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Re: 3 Genius Loci: Research and Rumination

Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 11:15 pm
by Zero
Jimmy the Chin casually slid his water glass closer with his left hand and surreptitiously snagged the small scrap of folded paper with its opposite. He took a moment to ensure that no one in the room was paying too much attention to him, then gave the paper a glance.

Re: 3 Genius Loci: Research and Rumination

Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 4:23 am
by Umbral Dragon
In an unfamiliar scrawl, the note reads:
Roulet Table #3
signed: Betty
Kiss marks from her lipstick on the bottom of the note.

Bessie Smith sings this next song.

Re: 3 Genius Loci: Research and Rumination

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 5:48 am
by Zero
The gangster scrutinized the rather curious note for several moments, then tucked it into his suit lapel pocket. He wiped the napkin across his lips and casually arose from his seat. The handwriting was unfamiliar to Jimmy, and he was unable to recall any dames who went by the name of Betty. There was only one way to find out what the story was here. Roulette table three awaited. Maybe he'd get lucky.

"I'm gonna hit the tables, gents. Who else is with me?" he announced.

Re: 3 Genius Loci: Research and Rumination

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 3:01 am
by Mr. Handy

"I don't make enough to risk losing it at the tables," says Carl, "but I'll come along and watch."

Re: 3 Genius Loci: Research and Rumination

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 4:35 am
by Umbral Dragon
The Roulet table is just warming up. A young blonde sits at the 3rd 12 section of the table. She has a pile of chips in front of her and a smoldering cigarette on the end of a long black cigarette holder in her left hand compliments the Black Russian in her other hand. Smoke gives the air a misty look while liquors and beer waft across as the servers whisk by.

She puts $200 on black and $100 on 17, $50 on the outside. Others follow her lead.

After the dealer runs the Croupier's rake across the board making sure all bets are in the right spot, he yells, "Rien ne va plus!" and spins the little wheel...and releasing the ball.

A few times around, a few bounces and the ball falls on 17 black!

The crowd cheers, the blonde smiles. "Betsy is zee lucky star!" shouts the dealer as he rakes her winnings over to her. "That's it for tonight Pier," she says. The crowd at the table is clearly disappointed as she hands over her winnings to a runner...

Re: 3 Genius Loci: Research and Rumination

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 4:44 am
by Umbral Dragon
Next song on the playlist:

Re: 3 Genius Loci: Research and Rumination

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 6:40 pm
by jp1885
OOC:   Holiday wifi is working, yay!  
Coach sits back, enjoying the food and the music. He declines to visit the casino, having sworn to give up gambling years ago. Instead he orders another drink and keeps a discreet eye out for anything unusual.

Re: 3 Genius Loci: Research and Rumination

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 8:32 pm
by Umbral Dragon
jp1885 wrote:
OOC:   Holiday wifi is working, yay!  
Coach sits back, enjoying the food and the music. He declines to visit the casino, having sworn to give up gambling years ago. Instead he orders another drink and keeps a discreet eye out for anything unusual.
OOC: Here's an opportunity to rp your character's willpower against the old addiction of gambling. I leave it up to you. A simple Willpower roll to test your resolve or not...

Re: 3 Genius Loci: Research and Rumination

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 10:25 pm
by jp1885
POW 70%,[dice]0[/dice]
(OOC I'll be able to write properly when I get back from vacation :))

Re: 3 Genius Loci: Research and Rumination

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 2:56 am
by Umbral Dragon
Have fun!

Re: 3 Genius Loci: Research and Rumination

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 3:20 am
by Mr. Handy

"Congratulations, Betty," says Carl with a smile. "You are one lucky lady." He suspects, however, that luck has nothing to do with it.

Re: 3 Genius Loci: Research and Rumination

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 9:49 pm
by Umbral Dragon
"Well thank you sir," she says to Carl. "A Texas Ranger? Are you here to arrest someone? I admit, the prospect of violence excites me to no end, although I can't figure out why." She smiles and notices The Chin. "Excuse me Sheriff, but I have something to discuss with my friend, if you don't mind," she says as she makes her way through the crowd, arm wrapped around Chin's...

Re: 3 Genius Loci: Research and Rumination

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 8:03 pm
by jp1885

Despite the music and fine ambience, Coach had been silent throughout most of the meal. Ignoring the disapproving looks from the snootier waiters, he sat chewing his steak with his baseball cap wedged firmly onto his head whilst deep in thought.

His ham-fisted research had dredged up nothing they didn't already know and they were still no closer to springing their pal. He couldn't shake the feeling that someone was throwing them one helluva curve ball and all he could do was swing wildly. It was time to stop and watch where the next ball was coming from.

Seeing as the current focus seemed to be on McBride, he cast his mind back to the story about the lake and the strange stone slab. McBride didn't work on them on his own. Surely not all of his contractors ended up in the loony bin?

As he makes a mental note to ask around the local building companies, he is startled out of his thoughts by the mention of the casino.

His clenches his fists, knuckles whitening. Breathing deeply, he forces himself to remain seated as the others head over to the tables. He's already ruined one career thanks to the click-clack of the wheels and the thrill of the win; he isn't about to ruin another one.

Instead he orders another drink, fighting the urge to knock it back and keep 'em coming - he needs to stay in control while his compadres play the odds. Sipping almost demurely, he positions himself so that he can watch the others and the suspiciously classy dame they are talking to, as well as the wider room, to see who else is watching.
Spot Hidden if I may? 62% PASS,[dice]0[/dice]

Re: 3 Genius Loci: Research and Rumination

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2019 3:07 am
by Umbral Dragon
Excellent RP!
Coach spots the signs, a nod from one palooka in a suit, a swipe of the forehead from a second, and a wiping of the sleeve from a third as they make eye contact with each other. They focus on the blonde and The Chin.

Re: 3 Genius Loci: Research and Rumination

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2019 4:25 am
by Zero
From the corner of his eye, Jimmy the Chin glanced down at the arm which had been seized by his young acquaintance. The gangster then diverted his gaze towards the lawman and gave him a wry smile. His message was clear, even though he did not lend his voice to it. 'Tough luck, Ranger.' He once again shifted his glance, this time towards the woman and met her eyes with his own.

"You must be Betty. What's shakin', doll?." he said.
OOC:   Edit: Found out the Chin isn't familiar with Betty. Modified post to account for that.  

Re: 3 Genius Loci: Research and Rumination

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2019 8:56 am
by jp1885

Uh-huh, Coach thinks to himself, someone's pulling a scam here...

Noting the positioning of the three goons, he strolls over to Carl, as if joining him to watch one of the games. He leans in to whisper, pointing to the table as if discussing the best betting strategy.

"See those mooks watching dollface and our pal?"

He describes where they're stationed, trusting that the ranger is experienced enough not to make it obvious that they've spotted the goons.

"I've seen more subtle signalling at the plate in a little league practice session..."

Re: 3 Genius Loci: Research and Rumination

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 3:00 am
by Mr. Handy

Carl nods. "I see 'em," he says. "If they make a move, we'll need to make one of our own. I'm thinking more football than baseball, but sports is sports."

Re: 3 Genius Loci: Research and Rumination

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 11:19 am
by jp1885

Coach nods.

"Been a while since I was in a rumble, but I should be good for it."

Re: 3 Genius Loci: Research and Rumination

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2019 6:35 am
by Umbral Dragon
Betty says, "You must be Jimmy. I've heard a little bit about you from some friends in Chicago. Glad to make your acquaintance. Seems I put you at a disadvantage since I know you, but you don't know me. I run the "Chicken Ranch." It's about a 30 minute drive North from here. We provide quality escort services to men of "high standards". By the by, I also run the backside of things here, like the Casino and provide our "special " customers with hard to find items. Your friends on the outside got in touch with me saying you made a little visit to the doctor and you might be able to fill a few prescriptions for me. Can we talk later," she winks at Jimmy and gestures subtly to look around. He can see three "enforcer" types moving in as Betty disappears through the crowd. Coach and Carl are not far behind.

Re: 3 Genius Loci: Research and Rumination

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2019 9:54 am
by jp1885

As it's too noisy to eavesdrop on the conversation, all Coach can ascertain is the three goons converging on the Chin as the dame sashays away.

He nudges Carl.

"This looks like it Ranger..."