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An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 12:03 pm
by VictoriaSilverwolf
When Nathan learns of his inability to obtain the desired funds from his bride-to-be, there is a noticeable change in his humor. From tender affection toward Millicent he now shows only cool politeness. His attitude to young Daniel approaches insolence. He often spends time at the Eagle, a tavern of less than the highest reputation.

Meanwhile, a meeting is arranged, as desired, amongst Reverend Trask, Victoria, Josette, and Jeremiah. The latter appears to place his trust in Victoria's plea of innocence, based on Josette's defense of her, but perhaps he suspects that Josette has herself been bewitched.

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 7:43 pm
by SunlessNick

With there being nothing she can do about the money, Millicent attempts to placate Nathan and inspire him to be again the man he was. She assures him that she entreated Joshua and Daniel on his behalf.

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 7:44 pm
by SunlessNick

Josette repeats to Jeremiah the account she gave Reverend Trask, including that it was Victoria who pulled her back from the cliff, preventing her from falling.

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 6:42 am
by Mr. Handy

While she knows she may be giving up her chance of going home, Victoria resolves to tell the truth - or at least the parts of it that don't refer to whence she came. She cannot just throw herself at Angelique's mercy and abandon Josette, who might then fall prey to Angelique's next plot. "It is just as Josette said," she says. "I was worried about her melancholy state after Barnabas broke his engagement with her, so I accompanied her on her walks. I noticed the effect that the music from the music box was having on her, and when she went toward the edge of Widow's Walk, I just knew what she intended. Fortunately, I caught up with her and managed to close the box, which I suppose broke the spell. During the brief moment when I touched it while it was still open, I felt a sudden sensation of homesickness, but that went away as soon as I shut it. I know Angelique gave her the box. I can't imagine why she would want to harm Josette. If she wanted Barnabas all to herself, she already had him. Maybe she feared that his affections for her would return, and she decided to eliminate the competition." She gives Reverend Trask the music box, glad to be rid of it.

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 6:47 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, Miss Winters," says Reverend Trask, accepting the box but being sure to keep it closed. "Your swift action and instincts have averted a tragedy, and you have furnished me with solid proof. I have no wish to experience the effects of this devil's instrument for myself, but whoever sits in judgment should be able to do so briefly without lasting ill effects, as you have done. And we have your testimony. By two or three witnesses shall all things be established." He focuses on Jeremiah. "Have you anything to add, Mr. Collins?"

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 9:53 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:
With there being nothing she can do about the money, Millicent attempts to placate Nathan and inspire him to be again the man he was. She assures him that she entreated Joshua and Daniel on his behalf.
At a certain moment of extreme distress, as of yet unexplained, Nathan shouts "You silly little fool! Did you think I wanted to marry you for your pretty face and fine manners? I needed money, so that Suki would not harry me for the rest of my life. I am ruined! Ruined!" This confession is followed by wild laughter, without a trace of mirth.

"And for what? Nothing! Fate has made a fool of me! Suki is dead!"

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 9:59 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Visibly nervous and trembling, Jeremiah stammers out his response.

"I cannot contradict Josette's testimony, for I know her to be a person of pure and noble heart. Unless," he continues, "that quality has been torn out of her soul by sorcery. I have no proof of this.

"Nothing will cause me to say anything against my darling -- I mean, Miss Winters. No, not even torture would make me speak one word against her!"

It is not evident whether these statements have been particularly helpful.

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 1:29 pm
by SunlessNick

Millicent's reactions to these revelations fall out of her in a jumbled stream. "Your sister? I don't undestand! How can she be dead? Nathan, what are you saying to me? You said you loved me!"

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 1:35 pm
by SunlessNick

Josette appears perplexed at Jeremiah's testimony. "It would be mere hubris for me to make any claim as the quality of my own heart, but you may rest eay as to that of Miss WInters, Sir."

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 12:03 am
by Mr. Handy
Image Image

"Your darling?" says Reverend Trask, raising an eyebrow.

"Jeremiah Collins has confessed his love for me," says Victoria. "I did not do anything to entice him, and I do not know why. I explained that I had no wish to rise above my station."

"There seems to be a plague of Collins men falling in love with servant women. I believe Angelique used witchcraft to win Barnabas's affections. I am wondering if the same thing may have happened to Jeremiah Collins."

"It's possible that Angelique could be responsible for that as well."

"But why would she have done that? How could it possibly benefit her?"

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 11:40 pm
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote: Millicent's reactions to these revelations fall out of her in a jumbled stream. "Your sister? I don't undestand! How can she be dead? Nathan, what are you saying to me? You said you loved me!"
Driven, it seems, to distraction by the hopelessness of his situation, Nathan makes confession, no doubt aware that things cannot be much worse.

"Love! The love of money is the root of all good, ha-ha! And she whom you know as my sister? Your money paid the price for her silence. Not that it matters now, since the silence of the grave needs no payment!"

There may have been further distressing information forthcoming, were not this baring of the soul interrupted by the entry of an officer of the law. (In point of fact, the only officer of the law Collinsport possesses.)

"Nathan Forbes, you are to accompany me for questioning in the murder of Suki Forbes."

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 11:44 pm
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Nice job playing two roles, both of you, by the way.
The information thus obtained by this hastily assembled meeting suggests that further inquiry is necessary, particularly when it is discovered that Suki Forbes was found dead in her room at the inn, baring the same marks of violence as the previous victim. Should Barnabas and Angelique be questioned, and possibly others as well?

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2020 1:40 am
by Mr. Handy
Image Image

"I'm not sure how witchcraft works," says Victoria, "but could Angelique have made a mistake? She might have intended for Jeremiah Collins to fall in love with Josette instead of me. That would have broken their engagement just as effectively, and then Angelique could have Barnabas all to herself. Since it didn't work, she then made Barnabas fall in love with her."

"It is possible," says Reverend Trask. "It is my suspicion that she used her herbs to make a love potion. If the man imbibing the potion is caused to fall in love with the first woman he sees, and he sees a different woman than intended first, that could happen. There's also the matter of the murders, both the one on the docks and the murder of Suki Forbes. They may be related. I have to wonder if Angelqiue is involved somehow. I found an earring at the scene of the first murder. Do any of you recognize it?" He shows it around, though he knows Josette has already seen it.
OOC,Thank you!

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2020 6:21 pm
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:"Nathan Forbes, you are to accompany me for questioning in the murder of Suki Forbes."

Millicent wails in distress as everything she thought she knew about the man she loves is torn away from her. But this final revelation drives her into a swoon.

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2020 6:29 pm
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:
Nice job playing two roles, both of you, by the way.
The information thus obtained by this hastily assembled meeting suggests that further inquiry is necessary, particularly when it is discovered that Suki Forbes was found dead in her room at the inn, baring the same marks of violence as the previous victim. Should Barnabas and Angelique be questioned, and possibly others as well?
"These dark matters are so very beyond me, but if I can help, I shall. Perhaps Barnabas may be moved if I can speak to him alone and tell him of these suspicions."
Mr. Handy wrote:"I'm not sure how witchcraft works," says Victoria, "but could Angelique have made a mistake? She might have intended for Jeremiah Collins to fall in love with Josette instead of me. That would have broken their engagement just as effectively, and then Angelique could have Barnabas all to herself. Since it didn't work, she then made Barnabas fall in love with her."
"With me? I suppose it would have. And your own arrival was most sudden, Miss Winters - difficult for one to anticipate."

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 6:39 am
by Mr. Handy
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"That is true," says Reverend Trask. "It may help if you speak to Barnabas in private, but you would have to be careful lest Angelique find out about it. She strikes me as the jealous type."

Victoria nods. "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned," she adds.

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 11:53 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Word spreads rapidly throughout the village of Collinsport about the arrest of Lieutenant Nathan Forbes, who insists that he is entirely innocent of the murder of Suki Forbes, although he is without alibi for the time of night of the killing. It is assumed that the victim knew her assailant, as there are no signs of a struggle. Rumor has it that Suki was actually the estranged wife of Nathan, and that she was blackmailing him to conceal that fact, masquerading as his sister at his request. Nathan admits all this, but states that he had never raised his hand in violence to her. With an obvious motive and apparent opportunity, he is the primary suspect, and currently occupies the sole cell in the Collinsport gaol.

Josette,Whilst Angelique is occupied with marketing, a brief, secret meeting is arranged with Barnabas. He is obviously uncomfortable in the company of the woman he abandoned, but conceals nothing from her. "Angelique is well aware that I do not love her, as I shall always love you, but is willing to accept me as husband and hope that my affection for her will grow. In truth, how often do love and marriage go together? I have chosen what I hope is the least dishonorable path for my life. It is impossible for me to avoid hurting one or the other of you. Angelique is willing to overlook my sins; I could not ask you to do the same. You are better off without me. I wish you well."

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 11:55 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Unexplained die rolls[dice]0[/dice]
Miss Winters is able to identify the earring as belonging to Suki Forbes. She noticed its unusual design whilst being briefly introduced to her when she first arrived.

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 3:05 pm
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:
Josette,Whilst Angelique is occupied with marketing, a brief, secret meeting is arranged with Barnabas. He is obviously uncomfortable in the company of the woman he abandoned, but conceals nothing from her. "Angelique is well aware that I do not love her, as I shall always love you, but is willing to accept me as husband and hope that my affection for her will grow. In truth, how often do love and marriage go together? I have chosen what I hope is the least dishonorable path for my life. It is impossible for me to avoid hurting one or the other of you. Angelique is willing to overlook my sins; I could not ask you to do the same. You are better off without me. I wish you well."

"I vowed once I would not stand in the way of your marriage to Angelique, and of course now I can not," says Josette. "But there are some who believe there may be more to these events. Who believe that Angelique has bewitched you, and me. I beg you, for the sake of the love we shared, and which you yourself have confessed we still share, come away with me out of her shadow. Speak with Reverend Trask."
OOC,Is this easier to read than the colour I've been using?

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 3:10 pm
by SunlessNick

Assuming Millicent is conveyed home, and upon learning the further depths of Nathan's perfidy, she goes to Joshua and begs hs forgiveness. "I have been such a fool! Every word he spoke to me was a lie!"

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2020 6:25 am
by Mr. Handy
Image Image

"That earring belonged to Suki Forbes," says Victoria. "I recognize it from when I was introduced to her. It has a unique design."

"Interesting," says Reverend Trask. "I found this earring at the scene of the earlier murder. She most likely witnessed the murder, and it is highly likely that the same killer tracked her down and killed her for that reason. I wonder what Lt. Forbes's whereabouts were at the time of the first murder?"
OOC,I had no trouble reading either color.

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2020 11:22 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Persuaded by Josette to meet with Reverend Trask, Barnabas makes arrangement to have the clergyman arrive at the office where he is currently employed, in order to make their encounter as discreet as possible. When Reverend Trask arrives, he finds Barnabas seated at a small table, in a dark corner of the Collinsport customs office, where he is engaged in recording the coming and going of ships and cargo, bent over and writing in a large ledger by the dim light of a single candle. Upon seeing his guest approach, he lays his pen upon the desk and nods to him.

"What is it that you wish to know?"


Joshua's attempts to comfort Millicent are sincere, if rather clumsy.

"Thank heaven the marriage had not yet taken place! Forbes shall have to deal with the expenses on his own, if he does not wind up at the end of a noose!"

This possibility would seem to be more distressing than pleasing.


Prior to meeting with Barnabas Collins, Reverend Trask receives the information that Nathan Forbes was seen, by several witnesses -- given their low nature, one cannot really call them reliable witnesses -- carousing at the Eagle tavern on the night of the first murder. If this be true, it would seem to make it impossible for him to have been responsible for the crime. That does not excuse him from the murder of Suki Forbes, however. In the opinion of the constable, Forbes deliberately arranged her death in such manner as to suggest it was the work of the same villain as the first.

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2020 3:25 pm
by SunlessNick

Millicent anxiously follows the the news of Nathan's arrest, hoping that she was not so foolish as to fall in love with a murderer on top everything else.


Josette wishes to repay Miss Winters, and attempts to keep a watchful eye on her in case whatever evil force is overshadowing the Collins fanily should choose take reprisal for her interference.

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 3:43 am
by Mr. Handy

Victoria is grateful for Josette's presence, and she resolves to protect her in return.

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 3:53 am
by Mr. Handy

Reverend Trask tells the constable his theory that Suki Forbes was most likely killed because she witnessed the first murder as shown by her earring being found at the scene, which would mean that the same person murdered both of them, and therefore it could not have been Lt. Forbes. While he is there, he inquires as to the details of the second murder and examines that crime scene.

"Thank you, Mr. Collins," says Reverend Trask to Barnabas when he arrives. "You have had better opportunity to anyone to observe Angelique. Do you know her whereabouts at the times of the murders? Suki Forbes was at the scene of the first murder. I believe she witnessed it, and this is why she was murdered too. If your wife was present at either one, she could be in danger too." He knows that the love spell would prevent Barnabas from being suspicious of Angelique, but this gives him a way of asking without offending him.

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 10:51 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
"I thank you for your concern," Barnabas replies, "but I do not think you have any reason to worry. As she promised before many witnesses, she is a most dutiful and obedient wife, and spends each evening at home, either engaged in such housewifery as needlework or, during her few idle moments, reading. Often she attempts to brighten my mood by regaling me with tales from her island home. Of course, there are times when the late arrival of a ship requires me to spend part of the night in this office, so I cannot absolutely swear as to her whereabouts on such occasions; but it seems unlikely that she would have reason to go into the village after dark."

After bidding Barnabas good day, Reverend Trask examines the room where Suki Forbes was found dead. Everything is as it was at the dreadful moment of the murder, save for the removal of the body. The state of the small cot therein indicates that the victim was lying upon the bed at the moment of death. She was, however, found fully clothed, so was, apparently, not asleep. The one window is far too small for even a child to enter, so the murderer could not have entered in that fashion. Although it seems impossible for entry to have been made in any way other than the door to the room, no witness claims to have heard or seen anyone do so. The condition of the room suggests there was little or no struggle. Despite the condition of the body, there are no traces of blood to be found.


Inevitably, Nathan Forbes is placed on trial for the murder of Suki Forbes. The prosecution's case is entirely circumstantial, there being no witnesses to the crime. In order to establish the defendant's character, everyone who was present at Collinswood during the past several days is brought to the witness stand, and asked to state their opinion of both the victim and the accused. Although only peripheral to the events, this includes Victoria and Josette. Particularly vital will be the testimony of Millicent Collins, although this is likely to be an ordeal for her. Reverend Trask, whose private investigation of the case has been noted by the court, will be asked to render an opinion as well.

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 6:46 pm
by Mr. Handy

When Victoria's turn to testify comes, she tells what she knows. She is not well acquainted with Lt. Forbes, but she does make sure to mention that the earring that Reverend Trask found at the scene of the first murder did belong to Suki Forbes, as she remembers it from when she was first introduced to her.

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 6:56 pm
by Mr. Handy

Reverend Trask shares with the court his belief that both murders were committed by the same individual, given the similarities between them. He also brings up his theory that Suki Forbes may have witnessed the first murder, or at least that the killer may have believed her to have seen it, as the earring placed her at the scene. "I believe Suki Forbes was murdered to keep her from identifying the murderer of the first victim," he says. "She was killed in the exact same way, and except for those of us involved in the investigation, only the actual killer of the first victim would have known the details that had not been made public. Therefore, the same person must have committed both murders. While Lt. Forbes does not have an alibi for the second murder, he has an unimpeachable alibi for the first. Therefore, he cannot be the murderer."

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 11:27 pm
by SunlessNick

Millicent says as little as she can get away with about her relationship with Nathan, not wishing to appear foolish, though she will admit truthfully to anything directly asked of her. Of Suki she will say, "He told me on the night he was arrested that Miss Forbes had approached him often for money. He also told me of her death, but not in a manner of relief - he said, I recall, that fate had made a fool of him."

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 11:31 pm
by SunlessNick

Josette's testimony to the effect of, "I had but little contact with Mr Forbes, and all of it in a social setting, so I can not offer much in attestment as to his character. I can however say that even when he was in ill temper, which was often of late, I seldom witnessed him raise his voice in anger, and never his hand. I was shown the earring by Reverend Trask, but did not recognise it."

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2020 9:24 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Taking all of this evidence into consideration, the magistrate returns a verdict of Not Guilty. However, he also decrees, given ex-Lieutenant (dishonorably discharged from service) Forbes' many unpaid debts, and apparent lack of resources, that he be held in gaol until such time as the debts are paid in full.

"But that's a life sentence," protests the young man.

"Not necessarily. The court further decrees that, should anyone pay the moneys owed, that you be employed by said person as an indentured servant for a period of time to be determined.

"Court adjourned!"

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2020 11:32 am
by SunlessNick

Following the trial Millicent goes to visit Nathan, and asks how much money he owes. She suggests that if she could persuade her uncle and brother to pay the debt, perhaps he could seek redemption in the employ of the Collins family. It must be better than the debtors' gaol. "But you must be honest about the amount, Nathan. If they discover a lie, you would be back here, or at best dismissed and penniless. But with us you would have a chance to become the man you once convinced me you were,"

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2020 11:37 am
by SunlessNick

Josette goes to speak with Victoria after the trial. "I am glad that our testimony helped exonorate Mr Forbes. He is guilty of many lies and deceptions, it is true, but I do not believe him a murderer. But it still leaves us facing a great danger, perhaps more than one."

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 12:59 am
by Mr. Handy
Image Image

"Yes, I'm glad he was exonerated too," says Victoria. "I don't think he's a murderer either. That does mean that the actual murderer - or murderers - is still out there. Angelique is dangerous enough, but that doesn't necessarily mean that she's responsible for this too. Reverend Trask has done a good job investigating the murders, and it was his testimony that was key to Lt. Forbes's acquittal. I just hope he's able to find out who is actually responsible. Perhaps we can help him, as we did before."

It is at that moment that Reverend Trask arrives. "I believe I can be of service," he says. "I did not want to say anything earlier, but I believe that the murderer is a vampire. A foul, blasphemous creature of the dead that used to be a man - or a woman - but no longer is. The vampire preys on the living, drinking the victim's blood." He fills them in on the evidence he saw at the crime scenes and the first victim's body that suggests that. "Had these been conventional murders, there would have been much blood spilled, but none was found. A vampire would have been careful not to waste any. The punctures on the first victim are the sign of the vampire's bite. Vampires have great strength, as the killer indeed did, and they are said to be able to change their form. Nobody saw anyone go in or out of the door to Suki Forbes's room, and the window was far too small, but a vampire could have used it. In spite of their powers, vampires have weaknesses. As unholy things, they are repelled by all things holy. A crucifix, when brandished by one with faith, will keep them at bay. Holy water is also harmful to them. I have both in abundant supply. They are also said to be repulsed by garlic, and it is said that silver and fire can harm them. To slay a vampire, one can drive a wooden stake through its heart, or cut off its head. This is very difficult to do when a vampire is out and about, but vampires also shun the light of day. They are reputed to sleep in coffins in the daytime."

"What about the Collins family crypt? Nobody is buried there as yet, and it would be the perfect place for a vampire to hide. Might there be a coffin or something like that inside it?"

"There might indeed."

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 4:57 am
by SunlessNick

"If a vampire moves abroad at night, you propose visiting the crypt by day? I will pray for the success of your endeavour, but I am not sure that I would be of much use to you." says Josette.
Vicki,She has both the Cowardly and Afraid of the Dark afflictions, so she'd be at -6 if she tried to visit a vampire haunted crypt, even during the day.

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 5:01 am
by Mr. Handy

"Precisely," says Reverend Trask. "In the daytime, the vampire will be vulnerable. It would be too dangerous to go at night. If the vampire were there, or if it came back early, it would likely end badly. I would not think of asking you ladies to accompany me into such danger. I shall go alone, and well-equipped to deal with a vampire should I find one there. I thank you for your prayers, Miss. I think I may have need of them."

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 10:54 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote: Following the trial Millicent goes to visit Nathan, and asks how much money he owes. She suggests that if she could persuade her uncle and brother to pay the debt, perhaps he could seek redemption in the employ of the Collins family. It must be better than the debtors' gaol. "But you must be honest about the amount, Nathan. If they discover a lie, you would be back here, or at best dismissed and penniless. But with us you would have a chance to become the man you once convinced me you were,"
DIE ROLLs[dice]242962:0[/dice][dice]242962:1[/dice]
Despite much tearful pleading, Millicent's efforts to have either Joshua or Daniel secure Nathan's services in return for payment of the debts fall upon stony ground. Neither wishes to have more to do with the rascal. Out of desperation, Nathan himself goes to two who have themselves known public shaming: Barnabas and Angelique Collins. If not wealthy, they could at least provide him with victuals and lodging while he slowly pays off what he owes.
die rolls[dice]0[/dice]
At first, Barnabas is reluctant. However, much moved by the young man's plight, Angelique persuades her husband to accept him into their home. From naval officer to manservant is a mighty fall; much pride, did, indeed, go before it.

Re: An Informal Tribunal

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 10:58 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Tune in next time for our next exciting episode!