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Re: 1 Genius Loci: Strange Letter

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 1:58 am
by HoneyDog
Joseph stands.

“I’ll get going then. Perhaps one of you would like to come with me, if not, I'll see you at Kirby.”

Re: 1 Genius Loci: Strange Letter

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 3:50 am
by Mr. Handy

"Good luck," says Carl, shaking his hand.

Re: 1 Genius Loci: Strange Letter

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 4:09 am
by Umbral Dragon
As a Freelance, you show your pass and meet with the secretary who is expecting you. She shows you to the archive, which is downstairs and in a locked room. She hands you the key and wishes you good luck.

Re: 1 Genius Loci: Strange Letter

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 4:15 am
by HoneyDog
Joseph Adler

Joseph unlocks the door and turns on the light switch. Looking at the filing cabinets, he sighs. But he takes off his coat and gets to work.
Library Use,Library Use 25: [url=]Library Use[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]13[/b]

Re: 1 Genius Loci: Strange Letter

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 5:00 am
by Umbral Dragon
Nailed it!

Newspaper articles report that the asylum is overcrowded
and is a residence of last resort for many unstable, indigent
citizens of houston and surrounding areas.

A dark reputation cloaked the asylum soon after its
construction, with a high number of accidents and patient
fatalities. No official, conclusive investigation is on record
related to these troubled early years.

Warren A. Herrick, M.D., original superintendent at
Kirby, died on the job after falling down a flight of
asylum stairs in 1890. Dr. William Shine was appointed
new superintendent that same year. Soon after Shine’s
appointment, asylum mishaps and fatalities drop

Article Reads:
Workmen at Kirby State Lunatic Asylum broke ground today for the establishment of a small amphitheatre to be enjoyed by the patients. Residents will enjoy quiet conversation space, poetry readings and musical performances in the idyllic outdoor setting next to the asylum's reservoir. "A beautiful place where water and earth meet," says superintendent Dr. James Berger.
Asylum resident and chief laborer, Andrew McBride, added that his team had some difficulty breaking up and removing a large granite disk, bearing an artistic design, set into the hillside where the amphitheatre is to be built.
The Asylum's previous superintendent, Dr. William Shine, had the disk placed on the side of Hawthorne Hill. Dr. Shine, a world traveler, is said to have believed that the granite disk was a symbol of good luck for the asylum.
Local residents question the expense of building an amphitheatre, explaining, "It is important to remember that we must look to the betterment of all our citizens, especially those deemed too delicate or damaged to be a part of the ebb and flow of the greater world."
Alongside the article is a photograph of laborers kneeling by the water’s
edge, holding fragments of a large stone disk. The fragments
suggest a symbol of a flame bounded by the outlines of a star.

Re: 1 Genius Loci: Strange Letter

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 5:02 am
by Umbral Dragon
Joseph begins to get the feeling of being watched and a slight cold draft wisps by making the hairs on his forearms stand up and give him the goose bumps.
The feeling quickly fades away...

Re: 1 Genius Loci: Strange Letter

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 5:36 am
by HoneyDog
OOC,Is the article recent?
Joseph shivers, despite himself. He looks around the archive room but can’t see anything which could have produced such a feeling.

“Strange” he thinks. Taking the articles, and making sure he has enough film, he heads out to Kirby to join the others. When he meets them, he shows them what he found.

Re: 1 Genius Loci: Strange Letter

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 9:38 am
by jp1885

Coach reads the articles brought by Adler.

"Nice work. Well I can see where the spooky stories came from, but it seems like this Dr. Shine got a handle on the situation. I daresay that stone altar thing is the source of the supposed Indian legends."

He shrugs.

"There's nothing in what I've read to give me cause for concern though. I guess we go in and say hi..."

Re: 1 Genius Loci: Strange Letter

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 2:40 pm
by HoneyDog
Joseph Adler

"We can't all march in together. I'll take one of you as my assistant, perhaps Ranger Norris can bring the rest later?"

Re: 1 Genius Loci: Strange Letter

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 4:27 pm
by jp1885
HoneyDog wrote:Joseph Adler

"We can't all march in together. I'll take one of you as my assistant, perhaps Ranger Norris can bring the rest later?"
"Sure, I'll tag along with you if you want."

Re: 1 Genius Loci: Strange Letter

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 9:42 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Or I could go on my own," suggests Carl. "I could say I'm there to inspect the place because of the reports of accidents and patient deaths you found. There's been no investigation as far as we know, so it's about time there was one."

Re: 1 Genius Loci: Strange Letter

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 1:01 am
by Borderline
"Whatya think Chin, you and me pull the truck around as close as we can to the back, get the hardware ready and wait for one of them to let us in?" Turning to the ranger "If we don't hear anything after 45 minutes we're comin in hot so keep us updated."

Re: 1 Genius Loci: Strange Letter

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 1:11 am
by Borderline
Assuming Jimmy agrees,I pull the truck around the back and change into the generic worker shirt I wear for delivery jobs. In the back of the truck I remove a machine gun from under the floorboards and hook it up to the motorcycle sidecar, positioning the wooden ramps and the bike for quick removable from the back of the truck if necessary. Finally I transfer the contents of my briefcase into a wooden crate with a cloth overtop (1 sawed off shotgun and 2 grenades).

Re: 1 Genius Loci: Strange Letter

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 2:56 am
by HoneyDog
“Whoa, hold on a minute!” Joseph says, aghast at Solomon’s plan. “You can’t seriously be wanting to go in there waving guns around? After forty-five minutes? Either go with the ranger or wait here until we get back. If we’re not back by this evening and you haven’t heard anything, come in then.”
OOC:   What time is it now?  

Re: 1 Genius Loci: Strange Letter

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 5:49 am
by Zero
Jimmy admired his colleague's enthusiasm, but this wasn't the time to go in heaters lit. Not yet, anyway. The others were already working a promising angle courtesy of the newspaper man, Adler. Naturally, he and Bleeker would be bringing along some heavy hardware in case things went sour, but for the time being, patience was a better play.

"Slow down. We're gonna be packing, but this is a delicate operation. They need time to make it work." he said to Solomon.

He then took his fellow gangster aside and said privately, "Look, I need your help working a smuggling angle. That ain't gonna happen if we go in shootin', but play our cards right and we stand to make a lot of cabbage."

Re: 1 Genius Loci: Strange Letter

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 6:38 am
by Borderline
Privately to Chin-"You got it Chin, you just say when I can let loose. Worst case scenario maybe the owner signs over ownership at the end of a gun."
Ooc,I still make all the preparations mentioned above.