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Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Kris

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2021 12:15 pm
by Philulhu
Kris gritted his teeth. He could see which way this was heading. ”Well, look I’m on duty so I can’t get away at the moment,” he said. ‘Not forgetting that I’d get the sack if I was found to have bunked off work or had any contact with him...’

“Can you try Miss Leigh and see if she’s available? I don’t know if he has any other family of friends who can help out.”

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Kris

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 5:12 pm
by Mephistophilis
'Thank you Detective'' says Clive. 'I'll ring Miss Leigh and see if we can get to the bottom of this.'

When he's finished his call the receptionist gets Kris's attention, 'No Lindsay Peale' he says.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Kris

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 5:33 pm
by Philulhu
”Ok,” said Kris. “In which case, can you please check your records and see if you have someone who booked into the hotel in the early hours of the morning? Female, most likely travelling alone.”

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Kris

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 5:44 pm
by Mephistophilis
'No, no one checked in late last night' says the receptionist. 'What sort of time were you thinking? We don't usually have any check-ins after 11pm.'
OOC,It is currently Saturday afternoon. Last night would be Friday night. [b]Regina Balfour[/b] was kidnapped Thursday evening.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Kris

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 6:16 pm
by Philulhu
”Realistically, it could be any time after 6.30pm on Thursday evening,” said Kris with a sigh. He glanced at his watch and wondered where the time had gone.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Kris

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 11:55 pm
by Mephistophilis
'We have a lot of guests, that doesn't narrow it down' sighs the receptionist. 'But look, here, someone checked in early Friday morning, shortly after midnight. The name we have is Kevin Lang.'

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Kris

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 12:06 am
by Philulhu
Kris didn’t recognise the name, but the timing sounded promising. ”Have you got any ID for Mr Lang?” he asked.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Kris

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 12:33 am
by Mephistophilis
The receptionist hands over a photocopy of a driving licence. The name is Kevin Lang, he is nineteen years old, and his listed address is Gloucester Green in Oxford, not far from the hotel.


'He's got a double until next Wednesday. Room 223 on the second floor.'

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Kris

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 12:39 am
by Philulhu
Kris took the photocopy and rang the control room. ”What have you got on a Kevin Lang?” he asked, giving the details from the driving licence.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Kris

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 12:46 am
by Mephistophilis
'Not much' says the control room operator. 'Just possession for a small amount of cannabis last year. Driver awareness course at the beginning of this year for speeding, 40mph in a 30mph limit. Lives in Oxford. Looks like he drives a classic VW camper which tells you all you need to know about him if you ask me.'

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Kris

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 12:51 am
by Philulhu
?Can you run that through ANPR?” asked Kris. “Let me know if you find anything.” He thanked the operator Abe ended the call.

“Have you got a pass key?” he asked the receptionist. “I need to have a chat with Mr Lang.”

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Kris

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 12:55 am
by Mephistophilis
'I've got a pass key but I don't know if he's in. I'll need to get a manager to come with you. Don't you need a warrant?' he asks, looking more uncertain. 'I do have a mobile phone number for him.'

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Kris

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 1:05 am
by Philulhu
”l just need to talk to him,” replied Kris. “Are you able to check if he’s in?”

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Kris

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 1:10 am
by Mephistophilis
'I can ring up.'

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Kris

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 1:20 am
by Philulhu
Kris thought about it for a moment. “Give me a couple of minutes to get up there and then ring him and tell him there’s a police officer here to see him,” he said. “If he answers, we’ll know he’s there. If he tries to leave, I’ll be waiting for him.”

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Kris

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 11:37 pm
by Mephistophilis
Taking the stairs to the second floor Kris finds room 223. On the way up he gets a call from the control room to say that Mr Lang's VW camper hasn't been picked up on ANPR for a few weeks and it's only really been seen around the local Oxford area in the months before that.

He approaches the room slowly, looking up and down the corridor to see if there is anyone else around, but the floor seems to be empty. As he gets to the door, Kris steps on another insect, it gives an unpleasant crunching sensation and when he looks down he sees a few more crawling about the stained navy carpet.
OOC,Roll a hard Spot Hidden and also Listen

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Kris

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 12:22 am
by Philulhu
Kris approached the room carefully, stepping quite deliberately to avoid any bugs or squeaking floorboards that might announce his presence.
OOC,Spot hidden (hard - 20%) - 0 Listen (35%) - 1

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Kris

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 1:59 am
by Mephistophilis
From within the room, Kris can make out the unmistakable sounds of the children's cartoon 'Peppa Pig'. After a minute or so a phone rings from inside. Then a few seconds later the door opens a crack but Kris can't see much in the shadows.

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Kris

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 9:49 am
by Philulhu
Kris slipped his foot into the crack of the door and pushed hard. Mr Lang? he said. “Thames Valley CID. I’d like a word!”

Re: IC - 16 - Day 3 - Kris

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 9:52 am
by Mephistophilis
OOC,Roll Luck