ICC- Episode 1 - The Fire in the Hole

This is a Non-Delta Green / Non-Mythos game that utilizes Delta Green Rules.
Agent, you have been assigned to the Joint Task Force headed by a Assistant US Attorney for the Southern District of New York. You, and your colleagues chosen from other Federal Law Enforcement agencies, have been especially selected to participate in this exercise of inter-agency cooperation so that we can pool your collective talents and skills to better serve the interests of our great nation. As we struggle to over come the challenges we face as a nation in this time of global pandemic, we're counting on you and your colleagues to work together against the many threats we face (foreign and domestic, visible and invisible, biological, human and 'other') in order to keep your countryman safe, secure and healthy. With your service, we will help make America great again. Thank you for your service. Sincerely, Your President.
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Son of Yog-Sothoth
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Re: ICC- Episode 1 - The Fire in the Hole

Post by welsh »

Javier Gonzalez and the Cowboy-
OCC- If you are interested in the Geronimo story- https://thepulsepensacola.com/2015/10/g ... pensacola/ I actually visited this place a few years ago. Beautiful beach but pretty harsh prison.

IC Cooper nods and looks at Javier. "Florida, hunh? Well they got cowboys down there too. You know they kept Geronimo and his Apaches in a fort in Pensacola, Fort Pickens... damn hard place that. Local business people lobbied for Geronimo and his bad thinking they'd be great tourist attracts. Apache's lost some 95% of their population in a few score year. Geronimo's last words were of regret that he surrendered. Said he should have fought to the last man. He was probably right too" The man muses, perhaps recollecting an old class lecture.

He pulls the horse back a bit as it snorts, calms the animal with a soothing hand. "Well I can't tell you much about the fire itself. I am up early, a habit from my days in the class room, but with the Covid virus, well I am teaching on-line no matter of what that idiot Trump has to say about it. I tend to check on the horses at the stables but we're over the other side of Linden from here, and I was taking old Lucky here for a morning walk. That must of been before 5, and I could see the light coming up from here, lighting up the sky. The fire trucks were blasting by, sirens going off, and then turning off into the neighborhood. Those big heavy fire engines need to navigate careful given all the mud and the fact that the rod comes down some 30 feet down. A fire engine passed me by as I was coming in. But the stables are a few blocks in the opposite direction and surrounded by trees. I figure it was a fire probably from a truck or something and I intended to check on what was happening. Then, as I was getting Lucky ready, there was an explosion, big one too, and it scared the horses some. I was able to calm them down and then finally got Lucky settled enough for a ride out here to see what's what."

Cooper looks around, "I'm down here regular to take the horses for a morning ride so the locals know me and most of the folks around here are new. Since the virus hit the city and a lot of people lost their jobs, people have been coming in to the Hole looking for shelter. Lots of abandoned trucks and cars, so it's a good place to take shelter, even in winter, but damn cold. My thinking was some of the squatters had lit an abandoned house on fire and somehow, that fire had gotten out of control and lit something up, a fuel line or something. It's been cold so a lot of the folks who used to be here have moved to warmer places, but you can't be too hard on the squatters, given government cuts on homeless shelters. These folks, most of them got evicted because the government wouldn't protect renters out of work, and they are living hand to mouth."

He looks about and pats his sidearm. "Desperate times call for desperate measures. Some of these folks are very desperate and it isn't very safe. Just a warning, a lot of these folks don't trust the police for good reason and most are armed. Got to watch your back around here. But winter cold will kill ya just as dead as a knife blade. So my thinking, someone lit a fire and lost control of it."

He turns and looks past Javier back towards the ruined house. "Except that don't fit the story. That building wasn't abandoned to no squatters and it wasn't a trap house or a crack house either." He shrugs. "Used to be a religious center, not exactly a mosque but Muslims would go there to worship and they'd do community stuff for awhile. Give out free meals, lunches, provide education services... although that was mostly teaching Islam. They weren't bad folks really. A small group of folks, I think from the Middle East, Persian Gulf. They came in shortly before we lost our license over the stables, so we were gone for a bit before we were able to return. But as I hear it, the folks there did mostly community outreach, trying to get people to become Muslims."

"Which was probably the thing that causes a bit of trouble. See, a few blocks from here is another religious center, Christian but African Christian, and they didn't take to the Muslims spreading their faith in the neighborhood. Of course locals could have breakfast in one house of worship and dinner in the other, so it was pretty good for them. But the Christians didn't take the new comers none and there was some... shall we say bad feeling, between the different church people. Nothing too explosive, but then the rumors began about the Muslim Center. Someone put graffiti on the building, people gossiping. This went on for 3 or 4 years, and then the local religious leader supposedly went home. I talked to him a few times. Holy man, no doubt, but not a bad fellow and seemed like he a sincere desire to help the neighborhood, but by then he was just getting nasty looks and a lot of locals were staying away."

"MInd you, a few years ago, there weren't many people in the Hole. Most of the old-timers had moved out for better climes and those that stayed were fairly tight, a group of survivors willing to live in a place most people stay away from. Hell, not even the police like to come down here, which is good if you want to be left alone."

"So the religious center closes up for awhile, a few months for sure. I think they had a security guard living inside to protect the property but that was about all. Then, some months go by and folks start showing up again. Cars parked in the garage, lights on inside at night. But not like the last bunch who were trying to convert locals or spreading the word of Allah or offering to feed poor folks. No, these new people keep to themselves, don't talk to no one. Mostly Middle Eastern, I think, but not all. Some Black folk, White Folk, Asians. People walking by here noise from side as if there is some kind of construction happening inside, but the windows get painted over so no one can see inside. People come and go but no one knows what's going on inside."

"The African Christians lose interest because no one is trying to convert their flock to some other God, but gossip begins to pick up among the older folks. " He shakes his head. "I guess its normal that people are suspicious of those who keep secrets, but its easy for gossip to become slander."

Harry Interviews people on the street.
OC- we'll start with the security guard of the buses-

IC The security guard looks at Harry. "People who lived here?" He thinks about it a few minute then adds, "Used to be some kind of religious thing, I think, Muslims, maybe. I don't know. Don't live here. But that place closed a few years back and now something else, not sure. I figured the Muslims sold and some new folks moved in but I don't see them much. Lights on inside and some cars in and out of the garage. Pretty quiet... keep to themselves. Nothing crazy..

"What happened? Did I see it? 30 years I was on patrol. Of course I saw what happened here. Who do you think called in the fire department?" He shakes his head.

"I am doing my rounds around 5 in the morning and I see the mosque or what-eva-da-fuckit-was lit up like a candle. Half the side of the building up on flames, which is kind of amazing, ya ask me, as the building is mostly brick and mortar and being all wet, how the fuck does it burn so much, but what do I know, I'm just old cop. Was one for nearly 40 years! Retired 10 years at 63 and I am still working here. Why? Because if I stay home my fucking wife drives me up the fucking wall asking me to do all sorts of shit. "

The old man shrugs, "Anyway, I don't usually do night shift, ya understand, but the guy who usually does this, Sanchez, had to take off. His wife is in labor. Do the math, Covid baby. He can't get anyone to cover for 'em and I'm not without my sympathy. His wife comes from Puerto Rico and I don't blame him for making a baby with that one. So I figure, eh what the heck? Anyway, I end up doing a double because, ya know, the wife, and I figure this is a chance to spend some time with out her asking me something, driving me nuts, so I can get some peace for a night and think and get paid too. I am in the office, on the couch taking a nap and I can smell it, ya know. I figure maybe someone is burning a bus, so I come out here and the building is aflame. I go inside to call the fire department and the 911 puts me on fucking hold and then I tell 'em we got an emergency, a big fire over here, and she takes my info and says she'll call the fire department send the units. I figure better check it out and go see the buses. Sometimes people come in at night and sleep in the school buses at night. I wouldn't mind it but some times they piss and crap inside, so you got to watch. Chase 'em out,ya know. But this night shift crap isn't good. I am getting to old for it."

"I go to check the buses and then everything gets bright, and I am getting knocked on my ass. I hear it, BOOM. I think it would bust my ear drums. My ears are still rigning. All the glass shatters on the buses. The buses fucking rock on two wheel I swear they were going to fall on me and crush me like some fucking bug. Never heard anything like it. Ringing still in my ears. I am flat on my ass thinking the bus is going to flatten me into the fucking ground. Never experienced anything like it and I am on the force nearly 40 years. "

He points at the truck. "That fucking truck has been out there for years getting rusty and now it'sin the yard, took out the fence and everything. People could come through, ya know. So I go back, call the boss, tell him what the fuck happened and telling we need more guys. 'More guys? He says, "At this hour? Fuggettaboutit. ' he says, 'Yuz in Charge.' Guys got the brains of like a can of Spam. Now I got to make sure no one comes in and pisses in the buses. Good thingI still got my sidearm. Don't know what they are going to do about that fence and that garbage truck.. Jeezus what a fucking mess."

Kaminski and Conroy

Mooreland nods, "Yeah, ok. You're right about the Arabic thing. That scar looks like it was painful. Looks like a bad burn and must have hurt."

Kaminski turns to the girl that Detective Pacesee is checking on. He has removed some of the fallen roofing from her body, but she remains half buried in the debris. The woman was slender, young, attractive. Like the man, her skin is covered with burnt ash. Her hair was cut short but still had a distinctive curl and she had startling green eyes. There is a nasty wound to her head where a large piece of brick or mortar crashed into her skull. The whites of her eyes are bloody red, perhaps from the wound. There is blood on her mouth where she bit her lips hard. She is wearing undergarments, panties and a slip, but the slip is has been slightly torn. One of her arms is twisted around her body in a terribly angle. There is blood and what appears to be brain matter on a nearby chunk of concrete. Despite the ashes, grime and soot, Kaminski can see she had freckles on her once pretty face. Her head is rolled back at an oddly impossible angle, a broken neck. A few feet away they can see a twisted bed frame and a thin mattress, some torn sheet and burnt bedding.

Parchese is taking notes. "What do you think? Another one who died when the house collapsed?"

The investigators are all mindful to try to do as little as possible to disturb the crime scene, but all are also aware that the more people in the scene the more likely evidence might get damaged and lost. Robinson leaves the site to confer with a dog team that is coming up. McKenna is watching from a distance and moves to talk to Robinson but neither Kaminski or Conroy can hear what they say.

Conroy can see that the body remains buried but a foot is visible. One of the investigators is bagging what looks to be an automatic handgun for evidence.

The windows of all the cars have been blown out. The taxi looks like a typical NY cab, a car that would have easily blended into the busy city streets. The Sedan is an expensive Audi, a car with a heavy price tag that impresses, not the kind of vehicle one would expect in a neighborhood like the Hole. The van seems stoved in on one side, but Conroy can't see how or why. Like the Sedan and Taxi the vehicle looks empty of life but there are number of crates in the van. and Conroy can see on one side of the vehicle is written "'Kumar and Harold Cleaners' .

Lapis and Dodd -

Continue to struggle with the lock. Dodd seems persistent and Lapis grows impatient.

You want me to try?" Offers Lapis.

"No... I got this." Says Dodd, who continues to struggle with opening the lock.

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Re: ICC- Episode 1 - The Fire in the Hole

Post by Snapper »


Mr Welsh, are you happy if I suggest a ret-con, namely that our Federal investigators hastily arranged a group messaging service. Signal and WhatsApp are the ones most often used - perhaps unofficially - by law enforcement here in Australia. Signal is supposed to be better and most secure I believe. (There may well be some more official option for US Federal law enforcement.)

Also, do the investigators have a radio channel to themselves?
Last edited by Snapper on Thu Jul 09, 2020 2:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ICC- Episode 1 - The Fire in the Hole

Post by Snapper »

ICC - Conroy:

Conroy messages the team the good news that there is not poison gas at the explosion site, with a note of caution that the air certainly isn't that healthy for long term exposure. He passes on the registrations of all the vehicles, hoping someone like Wade can check up on them, and emphasises the expensive Audi.

Intrigued by the physical anomaly, Conroy heads over to the dented van. He is well aware from his army days that big explosions can have some unexpected results but nevertheless, there should be an explanation for how the big dent happened. Rather cautiously, he looks in one of the crates in the back of the van.
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Re: ICC- Episode 1 - The Fire in the Hole

Post by Snapper »

ICC - Gonzalez:

Gonzalez jots a few brief notes. "Well, I guess the people we want to start with are the group who moved in most recently to that building, after the Islamic prayer centre moved out. Do you know any names associated with them? Like a name for their religion or club or business or whatever it was? Or even a person involved?"

Gonzalez is still conscious of the fact the cowboy professor is carrying weapons.
Firearms,Gonzalez has a skill of 70% in Firearms which may assist in identifying the weapons. Let me know if you'd like a roll.
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Re: ICC- Episode 1 - The Fire in the Hole

Post by Mr. Handy »


Inside the command vehicle, Miranda Waterhouse is sitting down and using her laptop to access property records. She checks on the ownership records of the building to find out what she can not just about the current owners but also the previous owners and the circumstances of the sale, and she also looks to see what other properties in the region the owners also have.
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
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Re: ICC- Episode 1 - The Fire in the Hole

Post by Mr. Handy »


"I'll go check out the body," says Lee Shaftoe, following the police and McKenna. While his forensics skills aren't the best, he may have some insights.
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
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Re: ICC- Episode 1 - The Fire in the Hole

Post by Philulhu »

IIC - Harry Shibatu

Harry listens patiently as the old guy beefs about his wife, his job, his boss, before moving on to what he had seen and heard during the night. As the security guard recounts the explosion, Harry pulls out his phone and starts making notes.

When the old guy had finished, he says, ”You said there was a smell, before the explosion?”. He scrolls back through his notes. ’...and I can smell it, ya know.’ Was there anyone out of the ordinary that you could smell? Fuel? Accelerant?”
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Re: ICC- Episode 1 - The Fire in the Hole

Post by Philulhu »

IIC - Jakob Kaminski

Jakob moves closer to the girl to examine her more closely. He pulls out a penlight to help him see the girl’s neck, looking for any signs of bruising.
OOC,Does the fact that she has a broken neck and the head injury seem odd to Jakob?
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Re: ICC- Episode 1 - The Fire in the Hole

Post by welsh »

OCC- Response to Snapper?

Hey Snapper. That's a wonderful question and I am not really sure. I found this- https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/news/ ... swat111708 which suggests a radio link closed to command, at least for FBI SWAT. But someone else included this list as basic FBI gear that would probably be consistent across other agencies. That list included "Bulletproof vests, shotgun, a fully auto version of M-16, Glock 9mm, backup Glock 9mm, extra clips and bullets for all weapons, flashlights, gloves, evidence gathering kit, two-way handheld radios, ear pieces, Baseball hat that says F.B.I. on it, Blue nylon jacket with FBI in yellow on the back, binoculars, night vision, cell phones, laptop, tear gas, pepper spray, knife, club, window breaker, Credentials, cash, maps, I-pad, battery chargers, megaphone, FBI/Government credit card, DL, bulletproof shield, etc…" and then someone else mentioned "cell phone."

If I were to venture a guess, most of communications among agents is on some kind of cell phone for most purposes, perhaps also with some kind of texting service that is maintained via encrypted software to maintain secrecy. Such a device would allow agents to blend in and be convenient and practical while maintaining government privacy. Shall we go with that? I would imagine some more closed communication system would make sense for tactical needs, but I think for the moment, some form of standardized cellphone service with a texting service would make sense. I've posted on OCC if you folks want to chat and discuss.


OCC- Registrations are usually kept on small cards in the US but there would be a license plate and a sticker on the window for inspection, normally a tag on a license plate. Registration cards are sometimes kept in the glove compartment but also in a person's wallet next to their driver's license. Vehicle Vin numbers are often found inside the car door though the print is often damn small.

IC Wade responses to Conroy's call, "I'll check on those registrations and tags. Give me a few minutes. "

From the look of it, it seems something big had rammed the side of the van, perhaps a vehicle, but if so, Conroy can make out none of the paint that should have been left behind as the metal vehicles collided.

Despite the morning sun, Conroy needs a flashlight to inspect the back of the van. Indeed, he can find no traces of any paint or other residual from whatever did the damage. It is also possible a body had hit the vehicle's side and had left nothing behind. In the back of the vehicle, Conroy finds the crates contain mostly tools for construction and building ranging from carpentry tools to shovels and a pickaxe. The tools seem dusty with a reddish soil that looks almost dusty, as if it hasn't seen water in a long time. As his flashlight passes over the back, he sees a hardhat, belts with tools, an array of mechanics tools, power saws and drills, but he also notes that there are a few large military type crates, the kind that might have been once used to move weapons.

Perhaps something is in the trunk of the Audi as well?

Before he can act, Wade calls a response. "Looks like the Audi and van are both still listed to Islamic Center of East New York. The taxi was owned by someone named D. Panipati and the address is a Post Office Box in East New York."

Gonzales and the Cowboy-

The gun looks like an 1851 Colt Navy Revolver, a gun popular in movies but also famous Western gunslingers. The lever action rifle looks like a .44 Henry Rifle. Both old antique guns that carried a deadly reputation. They are either originals or well done vintage reproductions.

JB Cooper shakes his head. "They was Muslims. But the newer folks mostly kept to themselves. Probably wanted some of the tension to dissipate with the local community. Mind you, we lost our access to the stables about that time and I was busy at the university, so didn't ride these parts much, but as I recall, the names of the place was the Islamic Center of East Brooklyn or maybe it was the Islamic Faith Center of East New York, something like that. The man in charge was named.... Khan.... Mohammad Khan I think. I spoke to him a few times passing by, but not much. He seemed alright and I think his attentions were fine. Nice of him to offer free meals to those living around these parts. Of course he was trying to convert people, but even so, it seemed he was sincere. Even had a part-time health clinic to help out those around here, which was more than the Christians did. I asked him why he came here of all places, and he simply said, it was where Allah wanted him to be. Religious folk are like that, more or less, they get to believing something and the faith takes them were it does. But he left a few years later and I don't think they did much converting, and the center shut down. I think someone tore down their sign outside during those times. It was quiet for a few months, and then folks started to come back. But they were not social and I don't think I saw them but a few times leave the building."

"But mind you, I just take the horses down these parts every so often for the exercise. The Black Cowboys have been here for awhile, been our organization's home, and its hard to leave home. Folks around here see me riding high with my horse, six shooter and rifle, and I am regular, so they start thinking if the law isn't coming here, perhaps the black cowboy will do the work for him. But I am just passing through. The other cowboys might know more, but we've been riding through here less and less over the past few years. Cooper shrugs.

"Still, I hear they were bringing stuff in and the locals saw that there were cars coming and going, usually at night but then this big semi shows up in the day and there are people moving things from the truck to the house, but again, not much else. There were lights on inside, lights on but no one see them much.... Maybe they were as suspicious of everyone in the community as the community was of them?"

He pauses a bit. "If it was me, I think you should talk to some of the long-term residents. Most of the new people, the squatters, aren't bad people but they are suspicious and for good reason. But the older folks, the long-time residents, well.. they are the folks who know about where the mafia hide the bodies back in the day. They are not likely to talk to the local police, who never give a damn, but they might be persuaded to talk... with the right introduction."

Shafto on the scene
OC- Handy, I am assuming your are thinking about the other body.

The police investigator is bagging what looks like a damaged 9 mm Browning pistol. and he points to the foot and says, "There" The foot is mostly buried and Shafto can see the toes out of the dirt, bloody and somewhat torn, perhaps from falling bricks. The toenails were painted red.


Kaminski is careful inspecting the neck, but based on the bruising of the neck, it seems broken from falling debris. In conjunction with the sounds to the skull, her bitten lip, it seems as masonry from the roof and hit her hard in the head and upper body, injuring her skull and her neck at nearly the same time. The body does remain partially buried under twisted roofing and bricks, so he cannot yet inspect the rest of the body.

At the blast site

Robinson moves away from the site and motions to the dog handlers to come forward and the dogs, two black Labs, approach, noses in the ground searching for a scent of life.

It doesn't take long before something grabs their attention, their tails wag and they begin to bark, attention at a spot in the ground. "We got something! A live one!" Says the handler.

Robinson calls out, "We need to get teams here to dig. Be careful, the site is unstable."

Harry and the Security Guard-

The security guard nods. "Yeah, the fire, I can smell the fire.. but there was more, like a fuel or something, like a tar or gasoline and rubber cement. That's why I thought maybe one of the buses had caught fire. Reminds me of napalm from back in the 'Nam, when I was there back in '70. Planes came in and lit up a hole plantation but we couldnt' find one body. Not one.... But this. yeah, like but the same. Similar for sure."

Miranda at the command center-

Miranda tries to focus on what she sees on her laptop and ignores what she hears outside, but the sergeant of patrols is sending messages to the local units and trying to remain in contact with the precinct headquarters, makes the call on an update about the dog, and then, when the dogs seem to smell a live person, there is a flurry of activity that the police need a crew to help remove the debris so they can recover a live body.

Her property records show that the property was bought at auction from Kings County (Brooklyn) about 9 years ago, in 2012, by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for use by the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the United Nations, Ambassador Faisal Al-Hegelan with the intended purpose of public diplomacy and support for the UN mission. It seems that the Saudi's got the building for very little money as the property had been subject to County auction for over a year before it was bought.

The building had been turned over the county for failure to pay local property taxes. It had previously been bought, with cash, in a foreclosure sale in 2009 by a Delaware-registered real estate company, after the prior owner, a New York state rental company went in default in 2007, during the financial crisis. The prior owner had owned the building since 1992, when that company had bought the building and land in another foreclosure sale. Before that, it seemed that the building was originally built in 1976 as a small multi-unit, multi-family residence built on a site that had experience a fire in 1968, when the property was abandoned. Before 1968, the property was a garage and fuel station for a trucking company, and the fire apparently was the result of a some kind of explosion due to the mechanical failure and leaks with the fuel tanks. No one was injured as a result of the fire The garage had been in operation since 1952. Before that, the site had been part of a larger parcel of property that included much of the Hole, which was only subdivided in 1946, after World War 2. Older records suggest that one time it was part of a farm.

Further investigations suggest that the property had been used as office and meeting area of the Islamic Center of East New York and many of the documents and initial agreements for operation had been signed by the local manager Abdullah Mohammed Khan, A Saudi National but American Permanent Resident who had received Permanent Residency after working and studying at the Institute of Islamic and Arabic Studies in Fairfax Virginia. Immigration documents reveal that Abdullah Mohammed Khan returned to Saudi Arabia in 2017 and has not returned to the US.

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Re: ICC- Episode 1 - The Fire in the Hole

Post by Philulhu »

IIC - Harry Shibatu

”Napalm, eh?” He doesn’t offer any comment, but just makes another note on his phone.

Closing his phone cover, Harry pulls out his wallet and fetches out a business card. Handing it to the security guard he say, ”You’ve been really helpful - thank you. If anything else occurs to you, my cellphone number’s on the card. Call me any time, my answering service will pick up if I can’t take your call.” He touches a finger to his brow in salute and heads on down the road.

As he walks, Harry keys the ‘send’ button on his communicator. ”Guys - it’s Harry. I’ve got a witness who thinks he may have smelled napalm before the explosion.” He releases the key as he draws level with the old man from the trailer.

Harry gets down on his haunches and making a clicking noise, put his hand out towards the terrier. Looking up at the old man, he smiles and says, ”Good morning, sir. Do you happen to know anything about the people who were living there?”
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Re: ICC- Episode 1 - The Fire in the Hole

Post by Philulhu »

IIC - Jakob Kaminski
OOC,Is moving the rubble to see more of the girl an option?
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Re: ICC- Episode 1 - The Fire in the Hole

Post by Snapper »

OOC - Conroy:

Apologies, that was a translation mistake with use of "registration". In Australia, the term is generally used to refer to the letters/numbers on your car's licence plates. I would have been better to say Conroy passed on the license plate details. No biggie, job still done.


Conroy has a quick peer in the military-style crates to make sure they're empty. He takes a sample of the red dusty powder for later analysis.

He heads over to the Audi and looks for a way to pop the trunk. (If necessary, he'll break open the driver's window with a nearby handy brick and pop it from there.)
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Re: ICC- Episode 1 - The Fire in the Hole

Post by Snapper »

ICC - Gonzalez:

Gonzalez messages the team that a new group or possibly a splinter group seems to have moved into the destroyed building after the Islamic centre moved out. And he is following up on community sources with assistance from a local identity.

"Professor, can I ask a big favour then? The long time residents will know you. Could you make a few introductions for me?"

"Also, I have to ask. I admire the authenticity of your cowboy era firepower, but doesn't it upset the NYPD you carrying those weapons around openly? Not that it worries me."
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Re: ICC- Episode 1 - The Fire in the Hole

Post by Mr. Handy »


Miranda lets the rest of the team know the results of her search and then continues to look up information, this time to see what other properties in the Tri-State area are owned by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. What she's hearing from her teammates leads her to believe that this was a deliberate act, and that there is a chance it could be repeated at any other nearby properties of the KSA.
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
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Re: ICC- Episode 1 - The Fire in the Hole

Post by Mr. Handy »


"If it's okay to disturb the scene and there's no risk of collapse, I'd like to dig the body out," says Lee. Almost certainly female, but I'll have to see to make sure, he thinks. I wonder who she was and what she was doing here. If we're lucky, she'll have some ID on her. Good thing I came here; this was tailor made for my strength.
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
(viewforum.php?f=191)]The Ninth Planet
The Shadow Over Dunwich
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Son of Yog-Sothoth
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Re: ICC- Episode 1 - The Fire in the Hole

Post by welsh »

Harry investigates witnesses.

From behind the fence, the small dirty colored terrier wags its tales as it approaches the gaps in the fence to smell Harry's outstretched fingers. The dog begins to sniff with curiosity, tail now straight an stiff, back sand neck stretched forward so its wet nose can do its work. The dog stops sniffing, pulls back and then a snarl turns into a series of angry barks at Harry. It's a clear warning not to come over the fence, that Harry will be seen as an enemy and the dog will do its best to tear into the man's calves with bloody tooth, and would rip his legs apart and eat the man from foot to head if it could. Yet the dog does not rush the fence, but seems to understand that Harry would need to cover over, as if inviting Harry to attack so it can pounce.

"Shut up, yeah stupid dog." Says the man to the dog, but it seems to heed the owner. "Shut up damn ya, SHut UP! Ya hear me, ya mutt! HEh HEh!" Says the man, but dog continues until the man stomps his foot down near the dog, and the dog stops, looks at the man, gives what might be considered a moan or a grunt of displeasure as it quiets its barking but not the growl, glancing up a the man's scowling face.

"No, I don't want to hear that from you, ya hear!" Says the man, and the dog lays down, its eyes darting from its owner to Harr.

When the man seems confident the dog will quiet, he looks at Harry. "Don't mind the dog. He's a good dog but a bit over-protective, which is probably a good thing around these parts. He can't help his nature and, truth is, he's a racist dog. Don't like Asians, Hispanics, Black Folk, well except them cowboys but because they give him bacon bits, Arabs, White Folks, and really don't like the religious nuts, Po-lice. Hates winos, junkies, crackheads and crack whores, but hates midgets most of all. Might be called an equal opportunity hater by nature. "

He looks down the street. "Fire happened early in the morning. Dog walk me up to see it. Didn't see nothin when I came out but I thought I spelled gasoline or something. Than there's a a sound. Like a big "Womp" Place went up fast and I seen it when the fire happened. Like someone lit a match and parts of the house went up like some kind of fuel was lit. Fire crawled up the side of the building and it all like weird color, orange and yell, and perhaps blue even some purple like. The building was wet cause of all the rain we had but that fire just rolled all over the building, mostly first and second story but all around, garages too."

He nods, "Was kids no doubt. I saw them from here. Cause not so clearly because of the dark and all. My eyes ain''t like they used to but I could make out a couple of em, and I seen one was damn close to the fire when it went up, probably got himself burnt or singed by the heat. Young uns, not liking what's been happening and blaming it on them Arab motherfuckers living in that house trying to turn people into Muslims or whatever iz they be doing there."

"Fire was kind of pretty there. I thought I could rainbows like in the puddles near it eve and the fire had these funny colors. But I could feel the heat from here. A lot of the first floor burning, black smoking rising along the sides. I came down off the porch, dog goin' nuts. But the fire didn't go long. Maybe 10 minutes or so.. then the explosion."

He shakes his head. "Force of it knocked me on my ass, I tell ya. Dog too. I saw the house lift up as the ground floor seemed to almost blow itself out. I see the house lifting up like straight up for a moment before it comes down and a cloud of dust and dirt, all that concrete breaking up I bet. Looked a bit like 9/11 and when the twin towers came down, or like you see when they demolition one of them old building. The building goes up, kind of hangs there and then falls in on itself like all the beams holding it up just blew out. But all sorts of burning stuff got thrown around and out, little fires all over the place cause of all the burning concrete. But with all the rain, everything was wet so most of that fire was already burning itself out as the fire men showed up. They got here as the smoke was clearing. and they didn't have much to put out as the damn building has all collapsed."

"Be surprised you find anyone living in there with that explosion. They evacuate all the people out of a building before they blow, but that one.. I don't think so. There's been people in side there for past couple of years. But that's a bad place.. People died in there before. Turning it into a religious place, for Muslims, ain't goin to make it better. Those folks in there, not like the Muslims tried to covert a few years ago. This new bunch keep to themselves, don't talk to no body. If it weren't Muslims you'd think a gang was holed up inside waiting for an attack, like a fort or a castle or somethin. And they was. Christian folks down further never took to 'em much, raised a whole big fuss about trying to get converts. Not even local Muslim Brotherhood folks or Nation of Islam brothers ike em much. Those folks are Saudi Arabs. Old school, Wahabi folks. Not going to happen, not with the Christian religious center. They make nice at first. Invite people in for lunch and dinner, learn about Islam and religion. But these new people. they are another thing altogether. No outreach, no talking to people. Just doing their business. Not friendly. But everyone knows bad shit happening inside there. They known it.. So no surprise, folks around here going to want them out, and probably put the idea inside some young uns to go and torch the place. "

Everyone at the Blast site

Everyone at the crime scene hears a loudspeaker. It’s RObinson . “We got a body here people and need to get to it quick, so move quickly. Try to recover what evidence you can now. But we need to get to the live before we worry about the living.”

The policemen begin at the crime scene begin to dig up the fallen masonry from around where the sniffer dogs had signaled.

“We need to get more people here, get some picks and shovels. Be careful as the building is still unstable.”
The investigators know that this means that the crime scene will become increasing contaminated as more people descend to dig up to recover whoever has survived the blast.

McKenna and Wade-

McKenna, watching from the sidelines realizes there is little she can do from here and send a message to the others. "Investigators, I am heading out and to the office. Wade will remain in touch and you can relay to her any updates as we proceed, and she'll update me. If you need help, send me a message and I'll see what I can provide. Hopefully we'll have you gentleman a location to use pretty soon."

She puts in a message to the Peterson that she'll get whatever help he needs and asks to remain in the loop, and that national security requires continued discretion.

McKenna leaves the crime scene, walking carefully around the flooded areas when she can, as she returns to Wade, waiting at the SUV.

Miranda checking the records-

A quick review of the records indicates that the Saudi Mission to the United Nations has actually been buying property throughout New York, New Jersey, Connecticut area and beyond, including New England areas and the Middle Atlantic. The properties include beaches houses on Long Island, a large estate in the Catskills and another further away in the Adirondack mountains and in the Poconos Mountains. Some of those properties had been used for religious centers or cultural centers, but other properties seem to be leased out. The properties are often bought in joint venture with Saudi and US firms. There is a warehouse in New Jersey and some property near the airport. These purchases have been going on for decades. It will take days to work through all the documents to find connections.

Before turning to the Saudi records, Amanda takes one more look at past owners of the property at the Hole and comes away with an couple of interesting finds. Among the most interesting are these.
Apparently, the property has been sinking for years and NY geologists are not sure why. It seems this was an area that had not been inhabited by indigenous Americans for hundreds of years and while nearby subway excavation has revealed some Indian artifacts, most of that was over 1000 years old before Europeans first arrived.

It also seems that at some point in the 19th century, one of the residents of the area had been a local priest, Ephraim Winslow, who had dug a church in the area and that the man ran the church until his death at the age of 74, when he was found underground, apparently having died digging a crypt under his church. The news paper story has few details, so if Amanda wants to pursue those details, she will need to dig a bit more and that will take time.

Amanda remembers a lesson from her college days. Computer searches will only get you so far. One can collect a lot of data quick, but good data will take some time and effort to put together.

Dowd and Lapis-

Both Dowd and Lapis have heard Peterson. “This can probably wait.” Says Dowd, ‘But if there is someone still alive, chances are they can’t”

Lapis nods, and both men go to assist in the recovery of the person buried under the house.

Kaminski, Shafto and Conroy at the crime scene –

Conroy hears Peterson and notice the men moving towards the dogs begin to pull away bricks and motor if only to get to the live body beneath. Conroy glances back at he crates and can’t help wonder what was inside there. They look big enough for assault rifles or even some kind of light weapon like a shoulder fired missile or rocket, or even a light machine gun.
There is dust, ash, and soot inside the crate that was perhaps the result of the blast, so he can’t make out if anything was buried in the sand. He can’t help but notice how much of the dust is reddish, sandy and very dry, as if the sand had not seen moisture in years. As the day brightens he becomes increasingly aware how much reddish dust seems everywhere. Perhaps it was the bricks that blew apart?
The windows of the Audi have been blown out, and he can see the lever for the trunk. Inside the car he notices, again, the red dust which seems … everywhere.
For some reason, Conroy has an image in his mind of a sandstorm in a red desert. A whirlwind spinning, a vortex pulling everything into it as it dances across the desert looking for something to consume.
And the image vanishes.

Conroy takes a moment to reflect. Does he open the Audi trunk, continue to inspect the military crates, help dig up the survivor under the house, or take another course.

Kaminski knows the body can be recovered from the blast site. Although the woman seemed to have died when the building exploded, perhaps from the concussion, from the best he can determine without more internal study of the body, is that she was killed when the building collapsed. There is little evidence of burn damage. It is possible there was smoke inhalation but that would perhaps be found with soot or ash in the nasal nose or mouth with later evidence from the lungs. Given the amount of ash on her body, it is possible that she died by breathing in too much smoke. It is also possible that the woman would have died of cyanide poisoning, perhaps due to the burning of plastics when the house went on fire. Kaminiski notices redness in the eyes, but whether her eyes were irritated by some other toxic, is unclear. Another possibility might be that the fire basically consumed what oxygen was available before the blast and she was overcome with carbon monoxide poisoning
Truth is that there might be multiple potential causes and all might have A toxicology report might suggest this, but that will require more careful examination. Except that many of her wounds also show sign of bleeding, and Kaminiski knows that normally dead people don’t bleed much. The evidence suggests that her cause of death had more to do with wounds caused when the building collapsed upon her, breaking her bones and cracking her skull.

One thing is for sure, the entire site might be turned over as the police and rescue workers begin to dig out a potential survivor. The body of the woman remains partially buried and it is possible to recover the rest of it. It will need to be moved, of course, for inspection. As he searches the body, still seeking evidence of some harmful exposure to heat or burn, and finding none, he is able to move the partially bodied just a bit and notices, behind the slip she was wearing a burn mark, similar to that of a man. As if she had once had something there, and had used some kind of acid to burn the image away.
Kaminiski, mindful of the activity that is building as more rescue workers move in the area knows that it is common for an arson scene to be contaminated, that physical evidence will be lost, and that that loss is being accelerated in order to put the lives of the living over the bodies of the dead. Still he can’t help but reflect. Two bodies, in the same house, dead by the same event. Two people of what appears to be different ethnic origins, one Middle Eastern and probably Arab the other European Caucasian, a man and a woman. Both young and good looking and both with a similar burn mark that would seem to cover up something neither wanted revealed.

Shafto’s inspection of the foot notes how the foot seems to be covered with black ash and soot.

The inspector looks at the foot. “Whoever she was, she’s dead now, so I don’t think she’ll mind much. This building was three stories and a basement before it collapsed and now it’s not even 1. Body ain’t going to unbury itself. In the meantime, I got to help recover the living.”

Shafto works carefully to remove the broken mortar and brick that surround the food, trying his best to conserve the remains he finds. But as he continues to dig he sees the ankle had been twisted in a strange angle, broken in several places, the bone of the leg protruding. As he moves further and deeper, he finds the calves and leg burnt and damaged, until, before he gets to the knee, he finds himself without more of the woman’s body. Before he finds the knee, it seems the leg has been virtually torn away from the knee by some terrible force. The body had been decapitated, as if in a terrible explosion.
Three bodies had been found dead, 1 seemed to be alive but buried. How many more bodies would they find in the ruin?

Gonzalez and the Cowboy.

“figured you’d ask that.” Says JB, “As most of the locals are not going to talk to you much. Hell, most still might even if I do introduce you, but can’t hurt.”
JB nods at the police. “Cops are getting a bad reputation these days, but not all are bad, in my book. A few rotten apples can ruin a barrel, and the local police has more than a few rotten apples in that barrel, mind you. But you being a fed and all might make a difference. There is more than one crime in these parts and my experience is that the local police, well, let’s say there is more than just a bit of indifference when it comes to these parts. There’s a reason the mafia used to leave bodies here. Probably still does. Give it a ponder a moment. You dump a body in a place like the hole, do you do it because the cops don’t carry to patrol these parts, the people don’t talk, even if the people do talk, the police won’t listen and chances are the mafia comes to your home at night for making trouble. Sometimes people just don’t talk to the police because they know it won’t make a difference and just might get them killed. People might not trust the police might have good reason not to.”
JB turns his eyes back on Gonzales for a long moment, the way a professor might look directly into a student to make a point, “Maybe you are here to uncover more than one crime, you know. Might not just be a blown up building that needs to be solved but some of the other crimes that go unseen, never get reported because those with power in these parts like it that way.”
“As for my guns, well, can’t do much trick shooting and showmanship if I can have weapons, can I? These are licensed antiques and being a historian myself, well, these are exceptional. I got a license, and it might be grandfathered, but its still good. The local police know about the Federation of Black Cowboys so if they see a Black cowboy riding a tall horse with a 1851 Colt and .44 Henry Rifle that is near 150 years old, I suspect they know to leave all alone.”
As for who to speak to, “I’d start with Tyrone Epps. He’s doesn’t like White people much but you being Hispanic he might take to. We can move on from there.”

OC- Snapper, I might be playing a bit fast and loose with the rules on JB’s guns, but years, when I was an undergraduate studying US history, my teacher came into class dressed as a cowboy and in the space of 15 minutes must have removed nearly a dozen handguns and a few knives from his pockets that were period pieces, so I’m going to guess JB’s guns are licensed as firearms and antiques. Also note- NY Penal Law § 265.00(14). A license is not required to possess, collect or carry an unloaded antique firearm. However, a license is required to possess, collect and carry antique pistols. JB has a license.

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- Anonymous Cannibal
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Re: ICC- Episode 1 - The Fire in the Hole

Post by Mr. Handy »


Miranda reports her latest findings. She has some good leads, but it would take a long time to hunt them all down. They might find something at the scene that would narrow down her search and tell her which leads are relevant. She isn't the strongest, but she heads down to the scene where the live person has been found to help however she can.
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
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Re: ICC- Episode 1 - The Fire in the Hole

Post by Mr. Handy »


Once the announcement is made that they've found a live one, Lee Shaftoe leaves the dead body to go help rescue whoever it is. The corpse isn't going anywhere and isn't going to get deader, but the survivor's life is at stake. Whoever it is is also likely to know more about what happened here than they do.
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
(viewforum.php?f=191)]The Ninth Planet
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Re: ICC- Episode 1 - The Fire in the Hole

Post by Philulhu »

IIC - Jakob Kaminski

”Give me a moment,” murmurs Jakob, as much as to himself as anyone else.

He fetches his cellphone out of his pocket and slides his finger up the screen to activate the camera. He quickly snaps a series of images of the girl’s eyes and her scars. With space being tight, he crabs over and takes a photo of the scarring on the male victim.

”I’ll get those circulated and we can see if anyone recognises them.” he says, then looks up and realises that he is talking to himself as everyone else is trying to rescue the person trapped under the building.
OOC,Edited as Conroy had moved away.
Last edited by Philulhu on Sat Jul 25, 2020 10:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ICC- Episode 1 - The Fire in the Hole

Post by Philulhu »

IIC - Harry Shibatu

Harry nods as he makes notes. He looks up as the old man finishes speaking. ”Bad shit, eh? What sort of shit are we talking about?”
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