[IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by Basketvector »

"Thanks Carlo... I owe ya" ...click

Max buttons up his shirt and tucks it in. He puts his fedora back on and runs his finger along the brim.
"Good news Eddie, I found us a car.... ah shit." Max realizes instantly that Eddie is terrorizing this poor waitress.

He acts quickly to extract Eddie and defuse his paranoia... "C'mon pal, no time for autographs...". He drops an extra two bits on the table on their way out.

Max takes Eddie for a short walk outside and explains his plan.
"Eddie, I think you should wait for Carlo inside the room... you and your Louisville Slugger. I'll wait outside with a gat, and I'll signal you if Carlo is alone, or if he ain't. If he's alone, we take him inside. If he ain't alone, well then you just keep the door shut....simple."

But first we gotta go next door to the hardware store and check out their selection of ropes and adhesive tapes. C'mon.

I'll let Dan set up the scene at the motel if he agrees with the plan. If not, just modify it and Max will go along with it. i erased 2.5 dollars for breakfast and rope which is equivalent to $51 according to a consumer price index inflation calculator.
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Outside, Eddie shake off Max's ham sized hand from his shoulder rather roughly.

He glares darkly at Max.

Wait inside? Why me Fatman? You don't think I can handle it out here. You think I'm gonna do something stupid? get us pinched? Who were you really talking to back there? What are you playing at?

Eddie shakes his head and rubs his temples. He takes a much needed swig from his flask. Just a nip to take the edge off. He looks back to Max, the darkness just a glimmer in his eyes now. Under control.

He smiles friendly now.

You just don't wanna climb the stairs! Ain't that right Fats? That'll give you a god damn heart attack won't it? Ok Fatsman! I'll wait in the room. For your sake. No problem, I see where your goin' with this. We steal the mooks car that shows up... after me and Joe here ask some questions. Eddie taps a finger on his bat.

That's good thinking fats! Real good thinking.
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by coffeedemon »

[OC I'll post tonight or tomorrow. Just to get on the same page in our imaginations: There are no stairs to your motel room. This is a ground floor motel. Your room opens up right onto the parking lot, there are no interior hallways. I was thinking about the motel from No Country For Old Men where the protagonist hid the money in the vent. Something like this:]

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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by coffeedemon »

9:35 AM Saturday, June 29, 1937. Homewood Suites, Sacramento California.
OOC:   Lets just roleplay through this without rolling dice at first. I'll let you know when it's time for a roll - I want to try to identify the crucial rolls that'll make or break the situation to put more weight on those rolls. :twisted:  
Peeking through the thin curtains of the motel room, Eddie sees the convertible roll into the parking lot. It drives slowly past door number 4, then parks nearby.

There is just the driver, no one else.

Max is outside, about fifty feet away, and also in sight of the car. [OC: Max, that's about as close as you could be without attracting attention. Could be looking through the plants at the hardware store's outdoor display, or at the bus stop, or whatever.]

The driver exits the car in a leisurely manner, and adjusts his sunglasses. He takes the keys. Looks around the parking lot, assessing the place. He's medium height, dark hair is combed back, losing his hair in the front. He has the frame of a butcher, and the belly of someone who eats well. Decent light-grey suit with baggy pants that must be the style here on the West Coast.

He takes his time, lights a cigarette, takes a long drag.

The man walks with confidence towards door number 4 and knocks on it sharply.

"Nick! It's me. Lets go."

Behind the man, the parking lot is empty. The office to the motel is about 50 feet away from Eddie and Max's room, and the street is 40 feet away across the parking lot. There are some people walking on the other side of the street but at the moment things are quiet in the near proximity.
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Eddie risks a quick peek thro0ugh the curtains and his hands squeeze tightly around the taped handle of his Loysville slugger.

This fucking guy!

Eddie thought for a moment if this guy really deserved the beating he had coming his way but only for a moment.

ooc, see ooc thread.
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by Basketvector »

When the car arrives Max flicks his cigarette and casually walks across the street towards the motel. He times it so that he arrives as Carlo is knocking.
Max approaches him. He's holding a pistol in his pocket.

"Don't do nothing stupid Carlo. I ain't gonna kill you unless I have to, now get inside."

Stealth 20%: 94
Last edited by Basketvector on Sun May 15, 2022 11:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by coffeedemon »

[OC: Cammo, roll me a Stealth. If you fail, he sees you approaching before you have a solid advantage on him.]
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by coffeedemon »

9:36 AM Saturday, June 29, 1937. Homewood Suites, Sacramento California.

Carlos turns and takes another look around as he steps up to the door. His eyes fix straight on Max and you make direct eye contact with each other from halfway across the parking lot.

His body stiffens, he drops his hand into his pocket and takes two steps away from the door, facing Max, watching intently.


Inside the room, Eddie waits for Carlos to knock. The knock doesn't come. He must be standing right there, outside the door.

Through the thin curtains, Eddie can see Max approaching the door. It's hard to know exactly what's happening out there.

OOC:   In another chat that Dan and Cam can see, I rolled a 01 to Spot Hidden and successfully contested Max's failed Stealth.

Let's go to Initiative, in DEX order:


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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Eddie lets his looped Louisville slugger slide back to his side and chooses to approach the door with his pistol to the ready. He waits for the shadow the man casts under the hotel room door to shift slightly indicating he had turned or moved slightly to face Max and then makes his move.

Eddie swings open the door. If Carlos is close enough, he grabs him by the lapels and yanks him into the hotel room. If not, he simply trains his gun on Carlos and smiles.

Morning Pally! You re late!

ooc, might I suggest Eddies own spot hidden roll to see if he can time the surprise right by the shadow under the door.
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by coffeedemon »

9:36 AM Saturday, June 29, 1937. Homewood Suites, Sacramento California.

Gun in hand, Eddie throws open the door. Carlos is close enough to grab - only a couple steps away.

Carlos' eyes widen and he takes another step back. His cigarette drops to the ground.

OOC:   I already called for the "Surprise" roll with Max's Stealth, it doesn't make sense for there to be a backup surprise roll after Carlos has already determined something is wrong. In my mind, it made more sense for Max to make that roll since Eddie is pretty blind to exactly what's happening outside. Also, those types of Stealth / Surprise rolls are supposed to be made by the person with the worst chance of success, which would be Max.

Dan, I need you to decide whether you're going to (1) grab or (2) train your gun on him. And if you decide to grab, you have a couple options: (A) inflict damage (B) restrain him (but remain outside) or (C) Pull him inside (but not have him restrained) or (D) any other wild ideas, but not a combination of two things. Combat rounds in CoC are quick.

Some things to consider:

A Grab will be an opposed Fighting (Brawl) roll as per the rules. Restraining him in the parking lot risks someone seeing you. Pulling him inside first still involves some risk of being seen, but less than wrestling outside. If you pull him inside successfully, he has freedom to act how he wishes on his turn inside your room (ie. your gun can't be aimed at him once he's inside, you're using two hands to haul him in.)

Training a gun on him means more time outside in a potential deadlock. A pointed gun is much less likely to attract attention than a physical struggle, but if anyone sees then it's highly likely to eventually attract law enforcement.

If you Grab, let me know what exactly your intention is, and roll Fighting (Brawl)

If you train your gun, no need for a roll, and I move on to Carlos' turn.  
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by DSIGFUSS »

ooc, Eddie’s intention was to move Carlos under control at gunpoint back into the room. It sounds like Carlos is too alert to be startled as he spotted Max so Eddie will not grab him. The grab would have come into play only if Carlos didn’t pay any mind to Eddie when he opens the motel door because his focus was on max sneaking up on him. Eddie would have grabbed him and stuck a gun in his back. Both to accomplish the same goal of getting Carlos back into the room with as little noise and resistance as possible.

Eddie swings opens the motel door, his gun trained on Carlos’s belly. A gut-shot… A slow and grinding death from Eddie’s experience. Eddie keeps things smooth, trying not to startle this deer suddenly caught in the headlights into action. He meets Carlos’ eye when he turns to see Eddie at the threshold of the motel room. Eddie suddenly misses his old Zoot suit and the respect it commanded with these gangster types.

Ah Ah Ah! No sudden moves ol’ buddy ol pal. We just wanna talk.
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by coffeedemon »

9:36 AM Saturday, June 29, 1937. Homewood Suites, Sacramento California.

Carlos raises his hands immediately. Eddie's pistol is pressed into his portly belly.

"Holy fucking shit, what is this?"
he hisses.

His eyes still aren't visible under the sunglasses, but you see a web of wrinkles from his eyes. He has a strong jaw. He's not super tall, but has a solid frame under the fat - like he could have played football when he was younger. He's at least forty, if not fifty.

By this time, Max has closed in and he addresses both of you as you lead him into the room.

"I didn't do nothing. I don't know who you guys are. Listen, I'm out of this game. I left this game a long time ago. I have a wife and kids. You got the wrong guy!

His features are dark - definitely Italian. And, try as he might to conceal it, he still retains a bit of that old Chicago accent that takes you both back to the days of tommy guns and gang wars...

OOC:   Eddie, roll Sleight of Hand to keep your gun concealed from any potential onlookers as you lead him into the room. Max, if you pull your gun, please do the same.

You can have him in the room now - he's in your control. We can leave initiative.  
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by Basketvector »

Max waddles in and shuts and locks the door behind him, then turns around with pistol drawn.
"Recognise this?" Max brandishes Nick Gucci's attractive nickel plated M1911 .45 pistol.

"''Course you do. This gun belonged to your good friend Nicholas Gucci." Max sings it.

Max chuckles "That's right shit for brains, it was me you were talking to on the blower. Don't worry. Your friend Nick ain't dead... at least not yet he ain't. You were right about one thing though, he's getting old. He wasn't smart like you, coming out to Cali to get away from those devils."

"Hey Eddie. Why don't you tie up Mr. California here?" Max throws him a length of rope.

"Ya, I imagine you seen this gun plenty of times in the old days eh? Back in Chicago? Say, 10 years ago I'm guessing by your waistline. Ran with Johnny Collins I bet, back when he was a two bit street thug, not the diva he is today. Probably got in all kinds of shit back then."

"Weird shit."

Max trains the gun on him.
"Didn't ya?"

Remember we bought rope at the hardware store, i put it on sheet
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by coffeedemon »

9:39 AM Saturday, June 29, 1937. Homewood Suites, Sacramento California.

Carlos allows you to tie him up. He sits on the corner of the bed, and looks you both up and down. The man's fear is overcome by his curiosity at the pair who he's facing: an incredibly obese man and an obviously unsettled drunk with a baseball bat hanging inside his pant leg... both looking sickly and wearing battered clothes...

"Yeah, I recognize Nick's piece. Jesus, it's been a while since I seen that. Yeah, I ran with Nick back in Chicago. Back when it was the Micks on one side an' the Wops on the other. Simpler days."

He smiles.

"It's not like that no more though, is it? Johnny Collins turned that around, didn't he, after that blowout at the Union Theatre. Fuckin' turned the scene upside-down, didn't he? Fuckin' mayor now... and he's got everyone working for him. Even Nick! The old gangs didn't matter no more. One man had all the money, all the power. Whaddaya gonna do?"

He shakes his head.

"I miss those days, but I also don't miss them, know what I mean? Things got weird with Johnny real quick. I got out. Glad I did, even though the money was good."

This is a guy who likes to talk. He looks surprisingly calm. Maybe all the talking is what's keeping him that way. Pretending you're friends so he can keep his head on straight.

"Now, I told you already... I don't know who you are, and I don't wanna know. I don't give a shit. I got a wife and kids. They know I came out here. I was just meetin' Nick to give him some pills to keep him goin' for his trip. He's headed overseas? Or was?

I got nothing in this game, he's an old friend, he called me up cuz he knows I have connections, he just wanted some fuckin' pills. You can have 'em. They're in the car. I don't give a shit. Nick can fuck himself. It's Benzedrine*. You know what that is? Keeps you sharp. I don't use 'em, I just know a guy is all.

I'm just sayin' - I don't know who the fuck you two are, but I got nothin' to do with this. Don't mess me up - that's just gonna make more of a mess for you for no reason. That's not a threat! I'm just sayin'. The less pieces you give the cops to follow, the better off you are. You know what I mean? Trust me, I have some experience with this shit.

But I don't do that shit any more, though. I keep clean. I have a little girl, and a boy. Five and seven. Real sweeties. I love the shit out of them, you know what I mean? Good kids."

OOC:   Both of you roll Psychology.

Dan, it doesn't make a plot difference if Carlos sees the bat in your pants, so I just made the call that he sees it. I just wanna say that it won't be a default that you can wander around with a bat in your pants without people noticing. Have you cut down the bat to make it smaller? Or is it full sized?

*Benzedrine were the first generation of amphetamines, which are available over the counter for a variety of conditions. FYI, I was personally perscribed them for ADHD. Wink wink.  
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by DSIGFUSS »

ooc, see link below

https://www.steinersports.com/coopersto ... 3730777143

It's full size and a bit awkward. The one Babe Ruth used looks like a toothpick compared to the bats the heavy hitter use these days. A conceal roll makes sense though for sure but its not as big as you think.

Eddie's face goes white and vacant when he mentions the theatre.

The Theatre.... Were you there.. Did you see it?

Eddie doesn't give Carlos a chance to answere and quickly snaps out of his reverie.

So Nick's a popper eh?

Eddie grabs the pills from Carlos.


He reads the bottle squinting as he makes out the letters or lack there of. He can't read squat in this lighting. Eddie puts them into his jacket pocket.

You can't trust a guy on Pills Fats! Turns em in to a fucking asshole.

ooc, Psychology Roll - 16 - Fail

Eddie feels true compassion for the ex-gangster turned family man. He missed his kids. That's all behind him now.

You don't gotta worry bout us if your straight Carlos. You just tell us what you know and we'll be on our way. Maybe even give yah a few bucks for that car of yours we're about to lift and I apologize most sincerely for that one ol' Carlos old buddy old pal... Specially if we gotta take you with us to keep yah from calling the coppers. But we ain't gonna harm a hair of that head of yours if yah give us the skinny Carlos? if'n yah sing real sweet Carlos right Fats? Maybe the Fatman can drive while me and you tie on a few knots in the back seat eh Carlos? Nothin' Fruity Carlos!! Just a couple ex- Guinni's sluggin' back a few while their Mick driver keeps us rolling on down the road eh Carlos?.

Eddie was getting very uncomfortable with the number of times he was saying Carlos but just couldn't help himself.


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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by Basketvector »

Max nods and smiles at Eddie's antics. You can always trust Eddie to lighten the mood.
Max is sitting on the edge of the bed. He struggles a bit to stand up.
"So ya got kids, do ya Carlo? Five and seven.. Ya, those are fun ages."

Max cranks him in the head with the butt of his pistol.
1d4+1d6 rolled 5

"Them monsters were coming into our world. That cross. It called to them."

"The cross!" Max remembers.
He rifles though his case and finds one of his sketches. He shoves it into Carlo's face.
"You seen this cross? Where'd Johnny get it? How's it work?"

Max holds up Nick's gun like it's a microphone.

"I'm getting real sick of people telling me I'm crazy, Carlo. Now, what were you doing at the Union Theater that night?"

Intimidate 30% rolled 36
psychology 05% rolled 98
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Cam, Max should use some luck to pass his Intimidate roll. Same as Eddie with the Psychology roll so he can level up in the skill.

At the sudden violence and the mention of the cross. Eddie takes a a couple steps back until he's pressed back against the motel room wall. Max had never spoken with him about the cross and the truth of the thing was squeezing into his minds eye like a block of cheese through a mail slot.

His kind demeanor was slipping away and Eddie found his hand squeezing the taped end of his Louisville Slugger, his knuckles whitened with the strain.
His eyes grew dark as he squinted, his happy go lucky Cicotte smile slowing twisted into a toothy snarl. That night at the church changed everything. The light was always on his mind. Shoeless Joe could take him out of the light for a while with his charm... Joe liked to drink so Eddie would be distracted. Happy... Complacent.. But Eddie always ended up on the floor of that fucking church holding his best friend in his arms and trying to light a blood soaked cigarette. That light soaking his very soul with a strange calmness Eddie could only compare that feeling to what he thought space might feel like. Out in the black surrounded by light.

Eddie speaks softly to himself. to Shoeless Joe Jackson.

Not now Joe.... You were always a pussy!

Eddie takes one step closer as Max begins his interrogation.

Shoeless Joe had left the field. Eddie Cicotte, liar... cheater.... gangster was back in business.

I don't need a drink right now.

ooc, is Carlos wearing a suit?
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by coffeedemon »

OOC:   I don't think Cam needed to roll an Intimidation roll, you have him where you want him. I hope to post later today. Yeah, Carlos is wearing a light and baggy California-style suit.  
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by coffeedemon »

9:45 AM Saturday, June 29, 1937. Homewood Suites, Sacramento California.
OOC:   Eddie spent 11 Luck to succeed at Psychology.  
Eddie sees it in Carlos' eyes - he's been telling the truth, he's out of the game and not involved in whatever is happening at the moment. He's talking easily and freely. But something is off... something in the way he looked at your two when you first pulled him in. There was some recognition. Maybe he's heard your description, maybe something more.

Eddie: "The Theatre.... Were you there.. Did you see it?"

"Yeah, I saw it! Well, not the first explosion or whatever it was. But I was there soon after. Damned near burnt down the whole city! The Great Fire and all that! Johnny Collins bought that site after the fire, didja know that? Fuckin' cracker."

Eddie notices Carlos' tone change here. Now he's lying. Or there's more to it. He's bringing up Johnny to distract from something more.

Max: "You seen this cross? Where'd Johnny get it? How's it work?"

Carlos lets out a short shriek when Max hits him. A rivulet of blood flows down the back of his neck, under the collar.

"No, I never seen nothin' like that."

He looks away. Eddie knows he's lying. He's starting to break. There is a deep fear underneath all the bravado. Was it the violence? The cross? Something more?

Max: "I'm getting real sick of people telling me I'm crazy, Carlo. Now, what were you doing at the Union Theater that night?"

"Come on, I wasn't there. Please."

He's begging now, contradicting himself. His skin goes pale, he looks like he's going to be sick.

"Please, please don't kill me. I didn't do nothing, I wasn't part of it. I worked for Matricardi and Rockaforte* - the Maquette Park gang. You, know? We was good Italian boys."

"I...I... I don't want to think about that night."

He looks you in your eyes, now pleading. All the fear is there. Fear, and terror.

"Don't make me tell you. I don't want to remember."

Eddie gets it now. He knows who you two are. Whether it's from back in the day, or from more recent descriptions - he knows who he's dealing with and he doesn't want you to know that.

A breeze blows the curtains in the motel room. A single drop of water drips into the sink in the bathroom. It's a bright, hot day out there. The blessed sun, holding back the darkness, the night... a pulsing blackness between the stars...

It occurs to you both that you've not looked up at the night sky since you've woken up in the asylum. Your brains have shut off the possibility of such an action.

OOC:   * Matricardi and Rockaforte were the two old men who ran the gang opposed to Johnny Collins in King of Chicago I. All the other PCs were part of the Maqeuette Park gang, which was Italian.

Also, you have no memory whatsoever of this guy in the Union Theatre. He doesn't look or sound familiar, even though he's talking about you like he's heard of you now.  
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Re: [IC: Chapter 2: Bruised Knuckles in San Francisco]

Post by Basketvector »

"Eddie, I'm thinking maybe you're right about that road trip. Once we're out in the desert maybe Mr. California here might feel a bit more like talking."
OOC:   I'll give Eddie a chance to do something more. Otherwise Max will suggest we use a coat to hide the fact that Carlo has his hands tied, and we'll get him to sit in the passenger seat. Max suggests that Eddie drives and he's sit in the back.  
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