more to intimidate the solictor than Johnny, though if Balfour hired her as I suspect, it may not do any good. But they don't know what a rock solid case we have, and they think we're bluffing. If we show them we have the goods, they may react. Is there any reason not to try it?
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Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

Post by Silver Priest »

No reason not to try it, though I think the Solicitor is more likely to be moved by it. Maybe we can make her inadvertently reveal who hired her. Let's give it a shot.
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Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

Post by Mephistophilis »

So you guys going back in to question Johnny more?
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Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

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