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The Bullpen - OOC

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 8:48 pm
Yay! Get those sheets up coffee demon! I think we should have gained some experience too. Maybe add some skill % points to our old guys to reflect some of the shit that we've been through.

Re: The Bullpen - OOC

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 8:51 pm
by coffee demon
Yeah, I'll get you two to redo your experience rolls for sure, and will give you two experience rolls in certain skills to reflect the "Escape from the Asylum" sessions we also played.

We also need to reduce your Sanity somewhat.

And apply a few changes to the character sheets to reflect 7th Edition rules.

Good to be back!

Re: The Bullpen - OOC

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 9:02 pm
by coffee demon
I'll be posting instructions for experience, changing gear, and upgrading to 7th Edition here. But I'll wait until you two have put your character sheets in the appropriate thread first.

Re: The Bullpen - OOC

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 7:03 pm
by coffee demon

This reflects experience gained, and SAN lost at the end of King of Chicago, and during the interim "Escape from the Asylum" mini-adventure (played elsewhere).

(We did do experience at least once during KoC..)

This will also help us learn the die roller ingrained in the forums.

1) SANITY LOSS: Roll 2d10, and subtract that from your current SAN. This reflects the madness you accrued after waking up from the asylum, and your subsequent questions about whether the events in King of Chicago were even real.

2) EXPERIENCE: I've marked an X in front of a number of your stats. For each of those, roll d100. If you FAIL the skill check, OR roll 95+, increase the skill by 1d10. Please mark which skills increased, and by what - I like to see that too.


Once you've done this, I'll adjust your character sheets for 7th Edition, and you'll have a couple other decisions to make and information to add. Then we play!

Re: The Bullpen - OOC

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 8:50 pm
Where can we find a tutorial for the dice roller button.

i tried this


lol. OK That worked. It didn't work on a pm I sent myself.

Re: The Bullpen - OOC

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 9:22 pm
OK done.

Rolled all fails but one which is good for here but does not bode well for Eddie on future rolls.

I added 1d10. Rolled alot of 1s and 2s lol.

Check to make sure it was all done right then I'll add em up and get rid of dice rolls to make it neat.

Re: The Bullpen - OOC

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2019 5:34 am
by coffee demon

(1) Luck is now a Seperate Stat, unrelated to POW. (You can also spend Luck). Roll 3d6x5 and make that your new Luck Stat.

(2) Attributes are now in Percentages. I've gone in and changed your stats to reflect this.

(3) Characters now have a MOV Stat - Movement Rate. MOVx5 is how fast you can move in a round.
If your SIZ is bigger than your Strength and Dex, its 7. (Max) Is Str and Dex are both bigger than your SIZ, it's 9 (Eddie). If you're in your 40's, MOV is -1 (Max). So Max's MOV is 6, Eddie's is 9. I've added this to your character sheet.

(4) There's a new stat called BUILD which is a measure of your size and scale when wrestling, etc. It depends on STR + SIZ, the same way Damage Bonus does. Max's Build is 2, Eddie's is 1. Max would have an easier time pinning Eddie. I've added this to your character sheets.

(5) Hit Points are calculated by adding CON + SIZ divide by 10 and round down. So Max's HP total is one less. I've adjusted your character sheet accordingly.

(6) The skill list is slightly different. The following adjustments are what is recommended in the 7th Ed rulebook for converting 6th Ed. characters.
(a) Base totals on some skills went down. I adjusted your totals on this accordingly.
(b) Some skills have been removed. I've noted the points you spent in skills that no longer exist at the top of your Skill list. Feel free to re-spend them on skills.
(c) There are also new skills, which I've marked in Bold on your character sheets. Feel free to spend those free points in those areas.
(d) Some skills have been amalgamated (Kick/Punch/Grapple is all "Fighting(Brawl)" now, for instance, and Rifle/Shotgun are one skill.) I've put your total points into those amalgamated skills.

(7) BACKSTORY: We need to be a bit more organized with this, because when you go insane I can change parts of your Backstory. :) Backstory is split into 6 sections, which I've written on your character sheet. Please write at least ONE response to each section. These can come from previous sessions, or your already-written description, or they could be something completely new that we haven't yet talked about in the game. (More may come or go as time goes on).
IDEOLOGY / BELIEFS: (ie do you have a religion? "Money is power"? Are you a member of a certain society? What laws/societies/logics guide you in this world?)
SIGNIFICANT PEOPLE: Who is / was important to you, and why? They don't have to be alive.
MEANINGFUL LOCATIONS: What places are important to you? (A place of learning, a hometown, your home, place you met your first love, a certain bar, grave of a significant person, workplace, etc)
TREASURED POSSESSIONS: Mementos from childhood, something given to you by someone significant, an essential item for your occupation, an item connected with your highest skill, a special weapon, a pet, something you found but you don't know what it is....
TRAITS: General personality traits: Gambler, risk-taker, generous, good with animals, dreamer, hedonist, good cook, ladie's man, loyal, reputation for..., ambitious, etc...

(8) KEY CONNECTION: Look back at all the Backstory points you listed. Pick ONE of them that is most important, and highlight it in BOLD. This is your key connection, the one thing above all else that gives meaning to your life. I can screw with all your backstory through sanity loss, but I can't screw with your Key Connection without having you directly involved in it and able to save that connection somehow.

That's it! Do this and we're ready to play.

Re: The Bullpen - OOC

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2019 9:28 pm

(1) Luck is now a Seperate Stat, unrelated to POW. (You can also spend Luck). Roll 3d6x5 and make that your new Luck Stat.

Roll for luck String attempt 1.


Eddie rolls a 14 for Luck x5 = 70 %

Re: The Bullpen - OOC

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2019 5:49 pm
by Basketvector
Max is concerned to find a strange brown spot on his stomach. It's a raisin. He eats it.

Re: The Bullpen - OOC

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2019 6:22 pm
Eddie throws a cleat just over Max's shoulder knocking a large brown rat off the roll-top desk.

That's no raisin Fatman.

Re: The Bullpen - OOC

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2019 12:00 am
by coffee demon
Some clean-up:

1) Max, can you move 20% out of Cthulhu Mythos?

2) Eddie, can you Bold one of your Backstory points? (See (8) Key Connection in the conversion list, above)

3) I'm going to muck with your Backstories once, as a start. I think this is a good reflection of how you've changed recently:

MAX: Change "He has become increasingly more interested in the occult" to "Obsessed with learning whether occult phenomena is real." (I think this wording raises the stakes a bit, and makes it more important.)

EDDIE: Change "He feels guilt for his part in the Notorious Black Sox scandal" to "He knows that he hasn't fully paid the price for the Notorious Black Sox scandal, and is waiting for the day when it all catches up to him and his life comes crashing down." (This is still about 'guilt', I think, but making it a little more extreme than before and maybe verging on paranoia..?)

Re: The Bullpen - OOC

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2019 8:54 pm
OK I like it.

Re: The Bullpen - OOC

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2019 3:57 am
by Mr. Handy
I've been reading along, and I think it would be hysterical if Max gave a false address of 1060 West Addison. That's the location of Wrigley Field, and the Blues Brothers used the same trick.

Re: The Bullpen - OOC

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2019 6:57 am
by Basketvector
A Blues Brother fan! I know that movie well.

Re: The Bullpen - OOC

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2019 5:54 pm
Ha Ha for sure. I've thought that before about Max and Eddie being like the blues brothers.

Re: The Bullpen - OOC

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 6:38 am
by coffee demon
Howdy moderators - we are returning to this after a two-year hiatus so please keep it up! Thanks.

Re: The Bullpen - OOC

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 2:07 am
by Mr. Handy
Welcome back! I'll be sure to keep reading, and if you ever have an opening, I'd be keen to join.

Re: The Bullpen - OOC

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 11:55 pm
by coffeedemon
Hey all,

I was just reading that you can use appropriate skills to roll to see if you have Contacts related to that field. (I would be suggesting when this was possible, but it's cool to know).

Given that, I think Eddie should have Art / Craft : Baseball - which entirely fits within that skill description.

Dan, can you add that to your skill list, and subtract some of your skills to add some to that skill? I'll start you at 25% as a bonus. :) But I think you should be at least at 60%, even after all these years.

Re: The Bullpen - OOC

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2021 8:13 pm
I think its cool that we add a craft - baseball skill but it kinda is a little counter productive for Eddie.

Eddie is/was a top tier professional baseball player and when I chose my skills, I chose many of them based on skill that I thought a pitcher would have. If I was a major league player I would need at least an 90% or 80% I;d say and so I'd end up loosing alot of points in my other skills.

I have % in bat/ throw/ spot hidden and several others that were chosen because of his baseball history.

What do you think?

Re: The Bullpen - OOC

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 2:59 am
by coffee demon
This isn't about penalizing you - it's about giving you the chance to have an additional skill that you can roll with pretty cool narrative implications. When I read that skill I realized that you could have a huge advantage at times because you're famous - but we have no way of mechanizing that.

I think it's a pretty important skill because none of the other ones reflect the contacts you might currently have in the baseball industry. But I also think it should be about your know-how about baseball (which should be pretty huge).

I'd be happy to just give you the skill, but I also like you having to make choices with how much to invest in it. If the skill was available at the start, don't you think you would have put points into it?

We could just say you're at 25% because it's a whole new generation of players, but that doesn't seem right to me.

You do have some skills that are pretty high, that you could adjust out (like Stealth and Drive Auto.)

How about this - you start with 25% - and you can trade in 1% of another skill for 2% in Craft Baseball, at a 1:2 ratio? So for example you could go down to 41% in Drive Auto (you're still better than most people), and 56% in Stealth (for example), and you'd be at 85% Craft Baseball, 41% Drive Auto, 56% Stealth?

Re: The Bullpen - OOC

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2022 4:52 am
by coffee demon

Please post all your rolls here. Let me know if you adjust your character sheet, or if you'd prefer that I do it.


Fail a LUCK roll to increase it by 1d10.

Max current Luck: 51
Eddie current Luck: 57


Fail the following Skills (that you succeeded on in Chap One) to increase them by 1d10:

Law 45%
Library Use 50%
Persuade 20%
Fighting (Brawl) 65%

Spot Hidden 77%
Fighting: Brawl 60%
Fighting: Bat 70%


EDDIE, give yourself Art/Craft: Baseball at 60%. Feel free to remove percentages from any other skills and increase this skill at a 1:2 ratio (ie if you drop Drive by 10%, this goes up 20%). Let me know if you're going to drop any skills, and which.

Art/ Craft is the extent to which you're still conversant in the game. This is only for challenging stuff, like knowing someone who is still in the business, or knowing how to sneak into Dodger Stadium, etc etc.

Re: The Bullpen - OOC

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2022 5:47 pm

Please post all your rolls here. Let me know if you adjust your character sheet, or if you'd prefer that I do it.


Fail a LUCK roll to increase it by 1d10.

Max current Luck: 51
Eddie current Luck: 57 - Rolled a 78 - Fail 1d10 = ( +4 ) - Luck = 62


Fail the following Skills (that you succeeded on in Chap One) to increase them by 1d10 :

Library Use 50%
Persuade 20%
Fighting (Brawl) 65%

Spot Hidden 77% rolled - 54 - pass
Fighting: Brawl 60% rolled - 39 - pass
Fighting: Bat 70% rolled - 94 - Fail 1d10 = Increase (+7 %) so now Fighting - bat = 77%


EDDIE, give yourself Art/Craft: Baseball at 60%. Feel free to remove percentages from any other skills and increase this skill at a 1:2 ratio (ie if you drop Drive by 10%, this goes up 20%). Let me know if you're going to drop any skills, and which.

Art/ Craft is the extent to which you're still conversant in the game. This is only for challenging stuff, like knowing someone who is still in the business, or knowing how to sneak into Dodger Stadium, etc etc.

Eddie will remove the following to add a total of +14 % to his Art / craft baseball

Stealth - Down 2 % Now: 64%
Drive Auto Down 3% Now 58
Spot Hidden - Down 2% Now 75%

Total 7% = +14% to art/craft

Now: Art / Craft : Baseball = 74%

Re: The Bullpen - OOC

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2022 9:08 pm
by coffeedemon
Dan, I adjusted Eddie's character sheet to reflect all that - plus I added the .22 short auto pistol, 50 bullets, and $725 as Cam said.

Re: The Bullpen - OOC

Posted: Fri May 13, 2022 7:58 pm
Hey boys..

What's the skinny on this one. So Eddie is in a room close by. Did we have a plan of attack. I'm sure we had a long time to discuss. I'm also fine with winging it. Do we bum rush this guy outside the door.

Re: The Bullpen - OOC

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2024 8:52 am
by coffeedemon


You found a tonne of stuff in David's briefcase, when you jumped from the train the night before. See here.


Johnny Collins flew to Shanghai, so he'll be well ahead of you if you take the cruise ship. With the money you now have, a flight is also possible, and you would have more flexibility on the time that you leave.

A probably incomplete list of some leads:

-Harold Humes, who apparently financed Johnny Collins' bid for mayorship, lives in LA. (You're in San Fran).
-John Scolinos, the Manager of the Alameda-Kono All-Star Team (you have a SF phone number, not an address). You took the train he told you to take, but you've not yet contacted him.
A pre-paid hotel reservation for The Palace Hotel in SF for tonight - found in Nick Gucci's wallet.


LA is a 6-hour drive from Sacramento and SF (LA is equidistant from the,)