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Re: IC-Ep 2-House of Secrets(Everyone)

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 12:13 am
by DrkRoxas
Seamus slowly walks to Charles's side and puts his hand around his shoulders, he then smiles warmly at the woman before speaking.

"Miss, I'm sorry about the rudeness of my colleague over there and lack of explanation for our visit." He says as he shoots a glare at Story. But as my partner Charlie here states, although a bit vaguely, we are doing some research about patients from the asylum, and would like to see if Mrs. Exeter has had a proper house life since her arrival here.

He then pats Charles's shoulder and lets go, just before extending his hand to the miss, putting up his crooked smile and speaking in a soft voice. "I can't really keep talking until I show due respect and ask your name miss, what might it be? My name is Seamus O'Leary, a pleasure meeting you."
Persuade 50 just in case,[dice]0[/dice]

Re: IC-Ep 2-House of Secrets(Everyone)

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 1:13 am
by Mr. Handy
"I'm Madeline Steadman," the woman said, putting her hands on her hips. "I don't know where you're getting your information, but it's wrong. My mother hasn't lived here since before she went to the sanitarium."
OOC,That would be a Fast Talk roll, but it fails either way.

Re: IC-Ep 2-House of Secrets(Everyone)

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 1:21 pm
by Pastiche
Mr. Handy wrote:"I don't know where you're getting your information, but it's wrong. My mother hasn't lived here since before she went to the sanitarium."
Benjamin decides the time is right to try a little subterfuge. "If you don't mind us asking, do you know where she is at the moment? You see, we have reason to believe she could be in terrible danger, and we have information that could help her!"
Persuade 45%: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: IC-Ep 2-House of Secrets(Everyone)

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 2:36 pm
by aine
Phyllis sniffs, "I don't hold with cards; it's akin to gambling in my mind. But you carry on as you wish." She walks over to the window and 'dresses' the curtain so that she can watch what is going on next door.

Re: IC-Ep 2-House of Secrets(Everyone)

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 3:57 am
by Mr. Handy
"I've really no idea," said Madeline to Benjamin, "Why don't you ask your friends at the sanitarium? They're the ones who managed to lose her."

"Well, that's bridge out, then," Doris said to Anna. "Still, there's games we could play with three."

Re: IC-Ep 2-House of Secrets(Everyone)

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2018 10:58 am
by HelplessBystander
"Well, I suppose there's other games to be played to pass the time. Do you happen to have a copy of the landlord's game? I heard it was quite the phenomenon overseas." Anna said, desperately trying to think of any way she could to pass the time.

Re: IC-Ep 2-House of Secrets(Everyone)

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2018 11:29 pm
by DrkRoxas
Seamus looks confused, and all this charade is starting to get to him, he tries his best to keep his cool and continues the conversation with Madelaine.

"What do you mean lose her? Wasn't she supposed to have come back here? Did something happen on the way? This is unacceptable." he said looking serious and trying to keep his straight face, trying to show genuine concern.

Re: IC-Ep 2-House of Secrets(Everyone)

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 6:59 am
by Mr. Handy
"You mean Monopoly?" Doris asked Anna."I've heard of It, but I don't have it. My children are long since grown, so I don't really buy those sorts of games. I do have cards, but most games require four players. There's gin rummy, but that only takes two."

"Quite all right," said Maggie, going over to join Phyllis at the window. "I'll sit this one out. You two go ahead and play."

"I'll get my deck then," said Doris. "We can play at the dining room table."

"You're bloody right it's unacceptable!" said Madeline in an angry tone. "Just this morning a woman from the sanitarium came here to tell me my mother had gotten loose during the air raid last night, and they can't find her! She certainly hasn't been released. If they're claiming that, that's downright despicable!"

Re: IC-Ep 2-House of Secrets(Everyone)

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 8:06 am
by HelplessBystander
"Hmm...Bit of a dilemma, then, miss. What do you propose we do for the duration of our visit?" Anna said cheerfully.

Re: IC-Ep 2-House of Secrets(Everyone)

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 11:12 pm
by jaysun81
Story looks at Madeline and turns around, stepping away from the door as he mumbles to himself, "Interesting." Looking back at her he says, "Tell me... do you have a shed or perhaps a basement?"

Re: IC-Ep 2-House of Secrets(Everyone)

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 6:34 am
by Mr. Handy
"We can still play gin rummy," Doris told Anna. "It plays two, and the other ladies don't want to play."

"I've got an Anderson shelter round the back," said Madeline to Story.

Re: IC-Ep 2-House of Secrets(Everyone)

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 7:48 am
by HelplessBystander
“Sure. Sure. I think I roughly know the rules.” Anna sat down with a big smile on her face as she rubbed her hands expectantly.

Re: IC-Ep 2-House of Secrets(Everyone)

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 7:18 pm
by aine
Phyllis looks surrepticiously through a gap in the curtain, watching what's going on on the steps next door.

Re: IC-Ep 2-House of Secrets(Everyone)

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 1:52 am
by jaysun81
Story nods at Madeline and says, "We've been a terrible bother, and I apologize for that. However, if I may be so bold to make one last humble request in light of your mother's escape. After which we will be off, not to bother you anymore." He pauses momentarily before continuing, "May I ask you to check the shelter?"

Re: IC-Ep 2-House of Secrets(Everyone)

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 3:49 am
by DrkRoxas
Seamus hears what Story said and looks away, turning his face the opposite direction from Madelaine, in order to not get seen. He muffles a laugh and then his eyes open widely as he shows a big crooked smirk on his face, just on his left side. He couldn't help but be amused by Story's bluntness, and just decided to let it all play out for his own amusement.

Re: IC-Ep 2-House of Secrets(Everyone)

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 7:13 am
by Mr. Handy
Doris went to retrieve a deck of cards and returned shortly. She sat down across from Anna, shuffled the deck, allowed Anna to cut, and then dealt the cards.

"I don't mind," Madeline said to Story. "You can check the shelter if you like."
OOC,[b]Anna[/b], please roll Luck.

Re: IC-Ep 2-House of Secrets(Everyone)

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 2:48 am
by HelplessBystander
Luck 80%,[dice]0[/dice]

Anna lays down her card, confident in her skills.

Re: IC-Ep 2-House of Secrets(Everyone)

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 7:18 pm
by Shelfunit
Charles looks a little nervous "That's around the back is it?" he inquires of Madeline, echoing her, seemingly lost in his thoughts.

Re: IC-Ep 2-House of Secrets(Everyone)

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2018 2:06 am
by jaysun81
Story smiles at Madeline and nods his thanks, awaiting her response to Charles query.

Re: IC-Ep 2-House of Secrets(Everyone)

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2018 8:16 am
by Mr. Handy
It didn't take long for Anna to get the right cards to declare gin. "Oh, well done!" said Doris. "I may have met my match in you. You're already about halfway to winning. Care to keep going?"

"Yes, that's what I said," replied Madeline. "Just go to the end of the block - it's not far - and turn right. You'll find the alley going behind this block on the right. Count the houses and you'll be there."