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Characters & Character Creation

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 6:54 am
by Umbral Dragon
Option 3, Option 4, and Option 5 are acceptable to create characters. Please be transparent and show your work in a post here, thanks.
Theme: 1920's Houston Texas
Character sheet should be fleshed out and short background available.
If possible, post a link to your sheet if you have it on Google or some site where I might be able to print it or see the entire sheet. Thanks, I know that's a stretch for some folks, please let me know if you have problems with that.

Re: Characters & Character Creation

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 12:15 pm
by jp1885
Here's my character's bio, rolled using the built-in dice system.
Dice rolls,[dice]0[/dice][dice]1[/dice][dice]2[/dice][dice]3[/dice][dice]4[/dice][dice]5[/dice][dice]6[/dice][dice]7[/dice][dice]8[/dice]
Age related EDU check,[dice]9[/dice][dice]10[/dice]
Skills,Occupation Skill Points: EDU × 2 + (DEX × 2 [strike]or STR × 2[/strike]) = 174 + 90 = 264 Credit Rating: 9–70 Suggested Contacts: Sports personalities, sports writers, other media stars. Skills: Climb, Jump, Fighting (Brawl), Ride, one interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate, or Persuade), Swim, Throw, any one other skill as a personal or era speciality. credit rating +50 brawl +35 intimidate +45 throw +30 first aid +20 climb +21 Jump +21 Ride +21 Swim +21 Personal interests INTx2 = 130 spot hidden +35 firearms (shotgun) +25 dodge +35 drive auto +35
Jimmy Coach Muldoon small.jpg
Jimmy Coach Muldoon small.jpg (15.9 KiB) Viewed 1221 times
Name: Jimmy 'Coach' Muldoon
Player: jp1885
Occupation: Baseball Coach (Athlete)
Age: 37
Birthplace: Denver, CO
Residence: Houston, TX
Build: Heavy set
Hair: Dark, thinning and going grey.
Eyes: Brown

Characteristics & Rolls:
STR: 35
CON: 40
SIZ: 65
DEX: 45
APP: 30
SAN: 70
INT: 65
POW: 70
EDU: 87
Luck: 55 (+2 improvement check)(-7 for spot hidden)
Move: 7

Cthulhu Mythos: 00
Damage Bonus: 0

Starting Sanity: 70
Current Sanity: 67 (-1 seeing asylum inmates, -2 seeing the demon on the stone)
Magic Points: 14
Hit Points: 10 (-1 falling down stairs, +1 First Aid from Carl)

[ ]Accounting(05%)
[ ]Anthropology(01%):
[ ]Appraise(05%)
[ ]Archaeology(01%):
[ ]Art/Craft(05%)
[ ]Charm(15%)
[ ]Climb(20%): 41%
[ ]Credit Rating(00%): 50%
[ ]Cthulhu Mythos(00%)
[ ]Disguise(05%)
[ ]Dodge DEX / 2(22%): 57%
[ ]Drive Auto(20%): 55%
[ ]Electrical Repair(10%)
[ ]Fast Talk(05%)
[ ]Fighting (Brawl)(25%): 60%
[ ]Firearms(Handguns)(20%)
[ ]Firearms(Rifle/Shotgun)(25%): 50
[ ]First Aid(30%): 50%
[ ]History(05%)
[*]Intimidate(15%): 60%[/b]
[ ]Jump(20%): 45%
[ ]Language-Own (English)(65%)
[ ]Law(05%)
[*]Library Use(20%)
[ ]Listen(20%)
[ ]Locksmith(01%)
[ ]Mechanical Repair(10%)
[ ]Medicine(01%)
[ ]Natural World(10%)
[ ]Navigate(10%)
[ ]Occult(05%)
[ ]Operate Heavy Machine(01%)
[ ]Persuade (10%)
[ ]Pilot(01%)
[ ]Psychoanalysis(01%)
[ ]Psychology (10%): 12 (+2 improvement check)
[ ]Ride (05%): 26%
[ ]Science (01%)
[ ]Sleight of Hand(10%)
[*]Spot Hidden (25%): 62%[/b] (+2 improvement check)
[ ]Stealth(20%)
[ ]Survival(10%)
[ ]Swim(20%): 41%
[ ]Throw(20%): 50%
[ ]Track(10%)

Bare hands(60%): 1d3+0
Large club (baseball bat) (60%): 1D8+0
Small knife (switchblade) (60%): 1D4+0
Remington M1889 12 gauge shotgun (50%): Range 50 yards, capacity 2, damage 1D10+6 (slug) 4D6/2D6/1D6 (buckshot at 10/20/50 yards)

Personal Description:
Average height. Physically poor, courtesy of his pro days. Very much gone to seed. Swarthy, with dark hair thinning and going grey. Dresses practically but not cheaply, having wisely invested money made in his pro days (Betting? No, honest!) Habitually wears an old baseball cap.

Ideology/ beliefs:
Lapsed Catholic. Slight knowledge of Native American legends.
He believes that there is a God, but he doesn't spend much time thinking about religion. The occult? Baloney! Isn't it..?

Significant people:
Gampy Valdez, his great-grandfather. A Native American who he would occasionally visit. He both fascinated and terrified him with ancient Indian lore. Upon his death he bequeathed Jimmy a turquoise pendant.

Meaningful locations:
Fenway Park, Boston. Where he briefly made the big time playing baseball for the Boston Red Sox, before being 'unfairly' implicated in a betting scandal and persuaded to retire.

Treasured possessions:
*****'Betsie', his baseball bat from the Red Sox days.*****

Brusque and no-nonsense, he yearns for his glory days and secretly feels inadequate among his more intellectual colleagues. He likes a drink.

Injuries and scars:

Insanity Episodes :

Phobias and Manias:

Arcane tomes, spells and artefacts:

Encounters with strange entities:

Gear and possessions:
Ford Model T Automobile
Notebook and pen
Coach's whistle
Box of matches
Wallet inc. driver’s license
Turquoise pendant
Sports bag
Hip flask (Bourbon)
Pa's 12 gauge shotgun
12 gauge buckshot shells

Cash & Assets:
Spending Level: $50
Cash: $250
Assets: $25000.00

Investigator History :
Jimmy 'Coach' Muldoon's is the son of Michael - an Irish immigrant who did well enough out of the dying days of the mining boom in Colorado to set up business in Denver and Maria Muldoon (nee Valdez) - a woman of mixed Chicana and Native American descent.
While his father may have liked Jimmy to follow him in business (he was certainly clever enough), from an early age the boy loved only one thing: playing ball.
Jimmy spent every spare moment on the baseball field, working his way up as a child from local school leagues to a teenage semi-professional. His rise was steady and unspectacular, but eventually he realised his dream of becoming professional, moving east to play for the Boston Red Sox.
However these glory days proved to be short-lived. Up-and-coming players, younger and fitter, were soon pushing Jimmy onto the bench and his star began to wane. One fateful day an increasingly disillusioned Jimmy was forced to retire altogether after being implicated (rightly or wrongly) in a betting scandal.
Refusing to give up on his beloved sport altogether, he headed back west to secure a job as a baseball coach at a high school in Houston, Texas. It is here that he has reinvented himself, turning from a has-been batter tainted with scandal to the solid and dependable 'Coach'.

Re: Characters & Character Creation

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 8:53 pm
by Umbral Dragon
That looks excellent. I see that your scores are above average, did you adjust for age. You have 37 as your starting age. Did you:

Make an improvement check for EDU.

If so, then you are good to go!

Re: Characters & Character Creation

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 9:00 pm
by jp1885
Umbral Dragon wrote:That looks excellent. I see that your scores are above average, did you adjust for age. You have 37 as your starting age. Did you:

Make an improvement check for EDU.

If so, then you are good to go!
Yep (though I'm sure all the improvements in the world won't save him from the terrors to come!)

Re: Characters & Character Creation

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 3:32 pm
by HoneyDog
Here is my effort. I used the Orokos dice roller for my scores. I will add little details as they come to me.

Name: Joseph Adler
Occupation: Freelance Photographer
Age: 28
Birthplace: Billings, Montana
Residence: Houston, TX

Brought up on a farm outside of Billings from a family of German emigres, Joseph always had an interest in journalism and during a stint in the army joined a photographic unit. On leaving, he managed to get some of his pictures published by local papers and decided that he wanted to make a career out of this. Drifting south, he has found himself in Texas and decided that the climate and the area suits him, at least for now. He sometimes works on assignment for the major Houston-area papers, and is trying to build a reputation for himself.

He is a tall and fairly handsome man, with a talent for his chosen profession. He manages to make enough money to get by on but work can be sporadic. He is always looking for an opportunity to make his name, and so may take risks accordingly.


Idea: 75
Luck: 45
Know: 60
DB: +1d4
MP: 9

Accounting (10%) 50
Anthropology (01%)
Archaeology (01%)
Art (Painting) (05%):

.Astronomy (01%) 21
Bargain (05%)
.Biology (01%) 31
Chemistry (01%) 41
Climb (40%)
Conceal (15%)
Craft (05%):
Credit Rating 15%
Cthulhu Mythos (00)
Disguise (01%)
Dodge (DEX x2)
.Drive Auto (20%) 50
Dark Room 80
Electrical Repair (10%)
.Firearms(Rifle/Shotgun)(40%) 60
.Fast Talk (05%) 35
First Aid (30%)
Geology (01%)
Hide (10%)
History (20%)
Jump (25%)
Law (05%)
Library Use (25%) 31
Listen (25%)
Locksmith (01%)
Martial Arts (01%)
Mechanical Repair (20%)
Medicine (05%)
Natural History (10%)
Navigate (10%)
Occult (05%)
Operate Heavy Machinery (01%)
Other Language (01%):
Own Language (EDUx5%): 60
Persuade (15%) 45
Pharmacy (01%)
Photography (10%) 80
Physics (01%) 31
Pilot (01%)
Psychoanalysis (01%)
Psychology (05%) 35
.Ride (05%) 25
Sneak (10%)
Spot Hidden (25%)
Swim (25%)
Throw (25%)
Track (10%)

Re: Characters & Character Creation

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 8:18 am
by Zero
[dice]5[/dice] * 5 = 60
[dice]6[/dice] * 5 = 55
[dice]7[/dice] * 5 = 90



EDU Improvement


EDU Increase


Organized Crime Package


Re: Characters & Character Creation

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 3:35 am
by Zero
Name: James Siegel aka "Jimmy the Chin"
Player: Zero
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Occupation: Gangster Boss (Lieutenant)
Education: Secondary school dropout
Residence: Chicago, IL, USA
Birthplace: Chicago, IL, USA


STR: 80
CON: 50
DEX: 90
APP: 90
EDU: 57 (+2 from Improvement Check)
SIZ: 60
INT: 60
POW: 45

Move Rate: 9
Hit Points: 11/11
Sanity: 38/38
Luck: 45
Magic Points: 9/9

DB: +1d4
Build: +1

Appearance: James Siegel didn't get his nickname "The Chin" by accident. His prominent, squared jawline is easily noticeable even from a moderate distance. He is impeccably dressed in a custom-tailored pinstriped suit and matching fedora. He boldly carries a holstered Colt 45 revolver and a finely crafted leather violin case.

Personality: Jimmy the Chin has a silver tongue, but when that fails him he routinely resorts to extreme physical violence to get what he wants. He is willing to go to any lengths to see that the Marella Family and their business interests are protected. He has a slight weakness for games of chance and wagering on sports.

Background: Jimmy has been placed in charge of the Marella Crime Family's smuggling operations across the US/Mexico border. It's his job to ensure that law enforcement is paid off or otherwise rendered ineffectual in their mission. He despises the heat and humidity of the deep south, but as one of Marella's loyal lieutenants, he endures in order to see his task through.

Skills: (occupation in bold, personal interest in italic)

Accounting (05%): [30]
Anthropology (01%): [01]
Appraise (05%): [05]
Archaeology (01%): [01]
Art/Craft (05%): [05]
Charm (15%): [20]
Climb (20%): [25]
Credit Rating (00%): [70]
Cthulhu Mythos (00%): [00]
Disguise (05%): [05]
Dodge (half DEX): [45]
Drive Auto (20%): [30]
Elec Repair (10%): [10]
Fast Talk (05%): [55]
Fighting (Brawl) (25%): [45]
Firearms (Handgun) (20%): [50]
Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) (25%): [35]
Firearms (Submachine Gun) (15%): [61]
First Aid (30%): [30]
History (05%): [05]
Intimidate (15%): [30]
Jump (20%): [20]
Language (English) (EDU): [57]
Language (Italian) (01%): [51]
Language (Latin) (01%): [16]
Law (05%): [30]
Library Use (20%): [20]
Listen (20%): [40]
Locksmith (01%): [10]
Mech. Repair (10%): [10]
Medicine (01%): [01]
Natural World (10%): [10]
Navigate (10%): [10]
Occult (05%): [05]
Op. Hv. Machine (01%): [01]
Persuade (10%): [10]
Pilot (01%): [01]
Psychology (10%): [40]
Psychoanalysis (01%): [01]
Ride (05%): [05]
Science (01%): [01]
Sleight of Hand (10%): [10]
Spot Hidden (25%): [50]
Stealth (20%): [30]
Survival (10%): [10]
Swim (20%): [20]
Throw (20%): [35]
Track (10%): [10]
Cash & Assets,Spending Level $50 Cash $350 Assets $24000
Equipment,Custom pinstriped suit & fedora Italian leather shoes Cigarettes Deck of cards Dice (ivory) Flashlight (+spare batteries) Knife Ledger book & pen Wristwatch Colt 45 Revolver 12-gauge shotgun Thompson submachine gun (-$200 assets) Rolls Royce Phantom I (-$10,800 assets)

Re: Characters & Character Creation

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 11:37 am
by Borderline
Probably wont finish my character this morning so heres the stats as rolled without allocating them yet ( 5 rolls @3d6, 3 rolls @2d6+6)

Re: Characters & Character Creation

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 8:11 pm
by Umbral Dragon
Borderline wrote:Probably wont finish my character this morning so heres the stats as rolled without allocating them yet ( 5 rolls @3d6, 3 rolls @2d6+6)
Ok, np.

Re: Characters & Character Creation

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 8:13 pm
by Umbral Dragon
OK, gentle reminder:
all dice rolls must be made here in order to maintain clarity and to be consistent.
Thanks! :ugeek:

Re: Characters & Character Creation

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 1:37 am
by HoneyDog
Sorry, Dragon. I've never used the dice roller here, I automatically use the orokos one.

Here is the roll history:

019-01-30 20:00:10 Joseph Adler Sui edu 3d6+3 12
2019-01-30 19:59:18 Joseph Adler Sui int 2d6+6 15
2019-01-30 19:58:07 Joseph Adler Sui Size 2d6+6 18
2019-01-30 19:57:23 Joseph Adler Sui app 3d6 12
2019-01-30 19:56:45 Joseph Adler Sui dex 3d6 13
2019-01-30 19:56:11 Joseph Adler Sui Power 3d6 9
2019-01-30 19:55:38 Joseph Adler Sui Constitution 3d6 12
2019-01-30 19:55:05 Joseph Adler Sui Strength 3d6 10

Re: Characters & Character Creation

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 2:53 am
by Borderline

Re: Characters & Character Creation

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 3:29 am
by Borderline
Sorry I thought the firat 5 would show the total. Doea that count? Did it the same as the bottom ones except for the +6

Re: Characters & Character Creation

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 4:12 am
by Umbral Dragon
Hey guys, thanks, I appreciate your efforts. I am so ready to play!

Re: Characters & Character Creation

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 6:52 am
by Borderline
Luck roll


Re: Characters & Character Creation

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 7:04 am
by Borderline
Improvement check against edu (55)

Re: Characters & Character Creation

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 10:50 am
by jp1885
Umbral Dragon wrote:OK, gentle reminder:
all dice rolls must be made here in order to maintain clarity and to be consistent.
Thanks! :ugeek:
I'll re-roll for Coach using the in-forum system, re-work the skills and edit the post ASAP.

UPDATE: Characteristics re-rolled. He's much more of a physical wreck now, which I think plays well with the disgraced athlete vibe I'm going for.

Re: Characters & Character Creation

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 2:15 pm
by Borderline

Re: Characters & Character Creation

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 2:23 pm
by Borderline
Ok Umbral was kind enough to let me know that I probably wouldnt get to use my pilot skill too much, so even though thats a cool character Im going to save it for later. Those rolls right above this is for the new character Im rolling. Zero I will still try to make it something that can have a connection with your char but I probably wont be able to work on it until tonight. Just for simplicity and so it doesnt hold the group up too much Im thinking it will be a criminal, maybe a truck driver or an assassin. I know we have to work with the law on this one but I was thinking maybe we'rer trying to keep tabs on the rangers or something like that. I dont know what do you guys think? Im open I just cant finish another character right now I have to at least try to sleep haha

Re: Characters & Character Creation

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 4:46 am
by Borderline

Luck roll

Re: Characters & Character Creation

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 5:03 am
by Borderline
Edu improve check

Re: Characters & Character Creation

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 8:15 am
by Borderline
Umbral Dragon wrote:Option 3, Option 4, and Option 5 are acceptable to create characters. Please be transparent and show your work in a post here, thanks.
Theme: 1920's Houston Texas
Character sheet should be fleshed out and short background available.
If possible, post a link to your sheet if you have it on Google or some site where I might be able to print it or see the entire sheet. Thanks, I know that's a stretch for some folks, please let me know if you have problems with that.
I want to make a sharable character sheet but I can only find google sheets for 6e. Anyone have a good solution? I know there are pdfs but I dont know if theure sharable or if I'll be able to edit it woth my old laptop.

Re: Characters & Character Creation

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 9:38 am
by Borderline
Name: Solomon "The Wheel" Bleeker
Player: borderline
Occupation: Assassin (Cover: Driver)
Age: 40
Birthplace: Chicago Illinois
Residence: Chicago Illinois
Build: 5'7 160 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green

Characteristics & Rolls:
STR: 45
CON: 55
SIZ: 45
DEX: 70
APP: 20
SAN: 35
INT: 75
POW: 35
EDU: 70
Luck: 65
Move: 7

Cthulhu Mythos: 00
Damage Bonus: 0

Starting Sanity: 35
Current Sanity: 35
Magic Points: 07
Hit Points: 10

[ ]Accounting(05%)
[ ]Anthropology(01%):
[ ]Appraise(05%)
[ ]Archaeology(01%):
[ ]Art/Craft(05%)
[ ]Charm(15%)
[ ]Climb(20%):
[ ]Credit Rating(00%): 50%
[ ]Cthulhu Mythos(00%)
[ ]Disguise(05%)
[ ]Dodge DEX / 2(22%): 45%
[ ]Drive Auto(20%): 70%
[ ]Electrical Repair(10%):20%
[ ]Fast Talk(05%)
[ ]Fighting (Brawl)(25%): 50%
[ ]Firearms(Handguns)(20%): 50%
[ ]Firearms(Rifle/Shotgun)(25%): 65%
[ ]First Aid(30%):
[ ]History(05%)
[ ]Intimidate(15%):
[ ]Jump(20%):
[ ]Language-Own (English)(70%)
[ ]Law(05%)
[ ]Library Use(20%)
[ ]Listen(20%)
[ ]Locksmith(01%):51
[ ]Mechanical Repair(10%):40%
[ ]Medicine(01%)
[ ]Natural World(10%)
[ ]Navigate(10%)
[ ]Occult(05%)
[ ]Operate Heavy Machine(01%)
[ ]Persuade (10%)
[ ]Pilot(01%)
[ ]Psychoanalysis(01%)
[ ]Psychology (10%):50
[ ]Ride (05%): 50%
[ ]Science (01%)
[ ]Sleight of Hand(10%)
[ ]Spot Hidden (25%): 45%
[ ]Stealth(20%):50%
[ ]Survival(10%)
[ ]Swim(20%):
[ ]Throw(20%):
[ ]Track(10%)

Bare hands(50%): 1d3+0
Mace Spray(In truck) (50%): stun, range: 6ft, 1 use per rnd, 25 squirts mag,
Small knife (switchblade) (50%): 1D4+0
12 gauge shotgun(motorcycle sidecar) (65%): 4d6/2d6/1d6, 10/20/50 yards, 1or2 use per round, 2 in mag,
Sawed off 12 gauge(briefcase): (65%) 4d6/1d6, 5/10 yards, 1o2 per round, 2 in mag
Colt m1911 (.45 auto pistol): (50%) 1d10+2, 15 yards, 1 (3) per round, 7(+1) in mag
.303 Lee Enfield Rifle (In truck):(65%) 2d6+4, 110 yards, 1 per round, 5 in mag.
(2)Hand grenades (briefcase): (20%), 4d10/3 yards, STR feet, 1/2 user per round

Personal description: Brown hair, green eyes, 5'7, 160 lbs. Wears half face mask that covers most of facial disfigurement

Ideology/beliefs: Former Catholic turned anti-theist

Significant people: Daughter;(deceased) Cordelia, ex-wife; Abigail, Jimmy "The Chin", Dennis Speltzer (deceased). Moses Lockhart (Commanding officer in war. Provided weapons after the war)

Meaningful locations: Daughters grave, certain battlefields, my old home.

Treasured possessions: Pocket watch given to me before the war. My colt m1911 that belonged to Dennis.

Traits: Quiet, efficient, tortured

Injuries and scars: Face completely disfigured from explosion.

Phobias and manias: Obsessive compulsive tendencies (winding watch, counting bullets). Afraid my wife will never return. Nightmares about losing daughter, nightmares about the war.

Arcane tomes spells and artifacts: None

Encounters with strange entities: On one particularly bad night of fighting the enemy got up close inside our camp. The memories of demonic faces in the dark keep me awake at night.

Personal history: I came back from the war a broken man. Mentally and physically. My daughter, Cordelia had died while I was over seas and my wife couldn't stand the sight of me. The memories were just too much for her and I know she blamed me for going off to fight and leaving them alone. Not to mention getting half of my face blown off. I'm not a stupid man, I understands human psychology to a deep degree yet still find myself falling prey to the will of others ever since my life was shattered. When I met The Chin he was the only person that didn't look at me like some kind of freak or try to manipulate me for his own gain in years, since the war anyways but most of those boys were dead, maimed or spread out across the country. Ever since that day I vowed loyalty to him on his rise to power. They call me "The Wheel" and yeah I drive, smuggling contraband, pulling robberies, but my real job is hitman. I don't think even the mobsters are comfortable talking about my "talents"that I brought back from the war and that's not all I brought back...

String, rope, lighter, strike anywhere matches, cigarettes, 5 gallon gas can(full), 5 gallon gas can(water), motor oil, driving gloves, round sun glasses, various outfits plus one hat, Pocket watch, mess kit, suitcase, sewing kit, oil lamp, whiskey flask, field glasses, telescopic sight, flare gun, field radio, flashlight, bandages, boots, bone dice picture with wife and daughter.

Condemned apartment

Large Weapon cache (acquired after the war from former Officer Lockhart): .30 Browning M1917A1 (can be mounted to sidecar) 1 case hand grenades, one crate molotov coctails, Bergman mp181, double barrel 12 gauge sawed off, double barrel 12 gauge shotgun, Elephant gun, 303 Lee Enfield rifle, .25 derringer, (2) .45 colt 1911 (one I was issued one that belonged to Dennis), .38 Revolver, Model p08 Luger(war trophy), switchblade, carving knife, Machete, Black jack, Mace spray, Bullet resistant armor.

Surplus Liberty B 1917 3-5 ton truck-usually carrying motorcycle (Hidden stash compartment for smuggling)

Surplus 1918 Indian V-twin motorcycle with sidecar (sidecar equipped with machinegun mount)
liberty b truck.jpg
Cash & Assets:
Spending Level: $50
Cash: $250
Assets: $25000.00

Re: Characters & Character Creation

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 6:20 am
by Mr. Handy
EDU (60% stat) improvement check:
EDU increase:

Ranger Carl Norris

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 6:54 am
by Mr. Handy
Name: Carl Norris
Player: Mr. Handy
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Occupation: Police Officer (Texas Ranger)
College, Degrees: none
Birthplace: Houston, Texas, USA


STR 60
CON 55
SIZ 45
DEX 75
APP 40
INT 85
POW 55
EDU 70

Sanity: 55
Current Sanity: 53
Phobias/Mental Disorders: None
Luck: 70
Current Luck: 63

Hit Points: 10
Current Hit Points: 10
Magic Points: 11
Current Magic Points: 11
Move: 9
Damage Bonus: 0
Build: 0

Appearance & Personality: Texas Ranger Carl Norris is a short, wiry man. Though he is small in stature, he makes up for it with determination and courage. He is a man of honor, sworn to uphold law and order, and his word is his bond. He loves nothing more than being in the great outdoors. He fancies himself a cowboy, though the Old West is no more, and he enjoys Western novels and movies.

Background: Carl Norris has always wanted to be a Texas Ranger; his family has several of them going back all the way to Texas's war of independence in 1836, including his father. When America entered the Great War in 1917, he rushed to enlist. He was nearly turned down due to his lack of height, but he convinced the recruitment officer that he could be a soldier, and his small size was an advantage in that he was a smaller target. He served with distinction in France, returning home to a hero's welcome. In 1919, he finally achieved his dream and joined the Texas Rangers.

Skills: (professional ones in italics, .private preceded by a dot; non-base scores bolded)

Accounting (05%):
.Animal Handling (10%): 25%
Anthropology (01%):
Appraise (05%):
Archaeology (01%):
Art/Craft(Photography) (05%):
Charm (15%): 15% (+10) 25%
Climb (20%):
Credit Rating (00%): 10%
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):
Demolitions (01%):
Disguise (05%):
Dodge (1/2 DEX): 37%
Drive Auto (20%):
Electrical Repair (10%):
Fast Talk (05%):
Fighting (Brawl) (25%): 55%
Firearms (Handgun) (20%): 70%
Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) (25%): 60%
First Aid (30%): 60% (+4) 64%
Geology (01%):
Hide (10%):
History (05%):
Hypnosis (01%):
Intimidate (15%): 55%
Jump (20%):
Language (English) (EDU%): 70%
.Language (Spanish) (01%): 31%
Language (Other) (01%):
Law (05%): 25%
Library Use (20%):
Listen (20%):
Locksmith (01%):
Mechanical Repair (10%):
Medicine (01%):
.Natural World (10%): 25%
.Navigate (10%): 55%
Occult (10%):
Operate Heavy Machine (01%):
Persuade (10%):
Pilot (01%):
Psychoanalysis (01%):
Psychology (10%): 45%
Read Lips (01%):
Ride (05%): 25%
Science (01%):
Sleight of Hand (10%):
Spot Hidden (25%): 45%
Stealth (20%):
.Survival (Desert) (10%): 30%
Swim (20%):
Throw (20%):
.Track (10%): 55%

Pair of .45 revolvers
M1903 Springfield rifle
Texas Ranger uniform
Cash: $20
Assets: $500

Re: Characters & Character Creation

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 2:35 am
by kierash
Dice rolls,[dice]0[/dice][dice]1[/dice][dice]2[/dice][dice]3[/dice][dice]4[/dice][dice]5[/dice][dice]6[/dice][dice]7[/dice][dice]8[/dice]
Education Improvements,[dice]9[/dice][dice]10[/dice][dice]11[/dice] and the d10 [dice]12[/dice]
Name: Dr. Luther Farwell
Player: Kierash
Age: 55
Sex: Male
Occupation: Doctor of Medicine
College, Degrees: Doctorate
Birthplace: Houston, Texas, USA

STR 25
CON 55
SIZ 35
DEX 50
APP 40
INT 65
POW 60
EDU 90

Sanity: 60
Current Sanity: 60
Phobias/Mental Disorders: None(yet)
Luck: 60
Current Luck: 60

Hit Points: 9
Current Hit Points: 9
Magic Points: 12
Current Magic Points: 12
Move: 6
Damage Bonus: -2
Build: -2

Background: As a child Luther was rather sickly and was in and out of the hospital all of the time. His illnesses were often blamed for Luther's short stature, however during this time he gained a respect for doctors and inspiring him to give back later in life. He eventually became a general practitioner at the Pioneer Community Hospital where he met his wife Stella during her recovery from a broken arm. Not long after they got married and had a son, Henry who was born in 1898. Once the US joined the Great War Henry enlisted. In 1918 Stella died of the Spanish Flu and when Henry returned he blamed Luther for his mothers death and promptly moved to Austin to set up a life completely separate from his father. The sudden loss of family hit Luther hard. To cope he descended into a deep depression and eventually started stealing morphine from the hospital. When he was inevitably caught many years later instead of being fired and arrested, his boss Alfred DuBois, who had been friends with Luther for many years arranged his transfer to Kirby State Hospital. Immediately following the transfer he quit morphine cold turkey and began trying to turn his life around, but this sudden awarness of the world around his opened his eyes to many strange happening at Kirby.

Appearance & Personality: Luther is a very short mousy man with tinning gray hair. He wears very thick glasses on his rather small nose which make his eyes look much to big for his face. His body looks almost skeletal due to weight loss during withdraw. He is rather inquisitive and he is very passionate when it comes to things he cares about. There is nothing he loves more than his patients.

Skills: (personal ones in bold, .professional preceded by a dot; non-base scores bolded)
Accounting (05%):
Animal Handling (10%):
Anthropology (01%):
Appraise (05%):
Archaeology (01%):
Art/Craft(Photography) (05%):
Charm (15%):
Climb (20%):
Credit Rating (00%): 40%
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):
Demolitions (01%):
Disguise (05%):
Dodge (1/2 DEX):
Drive Auto (20%):
Electrical Repair (10%):
Fast Talk (05%): 45%
Fighting (Brawl) (25%):
Firearms (Handgun) (20%):
Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) (25%):
.First Aid (30%): 99%
Geology (01%):
Hide (10%):
History (05%): 25%
Hypnosis (01%):
Intimidate (15%):
Jump (20%):
Language (English) (EDU%): 90%
.Language (Latin) (01%): 31%
Language (Other) (01%):
Law (05%): 25%
.Library Use (20%): 40%
Listen (20%):
Locksmith (01%):
Mechanical Repair (10%):
.Medicine (01%): 72%
Natural World (10%):
Navigate (10%):
Occult (10%):
Operate Heavy Machine (01%):
Persuade (10%): 20%
Pilot (01%):
.Psychoanalysis (01%): 11%
.Psychology (10%): 40%

Read Lips (01%):
Ride (05%):
.Science(Pharmacy) (01%): 51%
.Science(Biology) (01%): 41%

Science(Chemistry) (01%): 31%
Sleight of Hand (10%): 30%
Spot Hidden (25%):
Stealth (20%):
Survival (10%):
Swim (20%):
Throw (20%):
Track (10%):

Medical Case
Scalpel Set

Spending Level: $10
Cash: $80
Assets: $2000

Whoops I didn't even realize thanks for the help

Re: Characters & Character Creation

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 3:12 am
by Mr. Handy
When you quote dice rolls in a previous post, it will give you the same identical rolls, which is why your rolls match jp1885's above. You can replace what's in the "dice" tags with what you're rolling, such as 3d6 or 2d6+6. You can find instructions for using the dice roller here.

Re: Characters & Character Creation

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 3:41 am
by Zero
Character sheet edited (assets modified, photos added).