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IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 12:33 am
by Mephistophilis
After returning to the hotel Simon and Jocelyn grab a late meal.
Jocelyn,Back in her room, [b]Jocelyn[/b] changes for bed but struggles to settle, her arms and chest are itchy and irritated. Eventually she falls into a fitful sleep.
Simon,Back in his room, [b]Simon[/b] changes for bed but struggles to settle, his arms and chest are itchy and irritated. Eventually he falls into a fitful sleep, tossing and turning from side to side. [i]The branch feels firm under him but [b]Simon[/b] clings to the trunk, afraid to fall. Dappled light filters through the tree's foliage. The sky gradually darkens and in the fading light he sees figures below. Snatches of words he doesn't understand, [color=#0000FF]'Narlato wagh'nagl iszkur boret.'[/color] He can make out one of the figures, a man, a familiar man. [b]John Balfour[/b]. [b]Balfour[/b] looks up through the branches, his face twisted, in anger or anguish. [b]Simon[/b] draws as close to the trunk as he can, avoiding the baleful gaze. But [b]Balfour[/b] sees him through the foliage, reaching out it seems like he is right beside [b]Simon[/b]. The rough touch of a hand against his arm. [b]Balfour[/b] staring him in the face, [color=#0000FF]'Help me!'[/color][/i] [img][/img]

Re: IC - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 12:38 am
by Mephistophilis
7.30am Saturday 13th March 2010, Holiday Inn, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire

Thirty seven hours since Regina Balfour was abducted.

Jocelyn,Waking with her alarm, [b]Jocelyn[/b] feels groggy and her arms, chest, and back are burning. She sees red excoriations across her forearms and feels little bumps across the skin of her chest. Sitting up in the hotel bed she sees a Gideon Bible lying on the covers. The window is open, curtains billowing in the wind. [b]Jocelyn[/b] is sure she shut it before she went to sleep. Lifting the Bible, [b]Jocelyn[/b] notices the ribbon is marking Exodus 11-12. She quickly draws the curtains and looks out the window but sees nothing untoward. Entering the bathroom she looks herself over in the mirror. Her arms and chest are red, in places there are itchy raised welts, a few leaking a yellowy discharge that forms crusts on the skin. She cleans herself up as best she can and dresses for the day.
Jocelyn,Jocelyn is shaken by her discoveries this morning, roll Sanity 0/1
Simon,Waking with his alarm, [b]Simon[/b] feels groggy and his arms, chest, and back are burning. He sees red excoriations across his forearms and feels little bumps across the skin of his chest. Entering the bathroom he looks himself over in the mirror. His arms and chest are red, in places there are itchy raised welts, a few leaking a yellowy discharge that forms crusts on the skin. He cleans himself up as best he can and dresses for the day. Checking his email he finds a reply from [b]Rose Madawa[/b]. It consists of a single number: '254-20-318262'.
Simon,Roll Sanity 1/1d4 for the events of the night
Jocelyn and Simon meet for breakfast.

Re: IC - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 2:40 am
by Mr. Handy

"Someone was in my room last night," says Jocelyn. "Whoever it was opened the window and left it that way and put the Gideon Bible on my bed with the ribbon on Exodus 11-12. My skin is also getting a lot worse."
OOC,Sanity roll (current level 60): 0

Re: IC - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 5:24 am
by Silver Priest
San 70,0 1
Simon wakes with a start, drenched in sweat. Another dream. It felt so vivid. Intellectually he knew it was simple enough; projection based off his belief. John Balfour seemed in danger and needing help in the dream because Simon had cracked his code and revealed the conflict he felt in fulfilling the work he felt called to do. To think anything else was absurd, never mind their being anything supernatural about all of this. He tells himself forcefully to get it together, but he can't escape the creeping thoughts that there's something more to this. He chides himself for believing in this foolishness for even a minute, but he notices his hands are slightly shaking.

There also remained the question of the words Balfour had used during the dream. Likely nonsensical projection, but Simon writes them down regardless, attempting to spell them phonetically.

He is greatly disturbed by this damn itch he seems to have developed, though at least this too had a rational explanation; something must have infected him and the others at Lewiston's. If nothing else this seemed to confirm their theory that Balfour was meddling with some sort of chemical weapon. Maybe the police would believe them now, but it remained unlikely; as of yet there was no clear connection.

The number was at least good news, and he pockets it for later.

He meets with Jocelyn, sipping a cup of coffee this morning-- he felt he needed the extra energy.

"You do realize that sounds absurd? Someone entering your room to offer you cryptic Biblical inspiration? Worst of all is that I'm starting to think someone was crazy enough to do it." He irritatingly admits. "I had another dream. Surely a projection, but Balfour was asking me to save him. Chap did not strike me as needing saving, but if he's as guilt ridden concerning whatever he's planning as I suspect, it may be worst pursuing." He idly scratches himself and hisses in pain. "I agree with the itching. Seems safe to say we were infected with something at Lewiston's house and it is getting worse. We should consider checking if the rest of the officers there were similarly afflicted. We'll likely need medical treatment, though I find myself too intrigued by this case to deal with that until we've solved this. We may be the only ones that can.

He takes a sip of his drink; nector of the gods.

"Lastly, I managed to find scarcely anything on Red Trumpet, but a fringe blogger did mention them a few times. I emailed her and got her number. Perhaps we call her after breakfast? Let's see, they're 3 hours ahead of us I believe, she should be up. "

"There's also Kris. We should contact him and see what's up."

Re: IC - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 5:28 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, we should catch up with Kris first," says Jocelyn.

Re: IC - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 7:44 am
by Silver Priest
"I suppose that's as good a place to start as any," Simon says. He dials their colleague's number.

"Detective Sapru, good morning. Jocelyn and I are at the hotel Will you be able to stop by?"

Re: IC - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 1:23 am
by Philulhu
Kris laughed, a short dry laugh devoid of humour. ”You obviously haven’t heard the news! I got a bollocking from the DI this morning and I’m off the case. I’m on my way to Oxford to investigate a burglary...” He sighed.

“I don’t think it would be wise to meet up at the moment. I’ve been told to stay away so if we’re spotted together, then I will, in all likelihood, lose my job. Kris sighed again.

“All that said, Balfour’s clearly up to something and I want to nail him for it. I think it has something to do with the story of the Passover. I think he’s up to something that will kill the every firstborn child and I think Lindsay took Regina to make sure they couldn’t go through with their plans without putting her at risk.”

Re: IC - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 3:45 am
by Mr. Handy

"I hope that's not possible," says Jocelyn if Simon puts the call on speaker. "I'm not the firstborn in my family, but I don't want anything to happen to my older sister. Whatever the Balfours had planned to protect Regina, it must be the equivalent of putting the blood of an umblemished lamb on the doorposts and lintel of the house. That's what God had the children of Israel do so that the plague would pass over them and only affect the Egyptians. That's where the name 'Passover' originates. I'm just wondering if they're so far gone that they'll go through with their plans anyway even if they don't have Regina back. There's something you need to know. Someone was in my room last night. Whoever it was opened my window and left it that way, and also left the Gideon Bible on my bed with the ribbon on Exodus 11-12. My skin condition's also gotten worse. That must be the plague of boils."

Re: IC - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 5:38 am
by Silver Priest
"I am a first born. Younger sister. I also agree he's planning something along these lines. I think it's exceptionally unlikely Balfour could engineer some sort of bio weapon that could target only first born sons or what have you, but he may not care; if he can infect a large swath of the populace he'll likely succeed in whatever message he's trying to get out.

He frowns as Jocelyn continues speaking. "Let's not start that nonsense again, please. Balfour is a religious zealot who believes he's doing the work of God; there's no reason to think he has any supernatural ability to smite us. If he had, I suspect the good detective would have experienced it yesterday." He smirks. "That aside, we've likely all been infected with the bio weapon when we were in Lewiston's house, we may wish to see if everyone else experienced similar symptoms. I was also telling Jocelyn that I found a lead; a Kenyan blogger mentioned Red Trumpet on her blog, and she gave me her number. After we're done with this call I'll contact her and ask if she can tell us anything useful.

"Stay safe
," He tells Kris. "It's likely you should keep your head down. I'll contact you if this source can tell us anything about Red Trumpet using similar tactics over in Kenya . I imagine we'll also be continuing to look for Regina Balfour; perhaps we'll get lucky and find a break in the case." He says.

Re: IC - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 6:53 pm
by Philulhu
”Well, however he’s going to do it, I think he’s planning something,” replied Kris. Jocelyn - I don’t suppose you could get his phone monitored, could you? These people tend to keep their cards close to their chest, but hearing what he’s saying might give us a lead.”

Re: IC - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 4:38 am
by Mr. Handy

"I can ask, but my boss already thinks I'm crazy - and I'm not entirely sure he's wrong," says Jocelyn. "I've already documented his rejection of my information yesterday, and I'll do it again if he refuses this request. That'll cover my bum, but it'll be small consolation if Balfour does carry out his planned attack."

Re: IC - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 5:15 am
by Silver Priest
Simon takes a sip of his drink, checks to make sure no one can overhear them,and continues.

"If this source of mine attests that Trumpet is some sort of threat, we may have to consider other measures. I don't like the idea of them-- namely that if we're wrong we're all looking at some pretty serious retaliations-- but you both seem convinced Balfour is plotting something horrid, and I think so too. We may have a responsibility to act in that case. Perhaps we can sneak into their home when they're out and look around for any proof."

Re: IC - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 12:33 pm
by Philulhu
Kris laughed. ”Don’t you think I’m in enough trouble already, Simon?”

“If there’s nothing else, I’d better go. Keep in touch and let me know what’s going on. I’ll do likewise, although if anything crops up while I’m investigating burglaries in Oxford, I’ll be very surprised!”

Re: IC - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 8:59 pm
by Mephistophilis
OOC,What's the plan? If you want to contact Giles at MI5 we can handwave through that rather than RP it.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 4:21 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Yes, I'll contact [b]Giles[/b]. Maybe [b]Simon[/b] can see if his source has replied while I'm doing that.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 4:34 am
by Silver Priest
As Jocelyn checks in with her sources, Simon calls the number he's been given.

"Ms. Madawa? Simon Eagleton here, thank you for getting in touch. I'm hoping you can assist me in learning more about Red Trumpet."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 6:42 pm
by Mephistophilis
Jocelyn gets pretty short shrift from Giles and he dismisses her request to bug the Balfours out of hand, 'Sweetie, I'm starting to have some serious doubts about you.' Reluctantly he does share some information he's obtained from the Foreign Office about the Red Trumpet. It is not much more than she already knows, sporadic violence since the 1920s attributed to the Red Trumpet, and they're identified as a 'suspected' ethnic isolate of the Nandi people. It notes that all colonial records on the Red Trumpet were either lost, destroyed, or transferred to the Kenyan government in the 1960s. The Kenyan authorities apparently deny any contemporary Red Trumpet activity despite the rumours.

After Simon rings the number and introduces himself there is a prolonged silence, the line buzzes in the background. 'Who gave you this number?' It is a man's voice.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 8:26 pm
by Silver Priest
Simon blinks, momentarily at a loss for words.

"A Ms. Rose Madawa. I saw that she had referenced a group known as Red Trumpet in her reporting. My name is Simon Eagleton, I am a consulting Psychologist with the London police. A recent investigation of ours has led us to an individual with ties to Red Trumpet, and we have reason to believe he is working with the group.Unfortunately information on the group and what its goals precisely are is rather limited, so any information you could offer us would be very much appreciated, Mr..." He trails off

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 1:13 am
by Mephistophilis
'You don't need to know who I am. You just need to know that you should stay away from the Red Trumpet.'

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 6:27 am
by Silver Priest
"I'm afraid I can't do that," Simon responds. "We have reason to believe that our suspect is planning to replicate the plagues of Egypt; if this is successful, hundreds if not thousands of people could be in danger. Please sir. Anything you can tell us about Red Trumpet, their goals and their tactics could save lives. It sounds like you're saying they are dangerous; We can't do nothing and allow whatever they're planning to happen. Please, help us."
Persuade 30%,0 If needed.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 6:53 pm
by Mephistophilis
OOC,I'll use that Persuade
There is silence, and then a long sigh, 'Okay, I'll tell you what I know. But then you need to forget it and forget me.' He continues in his soft East African accent, 'Let us start with the official story, with the Nandi people of the Rift Valley. At the time of the British occupation Nandi male society was divided into ibinwek, age-sets, and when an age-set reached maturity and took over the warrior-role there was a formal ceremony and handing over of this status from one generation to the next. This was called the saget ap eito, the 'sacrifice of the ox', and is variously reported to have occurred every five years, every seven years, or even every fifteen, but the general consensus is that there wasn't a fixed interval. Anyway, by 1923 the Nandi had grown restless again under British rule, having already fought a war against them less than twenty years previously. This is known as the Nandi Uprising and there was either an armed insurrection planned for that year's scheduled saget ap eito, or at least the British thought there was going to be trouble. The British suppressed the saget ap eito and imprisoned the orkoiyot, a kind of spiritual or religious chief.'

He pauses for a moment, 'None of this is particularly surprising in the annals of colonialism of course. But what interested me is that the saget ap eito has never been held since and the last orkoiyot remained in prison until the 1960s. The name 'Red Trumpet' is sometimes used to refer to the movement behind the 1923 uprising and there have been a few episodes of ethnic violence where the name comes up again. Officially the government denies any knowledge of any such activity.'

He sighs, long and deep. 'I'm an academic, it doesn't matter in what field, but I'm also something of an amateur historian and ethnographer. Although I grew up in Nairobi my family are ethnically Nandi and I thought I'd make a little project of going back to learn a little bit about the Red Trumpet. I took a sabbatical and headed out into Nandi country. It was to be an entertaining holiday and reconnect me with my heritage. Well the Nandi themselves were very close lipped, they told me the Red Trumpet were just a story told to frighten children. They didn't revive the saget ap eito because they had no need to, they continued the age-set transitions without it. And they told me that the orkoiyot had never been loved, maintaining their position with threats. So that was that, I thought and I headed home.'

He sighs again. 'If only I had left it there. But on my way back to Nairobi I talked to the Nandi's neighbours, particularly the Kikuyu, and I heard a very different story. They talked of the Red Trumpet as a secret organisation, forged in the Nandi Uprising of 1923 but dating back even further to a mythical cult known as the 'Bloody Tongue'. They told me the Red Trumpet seeks to revive the saget ap eito and restore the orkoiyot, but not for benign reasons of culture but because they have been taken over by ponik, 'witches', who wish to use the ceremony to bring down some kind of pestilent 'black wind' to smite their enemies.'

He continues, 'So I came back to Nairobi, planning to write up my findings. Obviously I didn't put any store in such stories but I thought it would make an entertaining little monograph. After producing a first draft I wanted to get back in contact with my informants to check I'd told their story accurately, and to get their views on my interpretation of the Red Trumpet myth. I say I wanted to contact them, I tried, but I couldn't get hold of anyone. Not surprising for the tribes of the hill country I thought, so I took a week to return to the area and find my contacts among the Kikuyu. But no-one would talk to me, I would go as far as to say they shunned me. Eventually after a few days of fruitlessly asking after my contacts I was taken aside, told they were all dead, and to stop asking questions about the Red Trumpet if I knew what was good for me.'

'And that is all I know. So if you know what is good for you I would leave the Red Trumpet alone.' The phone clicks as he hangs up, followed by the tone.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:52 pm
by Silver Priest
"Just one more question please," Simon tries to interject. "Have you heard the phrase 'Narlato wagh'nagl iszkur boret?"

Upon receiving an answer or a dial tone, he frowns, thinking about the information he has received. This case got odder and odder. At least the call confirmed the group had an interest in chemical warfare and replicating plagues.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:03 pm
by Mephistophilis
Simon's question goes unanswered as he hears nothing but the dial tone.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:12 pm
by Silver Priest
Simon curses, but tries to be understanding-- the man was obviously spooked.

Still, he wants to know what the phrase meant. It was very likely nonsense that his dream conjured, but perhaps he had heard it somewhere. He needed to confirm.

He looks up Kenyan speakers and tries to find one he can pay to translate the phrase for him.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 10:01 pm
by Mephistophilis
Since it is only a short phrase he wants translated, Simon is able to make contact with an interpreter fairly easily. He knows the principal language of Kenya is Swahili and a quick conversation with a Swahili interpreter confirms this phrase is not Swahili or likely to be from any other Bantu language, including the Gikuyu language of the Kikuyu.

The first interpreter is able to put him in touch with a Kalenjin speaker who tells him he does not recognise the phrase either and does not think it is from the Nilotic languages of Kenya, definitely not the Kalenjin language of the Nandi or the Maasai language.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 10:12 pm
by Mr. Handy

"There are also translation websites, like Babelfish, if you can't find anyone to translate," says Jocelyn, "though you'll get a better translation from a human."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 10:18 pm
by Mephistophilis
OOC,I think Babel Fish was defunct by 2010 but feel free to put the phrase into Google translate and see what comes out!

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 5:32 am
by Silver Priest
"The issue with this is I only have a phonetic spelling of the phrase," Simon explains. "And I'm sure I'll butcher the spelling. One reason I wanted to speak with someone who knew the language." Nonetheless, he puts it into google translate and sees if anything comes up.
OOC:   When I did this it identified the words as German, but still made no sense, unfortunately. Maybe Simon is brighter than myself.  

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 1:11 pm
by Mephistophilis
Simon can't identify the phrase searching online, in fact he can't identify the constituent words either. Perhaps he transliterated them incorrectly, or perhaps they were just nonsense generated in a dream.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 10:48 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Let's check in with DS Bates and see if there are any new leads," says Jocelyn. "God knows we're not getting any further with just the old ones."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 11:07 pm
by Mephistophilis
Jocelyn calls DS Bates, 'Where are you two? With Sapru off the case we're going to have to work double hard to find Regina. And you're reporting straight to me now. But first, tell me what the fuck happened at the Balfour house?'

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 12:17 am
by Mr. Handy

"We're at the hotel and on our way in," says Jocelyn. She tells her what happened in the Balfour house. "Simon and I both tried to talk DC Sapru down, but he was like a bulldog that has its teeth sunk into a chunk of meat and wouldn't let go of it. He was convinced Balfour was withholding information. Are there any new breaks in the case? Was there any reply to the emails we sent to Lindsay Peale?"

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 12:54 am
by Mephistophilis
'I don't know what's got into Kris, this case seems to have really got under his skin, well, I guess it has for all of us. Still, a real lousy move on his part, that's going to cost us time we don't have' she says, a hint of exasperation in her voice.

'No reply from the emails, but we do have a lead. Lindsay's white Astra was clamped and eventually reported as abandoned this morning. It's in the Hyatt Place hotel carpark at Heathrow Airport. We're getting the CCTV now and I've got officers from British Transport Police on the scene.'

'Have you three got any leads?'

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 1:22 am
by Mr. Handy

"That's more than we've got," says Jocelyn. "It's good we found the Astra. Now we need to trace her rental via CCTV. She must have switched vehicles at Heathrow. If we can retrace her route, we may be able to find out where she went. We haven't gotten any leads of our own on Regina's whereabouts, just some information about Red Trumpet and Balfour's background. Also, either I'm sleepwalking or someone was in my hotel room last night while I was asleep. They left the window open and the Gideon Bible on my bed, with the ribbon pointing to Exodus 11-12."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 2:02 am
by Mephistophilis
There's a brief pause, '...Really, that's er, worrying...' Jocelyn can hear the scepticism in Bates's voice. 'Anything you need me to do?'

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 2:15 am
by Mr. Handy

"If you're worried, imagine how I feel," says Jocelyn. "I could have been killed if the intruder had been so inclined. I don't know if you have resources to spare to have forensics go over my room, so I'll leave that decision up to you. Shall we come in and assist with reviewing the CCTV footage?"

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 7:08 am
by Silver Priest
Simon debates, but eventually decides he must speak up.

"DC Sapru, Jocelyn, and myself also seem to have developed a nasty rash that is worsening with time. We think we received it at Lewiston's home; he had late stage cancer I seem to recall, and his cat was in similarly awful shape. Seems a rather large coincidence we all got it after visiting there, though we're not yet sure about the other officers. I was able to do some digging into Red Trumpet,and evidently the group wishes to bring about a "black wind" of pestilence to punish their enemies. The point being that while Reginiashould be our top priority, I'm starting to believe there's something to all these tales. I don't know if Balfour's gotten his hands on some chemical weapons or what, but he may have poisoned Lewiston or the man thought he was and he decided to kidnap his daughter in revenge. I believe there's something very dangerous about Reverend Balfour, though I'm also aware we must tread carefully given how the media is framing the story. I did disprove of DC Sapru's aggressive interrogation style yesterday, I should note. My own hope is we can rescue the girl and use that to earn Balfour's trust and dig a little deeper into what's going on."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 12:13 am
by Mephistophilis
'A planned chemical weapons attack in High Wycombe, masterminded by a priest, whose daughter has been mysteriously abducted by an ex-police officer and a social worker in order to prevent the attack? You know, it doesn't sound any less crazy when I say it out loud.'

'We don't have time for your half baked conspiracy theories, as far as I'm concerned we don't know why Lindsay Peale has kidnapped this child but the suicide of George Lewiston suggests they could pose her some serious harm. The Balfours might be annoying but you've not shown me any evidence that suggests they're anything but your run of the mill religious nuts, not terrorists. And given the shit storm Kris has already caused I wouldn't go around repeating your theories.'
It doesn't take an experienced interrogator or a psychologist to tell that DS Bates is not buying their theories.

'I believe you about Lewiston and the cat though, there's been an outbreak in forensics and Dr Sanderson says it looks like something nasty, maybe scabies. You might want to get that looked at.'

'I'll send a crime scene investigator to have a poke around your hotel room Jocelyn. See what we can dig up. Meanwhile, you two come over to the station and we'll take a look at the CCTV when it comes in.'

She sounds like she is about to ring off, then she starts talking again, 'What were you scanning over to MI5 last night? One of the guys said it took you an hour, must have been important.' Although it is difficult to determine over the phone, it sounds to Jocelyn like Bates feels they are keeping something back from her.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 3:06 am
by Mr. Handy

"We scanned a copy of Balfour's book," says Jocelyn. "There were coded notes written in it. We'll be in to review the CCTV footage ASAP. Is there anything else you need to tell us?"

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 6:36 am
by Silver Priest
Perhaps unfortunately, Simon's temper flares.

"With all due respect DS Bates, would you tell me how many years of psychological education you have? Because I have well over a decade. And if you're afraid I'm lacking in real world practical experience, I suggest you review the Thorndike affair from last year, or the rave reviews your colleagues had for me in helping to solve it. And it's not just me who feels something is off with Balfour; Lewiston's record at Special branch was spotless and the only complaints Peale ever had at her career as a social worker concerned this family. I don't know DC Sapru's record in any detail but I'm given to think he mustn't have much of a trail of trouble either; otherwise I suspect he would have been terminated entirely. I don't wish to put words in Jocelyn's mouth but I presume she shares my misgivings. In other words,we are up to at least 5 unconnected individuals with no history of erratic behavior who believe that the Balfour's are at the very least a potential danger. I encourage you to realize that is unlikely to be a coincidence. And if you think 'religious nuts' are harmless you're clearly underestimating how certain dogma can turn even the most unassuming people into terrorists.

"However, as I have said our main goal now remains finding Regina Balfour; regardless of the activities of her parents she is an innocent and will die if we don't recover her soon We;ll be back to the station shortly to go over the CCTV footage.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 8:08 pm
by Mephistophilis
'Thank you Officer Leigh, that's all I have for now.' says Bates, coldly. She draws a deep breath, her words are clipped but precise, 'Dr Eagleton, I'd like to remind you that what I am is an experienced police detective on a time critical child abduction case, you are a civilian consultant, your insights are appreciated and taken under advisement, but ultimately this is my investigation and my responsibility. I expect to see you both here as soon as possible.'
OOC,Heading over to the station?

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 5:06 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Yes. I'll drive.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 9:12 pm
by Mephistophilis
Simon and Jocelyn get into her car and head over to the police station. The sun is already bright in the sky. Turning on the radio, the weather forecast predicts warm and sunny weather for the whole day. Feeling ever so slightly more optimistic they park outside the station and go inside.

In the incident room they find DS Bates standing at a computer with a uniformed officer. 'Here's the CCTV from the hotel' she says stiffly. The officer plays the video, it is time stamped the 11th March, 8.30pm. A pale Vauxhall Astra arrives in the car park and a woman, who looks very much like Lindsay Peale, leaves the car, and presumably Regina, to walk off screen. The officer cuts to footage from the car rental place labelled 9pm. They recognise Lindsay's appearance from the still images they saw on Friday. The interior CCTV shows a lot of faffing around until Lindsay leaves in a dark Ford Focus about 10pm. Cutting back to the hotel footage, the Focus arrives back shortly after and parks next to the Astra. Lindsay can be seen moving things between the cars. She then crouches down and seems to remove the number plates from the Focus and puts them in the boot. As she drives off a child can just about be seen in a booster seat in the back.

'So British Transport Police didn't find anything useful in the car but forensics will be on the scene soon. Obviously we've already got people scouring the CCTV and ANPR manually looking for a black Focus without number plates.'

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 10:30 pm
by Silver Priest
OOC:   Can Simon attempt a roll to observe Lindsay's behavior and determine based off that how erratic she seems and maybe give some clue as to her future behavior given her state?  

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 10:36 pm
by Mephistophilis
Simon,Yeah, why, not, I think that's a hard Psychology or Psychoanalysis

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 3:12 am
by Silver Priest
Psychology 37%,0
Simon studies the video, attempting to pick up on any quirks or tells of Lindsay's that might give him a clue; even if he can't figure out exactly where she's going, if he can determine if she's only prepared for a short trip as opposed to a long one, they can narrow their search field.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 4:08 am
by Mr. Handy

"It will help us track it down if it still doesn't have plates," says Jocelyn, "but there's the possibility that she added different plates later. I have an idea. We can use satellite footage to track where the Ford Focus went after it left Heathrow, follow it on the roads to its destination. MI5 should have access to it."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 12:23 pm
by Mephistophilis
Simon,Studying the CCTV footage, looking at her movements and facial expressions, [b]Simon[/b] deduces that [b]Lindsay[/b] is very stressed and anxious, however, she is acting methodically which suggests that she is following some kind of prior plan. While he can't figure out how far she is intending to go there seem to be quite a lot of supplies, suggesting she is either intending to travel for some time or to hide somewhere for several days. Her haggard appearance suggests she might not be getting much sleep and the way she keeps glancing over her shoulder and startling is in keeping with significant paranoia, perhaps even more than would be expected from someone on the run from the police.
Jocelyn makes a call to the Data Analysis division of MI5, where she sent the scan of the Book of the Passover Angel yesterday. 'Sorry Officer Leigh, we don't have seamless satellite coverage of the UK, and we don't have the resolution to pick out a specific car unless we've got prior warning to focus one of our high res satellites. I can get you some satellite footage but without more information, like a destination and time, I can't commit intelligence resources to trawl through hours of footage on the off chance.'

'I do have some good news, well maybe not good news but we brute forced that substitution code you sent us using an OCR extraction from the rest of the book. I don't think we've got it quite right if you look at the text at the end it is nonsense, but this is the most convincing version we could get, basically from the Book of Jeremiah. I hope you know what it means.'

Message encoded in Book of Jeremiah using cipher from Book of the Passover Angel,[i]'Exodus says that there shall never be a cry again like that heard in Egypt when the firstborn perished, but in Kenya we know this to be untrue. When the stars are right and the walls between the worlds are thin, The Angel of the Passover shall come down from the Mountain of the Black Wind, and the firstborn of the faithless shall perish from the Earth. And so we pray: Ia! Narlato wagh'nagl iszkur boret'l! The Angel comes on the wind!'[/i]

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 8:22 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, that may be helpful," says Jocelyn. "We'll take what we can get. Can we at least figure out which way the Focus went when it left Heathrow? We have a timestamp and location for that." She shares MI5's findings, showing the decrypted message to Simon in the hopes that he can make more sense of it, seeing it is similar to what he has been researching.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 12:28 am
by Mephistophilis
It doesn't take long for Jocelyn's contact in MI5 to get back to her. Their analysis of the satellite imagery suggests Lindsay headed west on the M4 motorway. Passing this on to the traffic division they very quickly identify a black Focus with no visible numberplate on CCTV, driving westbound on the M4 at 10.30pm.

While Jocelyn talks to her contact, DS Bates receives a call. She gestures to Simon to come over and puts her phone on speaker. 'Got a witness sarge, says she saw a woman in a black Ford, stopped at the petrol station in Chievely Services 'bout 11.30 Thursday night. Said she was travelling with a young black child. Wondered if it was related to the Balfour case.'

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 2:31 am
by Mr. Handy

"That sounds like a good lead," says Jocelyn, working out the directions and distances in her head. "If she knows which way the Ford went afterwards, that's another big clue. We can also check the petrol station's CCTV."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 4:00 am
by Silver Priest
Studying the tape intently, Simon eventually looks towards the others.

"Bearing in mind none of this is a precise science, Peale's behavior offers us some clues. she's highly stressed but doing an admirable job of keeping it under control; this suggests a woman who still has her head on her shoulders and an ability to plan things out. She also has a lot of supplies with her, so either she's planning a long trip or to hunkering down somewhere. And see that? She's extremely paranoid.Perhaps she's afraid of being noticed, but it seems like more than that to me
." He looks contemplative.

As he reads the deciphered message, he grows highly disturbed. The phrase he had heard in his dream was staring back at him. But how? He was sure he hadn't heard it in reality ever. It made no sense. But there had to be a logical explanation. There had to be!

It was code. Part of the book. I must have subconsciously noticed it and my dream was trying to reveal it to me. Still no idea what it means, however.

The explanation gave him some small measure of comfort, and he forces thoughts away to focus on the rest of the message.

"Do you see?" He asks Bates, excitement near uncontrolled. "Terroristic threats. This is more than just religious crackpots. I don't yet know how they're able to do it, but Balfour and his friends in Kenya are up to something. And Lewiston and Pearle had to know it. This doesn't excuse their actions, but this is why we need to find Reginia and Lindsay, understand why she was taken. What did they hope to accomplish?" He takes a deep breath and forces himself to be calm.

At hearing of the witness, he nods. "Right, Jocelyn's correct, ask where the car went and to see the tapes." He begins to pace around,a bit agitated. They're getting close. To what he's not quite sure, but he can feel it.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 4:14 pm
by Mephistophilis
Simon,The presence of the words from his dream encoded in a message unsettles [b]Simon[/b]'s rational mind, roll Sanity 0/1d3 loss
'Where's this witness now?' asks Bates. 'She's at the services, working an early shift.' 'Right, keep here there, I'm heading straight over.'

Bates looks at Simon and Jocelyn,
'Do you want to come? DI Malone is planning on a public appeal with the Balfours this afternoon, he's going to broadcast Lindsay Peale's identity and photo. This might be our last chance to talk to a witness uncontaminated by the press. It might also be out last lead before Lindsay knows for sure we're on to her.'

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 8:48 pm
by Silver Priest
San 67%,0 1 possible loss
"Of course." Simon nods. "Let's go." It's obvious he still feels disturbed by something.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 9:00 pm
by Mephistophilis
Simon,That's a fumbled SAN roll so you lose max points which is 3
It's subtle, but Simon's eyelid is twitching uncontrollably. He rubs it vigorously, hoping no-one else notices.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 10:47 pm
by Silver Priest
"I'd like a coffee before we go, though." He offers, by way of explanation.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 11:12 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, I'd like to come too," says Jocelyn. She doesn't envy DI Malone his task. She knows he'll face questions about DC Sapru's removal.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 11:15 pm
by Mephistophilis
'I'm heading off in a few minutes, do you want to come in my car or meet me there?' asks Bates.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 6:20 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'll drive in my car," says Jocelyn. "Simon, want to ride with me? You can bring the coffee with you on the road. Just be careful not to spill it on the upholstery."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 6:27 am
by Silver Priest
"Right," Simon says, slightly distracted. "Sounds good."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 8:44 pm
by Mephistophilis
Bates heads off before Simon and Jocelyn, who leave fifteen minutes later in Jocelyn's car.

The start of their route is quite pleasant, taking the A404 through the Buckinghamshire and Berkshire countryside in the bright sunshine. Unfortunately traffic is still heavy, catching the tail end of rush hour, so they make relatively slow progress.

After about forty minutes they join the M4 which is now flowing fairly freely with traffic, most of the commuters already in work. Up ahead the bright skies darken and angry looking grey clouds descend rapidly. The wind starts to whip up and heavy rain begins falling. Within minutes there is a layer of water on the surface of the road and Jocelyn has the windscreen wipers on full pelt.
Jocelyn,Roll Drive Auto

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 11:07 pm
by Silver Priest
Simon keeps quiet unless spoken to, still trying to figure the puzzle out. Some things simply did not make sense. Parts of him almost want to start believing that these end times prophecy's were true... but that was absurd, and he was not crazy enough to truly believe them yet.

"Someone was in your room last night, you say?" He asks Jocelyn. "I think perhaps they paid me a visit as well. Perhaps we were drugged or something similar. It would explain my visions and how they were able to flip open the bible you saw. Rather clever gaslighting operation, I must say. I'm impressed. Though as of yet I'm not sure what exactly Balfour or his followers seek to gain by intimidating us. Another reason it's critical we find Lindsay; I suspect she has a few answers. Perhaps she was subjected to similar tricks, could explain why she undertook such madness."

He seems to be back to his usual self, logic shielding him again from any truly disturbing thoughts.

Then the rain starts, and he frowns. "Perfect. It was supposed to be clear today. Bloody forecasters always getting it wrong."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 5:10 am
by Mr. Handy

"Whoever did it must have been trying to send me a message," says Jocelyn, managing to drive well enough in spite of the foul weather. "At least the bad weather isn't part of a plague. It's rather typical of England. Although maybe it's the plague of darkness. I can hardly see the sun."
OOC,Drive Auto roll (50% skill) during the storm: 0

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 11:52 pm
by Mephistophilis
The temperature drops and the heavy patter of the rain turns into a sharper rat-a-tat as hail begins to ricochet off the bonnet and windscreen. Flashes in the sky presage several claps of thunder as the weather turns nastier. The wind begins to whistle and Jocelyn can feel the car buffeted from side to side.

The storm picks up further and visibility plummets. Jocelyn puts on her fog lights and the traffic begins to slow. The sound of the hail becomes louder until it is more of a series of thuds, large golf ball size lumps of ice are bouncing off the car, the repetitive crashing into the roof is particularly disconcerting as it causes the chassis to shake and vibrate. This is the worst hailstorm Simon and Jocelyn have ever experienced.

Through the wall of hail, whipping around in the gale, Jocelyn struggles to stay in her lane, great gusts of wind slamming into the car. They can make out what looks like lightening striking several points on the road up ahead followed by deafening claps of thunder. Hazard lights flash and cars begin to slow right down and pull over onto the hard shoulder.
OOC,Jocelyn roll Drive Auto again. Simon roll Spot Hidden

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 4:45 am
by Silver Priest
"Find us somewhere to take cover!" Simon demands. "This weather is going to kill us!" He sinks down in the seat, trying to make himself less of a target.
Spot Hidden 25%,0

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 5:36 am
by Mr. Handy

"Bloody hell!" cries Jocelyn, trying to slow down and pull over as well, but it isn't easy. "Hail is one of the plagues, I just remembered."
OOC,Drive Auto roll (50% skill) during the storm: 0 I'd better spend 9 Luck to make that a success.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 9:07 pm
by Mephistophilis
Jocelyn brings the car to a halt on the hard shoulder, skidding slightly on the icy surface, skewed across the road. There are several cars stopped up ahead and some even seem stationary on the inside lane.

The hail worsens and cricket ball sized chunks of ice hammer the windscreen, leaving pitted indentations, thin cracks starting to criss-cross the glass. Lightening strikes the road a few metres ahead and then, as a loud crack sounds, another fork of lightening arcs down from the thunderclouds overhead, striking the roof, just above the windscreen. Sparks explode from the chassis and an acrid burning smell fills the cabin. The rear window shatters.

Before they can react to the lightening, a massive hunk of ice slams through the windscreen showering them with shards of glass. Simon takes the brunt of the hailstone.
OOC,Roll to see who gets hit by the ice - under 50 it's Simon 0. 1d3 damage to Jocelyn and 1d6 damage to Simon from the glass and ice. Sanity check 1/1d3 for the sheer panic at this unfolding disaster that seems almost unnatural. When they recover their sense both Simon and Jocelyn have the chance to look outside and roll Spot Hidden.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 11:12 pm
by Silver Priest
"There's a rational explanation..." Simon begins to scold Jocelyn before the lightning strikes the car and the hail hits him.
san 64%,1 2 loss if fail
Spot Hidden 25%,3
He lets out another scream and shrinks further down into the car, though the damage is thankfully minimal. It does mean he's not paying attention to anything going on around him, however.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 11:32 pm
by Mephistophilis
Simon,He could, of course, spend Luck or push the roll by looking out the window. I'm not saying if that would be a good or a bad thing to do!

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 3:51 am
by Silver Priest
Keeper,Tempting, but I think at the moment Simon is terrified and not in the mood to be looking around. :D

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 5:39 am
by Mr. Handy

Jocelyn also suffers only minor injuries and manages to keep her wits about her. She spots something outside.
OOC,Damage from the hail: 0 Sanity roll (current level 60) for the hailstorm: 1 Spot Hidden roll (60% skill) looking outside: 2

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 9:31 am
by Mephistophilis
Her eyes drawn by the flashes of lightening, Jocelyn looks up into the storm.
Jocelyn,In the heart of the storm she sees a shape coalesce, it looks like an angry face, framed by cloudy black angel’s wings, lightning flashing from the eyes. [img][/img] Sanity check, 1/1d10
The wind eases off slightly, the relentless rat-a-tat dropping to a lower pitched rattling of smaller hail stones battering the car and streaming through the shattered front and rear windows.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 11:53 pm
by Mr. Handy

"It's the Passover Angel!" cries Jocelyn, pointing.
OOC,Sanity roll (current level 59) for seeing the "angel": 0 Sanity loss: 1

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 5:10 am
by Silver Priest
Simon looks at where Jocelyn is pointing to see if he spots anything.
Spot Hidden 25% if needed,0

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 1:51 pm
by Mephistophilis
Pointing into the sky, Jocelyn lets out an involuntary shriek and flinches away. Simon's gaze follows her finger to look into the heart of the storm.
Simon,A shape coalesces, it looks like an angry face, framed by cloudy black angel’s wings, lightning flashing from the eyes. [img][/img] Sanity check, 1/1d10

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 8:27 pm
by Silver Priest
san 63%,0 1
As Simon looks, his eyes widen and his mind breaks.
Int 85%,2
Keeper,I admit I was hoping Simon wouldn't see anything. ;) Well, he failed his int roll so I'm hoping he's able to rationalize this somehow. I kind of like the idea of him stubbornly trying to refuse to accept what's going on and clinging to logic as a faith as the situation gets crazier and crazier.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 8:52 pm
by Mephistophilis
Simon,Unfortunately, while Simon has avoided Temporary Insanity he's lost enough Sanity today for Indefinite Insanity. Gain Cthulhu Mythos 5%. I have an idea for how this might affect Simon but let me know if you have any ideas - I'd be looking for insanity that allows him to continue the investigation in some way

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 10:04 pm
by Silver Priest
Keeper,Perhaps Simon refuses to believe this is supernatural and is obsessed with finding a rational explanation, ignoring all evidence to the contrary? Nothing he sees can convince him otherwise, and if people insist on it or if he finds something he can't understand, he grows more agitated to the point of violence. If this does not work though I'm fine with anything else. Maybe a fear of Christian symbology and angels? Curious to hear your idea.:)

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 10:40 pm
by Mephistophilis
Simon,Okay, that's fine with me. Simon will have an Underlying Insanity which will be a 'phobia' of Christian symbology - that'll persist long-term. His Bout of Madness (which is going to last a while, the whole investigation probably!) is an outright refusal, to the point of delusion, to recognise any supernatural explanation for any of his experiences, even to violence when challenged. Wanna roleplay that out for the sighting of the angel

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 11:23 pm
by Silver Priest
For a second absolute panic fills Simon, as his worldview is severely jeopardized. He feels a buzzing begin to fill his head, and it reaches a crescendo and then breaks. Absolute clarity fills him, and he begins to laugh. It is a stressed and high pitched sound.

"Camera tricks, that's all it is! Look there, you can see the wires! Oh, Balfour is a clever man! He and Red Trumpet must be projecting some sort of hologram into the sky to make people think they are witnessing his herald. Or perhaps they are drugging the area like they did to us last night, making everyone hallucinate seeing The Passover Angel. Nothing else could explain the lightning strikes. Yes, a fun ploy, but you can see that this is all a carefully constructed illusion, designed to fool the weak willed and naive. And Simon Eagleton is neither, ha ha! After this is over I must figure out precisely how he did it. Perhaps he's working with a Holloywood special effects studio..." He continues to mutter to himself, his eyes not leaving the Angel's. He's not scared of it, he knows it's an illusion, but it makes him uncomfortable,and he understands why.

"Balfour is clever to use Christian imagery to pull off his con. And there was so much of it! Even a simple cross could be part of his deception. We need to be vigilant and avoid it as much as possible. Only in that way could we be free of Balfour's tricks. "

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 11:46 pm
by Mephistophilis
Smoky dark clouds broil across the sky but in the car it seems things are brightening up. Glancing through the shattered rear window, the source of the light is a large car driving up from behind, headlights and fog lamps beaming through the gloom and illuminating the road ahead in a stark juxtaposition to the darkness around.

Somehow the pouring hail and rain almost seems to part for the SUV, as it pulls up alongside Jocelyn's car. The window of the blue SUV slides down and they can see, over in the driver's seat, a smiling John Balfour. No hail is entering through his open window and he gestures them to get in.

'Nothing like this has been seen since Moses called down a hailstorm on Pharaoh' he shouts over the din of the storm.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 12:13 am
by Silver Priest
Keeper,Did the figure Simon saw in the sky look like the one he saw in his first dream?
When Simon sees Balfour drive up, a sly smile forms on his face. Of course, how convenient.

"Ah Reverend Balfour, so good to see you here! And yet somehow I am not surprised." Simon gets it, drying himself off as he does.

"Thank you for the ride, sir. You know, I must apologize to you. When I first met you I thought you were, well, a loon. But recent events have made me reconsider my earlier assessment. What you've been able to do recently sir--- it's incredible craftsmanship. That Angel, in the sky? I'm still not certain how you pulled it off!" He leans in closer. "The rubes will believe it of course. But we are both intelligent men; how did you do it, sir? I can't help but to be curious. And admiring; people will be lining up for miles to join your church!"

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 12:28 am
by Mephistophilis
Simon,In Simon's first dream there were hazy, smokey wings and malevolent red eyes, the figure he saw in the sky had a similar haziness and red eyes but was a whole winged figure with an angry, almost skeletal face and lightening zigzagging from the eyes. Most strikingly similar was the sense of there being [i]something[/i] there, some thing, some entity that was aware of his presence, aware of it and not pleased.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 1:21 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you," says Jocelyn, scrambling across to the SUV. She has accepted Simon's hologram explanation, as the alternative is unthinkable, but she's not sure how he created the hailstorm. Some sort of weather control device, maybe? "It's quite impressive."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 12:01 am
by Mephistophilis
Balfour's smile dissolves into a look of confusion at Simon's intense expression and odd words. 'I think you'll find this natural disaster was the work of God, and his Passover Angel, it is far beyond the control of a mere man such as myself.'

By the time Simon and Jocelyn have settled in the SUV the weather has eased off further. Cars have started to rejoin the motorway and the traffic is beginning to flow again. Apart from Jocelyn's car there fortunately do not seem to be any other crashes or casualties. 'Where would you like me to drop you off?' asks Balfour.
Simon,Is [b]Balfour[/b] laughing at you? Does he think you're an idiot?

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 3:58 am
by Silver Priest
Simon frowns, displeased at Balfour's continued deception.

"Again with the Passover Angel! Please, Reverend. I know you are a very intelligent man, but so am I. I've been able to figure out your real plot. Not everything, mind-- I'm still uncertain how you had me dream about the angel and then yourself. Did your drug me to cause delusions? I know you're a skilled chemist or have access to one; Everyone of us who entered Lewiston's apartment were struck by it, and I'm assuming he was given a stronger dose. Even his little kitty cat suffered." Simon chuckles. "Well played sir, oh oh, well played!"

"I deciphered your code hidden within your book, everything! How torn up and guilt ridden you feel about your God given mission, yes? You yourself asked me for help last night, and I want to. I can get you through this, Reverend! But you must be honest with me. Once I find Reginia, and I will, you need to tell me everything about the upcoming chemical attack. I know you are an agent of Red Trumpet and much of what they are planning. I cracked the code, the reason Exodus does not feature in your tales." He smiles at him knowingly,a glint in his eyes, the look of a man who thinks he's figured out everything.
OOC:   If Jocelyn and I are smited from this I am very sorry Mr.Handy. :oops:  

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 4:36 am
by Mr. Handy

"Please forgive my colleague," says Jocelyn, not having expected that Simon would "pull a Kris" - and crank it to 11. "The sight of the Passover Angel has overwhelmed us. We're on our way to Chievely to interview a witness who may have seen Regina and her kidnapper on the night of the abduction. We're meeting DS Bates there."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 10:27 pm
by Mephistophilis
Clearly confused, Balfour doesn't start the car and looks back and forth between Simon and Jocelyn. Initially he seems more bemused than anything else at Simon's words, then increasingly angry, 'This again, like the detective, what is it with you...' but at the mention of a code in his book his eyes grow wide and when he hears 'Red Trumpet' he visibly panics. Then at Jocelyn saying they had seen the Passover Angel his head snaps round to look at her.
Keeper rolls,Power 80% with disadvantage, 01
OOC,Can whoever has lowest Luck roll it - I think it is Jocelyn at 42

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 3:30 am
by Mr. Handy

This is not turning out to be a good day for Jocelyn.
OOC,Luck roll (42% stat) talking to [b]Balfour[/b]: 0

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 1:10 am
by Mephistophilis
Balfour's face screws up into a look of anger, 'You claim to have seen the Passover Angel, you, an unbeliever' he snarls at Jocelyn. 'You truly have no idea, do you? You stupid woman.'

He turns back to Simon, a look of hatred in his eyes, shouting, 'And you, you pathetic little worm. You dare to mock me, to question me, like that intolerable detective, taunting me, blaspheming against the Lord, instead of finding my precious daughter, my Regina, exalted over every child. Where is she?'

His eyes widen and he stares, unblinking at Simon. His breathing becoming more rapid.

'I am the prophet of the Passover Angel, like Abraham I was chosen by God to conduct his will. I will not fail him and when the Passover Angel comes, you, all the unbelievers, you will see the true power of God.'

He lurches forward and seizes Simon by the neck, his large hands starting to squeeze.
Keeper rolls,0

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 3:53 am
by Silver Priest
Simon's eyes go wide and he gives a muffled gasp. He begins to struggle to break free of the hold.
roll if allowed,0

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 5:40 am
by Mr. Handy

"Stop, you're killing him!" cries Jocelyn, trying to break Balfour's grip on Simon's neck and lock his arms.
OOC,Fighting(Brawl) roll (60% skill) to restrain [b]Balfour[/b] and break his hold: 0

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 11:00 pm
by Mephistophilis
OOC,Okay, Balfour got a surprise attack and got a hold of Simon. Now we'll move in DEX order - Jocelyn, Balfour, Simon. I find these multi character brawl manoeuvres difficult so let me know if you have any objections to what I'm doing
Jocelyn tries to reach over and pull at Balfour's arms but he shakes her off with little difficulty. Balfour continues to squeeze Simon's neck as hard as he can. Simon struggles for breath and claws at Balfour's hands, his vision starts to swim and then speckle with pricks of light before a blackness narrows his vision to a small circle of light and the last thing he sees is Balfour's snarling face.

As Simon goes limp, Balfour releases him, and turns to Jocelyn. His angry, twisted face softens for a moment but then the snarl returns to his lips, his eyes wide and steely, 'Your turn.'
Keeper rolls,Jocelyn disadvantage due to size difference 0, Balfour Dodge 1 Balfour strangle with bonus 2 3 damage 4 5 Balfour POW 6
Jocelyn,Jocelyn failed as she was at disadvantage due to the size difference. It is now Simon's action if he regains consciousness, then Jocelyn
Simon,I'm afraid Simon has just taken 7 HP of damage and a Major Wound - Balfour's a big guy - Simon's passed out transiently - roll CON to see if he recovers consciousness quickly. He gets to act next if he regains consciousness

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 11:24 pm
by Silver Priest
Con 60%,0 Bah. Can I spent 3 luck to wake up?

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 11:28 pm
by Mephistophilis
Simon,Of course!
Waking up on the floor of the car, Simon's vision gradually returns, his neck aches and he still finds breathing difficult. He can see Balfour leaning over towards Jocelyn.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 11:46 pm
by Silver Priest
Simon groans, his throat hurts tremendously. But seeing Balfour going for Jocelyn he knows he must do something to distract him long enough for Jocelyn to stun him..

": Ia! Narlato wagh'nagl iszkur boret'l!"
OOC:   Please don't let me have just summoned The Passover Angel. :oops:  

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 11:59 pm
by Mephistophilis
Balfour slowly turns back to look at Simon, from his twisted mouth he intones 'Ia! Narlato wagh'nagl iszkur boret'l.' The wind begins to pick back up again outside the car and the rhythmic thudding of hail starts to pound the roof of the SUV. There is a peal of thunder.
Keeper rolls,Balfour POW 0

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 5:27 am
by Mr. Handy

Since Balfour isn't attacking at the moment, Jocelyn refrains from fighting him for now. She instead takes out her mobile phone and calls DS Bates.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 10:44 am
by Mephistophilis
Balfour continues, almost chanting now, his eyes seeming to glaze over, 'Iä Narlato! Cf’ayak’vulgtmm, vugtlagln vulgtmm.'
Jocelyn,I think that'd be a Luck roll to see if her mobile is working in the storm

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 3:29 am
by Silver Priest
As the storm resumes Simon's eyes widen in realization as the storm begins again. Then it hits him; Balfour must be talking to the people controlling the storm. Red Trumpet.

The scholar is still not certain exactly how Balfour is pulling it off, but the words he is speaking seem to be some sort of code phrase designed to trigger the illusions they had seen. And now he's once again trying to deceive them, sell this ridiculous story of modern day Biblical signs. The deception infuriates him. Disregarding his pain, he reaches out with his hand and tries to strike the reverend in the throat, in order to interrupt his speaking and ruin whatever magic trick he was pulling.

"Enough of this!"
Brawl 25%,0

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 4:30 am
by Mr. Handy

Somehow, Jocelyn's call gets through. She quickly tells DS Bates her location. "We need help," she says. "A hailstorm forced us to pull over, but Balfour pulled up to give us a ride. Then Dr. Eagleton said something to offend him, and Balfour went nuts and tried to strangle him!"
OOC,Luck roll (42% stat) to see if her mobile works: 0

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 9:37 pm
by Mephistophilis
The wind continues to increase in intensity, deep rumbles of thunder and flashes of lightning becoming more frequent. Whereas previously it had seemed like Balfour's SUV was relatively untouched by the hail it now returns with a vengeance, ricocheting off the windscreen and bonnet.


Simon swings at Balfour but in the restricted space of the vehicle his arm rebounds off the seat and he doesn't connect. The minister doesn't even flinch and continues his chanting, 'Narlato cf’tagn vugtlagln vulgtmm n’gha-ghaa naf’lthagn,' his eyes roll up, leaving only the whites visible.

In the car the temperature drops, Jocelyn notices white plumes of condensed water vapour from her breath as she talks to DS Bates. 'I'll send a traffic unit and try and double back with my car, the storm looks pretty wild but it seems to be localised, how's Simon, is he...'

Bates is interrupted by an almighty crash followed by a crunch as the roof of the SUV buckles in. The chassis shudders, a hissing, seething sound coming from outside the vehicle. There is a smell; unpleasant, tangy, oily, fishy even. Chests tighten, breathing and heart rates quicken, skin prickles.
OOC,Both roll Spot Hidden
If you pass Spot Hidden,Just for a second you catch sight of something flicking past the window, sinuous and writhing. Your gaze is drawn to the upper edge of the passenger window, glimpsing something smooth and curved embedded in the metal which deforms and tears, then it is gone. Jocelyn only - roll SAN 0/1d3

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 9:52 pm
by Mr. Handy

Jocelyn can't see anything in the storm, which is probably for the best. "He's not hurt too badly, but now Balfour's SUV just got hit by a big hailstone!" says Jocelyn into the mobile.
OOC,Spot Hidden roll (60% skill) in the SUV: 0

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 11:40 pm
by Silver Priest
OOC:   I'm sorry, I missed the last post.  
Spot Hidden 25%,0

lashes out with a punch again, focused on stopping whatever trick Balfour is pulling. Never a brawler in the best of times, he misses again, failing to notice anything around him.
Brawl 25%,1
"Incapacitate him!" he yells of Jocelyn.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 12:31 am
by Mephistophilis
The roof of the SUV continues to buckle and groan, the temperature dropping further as frost creeps up the glass. Outside there is a wheezing and rasping that accompanies white plumes billowing around the vehicle, oily stench seeping through the vents.


While Jocelyn continues to talk to Bates, Simon swings at Balfour and misses again, struggling in the narrow confines of the vehicle.


The metalwork screeches and the rear windscreen shatters. Balfour starts, and his eyes roll back down, he focuses on Simon, lying crumpled in the footwell. 'Ugh, uh, what, no! C'nafl'uln Narlato'nyth!' he shouts.

Immediately there is a great rush of cold air into the SUV and a sharp cracking sound. The air starts to warm and the unpleasant smell dissipates.
Keeper rolls,POW 0

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 1:11 am
by Mr. Handy

Jocelyn tries to help Simon. "Let's get out of here!" she cries.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 3:41 am
by Silver Priest
Simon is torn between feeling triumphant and sore. Reluctantly he tries to flee with Jocelyn. "I told you! I told you he was manipulating it somehow!" He declares.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 5:43 pm
by Mephistophilis
Simon and Jocelyn open the doors of the SUV and bail out into the hailstorm. Behind them they hear Balfour shouting, 'I...I...I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me, are you okay Dr Eagle...?'

In the open air the wind is beginning to die down and the thunder and lightening have stopped. While a scattering of hail still falls, a glimpse of sun is peaking out through a gap in the dark clouds. From the outside Balfour's car looks to be in a worse state than Jocelyn's. The roof is caved in and there are scratches and gouges in the metalwork.

Traffic is flowing normally on the motorway and in the distance, they can see the flashing of lights that heralds the arrival of a police car.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 5:11 am
by Mr. Handy

Jocelyn flags down the police car.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 6:46 am
by Silver Priest
Simon rubs his throat and leans against Jocelyn, barely able to walk now that the threat appears over. He feels as though his windpipe has been crushed and suspects he requires some medical attention. The only comfort he has is that perhaps this means the police will take his theories more seriously now.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 10:22 am
by Mephistophilis
The police car slows down and stops behind Balfour's blue SUV on the hard shoulder. An odd grey dust blows around in the dwindling wind. Balfour remains inside the vehicle.

Jocelyn looks at Simon in the growing light. His neck is swollen and livid. His breathing is laboured with an intermittent, barking cough. When he tries to speak his voice is hoarse.

A police officer steps out of the car, 'What happened here?' she asks, looking around at the rapidly melting hail and two battered vehicles.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 9:13 pm
by Silver Priest
"I was assaulted..." Simon begins, before breaking down into a coughing fit. He jerks his head towards the SUV. "Mr. Balfour attempted to strangle me and somehow manipulated the weather."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 12:57 am
by Mephistophilis
'Assaulted? Do you need an ambulance?' the officer asks. 'And Balfour, how is he? Heard he's needed for a press conference, did you rough him up?'

She taps on the bonnet of the police car and another uniformed officer gets out the other side. She points to Balfour's SUV and he walks over to look through the window.

She turns back to Simon looking confused, 'Did you say he "manipulated the weather"? What's that supposed to mean?'

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 3:26 am
by Mr. Handy

"There was a sudden hailstorm, highly localised, over this area," says Jocelyn. "It ended suddenly too. We didn't hurt Balfour. I tried to restrain him when he assaulted Dr. Eagleton, but he's much bigger than me. Balfour did release him and seems to have come to his senses now."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 5:38 am
by Silver Priest
"I didn't touch him," Simon insists adamantly. "But he clearly has a hair trigger temper." He coughs again. "I think I would like someone to look me over, yes."

"I realize it sounds absurd, but the storm had faded until Balfour began to speak, and it had immediately came down hard right over us, and it proceeded to do so until he stopped. Some sort of trick I've yet to figure out, likely designed to intimidate. He seems normal now, but his mood shifted dramatically.
" He starts to say more but rubs his throat, forcing the rest out. "I mentioned an extremist group he is affiliated with and that is what precipitated the attack."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 4:51 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, that was a bit ill-advised," says Jocelyn.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 5:02 am
by Silver Priest
Simon shoots her an annoyed glare in response, but his throat prevents him from offering up a vocal retort.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 10:43 pm
by Mephistophilis
'The weather, right...' she says, raising her eyebrows and returning to the police car to call an ambulance. It isn't clear what the male officer is doing over with Balfour but she returns and starts looking over Simon's neck, frowning and sucking her teeth, 'Nasty, he's a big boy our Reverend.'.

After ten to fifteen minutes an ambulance pulls up. Much to Simon's annoyance the male officer appears from Balfour's SUV and calls the ambulance crew over. It seems to take an age, but is probably only twenty minutes before they can see Balfour being led to the police car and sat in the back. He is not handcuffed.

The paramedics bring Simon and Jocelyn over to the ambulance. Jocelyn gets a cursory once over but they spend an inordinate amount of time prodding Simon, measuring his blood pressure, and oxygen saturations, performing an ECG, and wincing at his throat. At least they give him a shot of painkiller which does seem to help.
OOC,Both roll against the paramedic's First Aid 80%, if you succeed regain 1HP
DS Bates eventually arrives while Simon is being examined. 'You two okay?' she asks, looking concernedly at Simon in particular. 'I think we're gonna need to get him checked out in hospital' says the paramedic. 'Jesus, I thought that business with Kris was bad enough, what the hell happened?' The female officer walks over and interrupts her, 'We're gonna take the Reverend back to the station for his press conference.'

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 11:51 pm
by Silver Priest
First Aid 80%,0 Nice! Any chance I get more back?
"We were caught in the hail storm," Simon explains, his voice raspy. "Nasty business, that. Then Balfour pulled up right after it was over to offer us a ride. I mentioned the message we decoded in his book and he went ballistic, grabbed me and chocked until I blacked out momentarily. Then he began to speak and the hail began again, focused solely around his vehicle. Once he stopped speaking, chanting really, it stopped. He's pulling some sort of, some trick to convince people he commands the powers of God. Jocelyn and myself also saw the so called 'Passover Angel' in the sky after the hail storm. His fellow conspirators must have some sort of projector nearby-- after the storm they projected the image in the sky to win converts." That made sense to him.

"Listen, you likely think me absurd, but your detective and I both saw it. She pointed it out to me, in fact. And that hardly matters-- I saw his face when I mentioned the code in his bible. It was sheer panic, and then rage. He's planning something and I strongly believe he's planning it for this Tuesday. I would advise against the press conference; we don't fully know how he's communicating with Red Trumpet."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 5:05 am
by Mr. Handy

The paramedic treating Jocelyn isn't as good, but she is able to help. "Yes, I saw what looked to be the Passover Angel too," says Jocelyn. "Simon figured out that it had to be some sort of hologram. It's the only thing that makes sense. Obviously it can't be real. Balfour reacted badly when I mentioned that we saw it, but it was Simon he attacked. I'm sorry for being critical, Simon, but operational security is very important. I shared the information with you because I was authorised to do so and it could be helpful in our investigation. It's not the sort of thing that should be spread around, especially not to the subject himself."
OOC,Paramedic's First Aid roll (80% skill) treating [b]Jocelyn[/b]: 0 [b]Jocelyn[/b]'s First Aid roll (60% skill) treating herself: 1

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 6:31 am
by Silver Priest
Simon has the good grace to be chastened by this. "Oh dear. I'm not going to be arrested, am I?" He asks, concerned. "I was just trying to get a confession from him."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 4:22 am
by Mr. Handy

"Don't worry about it," says Jocelyn. "I think you've already paid a high enough price for the indiscretion."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 3:27 pm
by Mephistophilis
Looking pretty sceptical, Bates asks 'I don't suppose you've got any evidence for that big pile of supposition?' but it's clear this is a rhetorical question.

She turns to the other officer, 'You can take Balfour back to the station, but take a statement first', turning back to Simon and Jocelyn she says, 'Sorry, not my call, the DI wants him on TV tonight, we've not made much progress finding that little girl and the press are breathing down his neck.'

'More wrecked cars, is that three now? Anyway, it sounds like Simon needs to go to hospital, you coming with me to Chievely or are you going with him?' she asks Jocelyn.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 4:54 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I'm hardly hurt, just a few cuts and bruises," says Jocelyn. "I don't need to go to hospital, and I'd best be on hand at Chievely to interview the witness. I can call for a tow for my car on the way."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 8:54 pm
by Silver Priest
"I humbly suggest you interview some of the other drivers. I'm sure some of them saw it as well." Simon's frustrated with them putting Balfour on TV, but he knows nothing can be done about it. "I'd prefer charges not be pressed on the reverend." It would only antagonize him further, and ruin any chance of establishing a productive relationship with him. But I would like to speak with him later. Perhaps after we find his child."
OOC:   I assume even with the great success Simon only gets 1 hp back? If he had recovered more I'd probably demur on him going to the hospital, but at 3 HP I'd rather be safe than sorry.  

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 8:57 pm
by Mephistophilis
OOC,Simon can have another HP back for that extreme success. So he got 2HP back in total

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 11:27 pm
by Silver Priest
Simon addresses Jocelyn. "I think I had better go to the hospital to get checked over, but you have my number. If there is any break in the investigation, please contact me at once. I need to see this through and prove useful."
Keeper,Sorry to add, but can Simon make a psychology/psychoanalysis roll to determine if Balfour was really remorseful when he apologized to Simon or just faking it? 0 That's a pass either way.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 12:36 am
by Mr. Handy

"All right," says Jocelyn. "I'll call if we get a break, or if I need to pick your brain. I hope you get better soon."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 12:36 am
by Mephistophilis
Simon,[ooc]That's a psychogy roll.[/ooc][b]Balfour[/b] looked mortified.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 9:14 pm
by Mephistophilis
Simon,You're moving here: [url][/url]

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 11:01 pm
by Mephistophilis
In the absence of any witnesses to question, Bates and Jocelyn head down the M4 to the Chievely Services. It stands at the intersection of the M4 running east to west and the A34 running north to south. It takes them around twenty minutes in weather that has cleared up nicely, any hail and storm clouds having melted away. Jocelyn calls for a recovery truck to pick up her car.

Arriving at the services proper, with their shops and food courts, they drive past two hotels, a Travelodge and a DoubleTree, and park up at the petrol station, which sits opposite the services. In an adjoining bay they spot a familiar looking van, on the side it says 'GNS'.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 4:34 am
by Mr. Handy

"That must be Julie Thomas," says Jocelyn, glancing at the van. "How did she find out about this?"

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 9:40 pm
by Mephistophilis
Bates's face darkens, 'Let's find out.' She storms into the petrol station with Jocelyn trailing behind. Inside are the usual rows of sweets, crisps, and assorted motoring supplies. At the tills a short brunette woman in her fifties is being towered over by a woman with bouffant blonde hair, it looks like Julie Thomas.

Bates marches up to Thomas, 'Are you interfering with a police investigation?' Thomas coolly steps back, 'Mrs Price here was just telling me about the weeping young white woman asking for the nearest hospital with a young black child in her car. Very newsworthy don't you think?' She smiles and starts to walk off. The woman behind the till looks very worried, like she's done something wrong.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2021 4:45 am
by Mr. Handy

"And what led you to come here instead of going to the press conference?" Jocelyn calls after Julie Thomas.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 11:51 am
by Mephistophilis
Julie gives a dismissive wave, 'I have my sources...' and she walks towards the door. Outside, on the petrol station forecourt, they can see a cameraman taking background shots.

DS Bates is seething, 'I'm going to find out who's been leaking' she shouts after Julie Thomas. She turns her attention to the woman behind the till, 'Mrs Thomas I presume.'

Mrs Thomas looks petrified. 'Oh, um, am I in trouble? I thought that lady was from the police.'

Bates gets a gleam in her eye, 'Did she say that, did she say she was police?

'Um, well, no, now that you mention it, I don't think she did. Oh no, have I done something wrong?'

'Don't worry about that Mrs Price, just tell me what you told her, oh, and here is my warrant card so you know I am a police officer, Detective Sergeant Bates is my name, and this is my colleague Officer Leigh.'

'Yes, well, okay, yes, so I saw on the news about that poor little girl being kidnapped, Regina Balfour, they showed her picture. Well, on Thursday night I was working lates, it was near the end of my shift around 11.30. A woman in a dark car arrived, she didn't get any petrol but she came to the window. She was very upset, crying, kept looking back to the car. In the back I thought I saw a young child. Anyway, this woman was asking where the nearest hospital was and I have her directions to the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading. It's about 30mins away. I asked her if I could help but she just ran back to the car. The thing is, I know this shouldn't mean anything in this day and age, the woman was white and blonde, and the child seemed to be black, and, well, it did make me think of young Regina when I thought back on it.'

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 1:54 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you," says Jocelyn. "When she left, did you notice if she went in the direction of Reading?" She nods to DS Bates. "We need to get there fast, before that reporter gets there."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 12:11 am
by Mephistophilis
'Oh, I'm sorry dear, I didn't see which way she went, you can't see it from here.' She points to the big roundabout outside the services, it allows cars to join the M4 motorway east or westbound and the A34 dual carriageway north or southbound.

If she was intending to travel to the Royal Berkshire Hospital she would have travelled eastbound on the M4, back the way she came.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 3:41 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thanks again," says Jocelyn. "Do you have the CCTV footage from that night?"

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 9:48 pm
by Mephistophilis
'We should do, just let me check,' she turns and shouts out the back, 'Mike, Mike, can you get the CCTV from Thursday night?'

A short, heavy set man with glasses pokes his head around a non-descript black door towards the rear of the shop, 'Course I can,' he looks around the shop, seeing only Bates and Jocelyn, 'Investigating that little girl? Nasty business. Come out the back and I'll show you what we got.'

Mike fusses around an antiquated looking CCTV system for several minutes until he eventually pulls up an image that looks fairly convincingly like Lindsay Peale standing outside the late night service window. In the background can be seen a dark car which doesn't seem to have a number plate.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2021 5:38 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thanks, I think that's her," says Jocelyn. "We'll need to review the footage for the time that she and the car were visible."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2021 12:00 am
by Mephistophilis
Mike replays the footage from that night. A dark car, without a number plate, arrives around 11.30pm, it doesn't stop by the pumps but pulls up outside the station itself. A woman gets out, she looks quite distressed, she enters the petrol station and leaves a few minutes later. She gets back in the car and drives off.
OOC,Spot Hidden to notice any more

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2021 4:19 am
by Mr. Handy

Jocelyn notices something as she watches the video.
OOC,Spot Hidden roll (60% skill) watching the CCTV footage: 0

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 12:12 am
by Mephistophilis
As the dark car pulls up Jocelyn can see it is a Ford, probably a Focus. In the back a child's car seat is just visible, along with some dark hair.

After returning to the car Peale continues to look distressed but she drives away from the services. From the direction she is heading she is not going south on the A34 as she is heading for the roundabout that leads to the northbound A34 and east and westbound M4.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 12:36 am
by Mr. Handy

"That confirms it," Jocelyn says to DS Bates. "We'll need a copy of the CCTV footage sent on to the station, but we'd better hit the road and get to Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading fast. We can call ahead to Reading on the phone once we're moving. Let's get those directions and go."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 12:43 am
by Mephistophilis
'Thank you for your help' says Bates. She and Jocelyn get back into the car and drive out of the services onto the M4 eastbound back towards Reading.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 12:53 am
by Mr. Handy

Jocelyn takes out her mobile. "Do you know the number for the Reading police?" she asks. "I'll put it on speaker so we can both talk."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 1:03 am
by Mephistophilis
'That's still us, Thames Valley Police, you can call the control room.'

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 1:12 am
by Mr. Handy

Jocelyn nods as she calls the number.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 9:42 pm
by Mephistophilis
The control room answers and Bates introduces herself to the operator. 'What do you need Sergeant Bates?'

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 12:23 am
by Mr. Handy

"Jocelyn Leigh here with DS Bates," says Jocelyn. "She's driving. We're en route to Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading, but we're going to need constables there in advance of our arrival. We believe Lindsay Peale took Regina Balfour there. Unfortunately, that reporter Julie Thomas got this information out of the witness before we got to speak to her, so she must be on her way there ahead of us. If those constables could keep her busy and stop her from interfering, it would help tremendously." She gives a description of Julie Thomas and summarizes what happened when they spoke to the witness. "It's also highly likely that Ms. Thomas has a source in the police, or she wouldn't have known about the witness, so be careful with whom you share this."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 11:46 pm
by Mephistophilis
'Understood, I can send uniformed officers there. We already have community support officers (CSOs) on the ground. I won't send this out over the radio. Do you just want the officers to intercept the reporter or should they start making enquiries about Lindsay Peale?'

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 12:32 am
by Mr. Handy

"The most important thing is for them to find and sideline the reporter," says Jocelyn. "Once they've done that, if we haven't arrived yet, they might be able to start making enquiries." She glances over at DS Bates. "What do you think?"

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 12:36 am
by Mephistophilis
With her eyes on the road, Bates looks focused. 'We need to stop the reporter entering the hospital. That's the main priority. I don't want anything tipping off Lindsay Peale. If they can neutralise Julie Thomas then I want them to get eyes on the main entrance and exits to the hospital. But Julie Thomas first.'

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 1:27 am
by Mr. Handy

"Agreed," says Jocelyn, passing on the instructions. "Probably best not to start making enquiries until we arrive, then, even if you do contain the reporter before we get there."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 11:07 pm
by Mephistophilis
Bates and Jocelyn wind through the busy streets of Reading, approaching the Royal Berkshire Hospital. It is that bizarre mishmash of Victorian, mid-20th Century, and modern architecture that often characterises old NHS hospitals.


Bates pulls up outside the new entrance on Craven Road, parking on double yellow lines. Concrete steps approach a redbrick and glass atrium. To the left of the main entrance Jocelyn can make out the GNS van which seems to be parked near the Accident & Emergency entrance.

'Where do you reckon we start?' asks Bates.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 4:38 am
by Mr. Handy

"Let's make sure Julie Thomas is contained first," says Jocelyn. "We also need the officers on the scene to cover all the exits to make sure Lindsay Peale does not escape if she's still there."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 9:01 pm
by Mephistophilis
They trek round the side of the hospital, up some steps, to the Accident & Emergency Department. Parked haphazardly across spaces marked 'Restricted' is the GNS van. Julie Thomas is engaged in a heated conversation with a CSO and a uniformed police officer.

'This is an issue of massive public interest' says Thomas in a loud voice. 'We have every right to be here!'

'That's as maybe' says the police officer, 'But you can't park here, you're blocking access to A&E.'

While they argue, the cameraman circles around them filming the exchange.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 10:11 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Do you think the officers can handle this?" Jocelyn asks DS Bates, "or shall we intervene?"

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2021 11:28 pm
by Mephistophilis
Bates curls her lip, 'I think it will be better if the press don't see us. It would only boost their story. Let's slip inside without them seeing. A&E or the main hospital?'

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2021 4:56 am
by Mr. Handy

"Let's try A&E first," says Jocelyn. "That's where she would have taken her. We can talk to them and check the CCTV from that night."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 5:17 pm
by Mephistophilis
As Bates and Jocelyn make their way towards the pedestrian entrance to A&E, trying to keep out of sight of the GNS news crew, Jocelyn receives a phone call.

Answering it, there is a man on the end of the line, he sounds nervous. 'Hello, is that Jocelyn Leigh? I was given your number by Detective Sapru. My name is Clive Massey, I'm an approved mental health professional. Do you know a Simon Eagleton?'

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 3:39 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yes," replies Jocelyn.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 10:05 pm
by Mephistophilis
'Well, I'm here with him at the hospital. He's been through a few things. Some kind of car crash, and then he was attacked by someone, and now there have been some concerns raised about his state of mind. He seems to think a Mr Balfour has been controlling the weather and is engaged in some kind of terrorist plot. You can understand we're quite worried about him but DC Sapru has said that what he's saying isn't entirely delusional. Is that right?.'

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 5:46 am
by Mr. Handy

"That's correct," says Jocelyn. "Naturally I cannot discuss the details with you."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 11:24 am
by Mephistophilis
Clive sighs down the phone, 'Yes, well, that's as maybe, but we need to decide whether to detain Dr Eagleton under the Mental Health Act for treatment. Would you be available to come to the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading to pick him up, and ensure he gets treatment?'

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 7:00 pm
by Mephistophilis
While she is talking to Clive, Jocelyn's phone beeps, it is a text message from Kris.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2021 4:30 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'm actually just arriving there now," says Jocelyn. "I have something urgent to attend to first, but I'll be there to pick him up as soon as I can. Where in the hospital are you?" She checks the text while she waits for a response, presuming she can do so while still holding the conversation.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2021 9:24 pm
by Mephistophilis
'We're in A&E' says Clive.

Looking at the text message from Kris, it says 'Lindsay Peale at Royal Oxford Hotel, Oxford. Armed standoff. Think she has the girl'

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2021 10:34 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Hold on," says Jocelyn. She turns to DS Bates and shows her the text. "Simon Eagleton is right here at A&E," she says. "I think we can really use him for this. We can pick him up and then hit the road."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 11:16 pm
by Mephistophilis
Reading the text message Bates raises her eyebrows in surprise, 'What the hell has Kris been up to?' She shrugs, 'I can bollock him later. I'd forgotten about Simon, pick him up and we'll get over to Oxford ASAP.'

She steps away and gets back on the phone, presumably ringing the control room.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 3:12 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'm on my way inside now," says Jocelyn into the phone as she enters A&E.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 9:20 pm
by Mephistophilis
Bates remains outside on the phone. Entering the Emergency Department, Jocelyn introduces herself to the receptionist. She calls in a young woman, in a skirt and blouse rather than scrubs, who introduces herself as Rachel, a psychiatric nurse.

'We're quite worried about Dr Eagleton, he's having a Mental Health Act assessment to see if he needs to be admitted to hospital involuntarily.'

Once inside the clinical area of the Emergency Department, Jocelyn sees Simon sitting alone in a cubicle with two burly looking security guards standing outside. At the nurses' station a little distance away she can see three men engaged in a heated argument. One is a nervous looking white man in his late thirties, he is dressed like a geography teacher with a corduroy jacket and checked shirt. Beside him stands a rather short south Asian man, he is aged somewhere between his thirties and early fifties, impeccably dressed in a pinstripe suit and carrying a short cane. These two men seem to be at loggerheads, gesticulating and pointing fingers. There is a third, bear of a man, well over six foot tall in a crumpled and ill-fitting suit, he looks to be in his fifties and has olive skin with a five o'clock shadow and thinning dark hair on his head. He seems to be trying to interpose himself between the other two men, with calming and placatory gestures.

The nurse indicates the white man and says, 'That's Clive, he's the AMHP for the Mental Health Act assessment. The other two are the doctors, the short one is Dr Choudhury, the tall one Dr Hussein. I don't think they can agree on what to do with Dr Eagleton.'
OOC,If you like you can roll Listen to heat what they're saying

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 10:11 pm
by Mr. Handy

Jocelyn is unable to overhear the doctors due to the background noise. "Thank you, Rachel," says Jocelyn to the nurse. "I spoke to Clive on the phone. What is it that the two doctors want to do?"

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 11:06 pm
by Mephistophilis
Rachel wrinkles her brow, 'What I think is going on is that Dr Choudhury wants to admit Mr Eagleton to hospital for further assessment while Clive thinks he should be given the chance to be treated in the community. I'm not sure what Dr Hussein thinks.'

As she says this, Dr Hussein leaves the other two arguing and approaches Simon.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 2:33 am
by Mr. Handy

"I agree with Clive," says Jocelyn. "I came here to take Dr. Eagleton out of here. You know the doctors better than I do. Do you know how best to get them to agree?"

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 11:19 pm
by Mephistophilis
'Well I suppose if Mr Eagleton would agree to get treatment, that would be a start, they might want him to start some medication until he is seen by a doctor back in London. And if there is someone responsible who could keep an eye on him until then, I think that would help.'
OOC,You could roll Law for some extra information

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 4:59 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, Rachel," says Jocelyn, who doesn't know enough about the Mental Health Act. "I'll be responsible for him." She approaches Simon and the medical people speaking to him, her identification in hand.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 10:52 pm
by Mephistophilis
'Ah, Officer Leigh, thank you for coming' says Dr Hussein. 'Dr Eagleton here has been under some strain but I think we reached understanding, yes?' He looks at Simon.

Dr Chaudhury seems to be quietly fuming while Clive appears very relieved. 'Well, I'm glad that's all sorted out. Miss Leigh, please take care of Mr Eagleton, make sure he sees a doctor once all this...' He waves his hand around in the air. ' is over.'
Simon,Does Simon intend to take the medication as advised going forward or not?

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 11:08 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you," Jocelyn says to Clive. "It's been stressful for all of us. I'll take good care of him, and I'll make sure he sees a doctor." I may need one myself, she thinks. She speaks to Simon. "Let's go. Our ride's right outside."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 4:37 am
by Silver Priest
"I believe we have Dr. Hussein," Simon smiles brightly, shaking the man's hand. "I'll be sure to follow up. I thank you for your professionalism." His eyes drift briefly towards Chaudhury, but he decides not to press his luck.

"So glad to see you," He tells Jocelyn once they're out of earshot. "They wanted to commit me when I told them about Balfour and the manipulations he was performing to make it look as though it's the end of the world. Utter foolishness."
Keeper, For now I think Simon would, but if he catches Balfour planning an attack and can prove it he'll stop, confident him being proven right would prove he's not crazy.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 5:16 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, it probably would have been best not to have mentioned that to them," says Jocelyn. "We've got a break in the case, and we can really use your help. I'll fill you in when we're in the car where hospital staff and nosy reporters can't overhear us."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 6:48 pm
by Silver Priest
"Perhaps honesty is not always the best policy," Simon admits. He nods eagerly and follows her to the car, intrested in the big break they had attained.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 8:18 pm
by Mr. Handy

"It's an early lesson I learned at MI5," says Jocelyn, leading the way to the car. "Information is on a need to know basis. If they don't need to know, don't tell them."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 4:02 am
by Silver Priest
"I suppose I should be thinking like a spy now, given I've somehow ended up in a Bond movie. Which I suppose makes you my Bond Girl." He turns and grins at Jocelyn , apparently forgetting she was the law enforcement here and he was just a consultant.

"So what did you learn?" He asks once they reach the car.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 5:57 pm
by Mr. Handy

"The real world doesn't work like a Bond film," says Jocelyn. "Bond himself has a lot to learn about opsec. He keeps going around giving his real name and falling for every honeypot out there." When they're in the car with DS Bates and on the road, where she's sure the reporter can't overhear them, she shows Simon the text. "DC Sapru sent this to me from Oxford, where he'd been reassigned. Apparently he must have gotten word from the other coppers there. There's an armed standoff with Lindsay Peale, and it sounds like she's got Regina with her. We'll both be needed to negotiate with her."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 8:09 pm
by Silver Priest
Hearing this, Simon turns serious.

"Let's go then. time is of the essence. If the police breech they may kill her and we'll lose our only chance at learning more about Balfour."

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 11:19 am
by Mephistophilis
Jocelyn is in the front and Simon in the back as DS Bates sets off for Oxford.

'The situation is fluid, we'll get the full story when we arrive, I can't get hold of Kris at the moment. We have officers on-site and as far as I can ascertain he's alright but shots have been fired. We have an armed response vehicle en route. I've got no definite confirmation of Lindsay Peale or Regina Balfour but this looks like a hostage situation so I hope you've recovered Simon, we might need you to talk to her. I understand you've done this sort of thing before Jocelyn.'

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Simon and Jocelyn

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 5:30 pm
by Mephistophilis
OOC:   Moving here