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[IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 10:57 am
by jp1885
The noise and bustle of the railway station might have been jarring following your sojourn at Eton library, had the eerie silence of the place not been shattered by accidental collisions and angry librarians!

Still, that is all behind you now.

As your luggage is efficiently loaded onto the waiting steam train, you are shown to the correct platform. Luckily you spot a vendor selling maps of the Great Western Railway routes at a booth nearby. Soon a couple of maps of the city of Hereford and the incoming line from the east are purchased.
Herefordshire Map.jpg
As you board the train, you realise that the fussy Dr. Preedy is still as sensitive to one’s social class as ever, as he has only obtained first-class tickets for Mr. Tereshchenko and Professor Garrett.

Therefore Mr. Pritchard and Miss Knight, being employees rather than notable gentlemen, must content themselves with a less comfortable third-class carriage.

Thus split into two pairs, you sit back for the long journey westwards. How you will occupy yourselves is up to you: perhaps the injured among you may benefit from a snooze, or maybe a game of cards or a hastily bought newspaper may suffice?

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 1:24 pm
by speshul
Tom checks everyones luggage is load carefully before making his way to third class. He looks to finds himself a seat in the corner with his back to a bulkhead able to watch the doors. He is happy here to hide amongst the people, his clothes make him stand out and he switches his jacket and hat from his uniform to a standard working class jacket and hat to blend in.

His arm is still tender from his fall but he tries to not show it.

If he catches Miss Knights eye he says "Miss Knight, I completely understand if you don't want to sit near a hideous old timer like me, and I apologise if you heard anything I said to Mr Lewis, It's not a lady like topic, war that is."

He takes his seat next to the window, keep watching, too wired to sleep properly yet. Should Miss Knight wish to sit next to him, he will make small talk, and attempt to avoid the topic of war but will talk about it in genteel way if pressed.

He will also take the opportunity to bring himself up to speed on all of the research they found, asking questions and clarifying in a matter of fact way. He is practical and reasonably intelligent so does he best to assist with analysis and theory crafting.
OOC:   I assume this will bring him up to speed on the team knowledge.  

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 1:51 pm
by jp1885
OOC:   Yes, it's safe to assume that you've all had time to brief each other, on the way to the station.  

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 3:58 am
by Mr. Handy

"Oh, I don't mind at all," says Cynthia. "War is truly a terrible thing. You know all too well what it can do to men, and not all the wounds are visible. But it is important that people learn just how awful war is, so that it can be prevented in future. The injuries we suffered today pale in comparison, but I would still like to take the opportunity to have a nap and recover. I would like to talk to you some more once I'm rested, but we should have more time later."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 11:49 am
by jp1885
Mr. Tereshchenko only please,As is befitting of the dignity of a first-class carriage, you pass the journey in genial silence. You spend your time watching the grey autumnal countryside barrel past as, eventually, the gentle rocking of the carriage causes you to nod off… [i]A cold wind whips around the ruins, stirring dark, cobwebbed corners and howling through a star-filled void that was once the church roof. An icy cold causes you to shiver. Battered wooden pews creak and the very stones seem to pulse with freezing malice as the walls close in on you. You turn, desperate for a way out. And there – warmth! You feel it on your back, freeing up your seized joints as the winter sun melts icicles under frozen gables. You turn to face a stained-glass window, miraculously intact among the ruins. Suffused with a golden glow you make out the figure of a saint. He smiles down at you as behind him a field burns with life-giving fire. But then the flames flicker, blown out by the malicious gale that rages around you. The saintly figure raises his hands, imploring you for aid. But you can do nothing. The window fades into shadow as darkness engulfs you. From out of the deep blackness something shuffles and you can only look on in horror as-[/i] [color=red]“Worcester Foregate Street! Change for Malvern, Ledbury, Hereford, Pontrilas!”[/color] You wake with a start as the guard walks along the aisle. Dazed, you rise automatically and allow yourself to be jostled out of the carriage and onto the platform. You only really come to your senses as you clamber onto the next train, where you find your other companions sitting together in a slightly less salubrious carriage.
Prof. Garrett only please,As is befitting of the dignity of a first-class carriage, you pass the journey in genial silence. You spend your time watching the grey autumnal countryside barrel past, before the stuffy warmth of the carriage causes you your eyelids to droop... [i]There is little sunlight this deep into the woods. Occasionally filtering through the treetops it pierces the darkness here and there, illuminating the path you are following. Before you an elderly man, clad in a tweed suit and sturdy walking boots, urgently beckons you onwards. You follow as best you can, stumbling through the undergrowth and tripping over roots and fallen branches. Ahead of you the man stops. Standing erect with a noble bearing despite his advanced age, he points at something in the woodland gloom. You squint, eyes more used to reading ancient tomes by candlelight straining to make out the object in front of you. It is large, irregularly shaped and covered in moss – a megalith of some kind perhaps? Suddenly a strangled cry causes you to turn. The old man falls to the ground, clutching his chest. A cold wind stirs among the trees, whipping up the leaves as, one by one, the lances of sunlight snap off as if some malign force is slamming the shutters closed. As the shadows advance you try to run, but your feet are entangled with briar and bramble. Panicking, you begin to struggle as, deep within the undergrowth, something crawls towards you. You can only look on in helpless horror as-[/i] [color=red]“Worcester Foregate Street! Change for Malvern, Ledbury, Hereford, Pontrilas!”[/color] You wake with a start as the guard walks along the aisle. Dazed, you rise automatically and allow yourself to be jostled out of the carriage and onto the platform. You only really come to your senses as you clamber onto the next train, where you find your other companions sitting together in a slightly less salubrious carriage.
Miss Knight only please,Settling as best you can in your seat,you close your eyes, only to open them again, startled, as something brushes against your cheek. [i]Your first thought is that Mr. [b]Pritchard [/b]is being untoward, but you quickly realise that it is not the disfigured soldier that touches you, but some kind of dirty white thing, flapping in your face. You wave your hands, frantically trying to brush the thing away from you, but it continues: flap flap flap. Increasingly panicked, you notice other things closing in around you – the same dirty white sheets, flapping and twisting as if pummelled by a strong current of air. You step back, staring through the whirling things to focus a dark figure in their midst. Clad in tattered black robes, it waves it’s arms, mimicking the movement of the sheets. Or is it? You get the feeling that he's actually dictating the movement, as if bewitching a ballet somehow with magical choreography. Suddenly the figure stops and, looking past you, points a trembling bony finger. You turn to see a wall of inky black shadow moving slowly towards you. As it passes the sheets, they drop lifeless to the ground. Soon the shadow is nearly upon you. You try to scream but the foetid air makes you gag. You can only look on in helpless horror as-[/i] [color=red]“Worcester Foregate Street! Change for Malvern, Ledbury, Hereford, Pontrilas!”[/color] You wake with a start as the guard walks along the aisle. Dazed, you rise automatically and allow yourself to be jostled out of the carriage and onto the platform. You only really come to your senses as you clamber onto the next train, where you find your other companions sitting together in one of the carriages.
Mr. Pritchard only please,Miss [b]Knight[/b], dozing as she is, makes for poor company. Left to your own thoughts, you spend your time watching the grey autumnal countryside barrel past; before the rocking of the stuffy carriage causes your head to drop... [i]Fwooom! You instinctively duck as a bullet fizzes past your head. Damn Boer snipers! Crump! Bent low, you rush forward as a shell bursts behind you. Another bullet, smacking with a wet crack into someone to your right. You must find cover or you’ll be next! Fear pushes you on – the glorious charges you dreamed of in your youth have no place in this squalid patch of veldt. Someone wounded screams nearby. Suddenly you fall, headfirst into a donga. Sheltered by the steep walls of the dried-up watercourse, you finally have time to take stock. Bloody Boers! Where did they come from? There is a groan a little distance away as a bloodied figure stirs. As it crawls along the dusty riverbed you notice that this is no wounded khaki-clad soldier, neither is it a bandoliered Boer commando. It is [b]Lewis[/b], his lewd face shining through the blood in exultation of his wounds. With a look of sheer bliss he reaches towards you with the remains of his arms. No, reaching past you. You turn to see the water that should be running along this course boiling away, as if it’s journey has been halted by some invisible wall. Lewis groans again, a moan of pleasure twisting his shattered mouth into a rictus grin. You can only stare transfixed as his wounds widen, the bloody holes of gore darkening into black voids, out from which billow columns of black smoke. The man collapses to the ground as the smoke, stinking with the smell of a thousand bloated and flyblown corpses, coalesces into a shape. You scream and is lunges at you and-[/i] [color=red]“Worcester Foregate Street! Change for Malvern, Ledbury, Hereford, Pontrilas!”[/color] You wake with a start as the guard walks along the aisle. Dazed, you rise automatically and allow yourself to be jostled out of the carriage and onto the platform. You only really come to your senses as you clamber onto the next train, where you find your other companions sitting together in one of the carriages.
It will not be long before you arrive at Hereford. If you have dozed at all during your journey (I trust you found it restful?), you may add 1HP if you are not already at maximum.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 3:08 pm
by Whitehorse
Grigori blows in his hands, and scrummages about in one of his cases for his fur-lined cloak, a momento of winter in St Petersburg.

"Damn it if I don't feel unseasonably chilled Garrett; it's like the devil himself walked over my grave..!

We should reconvene with our companions. I do hope the fragrent Miss Knight has not been too pained by being closetted with the old soldier.

Perhaps the station may offer us some refreshments as a tonic, or I'd be delighted to pour out some warming Russion coffee from my flask..."

OOC:   Edited slightly as I misread my text to imply we were waiting for a connection..  

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2019 5:11 am
by Mr. Handy

"I feel better after that nap," says Cynthia, "though I had the most disturbing dream."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2019 5:47 am
by LTD1969
"I feel much the same way Mr Tereschenko, despite falling asleep on the train it wasn't a particularly enjoyable nap. I'd certainly be happy to see if Hereford station's facilities run to a reviving tincture, or two."

On reaching our companions I overhear Cynthia, and reply, "As did I Miss Knight, perhaps we should compare notes?" Turning to Grigori and Tom I say, "What about you two chaps Any strange dreams on the way here?"

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 1:08 am
by Mr. Handy

"I dreamt I was being surrounded by dirty white sheets, of all things," says Cynthia. "There was this figure in black robes that seemed to be controlling them. Then he pointed past me, and when I looked, I saw a wall of darkness approaching. When it touched the sheets, the dropped to the ground motionless. I woke up when it was just about to reach me."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 12:36 pm
by speshul
Tom has his hat pulled down and a heavy woollen scarf in dark green pulled up over his neck and lower face. Slightly more than is ususal but not so much so to draw attention.

He thanks Miss Knight for her pleasant company and is genuine in it. Upon hearing about the dreams he comments "I had a war dream but that not unusual, shouldn't have spoken about I recon."

He secures their belongings and takes his long bed roll personally and keeps it close.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 12:34 am
by Mr. Handy

"You're quite welcome," replies Cynthia. "It was a pleasure. You've lived a very interesting and exciting life, and I don't mind at all hearing about your exploits. My own life is rather dull by comparison, or at least it has been until today."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 10:46 am
by Whitehorse
"I dreamt I was in a ruined church, battered by freezing cold gales, colder even than in my home country... The only light and warmth was the fire emanating from a saint within a stained-glass window, who pleaded for my help... My help!! But I could do nothing, and the cold overcame all..."

"I confess I was quite shaken by the power of the vision and I feel sure that our dreams are not happenstance. Perhaps they are even a spirtual attack by some entity that does not welcome our visit to the Marches. I for one will be sleeping with my rosary wrapped around my hand in the days to come..."

"But please, Miss Knight, gentlemen, allow me to purchase you all some warming food and drink to help dispel such disturbing thoughts."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 12:13 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, I'd like that," says Cynthia. "It does seem frightening...but also exciting, in a way."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 6:37 am
by LTD1969
"I dreamt that I was in a wood, being led towards a standing stone or similar by an old man who suddenly collapsed to the ground choking. Then it started to get dark and it was as if the darkness was alive and intent on pursuing me. All highly disturbing. I wonder if the old man was "JOK" referred to in the squire's papers?"

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 9:31 am
by Whitehorse
Still unnerved, Grigori attempts to regain his composure in his usual fashion, distracting himself with chatter and conversation...

"I think the link you draw with O'Kent is a fair surmise, Garrett. Though my feeling from our readings and these dreams is that O'Kent is the aggressor that must be held in check with some sort of elemental boundary... Perhaps he is the darkness and cold, that must be held back by warmth and light.... Though I am perhaps being fanciful an too influenced by my own vision here..."

"And Tom, you've suffered a lot it's clear, and you say you've had bad dreams before... How do you deal with them? A tot of whisky? Concentrating on the sunnier aspects of life, on a memory of a loved one...? Don't be shy, your stoicism is admirable and something we could all learn from I'm sure..."

"Are you enjoying your tea Miss Knight? My grandmother taught my a very little of the old arts of tasseography, that is interpreting the pattern of the tea leaves... If you like I can see if I can divine anything of your future..."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 10:25 am
by speshul
Tom walks to catch up with the others, carrying most of the bags.

"My dream had the slug Lewis in it, he turned to a smoke monster, rest was standard war fair death blood and misery"

Tom pauses at the questions "How do I cope? Realising I was the one who survived who really shouldn't have" His free hand subconsciously touches the side of his head and a flicker of pain passes across his face "!I guess I keep on living for those that didn't make it, I keep trying to do good helping the next generation learn and invent wonderful things seems a good form of service I'd be dead without science, drinking helps too

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:10 am
by jp1885
Whitehorse,Interesting idea. If Miss Knight is happy for you to read her tea leaves, please make POW and Occult rolls. If you get a hard result on both, then I’ll call it a success.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 7:09 pm
by LTD1969
"The funny thing is Mr Tereschenko," I say, as we head towards the station tea room. "If the man in my dream was O'Kent, I don't think he was necessarily an evil presence, he was the victim if anything. A guardian whose powers were failing if you will. I rather got the same impression from the old squire's papers."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 5:27 am
by Mr. Handy

"I am indeed," Cynthia says to Grigori with a smile. "It was delicious. I would be delighted to have you read the leaves." She wonders if they will say she will meet a tall, handsome stranger, though looking at him, she can see that this event has already taken place. "I was thinking, that saint in the stained glass window must be St. Wergyn."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 8:09 pm
by jp1885
With the train to Hereford about to depart, it does not do to tarry. Miss Knight finishes her tea in as genteel a manner as possible before handing her cup over to the gallant Russian.
Keeper only,[dice]0[/dice]
Miss Knight only,You can't help taking a look at the tea leaves as you pass the cup, but to your untrained eye the whole thing is just a messy collection of splodges. Is that horned thing a cow? Those little blobs footprints? Is that bit a mound of some kind? Let's hope your dark knight can shine some light on this!
Soon the train is rattling through the countryside. Those not engrossed in tasseography contend themselves with looking at the view.

Alas, what is no doubt a bucolic vista of pastoral beauty during the summer is now a dull, wet and rather grey scene. Field after bare, sodden field flies by, bordered by dark, straggling hedges and brooding hills. Now and then a solitary figure can be seen - pitch black against a white, souless sky. A farmer? Scarecrow? Who knows?

The train rumbles on, rattling along the track and shaking your carriage from side to side as it ploughs through mean-looking farmland towards Hereford.
Everyone,Luck rolls please.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 12:13 am
by Mr. Handy

"I can read lots of books," says Cynthia, peering at the tea leaves, "but I've no idea how to read these."
OOC,Luck roll (80% stat) on the train: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 6:58 pm
by jp1885
As you take your seat, Miss Knight, you find that someone has left a copy of the Hereford Times lying on a seat nearby. You can't help but notice a header; "Barneby Heir Contests Will."
OOC:   If anyone else passes their luck roll, then they too spot the newspaper.  

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 8:53 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Oh!" says Cynthia, picking up the newspaper and examining the article. "This concerns the inheritance."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 9:15 pm
by LTD1969
Luck roll (30%)

[Spoiler-Button]Prof Garrett[dice]0[/dice][/Spoiler-Button]

"What newspaper's that then?"

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 12:33 am
by Mr. Handy

"It's the Hereford Times," says Cynthia, showing him the article. "The heir is contesting the will."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 10:38 am
by Whitehorse
OOC:   JP - I can roll for the tasseography if you like, but perhaps if you do it that I won't know the validity of my readings.... ? :)  
Luck = 45%,[dice]0[/dice]
"It has turned dreary has it not... Gentleman, can I offer you a restorative cigar?" Grigori makes a point of making sure Tom is included in the offer. "You don't mind do you Miss Knight?

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 10:51 am
by speshul
Tom accepts a cigar glady "Thank you, it seems interesting times are a foot, shared dreams, mysterious people, with the learned stuff I will derfer to you clever folks, but please trust me if I say duck or run please listen to me"
Tom seems serious and thoughful, after a few puffs on the cigar he smiles a rare smile "Atleast we are away from the university on an adventure and meeting new people right!
Luck 60 [dice]0[/dice]

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 12:15 pm
by jp1885
Whitehorse wrote:
OOC:   JP - I can roll for the tasseography if you like, but perhaps if you do it that I won't know the validity of my readings.... ? :)  
OOC:Whitehorse,Good point - allow me...
Secret rolls,[dice]0[/dice]

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 8:06 pm
by jp1885
Mr. Tereshchenko,It has been many years since your grandmother taught you to read the leaves. Nevertheless you definately feel that there is some kind of pattern, lurking in the bottom of the cup. There are small specks around the outside - suggesting some kind of journey if you remember correctly? There is also a pyramd-shaped blob - a temple or somesuch? Perhaps most disconcertingly, there, right in the centre of the cup, is a face - long and horned. You don't need your grandmother to tell you who that represents...
The newspaper makes for a welcome distraction, for the journey is a monotonous one (a depressing drizzle has set in, obscuring the sorry excuse for a view.

The article is short, but interesting. According to the paper, the new incumbent of Wergyn Hall, Major Perryman, has announced his intention to contest a certain clause in the late Squire Barneby's will, to wit, the bequest of land to 'a certain prestigious school.'

Solicitors Harrison & Yem, acting on behalf of the deceased, have declined to comment, save that they intend to honour their late client's wishes 'to the letter.'

Accompanying the article is a photograph of the late squire - an elderly man, clearly of upright and noble bearing.
Prof. Garrett,You squint at the photo, supressing a gasp. Can it be? Surely this is impossible! If this photo is accurate, the late [b]Squire Barneby[/b] is [i]exactly the same man as the one you saw in your dream![/i] Please make a SAN roll and deduct 1 SAN if you fail.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2019 5:16 am
by Mr. Handy

"I don't mind at all," says Cynthia, reading the article. "Yes, it's a grand adventure we're on! Really, I can't see how Major Perryman can possibly contest the will. The deceased's last wishes were quite clear."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2019 12:45 pm
by Whitehorse
Grigori looks up from Miss Knight's cup, a little pale...


Quickly he swirls the remaining tea around the cup and throws the dregs out the window...

"My grandmother was a superstitious old woman, and spent the last of her years closetted with the nuns for fear of the evils of thw world... It was likely such leaves as these that sent her into her seclusion."

He sighs...

"But still... Are you sure that you wish to accompany us on this mission Miss Knight? I see a journey, a temple, and great evil ahead of us. These seem no surrooundings for such a delicate young lady. Surely you would be more comfortable in a hotel? I promise we will report our findings to you..."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 4:20 am
by Mr. Handy

"You must be joking," says Cynthia. "I wouldn't miss this for anything! I signed up for an adventure, and it seems that's exactly what I'm going to get. If I wanted a dull time, I wouldn't be here now." Part of her is afraid, but she resolves not to show it. No more would she have to imagine thrilling experiences; here was her chance to live one for real!

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 10:21 am
by Whitehorse
Grigori fiddles with his moustache, and emits another heavier sigh...

"I understand, Miss Knight... We are all of us, whether acknowledged or not, searchers for the other, hidden side of existence, even if when we find it, it may hold many dangers and terrors..."


And he silently reveals the workings of his shotgun-cane...

"... do pleae understand that it is not wise to venture forth unprotected, and if anything untoward should occur, I entreat you to take shelter behind myself and soldier Tom, and we will do our best to protect you...."

He wipes away condensation from the window, to better see the landscape.

"But excuse me, I am being unpardonably melodramatic on account of a few dreams and some silly tea-leaves.... No doubt all we face is some petty legal dispute. Perhaps this Major fellow should be our first port of call after the cathedral. What do you think Garrett?"

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 8:21 pm
by LTD1969
SAN=60 [dice]0[/dice]

Phew..made it.
Whitehorse wrote:
"But excuse me, I am being unpardonably melodramatic on account of a few dreams and some silly tea-leaves.... No doubt all we face is some petty legal dispute. Perhaps this Major fellow should be our first port of call after the cathedral. What do you think Garrett?"
Umm...ah sorry, a little distracted there for a minute - this new squire chappy is the exact same fellow I saw in my dream! I suppose we could go and see him but I suspect we'll get pretty short shrift if we start telling him stories about ancient curses, medieval witchcraft and the like.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 4:12 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, Mr. Tereshchenko," says Cynthia. "That is most gallant of you. I would also not suggest saying that to Major Perryman, though it might be entertaining to see him have a fit of apoplexy."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 8:36 am
by jp1885
After a while, your train pulls in to the station at Hereford (I trust your journey was a pleasant one?)

You step onto the platform and wait for your luggage. While the station is rather busy (you soon gather that tomorrow is market day), the atmosphere is strangely muted, as if the drizzle that has followed your journey since you changed at Worcester has dulled all sounds and washed out all colours. The stiff breeze that is funneled down the track between platforms adds a certain chill to the air and you shiver as you wait for your things.

Eventually a monstrous apparition looms through the smoke and steam, revealing itself to be a porter pushing your trolley. Thus re-equipped, you make your way through the exit.

Outside, you quickly spot a young man, carrying a sign marked 'Provost of Eton's Party', slouching against a wall. Upon your approach he hurriedly straightens up.

"'ello sirs; miss. Oi gotta take you to see the Dean. Got a carriage ready for you."

The fellow, clearly a local, swiftly collects your luggage and deposits them in said vehicle, before offering to help Miss Knight into it.

Unless you have reason to tarry, the trip to the cathedral will be a swift one.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 5:14 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you," says Cynthia, gratefully accepting his help. She tips him generously.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 11:46 am
by Whitehorse
Gregori has had enough of trains, and follows the Dean's emmissary to the carriage without tarrying.

"So Garrett, the fellow collapsed choking in your dream was this Perryman?? Perhaps instead of being our adversary, this gentleman is in need of our warning... Though having him heed what we might say is another matter..."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 1:38 pm
by jp1885
Prof. Garrett,The fellow in the paper (and your dream) was the late Squire Barneby, not the new squire Perryman :)

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 12:09 pm
by jp1885
“Why thank you miss!”

The fellow gratefully accepts Miss Knight’s tip and loads the carriage with renewed vigour (though, judging by the looks he occasionally throws at the gentlemen of the party, he clearly expects a little something from them too.)

Once ensconced, they are driven a short distance through the drizzle-grey streets towards the grand edifice of Hereford Cathedral.
OOC,I’ll give you a little more time before arriving at the cathedral.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2019 12:16 am
by Mr. Handy

"It looks impressive," says Cynthia, admiring the cathedral through the carriage window.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 9:23 am
by jp1885
Hereford Cathedral.jpg
Hereford Cathedral is indeed an impressive edifice. Even shrouded in drizzle and half-obscured in the fading light, it looms over the buildings that surround it.

As your carriage pulls up on Broad Street, the driver announces that he will take your luggage the short distance across the thoroughfare to the Green Dragon hotel. After you alight (Miss Knight no doubt being helped down by her chivalrous companions), he turns the carriage around and parks on the other side of the street, much to the consternation of other drivers.

After a short while, a young, rather well-dressed gentleman ambles up to the party.
Mr. Lewis,This is where you come in. Your uncle, Wentworth Leigh, is the Dean of Hereford Cathedral. Determined that you will do something constructive with your life, he has asked you to leave your gilded estate on the border with Worcestershire and assist this odd group from Eton with their investigations. For starters you must show them to your uncle's office, located in a large red-brick building just across the courtyard from the cathedral. Alas he has told you nothing of their task as of yet.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 3:35 am
by Zero
Henry Joseph Lewis III strode through the mist towards the newcomers that had alighted into the center of town. He inwardly wondered what sort of point his uncle was trying to make by giving him a task so far beneath his station. Surely this was something better suited for a servant, but here he was. The dilettante drew up the collar on his overcoat and approached to within reasonable speaking distance of the group.

"You lot must be the Eton party. My uncle Wentworth has requested that I meet you here. He's waiting for you in his office." he announced, then forced a smile.


Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 5:27 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you," says Cynthia, returning a genuine smile to the handsome stranger. "That's us, all right. I'm Miss Cynthia Knight."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 8:31 am
by LTD1969
"Henry Garrett. Pleased to meet you I'm sure."

Professor Garrett does not offer to shake hands.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 11:57 am
by Whitehorse
Grigori raises a querolous eyebrow.

"Well... I hope our arrival hasn't inconvenienced you... Have you been waiting long in this dreary drizzle?"

"Perhaps you know Major Perryman? Or the dear departed Barneby, the cause of our travels...?"

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 12:19 pm
by jp1885
OOC:   Mr. Lewis, let’s say an EDU roll for your knowledge of said persons. I’ll allow a bonus die considering your wealth and social status.  

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 4:37 pm
by speshul
Tom extends his hands and shakes it then drops to the back of the group to observe his surroundings and his new group.

He keeps his bedroll and pack close and helps with the loading and unloading as he has done all journey.

His hat his pulled down and his collar and scarf. His facial scars are still obvious for those that look closely.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 1:33 pm
by Zero
Henry Joseph Lewis III made no effort to shake anyone's hand, and merely glanced at the outstretched hands of those who had made such an overture themselves. To
call it an Inconveniencee would be putting it lightly, but he imagined that to speak of that now would be ill advised. He suspected that his words would swiftly make their way to his uncle's ears, and that wouldn't do at all. However, the names they had spoken of were a tad bit familiar to him, but he gave no indication of that to the strangers.

"There will be ample time to converse later. Right now we would all be best served to remove ourselves from the chill." he said, turned and gestured towards the building where his uncle was waiting.
Education (85),[dice]0[/dice]
Bonus Die (1d10*10),[dice]1[/dice]

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 2:06 pm
by jp1885
Mr. Lewis,As far as you recall, [b]Desmond Barneby[/b], the old squire of Wergyn Hall, was a typical example of the country gentry. You knew little about the fellow, save that he was very protective of his lands. You met the new squire, [b]Major Perryman[/b], at a social function a few weeks ago. He seemed depressingly similar to any other of the nouveau riche. A factory owner from the West Midlands, you remember him being quite ill-mannered and rather abrupt. What little conversation you had with him consisted of him complaining about the draughtiness of Wergyn Hall and his difficulty in sleeping.
Mr. Pritchard,Thankfully, most people seem to be wrapped up in their own business to take any notice of you or your scars. You receive one or two quizzical glances, but nothing more than you'd receive at Eton or Windsor high street.
Young Mr. Lewis leads you around the venerable behemoth of the cathedral, along a short cloister and across a small courtyard to a side-building. Soon you find yourselves in the office of Wentworth Leigh, Dean of Hereford Cathedral.

In contrast to the dispiriting drizzle outside, Leigh's rooms are warm and cosy. Illuminated by the amber glow of lamplight is the man himself, clad in every-day clerical robes. He looks up from his work and beams - his lean, cadaverous face breaking into a friendly smile.

"Ah, the mysterious people from Eton - here to give my nephew something useful to do at long last! I gather that old duffer Preedy has sent you on some errand or other regarding Wergyn Hall?"

Before you can answer, a servant appears from a side door, pushing a trolley of sandwiches, cakes and a pot of tea.

"Oh yes, capital! As the day is drawing to a close, I thought a little supper would be in order. Please, help yourselves and pray tell me what this is all about."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 3:40 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you," says Cynthia, "that would be delightful!" She pours herself a cup of tea and takes a sandwich. "I'm Miss Cynthia Knight. I work at the library at Eton. The Provost assigned me to assist these gentlemen in their inquiries. It seems that the Provost has recently inherited some property here, though he did not know the deceased. It seems that the deceased must have been referring to his predecessor, whom he did know, in his will."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2019 11:38 am
by Whitehorse
"And to be quite frank, Dean, it seems that there may some supernatural or spiritual aspect to the inheritence that we are keen to get to the bottom of..."

Grigori takes a large draft of tea, and slice of cake.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2019 2:49 pm
by jp1885
Leigh blinks with surprise at the mention of the supernatural, but is polite enough to largely keep his own counsel on the subject.

"Well, er, indeed? I will of course provide whatever assistance I can, short of performing any exorcisms I'm afraid. I'll ensure that you have access to our chained library tomorrow, plus there's always the municipal library across the road if you're looking for something more secular."

"I'm also happy to furnish you with any introductions to local worthies - I always find legal business such as inheritances and the like always goes a little smoother if you can drop the odd name or two. If you think of anyone you'd like to talk to, by all means let me know."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2019 11:52 pm
by Zero
Henry Joseph Lewis III casually moved about the stagnant office while the guests exchanged pleasantries with his uncle. As the minutes passed, the young dilettante appeared to be rather uninterested in the goings on and was occasionally seen brushing a small amount of dust from one his uncle's underappreciated objects of intrinsic wealth. However, when the man with the heavy Russian accent spoke of a possible supernatural connection to their pending investigation, he quickly turned to face the man.

"Truly? The supernatural? Straight from the works of Charles Dickens? Is that what you believe is at work here?" he queried with mock bemusement in his voice.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 2:25 am
by Mr. Handy

"I wouldn't know," says Cynthia. "That is why we are here, to investigate and find out what is going on. Thank you for your generous help. I'm sure I'll take you up on the offer to peruse your library. You must have a fascinating collection. We would like to speak to Major Perryman at some point as well."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 9:05 am
by jp1885
The tea and cake is rather good, but only goes some way to assuaging your hunger (considering how little you've had to eat today).

"Well, I'm not acquainted with Major Perryman, but I can write a letter of introduction - even in these modern times the word of a clergyman still has some weight in this part of the country."

Leigh sighs, wondering how impolite it would seem to be candid with the party.

"As for the supernatural... The Bishop's opinion is very much in line with the Church, to wit: believing in such things is foolish at best and dangerous at worst. All I can do is urge caution. On paper this seems to be nothing more than a legal dispute, so I suggest you treat it as such. Banish all thought of the, er, paranormal, from your minds."

He leans forward, his angular jaw tight against the thin skin of his almost skeletal face.

"That is my official advice at least. If, of course, the supernatural is real, then I would still urge caution. But, if you are pure of heart and true to your faith, your prayers will be your shield against such things..."

He sits back suddenly, as if the last few seconds haven't happened.

"Well, if there is nothing else I can help you with, then I shall detain you no further. Our library will be open for you tomorrow morning and until then I daresay your rooms are ready by now. The Green Dragon is an excellent hotel and (what is the time? Half six?) dinner is at seven. Nephew, I have taken the liberty of arranging a room for you too - I doubt you'll want to journey back to your stately pile this evening, hm?"

"Alas I cannot advise you how to fill your evening - you'll find this place rather provincial compared to what you're used to and alas we offer little in the way of diversion - save, I'm led to believe, a healthy number of public houses. No doubt you will find something to while away the hours though, hm?"

Unless anyone has anything else to say, the good Dean will wish you a pleasant evening before returning to his work.

You are escorted from his rooms and out of the Cathedral confines, finding yourselves back on Broad Street. A typical autumn evening has now set in: dark, dank and rather chilly. Thankfully the street lamps are on, lighting your way across the street to where the merry lights of the Green Dragon Hotel blaze invitingly.

A few people pass you by; some dressed for dinner and others of a rougher sort heading to the various pubs nearby; but you are largely ignored by the good people of Hereford as the doorman of the hotel welcomes you in.

Across a warm and sumptuous lobby you are shown to the main desk, where the small, neat concierge peers at you from over his pince nez.

"Yes? May I help you?"

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 8:28 pm
by LTD1969
"Hello my good man, I believe a party named Preedy has reserved rooms for us at this no doubt charming establishment."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 8:55 pm
by Whitehorse
Grigori is rather restless, tapping his fingers and examining his new surroundings with some impatience, as the minutiae of lodging and dining arrangements sort themselves out. In a hiatus, he turns to the young aristocrat.

"So, young and haughty Lewis, if your life and stately pile are elsewhere, what brings a lively chap like you to your uncle and the Green Dragon? I'll wager not the desire to spend more time with your delightful uncle... Is it something you would like from him, or that he wants from you...?"

Grigori smiles what he hopes is an ingratiating smile, and attempts to charm the young man with his candour...
Charm 40%,[dice]0[/dice]

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 12:54 am
by speshul
Tom has been quiet the whole time, watching, observing and trying to hide his discomfort. At the Green Dragon he checks on their luggage and supplies.

Once done he will head back down the others and sit at the edge of the group, keen to listen to any ideas they have and attempt to formulate a usable plan from what he expects to be range of absurd, unrealistic and half baked ideas.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 4:17 am
by Mr. Handy

"You're not related to the Mr. Lewis who works at Eton's library, are you?" Cynthia asks Henry, hoping he's not.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 12:07 pm
by jp1885
While Mr. Lewis seems disinclined to answer the questions put to him for the moment, the concierge becomes more talkative when you mention Preedy.

"Oh yes, the Eton party. Welcome to the Green Dragon Hotel. I have your rooms ready."

As you book into the hotel, signing the guest register and whatnot, he continues:

"Dinner is at seven 'til late; breakfast from half-six until nine."

You are handed your keys. Messrs. Lewis, Tereshchenko and Professor Garrett are given the more expensive rooms on the top floor, adjoining each other, while Mr. Pritchard and Miss Knight are allocated somewhat more modest rooms on a lower floor, each the other end of the corridor to the other.

As your baggage is taken to your rooms by a small army of porters, the concierge suddenly remembers something.

"Ah, there was something else! Oh yes, we received this not half an hour ago."

He hands you a calling card, to which is attached a note:

'Messers Harrison & Yem, solicitors, would be honoured if you could attend an evening soiree at the home of Mr. Harrison this evening (directions to be supplied - dress for dinner - to be served at eight pm)."

"I am to send your response by messenger," says the concierge, looking at you expectantly.

OOC: While you decide if you wish to attend, please roll Spot Hidden. If you succeed, please click the spoiler below.
Success,While most of the guests in the foyer go about their business without a second glance in your direction, you do notice a young fellow sitting in the corner of the room, trying to look inconspicuous as her peers over his newspaper at you.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 12:36 pm
by Whitehorse
Grigori blinks, twice... Did he see something?
Spot Hidden 55%,[dice]0[/dice]

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 3:23 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'd be delighted to attend," says Cynthia, completely distracted from her surroundings. "I'll just need to change into something more appropriate first."
OOC,Spot Hidden roll (55% skill) in the hotel: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 11:20 am
by jp1885
Miss Knight,For a split second, out of the corner of your eye, you are sure you saw a white cloth flapping about in the same unnatural manner as in your dream. As you turn however, you see it is merely a fellow sitting in the corner of the foyer, adjusting his newspaper. The effect is enough to startle you however - please make a SAN check (0/1). OOC: This may seem rather severe, but you did roll a 99...
"Very good Miss. May I know if anyone else wishes to attend?" asks the concierge.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 12:10 pm
by Whitehorse
"Yes, of course I'd be delighted to accept the invitation. Does our host give any indication as to how formal the dinner is to be..? I have a few items in my valise I'd be happy to loan you, Tom, in case you lack evening attire.."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 1:36 pm
by jp1885
The concierge ponders for a moment.

"Usual evening attire would suffice I imagine."
OOC:   Let us assume that Mr. Tereshchenko and Prof. Garrett will have the correct gentleman's attire, and between them can outfit Mr. Pritchard if he so desires.  

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 10:56 pm
by Zero
Despite mulling over the recent events for several moments, Henry Joseph Lewis III had been unable to formulate a response to the Russian's query. In truth, the young dilettante himself didn't comprehend just why his uncle saw fit to burden him with such a trivial manner. His response to the man was a quick shake of his head, then he turned his attention to the plain looking young woman.

"Certainly not." he replied, successfully able to hold his tongue before he added that no member of his family lineage would work in such a mundane profession.

As the others mulled over the dinner invitation, Henry became preoccupied with checking over the nature of the accommodations with the concierge.The Harrison matter was of lesser importance to him, presently.

"You're certain this is the finest suite you have?" he asked.
Spot Hidden (25%),[dice]0[/dice]
Knowledge (85),[dice]1[/dice]
OOC:   It wasn't really my intent for Henry to be so stand-offish with regard to the questions posed to him, but the sudden increase in the posting rate caught me off guard at a busy time. My apologies, there. Knowledge roll is for Harrison & Yem. I presume my character knows them, being local but want to know more before I have him accept the invitation.  

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 1:41 pm
by jp1885
The concierge lets out an embarrassed cough.

"Ah. Rest assured your room is one of our finest sir. Considering the short notice of the booking. Also your uncle was most insistent..."
Mr. Lewis,Harrison and Yem are a local law firm. According to the newspapers, they represent the late Squire Barneby against Major Perryman, who is contesting the fellow's will. No doubt your new compatriots know more about this.
OOC:   No worries Zero - just trying to keep the game moving :)  

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2019 4:27 am
by Mr. Handy

"That's a relief," says Cynthia to Henry. "I didn't think you were. He's a most unpleasant fellow." She doesn't give what she saw a second thought. She's sure it's just her overactive imagination.
OOC,Sanity roll (current level 80) for the apparation: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 1:00 pm
by jp1885
Secret Keeper rolls - no peeking please,[dice]0[/dice][dice]1[/dice]
Unless there is any other business to attend to, you are shown to your rooms, which are comfortable, if a little modest.
OOC:   If I'm pressing on a little too fast, feel free to retro-post.  
The necessary ablutions and a change of clothes take but a moment and soon you are heading back to the lobby, where the concierge informs you that a cab is waiting outside. As you leave the hotel, the more perceptive among you notice something of a disturbance at the side of the street where the cabs are parked. A horse whinnies nervously, jolting it's carriage as a man, presumably the driver judging by his thick coat and muffler, is being shoved to the ground by a slim if rather rough-looking fellow.

A small group of gawkers do nothing as this fellow runs off, leaving the cabbie to stagger to his feet.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 2:50 pm
by speshul
Wearing his finest clothes possibley including a borrowed jacket, Tom is average height and average trim build it wouldn't be too terrible a fit if not slightly too large.

He is aware and cautious as ever... does he notice.
Spot hidden [dice]0[/dice]

He is too busy trying to face into the background and take in the sights to notice the disturbance. He sticks to the back of the group and follows along listening but not saying all that much
Listen [dice]1[/dice]

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 3:00 pm
by jp1885
OOC:   No need for a roll to spot/hear the kerfuffle - it's pretty obvious something is happening.  

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 4:50 pm
by Whitehorse
Grigori runs to the cabbie.

"Are you all right, what on earth happened?

Then he gestures vigorously at Mr Pritchard...

"Tom... Stop that man!!"

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 5:22 pm
by Mr. Handy

Cynthia also hurries over to the cabbie, pulling up her skirts so as not to trip over them. She is wearing her best evening gown - also her only evening gown - a flowing green dress which she had had the foresight to pack. "Are you hurt?" she asks. "Who was that man?"

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 1:13 am
by Zero
After Henry Joseph Lewis III concluded haggling on the details of his room and the service he expected to receive, he then retired to his assigned room. The young dilettante emerged at seven o'clock in his finest attire which had been expertly pressed by one of the hotel's staff. He donned his top hat and joined the others in the waiting cab. When the vehicle came to a sudden stop and several of the group had disembarked to investigate some sort of event that had transpired in the street. Surely they weren't going to assume the role of the local law enforcement, were they? He craned his neck out the window for a better view.

"Oi, that's a job for the constabulary. We can't afford to dawdle else we'll be late. Our hosts wouldn't look too favorably on that I wager." he said.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 1:29 pm
by jp1885
While Mr. Lewis looks on in annoyance and Mr. Pritchard decides on a course of action, the others rush to the cabbie’s aid.

”Oof! Thank you kindly.” He allows himself to be helped up and appears shaken, but unharmed thanks to his thick clothing.

”Did you see that rascal attack me? I’d been dispatched to pick up a fare for the Yem residence with my mate,” he nods towards the cab containing Mr. Lewis. “When up pops that fellow and tells me I’m to drive them in the opposite direction! Well I tells him it’s more than my job’s worth and he has the nerve to offer me money! Well, I says, there’s the matter of my professional pride! We gets to arguing and next thing I know I’m on my back!”

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 3:01 pm
by speshul
Tom gives chase immediately, after definitely seeing the scuffle.

He palms into his hand a small baton like club as he runs scanning for danger. His rational mind things he shouldn't be running in a borrowed suit, his active mind, the part that has been on high alert since the mission was given powers his legs forward. He doesn't shout yet, he runs as quietly as he can, if he is seen he will shout to intimidate.
OOC:   Some random rolls
Dex[dice]0[/dice] 70
Str[dice]1[/dice] 65
something[dice]2[/dice]spot hidden 60

I'm back at home after a few days in London so can reply quickly again  

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 7:09 pm
by LTD1969
Fisticuffs aren't really Prof Garrett's style - he's happy to let Tom run after the assailant and no doubt mete out an appropriate level of retribution if he catches up with the miscreant. I'll join the others in assisting the unfortunate cabbie.

"Good Lord", I say. "What on Earth was all that kerfuffle about?"

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 2:33 am
by Mr. Handy

"You're welcome, and thank you," says Cynthia. "That was awfully brave of you. I believe we are your fare. I'm Miss Cynthia Knight." She shows him her invitation. "Did you get a good look at the knave?"

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 9:20 am
by jp1885
Keeper Only,STR [dice]0[/dice]CON [dice]1[/dice]DEX [dice]2[/dice]SIZ = 50 MOV = 7 DB = 0 Speed roll [dice]3[/dice]
OOC:   The chase is on! Mr. Pritchard, please make a CON roll.  

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 9:38 am
by Whitehorse
"Gather your wits and think carefully, cabbie. Where was it that the miscreant would have had you take us?"

Grigori looks about as he talks, trying to get some sense of where Tom and the assailant have got to...

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 10:27 am
by jp1885
Looking through the thinning collection of gawkers, you see the assailant running down the street.

While Mr. Pritchard gives chase, the cabbie dust himself down as he considers your questions.

"Young bloke he was; not from around here judging by his accent - sounded a bit like them hop-pickers who come down from Birmingham. He didn't want me to take you anywhere specific like, just drive you around a bit and get myself lost. Huh! Lost? Me?"

He puffs himself off with professional pride.

"Now I've never been late for a drop-off, so if you'd be so kind as to get in or join the other fine gentleman in 'tuther cab," he nods towards the cab containing Mr. Lewis, "we'll take you to your destination - without getting lost!"

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 3:41 am
by Mr. Handy

"It seems we have a mystery on our hands," says Cynthia, "but if someone was willing to go to such lengths to delay our arrival, the best thing we can do to thwart him is to arrive without further delay." She boards the cab once someone helps her climb aboard. "Come, Watson, the game is afoot!"

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 11:46 pm
by speshul
Tom bellows "Clear the way" and gives chase.
update to prior action description [dice]1[/dice] Con roll vs 60

[dice]0[/dice] second con roll

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 9:50 am
by jp1885
Perhaps due to a surfeit of Church of England sandwiches or the strictures of his borrowed evening suit, Mr. Pritchard is slower off the mark than usual. However he manages to barge his way through the knot of onlookers without incident, maintaining the distance between him and his quarry.
OOC,The man passed his initial CON, keeping his MOV at 7. Speshul failed his, dropping his MOV to 7, thus giving each chap 1 move action per round. I’ll use the 2nd roll as a DEX, thus you avoid the gawkers.
As he raced along the pavement, the others board their carriages (unless they wish to do something else) and are driven towards their destination.
OOC,I’ll have to time this so that I keep up the pace of the chase without leaving the rest of you out. For now, by all means engage in conversation while you are in your cabs. May I ask, who is in which cab?

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 12:46 pm
by Whitehorse
OOC:   I suggest a dice roll for who is in which cab. At least Grigori just gets in the most convenient one.  
"I fear Miss Knight is correct. Make haste cabbie. A extra sovereign if you can get us there 10 minutes early."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 4:38 pm
by LTD1969
"Had we better wait for Tom? He's gone off in pursuit of yon ruffian."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 7:26 pm
by Zero
Henry Joseph Lewis III whom had appeared largely disinterested in the recent goings on until now, suddenly had an eyebrow raised as a puzzle took shape. The man who accosted the cabbie had been no common miscreant, but instead part of a plot to prevent the Eton party from meeting with Harrison and Yew this evening. The reason why was obvious, it had to do with their investigation into the estate, but how did the man become aware of the group's movement this evening? Had one of the hotel's staff relayed the information or had someone simply been eavesdropping as their conversation with the concierge had occurred. With luck, the cavalier bloke who gave chase would run him down and could then be pressed for an answer.

When another member of the Eton group entered his cab, he said, "Well, well, it sure seems your lot's presence in Hereford is known. Perhaps a bit more caution is in order, wouldn't you agree?"

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 8:24 pm
by jp1885
Group luck roll,[dice]0[/dice]
Mention of an extra sovereign spurs the rescued cabbie into action.

"Don't you worry sir, the address is only up Aylestone Hill, just past the railway station - I'll get you there in no time!"

Before the assembled party can debate the matter of Mr. Pritchard further, he whips his horse sharply and is soon away, closely followed by his colleague in the other cab (no doubt similarly anticipating additional recompense).
OOC:   I think I will put Miss Knight and Mr. Tereshchenko in the first cab, while Professor Garrett will join Mr. Lewis in the second.  

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 8:51 pm
by jp1885
Meanwhile Mr. Pritchard pounds along the pavement in pursuit of the miscreant, neither gaining or losing ground on the fellow.
The air is still full of drizzle, and in the spots not illuminated by lamp-light, it is difficult to see where the ground is slippery, and where it is not. As the man veers left into an alleyway...
DEX roll,[dice]0[/dice]
...he deftly leaps over such a patch. However, is Mr. Pritchard so fortunate?
OOC:   A DEX roll if you please.  

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 11:37 pm
by Mr. Handy

Cynthia braces herself for the breakneck ride.
OOC,Yes, that's the cab I would have boarded, as I was already there talking to the cabbie.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 12:13 am
by speshul
Tom clear of the onlookers focuses on the chase and closing the gap.
[dice]0[/dice] Dex 70
[dice]1[/dice] spare roll

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 10:22 am
by jp1885
The drivers urge their cabs along the street, which is mercifully clear of pedestrians. Watching through the carriage windows, you see Mr. Pritchard deftly negotiating a corner before disappearing from view down a dark alleyway to his left.

Even if he and his quarry had continued along the main street however, you would still have lost sight of them as you are rattled along at a brisk pace around a right-hand bend and down another wide thoroughfare. Recognising certain buildings and shop signs, you realise you are being driven back in the direction of the railway station.
Mr. Pritchard,You practically leap over the slippery patch, maintaining the distance between you and the miscreant. Thankfully the alleyway is short, opening out into another street. [spoiler]Keeper rolls - [dice]0[/dice][dice]1[/dice][dice]2[/dice][/spoiler]Looking ahead, you see him crash into a fellow on a bicycle! As the cyclist, swearing like a trooper, disentangles himself, your quarry lies still; his head bleeding from where it obviously hit the ground.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 10:31 am
by speshul
"Oi get back here I want a word with you" His winter scarf has certainly been moved from his face and Tom is very aware he must making an interesting site. His blood is pumping, especially as it getting closer, it's been a long time since he's felt like this, he has dabbled in boxing but with all the facial surgery that's not allowed..

Tom doesn't seem the bike until too late to warn either but shouts out loud enough for anyone to hear "That's man's a theif, he mugged a taxi" The cyclist probably looks terrified at Tom emerging from the shadows.

Assuming neither party has serious injuries. He splits off either his own belt and loops it around the muggers arms around his back assuming he is face down, and then flips him over and checks for wounds. He will treat the cyclists if he is allowed and try to calm him down.

Should the mugger be awake (assuming his is younger than Tom) "Now sonny, why'd you have to do a thing like that, mugging a hardworking fella is downright wrong, Tell me where the money is, oh and where the police station is, and we'll get this all sorted" Using his body to control the situations to stop the mugger from headbutting or otherwise and intimidating the man.

Tom assumes a mugging or general assault as he doesn't know the full details
[dice]0[/dice] Con 60 for running
[dice]1[/dice] Dex 70 to clear objects
[dice]2[/dice] spot hidden 60 as he glances around for other danger
[dice]3[/dice] Diving tackle to bring him to the grown brawl 60
New block of rolls narrative above adjust to take into rolls
[dice]4[/dice] Charm or intimidate to calm down the cyclists 20
[dice]5[/dice] first aid to assess the damage on both mugger and cyclists 50
[dice]6[/dice] spot hidden to assess to danger 60
Unless the ruffian is dieing he will ties his hand [dice]7[/dice] Mechanical repair :) 50.... or
[dice]8[/dice] first aid to treat otherwise 50

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 11:00 am
by jp1885
Mr. Pritchard,[ooc]Ok, looking through all those dice rolls and deciding what's relevant, I see a success on first aid and spot hidden.[/ooc] Thoroughly alarmed by the sudden appearance of the apparition that is you, the cyclist hurriedly picks up his bicycle and backs away, muttering about 'maniacs', 'lunatics' and 'fetching a constable'. He limps away as quickly as possible, leaving you to inspect the miscreant you've been chasing. He is a young man, rather slight in build, but tough, wiry and obviously a working-class fellow. He has a nasty gash to the head, but it doesn't appear very deep and you are able to stem the bleeding with a handkerchief. As you fumble for your belt the fellow groans. On the pavement opposite a small number of people are gathering outside a pub, watching you warily and muttering among themselves. You spot one or two of them breaking off from the group and running off in different directions.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 11:23 am
by speshul
"Citizens arrest, this man, just mugged a taxi and then crashed into that poor cyclist, I'm just holding him here until the police arrive" If Tom feels one hasn't been called he will ask"

Tom will study the young man and frisk him to find the stolen money or what ever Tom assumes he took from the Taxi. "You behave and stay sat there and all will be well" Tom will let his jack fall open and show the billy club / black jack with is hung from his braces under his jacket. The intention is to keep the mugger sat on the floor with his arms behind his backs.

"Now why did you do such a silly thing, was it the money?
[dice]0[/dice] Pyschology to read him 10.. (unless ther is a better stat
[dice]1[/dice] Spot hidden to search him 60
[dice]2[/dice] Charm to calm the crowd down 20
[dice]3[/dice] intimidate to get him to talk 20

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 7:48 pm
by LTD1969
Zero wrote:
When another member of the Eton group entered his cab, he said, "Well, well, it sure seems your lot's presence in Hereford is known. Perhaps a bit more caution is in order, wouldn't you agree?"

Oh yes, I quite agree old chap. Although one can't discount the possibility that someone alerted them prior to our arrival, hmm?"

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2019 2:13 am
by Mr. Handy

"The law firm clearly knew we were coming," says Cynthia, "or they wouldn't have known to invite us. Whoever is responsible for this must have also known. Perhaps someone who works at the firm."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2019 8:33 am
by jp1885
Mr. Pritchard
Luck 60%,[dice]0[/dice]
Your words have no effect on the crowd of pub-goers. A handful of rather rough and burly fellows take a step forward, rolling up their sleeves...

"Oi! What've we got 'ere then?"

The crowd parts, or rather is shoved apart, by a broad-shouldered police constable. As he approaches, taking in the tableaux before him, some of the more rougher looking types melt away discretely. He studies you and your captive, who, unconscious or not, is keeping quiet and still.

"Mind telling me why you're sitting on this fellow?" he asks, flipping open his notebook.

Everyone else

The carriage ride is short, taking you past the railway station and up a hill. The road opens up into a broad, tree-lined thoroughfare; clearly one of the more salubrious suburbs of the town, judging by the elegant villas, large gardens and suburban mansions that flank it.

You are driven up the driveway of one such house, alighting at an impressive portico porch. As you pay the cabbies (no doubt making good your promise of an extra bonus, for you are indeed early), the front door opens to reveal a rather elderly butler.

"Ah, the Eton party I presume?" he croaks. "The master of the house is expecting you - please, do come in."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 12:52 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you," says Cynthia, stepping inside and marveling at the lavish surroundings. "Who informed your master that we coming to Hereford?"

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 9:41 am
by speshul
Tom turns to the police officer. "This ruffian mugged a cabbie outside of the Green Dragon, saw it myself, so I gave chase and did a citizens arrest" He pauses for a moment looks at the blood on his face " I didn't hit him, he ran full smack into the bike, I just secured him"
Did Tom managed to get any information out or search? Tom will cooperate with the police man but try to find some information out.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 2:27 pm
by jp1885
Mr. Pritchard

Sighing with exasperation, the Constable looks at the pair of you. Your quarry remains quiet and still.

"Oh yes? Sounds fishy to me sir..."
OOC:   Perhaps a persuade roll would be in order? So far you haven't found anything on the miscreant's person.  
Everyone else

The ancient butler looks askance at Miss Knight.

"It's not my place to say miss, but I believe it was your employer, the fellow at Eton. I'm sure Mr. Yem will be able to fill you in if you'd all care to step inside."

Unless there is anything else the assembled personages wish to do, perhaps it might be wise to get out of the drizzle and into the dry?

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 4:37 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, that makes sense," says Cynthia, who is already inside.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 12:51 am
by speshul
Looking around, Tom will ask the witnesses by using his army voice if any of them saw what happened and con confirm he didn't hit the man only secured him. he will do his best to convince the police man too. resorting to dropping names if required.
[dice]0[/dice] persuade 10
[dice]1[/dice]intimidate? the crowd 20

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 2:11 am
by Zero
Henry Joseph Lewis III carefully lowered himself from the carriage and approached the butler, top hat still perfectly positioned. He advanced slightly ahead of Miss Knight with every intent of getting out of the rain quickly.

"Henry Joseph Lewis III. Show me to your master." he said with assertion.
Credit Rating (99),[dice]0[/dice]
OOC:   That's a hard success on the Credit Rating roll.  

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 9:22 am
by jp1885
Mr. Pritchard

The crowd are suitably impressed by your authoritative voice, but from their murmurings, it is clear that none of them were in the other street when the incident happened.

"All we saw was you two running out of the alley and crashing into each other," is the general consensus.

The police constable is less impressed by your version of events.

"I dunno what's going on here, but I will not have people fighting in the street. I think it's best if you both accompany me back to the station. C'mon, up you get."
Keeper only,Odds Tom, evens the other fellow[dice]0[/dice]
After you get to your feet, he grabs the other chap by the collar and hauls him up. It is clear that the fellow is conscious, but he says nothing, merely shifting his sullen gaze between the you and the constable.

Unless you have any particular action in mind, it seems that you have no choice but to walk to the nearest police station.

Everyone else

The aged retainer nods.

"That is indeed what I intend to do sir," he replies to Mr. Lewis, clearly impressed by the man's authority. "This way..."

After your hats and coats are taken, you are shown into a modest yet welcoming parlour. The room contains a number of guests, presumably local worthies of one sort or another. They turn as your presence is announced.

"The Eton party, sir."

"Aha! Welcome welcome!"

A short, bald and rather florid fellow bears down on you, vigorously shaking your hands in turn.

"Harold Yem, solicitor, at your service! I hope you will forgive the short notice and indeed impertinence of my invitation, but when I received Dr. Preedy's telegram, I knew that our meeting would be most, if you forgive the pun, solicitous."

Before you can respond, he takes a very elderly gentleman with a shock of white hair by the arm, dragging him from a whiskey decanter.

"May I present my partner, Mr. Eustace Harrison. Well, he was my late father's partner originally, but I am fortunate to have taken over dear papa's duties."

Mr. Harrison studies you myopically through thick spectacle lenses before focusing his gaze on his large fob watch.

"Mmm? Preedy's bunch eh? Early I see - good! Too many funny things going on recently - wouldn't do to be late, what?"

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 9:11 pm
by LTD1969
I say to Mr Harrison, "I take it these people aren't here for the reading of the will, I thought that had already been done. I'm guessing these local worthies are perturbed by developments at the old squire's stamping ground?"

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 12:00 am
by speshul
Tom follows the policeman willingly, keeping an eye on the thug.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 5:15 am
by Mr. Handy

"Pleased to meet you," says Cynthia. "I'm Miss Cynthia Knight. I'll say funny things are going on all right. We nearly were late. A rather disreputable chap attempted to bribe our cabbie to get us lost. When the cabbie would have none of it, the man assaulted him!"

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 10:03 am
by Whitehorse
"Well met, Mr Yem, Mr Harrison. I'm Grigori Tereshchenko, delighted to meet you. Perhaps you could explain the occasion and indeed the strange goings on you mention? It may be that we can provide some assistance..."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 7:00 am
by Zero
Henry Joseph Lewis III removed his hat and overcoat shortly after he entered the foyer and presented them to the butler. He followed the others into the parlor, but initially paid little mind to their hosts and instead began a close examination of a ceramic vase which he suspected was of Chinese origin. The young dilettante had desired to expand his collection of Oriental artifacts and was thoroughly impressed with the piece. He removed the silk handkerchief from his lapel pocket and carefully cleaned a thin layer of dust which had gathered upon its rim. He glanced up as the others had completed their own introductions and finally approached the pair of men with his hand extended.

"Henry Joseph Lewis III. This piece is rather impressive. Ming Dynasty perhaps?" he said, indicating the vase he had been examining with a quick shift of his gaze. In truth, he had no idea what era the artifact belonged to, only a reasonable supposition of its country of origin.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 9:41 am
by jp1885
Mr. Pritchard

You and your sullen companion are taken to a nearby police station: a typically austere affair, made even more so by the black autumn night. The pair of you are plonked unceremoniously onto a bench in the holding room, but are given little time to interact before the constable appears and begins to jot down notes.

"Right, let's get this over and done with. Please state your names."

"Arthur Smith," mutters the miscreant. "I din't do nothing! We got into a bit of a scrap over a cab, that's all - no 'arm done."

You notice that his accent is different to the rural burr of the locals.
OOC:   Perhaps an EDU check will reveal from whence this fellow hails?  
Everyone else

Mr. Yem bows to the assembled company.

"Oh this? A mere social soiree. When we received your employer's telegram, we thought it only polite to invite you. You see before you some of the most influential people of our fair city, but, while they may have read about the Wergyn inheritance in the papers, they have little interest in such matters unless it directly concerns them. No, they are here to sample our hospitality, nothing more."

"And to gossip if anything untoward happens!" Mr. Harrison interrupts. "Our office is broken into, our correspondence opened, our telegrams read, and now someone has tried to stop you coming here! Bah! I knew that Wergyn business was bad news - felt it in my bones I did! Mark my words, that new squire chappie is behind all this!"

"Now now Mr. Harrison, you know better than to cast aspersions like that," admonishes his partner. "Oh, Mr. Lewis, do please put that down - it's not a Ming alas - I bought it from Bainbridge's in Birmingham - but it is an exact copy and still rather expensive."

"Pah!" the old fellow scoffs. "Ideas above your station boy! You know full well that the new chappie is doing everything he can to get his grubby hands on that parcel of land! You should have seen the fuss he kicked up when I had our clerk go over there to make a map of the area. That's what why he's been snooping around. Good job I had extra copies made. In fact, I have one for you people..."

He disappears for a moment, before returning with a large piece of paper.

"Not the most accurate I'm afraid, but our clerk was uncharacteristically slapdash that day - silly fool got all spooked!"

He hands you the map...
"You can see the bounder has already diverted the brook so he can water his own fields! I'll wager that's why he's messing us about - trying to cover his tracks!"

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 11:14 am
by Whitehorse
First things first... Lewis has attracted his attention with his mention of the vase.

Grigori very much doubts it is Ming, but perhaps somewhat later, maybe Qing Dynasty? He examines the piece...
Appraise 60%,[dice]0[/dice]

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 12:22 pm
by jp1885
Mr. Tereshchenko,Despite the look of alarm from Mr. Yem, you handle the vase. Judging by the marks underneath and indeed the overall workmanship of the piece, it is obviously the modern reproduction it’s owner claims it to be. It is still worth a pretty penny, but is nowhere near a priceless antique artefact.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 5:25 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Our initial research showed that Jack O'Kent appears to be a reference to a legendary 'clever man' in the area," says Cynthia. "I checked the genealogical records to see if there really was a family named O'Kent in Herefordshire, but there's no record of them. I see labels on the map for O'Kent's Meadow and O'Kent's Cottage. Do you know if anyone actually lived or lives in the cottage?"

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 8:17 pm
by jp1885
"Oh, yes, old Jim O'Kent has lived in that cottage ever since I can remember and we have documents going back donkey's years granting the family rights of tenantry from the Barneby's. Wouldn't surprise me if the library held such records going back to the Norman conquest, which was when the village was founded, or so the late squire used to tell me. Funny old cove mind, O'Kent - not that I'd call him clever; he's barely literate as far as I know. Cunning though, oh yes, very sharp in that respect."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 2:10 am
by Mr. Handy

"Sounds like just the chap we should talk to," says Cynthia. "Have you ever heard of something called 'O'Kent's Boundary?'"

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 8:57 am
by jp1885
"That's the name of the parcel of land that's at the centre of this legal dispute my dear.

Mr. Harrison pats Miss Knight's hand, somewhat condescendingly.

"You'll notice that's the title of the map."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 9:06 pm
by LTD1969
I say to Harrison, "Any particular reason why the Scheld's course has been diverted?"

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 4:49 am
by Mr. Handy

"Oh," says Cynthia, blushing with embarrassment. That'll teach me to let my mind wander, she thinks. "He diverted the Scheld to steal its water for his own lands,"

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 10:45 am
by Whitehorse
Grigori chips in, having lost interest in the vase...

"Are you aware of any notions that the Scheld formed part of some boundary? It is often the case that they follow watercourses..."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 11:25 am
by jp1885
Perhaps a history or hard EDU roll from any interested parties might be in order...
Success,You recall that the word 'scheld' is a Middle English (i.e. from after the Norman Conquest to Medieval times) word for 'shield'.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 2:43 pm
by Whitehorse
History 40%,[dice]0[/dice]

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 3:38 am
by Mr. Handy

"The name Scheld comes from Middle English," says Cynthia, who is nothing if not well read. "It means 'shield.'"
OOC,History roll (60% skill) about the Scheld: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 9:30 am
by jp1885
Mr. Pritchard

You sit stony faced as the constable continues to question Mr. Smith. He mutters his answers somewhat inaudibly, but you can make out that he is a casual labourer, currently working at a farm some where near the village of Withington.

Whatever else he says, it is obviously enough to satisfy the constable, who nods before turning to you.

"You're very quiet all of a sudden. C'mom, name and address please."

Everyone Else

"Ahaha!" Mr. Yem interjects, no doubt anxious that his soiree does not turn into a debate on boundary laws and linguistics. "I do so detest having to share a meal with strangers. Let me introduce you to everyone, so that you may mingle before dinner is served."

You are politely but somewhat forcibly led from one knot of people to another. Introductions are made before Mr. Yem leaves you to your own devices.

May I ask how you wish to deport yourselves? Mr. Yem has bustled off to oversee proceedings but Mr. Harrison has taken up residence in a comfortable armchair with a generous glass of something.

A thin, nervous looking man identified as Mr. Strangward, the solicitor's senior clerk, lurks by the fireplace while standing at the opposite wall is a knot of elderly ladies, led in conversation by Miss Tremlett: neighbour of Mr. Yem and, it is inferred, gossip and general busybody.

To one side, a short, round fellow with a large moustache is being berated by an equally proportioned woman. These are the Coopers - he a local businessman and she his adoring wife. Watching the one-sided argument with bored amusement is a Miss Fray, Mr. Harrison's niece, who is waiting out the lull in the social season by visiting her uncle.

Taking a keen interest in the various paintings that adorn the parlour is an immensity corpulent fellow wearing an ill-fitting suit and a gaudy mayoral chain. This is Mayor Kingsley, current chief of the squabbling tribe of aldermen that represent the city of Hereford.

There are of course other guests, but, it must be said, they seem of little interest. Of course there is also the elderly butler and a number of staff, although those that are not replenishing glasses or proffering canapes are busy preparing for dinner.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 9:33 am
by Whitehorse
"That is most interesting Miss Knight. Thank you so much for sharing your erudition..."

Grigori turns to the lawyers.

"Tell me, as legal experts, wouldn't the redirection of this stream need some permission? Surely diverting water away from another man's land, where it customarily ran, is an offence against law, as well as propriety?"

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 10:06 am
by jp1885
“You are quite correct. However, while the ownership of the area in question is in dispute, it becomes something of a grey area. Rest assured, putting the brook back to its proper course is something we will be raising. Now if you’ll excuse me, I must make sure the dining room is ready.”

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 10:09 am
by speshul
Sorry for the delay in replying was away [dice]0[/dice] edu 58
Tom politiely gives his details, informing he is in town from Eton to investigate the will, he will be honest and name drop, watching carefully for the reaction of the police officer and the mugger should they be in the same room.

Through Tom is polite and respectful as a good sergeant would be saying the right things in the right way. He will make it clear he didn't lay a hand on the man and was only protecting a hard working cabbie and that there were witnesses outside the green dragon as part of his group and wider.

If he released he will do his best to make small talk, find out about interesting happenings, rumors. He will play the part of the hard working lacky to the rich folk, wanting to protect them, mixed with a bit of tourist, i.e. what is going on around here, whats good to see and do.
pychology rolls? spot hidden? Happy for you to roll them for me

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 10:37 am
by jp1885
Lets try a psychology roll,[dice]0[/dice]
While the sullen Mr. Smith appears nonplussed by your answer, the constable at least seems satisfied.

"And you're both sticking to your stories I suppose? Well I haven't got time for any more nonsense. Seeing as you both came quietly I'm letting you off with a caution - however I want no more bad behaviour from either of you! I have a good memory for names and faces," he casts a quick glance at you, "so if I catch you messing about again, you're for the high jump, understood?"

Considering the matter closed and clearly in no mood for small-talk, he ushers you both out of the station, ensuring that you go your separate ways. Mr. Smith quickly disappears up a side alley, leaving you at your leisure, a couple of streets away from the Green Dragon by your reckoning.
Keeper Only,[dice]1[/dice]

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 3:13 pm
by speshul
Tom if unable to information gather will try and find a cabbie to join the others.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 5:10 am
by Mr. Handy

"A shield and a boundary," says Cynthia. "It seems as though it was supposed to keep something contained. Now that the Scheld's course has been altered, that is no longer the case."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 8:05 am
by Zero
Henry Joseph Lewis III appeared somewhat disappointed when it was revealed that the vase was not genuine. It was a very good fake. He tucked the handkerchief back into his jacket pocket and glanced in Mister Yem's direction.

"Truly? Oh dear, dear. My grandfather acquired his in Shanghai in 1826. I keep it in the formal dining room." he replied.
History (40%),[dice]0[/dice]
Hard EDU (42),[dice]1[/dice]
The young dilettant then followed the group as their hosts led them about the room to meet the other guests. However, Henry's interest was now upon the young lady from the Eton group. She had made a rather ostentatious comment about the nature of the shield which prompted him to press her for an explanation.

He attempted to lead her away from those not of the Eton party, then queried, "What precisely do you surmise has been contained within the boundary, Miss Knight?"

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 9:44 am
by Whitehorse
Grigori will approach Mr Strangeward, and ask if he was involved in dealings with the case in question...

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 11:11 am
by jp1885
Mr. Pritchard

News of your exploits has spread among the cab drivers, and so the driver who stops for your hail, while not the same chap you assisted earlier, is more than happy to take you to the Yem residence at discounted cost.

You are greeted at the front door of the comfortable-looking abode, by an elderly, and rather alarmed, butler. Let us assume that you introduce yourself and explain your predicament, and, upon hearing your name, the fellow lets you in.

"Oh my, look at the state of you!" The fellow fusses around you. "Please accompany me downstairs for a moment and I'll see if I can't get you cleaned up."

Unless you have any other plans, you are led down a flight of steps and into the servant's quarters, where the butler commands an underling to brush down your clothing, clean up your muddy trousers and generally make you as presentable as possible.

Thus you find yourself, clad only in your borrowed shirt, tie and undergarments.
OOC:   A listen roll, if you please.  
Everyone else

As Mr. Yem has left you to oversee proceedings (perhaps rather embarrassed over the whole Ming vase conversation, it is up to Mr. Harrison to muse over your questions.

"Well watercourses have been used as natural boundary markers since time immemorial I suppose, but I suspect in this case it's that bounder Perryman trying to take advantage of the legal situation to, as you suggest, water his own lands - the fellow at Cowslip Farm; chap by the name of Smith; being one of his many tenants. Notice that in one or two places the boundary is vaguely defined, so he probably feels emboldened to do so."

Mr. Tereshchenko

Mr. Strangward is somewhat startled by your approach, but gives you a wan smile as you introduce yourself.

"Um, y-yes, yes. I, er, surveyed the land and d-drew up the m-map. I, er... yes." With a trembling hand he wipes his brow. "F-forgive me - I haven't r-really s-slept."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 11:42 am
by speshul
[dice]0[/dice]Listen 20. hahahah I've left it low on purpose due to the surgery and battle damage
Tom complies and makes small talk the best he is able to find out what is going on.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 2:39 pm
by Whitehorse
Grigori signals one of the serving staff for a fresh drink for Mr Strangward and himself.

"It's a peculiar business, is it not Mr Strangeward... Do please tell me exactly what occured on your visit to the place."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 9:19 pm
by jp1885
Mr. Pritchard

Perhaps it's the adrenaline coursing through you following the chase, but your heightened senses pick up on a conversation nearby. The elderly butler is talking to a female member of staff.

"Has that blighter been hanging around again?"

"He was this morning sir; I saw him talking to the telegram boy again, but I haven't seen him since lunchtime."

"Heh, I saw Mr. Harrison giving that map to those Eton people. Mark my words, that's what the fellow were after! Now, I'd better return these trousers."

Mr. Tereshchenko

Mr. Strangward flinches a little, staring at his shoes.

"Oh, er, j-just paperwork and such. P-plus I w-went over to s-survey the p-place; once I'd avoided those rough f-fellows. They didn't like me-" suddenly he stops, staring directly at your face, his eyes boring into yours.

"The water has gone Russian! Tonight they take the stones! Help me, quickly!"

He shakes his head, as if awaking from a dream.

"-me poking around there."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 3:01 am
by Mr. Handy

"Oh," says Cynthia, a little flustered. "Well, I wouldn't know, but the late Desmond Barneby made reference to it in his writings. Of course, you probably haven't seen them yet. He said to ask O'Kent about making sure the 'walls' were strong, and he was worried about someone stepping across, but he didn't say who. Just wrote HE in capital letters."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 9:44 am
by jp1885
Keeper only,[dice]0[/dice]

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 12:54 pm
by Whitehorse
Grigori seizes Mr Strangward's arm, in the hope of further communication with whatever transitory spirit possesses him...

"Who are you!!"

Turning to his companions and host, he speaks loudly to gain attention.

"Mr Harrisson, I most humbly apologise, but I'm afraid we must leave you at once, on a matter of some urgency. I've received word that something most untoward is afoot at Wergyn Church.

You will understand, I hope, that it is on this very matter that we have been sent to Eton, and I now suspect if the fellow who attempted to interefere with our cab here was actually attempting to send us to Wergyn without delay

Butler, would you please arrange transportation straight away? And as many torches and lanterns as you can spare? Some shovels too.

Where IS Mr Pritchard? We could do with his assistance...

Mr Strangeward, perhaps you woud accompany us, as you have closely surveyed the location..."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 12:43 pm
by speshul
Tom will make his way to the party, aware of his dishevelled nature but both proud and ashamed of it.

He will enter the room quietly and introduce himself. Upon hearing the commotion and the plans. "We left most of our extra tools and equipment at the Green Dragon is it on the way?" He things specifically about his lucky war rifle, how he wants it and doesn't ever want to use it equally. Ever practical he thinks on equipment he may need.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 6:28 pm
by LTD1969
Whitehorse wrote:
Turning to his companions and host, he speaks loudly to gain attention.

"Mr Harrisson, I most humbly apologise, but I'm afraid we must leave you at once, on a matter of some urgency. I've received word that something most untoward is afoot at Wergyn Church.

Do you think that's wise at this hour? We've not found Tom yet, oh wait, who's this?

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 4:41 am
by Mr. Handy

"If there's no time to lose, we should leave at once!" says Cynthia.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 8:27 pm
by jp1885
Mr. Tereshchenko: thoroughly alarmed by your sudden outburst, Strangward stares at you as if you have gone mad (perhaps, being an excitable foreigner, you have - make a SAN check to find out please. Lose 1 point if you fail).

"Um, I-I'm S-Strangward sir!"

The room suddenly goes silent while the terrified clerk backs away from Mr. Tereshchenko. The other guests turn, eyebrows raised archly.

"What the Dickens are you wittering on about man!? And unhand poor Strangward!" Mr. Harrison demands. "Leave for Wergynstone at this hour? You'll be lucky! And you haven't even eaten yet! I don't know how things are done in your country sir, but it's a rum do when you enter an Englishman's house, rough up a fellow guest and then leave without partaking in your host's hospitality!"

While the old fellow is clearly beside himself at this breach of ettiquette, Mr. Yem, closely followed into the parlour by a dishevelled Mr. Pritchard, appears more mortified than angry.

"Oh what is all this!? Leaving, do I hear? Surely not! Have we done something to offend you?"

Alas, any further attempts at reasonable conversation on your part is drowned out by the commotion, with Mr. Yem fussing around you while Mr. Harrison grumbles loudly about the terrible manners of the modern generation. Add to this the whimpering of Mr. Strangward and general mutterings of 'well really!' and suchlike from the other guests and you begin to feel distinctly embarrased.

You rather get the impression that to leave now, just as dinner is about to be served, would blot your copy book with Hereford's worthies somewhat.

However the choice is yours.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 5:00 am
by Mr. Handy

"Oh," says Cynthia, embarrassed. "Well, I certainly wouldn't want to put our hosts out or miss supper." She turns to Grigori. "What have you found out, and how did you learn it? In any case, I doubt I'd be of much help in a confrontation, so it's probably better that I remain here."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 9:59 am
by Whitehorse
SAN = 50%,[dice]0[/dice]

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 10:10 am
by LTD1969
"Well i've certainly no intention of leaving before dinner's served. Quite apart from the lack of manners it would show to our hosts, I'm famished."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 7:31 pm
by Whitehorse
Grigori grits his teeth in frustration. What can he do? Even his supposed colleagues in this task seem more interested in dinner than O'Kent and his boundaries.

He is not an especially stubborn man. He sees no alternative to apologising to his hosts for the disruption, but he does do his best to Persuade
Persuade 50%,[Spoiler-Button][dice]0[/dice]
Mr Yem that he really does have some sudden and urgent matters to attend to, and could he possibly facilitate matters so that his party is free to leave the meal as soon as possible. Transportation (and shovels) as soon as half-way decent after dessert would be much appreciated.

In the meantime, he will attempt to have a brief private word with each of the party in turn, explaining, whether they believe it or not, that some spirit just possessed Strangward and told him, "The water has gone Russian! Tonight they take the stones! Help me, quickly!"

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 12:06 am
by speshul
Tom is happy to leave immediately, sod proper etiquette.

Tom will listen Grigori, not quite sure what to believe, but prefer action so will try to support him if possible.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 4:38 am
by Mr. Handy

"And he doesn't remember any of this?" asks Cynthia. "How very odd. I do want to help, but I'm not sure what good I'd be, and our hosts will be offended."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 1:33 pm
by jp1885
Food is swiftly served, which goes a long way to dissipating any tensions regarding your decision to leave.

Though not perhaps as sophisticated as some of you are used to, it is hearty fare and this, coupled with abundant alcohol, goes a long way towards re-establishing a convivial atmosphere.

Placated, Mr. Yem agrees to send a man to collect anything you wish from the hotel and try to arrange transport to Wergynstone for those of you who wish to depart. This will take an hour or so, giving you a little more time to chew the fat, as it were.

OOC: Perhaps a group luck roll will help things along. Please can someone roll luck with an aim to beat the lowest score of your party?

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 2:37 pm
by Zero
Henry Joseph Lewis III hadn't outwardly shown much concern over the Russian's sudden outburst. However, the young man was worried how it might damage his own reputation should any of the guests at the gathering connect the two of them too closely. His thoughts wandered to an acquaintance in Vienna whom was friendly with the foremost man in the field of psychology and psychotherapy, Sigmund Freud. Apparently there was something troubling the man, and it was most certainly not of the supernatural as he professed When dinner was served, the young dilettante was pleased to move into the dining room and partake in what he suspected would be a fine meal.
Luck (30),[dice]0[/dice]
Psychoanalysis (01%) (lol),[dice]1[/dice]
OOC:   Man, that Professor is one bad luck charm, but we somehow succeeded anyway...  
OOC:   Also, attempting Psychoanalysis on the presumed crazy Russian just for laughs. :D  

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2019 2:59 am
by Mr. Handy

"Well, whatever is going on, this is certainly exciting," says Cynthia. "Even if I can't be of any help, I'd certainly like to come along and see for myself."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2019 10:01 pm
by jp1885
As luck would have it, Mr. Yem's man is able to find a carter heading in the direction of Wergynstone after making some evening deliveries in Hereford.

By the time you've finished your meal and regained your favour with some polite conversation, he arrives at the house, having collected your belongings from the Green Dragon (by all accounts the Conceirge was most puzzled).

Soon you are rattling along, squashed somewhat uncomfortably in an open cart. The drizzle hasn't let up I'm afraid.

OOC: Alas being exposed to the elements necessitates a CON check from each of you. Lose 1 HP if you fail.

The carter does not appear to be the talkative type, save a grunt of thanks as you pay the chap up front.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2019 4:33 am
by Mr. Handy

Cynthia endures the weather, a little the worse for wear, but it is worth it for adventure awaits.
OOC,CON roll (50% stat) for the weather: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2019 2:58 pm
by Whitehorse
Grigori pulls his hat down, and looks for any hint of moonlight through the clouds. He has no idea what they will find at Wergynstone, but he is sure of the necessity of going there.
Con = 60%,[dice]0[/dice]

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2019 3:36 pm
by Zero
Henry Joseph Lewis III miserably trudged through the cold and the wet. It was plainly apparent this was more than he bargained for when he agreed to observe the Eton group's activities for his uncle, and the young man's mood was clearly suffering as a result. He sullenly watched as the carriage continued through the area, still largely unenlightened on just why any of them were out here at this ungodly hour.

"What exactly are you expecting to find out here?" he asked the Russian.
Con (55),[dice]1[/dice]
OOC:   -1 HP  
Luck (60),[dice]0[/dice]
OOC:   Well, I was gonna ask to use the Luck roll to see if HJLIII could find a hireling to hold an umbrella for him, but I guess not. lol  

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2019 10:13 pm
by jp1885
The carter stops at a road junction, nodding towards an inn that sits, dimly lit, on the left-hand turning.

"That be the road to Wergynstone but I ain't goin' any further toward that bloody place. If you've any sense you'll come with me to Burley Gate - I can put you up in the barn no problem. But, if you're set to stay 'round 'ere, that there's the only inn in the village. You'll get rooms no problem I 'spect - no bugger'll stay in Wergynstone if they can 'elp it."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 2:47 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you," says Cynthia. "Where in Wergynstone are the stones found?"

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 7:50 pm
by jp1885
The carter shrugs.

"There's stones all over round 'ere miss - fields are full of 'em. Now if you're sure you're stayin', I'll be on me way."

While he helps unload your belongings at least, he does not tarry any further. You watch as his cart disappears into the night.

It's dark, it's raining and you are standing at the side of a narrow country road. The only light comes from the nearby inn. What does the night hold for you? Please proceed to the next chapter and we shall find out.