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Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 6:59 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf

Guests have arrived, after many a lengthy journey by coach, at the mansion on the Collinswood estate, to witness the upcoming nuptials of Barnabas Collins, heir to the Collins fishing and shipbuilding fortune, to Josette DuPres, recently arrived with her family from the island of Martinique.


In contrast to this happy event is the very peculiar presence of a young woman calling herself Victoria Winters, who showed up in shockingly revealing clothing. The explanation for this bizarre happening, or so it seems from her less than coherent statements, is a coach accident which caused a partial loss of memory and the tearing of her dress. In any event, she seems to be the governess expected to care for young Sarah Collins, the much younger sister of Barnabas.

Besides all the available members of the Collins and DuPres families, notable among the guests are Reverend Orville Trask and Lieutenant Nathan Forbes.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 2:26 pm
by SunlessNick

Millicent Collins will volunteer for the duty of caring for the stricken Miss Winters. She will ask Lt Forbes whether he thinks it likely that some malefactor was involved in the young lady's distress, and whether this party might still lurk nearby.
Vicki,Of course she would welcome reassurance that there is no such danger, but a more secret part of her is excited by the notion of being under the Lieutenant's protection.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 8:07 pm
by aine
Countess DuPres looks on with interest to see how the lady of the house deals with this ragamuffin girl in front of such a loud crowd. Hopefully it will be precipitous; Josette should be the one getting all the attention.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 5:48 am
by Mr. Handy

Victoria Winters smiles at Millicent. "Thank you for your help," she says.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 5:52 am
by Mr. Handy

"Curious," says Reverend Orville Trask, scratching his chin. "Most curious. I would like to examine the scene of the accident."

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 7:50 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:Millicent Collins will volunteer for the duty of caring for the stricken Miss Winters. She will ask Lt Forbes whether he thinks it likely that some malefactor was involved in the young lady's distress, and whether this party might still lurk nearby.
"No need to worry, my dear. I've spoken to the young lady -- charming, but not so much as present company, of course -- and there is no evidence of any highwayman involved.

"I believe all this excitement has rendered you a bit overheated. Shall we take a walk in the garden and enjoy the cool night air?"

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 7:57 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
aine wrote:Countess DuPres looks on with interest to see how the lady of the house deals with this ragamuffin girl in front of such a loud crowd. Hopefully it will be precipitous; Josette should be the one getting all the attention.
There being no obvious reason to doubt the veracity of Miss Winters' story, and Sarah Collins being in need of a governess, Naomi Collins (with the somewhat grudging approval of her husband, Joshua Collins) accepts her into the household, first supplying her with a proper set of clothing, and offering her a small room in the mansion, where she may store the very few possessions she had with her.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 8:00 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
Victoria Winters smiles at Millicent. "Thank you for your help," she says.
It is apparent to all that Miss Winters remains somewhat disoriented, occasionally calling persons by an incorrect name, although this tendency quickly disappears once she settles into her new position. If nothing else, it seems that she is an experienced governess, and that young Sarah is quite fond of her.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 8:01 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"Curious," says Reverend Orville Trask, scratching his chin. "Most curious. I would like to examine the scene of the accident."
unexplained die roll[dice]0[/dice]
Investigation yields only the fact that a coach carrying a governess to Collinswood did, indeed, suffer a minor accident near its destination. There being, as far as can be told, no other passengers within the coach at the time, and the driver long since gone his way, there are no witnesses to the incident immediately available.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 8:06 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Unexplained die roll[dice]0[/dice]
As the days go by, the arrangements for the wedding still underway, Miss Winters becomes accepted in her new position. During one of her lessons with Sarah, the child feels poorly for a moment, for unexplained reasons, but quickly recovers, with no apparent effects from the brief incident.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 11:10 am
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:"No need to worry, my dear. I've spoken to the young lady -- charming, but not so much as present company, of course -- and there is no evidence of any highwayman involved.
"I believe all this excitement has rendered you a bit overheated. Shall we take a walk in the garden and enjoy the cool night air?"
Millicent gladly accepts the offer.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 5:42 am
by Mr. Handy

Victoria is grateful for the welcome, and she enjoys teaching Sarah. In her free time, she peruses the books in the library hoping to find something that might help her with her predicament. She can't be the first person in history this has happened to, after all.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 5:50 am
by Mr. Handy

With no more evidence available, Reverend Trask resumes his preparations for the wedding, though he keeps his eyes open for anything suspicious.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 8:20 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
To one with a more than usually prominent bump of curiosity upon the head -- and there are many such about, it seems -- it is an obvious fact that Millicent Collins and Nathan Forbes are oft seen together, even when the young lady is not formally chaperoned. It may be that the youthful naval officer is particularly solicitous of one of a delicate nature; just hearing of Sarah's brief and as yet unexplained illness has caused Millicent to feel, as vulgar seamen say, "under the weather," often coughing lightly into her handkerchief.


Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 8:22 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
Victoria is grateful for the welcome, and she enjoys teaching Sarah. In her free time, she peruses the books in the library hoping to find something that might help her with her predicament. She can't be the first person in history this has happened to, after all.
unexplained die roll[dice]0[/dice]
Joshua Collins' collection of books proves to be extremely dry reading. With no taste for literature or abstract philosophy, his volumes consist entirely of works dealing with shipbuilding, merchanting, and such practical arts.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 8:27 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
unexplained die roll[dice]0[/dice]
The servants are kept busy making ready for the wedding. Joshua Collins, known to be a harsh taskmaster, is particularly strict with a large, muscular fellow named Ben Stokes, who performs those labors requiring great strength. It is common knowledge that Stokes is a felon, allowed to work off his prison sentence as an indentured servant at Collinswood. Always of a taciturn nature, Stokes has been particularly slow of speech and surly lately, and is often nowhere to be found when wanted. If it were up to Joshua, the man would go back to prison; but since Barnabas is inexplicably fond of the fellow, even going so far as to teach him the arts of reading and writing, he has kept him employed, at least for the time being.


Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 8:48 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
With no more evidence available, Reverend Trask resumes his preparations for the wedding, though he keeps his eyes open for anything suspicious.
At the present time, the only obvious sign of Satan's influence on the household is Countess DuPres's deck of fortunetelling cards, a wicked plaything she insists on keeping with her at all times, despite frequent warnings that such games come at the price of one's soul.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 7:44 pm
by SunlessNick
Millicent is charmingly embarrassed at her frailty, remarking to Victoria that she is the one supposed to have been caring for her. Should she hear any of the scandalous rumours about her time spent with Lt Forbes, she will flush and insist that he has behaved with naught but propriety.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 12:18 am
by Mr. Handy

Seeing that the books in the library are of little help, Victoria instead reads the Collins family history in her spare time. Having grown fond of Sarah, she is curious to see what will happen to her in the future.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 12:22 am
by Mr. Handy

Reverend Trask is sure to warn Countess DuPres often about the danger her soul is in from using Satan's tools of divination. "You would do well to burn them," he cautions her. "They give the devil a foothold in this house."

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 10:05 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Unexplained die roll[dice]0[/dice]
Victoria discovers that a hair ribbon, which she has been directed to wear when in the company of others, so that her long hair not be left wantonly loose, is missing from her room. More disturbing is what she reads in her book . . .

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 10:28 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote: Reverend Trask is sure to warn Countess DuPres often about the danger her soul is in from using Satan's tools of divination. "You would do well to burn them," he cautions her. "They give the devil a foothold in this house."
Reverend Trask's concerns are openly mocked by the Countess, disdained by Joshua Collins, who is possibly a Deist rather than a true Christian, but are heartily endorsed by Abigail Collins, Joshua's spinster sister.


"There's evil in this house, I am sure of it! Joining our family with a French Papist is bad enough, but there's black magic about!"

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 10:47 pm
by Mr. Handy

Victoria doesn't know if it's possible to change history, but she certainly intends to try. It saddens her that Sarah is due to die. While she had known that Sarah would certainly be dead by her own time, she had hoped she would have had a long full life and not died so young. Without knowing what the illness was, she couldn't cure it even with modern knowledge. Even if she had the skills to make penicillin from moldy bread, the disease might not have been bacterial, which would render it useless. However, maybe there was a way to get more information. She knows that Countess DuPres was always using her cards to read the future. She doesn't know if it actually works, but given her strange circumstances, she's willing to give it a try. She knows that doing so might cause her to fall under suspicion of witchcraft, but she has to take the risk. She'll have to seek her out when Reverend Trask is not around. First, though, she must do something about her hair. Unable to find the ribbon, she tries to come up with a substitute, perhaps a strand of lace. If she cannot, she will summon the maid to ask for a replacement.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 10:53 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Indeed," says Reverend Trask to Abigail. "I have sensed it myself, but I cannot yet pinpoint it. Do you know what is the source of the black magic, good lady?"

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 8:04 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf

Josette's personal servant, Angelique Bouchard, is more than happy to provide Victoria with a length of fine French lace to bind her hair.

"We working girls have to help each other," she says with a laugh. "There. You look quite lovely. I wouldn't be surprised if you won the fancy of some fine young man."
Unexplained die roll[dice]0[/dice]

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 8:09 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Later that same day . . .

Finding an opportunity to speak to the Countess in privacy, Victoria asks her to cast her fortune. The Countess is more than happy to do so. She deals out the Tarot cards and studies them.

"I see that you have traveled a long way. A very long way, indeed, even farther than Martinique! How interesting. What else did you wish to know, my child?"

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 8:20 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"Indeed," says Reverend Trask to Abigail. "I have sensed it myself, but I cannot yet pinpoint it. Do you know what is the source of the black magic, good lady?"
"I never did trust that Ben Stokes. He's a thief, you know. And I'm not so sure about Miss Winters, if that's really her name. Showing up out of nowhere with that cock-and-bull story about losing her memory! And making such a shameless display of her . . ." A slight blush. ". . . lower limbs. Torn dress, indeed! I'm sure she's after the Collins fortune, just you mark my words!"

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 8:25 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Later that evening . . .


Jeremiah Collins, Joshua Collins' much younger brother and the uncle of Barnabas and Sarah, who has hardly acknowledged Victoria at all up until now, spends a great deal of time talking to her, as if they were not of different levels of society.

"I can't explain it, Miss Winters," he says, "but I find myself strangely drawn to you."

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 11:27 pm
by Mr. Handy

Victoria thanks Angelique for the lace, which she uses to secure her hair.
* * *
Maybe there is something to this after all, thinks Victoria when the Countess speaks. "I would like to know what the future holds," she says.
* * *
"Thank you, sir, you flatter me," says Victoria to Jeremiah. "I cannot explain it either, but I do not wish to rise above my station."

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 11:32 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, I find it disturbing as well," says Reverend Trask. "These are symptoms of the disease of wickedness, of course. It is the disease itself that must be rooted out and eradicated, or it will merely reoccur in others. It is written that the love of money is the root of evil. You have spoken wisely indeed. A thief, who covets what is not his own, and a wanton girl who seeks what is not hers. Both are motivated by greed. I shall watch them closely."

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 3:39 am
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:And I'm not so sure about Miss Winters, if that's really her name. Showing up out of nowhere with that cock-and-bull story about losing her memory! And making such a shameless display of her . . ." A slight blush. ". . . lower limbs. Torn dress, indeed! I'm sure she's after the Collins fortune, just you mark my words!"
"But she was so confused and frightened when she was found," says Millicent. "I fear she suffered a true distress, and I cannot believe so ill of her. Her heart appears as fair as her countenance."

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 9:25 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
Maybe there is something to this after all, thinks Victoria when the Countess speaks. "I would like to know what the future holds," she says.
The Countess deals out the cards, muttering to herself, then lets out a gasp of surprise.

"I see great danger! There is an enemy who would destroy you! I cannot tell who it is, but you must be very careful."
* * *
"Thank you, sir, you flatter me," says Victoria to Jeremiah. "I cannot explain it either, but I do not wish to rise above my station."
As if he cannot control his passion, Jeremiah seizes Victoria's arms in his hands -- not enough to hurt her, but firmly, as if afraid she might escape him.

"This is madness, but I cannot deny it. I love you! Say you will be mine!"

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 9:27 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"Yes, I find it disturbing as well," says Reverend Trask. "These are symptoms of the disease of wickedness, of course. It is the disease itself that must be rooted out and eradicated, or it will merely reoccur in others. It is written that the love of money is the root of evil. You have spoken wisely indeed. A thief, who covets what is not his own, and a wanton girl who seeks what is not hers. Both are motivated by greed. I shall watch them closely."
Unexplained die rolls[dice]0[/dice]
True to his word, Reverend Trask keeps close watch over the two servants. As far as he can tell, Miss Winters' behavior is beyond reproach, which may, of course, be no more than concealment of wickedness within. (Jeremiah has been careful to keep his inexplicable attraction to Victoria known to no one but the object of his desire.)

However, the behavior of Ben Stokes is strange indeed. He has been observed in the rooms of the other servants, when they are not there, from time to time, without excuse. When asked to explain such behavior, his only response, even when threatened with a return to prison, is "I can't tell ya!" Forced to give more information, he seems to literally choke on his words, rendering them unintelligible.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 9:51 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:"But she was so confused and frightened when she was found," says Millicent. "I fear she suffered a true distress, and I cannot believe so ill of her. Her heart appears as fair as her countenance."
"You have so little knowledge of the sinfulness of this fallen world," Abigail replies with a sigh. "Well, I see that you are wise enough to avoid fortune hunters, my dear. Lieutenant Forbes is such a mannerly gentleman. I'm pleased you find his company pleasing. A naval officer would be an appropriate match for a Collins, if I may be so bold to mention."

As days go on, Nathan and Millicent, properly chaperoned, spend much time together, until there are hints that he intends to pay court to her at the proper time. On a certain day, when Millicent happens to be near the front door of the mansion, there comes a knock on the door. Opening it herself, since, in her benevolent way, she wishes not to disturb the servants unnecessarily, she sees a young woman unknown to her.


"Hello," she says, letting herself in without invitation. "Nathan about? I hear he's been spending a lot of time around here."

It so happens that Nathan is in the next room, discussing business with Joshua.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 6:03 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I will be," Victoria says to the Countess. "Do the cards say anything about what I must do?"
* * *
"I wish I could," says Victoria, "but I cannot. We are from two different worlds, you and I." She doesn't want to break his heart, but she also wants to help avert his fate. Jeremiah could also be a possible ally, but she knows she must be careful. "If you truly love someone, you must be willing to let her go. If she does not return, it was never meant to be. Tell me, if there were a way you could help save my life, and your own as well, yet it meant we could never see each other again, would you do it?"

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 6:05 pm
by Mr. Handy

Seeing that Ben Stokes remains uncooperative, Reverend Trask sees no choice but to approach Joshua Collins with what he has observed.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 2:23 am
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:"Hello," she says, letting herself in without invitation. "Nathan about? I hear he's been spending a lot of time around here."

It so happens that Nathan is in the next room, discussing business with Joshua.
"Lt Forbes is near at hand," says Millicent. "Certainly I may fetch him for you - perhaps you may wait in the drawing room." She shows the newcomer the room she means. "Whom should I say seeks his counsel?"

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 7:53 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"I will be," Victoria says to the Countess. "Do the cards say anything about what I must do?"
"I see that you have something in your possession that must remain hidden. I cannot tell what it is; your future is strangely blurred, as if through a glass, darkly. Strange; very strange."
* * *
"I wish I could," says Victoria, "but I cannot. We are from two different worlds, you and I." She doesn't want to break his heart, but she also wants to help avert his fate. Jeremiah could also be a possible ally, but she knows she must be careful. "If you truly love someone, you must be willing to let her go. If she does not return, it was never meant to be. Tell me, if there were a way you could help save my life, and your own as well, yet it meant we could never see each other again, would you do it?"
After a deep sigh, Jeremiah replies, "If so it must be. Better that I remain a wretched soul, doomed to wander this cruel world alone, than see you suffer. I am your slave." More to himself, he adds "What is this madness? Eros, cruel godling!"

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 8:00 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote: Seeing that Ben Stokes remains uncooperative, Reverend Trask sees no choice but to approach Joshua Collins with what he has observed.
Given this information, Joshua summons the manservant himself.

"It will be back to prison if you are not forthcoming with an explanation for this troubling behavior," he threatens.

"No, not that, Mister Joshua, I couldn't stand that. I want to tell ya, but I can't! She'll kill me, kill me . ."

As if the rude fellow were some grim prophet, he collapses in a fit of apoplexy, face turning a ghastly gray hue as he breathes his last.

After his initial shock at this sight, Joshua remarks "The man must have been suffering from brain fever, poor fellow. Help me carry him to one of the outbuildings until I can arrange for a decent burial in the common field. The man was a rogue, but I would not wish him such a painful death."

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 8:09 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:"Lt Forbes is near at hand," says Millicent. "Certainly I may fetch him for you - perhaps you may wait in the drawing room." She shows the newcomer the room she means. "Whom should I say seeks his counsel?"
The woman settles herself into the most comfortable chair in the drawing room. "Just tell him Suki's back, and watch his face. That should be good for a laugh. You wouldn't happen to have a spot of gin about the place, would you?"

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 5:07 am
by Mr. Handy

It must be the book, thinks Victoria. "Are the cards always right?" she asks the Countess. "Can the future they reveal be changed by the knowledge of it?"
* * *
"I believe your feelings for me are sincere," says Victoria, deciding that she can trust Jeremiah because of them. "What I'm about to tell you, you must promise not to repeat to anyone under any circumstances. I wasn't kidding when I told you we're from two different worlds. My home is the year of our Lord 1967, almost two centuries hence. In a manner I do not understand, I have found myself in the past. I was living in Collinsport in my time, and the Collins family is still there, but there is much tragedy that will happen to the family in this time that I hope to prevent. I seek a way to return to my own time as well, though I know not how. Perhaps with your help it may be possible. Perhaps there's even a way you could come with me, and then the situation may change, though I cannot promise that will happen. I do not know whether I can alter fate. I know something of the history of the Collins family in this time, including your own history. The history I read said that you fell in love not with me, but with Josette, and that she returned your feelings. Whatever happens, you must not get involved with her! Doing so will lead to your death. It will break up the impending marriage, and Barnabas will kill you in a duel. I am also mentioned in the history. It says that I will be hanged as a witch. Other horrible things are due to happen this year, but if we work together, we may be able to avert them."

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 5:10 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, of course," says Reverend Trask, bending down to help lift the dead man. "Mr. Stokes said that 'she' would kill him, and then he died. There is only one thing that could have caused his death, and that is witchcraft. There is a witch in this house, and she has been manipulating him. I must find her, before she causes further deaths."

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 6:58 am
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:The woman settles herself into the most comfortable chair in the drawing room. "Just tell him Suki's back, and watch his face. That should be good for a laugh. You wouldn't happen to have a spot of gin about the place, would you?"
"I... I am sure some could be found," says Millicent, unnerved by the woman's brazen manner. "I shall summon a servant to attend you."

In a slight daze, and perhaps anticipating that the encounter is to be a difficult one, she goes straight to the room where Nathan is speaking with Joshua and knocks on the door. Upon entry, she says, "I am sorry to disturb you Nathan, Uncle. Nathan, young woman has arrived at the house, and wishes to speak with you. She says her name is Suki. But she is quite unmannerly - perhaps is is another Nathan she seeks - I cannot see what tie she might have to one of your bearing."

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 8:42 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
It must be the book, thinks Victoria. "Are the cards always right?" she asks the Countess. "Can the future they reveal be changed by the knowledge of it?"
"The future is like a river, my child," the Countess explains. "It may take many paths as it winds to the sea. We are swept along with it, but we can fight the current, even swim against it, if we are strong enough. The cards show you only one of several paths, perhaps the most probable one, but not the only one."

Given this advice, Victoria recalls that the Collins family history mentions that Ben Stokes lived to a ripe old age, dying in 1840. It seems that the future has already been changed, in a terrible way.
* * *
"I believe your feelings for me are sincere," says Victoria, deciding that she can trust Jeremiah because of them. "What I'm about to tell you, you must promise not to repeat to anyone under any circumstances. I wasn't kidding when I told you we're from two different worlds. My home is the year of our Lord 1967, almost two centuries hence. In a manner I do not understand, I have found myself in the past. I was living in Collinsport in my time, and the Collins family is still there, but there is much tragedy that will happen to the family in this time that I hope to prevent. I seek a way to return to my own time as well, though I know not how. Perhaps with your help it may be possible. Perhaps there's even a way you could come with me, and then the situation may change, though I cannot promise that will happen. I do not know whether I can alter fate. I know something of the history of the Collins family in this time, including your own history. The history I read said that you fell in love not with me, but with Josette, and that she returned your feelings. Whatever happens, you must not get involved with her! Doing so will lead to your death. It will break up the impending marriage, and Barnabas will kill you in a duel. I am also mentioned in the history. It says that I will be hanged as a witch. Other horrible things are due to happen this year, but if we work together, we may be able to avert them."
Jeremiah grows pale at these stark revelations. After settling himself in a chair and meditating for some time, he comes to a conclusion.

"I cannot doubt your word. The peculiar manner in which you speak, the strange clothing you wore when you first arrived, of a material similar to silk yet so different; all these things speak of another time. I know not what you mean by 'kidding,' or what all this might have to do with the raising of young goats, but I believe you are speaking the truth. There is only one possible explanation. You are indeed a witch, and you cast a spell upon me that I must love you and be your slave, but I care not! If this be Satan's work, then Hell shall be my Heaven!

"I feel nothing for Josette but sincere friendship, and my best wishes that she find true happiness with my nephew. To interfere with their marriage is the farthest thing from my mind, so you need not worry on that account. Whether I am able to save you from the gallows, I do not know; but command me, and I will serve you."

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 8:52 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"Yes, of course," says Reverend Trask, bending down to help lift the dead man. "Mr. Stokes said that 'she' would kill him, and then he died. There is only one thing that could have caused his death, and that is witchcraft. There is a witch in this house, and she has been manipulating him. I must find her, before she causes further deaths."
Whilst making the necessary arrangements for the final disposal of Ben Stokes' mortal remains, the two men discover several items about his person that belong to other members of the household. Although Stokes was known as a thief, these things are of no great value; a hair ribbon, a bit of cloth, and the like. Given the fact that it would be just as simple a matter to steal jewelry and money as such items, this pattern of thievery presents something of a mystery.

"I am not much given to place credence in accounts of witchery," Joshua admits, "although I cannot deny that this tragedy suggests some such practice. Who, then, do you suspect of this wickedness? There are strangers in this house, you know."

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 9:15 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote: "I... I am sure some could be found," says Millicent, unnerved by the woman's brazen manner. "I shall summon a servant to attend you."

In a slight daze, and perhaps anticipating that the encounter is to be a difficult one, she goes straight to the room where Nathan is speaking with Joshua and knocks on the door. Upon entry, she says, "I am sorry to disturb you Nathan, Uncle. Nathan, young woman has arrived at the house, and wishes to speak with you. She says her name is Suki. But she is quite unmannerly - perhaps is is another Nathan she seeks - I cannot see what tie she might have to one of your bearing."
Lieutenant Forbes grows speechless at this revelation. His eyes open wide and his mouth opens. Without a word of explanation, he rushes from the room, obviously intent on locating Suki. The heavy doors to the drawing room slam shut, and only the hissing of whispered conversation may be heard from within. After several minutes, Nathan returns with Suki, holding her hand tightly in his own.

"Forgive my rudeness," he says, still a bit nervous. "I must admit I was taken completely by surprise. Miss Collins, Mister Collins, may I present my sister, Miss Forbes. I was not expecting you here in Collinsport, Suki," he says pointedly.

Suki giggles a bit. "Like a bad penny, I always turn up when you least expect me."

After the usual introductions are made, Lieutenant Forbes indicates that he shall escort his sister to the Three Bells, a local inn of higher reputation than the Eagle, which serves also as a tavern.

When the pair have made their farewells, Joshua remarks, "I would not have taken them for siblings. Nature plays strange tricks, does she not?"

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 7:57 pm
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:When the pair have made their farewells, Joshua remarks, "I would not have taken them for siblings. Nature plays strange tricks, does she not?"

"As you say, Uncle Joshua," agrees Millicent. "I found her manner alarming, quite unlike the Lieutennant's. I must apologise when I see her next."

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 8:08 pm
by SunlessNick

Meanwhile, unaware of the commotion from downstairs, Josette asks her mother what the strange girl wanted to talk about. (She knows she should not be resentful of this Victoria, or pry into her, but no one wants to be upstaged during the preparations for her wedding).

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 4:20 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you," says Victoria. "Is there any way the cards can help me identify my enemy?"
* * *
"Thank you," says Victoria, relieved. "I am no witch, though, but maybe someone else here is one and is responsible for this situation. I've never been in love, but I've known people who have been. It may seem like magic or witchcraft, but true love isn't. It's much better than that. I did not intend to make you fall in love with me, and I'm not sure why or how it happened. There is also the possibility that a witch did cast a spell on you to direct your affections at me. If I can be catapulted back in time, then witchcraft and magic may be real. Most people in my time do not even believe in them. Mine is an age of science. I think it is possible to change the future, and I think it has already happened. Perhaps a witch would have cast a spell to make you fall in love with Josette, but something altered her plans and she chose me to be the target of Cupid's arrow instead. That would mean that those dark fates can be averted. You shall live, and so shall I. History recorded that Sarah dies of an unknown illness this year, but hopefully that won't happen either. Not every change is good, however. Ben Stokes was not supposed to die, not for a good long time. The history I know records him living until 1840.

"I need two things most of all from you, aside of course from your discretion: your knowledge of your time, and your protection. All I know of 1795 is what I learned about history, but you live here and now. You know the times and the people, and you can instruct me and help keep me from making foolish mistakes. I've already used an expression from my time that nobody in this time would know. The word 'kidding' means 'jesting.' I must speak like someone from this time. I also have an enemy here, though I know not who it is. Perhaps it is a witch, whoever it may be. You might better be able to determine who in this house is hostile toward me. There's also Reverend Trask. I've seen him looking at me, and I know he's suspicious of me, but I've taken great care to give him no evidence. He does not seem the sort to stop until he finds his witch. If there is a real witch here, and we find out who it is, you might be able to direct his suspicions to the proper target. He'd never believe it coming from me."

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 4:34 am
by Mr. Handy

"I was immediately suspicious of Victoria Winters," says Reverend Trask. "Her mysterious arrival, her scandalous outfit, and her convenient lack of memory all seem to indicate that she is not who she pretends to be. However, I have been watching her closely, and I have seen not a shred of evidence to implicate her. Perhaps she is merely being extremely careful. If she is guilty, she will slip up somewhere along the line, and I will be there to catch her at it. There is also the Countess DuPres and her infernal cards, which she uses for divination. I have warned her time and again about Satan's playthings, yet she refuses to repent. You know the women in this house better than I would, so perhaps you have some insight. One thing is certain: Ben Stokes said 'she.' While male witches - called warlocks - do exist, the witch in this case is definitely female. She has, however, already shown that she is quite capable of manipulating a man and getting him to do her bidding. I know not what wickedness she intends by directing him to steal these items, but witches can use personal items belonging to people in order to cast spells affecting them. Now that she has lost her catspaw, she will be on the lookout for a new one."

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 9:43 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote: "As you say, Uncle Joshua," agrees Millicent. "I found her manner alarming, quite unlike the Lieutenant's. I must apologise when I see her next."
After some time has gone by, Nathan returns alone, in a state of agitation not perfectly hidden. Making excuses to Joshua, he requests that he be allowed to speak to Millicent alone for a moment. With a nod, the older man withdraws.

When they are out of the earshot of others, Nathan says "I am about to subject myself to a greater humiliation than I have ever known. My -- my sister has fallen into desperate circumstances, the nature of which I would not dare to explain. I must be blunt. She is in need of money; a great deal of money. Having few resources myself, and being too involved in the dealings between Joshua and the Navy to interfere in their smooth operation by such an embarrassment, I find I have no one to turn to save yourself. If you could possibly extend a loan, I swear I would labor to repay it with all my might. The amount, I am afraid, is distressing. Suki is in need of one thousand dollars."

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 10:03 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:
Meanwhile, unaware of the commotion from downstairs, Josette asks her mother what the strange girl wanted to talk about. (She knows she should not be resentful of this Victoria, or pry into her, but no one wants to be upstaged during the preparations for her wedding).
"Ah, she is a strange one, my dear. She wished to know if the future could be changed. It is as if she saw the Fates before her. Atropos with her shears, snip, snip! I fear that she is destined for great unhappiness, that one. But let us not speak of such things. Your Barnabas -- ridiculous name! -- I trust he is not overly grieved by the death of that manservant? I suppose the wedding must be delayed for a decent length of time, even if the fellow was merely a servant."

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 10:12 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote: "Thank you," says Victoria. "Is there any way the cards can help me identify my enemy?"
"I will try, my child, I will try." After several minutes of shuffling and arranging the cards, the Countess shrugs.

"I cannot say. It is as if a fog were coming between me and the cards. It is most peculiar."

Later, Jeremiah agrees to instruct Victoria in the manners of the time, and to keep watch over her. The task is by no means an unpleasant one, and he takes those few opportunities which present themselves to take Victoria's hand, and to gaze into her eyes.
Unexplained die roll[dice]0[/dice]
A few days later, the household is distressed to discover that Naomi Collins, the matriarch of the family, has succumbed to the same illness from which her young daughter briefly suffered. In her case, however, the effect is much more serious and does not improve with time. Barnabas, a dutiful son, is most upset, and swears he would do anything, even give up his life, to save her. The local physician finds that such usual practices as bleeding and the application of poultices is of no avail, and fears for her life.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 10:27 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
With the permission of Joshua, the Reverend Trask is allowed to search the rooms of the female members of the household, family and guests.
At first, this procedure yields only minor indiscretions on the part of these persons. The pious lady Abigail, no doubt unwilling to display even a trace of avarice, possesses a small amount of money, kept hidden within a book of prayers. Perhaps even more venial is the fact that Sarah, amongst her few possessions, has somehow managed to secure several marbles, playthings more proper to boys than girls.

Of more interest, it seems, is the fact that the maidservant Angelique is in possession of a few small vials of what seems to be powdered vegetable matter. She explains that these are curative plants native to the West Indies, designed to alleviate such ills as may distress her mistress.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 5:46 pm
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:She is in need of money; a great deal of money. Having few resources myself, and being too involved in the dealings between Joshua and the Navy to interfere in their smooth operation by such an embarrassment, I find I have no one to turn to save yourself. If you could possibly extend a loan, I swear I would labor to repay it with all my might. The amount, I am afraid, is distressing. Suki is in need of one thousand dollars."

"I grieve at your poor sister's misfortune, Nathan," says Millicent, distress easily evident on her face. "Naturally, my Uncles exert charge over my inheritance, but I can appeal to them to aid her." Sadly, however, her mother's growing illness quickly claims her attention - she spends her days praying for a change in her condition. Should Nathan press the matter, she teafully begs him to allow her some time.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 5:52 pm
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:Your Barnabas -- ridiculous name! -- I trust he is not overly grieved by the death of that manservant? I suppose the wedding must be delayed for a decent length of time, even if the fellow was merely a servant."
"He feels the proper responsibility that a master should, to those in his care," says Josette. "But no more than is seemly." One must presume the illness of the elder Mrs Collins also imposes a delay on the wedding. Josette dutifullly prays for the recovery of her future mother-in-law, feeling a little guilt that she also has a selfish motive for doing so.

She will of course vouch for Angelique when the Reverend Trask finds her herbs.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 5:13 am
by Mr. Handy

Victoria discreetly speaks to Jeremiah in private about Naomi. "Medicine has advanced greatly by my day," she says. "While I am no physician - though women in my age do have that profession - I know enough of the basics of science to be able to teach them to children. If I could observe her symptoms, I may be able to identify the illness and come up with a course of treatment that would work better. I cannot promise anything, but I can try.'

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 5:15 am
by Mr. Handy

Reverend Trask is not completely convinced of Angelique's innocence, though he has no conclusive proof against her as of yet. He resolves to keep an eye on her and see if she does anything to warrant further suspicion.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 10:39 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:
"I grieve at your poor sister's misfortune, Nathan," says Millicent, distress easily evident on her face. "Naturally I have no command over my family's finances, but I can surely appeal to my father to aid her." Sadly, however, her mother's growing illness quickly claims her attention - she spends her days praying for a change in her condition. Should Nathan press the matter, she tearfully begs him to allow her some time.
A slight clarification: Millicent is a distant cousin of the other Collins. Her only close relative is her young brother Daniel, their parents both deceased. She is, in fact, an heiress, in charge of a considerable sum of money; in the eyes of the law, however, even the boy Daniel might be considered to have power over her fortune, if he so chose.
As days go by, Suki frequently pays visits to the Collins mansion, often wearing a new frock, generally brightly colored in a gaudy manner, and of expensive, if not overly tasteful design. For one said to be in distress, her mood seems bright, even gay. Nathan, meanwhile, is often moody and sullen, as if some great burden weighs upon his mind.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 10:55 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Eager to prove her good intentions, Angelique makes use of the powders, stirred into a small amount of sherry, as a tonic which she induces Naomi to swallow. She is surprised, and not a little impressed, when Victoria suggests a similar concoction, made from willow bark, to relieve pain and fever. The remedy proves to be greatly effective, as do the herbs administered by Angelique. In point of fact, Naomi's recovery appears nothing less than miraculous, no doubt aided by the sincere prayers of those in the household.

There is much joy. It is all the more distressing, therefore, when Barnabas makes a shocking announcement. His face is very pale when he speaks to the assembled family and guests, having previously warned that it was necessary for him to speak of serious, even grave, matters.

"I am about to wound many for whom I feel nothing but respect and affection," he begins, in a sad tone, "But it would be even more injurious if I were to remain silent. Josette, dearest, I am unable to marry you." Observing that he has caused much distress to the woman who loves him, and to nearly all others gathered about, he hurries to continue. "I will wed Angelique." He collapses into the nearest chair, nearly faint. Angelique rushes to his side, stroking his forehead with many a whispered word of affection.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 4:48 pm
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:
A slight clarification: Millicent is a distant cousin of the other Collins. Her only close relative is her young brother Daniel, their parents both deceased. She is, in fact, an heiress, in charge of a considerable sum of money; in the eyes of the law, however, even the boy Daniel might be considered to have power over her fortune, if he so chose.
Sorry - I'd got into my head that I was Barnabas's sister and Joashua's daughter. So I should be calling both Joshua and Jeremiah uncle? But unless either of them object I am free to give the money to Nathan if I wish? I edited my previous post.
As days go by, Suki frequently pays visits to the Collins mansion, often wearing a new frock, generally brightly colored in a gaudy manner, and of expensive, if not overly tasteful design. For one said to be in distress, her mood seems bright, even gay. Nathan, meanwhile, is often moody and sullen, as if some great burden weighs upon his mind.

Millicent offer Suki her apologies for misjudging her on her first visit, and remarks how well she is bearing up (though she makes no direct reference to what circumstances she might be bearing up under).

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 4:54 pm
by SunlessNick

"But... how can this be?" Josette asks. "Angelique, after all my mother has done for you! And Barnabas, how-"

Charisma 11, Rolled 1D20, got 13

Josette swoons under the shock, collapsing onto the floor.


Millicent rushes to her.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 1:11 am
by Mr. Handy

Victoria also hurries to Josette's side, genuinely concerned for her. This is similar to what she had read in the history book, but she doesn't even need to feign surprise. With so many differences, it is shocking to see something turn out almost the same. She recalls that Josette is destined to die by jumping from Widow's Walk, and this is probably why. Hopefully she can dissuade Josette from doing anything drastic. "Does anyone have smelling salts?" she asks, thinking that Angelique is the most likely to possess them, given her herb collection.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 1:14 am
by Mr. Handy

This incident immediately raises Reverend Trask's suspicions of Angelique. Has she cast a love spell upon Barnabas? he thinks. "What has taken hold of you?" he asks Barnabas. "Think about what you are doing. You have been engaged to Josette for some time. Just how long have you wanted to marry Angelique?"

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 10:05 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:
Millicent offer Suki her apologies for misjudging her on her first visit, and remarks how well she is bearing up (though she makes no direct reference to what circumstances she might be bearing up under).
"Oh, la," Suki replies merrily, "now that--" she interrupts herself with a fit of giggling "-- my brother takes care of me, all is well for the moment. So, has Nathan asked for your hand yet? He'd be ever so fine a husband!" She is reduced to laughter again.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 10:28 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
The ladies of the household rushing to the aid of Josette, and Joshua angrily chastising his son for this grotesque betrayal of affection, bringing infamy to the name of Collins, there is much anguish at Collinswood. Despite the entreaties of father and mother, and the torment endured by the jilted bride-to-be, Barnabas cannot be swayed. He addresses Reverend Trask directly, although his confession is meant to be heard by all.

"Whilst dealing with affairs of business in the West Indies, I first paid court to Josette. But great sinner that I am, I endeavored to seduce a servant, as so many of my station have done, to the blackening of their souls."

At this juncture, Angelique covers her face with her hands.

"The crime is entirely my own. I had my way with Angelique. Poor weaker vessel! How could she defend her honor against one of my class? I thought little of the matter at first, but as days went by, I could not escape the pangs of conscience. Then, when Angelique arrived here, and I saw the pain in her eyes -- pain that went unexpressed, without a word of reproach for the fiend who ruined her! -- I was determined to reveal the wickedness of my actions. I shall make her an honest woman, though it means I must cause great suffering to those who are as pure as I am corrupt."

Angelique, now openly weeping, falls to her knees before Barnabas.

"I shall be a loving and dutiful wife, I swear it!"

At some point, speaking in a voice of ice, Joshua states that, if he is determined to go through with this madness, Barnabas will be disinherited, forced to make his own way in the world. As one final, undeserved act of charity, entirely because he believes that Angelique is entirely innocent in this matter, he will allow them to live in the old mansion, while the rest of the family moves into the recently completed new mansion.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 10:44 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I know he has hurt you greatly, Josette," says Victoria, "but do not give up hope. You can still find love with a better man. You are young and beautiful, and of a good and noble family. Suitors will be lining up for the chance to woo you. It is preferable that you learn of Barnabas's true nature before you were wed than after."

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 10:47 pm
by Mr. Handy

Reverend Trask is not convinced of Angelique's innocence in the matter, though he holds his peace about that for now while he is in front of everyone. Perhaps later he can discuss his suspicions with Joshua in private. Clearly Barnabas has sinned greatly by his own admission, but he has at least confessed it.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 6:06 am
by SunlessNick
Mr. Handy wrote:"I know he has hurt you greatly, Josette," says Victoria, "but do not give up hope. You can still find love with a better man. You are young and beautiful, and of a good and noble family. Suitors will be lining up for the chance to woo you. It is preferable that you learn of Barnabas's true nature before you were wed than after."

"Y- You are right Miss Winters," sobs Josette. "It is better that I know, than to marry a man who would commit such a crime. All the more now he has repented - alas I cannot stand in the way of his making atonement."

Later she approaches Angelique in private, refusing to discuss the matter any more than what she has come to say: "I am resolved not to stand in the way of Barnabas wedding you, if that is also your desire. But I hope you will appreciate that it would be improper for us to continue the association we have. I regret that I must dismiss you from my service."
Vicki,Is it up to me whether Josette goes through with her suicide?

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 6:14 am
by SunlessNick

At a quiet moment, Millicent will request a walk with Nathan, ostensibly to ease her nerves from the strife within the household - an excuse with more than a little truth to it, but nonetheless a pretext. When they are alone, she will say, "Firstly, Nathan, I must apologise for my having neglected your request these last few weeks. I know it a poor repayment for the courage you showed, humbling yourself to me. There has been so much distress. So much. If I can ease but one person's burden, it is surely my duty to do so. I will sign the necessary documents to advance the money to you."
Cutting off whatever reply he starts to make, she adds, "I know you are about to say I should consult with my Uncle first, but with the illness of my poor Aunt, and now this terrible revelation from Barnabas, I would not wish to add to his troubles."
Bad Judge of Character is right there on my character sheet :) .

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 8:39 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:
Vicki,Is it up to me whether Josette goes through with her suicide?
That is entirely up to you. Consider this game, as well as the other one, to be completely different universes. I will add that, if you die, you will return as a ghost, and would be allowed to continue play in that form.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 8:44 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote: At a quiet moment, Millicent will request a walk with Nathan, ostensibly to ease her nerves from the strife within the household - an excuse with more than a little truth to it, but nonetheless a pretext. When they are alone, she will say, "Firstly, Nathan, I must apologise for my having neglected your request these last few weeks. I know it a poor repayment for the courage you showed, humbling yourself to me. There has been so much distress. So much. If I can ease but one person's burden, it is surely my duty to do so. I will sign the necessary documents to advance the money to you."
Cutting off whatever reply he starts to make, she adds, "I know you are about to say I should consult with my Uncle first, but with the illness of my poor Aunt, and now this terrible revelation from Barnabas, I would not wish to add to his troubles."

"My dearest one! You are too kind, far too kind. Now that I am more than ever convinced of the angelic nature of your heart, I dare speak what my own unworthiness forbid me to say."

He falls to one knee and takes her hand.

"My darling, would you ever find it within your stainless soul to wed such a one as I?"

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 8:59 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Angelique is most understanding of the feelings of her former mistress, and is appreciative that she does not blame her for the terrible pain she is enduring.

"I cannot ask you to be my friend," she says, "for I know that to look upon me would be to open a wound that would not heal. Instead, allow me to offer some small amount of solace, if such is possible."

She presents Josette with a music box of exquisite design which plays a charming little melody when opened.


"It -- it was to be my wedding present to you," she continues with a trembling voice. "Please accept it, that you may know that I bear you no ill will."

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 9:11 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote: Reverend Trask is not convinced of Angelique's innocence in the matter, though he holds his peace about that for now while he is in front of everyone. Perhaps later he can discuss his suspicions with Joshua in private. Clearly Barnabas has sinned greatly by his own admission, but he has at least confessed it.
Whilst in private consultation with Joshua, Reverend Trask happens to mention the name of Barnabas, to which the former gentleman makes reply in as cold a voice as the man of God has ever heard.

"I am afraid you are mistaken, sir. I have no son. Thank God I have a daughter to console me in my old age! I know no one by the name of Barnabas, nor do I wish to know any person of that name. As for whatever investigations you wish to make, that is your own affair."

There could be no greater evidence that the bond between father and son is entirely severed. Naomi, on the other hand, retains the natural affection of mother for child, despite the crimes of her offspring. She often visits him when Joshua is otherwise occupied. It is also noticeable that she has greatly increased her consumption of sherry.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 11:46 am
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:"My darling, would you ever find it within your stainless soul to wed such a one as I?"

"Oh dearest Nathan, I know not what to say. If I appear to hesitate, it is only because I fear to wound poor Josette with such happy news so soon after her heartbreak. Be assured I accept your proposal, but I beg that we might delay the announcement a short while longer."

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 11:50 am
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:"It -- it was to be my wedding present to you," she continues with a trembling voice. "Please accept it, that you may know that I bear you no ill will."

"It is quite beautiful," says Josette. "I thank you for the gift, no matter the circumstance. May Barnabas always treat you as a husband ought." She takes her leave, uncertain what to do with the music box, the sight of which which opens the same manner of wound as Angelique herself - still, she retires to her room and plays it just the once - to do otherwise would be churlish.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 5:27 am
by Mr. Handy

Victoria will tell Jeremiah in private about the similarity to what she knows from the history, as well as the difference, concerning Barnabas marrying Angelique.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 5:28 am
by Mr. Handy

Reverend Trask seeks out Naomi, both to caution her against drinking too much sherry, and to sound her out on her opinion of Angelique.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 9:39 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote: "Oh dearest Nathan, I know not what to say. If I appear to hesitate, it is only because I fear to wound poor Josette with such happy news so soon after her heartbreak. Be assured I accept your proposal, but I beg that we might delay the announcement a short while longer."
"Of course. I understand completely. My lips shall remain sealed for as long as you desire." He seals their secret compact with a gentle kiss.

Some time later, having secured the required funds from Millicent's inheritance, via a letter of transfer from her New York bank, Nathan leaves with the money in hand.

"I shall deliver it to my sister in a most discreet fashion."

After that time, Suki is no longer seen in Collinsport, and Nathan seems to be much restored in spirit.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 9:45 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote: "It is quite beautiful," says Josette. "I thank you for the gift, no matter the circumstance. May Barnabas always treat you as a husband ought." She takes her leave, uncertain what to do with the music box, the sight of which which opens the same manner of wound as Angelique herself - still, she retires to her room and plays it just the once - to do otherwise would be churlish.
Upon first hearing the tinkling melody of the music box, which is said to have been wrought by an artisan of uncommon skill in the Far East, Josette seems to be transported to other places and other times, if only in imagination. Can that be the sweet scent of jasmine that fills the air? The overall sensation is one of peace, and forgetfulness, as if one could wish one's troubles away with a simple tune. The illusion fades once one shuts the box, leaving only haunting memories of its charms.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 9:59 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
Victoria will tell Jeremiah in private about the similarity to what she knows from the history, as well as the difference, concerning Barnabas marrying Angelique.
From what Jeremiah is able to ascertain from this strange book of the future, like that said to be penned by the French astrologer Michel de Nostredame, he believes that his own dire fate has been averted, but perhaps not that of others.

"There seems no reason whatsoever that my nephew and I should fight a duel, as our affections run in different directions. I am not so certain of the safety of poor Josette, or of yourself, my beloved. No, I would rather go to my own grave rather than see you harmed in any way!"

Looking further into the book, he sees that it states that Barnabas sailed to England not long after the present time, and never returned. Being merely a woman, and a former servant at that, there is little information concerning Angelique, save to record her marriage. Whether she accompanied Barnabas to England, if she bore him any issue, and what might have been the manner and date of her passing from the mortal realm, are unknown.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 10:15 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote: Reverend Trask seeks out Naomi, both to caution her against drinking too much sherry, and to sound her out on her opinion of Angelique.
When calling on Naomi, Reverend Trask observes that she refrains from partaking of drink, although it is evident that her movements are less that graceful, and her speech slow and hesitant. Through patient questioning, however, he is able to obtain the information he seeks.

"I have visited them as often as I could, when Joshua is otherwise occupied. My son is melancholy, but tries not to show it; but a mother's heart can tell. Angelique appears to be entirely devoted to him, her countenance shining brightly whenever she gazes upon him. Perhaps she truly loves him. It is my belief, however, that she was the seductress, making use of the charms with which nature rewarded her, in order to elevate her station. I believe that Barnabas, in an act more noble than wise, took the burden of guilt upon himself, that she not be brought to shame."

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:01 pm
by SunlessNick
VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:
SunlessNick wrote:
Vicki,Is it up to me whether Josette goes through with her suicide?
That is entirely up to you. Consider this game, as well as the other one, to be completely different universes. I will add that, if you die, you will return as a ghost, and would be allowed to continue play in that form.
Someone could always murder me and make it look like a suicide.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:07 pm
by SunlessNick

Those at Collinswood could harly fail to notice the sense of joy that has overtaken Millicent - though she attempts to hide it, her heart is worn on her sleeve and it is plain for all to see.


Except for Josette, who spends her days ensconced with the music box that is both escape from and reminder of her broken heart. Her voice can often be heard singing along to its tune.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 3:29 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you for your kindness," says Victoria. "While I'm not out of danger myself, I think if I continue to be careful, I will be all right. I'll need to keep the book well hidden. I'm fortunate it was not found when Reverend Trask was searching all the ladies' rooms. Is there a hiding place in the house where we can safely keep it?"

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 3:32 am
by Mr. Handy

"I agree completely, good lady," says Reverend Trask. "In fact, I will go further. Not only do I believe Angelique has seduced your son, I fear she may have actually bewitched him. In addition to her natural charms, she may have used a love potion or something similar. She does have extensive knowledge of herbs."

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 8:55 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"Thank you for your kindness," says Victoria. "While I'm not out of danger myself, I think if I continue to be careful, I will be all right. I'll need to keep the book well hidden. I'm fortunate it was not found when Reverend Trask was searching all the ladies' rooms. Is there a hiding place in the house where we can safely keep it?"
Victoria,Jeremiah imparts one of the best-kept secrets of the Collins family. Within the family crypt, currently unoccupied by those who expect to be interred there when the Reaper calls them, there is a secret chamber. It was used during the late war with the British to store armaments. By entering the crypt, one can enter the chamber by pulling on a large copper ring that is held in the mouth of a lion's head of the same material, above the central sarcophagus. Of course, prying eyes might wonder why someone was visiting a crypt which has not yet served its purpose.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 9:11 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote: Those at Collinswood could hardly fail to notice the sense of joy that has overtaken Millicent - though she attempts to hide it, her heart is worn on her sleeve and it is plain for all to see.
Milllicent,Joshua draws you aside when you can spare a moment from the company of Lieutenant Forbes. "Cousin, this may not seem the time to discuss practical matters, but I flatter myself that I am not entirely without experience when it comes to the management of wealth. For legal purposes, the law not recognizing the power of females to control property, I suggest you draw up the papers needed to assign your considerable estate to Daniel before you are wed. Although but a child, he is a Collins, and I believe it would be wisest to retain such a fortune within the family name."
Except for Josette, who spends her days ensconced with the music box that is both escape from and reminder of her broken heart. Her voice can often be heard singing along to its tune.
Noting that Josette is in a distracted state much of the time -- perhaps a blessing in disguise, given her situation -- Joshua makes it clear that she and her relatives are welcome to remain in the New House for as long as they wish. He is well aware, but does not mention, that the DuPres family does not possess much in the way of wealth, their lands and income cut off during the recent regicide in France, forcing them to escape the guillotine by emigrating to Martinique.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 9:12 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"I agree completely, good lady," says Reverend Trask. "In fact, I will go further. Not only do I believe Angelique has seduced your son, I fear she may have actually bewitched him. In addition to her natural charms, she may have used a love potion or something similar. She does have extensive knowledge of herbs."
"Do you really think so? How might evidence for such activities be brought to light?"

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 2:05 pm
by SunlessNick
Vicki,"[color=#00BFFF]Nathan will soon be family,[/color]" says Millicent. "[color=#00BFFF]But if you truly think it is best, I shall arrange to have the remainder of my inheritance put in charge of my brother. I am sure Nathan will understand. Oh, I must say, I have asked him to remain silent about our engagement for now, to spare Josette any further hurt - since you have found us out, I make the same plea of you.[/color]"

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 2:11 pm
by SunlessNick

Josette gradually rejoins the rest of the household though she remains wan and withdrawn. Whenever called upon to entertain with her singing, her choice of music is always a melancholy one. Despite her kind words to Barnabas and Angelique, it is clear that the matter weighs heavily upon her.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 4:49 am
by Mr. Handy

"Could you place the book in the crypt?" asks Victoria. "You are at least a Collins, and would have reason to visit your family's crypt. If you're seen, you could always say you were pondering your own mortality or something."

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 4:59 am
by Mr. Handy

"Indeed I do," says Reverend Trask. "As for evidence, it comes in various forms. Witnesses are always important, and of course Angelique may have items in her possession that would incriminate her. Ideally, I'd like to find something written in her own hand. I've already searched her room, which is how I found the herbs, but perhaps I missed something. A recipe for a love potion would be just the thing. Or perhaps she has another hiding place. You know this house better than I do. You would know if there were somewhere she might know about where she could conceal things she didn't want found. I believe she used to use Ben Stokes's quarters before. He must have been under her command before she sank her claws into your son. There were a number of personal items that he had stolen found in his room - stolen for her, I believe. Those items could then have been used in witchcraft, to cast spells upon the owners of said items. Before his passing, he refused to say who had put him up to it, saying that 'she' would kill him if he told. And then she did, through witchcraft, before he could be compelled to identify her. As for witnesses, Josette spent the most time around her. If anyone would have seen her doing anything untoward, it would be her."

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 9:32 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:
Vicki,"[color=#00BFFF]Nathan will soon be family,[/color]" says Millicent. "[color=#00BFFF]But if you truly think it is best, I shall arrange to have the remainder of my inheritance put in charge of my brother. I am sure Nathan will understand. Oh, I must say, I have asked him to remain silent about our engagement for now, to spare Josette any further hurt - since you have found us out, I make the same plea of you.[/color]"
Millicent,The necessary arrangements are made through the appropriate legal counsels, these residing in New York City, from whence Millicent has so recently arrived. Young Daniel being assigned this responsibility at a tender age, he proves to take the matter with the appropriate gravity. "I shall see to it that you lack for none of the necessities and reasonable comforts of life," he remarks, in a tone which cannot fail to amuse with its pretense of maturity. "Nevertheless, dear sister, I shall ensure that our inheritance is not squandered on frivolity." Although this promise may bring only a smile, considering the youth of its source, it proves to be based on a firm foundation, Daniel turning away from such childish amusements as draw the attention of carefree lads, and educating himself in the intricacies of wealth. Joshua, pleased by Millicent's wise decision to heed his advice, agrees to avoid mentioning Millicent's upcoming nuptials, the advent of which was let slip by Nathan during one of those intimate moments shared by gentlemen whilst under the influence of brandy and cigars. In return, he asks that Millicent say nothing of the financial arrangements to Nathan, lest the Lieutenant take it as a sign of mistrust in his own judgment.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 9:42 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
SunlessNick wrote:
Josette gradually rejoins the rest of the household though she remains wan and withdrawn. Whenever called upon to entertain with her singing, her choice of music is always a melancholy one. Despite her kind words to Barnabas and Angelique, it is clear that the matter weighs heavily upon her.
Josette,The curious music box continues to provide a degree of solace. There is something about its simple melody that leads one into flights of fancy. Perhaps it is the mere suggestion of the mysterious East, from whence the finely wrought object made its way across the oceans to the New World. Visions of unimagined places fill the mind while it plays, of strange lands and strange peoples. Sometimes one feels that one could enter into these worlds of dream, if only one knew how.

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 9:44 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"Could you place the book in the crypt?" asks Victoria. "You are at least a Collins, and would have reason to visit your family's crypt. If you're seen, you could always say you were pondering your own mortality or something."
Victoria,"It shall be done as you wish." [spoiler]unexplained die roll[dice]0[/dice][/spoiler] The requested errand is performed under cover of darkness, without witness. Jeremiah returns to Victoria with startling news. "It is done. I have made a peculiar discovery, however. Within the secret chamber lies a coffin, of which I know nothing. I mention this so that the grim sight may not alarm you, should you have occasion to visit that place."

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 10:05 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Mr. Handy wrote:
"Indeed I do," says Reverend Trask. "As for evidence, it comes in various forms. Witnesses are always important, and of course Angelique may have items in her possession that would incriminate her. Ideally, I'd like to find something written in her own hand. I've already searched her room, which is how I found the herbs, but perhaps I missed something. A recipe for a love potion would be just the thing. Or perhaps she has another hiding place. You know this house better than I do. You would know if there were somewhere she might know about where she could conceal things she didn't want found. I believe she used to use Ben Stokes's quarters before. He must have been under her command before she sank her claws into your son. There were a number of personal items that he had stolen found in his room - stolen for her, I believe. Those items could then have been used in witchcraft, to cast spells upon the owners of said items. Before his passing, he refused to say who had put him up to it, saying that 'she' would kill him if he told. And then she did, through witchcraft, before he could be compelled to identify her. As for witnesses, Josette spent the most time around her. If anyone would have seen her doing anything untoward, it would be her."
Trask,Upon the mention of hiding places, Naomi mentions the fact that a secret chamber exists within the currently unoccupied Collins mausoleum. "It was meant for storage of arms during the late war," she explains. "Currently, it serves no function. My husband may have mentioned it to poor Ben as an item of historical curiosity. If he was indeed bewitched, and if the fiend responsible knew of the chamber, by means natural or unnatural, he may have placed incriminating items therein, although this is only speculation." Naomi goes on to explain the manner in which entrance to the chamber is afforded, and grants permission for Reverend Trask to explore it, asking only that he do so in a discreet manner. "As for questioning Josette," she goes on, "I only wish to remind you that she remains in a melancholy and distracted state, and must be handled in a delicate fashion. Do, then, as you see fit."

Re: Arrivals Expected and Unexpected

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 10:06 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
Stayed tuned for our next exciting episode!