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Re: The Carnavale of Horrors

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 10:22 pm
by Mr. Handy
OOC,I'll move to the Bridge of Sighs and try to help you. I can hopefully take down [b]Salvatore Neri[/b] in one action, then use the [b]Abbess[/b]'s ability to move to the Basilica for free. Or I could simply evade him with Blinding Light, which will finish him and save my resource for the next fight. With my remaining two actions, I can engage [b]Don Lagorio[/b], do a point of damage to him by taking a resource from Forbidden Knowledge, and then try to finish him. That may not succeed, however, but if I go first, you can then engage [b]Don Lagorio[/b] after you finish the Writhing Appendage, which will automatically cause 1 damage. Then you'll just need one more damage to finish him.

Re: The Carnavale of Horrors

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 12:31 pm
by Tabs

Zoey offered up a silent prayer. "I need your help, Agnes," she whispered. She also pocketed her treasured cross, which she had brandished at the writhing tentacle just moments before.

Re: The Carnavale of Horrors

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2017 5:25 am
by Mr. Handy

Investigator Phase 7

The woman still stands on the bank of the canal, paralyzed with fear. Agnes hates to leave her, but she knows Zoey needs her help. Taking up the fallen pole, she steers the gondola down the canal. She hears the sound of a struggle and guides the gondola towards it, disembarking at a bridge where a man dressed in black waits, blocking her path.

"Zoey!" she cries, hearing her voice on the other side of the bridge. "Let me pass!"

The man chuckles. "Your friend is now quite, quite mad," he says, "and you shall join her!"

The horrible creature Agnes had fought and defeated earlier seems to materialize out of thin air behind her. Screaming in terror, she barrels past the magician and runs across the bridge, but he pursues her, cackling madly.

"Sanctuary!" cries Agnes, bolting into the Basilica where the Abbess awaits. Zoey is also there, but she is cornered by a foe of her own and has a tentacle wrapped around her to boot. Agnes finds her friends' presence comforting, but the Abbess looks to be in shock.

Spinning around, Agnes draws upon her hidden reserves, firing a bolt of energy from her fingertip at Zoey's opponent while spinning around and cutting the magician chasing her in half.
OOC,I'd forgotten that Blinding Light also costs a resource, but it could be just what I need to take down [b]Don Lagorio[/b] with automatic damage instead of fighting and probably missing. Action 1: Activate Fire Axe to fight [b]Salvatore Neri[/b], spending 1 resource as a Fast Action for +2 Combat. Combat test (2 stat +2[Fire Axe]=4 vs. 2[[b]Salvatore Neri[/b]]): [dice]0[/dice] 4 - 4 = 0 vs. 2. Failure. Aw, nuts! I won't be able to help you as much this round now. And he retaliates, so I take 2 horror, and I can't afford to do that again. Fast Action: Exhaust [b]Abbess[/b] to move to Basilica. [b]Abbess[/b] takes 1 horror. [b]Salvatore Neri[/b] moves with me. Fast Action: Exhaust Forbidden Knowledge. Gain 1 resource and take 1 horror. 1 damage dealt to [b]Don Lagorio[/b]. Action 2: Activate Fire Axe to fight [b]Salvatore Neri[/b], spending 1 resource as a Fast Action for +2 Combat. Combat test (2 stat +2[Fire Axe]=4 vs. 2[[b]Salvatore Neri[/b]]): [dice]1[/dice] 4 - 2 = 2 vs. 2. Success. [b]Salvatore Neri[/b] takes 2 damage and is defeated. Action 3: Gain 1 resource. It looks like we're toast. We're both at 1 Sanity, so neither of us can cross the Bridge of Sighs again, which means we can't rescue the Innocent Revelers and bring them back. We may need to resign next turn. If you resign this turn, I'll be defeated unless you can take out the Writhing Appendage first.

Re: The Carnavale of Horrors

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2017 1:23 pm
by Tabs

Investigation Phase 7

Action 1: Fight Writhing Appendage.

Strength 4 vs. 2, Chaos token [dice]0[/dice] (-1), deal 1 damage, Writhing Appendage killed.

Action 2:
OOC:   You realise Zoey's Cross is already exhausted? Agnes will take 2 damage this turn, she could use her 3rd action to do something else... or, if she does still engage Don Lagorio, Zoey could use her 2nd and 3rd actions to draw cards?

Yes, it looks like we are stuffed! There isn't a Resign option on any card at the moment, so do we carry on regardless until the end? Maybe, maybe one location will allow us to heal? or the next Act/Agenda will help us?  
Zoey fell back from the Abbess and tugged at Agnes's skirt. "You've come back to me," she cried--she was literally crying, tears coursing down her cheeks. "I shall not finish my work as intended by Him. Why?"

Again she snapped the tail end of the writhing tentacle when it started to wrap itself round her leg, the sudden jerk produced a most satisfying "shlick" sound.

Re: The Carnavale of Horrors

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 5:58 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Whoops, I hadn't realized that. I've edited my post to use my third action to gain a resource, which I'm sure I'll need. I guess we have no choice but to keep going. While we can't take any more horror, the Innocent Revelers and the Abbess (if we're willing to lose her) can take it for us, as well as allies that we play. We just have to take care not to lose the Innocent Revelers, one of whom has already taken 1 horror. There may also be ways we can heal, and there are ways that we can move that bypass the Bridge of Sighs, such as Lost in Venice.

Re: The Carnavale of Horrors

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 11:42 am
by Tabs
Action 2: Fight Don Lagorio.

Strength 4 +1["Let Me Handle This"] vs. 4, Chaos token [dice]0[/dice] (skull -2), fail.

Action 3: Fight Don Lagorio.

Strength 4 vs. 4, Chaos token [dice]1[/dice] (tablet -3 and deal 1 damage to the nearest Innocent Reveler) :!: , fail.

Enemy Phase 7

Don Lagorio attacks Zoey. 1 damage to Zoey and 1 to Abbess.

Upkeep Phase 7

Ready Abbess and Zoey's Cross.

Zoey draws Image at last! and gains 1 resource.


Agnes draws Image and gains 1 resource.

Re: The Carnavale of Horrors

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 5:30 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Awesome! You can't actually use the card until it's your turn, though. The only [b]Innocent Reveler[/b] we've found now has taken 1 damage and 1 horror, as has the [b]Abbess[/b].

Re: The Carnavale of Horrors

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 12:06 pm
by Tabs
OOC:   Just shows how excited I was to draw that card! Will I get to fire the Lightening Gun, I wonder?  
Canal-side [Innocent Reveler (1/2 and 1/2), 1 clue] -> Streets of Venice [Masked Carnival-Goer] -> Rialto Bridge [Masked Carnival-Goer] -> Venetian Garden [Carnevale Sentinel, Masked Carnival-Goer] -> Bridge of Sighs [1 clue] -> San Marco Basilica [Agnes, Zoey, Don Lagorio (2/4), Abbess (1/2 and 1/2)] -> Flooded Square [1 clue] -> Academia Bridge [Agnes, Acrid Miasma] -> back round to Canal-side

Mythos Phase 8

Place 1 doom on the agenda (7/8).

Zoey draws Image


Will 4 vs. 4, Chaos token [dice]0[/dice] (squid -4), Innocent Reveler dies.

Several cloaked individuals, stood upon the Bridge of Sighs, watched Zoey's and Agnes's struggle with Don Lagorio. One of them pulled down its hood and glared at Zoey, a piercing stare with blue, flaming eyes. Somewhere something bad was to happen.

Agnes draws Image


OOC:   If Zoey gets a chance to equip Lightening Gun we can do it!

Edit: Agnes can't evade Cnidathqua, she's doomed!  

Re: The Carnavale of Horrors

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 3:50 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Maybe not. If [b]Cnidathqua[/b] is not engaged with me, all I should have to do is move to the next location, and I won't be attacked. Even if I am engaged, I can first engage [b]Don Lagorio[/b] and then use both Blinding Light and Survival Instinct. This will allow me to evade [b]Don Lagorio[/b] and simultaneously do 2 damage to him, then immediately disengage with every other enemy engaged with me (which is not the same as evading [b]Cnidathqua[/b]) and move to another location for free. I just have to hope I don't take a horror from Blinding Light, but even if I do, the [b]Abbess[/b] can take it for me.

Re: The Carnavale of Horrors

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 12:36 pm
by Tabs
OOC:   Ha ha! Oops, Cnidathaqua is set aside, I guess it appears when one of the agendas is flipped.  
Agnes draws Image Streets of Venice
OOC:   Plan? We need to kill Don Lagorio. Can Agnes deal 2 damage? I would like Zoey to spend her actions gaining resources, oh and she needs to play "Prepared for the Worst."  

Re: The Carnavale of Horrors

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 2:59 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Phew! I was wondering what that thing was doing mixed in with the regular encounters. Drawing it on the first turn would be very nasty if that were allowed! I can probably do 2 damage to [b]Don Lagorio[/b]. I can engage him, then use Blinding Light to evade. If I take a point of horror, the [b]Abbess[/b] will have to take it instead. If that fails, I can then attack with my axe as long as I don't lose an action. Shall I go ahead and try?

Re: The Carnavale of Horrors

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 4:01 pm
by Tabs
OOC:   Yes. If needed Zoey will re-engage and use her Cross.  

Re: The Carnavale of Horrors

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:27 am
by Mr. Handy

Investigator Phase 8

"Leave her alone!" cries Agnes to the man attacking Zoey. "Try me instead!"

"Not instead," he says, rounding on Agnes. "First."

Now that Agnes has his attention, she points a hand at him, sending a massive flash of light straight into his eyes and causing him to bellow in agony. The Abbess sees this and is reduced to a gibbering wreck.
OOC,Action 1: Engage [b]Don Lagorio[/b] Action 2: Play Blinding Light to evade [b]Don Lagorio[/b], spending 1 additional resource as a Fast Action for +1 Will. Will test (5 stat +1[Arcane Studies]=6 vs. 3[[b]Don Lagorio[/b]]): [dice]0[/dice] 6 -2 (or -3 if the dead [b]Innocent Reveler[/b] counts as under the agenda card) = 4 (or 3) vs. 3: success. 2 damage dealt to [b]Don Lagorio[/b]. [b]Abbess[/b] takes 1 horror and is defeated. [b]Agnes[/b] loses the next action.

Re: The Carnavale of Horrors

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:58 pm
by Tabs
6 -2 (or -3 if the dead Innocent Reveler counts as under the agenda card) = 4 (or 3) vs. 3: success. 2 damage dealt to Don Lagorio. Abbess takes 1 horror and is defeated. Agnes loses the next action.
These two points, I'm sure that they are correct but which cards say it?



...we didn't take 1 horror when she died. Is that game over?  

Re: The Carnavale of Horrors

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2017 5:44 pm
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Yeah, I guess that's it for us. At least when I take that last point of horror, I get to inflict a point of damage on [b]Don Lagorio[/b] and finish him off, so that's one more victory point.

Re: The Carnavale of Horrors

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2017 7:29 pm
by Tabs

Zoey clasped her cross. She squeezed it hard, so hard that one of its arms snapped; it was broken and now useless. "Did it ever have power?" she asked, fallen upon her knees and beseeching an empty sky. The stars seemed to twinkle in answer. Zoey smiled stupidly up at heaven, and the uncaring carnival passed on.

Re: The Carnavale of Horrors

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2017 8:17 pm
by Mr. Handy

Agnes's eyes flash as the power flowing through her overwhelms her. Memories of an ancient past flood her mind, and she is lost in them. "There is no Agnes only Zuul," she says.

Re: The Carnavale of Horrors

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 6:12 pm
by Tabs
We had tough encounter card draws from the start. In hindsight I'd definitely add cards to my deck which healed health and sanity. If we were sat at a table and could finish the scenario in one evening I'd suggest we play again, but no... Do you fancy playing the Dunwich Legacy campaign?

Re: The Carnavale of Horrors

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 4:45 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Yes, I'd like that.

Re: The Carnavale of Horrors

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 1:18 pm
by Tabs
Great! I planned on using all cards as on arkhamdb, so any Investigator including promo ones but excluding anyone I've played before; what/who do you want?