[IC]Prologue 0.1: The Beginning - Lima, March 1921

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Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Post by Raiko »

Hotel Maury - Lima, Peru

The walk back to the Maury is uneventful and Atauchi is relieved that nobody seems to be trailing the group as they make their way to the hotel.
OOC:   No tick this time for Atauchim, sorry.  
Although he's not staying there himself, Augustus Larkin cannot be faulted for the hotel that he selected for his expedition members; located in the centre of the city the Hotel Maury is one of the finest hotels in Lima. As well as dozens of well-furnished rooms, the hotel offers a well-appointed banquet room and an extravagantly stocked bar, famous for its Pisco Sours (a cocktail created by American bartender Victor Vaughn Morris).
Grand Hotel Maury, Lima
Grand Hotel Maury, Lima
After an good night's sleep the investigators are met in the banquet hall for breakfast by Jackson Elias, over the course of a leisurely breakfast Jackson talks about his past and, without seeming too pushy, learns as much about the investigators as they are prepared to reveal. Apparently he has already written six books on the subject of death cults, both discussions of historic cults and exposés of the activities of modern day cults. The modern day investigations have often involved Jackson putting his own life on the line to get close to or inside of the cult. Despite his research, Elias remains a sceptic, claiming that he has never found any evidence of supernatural powers, magic or dark gods, just leaders who manipulate the fears and insecurities of their followers.

After everyone has finished their breakfast Jackson takes them all to meet Professor Sánchez at the University.

Museo de Arqueología y Antropología, University of San Marcos - Lima, Peru
11:00am - Saturday 19th March, 1921
University of San Marcos
University of San Marcos
Jackson explains that the University of San Marcos is the oldest university in the Americas, established in 1551, although the Museo de Arqueología y Antropologí (Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology) is a much more recent addition to the campus, only opening in 1919. It is housed in a long, two-story stone building painted dark yellow, fronted by the University Park.
Museo de Arqueología y Antropología
Museo de Arqueología y Antropología
Professor Sánchez's office is located on the museum's ground floor; it is an airy, tall-ceilinged room with white walls and shelves full of books and artefacts, the windows have been left wide open which keeps the room airy despite the summer heat. The office is dominated by the professor's large hardwood desk which is piled high with papers, books, and journals.

When the investigators follow Jackson into his office, it is obvious that Professor Sánchez is not expecting any visitors other than Elias, none the less he is happy to talk to everyone. Although Sánchez's English is not perfect, it is understandable to everyone.

"So you are all new recruits of Augutus Larkin and his huaqueros?"

"These people were recruited by Larkin, yes," replies Elias, "but I have warned them of my suspicions about Larkin. Obviously they are sceptical about my story for the time being, but they would like to see the information that you have, and to hear about your own dealings with Augustus Larkin Professor."

The professor gives a solemn nod, "Trinidad has been working through most of the night to complete her translation of the document that we located written by the conquistador Gaspar Figueroa. She has almost finished and at this moment is in the museum basement collecting an artefact that she says is related to the both notes and to the pyramid.

"She will return momentarily. In the meantime, perhaps you would all like a coffee? And I will try to answer any of your questions?"

OOC for Atauchim,[ooc]Huaqueros is a Quechua word that translates as “grave robbers.”[/ooc]
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Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Good morning, Professor Sánchez," says Amy with a smile. "Thank you, coffee would be swell. I'm Amy Lawrence, an history student from New York, but I'm also studying archaeology and anthropology. What can you tell us about Augustus Larkin?"
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Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Post by Zero »

Atauchi stood by as the introductions were made by Jackson, and merely nodded as the professor's eyes fell upon him. He had very little interest in these academic sorts, but he was curious to hear what he had to say about Larkin and his activities in the region. When the man uttered a word in his native tongue, he felt it necessary to relate its meaning to the others given the negative connotation it held for their potential employer and his associates.

"He say people who work for Larkin, ladrones de tumbas, err.. apology..." he said, paused for a long moment, then continued, "Grave robbers."
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Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Post by Silver Priest »

Marcus finds himself liking Jackson. The man had lived an interesting life, and seemed willing to take risks to achieve his goals. Perhaps he'd check his works out once he was back home.

At the university he remains quiet, content to listen and fade into the background. He would accept a cup of coffee, however. He viewed it as his reward for putting up with the heat.
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Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Post by Raiko »

"Yes Larkin, five times I try to contact him to join his expedition, five times! Nothing!," Professor Sánchez bangs his hand on the desk in frustration.

"I read about Augustus Larkin and his pyramid in the newspapers and so I write to him all of these times offering the assistance of the museum and all of its staff, I even try to visit him at his hotel, but nothing. Nothing at all! And then I meet with Jackson Elias and he explains to me about Larkin's connections to what is maybe a cult of murder and a band of criminals and then it all makes sense to me.

"Huaqueros! Yes grave robbers! They do not want to be joined by a learned professor of the finest museum in all of South America, no they wish only to gather all of the treasures from this national monument and secrete them away to fund for all of their criminal dealings.

"But my assistant, she has been working very hard on her summary of the Final Confessions of the Conquistador Gasper Figueroa. With her notes we can locate the pyramid for ourselves and arrive there before Larkin can return."

The professor stops his tirade while he pours cups of strong coffee for all his guests. Slim and dapper in well-cut linen suit, neatly oiled black hair and a well-groomed beard, Sánchez's eyes still burn with anger behind his glasses. "What is taking that girl so long? I told her to be ready for eleven o'clock promptly."

Taking a sip of his coffee, "Still she will not be long I expect. Where was I?

"Ah yes, it is most important that we pin point the precise location of this pyramid and reach it before the expedition of August Larkin. Always archaeologists will take away some of the treasures to their own county, but always some must stay for their local museums. These artefacts must not be stolen away by criminals!"
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Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Post by Mr. Handy »


"That's a good idea," says Amy. "We've got a headstart, and the notes should help us find it first. Could Larkin know about the document? We need to make sure he doesn't get his hands on it."
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Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Post by Zero »

Atauchi accepted the piping hot mug from the professor and listened to the man expound on the history between himself and Larkin. Their prospective employer had recruited skilled individuals from a variety of fields, but refused to even give one of the foremost experts on the subject matter the courtesy of a reply. Most unusual. When Sanchez mentioned that his assistant was overdue, he became uneasy about the situation. Had someone learned of the task she had been assigned and intercepted the woman en route? If she didn't turn up in another ten minutes or so, the tracker would voice his concerns to the group.

He turned his gaze toward Amy and queried, "Are you suggest we go without Larkin?"
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Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Post by Mr. Handy »


"It was Professor Sánchez's idea," says Amy, "but yes. We form our own expedition and get there first."
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Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Post by Raiko »

"Yes, yes, this is what we must do," says Professor Sánchez enthusiastically, "Under no circumstances must you join Larkin's expedition. What do you expect will become of you or the artefacts if you travel with the cult of murder?"
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Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Post by Silver Priest »

Marcus also has a bad feeling.

"Your assistant," he asks the professor, "Is she the type to run late? Or is she usually prompt? Did anyone else know that she was working on the notes?"
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Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Post by Raiko »

The professor looks suddenly worried, "Trinidad Rizo is my very best student, and always very punctual. I thought that only myself and Jackson knew what she was working on, but it is a possibility that we have been watched. The university is open to all."

"Do you think Trinidad is in danger?"
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Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Post by Zero »

The primary reason Atauchi had come to Peru in the first place was the offer of wealth Larkin had made to him. The tribal man had accumulated little in the way of money or assets, and the opportunity to elevate his social standing was one he could not refuse. However, in hindsight, perhaps the proposition had been too good to be true. All that said, an expedition could not proceed without funding, and Larkin had the wealth to make it happen.

"Larkin have resources we need." he commented on the plan.

Once again, the Quechuan man heard his thoughts spoken aloud by another. A strange coincidence, perhaps, but worth monitoring.

"Where your assistant working?" he asked the professor, ready to move on the woman's location should the others decide to.
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Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Yes, we must go make sure she's all right, and quickly!" says Amy. "I was a bit worried. That's why I was wondering if Larkin knew about the document."
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Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Post by Raiko »

Pointing back the way the investigators arrived, Sánchez says, "Of course, the nearest stairs down to the basement are at the building entrance.

"The storage room is at the end of the corridor."
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Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Post by Silver Priest »

Marcus takes off, following the professor's instructions.

Hopefully they were not too late.
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Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Post by Mr. Handy »


Amy hurries after Marcus, knowing that she might be able to help Trinidad if she's hurt, but she has a sinking feeling that it may already be too late.
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Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Post by Zero »

Atauchi nodded in understanding and proceeded out into the hallway on the heels of the others. He placed a hand on the handle of his survival knife to ensure that he could draw it at a moment's notice. He didn't know what to expect, but he desired to be prepared for the worst.
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Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Post by Raiko »

At the bottom of the stairs a long basement corridor lead to the storeroom. It is poorly lit by two humming electrical lights. At the far end, the door to the museum's cavernous storeroom stands ajar.
OOC,[ooc]Once someone has made the group luck roll that I need, then anyone walking into the storeroom can make a listen roll as well.[/ooc]
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Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Post by Silver Priest »

Group Luck 40%,[dice]0[/dice]
Listen 50%,[dice]1[/dice]
Marcus makes his way forward quickly, keeping an ear out for any signs of trouble.
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Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Post by Raiko »

Jackson Elias brings up the rear as Marcus, Atauchi and Amy make their way along the dimly lit corridor.

Stepping through the doorway Marcus sees that the storage room is huge, filled with evenly spaced rows of floor-to-ceiling shelves. Most of the shelves are packed with crates, boxes, and bags containing a huge variety of artifacts of historical interest. The shelves and containers are all neatly labeled, and everything is clean and well kept. Between the dim electric lighting and the packed shelves, it is difficult to see very far in the storeroom, but Marcus hears the faint sound of footsteps over to the left. It sounds like the footsteps are coming from the far corner of the room.

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