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Re: Backgrounds and who is playing who in this game!

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 10:45 am
by Dave Syrinx
Phil Nubbs´ details for Aine.
Phil has a history as a police detective in Downtown Atlanta. He´s been an dependent contractor for the last ten years. Manly working for Johnny Nails. Phil has a way of creating plausible crime scenes and planting leads to steer investigations away from those who need no light on them. This has proven to be very lucrative. In a way he´s doing the police a favor. Imagine how much work he saves them. And not to talk about the overtime pay. With Phil being the fixer of Nails´operation, Willits is the individual who disappears competition. He gets the wet jobs done. Willits being nabbed for a B&E is hilarious. If only the prison knew who they had had in custody.

Regarding the plan how to get Willits out, I give that for you to come up with. What´s his excuse for being at the prison? What kind of vehicle does he have?

Please roll up the stats and skills for Phil as normal. CoC rules 5th or 6th edition.

Phil has an obsession: (Something she has to do in certain situations. Could be seen as a drawback. Could be something good.) Life goal?
Phil´s passion is: (A thing that makes him really good at something. He will have the opportunity to re-roll a botched skill check on his passion skill. Always.)

Rage stimulus: What makes him angry?
Fear stimulus: What´s him worst fear?
Noble stimulus: What´s worth fighting for?

His Sanity is divided into five parts, all with the total amount of San points.

Violence x x x
Unnatural x x x
Helplessness x x x
Isolation x x x
Self x x x

You may redistribute the x´s to make Phil more hardened to some of the aspects and weaker to others. He must have 1 x per aspect.

When rolling sanity checks, you will pick which of the madness criteria he will suffer.
Even if you succeed in a roll, one x will be removed from the madness pool. The reasoning is that even if you manage to get through 15 hurdles without a breakdown, you will be jolted for sure. And that is what the x´s are about. If your Isolation reaches 0 x´s, you will need to find someone to break your feeling of isolation.
As normal, if you fail a Sanity check, the SAN score will possibly get lower. And he will react to the aspect he rolled against.
Phil Nubbs is a fixer working for Johnny Nails, a mobster running Atlanta´s underground. He´s on a job to get Morton Willits out of the prison. He got stuck in the hailstorm as a road got washed away. He stayed at a gas station as the worst bit passed. This delayed him.
When he arrives at the prison he´s heard over the radio about the breakout of five prisoners and that the FBI is on the trail of a cult leader who got freed. Morton Willits is named among those who have broken out.
Nubbs is just now closing in on the prison. The downpour intensifies.

So, time to find Willits!

Re: Backgrounds and who is playing who in this game!

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 11:10 am
by aine

Re: Backgrounds and who is playing who in this game!

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 11:39 am
by Dave Syrinx
That gives those results:

Str: 13
con: 7
pow: 14
dex: 12
Siz: 11
Int: 9

Edu: 8

Would you like to swap some of the results?

Whiat skills would you like Phil to be proficient in?

Then I can write up the sheet. Or you might want to do it? Either works for me.

Re: Backgrounds and who is playing who in this game!

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 4:59 pm
by aine
Yes please, can I swap INT and SIZ because a mastermind wouldn't have an INT of 9; although 11 isn't really right either because he needs to be big on ideas.

However, if I was allowed swap the POW 14 for INT 11 then that would fit his profile better; he looks a little old and overweight for DEX 12 and needs to be a lucky guy in his line of work so swap POW and DEX too. He'll be a shorty with SIZ 9, have a weak heart with CON 7 and you wouldn't want to take him home to show your parents, hence APP 7...
STR 13
POW 12
DEX 11
INT 14
EDU 11

For skills, how about credit rating (crime world), law, intimidate, persuade or fast talk, firearms shotgun/rifle and pistol, fighting (brawl), and psychology. Hobbies include mechanical repair and drive auto.
His passion is he is a petrol head, especially V8 cars and trucks, his own personal vehicle is a British Landrover Defender (long wheel base). Hence hobbies of mech repair and drive auto. Happy to change skills if you prefer something else.

His fear is not being in control, of being helpless.
Spiritualists and similar people who prey on the weak minds of others make him angry (he's a practical man, doesn't hold with religion in any form)

Violence XXXXX
Unnatural XX
Helplessness X
Isolation XXX

I'm still thinking about a noble cause and how to spring a guy from jail in the 1980s??!

Re: Backgrounds and who is playing who in this game!

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 5:20 pm
by Dave Syrinx
I apporve of all the above! Nice sculpting.