[IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

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coffee demon
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[IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by coffee demon »

1:09 AM Saturday, June 28, 1937. Sacramento California. June 29

The rail yard is a few football fields down the tracks. The train's brakes squeal loudly as the cars moves away from you. You are in the warehouse area of Sacramento, and have two days to meet the Alameda-Kono All Star Team in San Francisco, and (if all goes well) to begin your journey to Shanghai.

What do you do?


Feel free to discuss big-picture here, IC or otherwise, or on our WhatsApp group. We don't have to go turn by turn at the moment. First thing I want to know is what you do in the next 10-15 minutes. Then, what's your plan?

I will continue to post here once you've done your "End of Chapter / End of Session" rolls laid out in the OC Thread.
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Eddie walks the majority of the distance travelled so far in somber silence. His baseball cleats seemed polished and sharp when he had first leapt from the train with his friend Max. He was excited... back in the game. Now, reality was screaming in his ear to take the next pitch. Now more swinging for the fences for Eddie, Knuckles Cicotte. He wasn't wearing cleats at all. His loafers had two holes beginning to form where his little toe pressed up against the side of his shoe. They were about to fall apart. His uniform was an old work shirt stained with the stink of poison and used up spirits. His ball hat was a knotted wool Ascot and reeked of vomit and whisky. His ball-jacket was a trench coat that was surprisingly still in very good condition. Eddie was confused at how he could mistake the long dark coat for his old White Sox jacket that barely went past his waist. He felt beneath the coat for his official Louisville slugger baseball bat. That was real. The blood on the sweet spot was real too and Eddie finally smiled at the thought of that gangster crumpling beneath his swing.

It took a long time for Eddie to realize he had been duped. This was all a set up to get max and Eddie out into the open. They had seen something back at the Theatre in Chicago. Something that they were not supposed to see and now the owner of that Theatre and of god knows how deep a criminal organization wants them dead and silenced to the rest of the world. Silenced for the supernatural horror they witnessed firsthand. The light....


Baseball - 74% rolled 44 - Pass

Maybe someone wanted Eddie out of the picture. Eddie had been practicing hard and the scouts knew it. The kinda heat he was chuckin' made his glory days seem like a ride on the tilt-a-whirl. And what the scouts knew might just make it back to the competition. Guys like them guys...
wise guys.... they didn't want old Knuckles Cicotte messing with their precious numbers. Maybe they got a big score on Alameda-Kono taking a dive in the Orient. They must know Eddie Cicotte don't take dives no more. Not after what happened in Chicago with the “Black Sox.” Maybe Ol' Tad Hayashi would take a dive. Tad Hayashi currently ran clean-up for the Alameda Allstars. Eddie could pitches circles round that Jap. Hayashi used to be a Gardner... probably knew a thing or two about poisons. Yeah that's it. You're just too good Knuckles. They had to take you out. We'll show e

Eddie picks up his pace and finds he's got a hop in his step. And what do you know... He was wearing cleats again. Shiny Black baseball cleats with spikes that made those wonderful crunching sounds on the mound.

Eddie snaps out of his melancholy.

You Ok there Fats? I mean you did not too shabby jumping off the train back there pally.. I mean I thought you was gonna bounce like a god damn link of chorizo back there, but you did good fats! You did real good. All this walking eh? You OK there FatS?

You're gonna make it. I can tell these things. Once we get to Sanfransisco, we'll show that Tad Harisha fruit a thing or two about pitchin.. You betcha boots and bob's your uncle Fats. We'll show em all.

Eddie slows slightly, and looks back at Max. There is a momentary flash of doubt that oozes from Eddie's face like fear over easy on a hot skillet. Eddie knows he's not ever going to play baseball again. That something behind the blacklight still wants in. Max understands.

The doubt disappears and Eddie is grinning wildly again. Grinning madly…

We'll show em all.
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by Basketvector »

Max winces. "You still got it Eddie. Serve up them Japs some sweet chin music when ya catch 'em."

Max shuffles along slowly, painfully and sticks to dimly lit streets.
We're a couple miles from downtown. Let's get in there quick, find a cab. Maybe hit a greasy spoon.

Hey Eddie, you ever read about that guy Hume? Mr. Moneybags what financed Jimmy Collin's re-election? I'm guessing he bankrolls the Alameda-Kono All Stars and our little vacation too. He's based in California. I figure your friend David is his lap dog.

On the other hand, that tall drink of water was heading to Shanghai.
Max passes Eddie Nick Gucci's drivers license.
I don't think they was there to kill us Eddie. Most assassins I know pack lighter than that.

Maybe the briefcase has the answer.

I had the bottle of poison scotch in jacks brief case. probably needs a roll to see if it exploded.
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Eddie looked kinda cock - eyed at Max for a second and then thought about what he actually said.

Eddie was so pre-occupied with his own melodrama that he had pretty much ignored David's briefcase.,

Eddie stops and opens the briefcase over some dusty back alley furniture. He shoos away some pigeons and places his flask over some papers to stop them from blowing away. He takes a long swig and offers it to Max before rifling through the contents aloud.

Tall drink of water??? David????

Max you like dames right?
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by DSIGFUSS »

cuz you know....
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by coffeedemon »

1:15 AM Saturday, June 28, 1937. Sacramento California. June 29

Red and blue police lights are visible in the far distance, in the vicinity of the railroad station. Max and Eddie are well away from there for now - in a dusty alley amongst a warren of warehouses and shanties on the edge of Sacramento.

Your throats are parched and your bones and muscles are aching from the poison. But you're alive. The sky here is exceptionally dark and the stars shine brighter than you've ever seen in Chicago.

David's briefcase is secured by a cheap combination lock and it only takes a few sharp blows to work it open. But the briefcase is destroyed and can no longer be used.

The most prominent object within is an incredibly old and thick leather-bound tome embossed with the title De Vermis Mysteriis. The text inside is inked calligraphy - all in Latin. This book is well used, and some pages have fallen out and been taped back in. On the margins of many pages are handwritten notes (made far more recently), and written in both German and English.

The book shows a printing date of 1542, transcribed in Cologne, Germany, by Ludwig Prinn. From the date alone, it must be worth thousands as an artifact, and should be in a museum.


In a smart leather case, there is a loaded .22 short automatic pistol, and a box containing 50 additional bullets. The gun looks unused.

There is a pouch in the briefcase that was meant for a small book, but is now stretched and shaped as though it carried a bottle or container for a significant period of time. But there is no bottle present.

There is a leather billfold in the briefcase containing $1200 in clean new bills. Twelve crisp one-hundred dollar bills. The billfold is tightly wrapped with a leather strap, and looks more like a stash than money that is frequently withdrawn from.

There is an address book with an incredible array of names and numbers.

There is also an accounting book showing accounts in the order of one hundred thousand dollars. Even a cursory glance indicates that this is probably one of Johnny Collin's personal accounting books.

There are several mostly blank notepads and pencils. Some of the notepads contain accounting calculations.

There is a steam liner ticket from San Francisco to Shanghai, leaving in 2 days' time.

Lastly, folded within the front cover of De Vermis Mysteriis are two sheets:


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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Eddie clears his throat nervously and chuckles.

Heh heh! Yikes!

Eddie look cautiously at Max for a few seconds, looking for any sign of doubt on his partners face he could cling to.

What a load of Hooey eh Fats? What a crackpot! What a card!!!

Heh Heh Heh! Hey max?

Eddie quickly reads over the last page of David letter and then back to his friend. Memories of the large robust detective greedily pouring over dark ancient Tomes came suddenly back to him. Max had an interest in all of this. To what end?

You'd destroy it wouldn't you Max. The mirror I mean? Or the light? Wouldn't you Max?
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by Basketvector »

While Eddie reads the letter, Max takes the bottle of poisoned booze out of Jack Ciccote's brief case and he tests the fit with the bottle pouch found in David's briefcase.

Previously said:   You'd destroy it wouldn't you Max. The mirror I mean? Or the light? Wouldn't you Max?  
"Uh, ya Eddie, 'course." Max squares things away quickly and takes a glance over at the light display... "Let's get moving."

Max puts the tome, address book, accounting notes, bottle, and bullets in his own briefcase. He discards everything else in a garbage can.

Oc. We divide up the money evenly (including Nick Gucci's $250 we have (250+1200)/2=$725 each. Eddie can have the .22 so we both have 2 pistols. So Max has a .38 and .45. Eddie has a .22 and a .38.

Dan: add to your character sheet: $725 and a .22
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by coffeedemon »

1:14 AM Friday, June 28, 1937. Rail Yards, Sacramento California.

Steam liner tickets to Shanghai read: Liner Departs Promptly at Noon June 30 1937. All Passengers Aboard by 9 AM.

The bottle of poisoned booze does indeed fit snugly into the briefcase compartment.


6:45 AM Saturday, June 29, 1937. Homewood Suites Motel, Sacramento California.

Drawing from their now substantial cash surplus, Max and Eddie easily find a motel and fall into a troubled sleep. They waken groggily to the hot sun already searing through the cheap curtains and baking the small room.

7:23 AM Saturday, June 29, 1937. Helga's Rise N Shine, Sacramento California.

After a quick shower, and a perfunctory wash of your vomit-stained clothes, Max and Eddie are sitting at breakfast in a quiet and cheap cafe in the lower-income area of Sacramento.

Headlines in the newspaper discusses the end of the Lewiston–Auburn shoe strike (the workers lost their bid), and a productive Canadian trade meeting between Prime Minister Mackenzie and German Chancellor Adolf Hitler and Hermann Göring. The paper makes a bit of fun at the Canadian leader for delivering bison to Germany prior to the meeting, and also quotes Prime Minister King as saying that Hitler was a man of "deep sincerity."*

Outside, Fords and Buicks drive slowly along the dirt road. Even though it's the capital of California, Sacramento appears to be a dopey town, especially since it's early on a Saturday morning.


I'd love to hear what you want to do next.

Note that Johnny Collins flew to Shanghai, so he'll be well ahead of you if you take the cruise ship. With the money you now have, a flight is also possible, and you would have more flexibility on the time that you leave.

A probably incomplete list of some leads, though I doubt you have time to do it all in 24 hours:

-Harold Humes, who apparently financed Johnny Collins' bid for mayorship, lives in LA.
-John Scolinos, the Manager of the Alameda-Kono All-Star Team (you have a SF phone number, not an address)
- "Carlo" - a name and phone number found in Nick Gucci's wallet.
- A pre-paid hotel reservation for tonight in SF - found in Nick Gucci's wallet.


LA is a 6-hour drive from Sacramento and SF (LA is equidistant from the,)
The drive from Sacramento to SF is two hours.

*These are true events from the date, though King's quote was only recorded in his personal diary
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Eddie counts the cash Max hands him twice before folding the wad and stuffing it into his pocket.

That's alot of hooch Eddie thinks to himself.

Eddie notices the hotel reservation card as Max fingers through the wallet and snatches both out of his hand.
He s up the reservation card and the wallet reading the name aloud.


We can can catch a flight tomorrow Fats!! We got business with this son of a bitch in the Golden City!! Nobody's passin' up a rest in a joint like this one so we aughtta catch em both with their pants down. We lay a heavy dump on Mr. Nick Gucci here and put the squeeze on old bookworm while we're at it. These two are just begging to sing!

Maybe we can use some of this scratch to hitch a ride to San Fran hey Fats?
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by Basketvector »

"You got that right Eddie. David and Saint Nick are giving their confessions tonight - and Johnny Collins is gonna get the message loud and clear all the way across the sea in Indochina that he's messing with the wrong lunatics.

"We gotta find a car. We find a car then we go in on the sly."

Max dumps a bunch of money on the table, including a hefty tip for la señorita who kept his coffee hot.
"First I gotta make a call."

Max picks up one of the dimes off the table, and flips it into the air and catches it. He whistles on his way to the pay phone at the back of the cafe.

He's studying the piece of paper in his hand.
"Carlo, it's Gucci."....
"Carlo. It's Gucci."

Max picks up the receiver... and dials.
The key to impersonating a greaseball is you gotta move your arms a lot while you're talking. Even though it's on the phone, somehow that old world repugnance still comes through.

"Carlo. It's Gucci. We're all set."
Voice actor 61% Roll 84
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by coffeedemon »

7:23 AM Saturday, June 29, 1937. Helga's Rise N Shine, Sacramento California.

On the other end of the line, 'Carlo' pauses. Maybe for a little too long.

"All set, are we? Who's this again? Gucci? What 'Gucci' am I talking to?"

His voice carries weight. He's used to sounding big. He has the voice of a guy who gets impatient real quick - and he sounds like he's already on the edge of losing his cool.


At the other end of the cafe, a tired-looking middle aged waitress refills Eddie's cup. She looks at you for a little too long before serving another customer. A hint of recognition?
OC: Cam, you can take the fail, or Spend 23 Luck, or Push the roll to roll again. Pushing the Roll means you're doubling down on trying to fool him, so try to work that in somehow. If you fail a Pushed roll, that means the plot takes a turn for the worse. I may inject something that I hadn't intended to inject, that's not necessarily about this event (though I'll do my best to make it related). You can't spend Luck on a Pushed Roll.
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by Basketvector »

A bead of sweat rolls down Max's fat cheek. He must inhabit this character.
"Hang on...",

Max sets the receiver down and quickly strips down to his undershirt. He slicks his hair back with pork grease... there is ample supply on his fingers and face. He limbers up with a few obscene gestures and picks up the phone.


"We just got our asses beat down by that wash out drunk, so forgive me if I ain't in the best mood no more! Now why don't you drop the horse shit act and we can get our business squared away before my social security checks start rollin' in?"

Max pushes the roll. Voice actor 61% Roll 29
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Eddie grins after Max rubs the grease into hair.

That Man has his finger on the pulse of high society.

He chuckles to himself as the waitress fills his cup. That reminds him. Eddie takes a drink from his cup to make way for some hooch before emptying the rest of his flask.

He listens patiently for Carlos’s answer., but can't hear what Max was saying. This was all the funnier to Eddie and his chuckle turned into a strange nasal noise that startled Eddie into taking a longer swig from his drink.

ooc, Listen 74 - Fail

Eddie makes a note to himself to keep an eye on the restaurant's phone in case that dotty dame recognized him and tries to call the coppers.
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by coffeedemon »

7:24 AM Saturday, June 29, 1937. Helga's Rise N Shine, Sacramento California.

"Whoa, whoa! Jesus Christ, Nick, calm down. You got beat down? Listen, Nick. I don't want no part of that. I don't even want to hear about it. Well, who am I kiddin', I'd love to hear what happened. Nicki fuckin' Gucci took a beat-down, did he? You're getting old, Nick! But I don't want no part of whatever it is."

Carlos laughs heartily. He's a long-time smoker. You can hear the rasp in his throat, and a strong Chicago accent.

"Are you gonna come by or what? Where are you? I have that package for you. It would be good to catch up. I don't miss Chicago though, I'll tell you. Fuckin' dirty city. California is where it's at, Nick! The dames, Nicki - the dames here are top notch! And the air is constitutional. Enough about me, how's the wife and kids? You two still together, and goin at each other like Louis and Schmeling*?"


At the other end of the restaurant, Eddie notices the waitress slips into the kitchen area, in a place that is conveniently out of sight from him. She's talking to someone. The cook? Maybe she's on the phone? It's hard to tell - you would only be able to see her if you got behind the counter and went into the kitchen or looked through the pass-through window between the kitchen and counter area.
Cam, mark a a Success on your character sheet for the imitating voices skill (whatever it's called)

*famous boxing match in 1936 - Joe Louis vs. Max Schmeling.
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by Basketvector »

That old battleaxe? Na, she was two-timing me... with a democrat. I'll tell you all about it.

Listen Carlo, you're the only one I trust out here. I just got my ass beat and robbed and I need you to come pick me up. I'm in Sacramento. Homewood Suites on 5th St. Room 4. You writing this down? Keep it on the down low, would ya? I ain't done with these jokers.

And Carlo, one more thing. I need to borrow some cabbage. Just, whatever you got lying around. You know I'm good for it.

fast talk (55%) 48
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by DSIGFUSS »

A bead of sweat begins to form on the edge of Eddie’s brow. Eddie reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out his key chain with the little pearl baseball he’d been carrying since his downfall in the majors. His Anti-luck charm.

He pops the small silver latch that connects the pearl to the chain and makes his way towards the pass-through window connecting the kitchen to the restaurant. when it seems like he shouldn't be moving any further in that direction, Eddie pulls out his wallet and makes it look like he is trying to get a different waitress’s attention to add to his bill. He fake fumbles with the pearl and send it rolling slowly across the floor in the direction of the pass- through window. Eddie times it just right and picks up the pearl directly in front of the pass- through window.

ooc, Sleight of Hand Roll : 47 - Pass.

How clumsy!

Eddie risks a quick glance through the window to confirm his fears. He was hoping he was just being paranoid, and that his server had not recognized him and Max at the table. He then quickly turns back to the second waitress, holding his baseball shaped pearl in the air and with that old Cicotte charm, Eddie winks.

It's OK doll face, I snagged it!

OOC - If it wasn’t clear. Eddie was checking to see if the Waitress was on the phone or talking secretively with anyone in the back.
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by coffeedemon »

7:24 AM Saturday, June 29, 1937. Helga's Rise N Shine, Sacramento California.
OOC:   Dan, based on what you're describing, I think the crucial skill is Spot Hidden, not Sleight of Hand. Could you roll Spot Hidden please? It's not too hard to spot her - you'll automatically see what she's up to. The penalty for failure is that you look out of place doing it and actually draw more attention to yourself.

(I'm really embracing the rule that you don't roll the dice unless there is a good dramatic reason for it! So if you're ever gonna roll, get ready for potential consequences. :) )  
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by DSIGFUSS »

ooc, For sure. The sleight of hand was more to make it look like I naturally dropped the pearl baseball. For role playing sake.. If I would have failed I would have written in a spaztic druken fumble or something. Here's the spot hidden roll to see if I notice something. rolled an 86. Fail. lol all for naught. But the drop was smoooooth.
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by coffeedemon »

7:24 AM Saturday, June 29, 1937. Helga's Rise N Shine, Sacramento California.

There is a pause on the other end of the line.

"Fuck. All right. I'll come pick you up. But that's all I'm doing. I'm not getting involved in whatever this is, Nick. And what the hell you need money for? I thought you was on the payroll over there. Whatever. I don't want to know. I'll be there in two hours. Fuckin' Nick Gucci."

He hangs up.


Eddie takes a short step behind the counter and leans in towards the pass-through window leading to the kitchen. The waitress is leaning against the wall. Yeah, she's talking. Real quietly. Something is up.

Is she on the phone? It's too hard to see from your vantage point.

Eddie takes in another step. Now he's right behind the counter. It's not a place where customers usually go.

An older couple stops eating their breakfast, and turns to watch. Warm, pale yolk drips from the old man's fork, lands on the cheap formica table.

Eddie leans in further. He can see the woman better now. Who is she talking to?

"What the... what are you doing? You need something?"

A fat cook with a sweating face like a ham wipes his hands on his apron.

"You need something, we'll come to your table, sir."

The woman turns and stares at you. Her hands are empty. She wasn't on the phone. Maybe she was talking to the cook. Maybe she wasn't even talking. Maybe you imagined the whole thing. She's looking at Eddie in a way he's familiar with. It reminds you of the way Rose used to look at you sometimes. Like she was scared. Like you'd done something unpredictable, and like she didn't know what you might do next.

OOC:   Feel free to continue to roleplay this scene, maybe do another post. If you decide to amp it up, we can forget the scene below (for now) and keep playing in the cafe. If not, feel free to post for both scenes.  

9:35 AM Saturday, June 29, 1937. Homewood Suites, Sacramento California.

Carlos is due to arrive any minute.

Homewood Suites is an L-shaped motel with eight rooms, facing in on a small parking lot. Your room exits straight onto the parking lot. There are three cars parked in the lot, but the place is pretty quiet.

The Suites are on a two-lane road that sees a fair bit of traffic - bicycles and cars. A couple shops are across the street, but both are closed at the moment. There's a bus stop on the sidewalk nearby.

Next door (on your side of the road) is a hardware and garden store which is open. The parking lot of the hardware store adjoins the motel parking lot. Someone is putting out potted plants on a stand, setting for a day of sales.

It's going to be a hot one. The pavement is already shimmering with the heat.

A cream-coloured convertible - a Ford Cabriolet - pulls up the road and turns into the parking lot. The top is down. There's only the driver. Slicked back black hair, sunglasses. This has to be Carlos.

OOC:   Let me know how you've set up for Carlos' arrival and we'll go from there.  
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