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Re: August 18 - 10.30 AM - Wellington cave

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2019 10:03 pm
by robertod
Secret rolls,Attack Selma 45 [dice]0[/dice] Tentacles [dice]1[/dice] Damage 1 [dice]2[/dice] Damage 2 [dice]3[/dice] Damage 3 [dice]4[/dice] Attack Selma 45 [dice]5[/dice] Tentacles [dice]6[/dice] Damage 1 [dice]7[/dice] Damage 2 [dice]8[/dice] Damage 3 [dice]9[/dice] Attack Kathyn 45 [dice]10[/dice] Tentacles [dice]11[/dice] Damage 1 [dice]12[/dice] Damage 2 [dice]13[/dice] Damage 3 [dice]14[/dice] Attack Michael 45 [dice]15[/dice] Tentacles [dice]16[/dice] Damage 1 [dice]17[/dice] Damage 2 [dice]18[/dice] Damage 3 [dice]19[/dice]

Re: August 18 - 10.30 AM - Wellington cave

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2019 10:11 pm
by robertod
After the shooting the last tentacle breaks and Selma finds herself in Kathryn's arms, while the group comes out of the water. No one has hypothermia problems, rather the vapors that rise from the water become warmer. The creature looks at Ivy and her huge and deformed eyes seem strangely curious, then she utters a confused cry that could be a laugh if it had something human.

A group tentacles come out of the water and concentrate towards Selma, hitting the poor girl in the head and in her back.
One tentacle also hits Kathryn's shoulder.
OOC:   Kathlyn loses 3 hit points.  

Re: August 18 - 10.30 AM - Wellington cave

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 2:57 am
by Mr. Handy

"RUN!!!" screams Kathryn, taking Selma out of harm's way and away from the tentacles as fast as she can, before any of them can latch onto either one of them, toward the cave entrance.

Re: August 18 - 10.30 AM - Wellington cave

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 7:35 am
by VictoriaSilverwolf
"Yeah, make like Barney Oldfield!" Michael isn't going to let go of the poor local girl, but now he's got more casualties to worry about. "The lady PI's taken a hit. Better check her out, too," he says to Emma.

Re: August 18 - 10.30 AM - Wellington cave

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 11:12 am
by jp1885

"I heartily concur!"

Shoving the notebook and flute into a pocket, Ivy wipes her mouth - suddenly realising what had been playing the flute before she put it to her lips.

She follows the others to the exit, helping the injured as much as she can.

Re: August 18 - 10.30 AM - Wellington cave

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2019 2:47 pm
by Turstrigo
"Will do, let's get out of here first!" Emma runs alongside the rest, keeping close to Kathryn.

Re: August 18 - 10.30 AM - Wellington cave

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2019 10:21 pm
by robertod
The nearest and immediate escape route is the tunnel that goes to the sea. The creature follows the group but must stop in front of the mouth of the tunnel, as it is too narrow for its size. As they walk throught the tunnel, the group feels the icy sea breeze and the sound of waves coming from the beach outside.

The group ends up in a beach indeed. The beach is deserted. Silence and tranquility reign. Selma is still unconscious, but out of danger. The day is still sunny and the air is cold. As they look outside, they recognize the landscape depicted in Timothy´s drawings. The boy must have copied a picture of this place.

The beach is about two miles long and goes from the harbor at South to the rocks at North, where the long breakwater begins.
Along the beach towards the South end, just before the breakwater, the sandy ground ends, and begins a stretch of about fifty yards, formed by the rock mantle. Large rocks have been chaotically placed above the mantle. The cave entrance the group came from is actually hidden among those rocks. The same kind of rocks make the breakwater, which goes towards the sea and has a lighthouse at its edge. The sea waters begin relatively far from the beach and from the rocks, indicating a low tide. The water level would probably reach and cover most of the rocks and the entrance, were it not for the low tide.

The lighthouse stands tall on the rocky edge of the breakwater, before the group´s eyes. The structure is ninety feet tall and nearly twenty feet in diameter and can be accessed through the trail covering the breakwater. The structure is painted red and white.
Due to the low tide, the break water has no contact with the sea, whose wave are extinguishing far from the shore.

There are footprints of two persons walking away from the lighthouse and getting to the cave entrance. The footprints are of adult size. Female shoes. Two different kind of shoes.
OOC:   I will soon post about the objects you found in the cave....  

Re: August 18 - 10.30 AM - Wellington cave

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 3:07 am
by Mr. Handy

"These footprints must belong to Darcy and Selma," says Kathryn, gently setting Selma down and doing what she can for Selma's injuries before she does anything about her own. "I wonder where Darcy went afterwards, but they were at the lighthouse immediately before."
OOC,First Aid roll (30% base skill) trying to treat [b]Selma[/b]'s injuries: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: August 18 - 10.30 AM - Wellington cave

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 10:45 am
by jp1885

Ivy has yet to collect her thoughts, so she silently sets about helping Kathryn administer first aid to Selma.
First aid 65% PASS,[dice]0[/dice]

Re: August 18 - 10.30 AM - Wellington cave

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 2:45 pm
by Turstrigo
Emma takes a moment to catch her breath. "That's a good question. The other one is what will we tell the authorities." She waits until the others are done seeing to Selma, before looking at Kathryn's injuries. "Alright, let me look at shoulder of yours."
First Aid: 61%,[dice]0[/dice]

Re: August 18 - 10.30 AM - Wellington cave

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 3:59 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, Emma," says Kathryn with a shaky smile, reloading her revolver. "Well, we can't tell them the whole truth. They'd lock us up as lunatics! But we could tell them the parts they might believe, and just say we were injured in Wellington cave getting Selma out of there. We got there just in time. That...that thing was about to have its way with her. Not the one with the tentacles, the smaller man-shaped one. How many other women has Darcy delivered here? This is what happened to Emma Weeks, and Jane Norris. My bet is that it happened to Alyssa too, years ago. No wonder she killed herself. I think we just found Timothy's real father. He didn't look like...that, though. I guess he takes more after his mother."

Re: August 18 - 10.30 AM - Wellington cave

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 5:08 pm
by VictoriaSilverwolf
"That thing musta been an incubus,"Michael says, in an awed whisper. "I know I look like a dumb mug, but I've done some readin' about such things. When things settle down, I wanna arrange for a priest to perform an exorcism. Strictly on the QT, so I don't get thrown in the loony bin. Meanwhile, I say we head for that lighthouse, before the tide comes in. Might be some supplies there, help this poor kid before she freezes to death. Besides, might be some evidence about what's going' on down in that cave." He shudders a bit as he says this.

Re: August 18 - 10.30 AM - Wellington cave

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 7:22 pm
by jp1885

"I agree."

Having regained her composure, Ivy arches an eyebrow.

"I dread to think how many times that thing has sown it's wild oats, but I'm willing to bet that Darcy and her pals are the facilitators. Once we're all revovered we need to stop her from luring other young women to such a fate."

Re: August 18 - 10.30 AM - Wellington cave

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 3:03 am
by Mr. Handy

"Agreed," says Kathryn, shuddering. "We need to be wary of the lighthouse keeper, though. Remember, he and Darcy are both close to the Coney Island folks. He could easily be in on it. Maybe we shouldn't bring Selma there."

Re: August 18 - 10.30 AM - Wellington cave

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 7:02 pm
by VictoriaSilverwolf
"Jake with me if one of you wanna stay here and keep an eye on the gal. Personally, I'd like to give that lighthouse keeper a piece of my mind, if it's got anything to do with this monkey business."Michael adds, patting his pistol.

Re: August 18 - 10.30 AM - Wellington cave

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 8:26 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I think she needs a doctor," says Kathryn. "So do I, for that matter. I don't think staying around here is such a good idea. That huge monster might not fit out of the cave entrance, but there could be other dangers, especially so near the sea."

Re: August 18 - 10.30 AM - Wellington cave

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 8:33 pm
by jp1885

"Another option is for the uninjured amng us to put the 'squeeze', as my colleague might say, on Darcy. It might be safer to pay a visit to her house than isolate ourselves in the lighthouse."

Re: August 18 - 10.30 AM - Wellington cave

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 4:58 am
by robertod
The group has now time to examine the three object they found.
The flute is made of metal. It is light and shiny like gold. It is about one feet long and slightly trumpet-shaped at its end. It is made of incredibly strong and light metal alloy, not looking like anything already seen before. Unknown hieroglyphics decorate the entire surface, being this a highly precision sculpture artwork.

The crucifix is a common wodden crucifix with its Corpus Christi, the inscription INRI, and a metal chain. Cross size is 1,5 inches, while the chain size is 18 inches.

The rifle is not working, being encrusted with salt. It has been submerged in very salty water for a long time, but it can be cleaned and fixed. There is a label on the rifle butt, it is quite faded but still readable "Marlin 1895G, MC shop"

Selma wakes from her uncouscious state. She has a few bruises on his face and shoulder, but no serious wounds. More than anything else, she is deeply confused. She feels sick and tired and barely keep her eyes open. She got a headache. She doesn´t remembers anything of what happened in the cave. She does not even remember about having been inside a cave. She recognizes the investigators, she remembers about them. Her last memory dates back to last night, when she left the Inn with Darcy who accompanied her home.

Re: August 18 - 10.30 AM - Wellington cave

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 5:23 am
by Mr. Handy

"Darcy is responsible for what happened in there," Kathryn tells Selma. "We only barely got you out of there." She doesn't have the heart to tell her yet about her brother's death.

Re: August 18 - 10.30 AM - Wellington cave

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 9:05 pm
by robertod
Selma wants to go back home and eventually, wait there for his brother to come back. She is very tired and still confused, and wants to have some rest. She tells the group where Darcy lives. Her house is downtown, not far from the Herder Inn. She seems surprised when she hears the investigators talking about Darcy. She doesn´t remember about being anywhere other then Kenneth beach. She remmeber being there with Darcy to have a drink and some talk. She must have fallen asleep while going back home. She considers Darcy a good friend and a confidant person. But, there´s something weird in the girl's voice when she said that. She does not say so with conviction. Something buried in her mind disturbs her. She definitely doesn´t want want to deal with that. She makes her way home.