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Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 11:31 pm
by Raiko
OOC - Marcus,In your opinion, as a Great War veteran, he's a goner. Rules wise, he's dead - 0 HP, Major wound, failed CON roll. I'd actually allow a hard first-aid roll to CPR him back to "dying", but you'd still need to stabilise his condition before he died again, and then get him to someone nearby who's a real doctor (nearest hospital is back in Lima). Sánchez has more or less disembowelled him, and he's also full of caustic goo from the parasite which wants to do the same thing to one of you guys now. :shock: So you'd say he's a goner. :mrgreen:

Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 11:56 pm
by Raiko
Previously Atauchi said:   No señor, not much money, but have tribal made bow and knife for protection.  
Jackson nods, "That sounds like it would do the trick just as well."
Previously Cynthia said:   Way ahead of you... I suggest that we sleep at least two to a room tonight. Barricade the doors with whatever we can find and put something noisy around the windows in case anyone tries to break in that way. Do not disturb signs on the doors too, oh, and we need to come up with some kind of secret knock so that we know it's us."  
"You are probably right Cynthia, better safe than sorry."

Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 12:36 am
by HelplessBystander
John remains in his hotel room, trying to comfort Jackson.
OOC: was a really hectic week, wasn't sure when I would've gotten time to post.  

Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 1:52 am
by Mr. Handy

"I don't have a gun," says Amy. "I've never even fired one in my life. I am a fast learner, if anyone has a spare to lend me. I couldn't even imagine shooting a fellow human being, but de Mendoza isn't one, so I wouldn't have a problem there. A secret about Shave and a Haircut?"

Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 2:01 am
by Raiko
"I have a spare handgun you can borrow Amy", says Jackson, "I hope though that you'll not need to use it."

Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 2:15 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, Jackson," says Amy. "I hope so too."

Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 2:33 am
by Zero
With the addition of many more sets of eyes and ears, Atauchi relaxed slightly, reclined into an armchair and lit his own pipe. The aromatic wisps of smoke drifted slowly towards the open window on an otherwise invisible air current. He suspected that many if not every other member of the expedition party had brought along personal equipment necessary to accomplish their assigned role, but Larkin declared that he would finance everything else.

"Jackson, we need vehicles and supplies when reaching Puno. Larkin was going to pay, who pay now?" he asked.

Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 4:37 am
by Silver Priest
OOC:   Not sure if Marcus can attack yet, but posting here just in case  
Aiming his firearm, Marcus shoots at the... thing.
handgun 75%,[dice]0[/dice] Possible damage, [dice]1[/dice]

Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 7:41 am
by Anatomist
Raiko wrote:
Sánchez,The parasite missed, and Sánchez has a much higher DEX than the other two. So you can take your own action, before the others can do anything other than shooting a readied gun. Beware that making a melee attack may give the parasite another chance to get onto you.
Dr. Sánchez tries to stab the thing again.
botch Brawl 30%,[dice]0[/dice]
OOC:   :shock:  

Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 8:58 am
by kabukiman
Dex: 35%

Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 9:06 am
by Raiko
OOC,[ooc][quote="kabukiman"]Dex: 35% [dice]212338:0[/dice][/quote] Hopefully this will mean that you manage to shoot the thing before Dr. Sánchez's fumble. :shock:[/ooc]

Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 10:56 am
by Raiko
The floor is now slick with the dead man's blood, and Dr. Sánchez's foot slips as he tries to stab the horrifying parasite. He sprawls face first onto the floor and his pocket knife clatters across the room.
Fight-back Attack roll for the parasite,[ooc]If Michael hasn't already killed it, then this is the parasite's defence against Sánchez's attack: Parasite - Fighting(brawl) - Grab / slither: [dice]0[/dice][/ooc]

Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 10:58 am
by Raiko
The parasite still hasn't managed to latch onto Dr. Sánchez, he can see the dead man's revolver on the floor within reach.

Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 2:11 pm
by jp1885
"Shave and a haircut - heh, sound good." Cynthia raps it out on a table - rat-tatatat-tat - while the others discuss logistics.
"I don't know how we're gonna pay for our expedition, but didn't you say you had friends near Puno Jackson? Hey Amy, I can at least show you how to load, aim, do the safety catch and such. Save firing off practice rounds in your hotel room, that'll have to do."

Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 3:21 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thanks, I'd like that," says Amy. "I can wait to practice until we're in the middle of nowhere. As for funding, couldn't Dr. Sánchez arrange some from the University? He was planning his own expedition anyway."

Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 4:45 pm
by jp1885
Mr. Handy wrote:"Thanks, I'd like that," says Amy. "I can wait to practice until we're in the middle of nowhere. As for funding, couldn't Dr. Sánchez arrange some from the University? He was planning his own expedition anyway."
Cynthia nods. "Good point Amy. I've been angling to get myself on a university expedition for ages."
She turns to Jackson. "How much do you know about the country around Puno? Is there any research we can do while we're waiting for Dr. Sanchez and the guys? Without exposing ourselves to death cults of course."

Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 5:03 pm
by Raiko
Chávez Brothers' Haulage - Chorrillos, Peru
6:55pm - Saturday 19th March, 1921

After taking a careful aim with his revolver, Anderson fires a shot at the parasite...
Firearms(Handgun): 60% (Aimed Shot),[b][u]Aimed shot: Firearms 60%:[/u][/b][dice]0[/dice] [b][u]Bonus die (60%):[/u][/b][dice]1[/dice]
...and narrowly misses, as the parasite continues going for Dr. Sánchez.
Parasite(grab) vs prone target,Fighting(grab):[dice]2[/dice] Bonus die:[dice]3[/dice]

Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 5:25 pm
by Raiko
OOC,[ooc][b]Anatomist: [/b]The parasite has a normal success, so Dr. Sánchez needed to get a normal success on a dodge roll to avoid the parasite wrapping around his wrist. If you avoid it, you're no longer prone if you wish. [b]If you fail[/b], then please wait before taking your next action. :o If your dodge is successful, then it's your action. Your knife is now hard to reach. The revolver can be grabbed (or your own gun drawn) and you'll actually go first next round with a readied firearm, so you'd get to shoot as well.[/ooc]

Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 3:11 am
by Raiko
John's Room - Hotel Maury

"Yes, I have a friend in Puno," says Jackson.
"Her name is Nayra and she is a yatiri, that's a kind of wise woman and healer. She has lived in the hills above Puno for many years and she helped me a lot when I was seeking I information about the kharisiri earlier in the year.

"Of course, at the time I dismissed most of what she said at the time as superstition, but now...?"

Re: [IC]Prologue - Peru, March 1921

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 3:46 am
by Mr. Handy

"She's the one to talk to, then," says Amy. "Maybe she'll know how to kill one for good."