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Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2022 2:33 am
by Mr. Handy

"The abductor died," says Jocelyn. "Kris wasn't hurt. I did take a shotgun blast, but I was wearing my vest. I'll be okay."

Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2022 4:30 am
by Silver Priest
"Everyone's at risk," Simon points out. " Reverend Balfour intends a massive terrorist attack after he sacrifices his daughter in a dark intimation of the Story of Issac."

Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2022 8:48 am
by Philulhu
”Bina’s fine,” replied Kris, although he knew she’d be dealing patients at the hospital and without mains power, she’d have a crisis on her hands.

He looked out of the window. “I don’t think you’re at risk but it might be better to get Brian and the kids inside. They look bored shitless anyway…”

Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 12:53 pm
by Mephistophilis
Prisha looks shocked at Kris's words and downright scared at Simon's ravings. She quickly gathers up Brian and the kids. She offers Kris, Jocelyn, and Simon a light supper, fortunately they still have gas so she can heat up some curry and rice.

There is little small talk and everything is quite subdued. Once he finds out about the threat, Brian is tense, borderline hostile even, particularly with Kris. Early enough in the evening Prisha and her family retire to bed. Brian makes a big show of locking all the doors and windows and grumbling about how the blackout has disabled his alarm system. Prisha shows Jocelyn to what looks like an office with a camp bed. Kris and Simon have to share, Kris gets the single bed while much to Simon's horror he has a mattress on the floor.

So feel free to have any discussions about your plans - any insanity will resolve over night with a sleep - you can also roll to improve checked skills - and roll to improve Luck - no Sanity bonus I'm afraid (you might have got one if you had saved Regina AND Lindsay) - I don't think anyone has a major wound so you get to recover 1HP per day.

Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 2:53 pm
by Philulhu
Intimidate 15%* 1d100 Success - 1d10
Law 50% * 1d100 Success - 1d10
Listen 35%* 1d100 Failed
Persuade 55%* 1d100 Success - 1d10
Psychology 30%* 1d100 Success - 1d10
Spot Hidden 40%* 1d100 Failed

Luck 41% 1d100 Success - 1d10

Edit: Remind me about Luck - is that a roll under or over the existing value?

Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 3:50 pm
by Mephistophilis
Luck is like skills, roll over and gain 1d10. Under and nothing. So you're more likely to gain Luck if it is low.

Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 4:08 pm
by Philulhu
A stocking 4 points of Luck recovered… :roll:

Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 5:11 am
by Mr. Handy

Is there a record of our checked skills anywhere?

Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 7:46 am
by Silver Priest
Simon asks Kris if he's willing to take the floor while he takes the bed. He's still recovering from his wounds, after all.




















Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 7:53 am
by Silver Priest



Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 12:12 pm
by Philulhu
I realised that I missed a skill check for Stealth (20%). Here goes…

1d100 (Success :D )

I’m happy to be overruled by the Keeper but Kris thinks Simon will recover just as well sleeping on the mattress… ;)

Sat on the padded leather office chair in front of the computer in the study (which Prisha eye-rollingly referred to as Brian’s throne for talking to his fellow space-nerds’) Kris said, ”What’s our plan of action?” After a good night’s sleep, of course.” He patently ignored Simon’s plaintive look…

Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 12:44 pm
by Mephistophilis
Mr. Handy wrote: Tue Nov 01, 2022 5:11 am Is there a record of our checked skills anywhere?
I think everyone else kept a record of passed tests in their character's sheet. If you don't want to look back over all the threads I suggest you pick 7 skills you think you might have used. If it is under 50% you roll to test against the skill plus 20% - roll over and you can improve. If the skill is over 50% add 10% and do the same. That way it is harder for you to advance but you still get a chance and can even pick the skills to try. That sound okay?

Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 1:30 pm
by Philulhu
I found one I missed by searching for 1d100 - the notation for the dice roller.

Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 5:29 am
by Mr. Handy

Thanks, but I do intend to go through the previous posts and find all my successful rolls. I just don't have time to do it right now. It might not be until the weekend when I do. Where should I start? At what point did we last roll for increases?

Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 9:25 am
by Mephistophilis
We've never rolled to increase. It's only been a few days in game.

Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 1:16 pm
by Philulhu
Unfortunately some of the early results that pre-dated the change to the dice roller aren’t showing up. They show up if you search using 1d100 but you might have to try to determine success or failure from the Keeper’s subsequent posts… :(

Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 1:21 pm
by Mephistophilis
OOC:   Do your best. I trust you, it's just a game.  

Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 2:22 am
by Mr. Handy

Spot Hidden (60% skill) XP check:
Spot Hidden increase:
Listen (55% skill) XP check:
Listen increase:
Persuade (60% skill) XP check:
Persuade increase
Drive Auto (50% skill) XP check:
Psychology (55% skill) XP check:
First Aid (60% skill) XP check:
Dodge (32% base skill) XP check:
Dodge increase:
Occult (20% skill) XP check:
Occult increase:
Fighting(Brawl) (60% skill) XP check:
Fighting(Brawl) increase:
Luck (44% stat) XP check:
Luck increase:

Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2022 12:15 am
by Mephistophilis
So I think you've all rolled. What's the plan? You've got Monday to work/rest/whatever. Then Tuesday the Church of the Passover Angel is planning a big service. You going? There's going to be armed police there. Malone is going to try and keep Regina away. Jocelyn has requested surveillance on Balfour in the run up to the service (I guess Monday and Tuesday daytime), you guys joining in?

Re: IC - 25 - Paperwork - Everyone

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2022 12:38 am
by Philulhu
After a good night’s sleep (which Kris is convinced Simon will achieve sleeping on the floor) and some sweet pongal for breakfast, Kris will feel much better about the world and will be ready to face the day.

I guess we’ll take part in the surveillance? Trying to keep the pressure on Balfour?