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Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 12:31 pm
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Things go back more or less to normal in Collinsport. David is his own, unpredictable self. He expresses, more than once, an interest in somehow breaking into the locked room in the basement. As of now, however, his aunt Elizabeth has the only key.

Sam Evans is drinking less and painting more, including a portrait of his daughter that, to use his words, "ain't half bad, if I say so myself."

Burke Devlin arranges for a series of private meetings with Roger Collins, which, in time, results in an uneasy reconciliation between two proud men. What exactly has been resolved is not known to anyone else.

One day a letter addressed to Elizabeth Stoddard arrives at Collinwood. It is somewhat lengthy, it seems, as Elizabeth studies it for some time. After a while, she asks both her brother and her daughter what they think of the letter, after they have had a chance to examine it.

"Sounds like fun," Carolyn says. "We could use some new blood around this dreary old tomb."

Roger shrugs. "Could be a con artist, for all I know."

Having come to think of Victoria as a member of the family, she shows the letter to her as well. It is written in ink, in a fine hand. The writer introduces himself as Barnabas Collins, a distant cousin, newly arrived from England. He expresses an interest in purchasing the Old House, naming a substantial sum for a structure so dilapidated. He is currently staying at the Collinsport Inn, and asks permission to pay a visit to Collinwood some evening, and if he might be allowed to bring a guest. In a postscript, he notes that, during his brief stay in Collinsport, he purchased a portrait at the local art gallery, entitled Maggie and signed S. Evans, for a handsome sum. Being informed that the model was a local resident, he inquires if they are acquainted with her, as he would be very pleased to meet her.

"What do you think, Miss Winters?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 10:17 pm
by Mr. Handy

"He sounds intriguing," says Victoria. "I think Maggie would be interested to meet him too. I'm curious how he's related to the Collins family. I saw a book once about the family history. Maybe there's something in there about the English branch of the family."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2020 11:49 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
"Yes, that's true," Elizabeth says. "The first Barnabas Collins sailed to England nearly two hundred years ago, according to the family history. I'm afraid we've lost track of that branch of the family. Let me see, there's a portrait of the original Barnabas in the hall." She points out the painting.

A message is sent to the Collinsport Inn inviting Barnabas Collins to pay a visit one evening. If there is any doubt as to his being a true member of the family, that is removed by the fact that he so strongly resembles his ancestor, even wearing the same opal ring and carrying the same wolf's head cane shown in the painting.


"Inherited from my ancestor, " he explains. His accent does not seem particularly British, but rather something like that of an Atlantic Canadian; perhaps he has been in that country at some time.

He is accompanied by a woman he introduces as Doctor Julia Hoffman, his personal physician, who will be in residence with him in the Old House, if he is allowed to purchase it, and once renovations are completed. This suggests not only abundant wealth, to afford a private doctor, but that he may be afflicted with an illness that requires constant attention, although what this might be is not evident; he seems reasonable healthy, if a bit gaunt and pale.


Doctor Hoffman appears to be a rather sober, if polite, woman, while Barnabas is courtly and old-fashioned in his manner. He appears to know quite a lot about the Collins family history.

At some point in the conversation, he asks, "Is Miss Evans about? I am quite eager to make her acquaintance."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2020 6:11 pm
by SunlessNick

Maggie is delighted at her father's painting, and at his cutting down on the drinking (she doesn't mention the latter, though, not wanting to jinx it). She lets Victoria know about the painting of laura having burned up.

When Victoria mentions Barnabas, Maggie's initial reaction is "More of them? Sorry that was mean. Thanks, I'd love to.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2020 6:35 pm
by Mr. Handy

"She's a friend of mine," says Victoria. "She lives in town with her father, the artist. I told her you'd be coming, and I think she'll come by."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 10:29 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
"Excellent," Barnabas replies. "By the way, Miss Winters, have we met before? It seems that I have seen you somewhere, very long ago, years and year gone by."

Before Victoria can answer, Doctor Hoffman says "Don't be silly, Barnabas. Miss Winters is very young. She could not possibly have known you 'years and years' ago."

"Of course. Please excuse my presumption. There are times when I dwell over much in the past."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 11:27 pm
by SunlessNick

On the evening she is to go the manor, Maggie cooks a stew for her father - something he can reheat easily. Then pretties herself up for the trip out (some old old world nobility sounds pretty fun).

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2020 2:14 am
by Mr. Handy

"Perhaps you've met my mother," says Victoria, "or some other relative of mine?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2020 10:54 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
"I suppose that is possible," Barnabas remarks. "Might I inquire as to your mother's full name? I seem to have known a Winters in my time." Upon learning that Victoria is an orphan, named by the facility that took her in, with no knowledge of her parents, he apologizes for stirring up any unpleasant memories.

This possibly awkward moment is interrupted by the arrival of Maggie, whom Barnabas greets most warmly.

"Your portrait does not capture the charm of its original," he says, "although it will win an honored place in my new home. You must all come to pay me a visit once it has been restored." It is evident that he presumes he will be allowed to purchase the place. Judging by the effusive welcome he receives from Elizabeth and Roger, he is correct in this assumption; it's clear that the payment will come in handy, given Burke Devlin's actions to reduce the income of their corporation.

"Perhaps we should go," Doctor Hoffman says. "There is much planning to be done. Willie is waiting for your instructions."

"Indeed," Barnabas replies. "I do not mean to disturb your evening, but business keeps me away from Collinsport most days. Good night, all." He makes a few more remarks of no great importance to everyone present, particularly extending his farewells to Maggie, so that Doctor Hoffman has to take his arm to remind him that it's time to leave.

Over the next few days, a great deal of noises suggesting hammering and sawing come from the Old House.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2020 7:56 pm
by SunlessNick

Maggie is rather touched by Barnabas's greeting - a lot of guys compliment her, but not so many are so romantic about it, even when dating her. She's definitely intereted in seeing him again. "Wow," she says after he's gone. "He could have posed for that painting himself!" After that, she reverts to form, exchanging gossip with Vix.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2020 4:59 am
by Mr. Handy

"It's strange that Barnabas seems to know me," Victoria tells Maggie. "So did Sarah, the ghost of the little girl I met. But she died in 1796."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2020 9:42 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Construction continues on the Old House, most of the work being done by one young man, although various day laborers come by now and then to perform specific tasks. One afternoon, a series of loud knocks is heard on the front door of the main house. When opened, the young man, heretofore only glimpsed from a distance, stands there, with his hand gripping the collar of David's jacket.

"You better tell the kid not to go sneakin' into the old place no more. It ain't safe, what with sawin' and hammerin' and what not. Barnabas don't want nobody snoopin' around the joint."

"Lemme go," David protests. "I was just looking for Josette. I haven't seen her in a long time."

"None of your fairy tales, young man," Roger says. "I'll deal with my son myself, if you don't mind," he continues, dismissing the young man and sending David up to his room.

"That was Willie Loomis," Carolyn says. "Never had an honest job in his life, as far as I know. Used to bother all the girls at the Blue Whale, come up and touch their hair and stuff. A real creep."

"He seems to be working like a Trojan now," Elizabeth says. "It seems that Cousin Barnabas has been a good influence on the fellow."

"Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it," Carolyn answers.

Several days later, Willie, his manner somewhat subdued, delivers a large, old-fashioned trunk, along with a handwritten invitation to a costume party at the newly completed Old House a few nights from now. The trunk contains all sorts of clothing of the style of two centuries ago.

I discovered this trunk in a neglected part of the Old House, the note explains. The garments are in remarkably fine condition. I trust that each of you will find something appropriate to wear within it. My very best regards, Barnabas.

During one of their frequent conversations, Victoria discovers that Maggie received a similar invitation and a smaller parcel, containing a white lace gown and the appropriate accessories to go along with it.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2020 10:32 pm
by SunlessNick
Mr. Handy wrote:"It's strange that Barnabas seems to know me," Victoria tells Maggie. "So did Sarah, the ghost of the little girl I met. But she died in 1796."
"Maybe you'll meet Dr Who," Maggie jokes.

Maggie confirms Carolyn's assessment of Willie Loomis. "He's been thrown out of Collinsport Inn a few times for getting handsy with the waitresses."
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:During one of their frequent conversations, Victoria discovers that Maggie received a similar invitation and a smaller parcel, containing a white lace gown and the appropriate accessories to go along with it.
"It looks like a wedding dress! Maybe he plans to sweep me off my feet." (She does find herself liking the look of it, though, even if she can't take it 100% seriously). It's going to be a bit awkward if Burke's there too, though...

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 3:13 am
by Mr. Handy

"Oh, I love that show," says Victoria. "The Doctor even has a new companion named Victoria. I quite like Jamie too. He's dreamy!" She looks through the old-fashioned clothing for something that would fit and suit her.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 10:02 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
As luck would have it, there is clothing of appropriate size for everyone at Collinwood; even a boy's outfit for David, although he is less than enthusiastic about wearing it. The outfit that fits Victoria best happens to be the simple and practical dress as might be worn by one of the more respectable servants of a wealthy household. Maggie's costume is a perfect fit, as if it were tailored for her.

Upon arrival on the night of the party, the guests discover that the Old House has been restored, as best as possible, to its original state. There is no electricity, although it would be a simple matter to extend the power lines that serve the main mansion to it.

Burke Devlin is present, having had some recent business dealings with Barnabas, dressed rather simply, but in the correct manner of a gentleman of the late 18th century. Getting into character, he is gallant to all the young ladies, but pays particular attention to Carolyn, who lights up the room in a gown of fine quality which must have belonged to someone of great wealth. His interaction with Elizabeth and Roger is cool, but polite. David is obviously bored, and has to be distracted from playing with the candles by Burke's tales of travels throughout the world.

Willie, acting as unobtrusively as possible, is dressed as an ordinary servant of the time, and performs that function as guests are introduced and food and drinks are served. Barnabas is dressed in the exact manner as his ancestor, as shown in the portrait. Doctor Hoffman, perhaps to the slight surprise of the guests, is colorfully arrayed as a romantic version of a Gypsy of the period.

Barnabas welcomes all the guests warmly, taking particular care to direct Maggie to the sitting room, where two portraits hang next to each other above the fireplace.

"You can see why I was so eager to make your acquaintance, Miss Evans," Barnabas says.

One of the paintings is the one newly created by her father; the other is of a woman dressed in the white lace gown she is currently wearing. There is a strong resemblance between the two.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 9:58 pm
by SunlessNick

"Who was she?" Maggie asks, instinctively assuming the woman is no longer among the living. Her heart is beating quickly, as if trying to mark out the rhythms of nervousness, excitement and curiosity all at once.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 5:39 am
by Mr. Handy

"That must be Josette," says Victoria. "David told me about her. She lived here back then. She threw herself off Widow's Walk. The resemblance is uncanny, isn't it?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 9:34 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
"You are quite correct, Miss Winters," Barnabas replies. "She was exquisitely lovely, as evidenced by Miss Evans' close resemblance to her. Such a tragedy! To lose such a kind, wise, elegant, and loving young woman, just before she was to become a bride! Such, at least," he explains, "was her nature, according to all accounts I have been able to discover. Her death broke my ancestor's heart, and he never stopped mourning for her. That is to say, my impression is that he did not. That was so very long ago, after all."

He pauses, contemplating the portrait for a while.

"But let us think of the present, as tempting as it might be to dwell upon the past. Willie," he cries to his employee, "fetch the box I told you about."

Willie is heard descending the stairs to the basement, unlocking a heavy door, then returning, after locking again. He gives a small box wrapped in white paper to his employer.

"I should like you to have this, Miss Evans." He unwraps the box and opens it, revealing a music box of antique design.

Doctor Hoffman has been observing all this for a while. "Barnabas, do you think--" she begins.

"I am aware of your opinion, Doctor," Barnabas replies. "Please allow me to indulge my whim." While handing the music box to Maggie, he addresses Victoria. "By the way, how does it happen that young David is so familiar with Josette? I am most curious to know."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 9:39 pm
by SunlessNick

"Oh, that's... er, sad," Maggie says of Josette's suicide, visibly aborting a more sarcastic turn of phrase. "I hope she wasn't wearing this."

"Thankyou Mr Collins, it's lovely," she says of the box. She doesn't set it going, so's not to interrupt Victoria's answer.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2021 3:54 am
by Mr. Handy

"He likes to explore a lot," says Victoria. "He used to spend time in the Old House before you moved in. He showed me her portrait once and told me about her, but I'm not sure how he knows. Maybe he read up on his family's history. Or maybe he met her ghost."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2021 9:45 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
To Maggie, Barnabas replies, "No. That gown has never been worn by anyone, until now. That is, so I gather, from accounts of the tragedy. How perfectly it suits you. One might imagine that it has been waiting for you, all these years."

On hearing Victoria's reply, he becomes noticeably agitated. "Can it be that there are truly specters in this house? " He seizes her arm in a firm grip. "You must tell me! What do you know of Josette's spirit? Have you seen her? Have there been any other manifestations witnessed hereabouts?"

Doctor Hoffman places a restraining hand upon him. "You must not allow yourself to become overly excited." She turns to the others. "His condition is very delicate."

"That is so," Barnabas confesses. "I believe I will need another treatment soon, Doctor. Forgive me, my friends."

The party winds down with inconsequential talk. As the guests make the way home, Willie takes an opportunity to speak to Maggie quietly, in a respectful manner not at all in keeping with their few previous encounters.

"You be careful. Don't go walkin' around alone at night or nothin' like that."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2021 8:24 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Barnabas seems very excitable," Victoria says to Maggie.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2021 10:45 pm
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:"You be careful. Don't go walkin' around alone at night or nothin' like that."
"I will," Maggie replies with a smile.
Mr. Handy wrote:"Barnabas seems very excitable," Victoria says to Maggie.
"Yeah he sure did. Did he hurt you? It looked like he was about to shake you. I guess a Collins had to be mad one way or another."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:42 am
by Mr. Handy

"Oh, I'm fine," says VIctoria. "His grip was firm, but he didn't hurt me. It's like he's in love with Josette, and not just his ancestor."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 9:48 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
A couple of days later, Willie shows up at the diner, picking up some food to go. There are black and blue marks on his face and arms. When asked about them, he says "I fell. Gotta be more careful."

David claims to have seen Sarah near the Old House, along with "some really old guy, about a million years old." As usual, his relatives dismiss this as his typical nonsense.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 10:19 am
by SunlessNick
Mr. Handy wrote:"Oh, I'm fine," says VIctoria. "His grip was firm, but he didn't hurt me. It's like he's in love with Josette, and not just his ancestor."
"It really is!" Maggie agrees.

She smiles sympathetically at Willie's story, not really believing him, but not wanting to embarrass him. She gives him a little extra on the house.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 7:27 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I believe you," says Victoria to David. "I've seen Sarah myself once, but not the old guy. Did they say or do anything?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 9:40 pm
by SunlessNick

After her shift, Maggie makes sure her father is ok and fed and so on. Once she has some time to herself, she sets the music box going. Barnabas's seeming obsssion with this Josette creeps her out a little, especially given the resemblance in their portraits, but he did give her the gift, and it'd be churlish not to listen to it.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 8:09 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote: "I believe you," says Victoria to David. "I've seen Sarah myself once, but not the old guy. Did they say or do anything?"
Pleased to be believed at last, David responds eagerly.

"She's always singing this old song, you know, about London Bridge and stuff. This old guy was in the woods, just after dark, walking toward the mansion, like he was coming from the Old House. Then Sarah popped up out of nowhere, the way she does, and the old guy stopped dead in his tracks. They said something I didn't hear to each other, then the old guy fell to his knees. I guess he felt pretty sad. I didn't hang around after that. Something about the guy, with all those wrinkles all over his face and hands, and that big bald head with a couple of white hairs, gave me the creeps."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 8:14 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:
After her shift, Maggie makes sure her father is ok and fed and so on. Once she has some time to herself, she sets the music box going. Barnabas's seeming obsssion with this Josette creeps her out a little, especially given the resemblance in their portraits, but he did give her the gift, and it'd be churlish not to listen to it.
The music box plays a gentle, tinkling memory. It brings thoughts of other times and other places. Of an island under a tropical sun, of a voyage on a sailing ship, of a cold, rocky land where a lonely house broods near a high cliff overlooking the sea. The effect is hypnotic, almost as if one could slip away into those other worlds.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:17 pm
by SunlessNick

It's not like Maggie doesn't like her life - she's got a job, good friends, and is popular around town - but it's not a secure life, for her or her father, the way they're always short of money. And it's not really glamorous. The daydreams the music gives her are pretty appealing - she gives into the tempation to listen to it some more.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 3:58 am
by Mr. Handy

"I heard her sing London Bridge too," says Victoria. "She also acted like she already knew me, but I had never met her before."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 9:10 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:
It's not like Maggie doesn't like her life - she's got a job, good friends, and is popular around town - but it's not a secure life, for her or her father, the way they're always short of money. And it's not really glamorous. The daydreams the music gives her are pretty appealing - she gives into the tempation to listen to it some more.
One day, while Maggie is idly humming the music box's melody at work, Doctor Hoffman walks into the diner. Hearing the tune, she approaches.

"You might want to reconsider accepting such a valuable gift," she says. "Barnabas is given to extravagant gestures, particularly when his treatments are not having their desired effect. By the way, here's my card. Feel free to get in touch with me if you need any medical advice."

Julia Hoffman, MD

Specialist in psychiatry, hypnotherapy, and hematology
Director of Windcliff Sanitarium

It is common knowledge that Windcliff Sanitarium is located about one hundred miles north of Collinsport, in an isolated, rural area. Given Doctor Hoffman's current residence in the Old House, there would seem to be no easy way to contact her except by paying a visit.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 9:21 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote: "I heard her sing London Bridge too," says Victoria. "She also acted like she already knew me, but I had never met her before."
"Yeah, she's kinda weird, "David admits. "Won't tell me where she comes from or anything like that. That old guy seemed pretty upset to see her. I guess he's scared of GHOSTS," he concludes, shouting at Victoria, making a goofy face, and giggling.

Some time later, Elizabeth expresses concern for her daughter's health. Carolyn seems languid and distracted, and wears a turtleneck sweater despite the warm weather. "I'm fine," she responds to any inquiries. She hasn't gone out with Joe Haskell for quite some time, and instead prefers to go to bed early.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 11:30 pm
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:"You might want to reconsider accepting such a valuable gift," she says. "Barnabas is given to extravagant gestures, particularly when his treatments are not having their desired effect. By the way, here's my card. Feel free to get in touch with me if you need any medical advice."

Julia Hoffman, MD

Specialist in psychiatry, hypnotherapy, and hematology
Director of Windcliff Sanitarium
Maggie thinks, Isn't that last one about blood? - but too late to ask - an odd pairing with being a shrink, though.

Is Sam still drinking less than he used to?

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2021 3:59 am
by Mr. Handy

"Maybe I should take a look at you," Victoria suggests to Carolyn. "The symptoms sound like anemia. It can cause problems if it's not treated."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2021 10:52 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:Maggie thinks, Isn't that last one about blood? - but too late to ask - an odd pairing with being a shrink, though.

Still shaken by the unexplained reduction of the painting of Laura to ashes, Maggie's father is spending more time at the Blue Whale with his favorite brand of Scotch.

"I can handle my booze," he insists.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2021 10:54 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"Maybe I should take a look at you," Victoria suggests to Carolyn. "The symptoms sound like anemia. It can cause problems if it's not treated."
With a snide tone, Carolyn retorts "Where did you get your medical degree, Miss Know-It-All? I can take care of myself, thank you very much."

Although Carolyn can be a bit self-centered, it's not normal for her to be openly rude.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2021 9:20 pm
by Mr. Handy

"All right, I was just trying to help," says Victoria. "I'm not a doctor. As a governess, I just know a little about everything. Maybe you should see a doctor though. I wonder if Dr. Hoffman would be interested."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2021 10:01 pm
by SunlessNick

"I burned the painting," Maggie says to her father in a the hopes of alleviating his reaction with an explanation. "I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have. But Laura was bad news. She tried to hurt her son, and me. We're better off without her, or it."

On a day she has off, after making sure he has a lunch ready, Maggie decides to pay a visit to Doctor Hoffman. She wants to ask, hypothetically - "I have a friend I'm worried about, but I don't want to get her in trouble" - whether the doctor can use hypnosis to cure an addiction.
OOC,She says "her" because she figures Dr Hoffman will see through the friend line, and would rather she think Maggie is talking about herself than Sam. Assuming she doesn't see through that too.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 11:07 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"All right, I was just trying to help," says Victoria. "I'm not a doctor. As a governess, I just know a little about everything. Maybe you should see a doctor though. I wonder if Dr. Hoffman would be interested."
"I couldn't care less. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to take a walk."

Elizabeth happens to be nearby, and cautions her daughter. "Be careful. It's nearly nighttime."

"Really, Mother, I'm not a child. Save your warnings for your little brat of a nephew."

With that, she grabs a scarf from the coat hanger near the front door, wraps it around her throat, and heads outside.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 11:13 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote: "I burned the painting," Maggie says to her father in a the hopes of alleviating his reaction with an explanation. "I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have. But Laura was bad news. She tried to hurt her son, and me. We're better off without her, or it."

On a day she has off, after making sure he has a lunch ready, Maggie decides to pay a visit to Doctor Hoffman. She wants to ask, hypothetically - "I have a friend I'm worried about, but I don't want to get her in trouble" - whether the doctor can use hypnosis to cure an addiction.
Maggie finds Doctor Hoffman busy with lab equipment and a notebook, in an otherwise unused room in the Old House.

"It's a bit hard working without electricity," she says in a friendly manner, "but Barnabas must have his little eccentricities."

After learning the reason for her visit, Doctor Hoffman is optimistic.

"Yes, indeed. I have often had quite a bit of success in such situations." Lowering her voice, she asks "You wouldn't happen to be talking about Miss Stoddard, would you?"

Their conversation is interrupted by Willie, who rushes in with some agitation. He tells Maggie "Maybe you better head on home. It's gettin' dark out there."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 8:45 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I'm worried about Carolyn," says Victoria. "I'd go with her, but I don't think she'd appreciate my company."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 10:19 pm
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:"Yes, indeed. I have often had quite a bit of success in such situations." Lowering her voice, she asks "You wouldn't happen to be talking about Miss Stoddard, would you?"
Maggie is sufficiently flustered by the question to make it clear the answer is no.
Their conversation is interrupted by Willie, who rushes in with some agitation. He tells Maggie "Maybe you better head on home. It's gettin' dark out there."
Relieved at the chance to get out without telling a more direct lie, she says, "Thanks, Mr Loomis. Maybe I should. Sorry Doctor. Is it ok if I come again soon?" She takes her leave and heads back toward home.
OOC,Maggie is a bit haunted by the memory of both Victoria and Burke rushing at burning buildings while she froze up outside. Or when Victoria was trapped in the secret passage and she froze up then too. As well as Sam's alcoholism, she's wondering if this hypnosis thing could make her a bit braver. [I'm not suggesting anything should come of that - just something it occurred to me she might be thinking]

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 10:03 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"I'm worried about Carolyn," says Victoria. "I'd go with her, but I don't think she'd appreciate my company."
"She does seem out of sorts," Elizabeth replies. "I suppose she's had another one of her quarrels with Joe Haskell. It'll all blow over soon, I'm sure."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 10:10 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:"Yes, indeed. I have often had quite a bit of success in such situations." Lowering her voice, she asks "You wouldn't happen to be talking about Miss Stoddard, would you?"
Maggie is sufficiently flustered by the question to make it clear the answer is no.
"I see. Just a thought. Never mind."
Their conversation is interrupted by Willie, who rushes in with some agitation. He tells Maggie "Maybe you better head on home. It's gettin' dark out there."
Relieved at the chance to get out without telling a more direct lie, she says, "Thanks, Mr Loomis. Maybe I should. Sorry Doctor. Is it ok if I come again soon?" She takes her leave and heads back toward home.
"Certainly. My days are generally free." Her attention is drawn to a hissing sound emerging from a test tube half full of a deep red liquid. The substance hisses and foams, overflowing the tube. "Excuse me." She places the tube into a locked box and secures it. With a laugh, she explains, "Just an experiment gone awry. I'm quite a mad scientist, you see." She winks to convey a sense of self mockery.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 8:56 pm
by SunlessNick

"Cool!" Maggie responds to Dr Hoffman's confession. "I'll see you soon."

She dithers slightly about the route back, unsure about going to the main house and trying to get a taxi, or walking back to town. She walks partway to the house before deciding she shouldn't waste the money, and starting for town.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 5:27 am
by Mr. Handy

"I think she should see a doctor," says Victoria. "She doesn't seem well."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 9:33 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote: "I think she should see a doctor," says Victoria. "She doesn't seem well."
"Perhaps you're right. I'll have to talk to Doctor Hoffman the next time I see her. If only Barnabas had a telephone, I could call right now! He really lives in the past, doesn't he?"

Unstated, but well known, is the fact that Elizabeth rarely leaves the mansion even to go as far as the Old House, and never leaves the Collinwood property at all.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 9:34 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote: "Cool!" Maggie responds to Dr Hoffman's confession. "I'll see you soon."

She dithers slightly about the route back, unsure about going to the main house and trying to get a taxi, or walking back to town. She walks partway to the house before deciding she shouldn't waste the money, and starting for town.
The long walk back home is uneventful. It's a fairly warm, but cloudy night, so it's hard to see much of anything. Fortunately, the lights of Collinsport are enough for Maggie to find her way back, even if she goes off the steep, winding road now and then.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 9:41 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Some time later, Carolyn returns, in somewhat better mood. Her skin is flushed, perhaps from a good, long walk. She smiles at Victoria.

"You know," she says warmly, "a sweet, smart, and pretty girl like you really needs a boyfriend. There's nothing quite like love, is there?"

Humming a popular tune, she heads upstairs to her room.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 10:30 pm
by SunlessNick

It's probably time to fix dinner by the time Maggie gets home. She feels a momentary flash of resentment as she does so, even if it makes her feel guilty. She listens to the music box some more later to calm herself down.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2021 3:13 am
by Mr. Handy

Victoria sighs wistfully. "There sure isn't," she says. "I'd love to find true love."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2021 10:25 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:
It's probably time to fix dinner by the time Maggie gets home. She feels a momentary flash of resentment as she does so, even if it makes her feel guilty. She listens to the music box some more later to calm herself down.
Sam Evans doesn't eat much of his dinner, instead nursing a glass of vodka.

"That paintin' was real good," he says, with a slurring voice. "Shouldn't of burned it. Woulda been worth somethin'." (He has apparently forgotten that he himself thought it was dangerous.)

Listening to the music box brings on dreams that night. Dreams of candlelit ballrooms, of dark, romantic men with tragic secrets, of moonlit assignations. Maggie hasn't slept so well in a long time.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2021 10:27 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote: Victoria sighs wistfully. "There sure isn't," she says. "I'd love to find true love."
Carolyn rises very late the next morning, and spends the entire day in a languid mood. When the sun goes down, she heads out the front door, without a word to anyone.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 3:39 am
by Mr. Handy

"It's odd," Victoria remarks. "Carolyn seems depressed and unhealthy during the day, but she's in a better mood and condition at night."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 5:41 am
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:"That paintin' was real good," he says, with a slurring voice. "Shouldn't of burned it. Woulda been worth somethin'." (He has apparently forgotten that he himself thought it was dangerous.)
"I'm sorry," Maggie says, not wanting to get into an argument. "Please eat some more."
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:Listening to the music box brings on dreams that night. Dreams of candlelit ballrooms, of dark, romantic men with tragic secrets, of moonlit assignations. Maggie hasn't slept so well in a long time.
Maggie is in a better mood in the morning, and after her shift at the diner makes her way back to Dr Hoffman's, this time thinking about coming clean - and with the music box's distraction lingering in her mind, forgetting to go home first. "How does doctor's confidentiality work? she asks. "If I tell you who I'm worried about does that mean you can't tell anyone else?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:21 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote: "It's odd," Victoria remarks. "Carolyn seems depressed and unhealthy during the day, but she's in a better mood and condition at night."
"Perhaps you're right," Elizabeth responds. "There's very little chance of getting her to admit that anything's wrong, however. I think I'll ask Doctor Hoffman over for tea soon, just to have her take a look at Carolyn. Strictly as a social visit, as far as Carolyn is concerned."

When Doctor Hoffman arrives, she chats away about inconsequential things, while observing her unknowing patient. When there's a chance, she takes Carolyn aside and shows her a large brooch of unusual design she always wears. Carolyn is interested in jewelry, so she studies the object closely.

"Look deep into it," Doctor Hoffman says softly. "Watch how the colors seem to change, how the light dances from corner to corner."
"Yes," Carolyn says blankly.

Doctor Hoffman waves the others away, while she whispers to Carolyn out of earshot. After a while, the two join the others. Carolyn seems calm and cheerful.

As she makes her way back to the Old House, Doctor Hoffman tells Elizabeth and Victoria not to worry.

"I recommend a multiple vitamin tablet with iron as a daily supplement," she says, where Carolyn can't hear. "Other than that, I think she'll be fine."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:28 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:Maggie is in a better mood in the morning, and after her shift at the diner makes her way back to Dr Hoffman's, this time thinking about coming clean - and with the music box's distraction lingering in her mind, forgetting to go home first. "How does doctor's confidentiality work? she asks. "If I tell you who I'm worried about does that mean you can't tell anyone else?"
"Absolutely. I will not say anything to anyone about what we discuss, without your specific instructions to do so. Now, what's troubling you, dear?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:57 pm
by SunlessNick

"It's... it's my... father. He... could you help him to not need to drink so much? If I could get him to come. He'd... be happier if he didn't drink so much... I'm sure of it." Maggie's face is the picture of someone who thinks she's being a Judas saying all this.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 4:56 am
by Mr. Handy

"Then I was right, Doctor, it was anemia," says Victoria.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 9:50 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:
"It's... it's my... father. He... could you help him to not need to drink so much? If I could get him to come. He'd... be happier if he didn't drink so much... I'm sure of it." Maggie's face is the picture of someone who thinks she's being a Judas saying all this.
"Do you think you could persuade him to seek my help? If not, there are more subtle ways to proceed, without his knowledge."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 10:08 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"Then I was right, Doctor, it was anemia," says Victoria.
"I suppose you could call it that, in a sense. Without getting into technical details, let's just say that it's a minor disorder of the blood cells, one I've seen before in my practice. Time is the best cure."

These words would seem to be prophetic, as Carolyn seems more lively as the days go by. She continues to go out most nights, which isn't unusual for a popular young woman with many admirers. Speaking of which, the two she most frequently is seen with, namely Joe Haskell and Burke Devlin, come up to the mansion on separate occasions to call on her. Both wind up disappointed when they ask her out, as she claims to be busy.

David acts bored and cranky lately, claiming that Josette and Sarah haven't been around lately. ("My son's imaginary friends," Roger remarks dryly. "He's rather a ladies' man, it seems," he continues, with a mixture of exasperation and amusement.) He also remarks, rather oddly, that "the old guy is still real old, but not super-super old." He also mutters something about finding out what his "dumb cousin" is up to.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 9:43 pm
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:"Do you think you could persuade him to seek my help? If not, there are more subtle ways to proceed, without his knowledge."
"I'll try. Thankyou Dr Hoffman."

The next time she's eating together with Sam, she'll mention off hand that she's that doctor who came to town with Barnabas Collins a couple of times. "She's a psychiatrist, I think. I don't know what she's treating him for though."

A nights she keeps playing the music box and dreaming of a better life.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 3:55 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'm wondering where Carolyn goes at night too," says Victoria to David. "She's not going out with Joe or Burke, so what exactly is she doing? And the old guy is getting younger now? Is he always alone?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 11:04 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:I'll try. Thankyou Dr Hoffman."

The next time she's eating together with Sam, she'll mention off hand that she's that doctor who came to town with Barnabas Collins a couple of times. "She's a psychiatrist, I think. I don't know what she's treating him for though."
"Headshrinker, eh? Anybody who'd go to a psychiatrist should have his head examined." Sam guffaws at his own joke, and is obviously not impressed by Doctor Hoffman's credentials.
At nights she keeps playing the music box and dreaming of a better life.
Maggie,That night you have a vivid dream of walking out to Widow's Hill on a moonlit night and watching the waves crash against the rocks far below. You are dressed in clothing of a time long past; perhaps, in a part of your mind that knows you are dreaming, this seems like the cover art of a paperback romance novel. A man, dressed in an equally archaic way, approaches you. It is Barnabas, but he seems younger somehow, more vibrant. He takes your hand and leads you away from the edge of the cliff. You awaken, feeling as if the dream were as real as the modern world.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 11:15 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"I'm wondering where Carolyn goes at night too," says Victoria to David. "She's not going out with Joe or Burke, so what exactly is she doing? And the old guy is getting younger now? Is he always alone?"
"I dunno. I just catch glimpses of him, right after the sun goes down. I'm not supposed to stay out too late, like I'm some kind of big baby. Say, if I sneak out some night and try to follow the guy, you wouldn't tell on me, would you?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 8:18 pm
by Mr. Handy

"That sounds awfully dangerous," says Victoria. "If anything happened to you, I'd never forgive myself. Maybe it's better if I follow Carolyn instead. I'm allowed out nights just like she is, so nobody could possibly object."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 12:12 am
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:"Headshrinker, eh? Anybody who'd go to a psychiatrist should have his head examined." Sam guffaws at his own joke, and is obviously not impressed by Doctor Hoffman's credentials.
"I've been thinking of going to see her. See if she can help me with my claustrophobia."
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:
Maggie,That night you have a vivid dream of walking out to Widow's Hill on a moonlit night and watching the waves crash against the rocks far below. You are dressed in clothing of a time long past; perhaps, in a part of your mind that knows you are dreaming, this seems like the cover art of a paperback romance novel. A man, dressed in an equally archaic way, approaches you. It is Barnabas, but he seems younger somehow, more vibrant. He takes your hand and leads you away from the edge of the cliff. You awaken, feeling as if the dream were as real as the modern world.
Maggie seems dreamy and out of it in the diner the next day.[spoiler-button],The dream is going back and forth in her mind. There's something scary about it - Barnabas was kind of creepy at the party - but Maggie is drawn to the thought anyway - all her and Sam's problems would be over.[/spoiler-button]

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 10:16 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"That sounds awfully dangerous," says Victoria. "If anything happened to you, I'd never forgive myself. Maybe it's better if I follow Carolyn instead. I'm allowed out nights just like she is, so nobody could possibly object."
"Aw, gee, I never have any fun." This complaint is not an uncommon one, nor is it particularly accurate. In any case, David does not press his case further.

That evening, Victoria makes some excuse for going out, intending to investigate Carolyn's nocturnal wanderings.
I won't call this Tracking, which is difficult, but rather Tailing, which involves your Dex vs. the target's Wis. Both 9, I would think.0
It's easy enough to follow Carolyn, but making one's way through the trees between the mansion and the Old House -- for that is where she is bound -- is a little trickier. Victoria happens to step on a twig, producing a loud snap. Carolyn turns around, startled, and catches sight of her.

"What . . . what are you doing here?" She seems more frightened than annoyed at being followed, and wraps her scarf more securely around her neck.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 10:30 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:"I've been thinking of going to see her. See if she can help me with my claustrophobia."
Sam shrugs. "Go ahead, as long as it doesn't cost too much. Think you can afford it?"
Maggie seems dreamy and out of it in the diner the next day. The dream is going back and forth in her mind. There's something scary about it - Barnabas was kind of creepy at the party - but Maggie is drawn to the thought anyway - all her and Sam's problems would be over.

Maggie,I'm not sure if you intended the above to be in spoiler brackets or not. Anyway, it's impossible to put out of your mind the fact that Barnabas seems to be very wealthy indeed, judging by the quality of many of the rare antiques at the Old House. (You can tell that, even if you're not an expert on antiques; some of them are decorated with what must be real jewels.) Not that you would consider a man's riches a factor in your friendship with him! But he does seem to be generous. On the other hand, Burke Devlin isn't exactly a pauper, either, and he's not so eccentric . . .

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 7:43 pm
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:Sam shrugs. "Go ahead, as long as it doesn't cost too much. Think you can afford it?"
"I'd have to find out, but I think Mr Collins pays her, so she might not charge at all. I wondered if we could go together."
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:
Maggie,I'm not sure if you intended the above to be in spoiler brackets or not. Anyway, it's impossible to put out of your mind the fact that Barnabas seems to be very wealthy indeed, judging by the quality of many of the rare antiques at the Old House. (You can tell that, even if you're not an expert on antiques; some of them are decorated with what must be real jewels.) Not that you would consider a man's riches a factor in your friendship with him! But he does seem to be generous. On the other hand, Burke Devlin isn't exactly a pauper, either, and he's not so eccentric . . .
Vicki,I did, as it was more thoughts and setting myself up for trouble :cry: . No, it can't all be about money, but security is a tempting thought. And Burke seems to be off the hook for murdering someone which puts him below Barnabas in the unnerving department.
Does Burke still come by the diner? If so Maggie will make a point of greeting him. "We haven't talked in a while. Not since the fire, really How have you been?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 11:09 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I was wondering where you go at night," says Victoria, sticking with the truth. She's not a very good liar anyway. "I was also worried about you. It's not safe to go out alone at night."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 10:22 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:]"I'd have to find out, but I think Mr Collins pays her, so she might not charge at all. I wondered if we could go together."
"Well, OK. That Old House is getting to be quite a place, they tell me. Might make a good subject for a painting. You know, sell it to a tourist. Local color stuff."

Sam seems more amenable to a visit to Doctor Hoffman, now that it seems that money might not be involved.

Does Burke still come by the diner? If so Maggie will make a point of greeting him. "We haven't talked in a while. Not since the fire, really. How have you been?"
Burke comes in for a cup of coffee.

"Not bad. Busy. Got some business to take care of in South America. Lots of long distant phone calls, you know. So, how's life treating you? Been kinda quiet down at the Blue Whale, now that Carolyn's not hanging around with her lap dog, what's-his-name, Joe. Maybe you and I should pay a visit there some time. Oh, I ran into your old man a couple of nights ago. Really hitting the sauce, isn't he? Not that I don't enjoy a good snort myself."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 10:27 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"I was wondering where you go at night," says Victoria, sticking with the truth. She's not a very good liar anyway. "I was also worried about you. It's not safe to go out alone at night."
"Uh, I'm fine. Just fine. Don't worry about me."

Carolyn scurries towards the Old House and bangs on the front door repeatedly. Willie opens it.

"You shouldn't be comin' around here, Miss--" he begins.

Carolyn rushes inside before he can finish. She pushes the door closed behind herself.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 12:29 am
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:"Well, OK. That Old House is getting to be quite a place, they tell me. Might make a good subject for a painting. You know, sell it to a tourist. Local color stuff."
"That's great. Thanks, Dad."
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:Maybe you and I should pay a visit there some time. Oh, I ran into your old man a couple of nights ago. Really hitting the sauce, isn't he? Not that I don't enjoy a good snort myself."
"Yeah," Maggie replies, biting her lip. "It'd be nice to go out."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 4:47 am
by Mr. Handy

Victoria knocks on the door.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 9:18 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:That's great. Thanks, Dad."
Without a phone in the Old House, it seems that the only way to reach Doctor Hoffman for an appointment is to wait until running into her in town, or to head up to the Old House.
Yeah," Maggie replies, biting her lip. "It'd be nice to go out."
"Great. It's a date. Meet you there at, say, seven tonight. Bring your dancing shoes." Burke pays for his coffee, leaving a big tip, and makes his exit with a wink. He doesn't wait for an acceptance.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 9:23 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote: Victoria knocks on the door.
The door opens the tiniest possible crack. One of the eyes of Willie Loomis can be seen peering through.

"There ain't nobody home. They all left on, uh, business. Come back tomorrow. Or next week, maybe."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 1:34 am
by SunlessNick

After her shift, Maggie makes sure there's some food for Sam, then gets dressed up to go out with Burke, eager for a night away from her thoughts.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 4:46 am
by Mr. Handy

"I came here with Carolyn," says Victoria. "I just saw her go inside."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 10:14 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote: After her shift, Maggie makes sure there's some food for Sam, then gets dressed up to go out with Burke, eager for a night away from her thoughts.
At some point during the dining, drinking, and dancing, Burke casually remarks, "You've been up to Barnabas' place, haven't you? I'm curious about that guy. I've hired a couple of investigators, and I can't get a handle on him. I know he's loaded, but they can't prove he's even got a bank account. One of my guys has seen him walk into a pawn shop just before it closed for the night, carrying something that looked like a jewel box, and then walking out, counting a pile of cash. Then there's all those so-called business trips to Boston or Bangor. I've tried to have him tailed, but my guys always lose him somehow. Maybe they're too sleepy; Barnabas leaves long before the sun comes up, but after a while they just can't follow him. I've never known somebody to shake a tail so well, and my guys are no amateurs."

He laughs dryly. "Maybe he's in the Mafia. If he's got some kind of legit business going on, I'd like to get my hands on a piece of it."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 10:29 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"I came here with Carolyn," says Victoria. "I just saw her go inside."
"Uh, nope. She ain't here."

Before Victoria can reply to this obvious lie, she sees a hand land heavily on Willie's shoulder. The owner of the hand pulls him aside and opens the door wide. It is Barnabas.

"I am afraid you are mistaken, Willie. Please leave us. We will discuss this matter later."

"Yes sir, Mister Barnabas, yes sir. I didn't mean no harm." Willie rushes.

"Please come in, Miss Winters. I am afraid that Willie is sometimes overly zealous when it comes to protecting my privacy."

He leads Victoria into a sitting room dimly lit with candles, where Carolyn stands near the fireplace, the low, quiet flames casting dancing shadows on the walls. She stares at Victoria but does not speak. She holds a glass of wine in her hand, and is still wearing the heavy scarf, despite the warmth of the fire.

"May I offer you some sherry?" Barnabas inquires.

Carolyn quickly drains her own glass and turns to face the fire.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 1:00 am
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:He laughs dryly. "Maybe he's in the Mafia. If he's got some kind of legit business going on, I'd like to get my hands on a piece of it."
"He is a weird guy,I'll say that - he talks about the past like he was there. He's pretty into me."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 5:08 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you," says Victoria, "but I'll have to decline the sherry. I'm still too young to drink. Maybe in a few months."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 10:13 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote: "He is a weird guy,I'll say that - he talks about the past like he was there. He's pretty into me."
Burke raises an eyebrow.

"Trying to make me jealous? That's OK; I'm not exactly a one-woman man myself. Say, if he's really interested in you, maybe you could charm him into revealing some of his secrets. Where he gets all that loot. I could make it worth your while." He smiles. "C'mon. Haven't you ever wanted to play Mati Hari?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 10:16 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote: "Thank you," says Victoria, "but I'll have to decline the sherry. I'm still too young to drink. Maybe in a few months."
"I understand. Where I come from, even children often indulge in small amounts of wine and ale. No matter. Tell me, to what do I owe this unexpected but thoroughly charming visit?"

As this conversation proceeds, Carolyn moves away from the other two, withdrawing into a dark corner.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 10:24 pm
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:He smiles. "C'mon. Haven't you ever wanted to play Mati Hari?"
"Mata Hari, huh? You picture picture me sneaking around in a showgirl costume?" Maggie says - she smiles, trying to avert any sense that he insulted her (and to cover her embarassment at what she just said).

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 5:34 am
by Mr. Handy

"Oh, I came with Carolyn," says Victoria. "I was worried about her walking alone at night."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 9:37 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:"Mata Hari, huh? You picture me sneaking around in a showgirl costume?" Maggie says - she smiles, trying to avert any sense that he insulted her (and to cover her embarrassment at what she just said).
"That's an interesting image, but something a little more subtle might be more effective. Just give Barnabas the Friendly Girl Next Door treatment, and I'll bet he'll spill a few beans. Golden beans, maybe."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 9:40 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"Oh, I came with Carolyn," says Victoria. "I was worried about her walking alone at night."
"As you can see, she is perfectly safe. I would never let anything happen to one of my relatives. Come, cousin," he says to Carolyn, waving her over. "Allow Miss Winters to perceive that my abode is hardly the 'haunted house' David imagines it to be."

With seeming reluctance, Carolyn joins the other two, greeting Victoria with a dull "Hello."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 1:43 am
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:"That's an interesting image, but something a little more subtle might be more effective. Just give Barnabas the Friendly Girl Next Door treatment, and I'll bet he'll spill a few beans. Golden beans, maybe."
"I'll do my best."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 5:36 am
by Mr. Handy

"Hi, Carolyn", says Victoria. "Are you feeling all right?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 9:30 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:"That's an interesting image, but something a little more subtle might be more effective. Just give Barnabas the Friendly Girl Next Door treatment, and I'll bet he'll spill a few beans. Golden beans, maybe."
"I'll do my best."
"Great! Get back to me when you find out anything."

Burke seems very pleased by Maggie's agreement, and drops hints that he might be willing to cut her in on any profitable deals he comes by, once he finds out what Barnabas has up his sleeve. The rest of the evening is spent in pleasant conversation about nothing much.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 9:34 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"Hi, Carolyn", says Victoria. "Are you feeling all right?"
The response is a dull "Yes."

At this point, Doctor Hoffman emerges from behind a heavy locked metal door. What little can be seen as she enters the room, then quickly locks the door behind herself, suggests that it leads downstairs. She seems a bit surprised to see Victoria, but responds politely.

"Miss Winters. Barnabas, I believe it's time for your treatment."

"Of course. Ladies, if you will excuse me, I bid you good night."

Carolyn nods to Barnabas and exits through the front door. Smiling, Barnabas keeps an eye on Victoria.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 2:23 am
by SunlessNick

Maggie is tired when she gets home, and forgoes the box. However, she resolves to go to Dr Hoffman tomorrow, whether Sam comes or not - and it is not entirely for Burke's sake that she hopes to meet Barnabas there when she does.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 5:26 am
by Mr. Handy

"Good night, Mr. Collins," says Victoria, smiling back. "Dr. Hoffman, could you please look in on Carolyn again tomorrow. I'm still worried about her. She's not herself. Good night." She follows Carolyn outside.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 9:44 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
The next morning.

As requested, Doctor Hoffman pays an early morning visit. Taking Carolyn into another room, she emerges several minutes later.

"I don't think she'll have any more problems," she explains. "She's taking a nice, long nap now."

Long after Doctor Hoffman leaves, Carolyn awakes, seeming calm and cheerful. She enjoys a hearty meal, and seems to have recovered much of the color in her face. She even calls Joe Haskell, whom she has neglected for quite a while, on the phone. Judging from her side of the conversation, she manages to quell his understandable annoyance, and manipulates him into asking her out.

Despite doing all she can to convince her father to pay a visit to Doctor Hoffman, Sam refuses to go to the Old House with Maggie.

"Maybe some other time," he says. "I've got work to do." This isn't just an excuse, as he is hard at work doing the preliminary sketches for a new painting.

That afternoon, after her morning shift is over, Maggie goes to the Old House. Willie answers her knock.

"Barnabas ain't here," is the first thing he says.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 1:57 am
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:"Barnabas ain't here," is the first thing he says.
Maggie's face betrays disappointment, but she answers, "It's Dr Hoffman I'm here to see... is she about, or is it ok if I wait?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 4:28 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'm glad you're feeling better, Carolyn," says Victoria. "Whatever Dr. Hoffman is doing, it seems to be working."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 10:16 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:Maggie's face betrays disappointment, but she answers, "It's Dr Hoffman I'm here to see... is she about, or is it ok if I wait?"
"Oh. Just a minute."

Instead of inviting her in, Willi shuts the door in her face and even locks it shut. There follows the sound of banging on a metal door and shouts of "Doc? Hey, Doc! Somebody to see ya."

A bit later, the front door opens again, this time by Doctor Hoffman.

"How nice to see you again. May I be of any service?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 10:18 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"I'm glad you're feeling better, Carolyn," says Victoria. "Whatever Dr. Hoffman is doing, it seems to be working."
"I suppose," Carolyn responds. "She seems to be a competent enough doctor. Don't you think she's a little too long in the tooth to be making goo-goo eyes at cousin Barnabas, though? He needs somebody young, vibrant, full of life."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 9:40 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Barnabas is closer to our age than hers," says Victoria. "I don't know how he feels about her, but he was smiling at me last night. I think he also might like Maggie. Are you interested in him?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 1:21 am
by SunlessNick

"My Dad wouldn't come," Maggie says. "But I was wondering if maybe you could help me instead. Can hypnotherapy do anything about being scared of things? I get claustrophobia sometimes, and a friend nearly got hurt over it," she adds, remembering the time Vix was trapped in the secret passages.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 9:46 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"Barnabas is closer to our age than hers," says Victoria. "I don't know how he feels about her, but he was smiling at me last night. I think he also might like Maggie. Are you interested in him?"
"Oh, I suppose Maggie Evans is cute enough, in her own way, if you like the downhome type. And, you, dear; I find your innocence absolutely charming. But I think Barnabas is looking for someone more sophisticated, don't you? As for me, well, we're very distant cousins, after all; hardly family, really. And don't you think older men are more interesting than the boys who hang around the Blue Whale?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 9:52 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:
"My Dad wouldn't come," Maggie says. "But I was wondering if maybe you could help me instead. Can hypnotherapy do anything about being scared of things? I get claustrophobia sometimes, and a friend nearly got hurt over it," she adds, remembering the time Vix was trapped in the secret passages.
"I believe I can help you."

Doctor Hoffman takes Maggie aside into a small room lit by a single candle. In the dimness, she holds up the pendant she always wears around her neck.

"Concentrate on the colored glass. Look deeply into it. You can feel yourself falling into a deep, restful sleep."

The next thing she knows, Maggie hears Doctor Hoffman snap her fingers. She feels refreshed.

"I don't think enclosed spaces will bother you anymore," Doctor Hoffman says. "Feel free to come again if you need further treatment."
Maggie,Voluntarily undergoing hypnosis removes the phobia. Let's see if there are other effects.0 You are now completely convinced that you are the reincarnation of Josette Dupres. This seems like a perfectly reasonable fact to you now. You also feel the need to keep this a secret from everyone except Willie, Barnabas, and Doctor Hoffman. In addition, you also accept as a fact that the current Barnabas Collins is the reincarnation of the ancestor who shares his name. It seems obvious that fate has brought you back together again.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 7:59 pm
by Mr. Handy

"We'll they've certainly had more time to do interesting things," says Victoria. "I'm sure the right man for me is out there somewhere. One day I'll meet him, and we'll fall in love."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 12:34 am
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:
Maggie,Voluntarily undergoing hypnosis removes the phobia. Let's see if there are other effects.247263:0 You are now completely convinced that you are the reincarnation of Josette Dupres. This seems like a perfectly reasonable fact to you now. You also feel the need to keep this a secret from everyone except Willie, Barnabas, and Doctor Hoffman. In addition, you also accept as a fact that the current Barnabas Collins is the reincarnation of the ancestor who shares his name. It seems obvious that fate has brought you back together again.
Vicki OOC,Since Claustrophobia is from the Everywoman weakness, I should probably replace it with something - what about inverting In True Love, so I have a penalty to resist him (whether he tries to do something to me, or tells me to do something), or to do anything that would be against him?
Vicki IC,"[color=#00BF40]Oh, my![/color]" Maggie says when she comes out of the trance. "[color=#00BF40]Did I say anything while I was...? I have the strangest... I get it now, why I look like her. It's so freaky.[/color]" She shakes her head. "[color=#00BF40]I'm sorry, I probably sound nuts. I mean Josette. When does Barnabas get home? I have to talk to him.[/color]"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 9:26 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:
Vicki OOC,Since Claustrophobia is from the Everywoman weakness, I should probably replace it with something - what about inverting In True Love, so I have a penalty to resist him (whether he tries to do something to me, or tells me to do something), or to do anything that would be against him?
SunlessNick,That sounds OK to me, although you will still possess free will to resist things that are dangerous or evil.
Vicki IC,"[color=#00BF40]Oh, my![/color]" Maggie says when she comes out of the trance. "[color=#00BF40]Did I say anything while I was...? I have the strangest... I get it now, why I look like her. It's so freaky.[/color]" She shakes her head. "[color=#00BF40]I'm sorry, I probably sound nuts. I mean Josette. When does Barnabas get home? I have to talk to him.[/color]"
Once Maggie wakes from the hypnotic trance, Doctor Hoffman escorts her into the drawing room. Willie is standing there, seeming somewhat anxious.

"I don't think you should wait until Barnabas gets back," he says. "He shows up late. After dark. You don't wanna be hangin' around after dark. It ain't safe."

"Don't be silly," Doctor Hoffman says. "After a successful session of hypnotherapy, the subject requires a good, long rest, to ensure the effect doesn't wear off. Why don't I take Miss Evans upstairs. There's a newly restored guest room. I'm sure you'll like it, dear."

"That's her room, ain't it?"

"Willie, make sure everything is secure downstairs, please."

Willie shrugs and heads toward the heavy locked metal door, mumbling to himself. Doctor Hoffman takes Maggie's hand and leads her to the stairs.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 9:38 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"Well they've certainly had more time to do interesting things," says Victoria. "I'm sure the right man for me is out there somewhere. One day I'll meet him, and we'll fall in love."
"Oh, I'm sure you will. Some nice, true-blue American boy, with a heart of gold. It takes all types, I suppose." She laughs a bit and gazes out the window.

Later that day, Joe Haskell shows up for their date. Carolyn comes downstairs from her room, dressed to the nines, hair styled elaborately, makeup perfectly applied.

"Wow," Joe says. "I mean, you look great." He glances down at his own turtleneck shirt and jeans. "I thought we we're just going to the Blue Whale to hang around a while. You'll knock 'em dead."

"Thank you," Carolyn says languidly. She allows Joe to arrange her best fur stole across her shoulders. As they prepare to leave, she looks back at Victoria.

"Joe is such a nice, true-blue American boy, don't you think?" She laughs lightly.

"Uh, thanks, I guess," Joe says, a bit embarrassed. They head out the door.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 5:10 am
by Mr. Handy

"He sure is," says Victoria. She's relieved that Carolyn is going out with Joe and not by herself this time. She's sure Carolyn will be safe with him around to protect her.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 5:36 am
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:Willie shrugs and heads toward the heavy locked metal door, mumbling to himself. Doctor Hoffman takes Maggie's hand and leads her to the stairs.
Maggie gives Willie an encouraging smile, not wanting to spurn his concern, but follows Dr Hoffman up the stairs. Once at the room, she asks, "Do a lot of your patients talk about past lives? I've heard about stuff like that."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 9:38 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote: "He sure is," says Victoria. She's relieved that Carolyn is going out with Joe and not by herself this time. She's sure Carolyn will be safe with him around to protect her.
Carolyn returns late that night. The next day, Bill Malloy, manager of the Collins Fishing Fleet and Cannery, shows up at Collinwood for one of his regular weekly meetings with Elizabeth Stoddard, the owner of the company, to discuss the business. (Roger Collins is present as well, but clearly doesn't take much interest in the ins and outs of the company.) After discussing the usual day-to-day affairs of the business, he asks about Joe Haskell.

"The lad didn't show up at the dock this morning to take out his boat. Never known him to miss a day's work. I know he's been keeping company with Miss Carolyn. You wouldn't happen to know if he's ill, would you?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 9:46 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:Maggie gives Willie an encouraging smile, not wanting to spurn his concern, but follows Dr Hoffman up the stairs. Once at the room, she asks, "Do a lot of your patients talk about past lives? I've heard about stuff like that."
"'There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of . . ." I wouldn't dismiss the possibility." She laughs. "Sometimes I imagine I was a Gypsy fortuneteller in a former life. Who knows?"

The room is decorated with authentic antiques, as well as an armoire full of women's clothing from nearly two centuries ago, in remarkably fine condition for its age. There is a vanity table with a full mirror, slightly warped with age, as well as hairbrushes and the like. There is also a bottle of perfume. There is an old-fashioned fourposter bed, fully supplied with linens.

"Just make yourself comfortable. Barnabas should be back soon after sunset."

Doctor Hoffman withdraws, closing the door.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 2:05 am
by SunlessNick
Vicki,As if in a dream, Maggie looks through the clothes, before dressing herself in one of the gowns. She sits at the vanity and brushes her hair, but does not style it the way she remembers from the portrait - she wants to appear as herself as well as Josette. She looks over the antiques, wondering how many of them were hers. If there are books, she chooses one to read - otherwise she lies down on the bed and dozes.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 3:20 am
by Mr. Handy

"I saw him leave with Carolyn last night," says Victoria. "He seemed in good health at the time."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 9:58 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:
Vicki,As if in a dream, Maggie looks through the clothes, before dressing herself in one of the gowns. She sits at the vanity and brushes her hair, but does not style it the way she remembers from the portrait - she wants to appear as herself as well as Josette. She looks over the antiques, wondering how many of them were hers. If there are books, she chooses one to read - otherwise she lies down on the bed and dozes.
Maggie,There is a Bible and a book of prayers, both in French, which you are unable to read. Both volumes seem to be very old, but in good condition. There is also a journal or diary of sorts, containing fine, delicate handwriting, in a mixture of French and English, describing a difficult sea voyage from the West Indies to New England. It also contains the remnants of pressed flowers; by this time, little more than dry fragments. It seems to be scented with jasmine, which helps you relax into a pleasant nap. When you awake, Barnabas is standing over you. He holds the book you have been reading. "It pleases me more than I can say to find you arrayed in such fashion. Come, let us go downstairs, and share this moment of happiness with others." He offers his hand.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 10:13 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"I saw him leave with Carolyn last night," says Victoria. "He seemed in good health at the time."
"Hmm. Never knew the boy to have more than a couple of beers down at the Blue Whale. I better go check on him, just in case."

Some hours later, a phone call comes from Malloy, letting Mrs Stoddard know that he found Joe unconscious in his bachelor apartment.

"Doc says he'll be OK in a day or two," he explains, "but he's pretty weak right now. Got him down at the clinic, resting up."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 2:33 am
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:
Maggie,There is a Bible and a book of prayers, both in French, which you are unable to read. Both volumes seem to be very old, but in good condition. There is also a journal or diary of sorts, containing fine, delicate handwriting, in a mixture of French and English, describing a difficult sea voyage from the West Indies to New England. It also contains the remnants of pressed flowers; by this time, little more than dry fragments. It seems to be scented with jasmine, which helps you relax into a pleasant nap. When you awake, Barnabas is standing over you. He holds the book you have been reading. "It pleases me more than I can say to find you arrayed in such fashion. Come, let us go downstairs, and share this moment of happiness with others." He offers his hand.
Vicki,Maggie lets him help her up, then says, "[color=#00BF40]I remember. Well, I don't, but I know. I know I was Josette once, in another life. And you were the Barnabas that she knew. And we're together again... it's amazing.[/color] She lets him lead her downstairs.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 4:50 am
by Mr. Handy

Victoria goes to the clinic to visit Joe to see how he's doing and if she can help him.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 12:25 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:
Vicki,Maggie lets him help her up, then says, "[color=#00BF40]I remember. Well, I don't, but I know. I know I was Josette once, in another life. And you were the Barnabas that she knew. And we're together again... it's amazing.[/color] She lets him lead her downstairs.
Maggie,Barnabas is highly pleased by your statement. You spend some mostly pleasant time with Barnabas, Doctor Hoffman, and Willie, although the latter seems a little startled, seeing you in Josette's clothing. After some time spent in idle chit-chat, Doctor Hoffman tells you that it's time for Barnabas to have his treatment. "If you would like to change back into your own clothing?" she suggests. "It's getting rather late." Barnabas seems to frown at this, his forehead wrinkling, but says nothing. The two of them pass through the locked metal door and downstairs. While they are gone, Willie draws close to you and whispers, "I don't know what the two of them are cookin' up, but I'd watch out if I were you. Doc's got some funny ideas. You ain't Josette, you know." He avoids saying anything else, lest the other two return.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 12:33 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote: Victoria goes to the clinic to visit Joe to see how he's doing and if she can help him.
A visit from Victoria seems to perk Joe up. He looks pale and seems a little dazed, but is able to sit up on a cot and take in some nourishment.

"Thanks for coming, Vicki. Gee, I don't know what happened. Last thing I remember, I was walking Carolyn home from the Blue Whale. Next thing I knew, Bill was shaking me awake. I must have passed out, maybe hit my head and got a little amnesia. Cut myself, too, somehow." He points to a bandage on his neck. "They say I'll be OK pretty quick. Say, if you talk to Carolyn, ask her to come see me, OK? Maybe she'll feel sorry for me and think harder about my next proposal." He says this last with a wry smile.

When this message is given to Carolyn, she states that she'll go visit him that night.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 2:41 am
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:
Maggie,Barnabas is highly pleased by your statement. You spend some mostly pleasant time with Barnabas, Doctor Hoffman, and Willie, although the latter seems a little startled, seeing you in Josette's clothing. After some time spent in idle chit-chat, Doctor Hoffman tells you that it's time for Barnabas to have his treatment. "If you would like to change back into your own clothing?" she suggests. "It's getting rather late." Barnabas seems to frown at this, his forehead wrinkling, but says nothing. The two of them pass through the locked metal door and downstairs. While they are gone, Willie draws close to you and whispers, "I don't know what the two of them are cookin' up, but I'd watch out if I were you. Doc's got some funny ideas. You ain't Josette, you know." He avoids saying anything else, lest the other two return.
Vicki,"[color=#00BF40]It's all right,[/color]" Maggie says. "[color=#00BF40]I know I'm not literally the same person I was back then. I just know it's not a coincidence that I was born here and now, looking like this.[/color]" She heads back upstairs to change back into her own clothes.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:57 am
by Mr. Handy

"Do you remember what happened last night?" Victoria asks Carolyn. "Joe was walking you home, but he doesn't remember getting there."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 9:33 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Maggie,You have a vivid dream that night, after returning home. A little girl, dressed in old-fashioned clothing, stands next to the Old House, talking to a very old man. He seems to be weeping, although you can't understand what they're saying. The scene changes, as it does in dreams, to the edge of Widow's Hill. The ocean roars far below. Barnabas, in modern clothing, beckons you away from the cliffside, but you fear him as much as you do falling into the sea. You awake suddenly, heart pounding.
The next afternoon, Sam tells Maggie that he's been to see Joe Haskell at the clinic.

"He's a good guy, did some posing for me when he was just a kid. Seems he's taken a turn for the worse. You should go see him, give him some of that famous Evans charm."

He works on a sketch of a young girl in clothing of centuries past.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 9:37 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"Do you remember what happened last night?" Victoria asks Carolyn. "Joe was walking you home, but he doesn't remember getting there."
"Oh, he must have been a little tipsy. He got away from me safely, I assure you. We just did a little . . . necking. You know." She laughs lightly.

Carolyn goes out that night to call on Joe. The next morning, when Elizabeth calls Bill to check on things, he reports that Joe is doing a little worse.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 2:12 am
by SunlessNick

"I'll call in on my way to my shift," Maggie says, slightly distractedly. "Who's that?" she asks pointing at the picture.

She makes a little extra breakfast, so as to take some for Joe.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 4:54 am
by Mr. Handy

"Maybe Dr. Hoffman should look in on Joe," suggests Victoria. "She worked wonders for Carolyn."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 10:26 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:
"I'll call in on my way to my shift," Maggie says, slightly distractedly. "Who's that?" she asks pointing at the picture.
"Nobody in particular. Some old-timey kid I had a dream about. Looks kinda sad, doesn't she? Not much for the tourist trade, but I'm intrigued by her."
She makes a little extra breakfast, so as to take some for Joe.
Joe is thankful for the food, as he's been really hungry lately. He seems quite pale and tired, only able to eat slowly, a few small bites at a time.

"I'm as weak as a kitten. I sleep like a rock all night, but I can't seem to get any rest. Boy, I wish I could jump up and go see Carolyn. I'm really getting obsessed with her. Typical lovesick boyfriend, I guess." He soon closes his eyes and drifts into deep sleep.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 10:39 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"Maybe Dr. Hoffman should look in on Joe," suggests Victoria. "She worked wonders for Carolyn."

Elizabeth takes Victoria's advice and consults Doctor Hoffman. After a private session with the patient, she suggests that he be moved to Windcliff Sanitarium, the facility for which she is the titular head, although her employment at the Old House prevents her from spending much time there. (The facility is about one hundred miles north of Collinsport.) The staff of the Collinsport Medical Clinic is adamant that the patient not be moved.

"There's not much I can do for him here," she confesses. "His case is very unusual. Perhaps regular visits from Miss Stoddard would cheer him up. He's quite taken with the young lady."

Over the next few nights, Carolyn spends time at Joe's side. He looks forward eagerly to these meetings, although he grows even more pale and loses weight.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2021 3:27 am
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:"Nobody in particular. Some old-timey kid I had a dream about. Looks kinda sad, doesn't she? Not much for the tourist trade, but I'm intrigued by her."
"Yeah..." Maggie agrees, wondering if she was someone from Josette's time.
"I'm as weak as a kitten. I sleep like a rock all night, but I can't seem to get any rest. Boy, I wish I could jump up and go see Carolyn. I'm really getting obsessed with her. Typical lovesick boyfriend, I guess." He soon closes his eyes and drifts into deep sleep.
"Girls aren't immune," Maggie smiles. "Feel better soon."

Once Joe is asleep, she'll go to the diner and do her shift. If Burke comes in she'll say she hasn't found anything.
Vicki,After her shift, she is torn about what to do, but her newfound "Addicted to Barnabas" kicks in and she heads up to the manor - her mind is in a whirl and she's desperate to talk to him about it - they've been waiting so long to be together.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2021 4:42 am
by Mr. Handy

Victoria visits Joe again to see if there's anything she can do to help him.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2021 10:21 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Maggie,That night, very near the Old House, you are surprised to encounter Carolyn Stoddard in the woods. She seems flushed with excitement. Her eyes burn brightly in the moonlight. Neither one of you has a chance to speak to the other before the door bursts open. Barnabas steps out and shouts at Carolyn. "You will not harm her! Go!" She runs off making a strange sound, almost hissing like a cat. Barnabas grabs your arm -- he is surprisingly strong for such a slender man -- and takes you inside. Regaining some of his usual soft spoken manner, he says "Forgive me. There is much you do not fully understand."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2021 10:24 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote: Victoria visits Joe again to see if there's anything she can do to help him.
The reception explains that Mister Haskell is not currently allowed to receive visitors. "I practically had to throw his girlfriend out," she admits. "If you'd care to put your name on the list of possible blood donors?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2021 8:27 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Oh, that's a great idea!" says Victoria, gladly adding her name to the list. "It does seem like he may have some form of anemia. Carolyn had it too, but she's been doing much better since Dr. Hoffman started treating her."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 6:31 am
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:
Maggie,That night, very near the Old House, you are surprised to encounter Carolyn Stoddard in the woods. She seems flushed with excitement. Her eyes burn brightly in the moonlight. Neither one of you has a chance to speak to the other before the door bursts open. Barnabas steps out and shouts at Carolyn. "You will not harm her! Go!" She runs off making a strange sound, almost hissing like a cat. Barnabas grabs your arm -- he is surprisingly strong for such a slender man -- and takes you inside. Regaining some of his usual soft spoken manner, he says "Forgive me. There is much you do not fully understand."
Vicki,"[color=#00BF40]You can tell me anything, Barnabas. Why did you think she would hurt me?[/color]"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 9:33 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:"Oh, that's a great idea!" says Victoria, gladly adding her name to the list. "It does seem like he may have some form of anemia. Carolyn had it too, but she's been doing much better since Dr. Hoffman started treating her."
The receptionist takes down Victoria's information, while casually remarking "Hoffman, eh? I didn't think I'd ever hear that name again."

Let's check your blood type. Percentages:
O positive: 35%
O negative: 13%
A positive: 30%
A negative: 8%
B positive: 8%
B negative: 2%
AB positive: 2%
AB negative: 1%
0 That makes you A negative.

Joe's blood type:1

That makes him B Negative
Once the blood typing is completed, while Victoria sits patiently reading an old magazine, the receptionist returns with some bad news.

"I'm afraid you can't give blood to Mister Haskell. You're Type A, you see, and he's Type B. What makes it ironic is that you're both RH negative! That's pretty rare. If only you were type B or Type O, there wouldn't be any problem, but Mister Haskell can't receive Type A, or any RH positive blood. It's going to be tough to find RH negative donors of the correct types. Poor fellow, to have such rare blood. And that's not the only thing odd about it."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 9:58 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Maggie,At this juncture, Doctor Hoffman enters the room, obviously aware of what has occurred. "You recall when you first came to see me, and I asked you if you were concerned about Miss Stoddard? I was worried that you might have heard something, and I was pleased that you showed no sign of understanding her unfortunate situation. I see now that it's too late to keep things completely quiet, but I must ask for your discretion in this matter. "Miss Stoddard's condition is not entirely physical. I've managed to keep that part of her ailment under control with some simple treatments, but I'm afraid her mental condition is . . . fragile, let us say. I have been unable to convince Mrs Stoddard that she would be better off at Windcliff Sanitarium." "I assure you, Miss Evans," Barnabas adds, "that I will never allow any harm to come to you. I have some control over Carolyn's actions, no doubt because we are blood relations, no matter how distant." He closes his eyes, as if in some distress. "Doctor, the treatment, please." "Of course." She takes Barnabas down to the room behind the locked metal door. While they are gone, Willie appears from the kitchen, dressed in an apron, carrying a wet dish in his hands and drying it with a towel, his hands shaking a bit. "Don't trust them," he whispers. "Get away while you can." He then disappears back into the kitchen.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 1:40 am
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:
While they are gone,Willie appears from the kitchen, dressed in an apron, carrying a wet dish in his hands and drying it with a towel, his hands shaking a bit. "Don't trust them," he whispers. "Get away while you can." He then disappears back into the kitchen.
Vicki,Maggie tries to reply, but says nothing as he's gone too fast. His words do puncture her haze and remind her she has to make dinner for her and Sam. She goes in to the kitchen and tells Willie she does need to go home - though her manner suggests she's confused as to why he told her to go - and can he tell Barnabas and Julia she's sorry.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 1:42 am
by Mr. Handy

"Oh?" asks Victoria. "What else was odd about it? And why didn't you think you'd hear Dr. Hoffman's name again?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 8:53 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:
Vicki,Maggie tries to reply, but says nothing as he's gone too fast. His words do puncture her haze and remind her she has to make dinner for her and Sam. She goes in to the kitchen and tells Willie she does need to go home - though her manner suggests she's confused as to why he told her to go - and can he tell Barnabas and Julia she's sorry.
Back at home, Maggie finds Sam hard at work on the new painting. It now shows the little girl holding a hand out to a very old man. Oddly, he's he modern clothing, unlike her own. She seems to be pleading with him about something, while he seems very sad.

"Not my usual subject," he muses, "but something came over me. Maybe I'm getting into surrealism in my old age. Just call me Sam Magritte. Heh. Anyway, you think maybe one of the Collins might be interested in it? They seem like the Modern Art types."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 8:57 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote: "Oh?" asks Victoria. "What else was odd about it? And why didn't you think you'd hear Dr. Hoffman's name again?"
The receptionist shrugs. "I heard a couple of the docs talking about some substance in his blood they've never seen before. Over my head. And as far as that Hoffman goes . . ." She lowers her voice and looks around to make sure they're alone. "There was all that talk about unauthorized experiments at Windcliff Sanitarium years ago. Nothing ever got proved, and she managed to hang on to her license somehow, but I didn't think she'd dare show her face in Collinsport again. Too many people with relatives at Windcliff."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 3:40 am
by Mr. Handy

"She tried to get Joe to go to Windcliff," says Victoria. "I never knew about any of this before. I suppose it's a good thing that he's here instead, but he keeps getting worse. There must be something we can do. Can I do anything to help out? I have some knowledge of first aid. I treated Maggie Evans's burns after the fire."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 6:38 am
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:"Not my usual subject," he muses, "but something came over me. Maybe I'm getting into surrealism in my old age. Just call me Sam Magritte. Heh. Anyway, you think maybe one of the Collins might be interested in it? They seem like the Modern Art types."
"Some of them are old art types as well," Maggies replies. "I think I know just the person who would like it."
Vicki,Its resemblance to her dream makes her wonder if it's connected with the strange turn of fate that has brought her and Barnabas back together. Maybe the girl is another soul who has been reincarnated. Or the child Josette and Barnabas might have had had she not died.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 9:32 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"She tried to get Joe to go to Windcliff," says Victoria. "I never knew about any of this before. I suppose it's a good thing that he's here instead, but he keeps getting worse. There must be something we can do. Can I do anything to help out? I have some knowledge of first aid. I treated Maggie Evans's burns after the fire."
"I'll talk to the docs."

After a brief conference, the physicians figure it can't do any harm for Victoria to do whatever she can to help. When she visits Joe, he perks up a bit; even a little bit of color returns to his nearly chalk-white face. Arrangements are being made to get the rare type of blood he needs from Bangor, but it's going to take time.

He even sits up for the first time in a while, but in an agitated state.

"Where's Carolyn? I need to see Carolyn. Oh, God, why isn't she here?"

He falls back down and is soon asleep.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 9:34 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote: "Some of them are old art types as well," Maggies replies. "I think I know just the person who would like it."
Vicki,Its resemblance to her dream makes her wonder if it's connected with the strange turn of fate that has brought her and Barnabas back together. Maybe the girl is another soul who has been reincarnated. Or the child Josette and Barnabas might have had had she not died.
"You do?" Sam says with a grin. "Great! Send 'em my way. Or let me take it to 'em. Either way. I could use the cash."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2021 2:06 am
by SunlessNick

Next day after her shift, Maggie suggests she and Sam go up to Collinswood to see Barnabas Collins. "He's the one I was talking about, who I thought might like the picture." On the way she idly mentions that Barnabas's doctor seems to have cured her claustrophobia.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2021 5:36 am
by Mr. Handy

Victoria tries to make Joe as comfortable as possible.
Victoria,Using Cure Light Wounds on [b]Joe[/b].

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:37 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:
Next day after her shift, Maggie suggests she and Sam go up to Collinswood to see Barnabas Collins. "He's the one I was talking about, who I thought might like the picture." On the way she idly mentions that Barnabas's doctor seems to have cured her claustrophobia.
"That's my little girl! I knew you'd get over it. Come on, let's go."

Eager for a sale, Sam wraps the painting carefully and accompanies his daughter to the Old House. It's a bright, sunny afternoon, and he seems to be in good spirits. He knocks on the door of the Old House with a "shave and a haircut two bits" pattern. Willie opens it.


"Direct me to the master of this abode, my good man. I've got something for him." He pats the painting gently.

"He ain't here."

"Then I shall make myself comfortable and wait." Sam takes a chair, eyeing the place. "Nice little pad you've got here. Say, is that real Napoleon brandy I see on the shelf?"

"You don't wanna wait. He might not be here for a long time. I dunno. He's got all these deals cookin', you know."

Willie eyes Maggie nervously, uncertain how to handle the situation.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:43 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
Victoria tries to make Joe as comfortable as possible.
Victoria,Using Cure Light Wounds on [b]Joe[/b].
Something about Victoria's tender loving care makes Joe look and feel better than he has in days. So much better, in fact, that, not long after the sun goes down, he actually pulls an IV line out of his arm, jumps out of bed, and runs down the hall to the exit of the clinic. The stunned staff takes a moment to react, giving him a head start as he runs at full speed through the small parking lot, clad only in pajamas. Soon he is lost to sight, as he enters the woods next to the clinic.

"Guess I better call the cops," muses the receptionist.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:36 pm
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:Willie eyes Maggie nervously, uncertain how to handle the situation.

"It's ok Willie, I'm not going to do anything morbid," Maggie says. "It's just a painting of my Dad's that I think Barnabas would like. Could you get us some coffee, maybe?" She puts a hand on his arm as a sign that she's not dismissing his nervousness.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 4:24 am
by Mr. Handy

"I wasn't expecting that," says Victoria. "I'll never catch up to him, but I think I know where he's going: to Collinswood to see Carolyn. She's all he talks about. I'll head back there to see if he shows up."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2021 11:22 pm
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote: "It's ok Willie, I'm not going to do anything morbid," Maggie says. "It's just a painting of my Dad's that I think Barnabas would like. Could you get us some coffee, maybe?" She puts a hand on his arm as a sign that she's not dismissing his nervousness.

"Uh, sure, OK, I guess so." Willie takes off in a hurry, returning in a bit with an antique coffee set and all the necessary accoutrements; real silver tongs for the sugar cubes, etc. There's even a plate of little cakes.

Sam helps himself to a drop of brandy in his coffee. He sips it and sighs. "Your boss really knows how to live."

"Well, yeah, I suppose. He's pretty fussy about things." His face lights up with an idea. "Say, you bein' an artist and all, you probably wanna see a buncha pictures he's got upstairs. C'mon, I'll show ya."

A fair amount of time is spent roaming through the upstairs rooms, notably not including the one where Maggie formerly rested. The paintings are all of great age, mostly ancestral portraits. By the time the tour is over, it's well after sunset. When Willie escorts Maggie and Sam downstairs, Barnabas and Doctor Hoffman are speaking softly together in the sitting room.

"Oh," Willie says loudly, "I didn't hear you come in. You got some visitors."

"So I see," Barnabas replies, rising. "What a delightful surprise, Miss Evans, Mister Evans. To what circumstances do I owe thanks for this pleasant meeting?"

After contemplating the syntax of that sentence for a moment, Sam unwraps his canvas.

Barnabas responds by opening his eyes wide, gasping, and sinking back into his chair, his hands over his face.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2021 11:23 pm
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote: "I wasn't expecting that," says Victoria. "I'll never catch up to him, but I think I know where he's going: to Collinswood to see Carolyn. She's all he talks about. I'll head back there to see if he shows up."
While rushing back to Collinwood, Victoria catches a glimpse of Joe and Carolyn, standing very close together, nearly hidden in the dark woods between the Old House and the mansion.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 12:27 am
by Mr. Handy

Victoria approaches Joe and Carolyn quietly, not wanting to disturb them, but still concerned for Joe's health.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 1:01 am
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:Barnabas responds by opening his eyes wide, gasping, and sinking back into his chair, his hands over his face.
"Barnabas? Are you ok? What's wrong?" Maggie exclaims, alarmed at his reaction. She darts forward, putting a comforting hand on his arm.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 9:19 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Victoria,0They do not notice you approach. Joe is facing away from you, leaning forward so that the much shorter Carolyn can reach him. She would be facing you, except for the fact that she has her face buried in his neck, her hands grasping his head. They do not speak, but you can hear gasping sounds.
Maggie,Distraught for some time, a badly shaken Barnabas does not reply. Then recovering somewhat, he says "The power of great art can be overwhelming at times, it seems. I must have this painting. The tale it tells is so moving, so tragic. Name your price, Mister Evans." Sam states an outrageous fee, expecting to have to haggle. Instead, Barnabas accepts, and has Willie fetch the amount in cash from another room. Once in his possession, Barnabas wraps the painting up again and sets it aside. He is still clearly in an emotional state. "If you will excuse me for a moment," he says, "I will step outside for some fresh air. I will not be long." He exits through the front door.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 1:37 am
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:
Maggie,Distraught for some time, a badly shaken Barnabas does not reply. Then recovering somewhat, he says "The power of great art can be overwhelming at times, it seems. I must have this painting. The tale it tells is so moving, so tragic. Name your price, Mister Evans." Sam states an outrageous fee, expecting to have to haggle. Instead, Barnabas accepts, and has Willie fetch the amount in cash from another room. Once in his possession, Barnabas wraps the painting up again and sets it aside. He is still clearly in an emotional state. "If you will excuse me for a moment," he says, "I will step outside for some fresh air. I will not be long." He exits through the front door.
Vicki,"[color=#00BF40]Wow,[/color]" Maggie says. "[color=#00BF40]I thought he'd like it, but that wasn't what I was expecting.[/color]" She wants to go after Barnabas, to ask him if this girl is another figure from the past, but she can tell he wants to be alone, and paces restlessly around the parlour.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 4:35 am
by Mr. Handy

Victoria blushes, having heard of such things but never having seen them herself. Feeling a little like she is invading their privacy, she circles around them so she can get a better look at Joe from the front.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 9:31 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Victoria blushes, having heard of such things but never having seen them herself. Feeling a little like she is invading their privacy, she circles around them so she can get a better look at Joe from the front.[/quote]
Victoria,You are disturbed to discover that a large amount of blood, nearly black in the moonlight, flows slowly down Joe's bare chest, his pajama top tore open. His eyes are wide open, looking past the top of Carolyn's head directly at you, but he shows no sign that he is aware of you; or, for that matter, of anything else, seeming to be in a dazed state. 0Being a modern woman, you do not faint at the terrifying sight, but you are unable to keep yourself from screaming. This draws the attention of Carolyn, who lifts her head and turns to face you, revealing a pair of eyes that seem to glow like coals, and blood covering her mouth. She hisses at you like an animal.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 9:39 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Maggie,It is not much later that you hear a woman's scream from outside. Both you and your father stand up, but Willie runs to block the front door. "You don't wanna go out there. Oh, jeez, I wish the Doc hadn't gone into town to get more of the stuff she needs. She might know what to do."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 3:54 am
by Mr. Handy
Victoria,[b]Victoria[/b] grips the crucifix on a necklace around her neck and holds it out in front of her, knowing through popular media how to keep a vampire at bay - for such [b]Carolyn[/b] has clearly become - and she has the faith to back up her effort. [color=darkviolet]"Back off!"[/color] she screams.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 10:19 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
Victoria,[b]Victoria[/b] grips the crucifix on a necklace around her neck and holds it out in front of her, knowing through popular media how to keep a vampire at bay - for such [b]Carolyn[/b] has clearly become - and she has the faith to back up her effort. [color=darkviolet]"Back off!"[/color] she screams.
Victoria,Carolyn turns her face away and releases Joe, who collapses to the ground. At nearly the same moment, a voice you recognize as that of Barnabas Collins, but now speaking in a commanding voice unlike his usual soft, polite tone, comes from somewhere in the woods, shouting "YOU WILL NOT HARM HER!" It is not immediately clear to whom these words are addressed.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 8:20 pm
by Mr. Handy
Victoria,[color=darkviolet]"Boy, am I glad you're here, [b]Mr. Collins[/b],"[/color] says [b]Victoria[/b], who thinks [b]Barnabas[/b] must have been giving his command to [b]Carolyn[/b]. She had no intention of harming [b]Carolyn[/b], nor does she even have the means to do so - though it occurs to her that she could always have used a tree branch as a wooden stake.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2021 12:09 am
by SunlessNick
Vicki,"[color=#00BF40]Willie, someone's in trouble. What's going on?[/color]"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2021 7:58 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
Victoria,[color=darkviolet]"Boy, am I glad you're here, [b]Mr. Collins[/b],"[/color] says [b]Victoria[/b], who thinks [b]Barnabas[/b] must have been giving his command to [b]Carolyn[/b]. She had no intention of harming [b]Carolyn[/b], nor does she even have the means to do so - though it occurs to her that she could always have used a tree branch as a wooden stake.
Victoria,This assumption seems to be correct, as his attention is directed entirely at Carolyn. In a voice even more compelling than before -- it actually seems to echo throughout the woods -- he points to the Old House and shouts "GO!" As if under some form of compulsion, Carolyn rushes to the Old House. Barnabas turns his attention to Joe, but just as he is bending down, a pale, glowing white light appears before him, eventually shaping itself into the same spectral figure of a little girl in old-fashioned clothing that you encountered before. At the sight of her, Barnabas falls to his knees and covers his face with his hands. The girl seems to be trying to comfort him, to no avail.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2021 8:06 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:
Vicki,"[color=#00BF40]Willie, someone's in trouble. What's going on?[/color]"
Maggie,Before he can answer, the front door is forced open, as if by someone with great strength. Carolyn walks in, in a very strange state. She seems to be in a daze. Her eyes are red and glowing, and there is blood around her mouth. Willie lets out a gasp and runs upstairs. Carolyn, ignoring everyone in the house, makes her way downstairs to the locked metal door, opening it with ease, and not a little noise. She slams it shut behind herself. Sam Evans fixes himself a generous serving of brandy and says "I don't know if it's safer in here or out there."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2021 11:36 pm
by Mr. Handy
Victoria,[b]Victoria[/b] rushes to [b]Joe[/b]'s side, using her healing skills to stop the bleeding and repair some of the damage [b]Carolyn[/b] caused. [color=darkviolet]"[b]Sarah Collins[/b]?"[/color] she asks the apparition of the little girl. [color=darkviolet]"Maybe I can help."[/color]

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2021 1:10 am
by SunlessNick
Vicki,"[color=#00BF40]I don't know, but Barnabas is out there![/color]" Maggie cries. The thought of him in danger - and of whoever screamed, because it didn't look like Carolyn was in the mood for screaming - wars with her desire to stay inside where it's probably safer. OOC: I made it a morale roll with +3 for Barnabas and -3 for Cowardice, and got 4. Maggie runs out in the night, trying to find Barnabas or, what's going on.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2021 8:33 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
As Victoria is barely able to prevent Joe's last trace of life from slipping away, Maggie rushes out of the Old House to witness a strange scene.

Joe, nearly lifeless, covered with his own blood; Victoria, kneeling next to him, preserving his life through some skill she hardly understands; Barnabas, kneeling before the spectral image of a little girl in the clothing of another century, his face buried in his hands.

While remaining by Joe's side, Victoria speaks to the child.

"Sarah Collins?" she asks the apparition of the little girl. "Maybe I can help."

The child takes notice of her.

"Miss Winters, you are indeed well met. My brother has been very wicked, but repents truly for the harm he has caused. Shall we not aid his atonement?" Taking notice of Maggie, she continues, "Mademoiselle DuPres, I had not dreamt to see you again. Have you come to claim what is yours?" Before either woman can respond, she cries "One approaches who must not know of me!" She then melts away, like mist in a breeze.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2021 2:03 am
by SunlessNick

Maggie is momentarily confused over what to do, but the sight of her friend and the dying man win out, and she rushes over to Victoria. "Vix, are you ok? I saw Carolyn covered in, oh God, it has to be Joe's blood! What's happening?" She tries to help tend him as best she can.
Vicki,Depending on how focussed Victoria is, she might notice Maggie can't help stealing glances Barnabas's way.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2021 4:54 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'm okay, Maggie, but Joe almost died," says Victoria. "I think I saved his life, but we need to get him back to the hospital. Carolyn bit him in the neck. I think she's become a vampire." Once Joe is stable, she addresses Barnabas. "Mr. Collins, I know you hold yourself responsible for what happened, but I can see that you're genuinely remorseful about it. Joe will live, and it's thanks to you. Without your help, I would not have been able to get to him in time. God will forgive you."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2021 10:58 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
The two women are momentarily blinded by the headlights of an automobile, heading up the road from Collinsport to Collinwood. The rough, steep, and narrow road does not actually enter the wooded area where they stand, but comes near enough that they can hear the screeching of brakes and the opening and closing of a car door, then the sound of someone approaching through the trees.

When the apparition vanishes, Barnabas stands reaches out his arms, as if to call it back.

"Sarah . . . Sarah . . ."

When his attention is drawn by Victoria's gentle words, he turns in her direction.

"There is no hope of divine mercy for one who has been cast into perdition. Only endless darkness."

Catching sight of Maggie, his mood changes from despair to alarm.

"Jos--Miss Evans! Who is watching over Carolyn? Where is Willie? And Mister Evans; is he safe?"

By this time, the person coming through the trees proves to be Doctor Hoffman, carrying a flashlight and a medical bag. She speaks hurriedly.

"I stopped by the clinic and they told me that Mister Haskell was gone. I thought he might head this way." She glances at Joe, but passes him by to attend to Barnabas, drawing a syringe and a vial of liquid from the bag, getting ready to give him an injection.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 1:24 am
by SunlessNick

"Carolyn went into the basement... whatever's on the other side of that big metal door. She ignored all of us. Julia, Vix says Joe needs the hospital." Impulsively she hugs Victoria. "I'm glad you're ok. Wait... Vampire? She almost says something else, but stops herself.
Vicki,Obviously she was about to ask Barnabas if he's a vampire too, although from the sound of it Vix already knows and Julia must.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 4:36 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'm so glad you're here, Dr. Hoffman," says Victoria. "Joe's lost a lot of blood. He really needs help."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 9:56 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:
"Carolyn went into the basement... whatever's on the other side of that big metal door. She ignored all of us. Julia, Vix says Joe needs the hospital." Impulsively she hugs Victoria. "I'm glad you're ok. Wait... Vampire? She almost says something else, but stops herself.
Vicki,Obviously she was about to ask Barnabas if he's a vampire too, although from the sound of it Vix already knows and Julia must.
"Did anyone lock her inside?" Barnabas asked, desperately. "She must not be allowed to escape! I am losing my control over her."

Just as Doctor Hoffman is about to give him the injection, he pushes her away, sending the syringe crashing to the ground.

"And this is why," he cries. "I am growing weak. No more!"

"Barnabas, it's too dangerous --"

Ignoring Doctor Hoffman's protest, he runs to the Old House.

With a sigh, she says "Help me get this poor man into the car. I'll take him to the clinic. Whatever's going to happen in the Old House is beyond my ability to change."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 2:09 am
by SunlessNick

Ignoring Julia, Maggie turns and runs back toward the house.
OOC,She's not afraid for Barnabas, but it sounds like Sam is in danger and that overrides everything else.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 3:37 am
by Mr. Handy

Victoria helps Dr. Hoffman get Joe into the back seat of the car, laying him across it.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 8:17 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Maggie,Inside the Old House, you see Barnabas and Carolyn struggling. Barnabas has a tight grip on Carolyn's arms, keeping her from Sam, who slumps in a chair with his eyes closed. Catching sight of you, Carolyn says, in a voice of unusual force, "She is the one you want! You only used me! Go to her, and be damned!" Thrusting him away with great strength, Carolyn approaches Sam. Barnabas stumbles back, finally collapsing against you.
Victoria,You are able to get Joe into the car. Just before Doctor Hoffman drives away with him, he moans in a weak voice. "Carolyn, Carolyn." As the car pulls away, you hear shouting and the sounds of a struggle inside the Old House.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2021 1:20 am
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote: Thu Mar 18, 2021 8:17 am
Maggie,Inside the Old House, you see Barnabas and Carolyn struggling. Barnabas has a tight grip on Carolyn's arms, keeping her from Sam, who slumps in a chair with his eyes closed. Catching sight of you, Carolyn says, in a voice of unusual force, "She is the one you want! You only used me! Go to her, and be damned!" Thrusting him away with great strength, Carolyn approaches Sam. Barnabas stumbles back, finally collapsing against you.
Vicki,"[color=#00BF40]Stop, please don't![/color]" Maggie screams at Carolyn. She tries to extricate herself from Barnabas and run to her father. (Would Cowardly interfere with that?)

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2021 3:07 am
by Mr. Handy
Victoria, [b]Victoria[/b] runs toward the Old House.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2021 10:09 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
As Victoria enters the Old House, she witnesses a disturbing scene.

Barnabas is leaning half-collapsed against Maggie. Maggie yells at Carolyn to stop, and rushes to the side of her father, who slumps unconscious in a chair. Carolyn catches sight of Victoria's crucifix, shrieks, and runs down the stairs to the large metal door, which she pulls open. Once inside the room beyond it, she slams it shut with a loud bang the reverberates throughout the house. Meanwhile, Barnabas struggles to reach Maggie, moving slowly and awkwardly.

"Josette . . ." he says, weakly.

In response to all the noise, Willie rushes down from upstairs.

"You don't look so good, Barnabas," he says. "Where's the doc? I think it's time for your shot." Catching sight of Sam and Maggie, he adds, "I guess your old man had a little too much hooch, huh?" His trembling hands and shaky voice belie his attempt at levity.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 2:03 am
by SunlessNick

"Sh-she was going to kill him," Maggie stammers... "she's a m-monster." She examines her father, looking for signs of blood or injury. "Barnabas... are you like her?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 4:43 am
by Mr. Handy

"Dr. Hoffman took Joe to the hospital in her car," says Victoria. "I think he'll live." If Sam is hurt, she will treat him too.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 9:04 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote: Sat Mar 20, 2021 2:03 am
"Sh-she was going to kill him," Maggie stammers... "she's a m-monster." She examines her father, looking for signs of blood or injury. "Barnabas... are you like her?"
Sam Evans appears to be physically unharmed, although in something of a daze. He opens his eyes slowly , blinks several times, and speaks.

"Where is she? Where's that girl? I have to paint her! She's the most fascinating, compelling, extraordinary . . . Take me to her!"

Meanwhile, an almost equally Barnabas says weakly, "Josette. You know what I am. I could have given you eternity . . ."

Catching a glimpse of Victoria, he changes mood instantly, becoming filled with rage. He turns away from her and snarls "Take that thing away!"
off site die roll 1 d20 = 13
In response, Willie attempts to snatch Victoria's crucifix away from her, but she steps out of his way and he falls forward. Barnabas rises to his full height, all weakness gone, and shouts at him "You have failed me again!" His eyes glow with a dull red inner light as he picks up the wolf head cane he always has at hand and holds it threateningly over Willie's head.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 8:27 pm
by Mr. Handy

"No, don't hurt him!" cries Victoria, holding out the crucifix to make Barnabas back away from Willie.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 2:21 am
by SunlessNick
Vicki,In view of the "difficult to act against Barnabas" idea we had to replace Maggie's claustrophobia, I made a morale roll - Charisma 11, -3 for cowardly, -3 because it's Barnabas - I got a 3.
"Barnabas, don't!" Maggie screams. "If you love me, please don't hurt him!"
Vicki,That's let a cat out of a bag, I know, but I don't have to tell them I'm a reincarnation of Josette.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 9:19 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
The compelling force of the crucifix, combined with Maggie's entreaty, causes Barnabas to back away, turning his face toward the wall, falling to his knees. Willie crawls out of the room, whimpering. Meanwhile, seemingly undisturbed by this chaos, Sam stands and walks down the short flight of stairs to the heavy metal door. It seems to open of its own accord, allowing him to enter, than slams shut behind him.

"Josette," Barnabas says in a voice full of agony. "Please. The pain is unbearable. Take the crucifix from her and destroy it! Or do what must be done, and end my miserable existence!"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 11:17 pm
by SunlessNick

"Please, Vix, he won't hurt us," Maggies says, holding out her hand. Then she realises what's happened... "Daddy, no, don't go down there! Vix, I need that cross or she'll kill him!"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 1:53 am
by Mr. Handy

"Here," says Victoria, giving Maggie her crucifix.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 8:41 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
As Maggie accepts the crucifix, and will no doubt rush to her father's aid, Barnabas turns to face Victoria, who is doubtlessly surprised to see that he now looks like a very old man, seemingly a century or so in age. Bald, his face and hands unrecognizable due to the many deep wrinkles that cover them, the only sign of youth is the fact that his teeth are bright white, particularly the excessively long canines. In a voice that is hollow with age, but somehow still commanding, he cries "I must have sustenance." He approaches Victoria.

Meanwhile, Maggie discovers that the metal door seems to be locked, as if of its own accord.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 1:20 am
by SunlessNick
OOC,Wisdom roll to realise Victoria's peril - 9, -1 because of Affection for Sam, -3 because of Barnabas - rolled a 7.
Maggie is focussed on pushing and rattling the door, as if she could force it open. "Daddy! Come back! She's dangerous!"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 3:47 am
by Mr. Handy

"Not from me," says Victoria, retreating to where Maggie is, as she now has the crucifix. "What you need is for Dr. Hoffman to give you that injection when she comes back. That will keep your cravings at bay, at least for a while. Sarah told me about you. She called you her brother, and she said we should aid your atonement. I can help you. I'm sorry the crucifix caused you pain. I thought it would just frighten you and didn't know it would hurt you. But it's what the crucifix represents that can save you: Jesus Christ. He died on a cross so that we could have eternal life, but not the way you seem to have it now. He will forgive all who believe in Him and repent of their sins, and that includes you, no matter what you've done. There must be a way to end your terrible curse, and while science can suppress it temporarily, the only permanent cure is through faith. I would like to help you find it."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 10:20 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Aging even more before their very eyes, Barnabas seems to become more animalistic, growling at the two women. He approaches them, but at that moment the front door bangs open, revealing Doctor Hoffman, carrying a black medical bag.

"I came back as soon as I could," she says, somewhat out of breath. "Is Carolyn--"

Before she can complete her question, Barnabas, who is nearby, lunges at her, lifting her bodily from the floor and aiming his mouth at her neck. Her mouth is open, as if to scream, but she makes no sound.

Meanwhile, from beyond the locked metal door, between the sound of Maggie's frantic banging on the outside, Sam's voice can be heard.

"So lovely. So beautiful."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 11:54 pm
by SunlessNick

Maggie is overwhelmed by the twin horrors of her father trapped with Carolyn and Barnabas's sudden attack on Julia. She puts her hands to her face, screaming, "NO!!" (Which has the side effect of making her drop the crucifix).

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 2:29 am
by Mr. Handy

"Let her go!" cries Victoria, snatching up the crucifix and hurrying toward Barnabas to intervene. She doesn't want to hurt him, but it's the only way to save the doctor's life. Once Barnabas is kept at bay, one of them can inject him. Then he'll be able to unlock the basement door.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 9:17 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Barnabas retreats, moaning in agony. He drops Doctor Hoffman to the ground, knocking her out. Her medical bag opens, revealing several syringes as well as a number of vials filled with red liquid.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 7:22 pm
by SunlessNick

"This can't be happening," Maggie sobs. "Everything should be all right now we're to-" She cuts herself off, but the tears keep coming. Then her eyes light on Julia's syringes and she scrabbles over to them, picking a couple up and holding them out to Barnabas. "This is what she gives you right? It'll help you?" Her eyes keep flicking between Barnabas and the metal door.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 12:49 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Barnabas is unable to reply, merely writhing upon the ground in apparent agony. The vials are not labeled, nor is there any indication of what dose would be both safe and effective. Meanwhile, the creaking of the metal door, opening slowly, is heard.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 2:05 am
by Mr. Handy

Not wanting to take a chance on giving Barnabas the wrong dose, Victoria first tries to revive Julia Hoffman, who would know how much to give him.
Victoria, Using Cure Light Wounds.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 4:48 pm
by SunlessNick

Maggie joins Vix in the effort. When she catches sight of the door, she calls out "Dad?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 11:29 pm
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Reviving sufficiently to perceive Barnabas' plight, Doctor Hoffman weakly chokes out a few words.

"Three cc's . . ."

Carolyn rushes out of the downstairs room, dashing past the others and out the front door. No sounds are heard from below.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 4:54 am
by Mr. Handy

Victoria quickly takes a syringe and injects Barnabas with three cubic centimeters of its contents.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 5:44 am
by SunlessNick

Torn between Barnabas and her father, Maggie waits long enough to see Vix give Barnabas the injection, then takes off running to the metal door and down, desperately hoping Carolyn hasn't killed her father (but fearfully sure that she has).

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 9:33 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Upon receiving the dose, Barnabas first reacts with spasms of pain, gripping his temples as if his head would explode. Then, as time itself were reversing, what seemed to be a man well over as century old reverts to his more familiar form. Still somewhat weak, he gasps for breath, leaning against the wall.

"Carolyn. Too strong to control. Must stop."

Maggie discovers her father alive but unconscious, a wound on his neck oozing blood. He is able to be roused sufficiently to stand on his feet while the wound is treated.

By this time, Willie has returned from hiding, in an agitated state.

"Oh, jeez, this is awful. Barnabas, Doc, what are we gonna do?"

He heads downstairs to help Sam.

"You're gonna be OK, pal, just take it easy--"

As he offers to take the man's arm, Sam suddenly lashes out at him with surprising strength, sending him stumbling back.

"Where is she? I have to go to her!"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 6:48 pm
by Mr. Handy

Victoria moves away from Barnabas so as to spare him the pain from her crucifix. "How do we stop her?" she asks. "The crucifix can keep her at bay, and maybe Dr. Hoffman's injections can help her control herself, I suppose. We'll need to find a more permanent cure. I don't want to have to drive a stake through her heart." Then she hears Sam call out from below. "He's under her influence, just like Joe."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 1:14 am
by SunlessNick

"She's gone, Daddy," Maggie says desperately. "You have to rest now, please, trust me. Don't think about her. I'm sorry Willie - I'm sorry I didn't listen to you."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 8:53 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
"She must have some other resting place, hidden somewhere not far from Collinwood," Barnabas replies. "Willie, go to the crypt. You know what you must bring back."

"Please, Barnabas, don't make me do that--"


The unusual force in Barnabas' voice causes Willie to slink away upon his unwelcome errand.

"It is nearly sunrise," he continues, in a more normal tone of voice. "I must go." He retreats quickly downstairs, into the room behind the metal door.

Doctor Hoffman, somewhat recovered, is able to retrieve another vial of liquid from her bag and surreptitiously administer a sedative to the struggling Sam. He grows calm enough to be controlled.

"You better take him home, and keep watch over him, particularly at night," she says. "He should be safe during the day."

At some time during that day, Roger Collins and Elizabeth Stoddard ask Victoria if they know what has become of Carolyn, who did not return home the night before. Given her escapades in the past, they are more curious than overly worried.

"She's probably lying in a ditch somewhere, bleeding to death," David suggests facetiously. His elders, as usual, merely sigh at another example of his frequent, feeble attempts at macabre humor.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 7:17 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I'm not sure where she's gone," says Victoria, which is true, "but I'll be sure to keep an eye out for her." She goes to join up with Maggie and Dr. Hoffman to plan what to do next.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 9:04 pm
by SunlessNick

Maggie puts Sam to bed when she gets home. She leaves some of his art supplies around in his room, hoping it might impel him to paint Carolyn rather than go looking for her. She also calls in sick to work, so she can keep an eye on him.

When Vix and Julia arrive, they find her sobbing. "This is all my fault. I made Dad go there, because of that painting. If I'd just taken it myself... or something... she's going to come after him. Or Joe. Is Joe all right?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 10:01 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
In conference with Doctor Hoffman, Victoria and Maggie learn that the situation is more difficult than imagined.

"By now, I'm sure you have a greater understanding of Barnabas' . . . condition," she begins. "At first, my treatments were sufficiently effective to prevent this from becoming a serious problem. Now, however, he is developing resistance to the serum. I dare not increase the dosage. The result would be . . . well, let's just say that there have already been unpleasant side effects.

"Mister Haskell is now in intensive care, so he should be safe for the moment. Mister Evans is more worrisome. For the moment, I believe he is sufficiently occupied with his work that physical restraint is not necessary."

Indeed, Sam Evans has spent his days sleeping, thanks to a combination of alcohol and sedatives, and his nights feverishly painting portraits of an alabaster-skinned, red-eyed Carolyn Stoddard, in a manner better suited to the pages of Playboy than the local art gallery.

"I have not seen Willie Loomis for some time, and Barnabas will not discuss what task he has in mind for the poor fellow. I have my suspicions, but no proof. Barnabas has become increasingly hostile. And to think I once imagined he and I . . . well, no matter. If he no longer enjoys my company, Miss Evans, perhaps you might be able to provide a calming effect. The way he stares at your portrait for hours at a time . . .

"There are two men in Collinsport that I have considered consulting. Doctor Eric Lang is a brilliant surgeon, with interest in the more . . . unusual aspects of medicine. Then there is Professor Timothy Stokes, a scholar with great knowledge of the . . . unique. I'm not sure how to approach them, however. Both are highly respected professionals, and my reputation in Collinsport, well . . ."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 5:50 pm
by Mr. Handy

"We may have better luck," says Victoria. "I haven't been around here long enough to have much of a reputation. Perhaps we should speak to Professor Stokes first. He may know better how to deal with...vampires, for want of a better word. All I know about them is from popular culture, and that might not have much to do with reality. I was able to keep them away with a crucifix, but I didn't know that it actually caused them pain. Carolyn may respond better to the serum, as she hasn't built up a tolerance to it yet. That would buy time to find a more permanent solution."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2021 1:00 am
by SunlessNick

"I've met most people in town," Maggie says. "I might be able to wheedle a listen out of them at least."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2021 10:11 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf

Professor Timothy Stokes proves to be a man in his late fifties, of refined manner, with the accent of a Boston Brahmin. At times, while examining a document, he even affects a monocle. Through her connection with the prestigious Collins family, Victoria, through the good graces of Elizabeth Stoddard, is able to secure an interview with that gentleman in his modest home, which is full of curious objects.

"It is not often that I am graced with such charming company," he says, when Victoria arrives at the appointed time. "More often my time is spent with dusty books and equally dusty colleagues. A glass of sherry, my dear? I might claim that it is my only vice, but I doubt you would believe me."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2021 10:27 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf

Maggie knows a few people who swear that Doctor Eric Lang can work miracles, although they all agree that his bedside manner leaves much to be desired. With the help of their recommendations, she is able to arrange for an appointment with the physician at his small private clinic. He proves to be a intense, brusque man of late middle years, clearly impatient and avoiding all attempts at small talk.

"Well, what is it, young woman? My time is valuable, you know."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2021 9:32 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, Professor," says Victoria, "but I'm a little too young to have a drink." She is sure that many of his undergraduate students are in the same position, though chances are some of them drink anyway. "I was hoping to talk to you about myths and legends of vampires."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2021 4:12 am
by SunlessNick

"Thanks for seeing me, Doctor," Maggie says. "it's about a friend of mine-" (not entirely untrue, since Carolyn had been friendly to Maggie before all this) - -who's come down with a... blood disease I guess. She's having to drink it, and she's not good in the daytime. Almost like a vampire," she adds with a slight grimace, so she can pass it off as a bad joke if he greets the idea with scorn. "It's so freaky a thing, and I didn't want to go to anyone less than... you know," and that part to brush his ego.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2021 8:10 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote: Sun Apr 04, 2021 9:32 pm

"Thank you, Professor," says Victoria, "but I'm a little too young to have a drink." She is sure that many of his undergraduate students are in the same position, though chances are some of them drink anyway. "I was hoping to talk to you about myths and legends of vampires."
"Really? How extraordinary. There are so many young people these days who acquire all their information on the subject from the cinema. There is, of course, a wealth of documentation regarding vampirism, much of it nonsense, some of it not entirely without interest to the serious student of the subject. What is it that you find so intriguing about the phenomenon?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2021 8:17 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote: Mon Apr 05, 2021 4:12 am

"Thanks for seeing me, Doctor," Maggie says. "it's about a friend of mine-" (not entirely untrue, since Carolyn had been friendly to Maggie before all this) - -who's come down with a... blood disease I guess. She's having to drink it, and she's not good in the daytime. Almost like a vampire," she adds with a slight grimace, so she can pass it off as a bad joke if he greets the idea with scorn. "It's so freaky a thing, and I didn't want to go to anyone less than... you know," and that part to brush his ego.
"Hmmm. Sounds like one of Hoffman's little experiments gone awry. Assuming this isn't your idea of a practical joke, you can tell her that she can't expect any help from me unless she aids me in my own project. She'll know what I mean. As for your friend, if she really exists, bring her in and I'll try to find time to take a look at her. Good day." He rises and directs Maggie to the door.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2021 8:01 pm
by SunlessNick

"Wait, please!" Maggie pleads. "Julia's been trying to come up with a treatment, but it's failing. And it's not just my friend. Barnabas Collins has the same problem. You know I'd know better than to make rich folks like the Collinses part of a joke like this. We need your help."

(Maggie makes a very very slight pause after the word rich).

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 2:31 am
by Mr. Handy

"I suppose it's the eternal nature of the vampire," says Victoria. "I imagine a vampire could live - or rather, exist - for multiple lifetimes and witness so much of history, but it would be such a lonely existence. Everyone the vampire knows would die, and the vampire would continue without them. A vampire might find love, but if the vampire's love is mortal, it would end in heartbreak. I wonder if there are any references to a means by which a vampire could become mortal again."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 8:14 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote: Mon Apr 05, 2021 8:01 pm

"Wait, please!" Maggie pleads. "Julia's been trying to come up with a treatment, but it's failing. And it's not just my friend. Barnabas Collins has the same problem. You know I'd know better than to make rich folks like the Collinses part of a joke like this. We need your help."

(Maggie makes a very very slight pause after the word rich).
"I'm sorry, but I'm much too busy with my own work. And since you're acquainted with Barnabas, you might mention that his man Loomis hasn't been bringing me the supplies I need in a timely manner. As for your little hint, money is of little importance to me. There are more important matters that concern me."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 8:32 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote: Tue Apr 06, 2021 2:31 am

"I suppose it's the eternal nature of the vampire," says Victoria. "I imagine a vampire could live - or rather, exist - for multiple lifetimes and witness so much of history, but it would be such a lonely existence. Everyone the vampire knows would die, and the vampire would continue without them. A vampire might find love, but if the vampire's love is mortal, it would end in heartbreak. I wonder if there are any references to a means by which a vampire could become mortal again."
With a chuckle, Stokes replies "I suppose a stake and hammer would render such a being as mortal as one might wish! But of course you mean something else entirely.

"According to some authorities, a person who has been very recently -- altered, shall we say? -- may be brought back to a normal state of existence through the application of bright sunlight for an extended period of time, such as would entirely destroy the more experienced, so to speak, vampire. Of course, even the neophyte will be repelled by the rays of the sun, experience excruciating agony, and oppose anyone who would attempt to apply such treatment with remarkable force.

"You mention love. It may be mere romantic fancy, but there are certain accounts of the living dead, if I may call them that, being recalled to a normal existence by winning true love from the objects of their desire, despite their repellent condition.

"If only one could undo the past!"

He assumes a dramatic pose.

"'Ah Love! could thou and I with Fate conspire
To grasp the sorry Scheme of Things entire,
Would not we shatter it to bits -- and then
Remould it nearer to the Heart's Desire!'

"That would solve so many problems of this kind, would it not?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 9:05 pm
by SunlessNick

"Fine, I'll tell him," Maggie says. In an unusually snappish manner she asks, "If one of them dies can I come back again to ask your help for the other? At least you'll know I mean it then."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 2:43 am
by Mr. Handy

"For of all sad words of tongue or pen," quotes Victoria, "The saddest are these: 'it might have been.' Who hasn't wanted to go back in time and change things for the better? But of course, that's impossible. We have to make the best future from where we are now. It's good to know that there's hope. A newly made vampire, though inexperienced, would still be powerful. How might one be bound and forced to endure the light of day? I suppose a vampire would be vulnerable in daytime as it sleeps. In a coffin, most likely. The coffin could perhaps be bound with silver chains and carried outside into the sunlight, and then a hole made in the lid to expose the undead within."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 8:54 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote: Tue Apr 06, 2021 9:05 pm
"Fine, I'll tell him," Maggie says. In an unusually snappish manner she asks, "If one of them dies can I come back again to ask your help for the other? At least you'll know I mean it then."

This approach seems to draw a thin smile from the physician.

"How refreshing to have someone give me a taste of my own medicine, so to speak. I admire a woman with a little fire inside her. Very well, I've been meaning to talk to Hoffman about my project anyway. Why don't we pay a call on Barnabas Collins some time? I think he's been leading Hoffman around on a string for a while, and we can straighten out this Loomis business at the same time."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 9:01 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote: Wed Apr 07, 2021 2:43 am
"For of all sad words of tongue or pen," quotes Victoria, "The saddest are these: 'it might have been.' Who hasn't wanted to go back in time and change things for the better? But of course, that's impossible.

"Is it? I wonder. There are certain suggestions in the I Ching . . . But I digress. Do go on."

We have to make the best future from where we are now. It's good to know that there's hope. A newly made vampire, though inexperienced, would still be powerful. How might one be bound and forced to endure the light of day? I suppose a vampire would be vulnerable in daytime as it sleeps. In a coffin, most likely. The coffin could perhaps be bound with silver chains and carried outside into the sunlight, and then a hole made in the lid to expose the undead within."
Stokes paces around the room for a while, hand on chin, as if lost in thought.

"I must say you express more than simple curiosity about the subject. May I inquire if you actually believe in vampires?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 1:01 am
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote: Wed Apr 07, 2021 8:54 am"Why don't we pay a call on Barnabas Collins some time? I think he's been leading Hoffman around on a string for a while, and we can straighten out this Loomis business at the same time."
"Yeah, she's living at his place. We can cover every errand at once. I'm ready any time."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 2:36 am
by Mr. Handy

"I do," says Victoria.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 9:22 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Doctor Lang pays a call on the Old House one afternoon, with Maggie along, in case she is needed to provide an introduction. This proves to be unnecessary. Willie answers the door, stepping back a bit when he sees Lang.

"Barnabas ain't here," he begins, getting ready to shut the door.

"Never mind that," Lang responds, pushing his way inside. "I want to talk to you anyway. You haven't made a delivery for quite a while. I'm paying you quite well for what I need, and I'm growing impatient."

"Barnabas has been runnin' me ragged, gettin' stuff ready for him, and lookin' for some-- somethin'. I'll get you what you need real soon."

"Tonight, Loomis. Tonight. And where's Hoffman? Ah, speak of the devil."

As his words indicates, Doctor Hoffman has just entered the room from upstairs.

The two physicians eye each other for a while. Obviously there share some history. Finally, Doctor Hoffman says "It's been a long time."

"Yes. Too bad we had to go our separate ways."

"You know why."

"Water under the bridge. I believe fate has brought us together again. Shall we discuss it in private?"

The two go off to another room, leaving Maggie and a visibly nervous Willie. After quite some time, they return.

"Then it's all set. Tonight, at my clinic. I'll have the serum you need, and you'll aid me on my project."

Lang takes his leave.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 10:05 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote: Thu Apr 08, 2021 2:36 am
"I do," says Victoria.
After taking a thoughtful sip of sherry, Professor Stokes replies "I believe you do. Judging by your demeanor, this does not seem to be one of the pranks of which undergraduates are so fond. Either that, or you are an extraordinarily gifted actress. If you have encountered one of the living dead, you are in very great danger.

"The vampire's greatest ally is secrecy. Such a being would stop at nothing to prevent exposure.

"Allow me to be of service. What can I do to help you escape this menace?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 3:36 am
by Mr. Handy

"There are two vampires I know," says Victoria. "One is a friend of mine. She was recently turned into a vampire by the other, who is much older, like two hundred years old. Dr. Hoffman has been keeping him under control with a serum, but he's building up a tolerance to it. The serum may be effective for my friend, though, and then we might convince her to brave the light of day to become human again. I do have a crucifix, which actually causes them pain and doesn't just frighten them. I don't want to kill them. I want to make them human again, which is why I sought you out. The older vampire does have a lost love from the time when he was mortal, and I have another friend who's the spitting image of her. Maybe if she could come to love him, he too could be restored. Maybe you can help us, with your knowledge."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 8:48 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Hearing this, Professor Stokes spends several minutes polishing his monocle in a thoughtful manner.

"This is very dangerous business. If Julia Hoffman is involved . . . well, a brilliant mind, but perhaps a bit erratic, and drawn to matters better left unexplored. I was not aware that she had left her practice at Windcliff Sanitarium. She would only do that for something that caught her cat-like curiosity.

"Might I inquire as to the identity of those you believe to be afflicted?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 1:00 am
by SunlessNick

Left alone with Willie, Maggie puts a hand on his arm. "How are you holding up? This has been so crazy, and... well, you're the one stuck most in the middle of it."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 3:29 am
by Mr. Handy

Seeing no reason not to trust him and that she needs his help, Victoria continues. "The older vampire is Barnabas Collins, and the younger one is Carolyn Stoddard," she says.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 9:01 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote: Sat Apr 17, 2021 1:00 am Left alone with Willie, Maggie puts a hand on his arm. "How are you holding up? This has been so crazy, and... well, you're the one stuck most in the middle of it."
Rather startled by Maggie's touch, Willie confesses "I didn't want no part of this. I shouldn't of gone messin' around, lookin' for them jewels . . . Ah, you don't know nothin' about that. But now I gotta do what Barnabas says, or else . . .

He suddenly grabs Maggie's wrists.

"You don't know where Miss Stoddard is, do you? Barnabas wants me to do somethin' awful, and if I don't find her pretty quick, I don't know what he'll do!"

By this time, the sun has just set. From the downstairs room Barnabas emerges, looking more normal than he has for a while.

"J-- Miss Evans, how delightful to see you again. I trust that Willie hasn't been boring you with his fanciful tales. Willie, don't you have something to take care of?"

"Uh, yes sir, right away. I'm workin' on it. But that Doc Lang has got stuff for me to do, too."

"Very well. Just make sure you do not neglect your other duties."

Willie rushes out the front door, seemingly relieved at having escaped a more severe encounter. When he is gone, Barnabas extends his hand to Maggie.

"I'm sure you're curious about the rather unusual events that have been going on around here lately. Won't you join me downstairs? All will become clear."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 9:10 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote: Sat Apr 17, 2021 3:29 am
Seeing no reason not to trust him and that she needs his help, Victoria continues. "The older vampire is Barnabas Collins, and the younger one is Carolyn Stoddard," she says.
"I might have suspected. The Collins family does seem to attract unexplained events. As I recall, there was that peculiar business in the late Nineteenth Century . . .

"But I digress. Barnabas Collins appears to have provided a place of security for himself at the Old House. Particularly if Doctor Hoffman is keeping his . . . condition more or less under control, one surely could not openly confront him with what you have learned. The influence of the Collins, combined with the skepticism of ordinary people; why, we would be fortunate not to be admitted to Windcliff Sanitarium as mental patients if we were to alert the authorities. No, a more subtle approach is necessary.

"As for Miss Stoddard. Due to her lack of experience with her new . . . situation, it may be possible to approach her more openly. By any chance do you know where she rests during the day?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 3:37 pm
by Mr. Handy

"She was being kept in the basement of the Old House," says Victoria, "but she got loose last night and fled into the woods. I'm not sure where she's spending the day. We'd have to track her down."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 7:59 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
"Easier said than done, my dear. Much easier said than done. Such . . . persons are fiendishly clever, particularly when newly afflicted. Let me see, where did I put that map I had one of my students sketch for me some time ago."

Professor Stokes rummages through the drawers of his desk, finally coming up with a large sheet of paper.

"Ah, here we are. Hardly professional cartography, but possibly helpful. Now where do you suppose Miss Stoddard might be hiding?"


Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 3:57 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Maybe the cemetery," suggests Victoria. "It's nearby, and it's the sort of place a vampire might feel at home. There's also a crypt there. Barnabas sent his man Willie there to do some task once he was under control again, but he didn't say what."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 9:24 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
"Logical, most logical. I suggest that we make preparations to examine the Collins crypt in a discrete manner. During the daylight hours, of course."

As this seems a reasonable plan of action, Professor Stokes accompanies Victoria to Eagle Hill Cemetery, not far from Collinwood. Upon arrival, they discover the cemetery's caretaker, an elderly man who vaguely murmurs about "evil" and "the restless dead," although he seems rather confused, and is unable to supply specifics. Inside the Collins crypt, they find three sarcophagi side by side, beneath plaques indicating that they contain the remains of Joshua Collins (1730 - 1805), Naomi Collins (1736 - 1796) and Sarah Collins (1786 - 1796). The place is without decoration, save for three carvings of lions' heads, directly above the plaques, each with a large ring in its mouth; perhaps intended to be a place where one could hang a lantern.

Stokes becomes distracted from the task at hand by the sight, and pontificates about the Collins family history.

"Poor little Sarah arrived remarkably late in the lives of her parents, particularly for the Eighteenth Century. She was much younger than her brother, the first Barnabas Collins. I believe it was her death at such a young age, quickly following Barnabas's self-imposed exile to England, that drove Naomi to her grave.

"Forgive the wandering mind of an old man, my dear. Do you see anything here indicating that Miss Stoddard is in residence? I suppose we could attempt to have these sarcophagi opened, but that would surely draw an unwelcome amount of attention."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 11:14 pm
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote: Sat Apr 17, 2021 9:01 am"I'm sure you're curious about the rather unusual events that have been going on around here lately. Won't you join me downstairs? All will become clear."
"You're... you're a vampire, aren't you... you're the same Barnabas I knew when I was Josette... is that right?" Regardless of how he answers, Maggie goes with him into the basement,

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 3:16 am
by Mr. Handy

"I've met Sarah Collins a couple of times, in ghost form," says Victoria. "She was there last night, and she referred to Barnabas as her brother. That's how I know he's the same one who was around in the eighteenth century. The strange thing is, she seemed to already know me the first time I met her. Let's look around for anywhere the dust has been recently disturbed. That'll give her presence away." She examines the dust in the crypt, especially around the sarcophagi, careful not to disturb it herself.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 9:46 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote: Mon Apr 19, 2021 11:14 pm "You're... you're a vampire, aren't you... you're the same Barnabas I knew when I was Josette... is that right?" Regardless of how he answers, Maggie goes with him into the basement,
Barnabas is pleased. "I knew I could not conceal the truth from you, my Josette." He leads her down to the basement, where two coffins lie side by side. "A brief moment of pain, my love, and then all eternity will be ours! A small sacrifice to make, to never walk in sun, to survive on the lives of others, in order to share endless nights together." He exposes long, sharp fangs.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 9:58 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote: Tue Apr 20, 2021 3:16 am

"I've met Sarah Collins a couple of times, in ghost form," says Victoria. "She was there last night, and she referred to Barnabas as her brother. That's how I know he's the same one who was around in the eighteenth century. The strange thing is, she seemed to already know me the first time I met her. Let's look around for anywhere the dust has been recently disturbed. That'll give her presence away." She examines the dust in the crypt, especially around the sarcophagi, careful not to disturb it herself.
"How extraordinary. Possibly her spectral form entered the mortal realm from some sort of parallel time. Such a thing is theoretically possible. I don't suppose you've ever experimented with the I Ching?"

During this conversation, Victoria notes that the middle lion's head carving is free of dust, unlike that covering the other two. She even has some sort of vague, dream-like feeling that she's encountered the thing before. Pulling on the ring on a hunch, that comes almost out of the subconscious, she discovers that the wall behind the middle sarcophagus opens with a rusty creak. Behind lies a secret chamber. Quickly examining the room, there is evidence that a large rectangular object rested upon the floor not so long ago, judging by the way the dust has been disturbed. The room is otherwise empty.

"An important historical discovery," Professor Stokes remarks. "There are indications in old accounts of the Revolutionary War that the Collins family supplied arms to the rebels from an unknown cache. I presume we are now standing where rifles and ammunition once lay. As interesting as that may be, it does not seem relevant to our current purpose."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 1:30 am
by SunlessNick

Heart pounding, Maggie backs away from the two coffins. "I... I thought you were trying to become human again. Isn't that what Julia is trying to do for you?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 2:33 am
by Mr. Handy

"I read a book once," says Victoria, "The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick, about a parallel timestream where the Axis powers won World War Two and occupied America. The I Ching figured prominently there, though I've never experimented with it myself. So perhaps there's some parallel timestream where I'm in the late eighteenth century with Sarah and Barnabas while they were still alive. This would make a useful hiding place, but obviously Carolyn is not here. Perhaps Barnabas and Willie use it. We'll have to look elsewhere. What about the House by the Sea? Does anyone live there?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 9:04 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote: Wed Apr 21, 2021 1:30 am
Heart pounding, Maggie backs away from the two coffins. "I... I thought you were trying to become human again. Isn't that what Julia is trying to do for you?"
Becoming angry, Barnabas says "Hoffman! That traitor! She wanted me all for herself. It was she who made me old! She who forced me to . . ." A bit calmer, he goes on, "do what I had to do. But that is over now. Come, my Josette."

He reaches for her throat.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 9:08 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote: Wed Apr 21, 2021 2:33 am
"I read a book once," says Victoria, "The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick, about a parallel timestream where the Axis powers won World War Two and occupied America. The I Ching figured prominently there, though I've never experimented with it myself. So perhaps there's some parallel timestream where I'm in the late eighteenth century with Sarah and Barnabas while they were still alive. This would make a useful hiding place, but obviously Carolyn is not here. Perhaps Barnabas and Willie use it. We'll have to look elsewhere. What about the House by the Sea? Does anyone live there?"
"Yes, there are indeed indications that the I Ching, used properly, might allow one to travel mentally through time and other dimensions.

"But for now, I suggest we make haste to the House by the Sea. I believe it has been unoccupied for some time, which would make it an excellent hiding place." He smiles slightly. "I may be a little old for breaking and entering, but I have not yet entirely lost my taste for adventure. After you, my dear?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 1:29 am
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote: Wed Apr 21, 2021 9:04 amBecoming angry, Barnabas says "Hoffman! That traitor! She wanted me all for herself. It was she who made me old! She who forced me to . . ." A bit calmer, he goes on, "do what I had to do. But that is over now. Come, my Josette."

He reaches for her throat.
"I'm not just Josette," Maggie says, still backing away. "I'm Maggie as well. I can't leave my Dad, he needs me. I still have a life. Barnabas, I..."
Vicki,Barnabas can probably tell - or may well assume - that Maggie was about to say "I love you." She was, but she's suddenly not sure - she loves her Dad, she loves her friends, like Vix - she dosn't love Burke exactly, but she likes to spend time with him. She [i]should[/i] love Barnabas if she was Josette, but something is missing. If Barnabas hesitates, she'll stay and talk with him, and try to work out what she is feeling - but if he keeps trying to grab for her, she'll flee (Dex 10, -3 because it's acting against Barnabas, I rolled 13, so she won't get very far).

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 2:53 am
by Mr. Handy

"Let's go," says Victoria, leading the way.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 7:10 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Maggie,As you back away from Barnabas, Doctor Hoffman and Willie enter, both in a state of alarm. Willie, more or less to himself, says "Oh, I knew this was gonna happen . . ." Doctor Hoffman stands between you and Barnabas, and holds the large jeweled necklace she wears in front of your eyes. (Your attempt to resist involuntary hypnosis, based on WIS 9: 10) The last thing you remember is her voice saying "Forget . . . Forget . . ." Then even that fades from memory, along with your knowledge of Barnabas' true nature, or what you knew about the missing Carolyn Stoddard. You find yourself walking home, where you find your father, still obsessively painting Carolyn for some unknown reason, and looking paler than usual.
Victoria,At the House by the Sea, you find that the old building is in great need of repair, its windows covered with years of grime, the steps leading up to the front door rotting away. "Odd," Professor Stokes remarks, after testing the door. "Despite an overall state of decay elsewhere, there are new, strong locks. Shall we risk breaking a window, or seek out tools of the trade of burglary?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 12:37 am
by SunlessNick

Feeling somewhat confused at the time, Maggie makes dinner, going to whatever lengths she has to to make sure her father eats some of it. "Are you feeling ok, Dad?" she asks him. "You don't look well."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 2:42 am
by Mr. Handy

"Let's seek out some tools," says Victoria. "I'd rather not cause any damage. Someone might notice."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 9:23 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote: Fri Apr 30, 2021 12:37 am

Feeling somewhat confused at the time, Maggie makes dinner, going to whatever lengths she has to to make sure her father eats some of it. "Are you feeling ok, Dad?" she asks him. "You don't look well."
"Huh? Oh. Yeah, I'm fine," he mutters, while nibbling tiny bits of food. "Frustrated, I guess. I just can't seem to capture that special quality she has. I'm gonna keep working. Don't wait up."

The next day Maggie finds her father sound asleep, still wearing the same clothes he had on that evening, noticeably covered with dirt.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 9:29 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote: Fri Apr 30, 2021 2:42 am

"Let's seek out some tools," says Victoria. "I'd rather not cause any damage. Someone might notice."
"An excellent idea. I suggest we pay a call on the general store, and possibly the garage as well. In order to do so in a discrete manner, it will be necessary to avoid drawing attention to ourselves. Shall we pay separate visits to these establishments, obtaining the necessary items one by one? That will, of course, require a certain amount of time and patience."

The pair make their plans, delaying entering the House by the Sea by a day, as they balance their ordinary duties with the necessary errands. During this time, they become aware, thanks to the local gossips, that vandals have disturbed some of the graves at Eagle Hill Cemetery. Curiously, the criminals have been careful to conceal their activities as much as possible, although it is obvious that some graves have been dug up and then filled in again.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 2:15 am
by Mr. Handy

"I wonder if one of the vampires is responsible for the graverobbing," Victoria tells the professor. "It would have been done at night, no doubt, though Barnabas could have always sent Willie. But why would they want to do it? They can't get blood that way."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 9:33 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
"Most curious indeed, my dear. Not at all the behavior one would expect from such persons, who are always careful to avoid drawing attention to themselves. I suggest we exercise caution during our excursions."

Having obtained the proper equipment, the pair return to the House by the Sea and begin work.
DEX from both (9) to pick the lock, and to avoid drawing attention 2d20 = 2, 10 Partial success, but . . .
They are able to open the locked door, but the procedure creates more noise than they wish. As the door bangs open, they hear muffled shouts, unintelligible, coming from somewhere deep inside the house.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 10:29 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Quick, hide," whispers Victoria, quietly shutting the door, though keeping it unlocked, and looking around for a hiding place. She realizes that they may have found the hiding place of the graverobbers and not Carolyn.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 9:56 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
attempt to hide. You can tell me if you're hiding outside or inside. DEX 9, 2d20 = 18,13; oops, not good
Emerging from somewhere downstairs is, of all people, Willie Loomis. He spots the two intruders, opens his eyes wide, gets as close to them as he can, and says in a barely audible voice "Get outta here." He then retreats, turns his head, and yells "Everything's OK up here. Musta been the wind knockin' stuff around outside."

From below comes a man's voice, made hollow by the distance. "Never mind. Get back to work."

Willie heads back downstairs, waving the others away.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 10:17 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I guess we should go," Victoria says to the professor. "She's obviously not in there. But where else could she be?"
OOC, I had planned to hide outside.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 10:17 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Once at a safe distance from the House by the Sea, Professor Stokes pauses in thought.

"If that Loomis fellow is involved, there can't be anything good going on. And yet petty thievery and annoying women is more his style. From what I've heard of him, he hardly possesses either the intelligence or the courage to come up with some elaborate scheme on his own. There's more here than meets the eye, to be sure. But no matter, we have bigger fish to fry.

"Let me see. There are very few places in a village as compact as Collinsport with the necessary isolation required for a vampire without some privately owned retreat of her own. That raises the disturbing possibility that your employer, Mrs. Stoddard, is well aware of her daughter's condition, and is deliberately concealing her from prying eyes. It might be worth the risk of confronting her with what we know . . .

"By this time, the police must have been informed of the disappearance of Miss Stoddard. Whether to speak to them is a delicate matter to consider."

He snaps his finger, as if an idea has suddenly occurred to him.

"I almost forgot. There is one place rarely frequented by members of the community. The lighthouse. Entirely automatic in these modern times, visited by its keeper on very few occasions when in need of maintenance. The approach to it is hazardous, whether on foot or by sea, but fortune might favor the bold, so they say. I'm not as young as I used to be . . .

"I offer a few possibilities, none of them free from risk, and without the guarantee of success. What do you think, my dear?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 2:14 pm
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote: Fri Apr 30, 2021 9:23 am"Huh? Oh. Yeah, I'm fine," he mutters, while nibbling tiny bits of food. "Frustrated, I guess. I just can't seem to capture that special quality she has. I'm gonna keep working. Don't wait up."

The next day Maggie finds her father sound asleep, still wearing the same clothes he had on that evening, noticeably covered with dirt.
She can't wait too long before heading for her shift at the diner, so gently wakes him up and gets him to change while she makes breakfast. She's feeling weird, like she's in such a rut it's like nothing's happened outside of work and sleep for days. She makes a point of being extra friendly colleagues and customers, trying to shake out the cobwebs. On her break, she calls up Vix, wondering how she's doing, since they haven't spoken in a while.
Vicki,I figured this might be a side effect of forgetting about the vampires, since that's been consuming her life recently.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 2:14 am
by Mr. Handy

"I think the lighthouse is our best bet," says Victoria. "Let's see if Maggie wants to come with us." When Maggie calls, Victoria fills her in on what they've been doing and what they've discovered, and she asks her if she wants to join them.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 8:41 am
by SunlessNick
Mr. Handy wrote: Tue May 04, 2021 2:14 am"I think the lighthouse is our best bet," says Victoria. "Let's see if Maggie wants to come with us." When Maggie calls, Victoria fills her in on what they've been doing and what they've discovered, and she asks her if she wants to join them.
Mr. Handy,More precisely, what does Victoria tell Maggie? (Not necessarily word for word, but in specifics).

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 11:54 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Overhearing the conversation between the two ladies, Professor Stokes notes that Miss Evans seems somewhat confused.
Very busy so just a brief visit.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 2:44 am
by Mr. Handy
Maggie, [b]Victoria[/b] holds nothing back from [b]Maggie[/b]. She particularly tells her what she and the professor discussed, including how to turn [b]Carolyn[/b] and [b]Barnabas[/b] human again.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 8:42 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
"I am not certain that your friend is fully aware of the situation," Professor Stokes remarks.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 5:49 pm
by SunlessNick
Mr. Handy and Victoria,Maggie has no idea what Victoria is talking about. She remembers something about Carolyn having had some problems, but how do you get from that to vampires? "[color=#00BF40]I know you wouldn't lie to me, Vix, but I can't even imagine this. Are you sure someone hasn't... I don't know, slipped you something?[/color]" It's clear she has no memory of the events of the night at Barnabas's house.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu May 06, 2021 3:18 am
by Mr. Handy

"You don't remember any of it, Maggie?" asks Victoria. "I've heard that vampires can sort of hypnotize people by getting them to look in their eyes. Could one of them have done that to remove her memories, Professor? Maybe they could be restored through actual hypnosis. Dr. Hoffman could do it."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu May 06, 2021 5:59 pm
by SunlessNick

"I don't remember anything you're telling me about." Victoria will be able to hear that Maggie's voice is tembling.
Victoria,Do I still believe that modern Barnabas and I are the reicarnations of old Barnabas and Josette? If so, I assume I'm still compelled not to mention that to Vix.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri May 07, 2021 11:18 pm
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Maggie,It seems likely that you feel some sort of vague connection with Josette, reinforced by the undeniable resemblance to her portrait. Whether this means reincarnation or something else is difficult to say. You also feel a mixture of attraction and fear regarding Barnabas Collins, for no reason you can explain.
"The possibility of induced amnesia suggests itself," Professor Stokes says. "It may be possible to reverse it, if your friend is willing. I am not entirely without some small skill in this area, but I must admit that the procedure is not without a certain amount of risk."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 2:46 am
by Mr. Handy

"I think it's worth the risk," says Victoria, "but it's up to you, Maggie."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 1:33 am
by SunlessNick

"Maybe... she helped me out with my claustrophobia. Where are you right now... I can come meet you."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 4:22 am
by Mr. Handy

Victoria tells her.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu May 13, 2021 11:04 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Arrangements are made to have the three meet at Professor Stokes' home. He dims all the lights, illuminating the room with a single candle.

"Look into the flame," he tells Maggie. "Watch how it flows, changing shape with every tick of the clock. See the many colors hidden deep within its heart."
Stokes WIS = 12. 1d20 to successfully hypnotize; failure causes a side effect, the higher the more serious. 1d20: 14 Hmm, not a terrible side effect, but of some importance . . .
Suddenly snapping out of her trance, Maggie fails to recall anything that the others claim has been wiped out of her memory. In addition to that, she is suddenly aware that enclosed places are once again a source of terror.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri May 14, 2021 2:53 am
by Mr. Handy

"Maybe Dr. Hoffman can help," suggests Victoria.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri May 14, 2021 8:41 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
It takes a day or two to track down Doctor Hoffman, who is apparently busy with other matters, perhaps at Windcliff Sanitarium. During that time, Collinsport seems unusually quiet. The police are checking with their counterparts in Bangor, Portland, and even down in Boston for any sign of Carolyn Stoddard; Elizabeth Collins Stoddard and Roger Collins are considering hiring a private detective. The current thinking is that she has run away, having made idle threats to do so in the past. There have been no reports of violent attacks, such as that witnessed by Victoria. The vandalism at the cemetery seems to have ceased. The only strange event, it seems, is the fact that some folks claim to have seen a strange man, dressed in shabby black clothing, wandering around the town late at night, seemingly aimlessly. This would not be particularly interesting, if the stranger were not said to be well over seven feet tall.

At last, Doctor Hoffman agrees to attempt to hypnotize Maggie, in hopes of recovering her memory.

Of course, she really wants to do exactly the opposite. Let's say that Maggie subconsciously attempts to resist Hoffman. Based on average WIS of 9, 1d20: 2 Success!
During the procedure, Maggie suddenly realizes that Doctor Hoffman was the one who erased her memory in the first place, and that she has no intention of restoring it.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 3:34 am
by Mr. Handy

Victoria watches to see if Maggie can remember anything.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 10:10 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Having had her role in Maggie's loss of memory exposed, Doctor Hoffman makes a hasty retreat, with some feeble excuses.

"'Oh, what a tangled web'," Professor Stokes muses. "This would seem to substantiate certain rumors concerning experiments at Windcliff Sanitarium. If Doctor Hoffman be not an ally, she may prove to be a formidable enemy. I would suggest discretion as the better part of valor.

"Meanwhile, shall we explore the lighthouse, as originally planned?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 6:54 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I suppose we'd better," says Victoria. "I'm sorry we couldn't get your memory back, Maggie, but maybe you're better off not remembering what happened. Do you want to come with us to the lighthouse to look for Carolyn?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 9:46 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
The brave trio head for the old lighthouse. Once it becomes obvious that the long, steep staircase leading up to the lightkeeper's station, high in the tower, winds it helical way up a very dark and narrow path, the inconvenient return of Maggie's claustrophobia causes her to choose to remain at the bottom, acting as a lookout in case of any intruders. The other two make their way up, flashlights casting their beams within the stairwell, Professor Stokes in the lead.
Hmmm. I still don't have the dice roller tab when I hit reply. I just have Options and Attachments. I'll have to do two DEX rolls another place, Stokes first. 2d20: 8, 6. Good enough.
Despite the dampness and poor condition of the old concrete steps, both are able to make their way safely to the top. There, where the giant lamp once warned ships away from the treacherous rocky shores of Collinsport, in a room completely shut away from daylight by heavy wooden beams covering the openings, lies a simple coffin, barely able to fit inside the small room.

"The die is cast," Professor Stokes whispers. "The time for action is here. I am prepared for the worse." He pulls a sharp wooden stake and a mallet from the voluminous pockets of his heavy coat.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 11:57 pm
by Mr. Handy

"We don't want to kill her," says Victoria. "We need to bring the coffin outside into the daylight and then open it to expose her to it, or better still we can use the crowbar we obtained as part of the collection of tools to pry off the wooden beams. We can secure it first with ropes or chains so that she can't get out too soon."

The dice roller has to be activated for each board by an admin. I guess carnage_lee hasn't done it for this game yet. I'll have to do it when I log into the Administration Control Panel.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 9:19 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
"I concur with your merciful intentions, my dear," Stokes replies, "but it is wise to be prepared for unfortunate consequences."

So saying, he assists Victoria in tying the coffin securely shut with stout ropes (these having been much easier to transport than heavy chains.) Next is the prying of the wooden slats from the openings in the tower. While engaged in this burdensome task, Stokes raises a question.

"It occurs to me," he begins, between heavy breaths, "that Miss Stoddard -- Goodness, this is strenuous exercise -- even given the greatly increased strength of the newly created vampire -- Dear, dear, let me rest a moment -- must have had some sort of help in transporting this coffin -- Drat! Stubborn planks! -- to this lofty location. Which raises an interesting question, as to who that might have been. There! Done at last. A wearisome task, which has taken sufficient time to ensure that the sun is too low in the west for its helpful beams to reach the coffin. I suggest that we consider Miss Stoddard secured from mischief, and that we return tomorrow at dawn to aid her in her return to the mortal realm."

Through the curiously magnifying stairway, which seems to act as sort of a whispering gallery, Victoria and Professor Stokes hear a familiar voice from below.

"Pop? What are you doing here? And who's that with you?"

I guess Spoiler-button doesn't work. You see not only Sam Evans, in a disheveled state, but a giant of a man dressed in black with him.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 2:05 am
by Mr. Handy

"Must be Maggie's dad, but who's with him?" whispers Maggie. "Maybe it's Dr. Hoffman. Whoever it is, we need to hide. We could bar the door to this room from inside so they can't get into it."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 8:47 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
"An excellent idea, my dear. We certainly have sufficient pieces of wood lying about to ensure that entry will be most difficult. Whether it shall prove necessary to remain here throughout the night remains to be determined."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed May 19, 2021 12:29 am
by Mr. Handy

"If we do, I've got my crucifix," whispers Victoria, "just in case she's strong enough to break out."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Wed May 19, 2021 8:32 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Time passes. The sun goes down. From below comes the voice of Maggie Evans, not always fully audible, but it is clear that she is pleading with someone, assumed to be her father. Besides her voice, there is also the sound of heavy, slow footsteps upon the stairs leading to the tower.

As your father, who does not respond to your pleas, holds you back, the very tall man in black begins to walk up the stairs.

Let's see if Carolyn can burst out of the coffin. Ordinary Vampire STR = 111d20
A loud pounding sound comes from within the coffin, but the ropes hold it secure.

"Help!" The voice of Carolyn Stoddard comes from within. "They kidnapped me and locked me inside this thing! Help!"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 3:07 am
by Mr. Handy

"So much for hiding," whispers Victoria. "Let's hope they can't get inside."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 11:28 pm
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Three as-of-yet unexplained die rolls, which I will label M, S, and A, in that order: 3d20
From below comes, first of all, a very deep, loud, male voice, which Victoria and Professor Stokes do not recognize. It speaks slowly, one syllable at a time.

"Car. Lyn."

Next comes the voice of Sam Evans, although speaking in a somewhat hollow, unemotional tone unusual for him.

"She's in there, isn't she? Tell me the truth!"

You hear Carolyn crying out for help as well. The extremely tall, powerful man with your father is unknown to you, and doesn't really seem to know what's going on, but seems just as intent on getting to Carolyn as your father is.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat May 22, 2021 2:42 am
by Mr. Handy

Victoria remains silent, waiting to see how Maggie will react.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat May 22, 2021 10:37 pm
by VictoriaSilverwolf
We'll assume that Maggie attempts to delay Sam and the other man from entering. Bonus to her CHA of +3, let's say, for, respectively, family connection and feminine appeal. So, 2d20 based on 122d20:
From above, Victoria and Stokes hear Maggie plead with her father not to go inside the lighthouse. Something about the familiar voice of his daughter, the most important person in his life, seems to break his curious state of mind.

"Wha . . . What am I doing here. We need to go back."

The same deep voice heard before says "No." Then the sound of someone falling to the ground and a gasp from Maggie.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat May 22, 2021 11:09 pm
by Mr. Handy

Victoria continues to listen, not wanting to reveal their presence yet.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat May 22, 2021 11:39 pm
by VictoriaSilverwolf
What is heard is "Daddy? Talk to me, Daddy!" and the sound of large, heavy, slow footsteps upon the stairs.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 1:16 am
by Mr. Handy

Victoria flattens herself against the wall next to the door, hoping that whoever it is won't be able to force it open since they barred it, and motioning for the professor to do the same with the wall on the other side of the door. She grips her crucifix, in case it turns out to be Barnabas or Carolyn somehow manages to break free.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 9:53 pm
by VictoriaSilverwolf
There is a hammering on the other side of the door, but the barrier holds firm. After this goes on for a while, the same slow, heavy footsteps are heard going back downstairs. A little later, there's a gasp from Maggie, and some mumbled, incoherent words from her father.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 10:49 pm
by Mr. Handy

Victoria remains hidden for now, though she listens to see if the situation downstairs changes.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon May 24, 2021 11:59 pm
by VictoriaSilverwolf
With our other player unavailable, I will do what I can to move things along,
After a long, uncomfortable night, during which the voices from below grow silent, the long-awaited sun finally rises. At that same moment, the constant pleas from Carolyn cease.

"I believe it is time to perform our experiment," Professor Stokes remarks. He begins untying the ropes holding the coffin secure. Once this is completed, he stands back, stake and mallet ready.

"If you would do the honors, my dear. One only has two hands."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 2:44 am
by Mr. Handy

Once she is certain that the windows are unblocked and allowing sunlight to stream into the chamber, Victoria holds her crucifix in one hand while opening the coffin with the other.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 8:12 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Just to make it interesting . . . as a Common Vampire, Carolyn has 6 Hit Points. Sunlight inflicts 1d6 + 2 points damage (only specified for Master Vampires, but I'm adapting it to see if she can be cured.) That gives you slightly better than a 50% chance of curing rather than killing (although perhaps not permanently ...)d6+2 As good as result as you could have gotten.
As the beams of light strike the body of Carolyn, she shrieks and writhes within the coffin, only to be forced back into it by the power of the cross. Her blood-shot eyes, dead-white skin, and elongated canines reveal her condition. As smoke rises from her flesh, these signs of vampirism slowly fade, and she collapses into a faint, returned to her normal form, but dead to the world.

"We have been most fortunate," Professor Stokes remarks. "Miss Stoddard might have been destroyed, had she been afflicted for more than a short time. As it is, she will need to recover for quite a while. I am afraid she will have unpleasant memories. How to explain her absence to her family presents quite a problem."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 4:35 am
by Mr. Handy

"We'll need to convince Carolyn to go along with it," says Victoria, "but I think the best thing is if she tells her family that she ran away from home, then either changed her mind and came back, or she was found and brought back."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 8:23 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
"A reasonable plan of action, my dear. Meanwhile, let us escort the young lady out of this location with dispatch, lest our unseen visitor returns.'

Together, the two are able to help Carolyn, still in a dazed condition, apparently unaware of her current situation, stumble down the staircase. Outside, they discover that Maggie and Sam Evans are no longer present. What is more remarkable is the presence of very large footprints in the damp ground near the lighthouse.

"Another mystery," Professor Stokes remarks. "I am unaware of any professional basketball players in Collinsport," he continues, in a feeble attempt at levity. "In any case, let us return the prodigal daughter to her bosom of her family."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 11:20 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I don't know anyone with feet that big," says Victoria. "Well, let's get Carolyn home. Then we'll have to make sure Maggie and her father are okay."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat May 29, 2021 10:19 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
At Collinwood, the heavy front door is opened by Roger Collins, who is astonished to see Carolyn in her current condition.

"Where have you been, you poor thing?" To her rescuers, he says more sternly "What is the meaning of this? Miss Winters, I fear you have been a bad influence on my niece. Out all night with a man," indicating Professor Stokes, who maintains silence, "old enough to be your grandfather. Not to mention the fact that you've been neglecting my son. I shall speak to my sister about this, mark my words." He brings Carolyn into the drawing room, sees that she is comfortable, and goes upstairs to fetch Elizabeth.

"I thought it best to hold my tongue while Mister Collins read us the Riot Act," Stokes explains. "Let him get it out of his system, so to speak. During this brief interlude, we had best settle on what to say to Miss Stoddard's mother about her absence."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat May 29, 2021 4:25 pm
by Mr. Handy

"We were working together to look for Carolyn," says Victoria. "We finally tracked her down to the lighthouse, where we found her in her current state, and we brought her home. We don't know what she was doing during the time she's been missing."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sat May 29, 2021 7:02 pm
by SunlessNick
I'm finally back. Sorry.

I assume the huge guy has taken Maggie and Sam somewhere?

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 8:30 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote: Sat May 29, 2021 4:25 pm
"We were working together to look for Carolyn," says Victoria. "We finally tracked her down to the lighthouse, where we found her in her current state, and we brought her home. We don't know what she was doing during the time she's been missing."
This explanation draws much concern from Elizabeth, and silences Roger's complaints. Mrs Stoddard takes her daughter upstairs, while Professor Stokes takes his leave.

"Contact me if any other unusual situations occur," he tells Victoria.

Somewhat subdued, Roger tells her "You'd best see to my son. He's quite upset, spouting all sorts of nonsense about Carolyn. Perhaps you can calm him down. He seems to care for you, in his own strange way."

David proves to be in a somber mood, even after being told his cousin has returned safely.

"That's not Carolyn," he says quietly. "Carolyn died."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 8:33 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote: Sat May 29, 2021 7:02 pm
I'm finally back. Sorry.

I assume the huge guy has taken Maggie and Sam somewhere?
Welcome back. Actually, no. You watched him shuffle off, seemingly unaware of your presence.

Once Maggie takes him home, Sam seems more like his old self than he has been for a while. He shoves all the drawings he did of Carolyn Stoddard into a drawer, burying them under scraps of paper. He then gets to work on the kind of thing that tourists like; seascapes and the like.

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 9:21 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Carolyn had died," says Victoria to David, "but we found a way to restore her to life, which worked because it had only been a short time since her death. She is alive again, and when you see her, you'll know she is back to the way she was before."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 2:28 am
by SunlessNick

Maggie watches her father work until morning, then fixes breakfast. The night and her nerves have probably left her tired enough to want to call in sick at the diner.

After that she calls Vix, apologetically saying, "I'm sorry I left. My Dad was there, acting really weird - then he left, looking like he'd forgotten he was there. I had to follow him. But he went home - he's ok, thank God. Are you ok?"

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:20 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thanks, Maggie, I'm fine," says Victoria. "Are you and your father okay? We found Carolyn hiding in the lighthouse, and she's better now. While we were there, we heard what sounded like a scuffle outside with a very large man, judging by the footprints he left. We heard your voices, but by the time we came out, you were both gone."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 10:10 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote: Sun May 30, 2021 9:21 pm

"Carolyn had died," says Victoria to David, "but we found a way to restore her to life, which worked because it had only been a short time since her death. She is alive again, and when you see her, you'll know she is back to the way she was before."
David shows signs of great excitement, even sudden joy, at these words.

"Then you believe me! Nobody ever believes me! Josette told me Barnabas killed her, but she warned me it wasn't really his fault. Oh, I don't know what to do. I want to get back at that creepy Barnabas, but I don't want to make Josette feel bad."

Re: Barnabas

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 10:10 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Tune in again for the next thrilling episode!