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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 9:32 am
by HoneyDog
John rubs his eyes.

"Any luck, Mr. Kimball?" he asks.

Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2019 8:28 am
by Leonulf
Time: 11:12 AM

The three of you spend far longer than intended than searching for the book before you hear a sigh from Thomas.
"Apparently Gladys' believes this to be a childrens book, it was next to a childrens edition of Hanzel and Gretyl.".

He walks over to you both hand outstretched, "Well you better take it, you know what your looking for - I hope.".

Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2019 8:37 am
by HoneyDog
John breathes a sigh of relief.

"I thought we'd be here all day" he complains. "Show us what we're up against, Harrison" he continues, indicating the book.

Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2019 9:08 am
by jp1885

“If only this were a fairy tale, eh?”

Harrison takes the book and searches for any references to Ghouls, or at least graveyard dwellers.

Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 7:54 pm
by Leonulf
Time: 11:15 AM

Your able to find a section about ghouls in the book, there is a crude but to your recollection an accurate drawing of one. The book describes them as fowl smelling beasts that have violent tendencies, it recommends leaving them alone if you encounter them or brining heavy arms. On the page over, there is also a more detailed drawing of the hoove prints they leave as well as claw marks.

Thomas is starting look impatient "So is there something here you want to show me? What's going on and what has any of this got to do with that fool Melodias?". He takes out a pocket watch to exam the time and expells a huff.

Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 8:48 pm
by jp1885

Harrison holds up the book, tapping a finger on the illustration.

"This is what we're dealing with okay? Terrifying, bestial things in the main. My guess is Melodias has seen them too - your uncle certainly has. So I'm going to ask you ne more time - will you let this go?"
Persuade 10%,[dice]0[/dice]
He watches Kimball's expression and sighs.

"Well, it's your funeral..."

Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 2:45 am
by HoneyDog
“It was running from these creatures when I stumbled and fell” says John, looking at Kimball. “They are very real, and very dangerous. But I don’t think you’ll believe us until you see for yourself, which I can’t say I blame you for. I’m willing to accompany you back to the graveyard tonight, suitably armed. Hopefully we will see your Uncle as he seems to appear before the others, and then we leave immediately. Then I will be leaving this town on the first train. If you don’t want to go, I will leave this afternoon. Is it agreeable to you?”

Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2019 9:11 am
by Leonulf
Time: 11:17 AM

Hearing Harrison attempt to dissuade him Thomas shakes his head "So from some kind of religious group to fairytales about monsters. I am starting to regret hiring you people.".
He looks like hes about to lose his temper but looks down at John's injury while he explains himself.

"Hmmm I still don't like it but that leg of yours is evidence of something I suppose. I don't like where this is headed but it's hard for me to let this go when, pardon the pun John, it seems like your pulling my leg. But something is certainly strange about all this. I want to rule a line under it all - but I do need evidence. Do either of you have any firearms? Or know how to use them? If these things are real, and are dangerous then we had better be prepared. Melodias could corroborate your story as an alternative I suppose but I feel he may be unreliable.".

Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2019 10:52 am
by jp1885

Harrison sighs heavily, well aware of how crazy his story sounds.

“I have a pistol, but let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. If things go south, our best bet is to run.”

Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2019 12:15 pm
by HoneyDog
“What possible reason would we have for making up a story like this?” John frowns. “I think talking to Melodias might help convince you. In answer to your question, I was in France with the 82nd Division, so I’m quite familiar with firearms. But unless you have any, I’ll have to visit a gunshop. Hopefully the laws are permissive in this state.”

Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2019 10:36 am
by Leonulf
Time: 11:19 AM
"Well that will do you sound like you can handle yourself, you can't fire within the town itself, I live on the outskirts but if we are sensible it shouldn't be a problem. Also - you can not openly carry around the town either, just down the road from here there is a gun shop, if you want to buy something just don't wave it around in town."

Time: 11:26 AM
Seeing no objections Thomas leads the way out of the library and a short while later you arrive at a small fronted ship with an ornate sign saying "Hannigan's", but there is little to identify it as a gunshop. A small bell rings above the door and a middle aged man looks up from the counter, as he spots Thomas a surprised sound of "Hah" leaves his mouth before adjusting his glasses and standing up straight. The walls are full of racks with rifles, and his glass counter contains numerous hand guns. Over his head he has a collection of antique flintlock pistols.

"A fine morning to you Gentlemen, did not expect to ever see the younger Kimball walk through these doors. Chasing some rabbits are ye? Haha. Well however can I help you then?" despite a gruff appearance Hannigan is a very jolly fellow and a beaming grin is now directly aimed at you all.

OOC,I thought you would just want to move on to the gun shop so didn't wait for a reply to Thomas. This is an entirely typical gunshop, any normal 1920s firearms are available here, you can try a hard luck roll if you want something rare which he may have in his private collection, or a normal success history roll will allow you to convince him to part ways with the flint locks should they take your fancy

Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2019 3:00 pm
by HoneyDog
"Hello Sir" says John. "I'd like a Colt 1911 if you have one. A box of ammo and a couple of spare clips. A cleaning kit too."

Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2019 5:34 pm
by jp1885

Harrison smiles ruefully and pats his pocket.

"Ah, I'll pass if it's all the same. I already have a trusty pea-shooter but I don't intend to go hunting with it any time soon. Like I said to you fellas: if things go south I intend to run like all get out."

Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2019 8:31 am
by Leonulf
Time: 11:28 AM
Hannigan's grin widens "Of course sir, the colt includes a box of ammo at $40, I can throw in the spare clips and cleaning kit to make it $45 - you won't find a better price!"

Thomas looks at Harrison [/b] "After your friend finishes this exchange, I take it we are headed to Melodias first?"

Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2019 11:20 am
by jp1885

“Sure; if anyone else has experience of these creatures, it’ll be him.”

Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2019 1:46 pm
by HoneyDog
John completes his purchase.

"Shall we go?"

Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2019 8:38 am
by Leonulf
Time: 12:37 AM

Having prepared yourself you arrive at the cemetary, this time with Thomas in tow and via the main gates off the street rather than the track from his house. The air is still and quiet and the place seems peaceful as it should, much unlike the events of the previous night. Melodias can be seen ahead rake in hand as he seems to be tidiying up the pathways. Hearing your the footsteps from your group he turns around and looks up, a familiar look of annoyance appears across his face as he lets out a sigh.

"Oh it looks your on just as good terms with him as everyone else then..." Thomas mutters.

Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2019 12:19 pm
by jp1885

"Oh we seem to have the knack..." Harrison shrugs.

He turns to Melodias and smiles awkwardly.

"Thomas here would like to find out... well, what exactly happens here during the night. See, we reckon you know something about that."

Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2019 3:15 pm
by HoneyDog
"We were here last night, Melodius" John adds, gently, but with a serious tone in his voice. "We saw".

Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2019 8:22 am
by Leonulf
Time: 12:39 PM

Melodias puts his tools down "You saw? And what do you think you saw, always bothering honest men at work are you?", like last time you saw him he instinctly clutches the outline of an object in his top pocket but quickly checks himself and moves his hand away.

Thomas looking as inpatient as Melodias quickly answers "Pretty sure everyone in town knows your a drunk Melodias. Only reason your still here is because no one else wants the job, and I am starting to guess the nonsense these two have been spouting has something to do with it.".

Melodias slaps his hand on the back of his head and fidgets for a moment before blazely remove a small hip flask from his pocket and taking a swig "Don't judge too harshly lad, if you saw what I saw maybe you would hazard a trip to the bootleggers yourself? So what 'nonsense' have you two been spouting then, out with it?". He looks at John and Harrison with a concerned expression.