
It was not a quiet night: a sudden storm blew across the fields.
Maybe they should go down to the cellar if it got worse.
The radio was off.
No news.
Until now.

The scenario plays out in a farm house some ways from a prison.
You are there.
Will you leave?

Jailbreak is a scenario written by Greg Stolze for Unknown Armies.
I run it like Call of Cthulhu.


Moderator: Dave Syrinx

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Dave Syrinx
Son of Yog-Sothoth
Son of Yog-Sothoth
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Post by Dave Syrinx »

The Main Cast

Steven Updike, 32 years old. Prison escapee. With a gun.
"It´s my way! You hear me?"
Leader of the jailbreak, sort of.
Domestic battery sentence. 24 months. 14 months served.
Opionated wife beater.

Status: In the lead.
Currently played by: Keeper


Morton Willits, 45 years old. Prison escapee.
The Quiet One
Quick reflexes. Thinks before he talks.
Breaking and entering sentence. 15 months. 2 months served.

Status: Free
Currently played by: Airbornexxo


David "Icepick" Leyner, 38 years old. Prison Escapee.
"Can´t we talk this out?"
He can talk his way out of things and people into doing stuff. Believe me!
Possession of Marijuana sentence. 12 months. 6 months served.

Status: Free
Currently played by: Keeper


Juan Riccinto, 27 years old. Prison Escapee.
"Yeah! Here I am!!"
He is a bit over confident at times.
Sexual assault sentence. 22 months. 7 months served.

Status: Free
Currently played by: Keeper


Officer Jake Spundie, 47 years old. Hostage.
One Tough Screw
Believes in that goodness prevails.
Caught in a nightmare. A prison guard as hostage is one step from a dead prison guard. He must get back to his darling Linda. And he must defend the innocents. A puzzle he struggles with.

Status: Hostage
Currently played by: Keeper


Janet Mattice, 32 years old. Lawyer.
"Listen I´m On Your Side! I´m A Lawyer!"
If Saul Goodman was real. This would be the female version of him.
Janet can read and size up anyone in a few Holmesesque steps.

Status: Hostage, sizing up possible clients.
Currently played by: Keeper

Donna Ngwashi, 38 years old. Concerned parent. Hostage.
"I Can Read Your Aura.."
Through yoga, self control and mind over matter, you can pass anything. Her son is in prison and she were to visit him with his lawyer when all went sideways. There´s a multitude of auras here and some are strange.

Status: Hostage
Currently played by: Keeper


Uder Krazmersky, 62 years old. Immigrant tinker.
"You are formed by your experiences."
A penetrating gaze is word enough.
Magic is in the creation. Whatever it is. When you create you are magic.

Status: At home. At ease. At peace. At last.
Currently played by: Keeper


Ella Krazmersky, 36 years old. Loving wife.
"It looks like nothing to me. Shall we have a drink, liebling?"
She knows how to make guests feel welcome. Life is a struggle, but there´s no reason it should be messy.

Status: At home. Neat.
Currently played by: Keeper
Supporting Cast

Lobsang "Father Freedom" Ramja, 59 years old. Prison escapee.
"For the rest of your life you will see people as they are and not as they pretend to be...Just sit still."
Fraud sentence. 48 months. 22 months served.

Status: Free
Currently played by: Keeper

Phil Nubbs, 56 years old. Fixer and mastermind.
"Don´t worry, I´m on it."
The plan was to get the Boss´s son free. A beautiful plan. Then the shit storm happened. Follow the evidence.

Status: On the trail.
Currently played by: Aine

"The bodies are starting to pile up."
SAIC Alex Shipley, 49 years old. FBI agent. In charge of the Surrey State Prison breakout task force.
"The Third Eye" - case was going to drag him down. But he was adamant to put this to rest.
Then, St.Barths.
He deserved it.

Status: Eyes wide open
Currently played by: Keeper

Ray Ngwashi, 18 years old. Prisoner. Surrey State.
"I feel nothing. Is that normal?"

Son to Donna. In lockdown.

Drug charge. 9 months sentence. 3 months served.

Status: In prison.
Currently played by: Keeper

Officer Linda Beck, 31 years old. Prison guard.
"Jake´s an oaf. But he´s my oaf!"

On her way after the hijacked car. Holding her distance. Should she go after or get reinforcement?
Maybe even call it in?

Status: Trailing her love. Speed or security?
Currently played by: Mr. Handy
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

"It is invigorating, being asked personal questions." "Makes one feel desired." Luv (BR2049)

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