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Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 10:45 am
by Whitehorse
Grigori chips in, having lost interest in the vase...

"Are you aware of any notions that the Scheld formed part of some boundary? It is often the case that they follow watercourses..."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 11:25 am
by jp1885
Perhaps a history or hard EDU roll from any interested parties might be in order...
Success,You recall that the word 'scheld' is a Middle English (i.e. from after the Norman Conquest to Medieval times) word for 'shield'.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 2:43 pm
by Whitehorse
History 40%,[dice]0[/dice]

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 3:38 am
by Mr. Handy

"The name Scheld comes from Middle English," says Cynthia, who is nothing if not well read. "It means 'shield.'"
OOC,History roll (60% skill) about the Scheld: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 9:30 am
by jp1885
Mr. Pritchard

You sit stony faced as the constable continues to question Mr. Smith. He mutters his answers somewhat inaudibly, but you can make out that he is a casual labourer, currently working at a farm some where near the village of Withington.

Whatever else he says, it is obviously enough to satisfy the constable, who nods before turning to you.

"You're very quiet all of a sudden. C'mom, name and address please."

Everyone Else

"Ahaha!" Mr. Yem interjects, no doubt anxious that his soiree does not turn into a debate on boundary laws and linguistics. "I do so detest having to share a meal with strangers. Let me introduce you to everyone, so that you may mingle before dinner is served."

You are politely but somewhat forcibly led from one knot of people to another. Introductions are made before Mr. Yem leaves you to your own devices.

May I ask how you wish to deport yourselves? Mr. Yem has bustled off to oversee proceedings but Mr. Harrison has taken up residence in a comfortable armchair with a generous glass of something.

A thin, nervous looking man identified as Mr. Strangward, the solicitor's senior clerk, lurks by the fireplace while standing at the opposite wall is a knot of elderly ladies, led in conversation by Miss Tremlett: neighbour of Mr. Yem and, it is inferred, gossip and general busybody.

To one side, a short, round fellow with a large moustache is being berated by an equally proportioned woman. These are the Coopers - he a local businessman and she his adoring wife. Watching the one-sided argument with bored amusement is a Miss Fray, Mr. Harrison's niece, who is waiting out the lull in the social season by visiting her uncle.

Taking a keen interest in the various paintings that adorn the parlour is an immensity corpulent fellow wearing an ill-fitting suit and a gaudy mayoral chain. This is Mayor Kingsley, current chief of the squabbling tribe of aldermen that represent the city of Hereford.

There are of course other guests, but, it must be said, they seem of little interest. Of course there is also the elderly butler and a number of staff, although those that are not replenishing glasses or proffering canapes are busy preparing for dinner.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 9:33 am
by Whitehorse
"That is most interesting Miss Knight. Thank you so much for sharing your erudition..."

Grigori turns to the lawyers.

"Tell me, as legal experts, wouldn't the redirection of this stream need some permission? Surely diverting water away from another man's land, where it customarily ran, is an offence against law, as well as propriety?"

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 10:06 am
by jp1885
“You are quite correct. However, while the ownership of the area in question is in dispute, it becomes something of a grey area. Rest assured, putting the brook back to its proper course is something we will be raising. Now if you’ll excuse me, I must make sure the dining room is ready.”

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 10:09 am
by speshul
Sorry for the delay in replying was away [dice]0[/dice] edu 58
Tom politiely gives his details, informing he is in town from Eton to investigate the will, he will be honest and name drop, watching carefully for the reaction of the police officer and the mugger should they be in the same room.

Through Tom is polite and respectful as a good sergeant would be saying the right things in the right way. He will make it clear he didn't lay a hand on the man and was only protecting a hard working cabbie and that there were witnesses outside the green dragon as part of his group and wider.

If he released he will do his best to make small talk, find out about interesting happenings, rumors. He will play the part of the hard working lacky to the rich folk, wanting to protect them, mixed with a bit of tourist, i.e. what is going on around here, whats good to see and do.
pychology rolls? spot hidden? Happy for you to roll them for me

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 10:37 am
by jp1885
Lets try a psychology roll,[dice]0[/dice]
While the sullen Mr. Smith appears nonplussed by your answer, the constable at least seems satisfied.

"And you're both sticking to your stories I suppose? Well I haven't got time for any more nonsense. Seeing as you both came quietly I'm letting you off with a caution - however I want no more bad behaviour from either of you! I have a good memory for names and faces," he casts a quick glance at you, "so if I catch you messing about again, you're for the high jump, understood?"

Considering the matter closed and clearly in no mood for small-talk, he ushers you both out of the station, ensuring that you go your separate ways. Mr. Smith quickly disappears up a side alley, leaving you at your leisure, a couple of streets away from the Green Dragon by your reckoning.
Keeper Only,[dice]1[/dice]

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 3:13 pm
by speshul
Tom if unable to information gather will try and find a cabbie to join the others.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 5:10 am
by Mr. Handy

"A shield and a boundary," says Cynthia. "It seems as though it was supposed to keep something contained. Now that the Scheld's course has been altered, that is no longer the case."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 8:05 am
by Zero
Henry Joseph Lewis III appeared somewhat disappointed when it was revealed that the vase was not genuine. It was a very good fake. He tucked the handkerchief back into his jacket pocket and glanced in Mister Yem's direction.

"Truly? Oh dear, dear. My grandfather acquired his in Shanghai in 1826. I keep it in the formal dining room." he replied.
History (40%),[dice]0[/dice]
Hard EDU (42),[dice]1[/dice]
The young dilettant then followed the group as their hosts led them about the room to meet the other guests. However, Henry's interest was now upon the young lady from the Eton group. She had made a rather ostentatious comment about the nature of the shield which prompted him to press her for an explanation.

He attempted to lead her away from those not of the Eton party, then queried, "What precisely do you surmise has been contained within the boundary, Miss Knight?"

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 9:44 am
by Whitehorse
Grigori will approach Mr Strangeward, and ask if he was involved in dealings with the case in question...

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 11:11 am
by jp1885
Mr. Pritchard

News of your exploits has spread among the cab drivers, and so the driver who stops for your hail, while not the same chap you assisted earlier, is more than happy to take you to the Yem residence at discounted cost.

You are greeted at the front door of the comfortable-looking abode, by an elderly, and rather alarmed, butler. Let us assume that you introduce yourself and explain your predicament, and, upon hearing your name, the fellow lets you in.

"Oh my, look at the state of you!" The fellow fusses around you. "Please accompany me downstairs for a moment and I'll see if I can't get you cleaned up."

Unless you have any other plans, you are led down a flight of steps and into the servant's quarters, where the butler commands an underling to brush down your clothing, clean up your muddy trousers and generally make you as presentable as possible.

Thus you find yourself, clad only in your borrowed shirt, tie and undergarments.
OOC:   A listen roll, if you please.  
Everyone else

As Mr. Yem has left you to oversee proceedings (perhaps rather embarrassed over the whole Ming vase conversation, it is up to Mr. Harrison to muse over your questions.

"Well watercourses have been used as natural boundary markers since time immemorial I suppose, but I suspect in this case it's that bounder Perryman trying to take advantage of the legal situation to, as you suggest, water his own lands - the fellow at Cowslip Farm; chap by the name of Smith; being one of his many tenants. Notice that in one or two places the boundary is vaguely defined, so he probably feels emboldened to do so."

Mr. Tereshchenko

Mr. Strangward is somewhat startled by your approach, but gives you a wan smile as you introduce yourself.

"Um, y-yes, yes. I, er, surveyed the land and d-drew up the m-map. I, er... yes." With a trembling hand he wipes his brow. "F-forgive me - I haven't r-really s-slept."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 11:42 am
by speshul
[dice]0[/dice]Listen 20. hahahah I've left it low on purpose due to the surgery and battle damage
Tom complies and makes small talk the best he is able to find out what is going on.

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 2:39 pm
by Whitehorse
Grigori signals one of the serving staff for a fresh drink for Mr Strangward and himself.

"It's a peculiar business, is it not Mr Strangeward... Do please tell me exactly what occured on your visit to the place."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 9:19 pm
by jp1885
Mr. Pritchard

Perhaps it's the adrenaline coursing through you following the chase, but your heightened senses pick up on a conversation nearby. The elderly butler is talking to a female member of staff.

"Has that blighter been hanging around again?"

"He was this morning sir; I saw him talking to the telegram boy again, but I haven't seen him since lunchtime."

"Heh, I saw Mr. Harrison giving that map to those Eton people. Mark my words, that's what the fellow were after! Now, I'd better return these trousers."

Mr. Tereshchenko

Mr. Strangward flinches a little, staring at his shoes.

"Oh, er, j-just paperwork and such. P-plus I w-went over to s-survey the p-place; once I'd avoided those rough f-fellows. They didn't like me-" suddenly he stops, staring directly at your face, his eyes boring into yours.

"The water has gone Russian! Tonight they take the stones! Help me, quickly!"

He shakes his head, as if awaking from a dream.

"-me poking around there."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 3:01 am
by Mr. Handy

"Oh," says Cynthia, a little flustered. "Well, I wouldn't know, but the late Desmond Barneby made reference to it in his writings. Of course, you probably haven't seen them yet. He said to ask O'Kent about making sure the 'walls' were strong, and he was worried about someone stepping across, but he didn't say who. Just wrote HE in capital letters."

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 9:44 am
by jp1885
Keeper only,[dice]0[/dice]

Re: [IC] Chapter 2: Hereford

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 12:54 pm
by Whitehorse
Grigori seizes Mr Strangward's arm, in the hope of further communication with whatever transitory spirit possesses him...

"Who are you!!"

Turning to his companions and host, he speaks loudly to gain attention.

"Mr Harrisson, I most humbly apologise, but I'm afraid we must leave you at once, on a matter of some urgency. I've received word that something most untoward is afoot at Wergyn Church.

You will understand, I hope, that it is on this very matter that we have been sent to Eton, and I now suspect if the fellow who attempted to interefere with our cab here was actually attempting to send us to Wergyn without delay

Butler, would you please arrange transportation straight away? And as many torches and lanterns as you can spare? Some shovels too.

Where IS Mr Pritchard? We could do with his assistance...

Mr Strangeward, perhaps you woud accompany us, as you have closely surveyed the location..."