Miss Stockbridge

Enter the haunted world of the classic television series. Become one of the residents of Collinsport, and witness the beginning of the many curses to befall the Collins family.

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Re: Miss Stockbridge

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"This is Nathan Forbes, Carolyn," says Victoria, "formerly of the United States Navy. Mr. Forbes. this is Carolyn Stoddard."
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Re: Miss Stockbridge

Post by SunlessNick »


"Delighted to meet you, Miss Stoddard," says Nathan, taking and kissing Carolyn's hand in a show of gallantry.
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Re: Miss Stockbridge

Post by SunlessNick »

VictoriaSilverwolf wrote: Sun Sep 05, 2021 9:31 am
It is a simple matter to enter one of the many small boats, the occupants of which all seem pleasant and friendly. The vessel is swept down the swiftly flowing river, into vast caverns whose rocky walls are coated with ice, yet the air is warm and sweet. Deep within the deepest part of the cavern, lit with countless airy lanterns, there is a vast dome, constructed of ivory and wood. The boat lands at the base of the dome, along with many others. The passengers are greeted by imposing men of mighty physique, who converse in multiple tongues. One of these addresses Josette with what must be the same inquiry made of all.

"Do you seek audience with the Great Khan?"
"I do," says Josette simply.
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Re: Miss Stockbridge

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

By the time that Nathan Forbes arrives, Victoria Winters and Reverend Trask have been in residence for some time. Little of importance occurs during the year or that passes by until all are reunited. Jeremiah has settled into the Old House, and, for the most part, minds his business, not acknowledging any hints that he is not of this time and place (once over his initial shock at seeing Reverend Trask.)

Just before Forbes shows up, the marriage of Roger and Laura Collins seems to be breaking up, although nothing melodramatic happens. They just drift apart, as so many couples do. Laura moves to Phoenix, Arizona, promising to return some day to visit their son David, who remains in the custody of Roger, mostly for financial reasons. As one might expect, this has a strong effect on the boy, who becomes disobedient and develops an interest in macabre subjects, even claiming to speak to ghosts. He often wanders off into the dark forest of Collinswood, stares into the sea from the top of Widow's Hill, and breaks into the Old House when Jeremiah is not present. At home, he is fond of playing pranks, pretending to be dead and placing toads and spiders into dresser drawers. This misbehavior exacerbates Roger, who leaves most of the childcare to Victoria, while he drinks quantities of brandy and becomes something of a cynic, spouting satiric quips as if he were living in an Oscar Wilde play.

Carolyn's response to Nathan's gallantry is a girlish giggle and a flirtatious flip of her long blonde hair. She takes the young man's arm and directs him to the couch in the drawing room.

"Now you sit right down next to me and tell me all about your exciting adventures," she says, gazing directly into his eyes.
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Re: Miss Stockbridge

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

The guard, for so he seems to be, bows and directs Josette to a door, so cleverly constructed that it seems to be all of a piece with the great dome, and could not be detected by casual inspection. Opening silently, the door reveals the vast ceiling of the dome to be decorated with jade, gold, ivory, and nacre, these precious substances forming abstract mosaics of the kind oft found in Arabia. Tall slender pillars of shining marble support the dome, and wrapped about these are vines forged from silver, so delicately wrought that they put their natural model to shame. Carpets of the Turkish kind cover the floor. Exotic scents fill the room, produced by small burning tapers of fragrant woods. Men and women of unusual beauty, finely but scantily dressed in filmy silks and laces, stroll about the place, whisper to each other, indulge in delicacies and beverages brought to them by servants, themselves hardly distinguishable from those they serve, on golden trays. There is much amorous play, of a kind better suited to private rooms, and this is not entirely restricted to persons of differing sexes. Seated on a throne of surprisingly simple design, on a dais that raises him high enough to observe all that goes on, surrounded by languid dancers and musicians, is he who must be the great Khan. He is dressed in yellow silk robes covered with black inscriptions of an unfamiliar alphabet. His long black hair and drooping black mustache drift in a breeze of uncertain source. His dark eyes watch Josette enter, but he does not otherwise acknowledge her.
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Re: Miss Stockbridge

Post by Mr. Handy »


Victoria explains to the travelers from 1795 about her time and the history between then and now, helping them adjust to their new home. She does her best to keep David in line.
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Re: Miss Stockbridge

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"No doubt the boy's misbehavior is due to Laura Collins's influence, even in her absence," says Reverend Trask. "I would like to conduct an exorcism on him, with the help of your prayers, to free him from it."
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Re: Miss Stockbridge

Post by SunlessNick »


Nathan regales Carolyn with tales of the Navy and the supernatural phenomena he has faced since coming to Collinsport, though he remains vague when it comes to time and place.

In private with Victoria and the Reverend he asks if they believe this journey in time to be permanent.
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Re: Miss Stockbridge

Post by SunlessNick »


Josette turns scarlet at the improper sights around her, and does her best to ignore everything she sees (though she will of course reply with courtesy to anyone who speaks with her). She tries to pick her way delicately toward the Khan, looking up at him as she does to see if he takes note of her approach.

I haven't said much about what Millicent is doing during all this - mostly she'd be taking care of Daniel after his injuries, trying to brighten the mood of the stricken household, and praying for the safety of the missing.
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Re: Miss Stockbridge

Post by Mr. Handy »

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"Perhaps not," says Reverend Trask. "Miss Winters is clearly from this time, and she has managed to return."

"While things are very similar," says Victoria, "not everything is the same. Things have happened differently here, possibly because of our presence here, and the changes made in 1795 - including your absence. Perhaps Professor Stokes can answer more questions about the phenomenon. He told me about the possibility of traveling in time once, and of events taking different courses. He mentioned the I Ching, which is an ancient Chinese method for telling the future. Those sticks that brought us to this time are used with the I Ching."
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Re: Miss Stockbridge

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

The ceremony of exorcism is arranged, David being lured into thinking it a sort of game, with the sort of eerie mood he enjoys.
David has a WIS of 11, for a reason I won't discuss here, so a roll to resist. I'll reroll for Victoria's Faith point is needed.d20
The ceremony does have an effect. David no longer has nightmares of being trapped in a fire. Some of his behavior seems to be a matter of personality rather than the supernatural, however, as he still plays pranks, is not always obedient, and is sometimes observed having conversations with an imaginary companion when he doesn't know someone is listening.

Meanwhile, Carolyn is quite taken with Nathan. (The young women of this time are often quite bold in the display of their affections, not to mention the display of their limbs.) As pleasant as this situation may be, if offers the challenge of keeping her from learning too much.

Professor Stokes is nothing averse to receiving guests, and is known to be fond of discoursing upon the subject of the occult. Once all the proper introductions are made, he inquires as to the reason for this pleasant visit.
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Re: Miss Stockbridge

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Upon seeing the new arrival approach, the Great Khan raises a hand, which bears the long fingernails of a mandarin, and gestures for Josette to approach, still not speaking.
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Re: Miss Stockbridge

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"I remember you once told me of the possibility of time travel, Professor," says Victoria. "You were right. I traveled back in time to the year 1795 somehow, and I was there for some time. I eventually found a way to return, via the I Ching as you had mentioned. However, I returned before I had left, and some things were different. Also, a few people from 1795 have also made the journey to these times. I came following one of them. Some things were changed, as you had suggested they would. Small things, for the most part. Had I returned earlier still, I could have tried to save President Kennedy, which would have been a great change, but I was too late for that."
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Re: Miss Stockbridge

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"Indeed, I am one of the people from the Year of Our Lord 1795," says Reverend Trask. "This era takes some getting used to. There are wonders of science, but in many ways things are worse. There have been wars that encompassed the whole world, resulting in the slaughter of untold millions. Science has been turned to dark purposes as well: weapons that can destroy an entire city. Sin runs rampant, with women dressing and acting brazenly, and men embracing wickedness. And yet in all this time, the Lord has not yet returned. Surely it cannot be long, now that Israel has been reborn in a day in 1948 and has just this year reunited Jerusalem. How much worse will things get before He does come back? I would like to return to my own time, if there is a way. I believe I can do more to stem the tide of evil in a time when it was less overt and extreme."
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Re: Miss Stockbridge

Post by SunlessNick »


"I must admit that I am not entirely in agreement with the Reverend regarding the more... forthright behaviour of the women of this time. Nevertheless, there was a certain honour to life - even warfare - which appears to have been lost. And we left much behind us that is undone. So I too should wish to return hime if I can."
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Re: Miss Stockbridge

Post by SunlessNick »


Josette closes the rest of the distance to the Khan and drops a curtsey. "I beg your pardon, Great Khan, but I am unfamiliar with the ways of your land, and do not know how I should address you beyond that title."
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Re: Miss Stockbridge

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

Listening to the remarkable stories of his guests, Professor Stokes is intrigued, yet not entirely surprised.

"Yes, I have long thought that such a journey would be theoretically possible. I am also quite convinced that Miss Winters would be incapable of producing such an extraordinary tale if it were not true. I refer not to a lack of creative imagination on your part, my dear, but rather little skill in the art of deception.

"And, if my aging eyes do not deceive me, the accoutrements of these two gentlemen could not have been manufactured in modern times, as new as they appear to be, and although they bear some resemblance to what might be found on Carnaby Street."

He pauses for a moment to walk over to a tall cabinet, which he opens with a small silver key. From the cabinet he obtains the familiar sight of yarrow sticks.

"These are said to have belonged to Kong Qiu himself, although I cannot vouch for the veracity of their provenance. I have never been bold enough to attempt to make use of them in the way you describe, as the method is fraught with peril. However, they are at your disposal, if you wish to attempt to make the trip.

"I cannot help but feel that you have arrived here for some reason. And, from what you tell me, so has Mister Jeremiah Collins. The question remains as to what that might be."
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Re: Miss Stockbridge

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

The Great Khan gestures for Josette to approach, still not speaking.

unexplained die rolld20
As she draws near, he strikes a gong which stands by his side. The sound rings throughout the dome, causing all present to cease their various activities, and stand still. A strange figure enters the dome from a heretofore unsuspected chamber, hidden behind another cunningly wrought door. Unlike all others herein, he is old and wizened, wearing only rags. His eyes are wide open, revealing that they bear the solid whiteness of a particular form of blindness. Despite this infirmity, he moves easily to the side of the throne, and faces the Great Khan.

That personage, in a deep voice, says "Speak."

The elderly fellow turns to face Josette.

"The small man from the small island grows large! He dares to taunt the asp! He confounds the lion and the eagle, and steals the crown from the high priest! Yet let him beware of the bear, for such will drive him back, where the lion awaits!"

When this curious speech is concluded, the Great Khan gestures to what must be serving maids, although they are arrayed in as fine raiment as any lady present, who fetch the strange man two golden bowls, one bearing what seems to be a substance as thick as honey, but entirely transparent, and another what might be milk, did it not glow like moonlight. The man devours these eagerly.

"He speaks of nothing but war," the Great Khan says, in an amused voice. "Yet perhaps such is not to your taste. What eternal pleasure do you seek here?
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Re: Miss Stockbridge

Post by SunlessNick »


"Do you know how you first went back in time, Miss WInters?" asks Nathan. "Do you believe there was a purpose to it, or was it an accident?" He thinks for a moment. "We can at least spend some time here learning of what should be our immediate futures - perhaps there is yet more trouble for the Collins family that we might have the chance to avert."
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Re: Miss Stockbridge

Post by SunlessNick »


Josette is stupefied by the elder's bizarre speech, wondering what lt could mean. If it as war, as the Khan said, could the Lion and Bear be England and Russia?
"You speak insightfully, Great Khan. War is not to my taste, though such a warning must surely be of import, and I thank you for it. But I believe I wish only to return from whence I came. I am in search of someone, and he is not here. However, I am uncertain how to make the journey - my arrival in your lands was as if in a dream."
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