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The Devourer Below

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 9:13 am
by Tabs
With XP from The Gathering, Daisy replaced Perception and Research Librarian with Disc of Itzama and Bulletproof Vest.

Skids, Sure Gamble replaced Beat Cop, he also carried over 2 XP. And he's got Lita Chandler in his deck.

We've got a further 5 XP to spend from Midnight Masks.

Here's a list of cards from the core set:

Skids will purchase Elder Sign Amulet (3 XP) and Hot Streak (4 XP).


Re: The Devourer Below

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 7:58 pm
by Mr. Handy
I see that I'd already selected my new cards at the end of the previous scenario's thread:
Mr. Handy wrote:
OOC,I didn't realize we both had to resign. In that case, that could be your fourth action, as there's no reason for you to evade when the scenario is ending. I'll take Magnifying Glass (upgrade), Encyclopedia (replacing Arcane Initiate), and Blinding Light (upgrade). As much as I like Cryptic Research, I really need better ways of hurting enemies, and I can't get both.
Also, Hot Streak is awesome! 8-)

Re: The Devourer Below

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 1:01 pm
by Tabs
Thanks, I missed that. Okay, I'll shuffle our decks later and draw 5 cards, posting them tomorrow.

Re: The Devourer Below

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2017 9:35 am
by Tabs
Daisy's starting hand. Take a mulligan if you wish but, oooh, she's got a Bulletproof Vest.


Re: The Devourer Below

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2017 6:03 pm
by Tabs
Skids's starting hand: Evidence!, Knife x2, Pickpocketing, Opportunist. Take a mulligan...


Re: The Devourer Below

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 4:57 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,I'll keep my starting hand. The cards mean I'll actually be able to fight a little if needed, and the Flashlight will help with vacuuming up clues.

Re: The Devourer Below

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 10:12 am
by Tabs
OOC:   Daisy fighting in the Bulletproof Vest, someone would pay to see that...  
After a frantic nighttime search throughout Arkham, you have tracked down and questioned several members of the cult. Your findings are disturbing: they claim to worship a being known as Umordhoth, a monstrous entity from another realm.

You are able to confirm much of Lita's story: the cult is agitated over the destruction of a ghoul lair. However, a surprising detail also turns up: the one who invaded the lair and set this night's events in motion was none other than Lita Chantler herself! You are not sure why this important detail was omitted from Lita's story - did she tell you only as much as was necessary to draw you into her conflict? But in another light, she seems to be fighting to protect the city of Arkham from a terrible menace.

The final piece of the puzzle was found written in a journal possessed by one of the cultists. It describes a dark ritual to be performed deep within the woods south of Arkham, this very night. According to the journal, the ritual's completion will open a gate and bring forth the cult's dark master into this world. "If the cult is not stopped," Lita warns, "there is a possibility that Umordhoth's vengeance will consume all in its path." Frightened but determined to stop the ritual, you head into the woods...

Image 6 clues

Image 1 doom token (starting penalty due to the 2 escaped cultists).


Image (There are 4 Woods locations.)

OOC:   Skids to gain a resource, Play Leo, and then gain 2 resources?  
Skids O'Toole stepped off the little bridge over Hangman's Brook and threw a stone, PLOP!, into the water.

"Miss Walker, it's mighty cold in these woods at night," he shivered, but whether from the chill night air or their dread search amongst the trees was unclear, his thick houndstooth jacket may be a clue, though. "I was thinking about help--help from someone else?

Re: The Devourer Below

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2017 5:36 am
by Mr. Handy

Daisy shivers too, wrapping her arms around herself as her torn clothing lets in far too much of the night's chill. "Sounds good to me," she says. "We can use all the help we can get!"
OOC,I don't have time tonight to update my investigator sheet, but I should tomorrow night. I'm all for you getting a resource and playing [b]Leo[/b] with your first two actions, but we may want to explore and start gathering clues fast. You could use your third action to move to a new location, and your fourth you can decide what to do with once you've seen it. If you do that, I can join you and either investigate twice or equip my flashlight and investigate once. If you'd rather stay put and collect resources, I can just equip stuff. It won't be good to split up yet.

Re: The Devourer Below

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2017 9:51 am
by Tabs
OOC:   Mr. Handy, if you are pushed for time, post the next day. I may well do the same myself.

Resources or clues?--Skids'll compromise.  

"Hmmm," thought Skids, sensing a need for urgency but also wanting to be prepared. He noted Daisy's torn clothing, his face reddened as he thought about the snug jacket which he wore...

Investigation Phase 1

Action 1: gain 1 resource.

Action 2: Play Leo De Luca (6 resources).


Across the little bridge sauntered a lanky individual sporting a slouch hat.

"Hey! Leo," greeted Skids, clasping the Louisiana Lion's arms. "Still brewing that godawful southern hooch?" He took a step backward and introduced Daisy, "Miss Walker, librarian at the University here."

"She's not your usual type!" laughed Leo.

"Quiet, man, we're only--er--friends," he added lamely.

Action 3: Move to Arkham Woods.


"There's nothing here. Nice and peaceful, though," his voice echoed back.

Action 4: gain 1 resource.

Re: The Devourer Below

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 5:03 am
by Mr. Handy

Turn 1 Action Phase

Daisy follows Skids and Leon deep into the woods, taking out a knife in her right hand and a flashlight in her left. "This is a nice spot," she says, "but there's not much of interest here. I think we need to move along. We may not have much time to stop the ritual."
OOC,Action 1: Move to Arkham Woods (purple moon). Action 2: Play Flashlight (spend 2 resources). Action 3: Play Knife (spend 1 resource).

Re: The Devourer Below

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 11:19 am
by Tabs
Upkeep Phase 1

Skids draws Image and gains 1 resource.

Daisy draws Image and gains 1 resource.


"'Move along,' sure," repeated Skids, eyeing Daisy's knife and wishing he was anywhere but here.

Re: The Devourer Below

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 10:42 am
by Tabs
Mythos Phase 2

Place 1 doom on the agenda (2/4).

Skids draws Image

He put a finger tip in his ear, as if exploring for wax. "I can't hear a thing, except voices in my head," Skids looked to Daisy with a quizzical, almost a dumbfounded expression upon his pale face.

Daisy draws Image

Re: The Devourer Below

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 2:15 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Is the minimum I can get 0, or can my total go negative? If so, I could easily fail by 5 and go down just from an unlucky draw. What is my total if I draw tentacles? I'm trying to decide whether or not to use Mind Over Matter. If I can't lose more than 3 health from this, I'll just take my chances. Otherwise, if I could lose 5 health from this, I need to use it just in case.

Re: The Devourer Below

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 11:29 am
by Tabs
OOC:   The worst result possible is 0, even if a Chaos token would modify a test to a negative. Tentacles are an automatic 0. Therefore Daisy may suffer a maximum of 3 damage.

Oh, BTW, an additional, 17th, Chaos token (-5--squid) has been added.  

Re: The Devourer Below

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 8:23 pm
by Mr. Handy

Turn 2 Mythos Phase

Daisy screams as a pair of hands claw their way out of the dirt by her feet and grab at her legs. She tears herself loose, suffering some scratches in the process.
OOC,Agility test (difficulty 3) for Grasping Hands: [dice]0[/dice] 2 skill + 0 = 2. 1 damage taken.

Re: The Devourer Below

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 12:21 pm
by Tabs
Investigation Phase 2


Skids stamped furiously on top of the grasping hands. "I hope that I cracked a few knuckles!" he said, but otherwise doesn't comment upon the weird event apart from, "Well, that could've been worse, Miss Walker."

"Right," he continued, "Leo and I will do some more exploring."

Action 1: Move to the Main Path.

Action 2: Move to Arkham Woods.

Image 2 clues.

Action 3 and 4: gain 1 resource.
OOC:   Next turn Skids to Play Flashlight and then Investigate?  

Re: The Devourer Below

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 5:21 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Maybe I should move to join you and then spend my remaining action to investigate, doing it again next turn, as I already have the flashlight equipped. I shouldn't have too much problem moving out of that location later. Or we could split up and I could go to an unexplored location. We could find clues faster, but it could prove dangerous.

Re: The Devourer Below

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 10:55 am
by Tabs
OOC:   Okay, let's stick together. Skids may well have trouble finding a way out of Twisting Paths--his Flashlight can contribute toward a skill test? Also he has potentially 5 Actions and can Engage and then Evade any nasties who appear?  

Re: The Devourer Below

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 5:19 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Actually, I'm having second thoughts. I don't know how much time we have, but it may be better to split up and both search for clues in different locations. How about I spend my first action moving to the Woods location with the two lines with a blue background, since that's next to both of our current locations? Once it's unlocked, I'll decide if it's worth staying there and searching for clues or joining you.

Re: The Devourer Below

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 9:53 am
by Tabs
OOC:   You decide, but the location, blue with two stripes, hasn't been revealed yet. Daisy'll have to Move back to the Main Path first.